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The search for the about the Golden Fleece which sunk ow the coast of the Dominican Republic. The captain was a wellrespected captain before stealing the Golden Fleece and becoming a pirate. He talked about his work as a journalist and author as well. Knew him. My dad would call me out of school, sometimes for weeks at a time, can you imagine such host can you remember one of your favorite stories he told you . Guest harry reid a story about marvin and arvin. You can imagine a story about two bad boys who missed schools and went on trips with their bad father. They would stretch from guest that is part of what they loved about each other. The thing about both my parents is they were sensitive and noticed everything. The entire world they saw were the shades of gray and no black and white. They would notice things that might make others sad or affect others emotionally that no one else saw. They would say see that person . That person is suffering inside. At first glance it looked like the person was just like anyone else but when they said here is what to look for, see how their eyes are moving, they noticed everything and that was at the bottom of what made do you noti everything . Guest well, i do but not as much as my parents. Cspan you got ds and fs in high school . Reporter i was 606 out of 666 in my high school in north brook, illinois. The safety schools others were applying for were my first choices and i didnt get into those. The guidance counselor in high school advised me not to bother with college or Community College but enroll in the peace core. I was naive and didnt know what the peace core was. It was looking bad around age 18. Cspan what was the problem with the high school and the kids in high school . Guest i went from a middle class neighborhood to an upper class neighborhood so i didnt fit in. There was a dysfunction happening at home that was difficult on me emotionally. All of the factors came together and it didnt make for a productive four years. Cspan was the dysfunction between your mother and mother . Guest yes, they had a troubled marriage. And i think my mom was suffering a little emotionally at the time. It wasnt the most stable high school. But i dont think there is anybody in the history of high school who did as poorly academically as i was but was in no trouble. Didnt do drugs, drink beer, or miss school. I was just hurting. Cspan you went to the university of wisconsin and studied and went to harvard law and practiced law and didnt like it. Then you got into the writing business. One of the first thing that got my attention was my favorite teacher. A piece for esquire. Guest that is right. It was about a teacher of mine who was a kind, gentle man who seemed to see the loneliness of people walking around. And there were many lonely students and that felt dis disconnected. We were lonely in the world. He noticed everything, too. He was very kind to the lost souls of this school where everyone seemed to have it made. People gravitated toward him and trusted him. He wasnt just my biology teacher but the athletic trainer at school and i would see him taping up members of the Football Team in the locker room and things like that. He didnt come to school one day and there was an announcement he wasnt going to be there but on all of the radio and tv they were announcing his arrest for the murder and rape of a son of a Chicago Police man. As it turned out, this wasnt his first kidnapping and abduction. He had a sophisticated way of picking up hitchhikers. He tried to stop himself and resigned from the post at the high school because he intended to go after his students. I thought about him and remembered him fondly and wondered how that could happen to such a kind and gentle man. I went back and found him in prison and asked him all of the questions i have been wondering for 20 years. Cspan what was he like . Guest as gentle and remo e remorseful. He explained terrible things went wrong with him. He had a rare genetic disorder with an extra chromosome and developed in some ways as a woman. He knew what he was doing. Knew he was worse and worse and planned to take himself into the wilderness he could never do these things again. But the thing got away from him and he was finally got and sentenc sentenced. Cspan i think i calculated he would be 71. Is he still alive . Guest i believe he is still alive. I saw him twice in prison and after the second visit he cut off the contact. But it wasnt until i learned that one of the students he had his eye on was me. Cspan did you feel he was after you . Guest no, it felt like with him it was safe and without him it wasnt safe. Cspan you are the story teller, what was the process you wanted to write about this for esquire magazine. Guest the editors had never written a story before and whether i told them about it they thought it was compelling. My involvement was important but i thought good writers should be like Baseball Players and invisible. So i took the personal part out of the story. And my editor, mark warren, said that was the most important part. Put it back in. When i put myself back in that is when it came together and resinated with people. Cspan what kind of recognition did you get after that . Your first book in 2004. Was that related . Guest it was the First Magazine article i published that was a finalist for an award. I got attention from agents and interest. And that was the start of it. Cspan what did your wife think . Guest i used to be a lawyer and had better prospects than i did in the world of writing but she was behind me. Cspan did you have any rough times as writer in 2000 where you didnt have money to live on . Was it difficult for you . Guest it was hard to live on but i made a vow i would nut put the golden handcuffs put on me. A lot of people i went to law school with vowed they would not make their living as a lawyer. The thing we talked about was dont get the mortgage. Dont get the bmw. Dont bury yourself in debt. The one thing i am so grateful i stuck to was that promise. I didnt have high overhead. I had a wife saying it is no bargain if you come home unhappy every day. Your first book sold 67000 books. How many now . Guest i think it is closing in on a million. Cspan lets bring the audience up to date. Lets slow a little interview from 2004. Guest a friend told me about the story originally. It sounded too unbelievable to be true. Two new jersey recreational divers find a virgin loss german boat off the new jersey coast. I could not believe it. It started from there. Cspan once somebody give you the idea what did you do then . Guest i got on the phone to the divers and asked them could this be true and they said not only is it true it is more than that. I asked if i might come out and she them. They agreed and i was on my way. John shatterton and ritchie coaler were the divers who made the amazing discovery. Guest i had a visit to a doctor who said you were one step away from diabetes. My dad died from being overweight and diabetic. This was about five or six years ago that i set out to lose the weight. I had two small boys of my own and remember how painful it was to watch my dog die in front of me unable to do anything about this weight problem. I didnt want to inflict that on my family. Cspan is mom alive . Guest no, she died about a year and a half ago. I am grateful she lived to see me have success. Cspan what impact did the million seller have on our life . Guest it gave me enough Financial Security that gave me a chance to write other books that interested me. I didnt need to follow up with another nautical adventure. I was able to take a risk in my next project. It allowed me to take my time as well. So if i need to find just the right story or do something over again i didnt feel pressured to rush it out. That is a very big gift for a writer. Cspan is everything settled down now and you dont have to worry . Guest my wife, who is an attorney, and i made one promise in life dont marry an attorney, she contributes to the family as well and she found her career just about that time, too. Cspan one of the characters ends up being in the current book. But the second book you wrote was crashing through and here is a little from 2007. Host how did you find mike may and how old was he . Guest he was about 5051. The cases in the literature only mentioned he gained vision from a revolutionary stem cell surgery. I had to know what this person weren went through and what their life was like. I found him in davis, california and called him. I was ready to hear someone who sounded to be on the verge of suicide. All of these cases are filled with reports of suicidal thoughts, clawing at the eye, reverting back to dark rooms and blindfolds. In the second case, the person was so disappointed in the visual world they gave up and died. The person on the other end of the phone sounded busy. I introduced myself, had to know his life and he told me politely no thanks. But i didnt give up and he did. Cspan mike may couldnt see and you told the story of him being operated on and learning to see. Have you been in touch with him . Guest i saw him friday in san francisco. His eyes work perfectly. But his brain is always the issue. He can sink free throw after free throw or ride a bike down the street. But if you dont tell him step dont stop off a 20 story floor balcony. Cspan in 2007, you say he couldnt see faces. Can he see them now . Guest no, he cannot see them any better than the first time around. If his wife were across the table from him he would not know her unless she spoke. He has facial blindness because that part of his brain doesnt work. His eyes see them but the faces have no meaning. Cspan how many books did that sell . Guest i dont know the numbers. It didnt do what shadow divers did but i loved the book. It meant a lot to a lot of people. Cspan we talked about movies being made. Did a movie get made of your book . Guest no, they are still working on the shadow divers movie 1011 years later. I thought it would take about 10 months to be in holiday seeing the premier. Ten years later they are still developing shadow divers. Cspan what about crashing through is sthat that going to be a movie . Guest i dont think so. In the end it didnt work out. Cspan lets go to the new book pirate hunters. I want to ask you why senator john mccain endorsed this book . Guest he is a man of adventure and a man who appreciates risk takers and brave souls. Cspan does we have the same publisher . Guest i dont think so. Cspan did you ask him to do it . Guest i didnt. He endorsed shadow divers as well. He had the same publicist so that is how then. Cspan lets start the process by looking at part of the trailer. The only pirate to fight the british navy. Most pirates ran from the british navy. He actually fired the first shot. I was working on another book idea and the phone rang. When i picked up the person on the other end of the line didnt introduce himself and he just said do you like pirates. I knew the voice. It was Robert Kurson. Joseph bannister was a respected gentlemen, local sea captain and one day he stole his own ship, Golden Fleece, and became a pirate. Cspan what books were you working on before this . Guest i was working on a military story about heroes. I am drawn to heroic stories and men at turning point in their lives. It was a vietnam story. Some of the pieces were missing and i found myself yearning for the kind of adventure i wrote about the first time. The phone rang and a screenwriter couldnt have put it together. Cspan when he called what did you do . Guest i tried to make excuses in the beginning. He said if you like pirates come to new jersey. Since seven years old i have loved new jersey. It was christmas time, there was presents to wrap and places to go. But one thing i learned is if there is a window in life you go. So i packed up and got in the car and headed east on i94 to new jersey to hear the story. Cspan how long did you spend with him before you said i have to look again . Guest i was in this steak house for 20 minutes when he said he was going to tell me a treasure hunting story and that got me there already. But it wasnt until we were thrown out because the place closed and he said we will tell you first how we found a golden age pirateship. That is all i needed to hear. He said we will tell you the rest in the Dominican Republic. But i knew i was in the right place. Cspan here is more from the trailer to bring us up to date. This was the riskiest thing a human being could do in the 1680s. If you turn pirate and were caught you were going to hang. If people learned who he was and what he did you look at him in a completely different light. Finding a genuine golden age pirateship is the single rarest thing you can find in the water and maybe the world. The ship was nowhere to be found. The question became where was it . Cspan trying to solve those kinds of puzzles and mysteries is an irresistable challenge. X marks the space that you searched and there is nothing there. Cspan one thing that changes was in the first book was there a video like this . Guest no such thing back then. Cspan has that made a difference . Guest it has. They make them like movie trailers and that is the language of a lot of people. They did a compelling job. Cspan those two men where are they . What do they do . This isnt obviously all they do. Guest it is now. They are shipwreck hunters. They were at cross roads doing lots of deep water explorations and both of them saw friends die before them many times. They were at a crossroads what do you now. One was approaching 50 and the other 40. They ran out of challenges and were at this Crucial Point in their lives and they decided they would go find old spanish treasureshi ships. That is what they dedicated their live to. In treasure hunting it turns out bad for the explorer. They go broke and set out and dont find out what they are looking for. Cspan where do they live now . Guest Staten Island and boca raton. Cspan where did you meet the one with less hair . Guest a few years ago. One thing he was huge and powerful and he said he was one of the highest paid body guardss. And secondally he picked up the four figure check and i was happy about that. Cspan why did they call you . Guest this was only the second pirate ship found and identified deserved something more than a telling of a press release. They are so rare. To identify one positively is almost impossible. They wanted the story told in a big way. Cspan when was the Golden Fleece, the ship, sunk . Guest that is not the best name for a pirate ship. It was sunk in 1686 in a battle with two navy warships. The governor of jamaica sent them after the captain Joseph Bannister. It was said to be tipped over on the side of the beach so the crew could clean the hall and that is when the war ships arrived and did battle but they could never expect to find bannister and his crew. Cspan the word careening is in your book a lot. Explain what that is. Guest the guy said the only reason they even got close to the Golden Fleece was she was on the careen and they had to explain with wooden sailing ships barnacles grew on the hall of the ship and they would eat through and slow down the ship. Pirate ships had to be fast and clean. So to do that you had to beach them, turn them on their side and scrub the hall down. But that left the sailing ship very vulnerable. Cspan the book has several different stories. Lets start with the personal stories. First, we will go with mattera and the mafia. Guest yes, he grew up in Staten Island and was the son of a butcher shop worker. He was surrounded by a lot of the people who came across and did business with the gambino crime family. There was always mafia in the area. He learned the life of the streets. He was a street smart kid. He had his own small Money Lending operation. He owned nightclub he was too young by law to enter. It could have been he made a wrong turn and chose a life of crime or organized crime. He had a variety interesting swerve as a young man. Cspan how did that happen . Guest i think he realized if he got mixed up with organized crime it would not end well. He could see around him, even though he was never a part of it, but he could see the people who were almost always ended up in a bad place whether it was buried in the sand flats, or in jail, or beat up, it seemed most often to end poorly. He did what nobody, especially himself, expected he would do and that is become a beat cop. He went the other way. Cspan you have names in there that are familiar. Sammy the bull, john mot was that his friend . How close did he get to that . Guest his best friend was the son of a high ranking gambino Ranking Member who was gunned down outside sparks steak house. He knew the players. It would have been easy enough to him to get in the world. Cspan the background on john chatterton. Where did you meet him . Guest i met him when i heard about the shadow divers. I was told about the story and it seemed too unbelievable to be true. As i said, i called him out of the blew and asked him if he would answer my own questions. It seemed to him he answered every question that could be asked. But the one i never heard answered was the only one i cared about and that is why would you risk so much . Three people died over three years. Chatterton lost his marriage, almost all of his money and came close to dying himself and it was all for a three digit number and at best a footnote to history. No one explained why someone wasted so much for so little. Chatterton and his partner went on to become host of a tv series called deep sea detectives with 57 episodes airing nationally. You could make the argument he is the most famous living scuba diver in the world. Cspan you said earlier that john shared in the prophfiprofi your first book of shadow divers. Did you do this for this book . Guest we did not. Cspan why not . Guest we were in different positions. When i met him he was working as an under water construction diver. We are at different places in our lives financially and professionally where we didnt need that. Cspan Joseph Bannister, who was he and what role does he play in the book . Guest i think if the english historians had their choice we would not any anything about him. He started off being a gentlemen who was trusted to sail beautiful ships of rich people from london and port oil, jamaica which was known as the wickedest city on earth. He did this for years responsiblely and noblely. One day in impossible escape and went on a true pirating rampage for two years. It wasnt until the royal navy pinned him in and he defeated not one ship, but two impossible, that his legend was made. Cspan video of tracy bodin and we will show this and we will find out what role he plays. What is it like when you discover treasure that might be from a sunken pirate ship . I have been doing it so much. The breath speeds up, the heart races, you know you are the first one on the planet seeing it. Doesnt matter how much money you have. I am excited about it today as i was 30 years ago. Cspan did you meet him . Guest i did. He is one of the great Treasure Hunters of all time. He salvaged all three and he is a legend of the business. Cspan what is a galleon . Guest a spanish treasure ship. Cspan how much does the government of these countries play . How does that work . Guest the Dominican Republic, where the Golden Fleece occurs, was one of the only handful of coauntries that allowed private pirate ships to work but they would ship the funds 5050. You might remember the most valuable shipwreck found to date is worth about 600 million in treasure. The state of florida and the government battled the finder all the way to the Supreme Court where fischer finally prevailed but it was years and millions of dollars to claim what was his. Cspan if you go beyond the three miles what happens . Guest it goes out to 12 hours. Once you are in International Waters they had a better shot. Not everyone alerts people when they find something. The Dominican Republic leases rights and they allowed them to work in the waters. Cspan when did they begin look for the Golden Fleece . Guest i believe they began in 2008 and finished a little over a year later. Cspan there was a retired admiral in this. Guest he married a Dominican Republic woman and her father was a retired navy member who gave them a lot of information and he founded warnings, important warnings, that the days of private treasure hunting might be coming to a close. And the Dominican Republic government, like many others, might be considering signing on to agreements or otherwise prohibiting private Treasure Hunters. The clock was ticking. But they promised never to let anything get in the way of the treasure hunt. They had to do it fast before they were kicked out and before the treasure disappeared forever possibly. Cspan where does the money come from for all of this . Guest they get investors or call them backers to fund the exploration. It is expensive to go out of the country and hire a crew and buy the equipment. I think they spent a couple hundred thousands on sonar and other items. They spent 25,000 on custom software, an 80,000 under water roving vehicle. This isnt the average person going out on the weekend looking in water up to their knees. This is expensive. Cspan why did they want to do this . Where did they get the tip . Guest it is my theory his love of history saved him and caused him to go the right way in life. When he married this dominican women he pulled out books from the archives, some which havent been opened for centuries, he believed if a person looked hard enough and invested his money and heart, he could find a treasure ship of his own. They had a chance encounter after 25 years and he told him that information and he was in immediately. Cspan when you were here for shadow divers his marriage was fallling apart. What happened . Guest he had a successful marriage to another woman that indured until recently is what i am told. It was a good look at how difficult this life can be on a relationship. These guys who go diving and searching especially dangerous shipwrecks you never know if they are coming back. Cspan how do they die . Guest they will panic and come up for air too fast, usually from getting a case of the bends. Cspan you heard the stories from your father and then tear took up history at eight and you came together to search each other. Guest i think it is true of tracy as well. He is a man who is in love with stories. If you go treasure hunting or shipwreck hunting only for the loot you will not last long pause you will die on the ship or give up. You have to be in love with stories and the idea of these historical figures coming to life before you otherwise you will not stay with it. Cspan since you started writing and researching this how many days were you out of your home town of chicago doing research . Guest i went to the Dominican Republic twice for a week or week and a half at time. Out to florida, new jersey, and new york for several weeks. I think bannisters name was white washed but there is one historian, an oxford man, who for decades worked on stories of port royal jamaica and that era. The late 1600s. By the time i came across his name and about Joseph Bannister i thought it would be a miracle. He was absolutely crucial to the whole putting together to the story. Cspan what are the chances he would live in chicago . Guest i tried to calculate that and it goes out to several powers. Cspan give us an idea of more on what he told you. Guest he did research on port royal, jamaica and Joseph Bannister woo did this thing of stealing his own ship and getting away. But he uncovered the journal of an eyewitness who was aboard one of the Royal Navy Ships that fought bannister. He had an eyewitness account of the battle and without that none of this could have been put together and found and identified. Finding the eyewitness is such a rare thing to have. It was a literate man, a mathematician and beautiful writer, who kept writing and drawing as a gift. Cspan how has your writing changed since it began . Guest i try to get out of the way. I am trying to be more like the baseball umpire. I dont know how affective i am but i try. I try to remind myself to show not tell. I didnt know what it meant. I am guilty of it. But trying to be less guilty. That is mostly what is on my mind. Cspan how many drafts did you do on a book look this . Guest probably about three or four. I spend the bulk of my time structuring the book. That takes me more time than it does to write. I put together the shape and that tore it apart many more. Cspan you have been on a book tour and been where . Guest up and down the east coast and then milwaukee, michigan, florida for four stops, california for four stops, and now here. Cspan what questions are you asked here that seem to come all of the time . Guest it was fascinating. There is a bowl of food still preserved. The treasure didnt matter in the end to those people. It was about the rarity and historic nature of the pirate ship. Cspan how much did tracy raise and why was he involved . Guest he really deserves a lot of credit for knowing about the story of Joseph Bannister and the Golden Fleece and wanting to get the ship. But he put these two to work on the ship because as rare as a spanish galleon is a pirate ship is much more so rare. It wasnt by comparison to the Treasure Hunts hunters. Cspan you point out tracy was wrong about where the ship was . Guest well not just tracy but maps. They labelled an island as bannister island. Everyone thought the wreck would be found here. They were wrong. If the guys went out and found this in two weeks like expected there wouldnt be much story to tell. It seems all of history is wrong. The question with shadow divers was where do you look and they had at a stop looking for the ship and bannister, the heart of the man, or they would never find it. Cspan anybody in the u. S. Government keep track of where shipwrecks are around the world . Guest that is a great question. A pirate ship they would have little about. They never filled manifest and when they went missing no governments of their time went missing. I am sure there are agencies and hist historians who keep track of ships but whether they do i am much less certain. Cspan do you have any idea how many shipwrecks are around the world . Guest i dont think anybody knows but they are greater than the number. They call to these guys and there is a lot of them. Cspan if we knew how many people were looking around the world how many would that number be . Guest if you are looking for treasure and treasure ships that is a lower number than shipwrecks in general. Part of the reason is because the governments make a lot of regulations that prohibit the salvage of the shipwreck once you find it. I think it is a small community. Deep water shipwrecks are even smaller in community because the people capable of diving them is a small percentage. Cspan we have a little more video showing the things you have been talking about from the trailer and then we will come back and continue. What started as an interesting idea manifested into an all out obsession. We had to think like bannister would have been thinking from the beginning. That was the key to finding the wreck. We uncovered the whole of the Golden Fleece and we took a collective breath. Never have we seen anything like that. It was unbelievable. The things they started pulling off with weapons, knives, daggers, and beads, tell you you are looking at a golden age ship. It had food from the guys last meal. We knew we had it. It was the first time all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly. Cspan what about a movie . Guest i hope so. It has been optioned for screen. Fingers crossed. Cspan for a writer like you, and all three are options, is that a good thing . A lot of money come back to you . Guest it is more money if they end up making the movie. But it is one of the funnest kinds of movie because it doesnt require extra work. Guest for two guys trying to figure out why a man like Joseph Bannister was headed for the soft landing and had it made risked so much. This idea started speaking louder and louder. This guy had to become intoxicated with this idea of freedom and total equality and you only answer to yourself. Cspan how big was the ship . Guest 100 feet long, 30 n cannons and a crew of a hundred. Mostly made of wood and iron as well. Cspan how did Joseph Bannister die . Guest according to official accounts, they tracked him down to the Mosquito Coast where after a brief battle they took him, and some of his men prisoner, and sailed them back to port royal. But when they got near port royal, rather than charging them and putting them on trial, they hunged Joseph Bannister from the yard arm of one of the royalships and tied down the body and put it into the sea. They dont believe that. It seems too tidy. Bannister humilitated the english government so they have a question on if that happened and if he didnt go on to further rampages. Cspan what do the british do about bannister now . Guest they stopped talking about him in the 1680s after the story ended. That makes sense. There is a lot of correspondence from jamaica saying he was an embarrassment. Cspan they were suffearchi for Golden Fleece the ship and how deep did they expect to be . Guest history said 230 feet. There were people just six months after the battle that saw the wreck and described what they could find on top. Muskets on top and it would be in 24 feet of water so that was a very important clue and one that made it seem like it should be easy. Cspan how deep was it . Guest 24 feet. Cspan where did they find it . Guest on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. It is one of the most beautiful places but is almost invisible. When you see the island where he really went you know you are dealing with a great pirate. Not just a good one. They found the ship buried under four feet of mud and silt and a fresh water stream over the so the entire hull is in tact and looks like a pirate ship. Tens of thousands of artifacts. You saw the beads and that is where they were woven into their beards to terrify their prey. Cspan how many people were looking for it once they found it . Guest originally just these guys but once the word got out that the shipwreck might be discovered other treasure hunting outfits appeared on the scene. They didnt admit what they were looking for but it seemed obvious given where they were anchored and where they showed up. Cspan what happened once it was found . Guest there is a big celebration and a salvage begins. That is where the Dominican Republic sends an official to watch every bead even coming up to make sure it is catalog. Then they put the ship back where it lay originally. Cspan would they take it out of the water . Guest no, that would ruin it. They are all about history. In my experience, they care about preserving it. It is buried again under the mud and you would never know it is there. Cspan are they still working on it . Guest no, it is back under. You can see swimmers, tourist, and fishermen going over it having no idea they are settled over history. Cspan is there a lot of video . Guest there is video but it isnt the kind we might make. It is video where they are preserving things so you see tape measures and strings. It is about distances. Not as beautiful as me might shoot it. Cspan i always ask you about the next book. This one took eight years. Guest i got to it about three and a half years ago. I was doing screen writing and investigating other projects. Since i started working on the book i compare myself to a treasurer hunter in a way. It takes time to find the real thing. These guys went a long time between theirs and as part of the job i have to get used to it taking a while. Cspan when did you finish the book . Guest about a year ago and then it knows to final editing and promotion. Cspan are you on to your next book . Guest i have things im looking at. Nothing im ready to admit. Cspan do you admit what you are looking on . Guest not in the early days because the ideas fizzle out and i dont want to get too excited or others too interested before i decide. Cspan what kind of lawyer is your wife . Guest government work in chicago. Zoning and lobbying. Cspan how would are your kids . Guest i have a 13 year old and a 9 year old boy. Cspan are they into stories . Guest they are great stories. I took them on my book tour. Cspan what do they tell you . Guest they talk about what happened at school and make up stories as well. Cspan what is the moral of this story of Robert Kurson . Guest i think for me it is to stay at something and dont settle at being unhappy. I wasnt having a good time as a lawyer and figured this isnt how i want to spend the 50 rest of the years of my life. Where i believed in myself. I had a feeling even in high school that i would be okay and that sees me through. Cspan have you been back to your high school . Guest i went back a couple times. They made me alumni of the year so my picture is next to people that deserve it there. Cspan what is writing life like . Guest in a lot of ways it is a dream life because i get to go on adventures and stay a few years and then move on to another world. It is lonely in other ways. I work by myself. I eat lunch by myself every day. I miss the days when i was in an office and could round occupy up people and have a bite to eat. Cspan you can go to google and find the esquire article. Shadow divers first book, crashing through second book, and the third book, pirate hunters treasure, obsession, and the search for a legendary pirate ship Robert Kurson, thank you very much. Guest thank you so much. He needed to be told what i wrote and im glad about it. s sunday night on q a. Author tim weiner, winner of the National Book award is next on book tv. He. Im going to put this down here just now. Okay, good evening. I am bradley

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