Campus newspaper and aid row agreed station and corporations and i teach classes. Host what dow . The dow . Guest the dow of the dow great michigan business name from middle of michigan. Host they arented to hillsdale . The program is named am her e herbert dow. Host what dot you do at National Review. Guest other aim writer. Ive been on the staff for 18 years. It was fulltime job for a long time. Lived in washington, dc and work out of the washington bureau, five years ago i got recruit come to hillsdale and remained on the staff of National Review but its a parttime thingy your from michigan originally. Guest i ham a detroiter. Born and raised. In and around to the city. And went to university of michigan. And upon graduation, went out to washington and unexpectedly had a chance to come back home five years ago. Host and what was that experience like . Guest that was great. I liked living in washington welcome washington, d. C. I was not looking to leave. My wife thought we would retire to michigan. But then i was fortunate enough to get a phone call and get a job here, and we kept talking about were moving home. Host are you glad you did snide oh, yeah itch dont miss washington. I liked living there, but i dont miss it. And i prefer it in michigan. It dot feel like moment and himself dale hit hills dale is a great nicely and work. It was neuer new for dr. New for me and money wife. But Hillsdale College is a great place to work. The students are excellent. Theyre smart and hard working, which is true of a lot of elective colleges but good people. Enjoy being around them. They make me feel young. Host on miller, after four years of studying journalism what do you hope your students leave with . Guest i hope they leave with major in a different subject for one thing. Journalism is a minor at Hillsdale College. We dont think it should be major. We think students to major ma a traditional academic discipline. So the best training for being a journalist notice not major in journalism, its to major in biology or economics or history. We have a great professor in those subjects fillure your head will real knowledge. They leave with that, with a traditional liberal arts occasion. Its mind youre a minor but you learn journalism by doing journalism. So at the center of the program we have the campus newspaper, the campus Radio Station and students actually running these things and learning how to be a print journalism 0 broadcast journalist and when the four year is is over theyre pretty good and can get jobs in he media you. Host you are writer and have just written an ebook who is james strang. Guest james j st. T st. Strang. The storying of a remarkable man who in short trade to form a the agocracy on an island in Lake Michigan called beaver eye helped in the 19th century, and well, things didnt go so well for him it but its a fascinating story about a colorful man who tried to do this amazing thing. Host how did you discover this story . Guest well, growing up in michigan, i learn a about but michigan history. When i was a kid i was envious of other start states. Thought Everything Else that was interesting happened. Nothing happened in michigan, was something i was concerned about. No battles in michigan no forts to to speak of. Atsman i learn of this story people and not quite sure where, but if you make an effort to study michigan history, read up on it and the explorers who came here, the original people who lived here, the thing that did happen, you eventually stomach stumble been this footnote in michigan. Host what was heelings rip show we tech Brigham Young. Guest he was a mormon, born in upstate new york, around the erie came time. Agree up an athiest, he a thing change hi mind and started faking it but he moved out west with his life into wisconsin and they were motorhome non, mormon and he decided to book a mormon and traveled to now illinois. A town on the Mississippi River who he met joseph something i, at the who wrote the book after of mormon, the author obook of mormon. The ol create you record a major religion since muhammad in islam, joseph something i. He became a mormon under joseph something i, when joe sift joseph something i died, strang said im the he took the atlantic. The claimed of a letter from josephing my. Its a forgery. He forged a letter claiming it was hit great rival was brighamam and Brigham Young young won out in the mace. And took the mormons to utah and the rest otherwise history these guys lock in a power struggle. Wick quickly became apparent that Brigham Young was the favorite about strang became a distenant dissident mormon and he wound occupien Beaver Island. Host was he moon mon nothing mist. Guest inhe war originally ad the reason another love mormons were trached to him is because he rejected polygamy. Brigham young good joseph smith practiced polygamy. More than a thousand people followed him to Beaver Island and as he became a king, he was a political lead lead are about he had 0 cornation ceremony and was the kinding of both island. As power pent to hid head he rethought to the whole polygamy thing. He had a wife but he decided to take a send second wife and then a third and fourth and fifth ane was a practicing polygamist. Host how well was this known guest the modern figure woe might compare him ises david could karesh and the branch diindividualans in texas. He wanted to be left alone and also having provocations and so forth he was a figure of interest, and became of increasing interest as he crashed liver clashed with locals Beaver Island because there are fishing colony there of people who did not belong to his sect and came to attention of the federal government and there are way claims theft and piracy and soso on. A forgotten figure now but he was certainly a person of interest back in the 1850s. Host due do you write this book as an adventure tale or a lesson . Guest i think just a story. If a nit a genre i call it historical narrative nonfiction. Gist try toll a great story people and always looking for Great Stories to tell, preferably stories that have not been told before, at least not in the waying that tout 0 be told. I knew the contures therefore of he case and always occurred to me theres a really great book to be done on this figure. The opportunity in ebooks opened up because the us thought this story is not worth a full book. Its not worth of 0 60,000 or 80,000 words. Its worth less than. That a page turn are that you can read in a sitting or two. The ebook is 17,000 words so its like a really long Magazine Article. But its longer than any magazine could hold, and the ebook open us ups up opens this space in our Reading Habits from the long Magazine Article to a short book. I thought this was a good story to tell. Host if people were interested in running this as an ebook . Two bucks guest its available only 2. 99. Available only only kindle. You have to buy it from amazon, amazon my my pusher indogs to this they dont sell book their theyre my publisher the adouble okay or Harper Collins have publish other books of minimum. Host did you have editor . Guest i did. Its a branded product called a king kindle theres a group of these books and i had an editor and they made an attractive cover and i had an editor. Host did you get any fans. Guest i got a very one wasnt an advance. I gotter small amount of money but basically almost an interly royalties deal. Host how was this process different than writing a more traditional book . Fasters and more traditionally. When you dent have too print thousands of copies of a book, just need to upload it; can be almost instant

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