Our highway 12 of the outer banks we see destruction happening and we rebuild. To structured rebuilding should these areas be rebuilt again . That is part of the longterm plan and i talk to the mayor with the most remarkable men i have ever met his house was underwater and we will have that discussion if we do rebuild, where and how and what the kids to use correct thing that question needs to be ousted every area and that is part of the longterm plan to have engineers pdf as part of the committee and architects and environmentalist and have people with a glut is the longterm sustainable plan to rebuild these communities but the most tragic part of the hurricanes with its the people who can least afford it that is what grabs my heart to do everything that we can to help those people who can least afford the hurricane to make supplants to not put people in that position again. What kind of leader do you want to rebuild North Carolina . What kind of coverage you want . After flayed we did tucson mitigation to not rebuild because they were flooded again that was wise but we do have places that were hit twice so we have to have some strong conversations about that. But governor mccrory talks about those who can least afford that . And here he is opposing Medicaid Expansion with medicare in east carolina would have to percent federal dollars that can and make the difference in the economy. And talking about those who can least afford it but we had ways to help rural eastern North Carolina. Cecil some are rebuilt delicate katrina. Did not flat to the ground. Just like along the coast with that presumption that there would be another flood. End if they rebuild is that with that knowledge. People living there that 1 2 of live there have lowcost plant. Something else that we just did for those that were hurt the most to extend the Unemployment Benefits to cut through the bureaucracy but also helping with other items with infrastructure. And to help more people with cash to believe get these people close and supplies. It seems like governor mccrory makes a statement you shake your head. We talk about extending Unemployment Benefits with legislation to make those benefits the most restrictive in the country and did it of the back of working people there are a lot of people in eastern North Carolina looking for work and in fact, have the of the countys more are looking for work now them before the recession. In what we have to do to have policies with the working poor in the middleclass. When i came into office i inherited something from the supporters it was called to . 6 billion debt to borrow 2. 6 billion for unemployment of five would have continued that same pattern jeff 4 billion in debt to the 2 billion in reserves. To have the need to register benefits that is exactly the strong leadership that the need. To put the debt on future generations. So talk about for a few more questions. We learned last week the floodwaters of but last year it remains just like it was the 14 sites around the state. Do we need to rethink that decision in the wake of the storm . One of the things that i will do as governor is listen to the scientists who are providing the advice and make governor mccrory his scientist decided that the oil will water was unsafe. And governor mccrory for political reasons to tell them to change a. So the chief scientist was designed to say publicly not to be part of that administration that deliberately e misleads the public we need officials who will listen to scientist who believe what they say to use data and fax and particularly not being honest with the of public is one that top scientist resigns that the governor in is on the phone talking to his Public Information officer in the room telling them to rescind this order i will not be that type of governor. Cecil alas six months. With the eastern part looking at the low land of wildlife to see that hurricane floyd had so many problems but the people martelli be their problem is the well water they dont have water to drink their fearful to use it with their animals several commented m. Della that you talk about by the legislature contains that provision to have the public water wine in certain areas. In by the end of 2018 to stand there they absolutely do not believe any shape or form of those water lines before 2020 at best. We need to rethink that decision one of those should be excavated. As an engineer eye and stan were the problem will be with the underground water and the surface water particularly it can never be cleaned it will clean itself like it did with the river but the only thing we can do with that there is the tremendous amount of ash can he start looking at how many truckloads to bury that properly be will need some major highways. He is right about the engineering because that would cause more damage with each unique situation by have to correct the year death three years of false advertisement by the super packs with call negative john my hands as if i did that bill which is totally ridiculous because what is the erotic film in 2008 mob but shortly after that they endorsed her and gave her a lot of moot money and also cooper for his reelection as attorney general. And his job was to oversight coal ash but there was not one email as attorney general did he ever express concern about cold negative. He only has 14 emails in 14 years not one or not when action against coal ash. Duke energy also gave a 10 million loan to the dnc which they have yet to payback and his receipt tens of thousands of dollars from two energy that could take no action except he did approve which we have a record of in the public documents to be approved by the Attorney Generals Office allowing him to grandfather the coal ash that we had bad a. M. Inspection that it allowed to kenji to find them 25 million because of an email to pull back the fine and his lawyers know all about this. Sadly the commercials dont mention this. Your question was should be excavate . The state legislature decided they would create the Coal Ash Commission of experts to make this decision with the republican leader of the senate said we need the commission because we know about governor mccrory ties to do kenji. The fact he had worked there so long. And governor mccrory sued the state legislature because he wanted so control of what happens with the coal ash. Governor mccrory did not want somebody looking over his shoulder. I talked about coal ash publicly and i have a strong environmental record. With all of those of our mental groups to hear governor mccrory talk about call ash with those independent Fact Checkers that say you were wrong every time you Say Something key has not be few did anything i said. With lack of action he did not repudiate any of that he changed the subject. But duke energy but wanted the Coal Ash Commission they did not want me to veto the bill the lobbyists were all over the house and senate eye vetoed days something they did not want to because that was the bad deal of their water could be impacted by encouraged the of the veto the senate did not override it they said you are right it is harmful to the neighborhood. The next question, a lot has been said about the carolina comeback. But a recent poll hot shows a majority of voters did not feel they are better off. What do you say that are struggling how do intend to help them quick. The economy run it was running good the taxes are high and things were going quite well. It was a long downhill slide. And the lot of people lost their jobs. Ive lost my job at one point. But there has been a comeback that has been very industry specific with the technologies and more Critical Industries and working with the cellphone industry and the of combat quite well. A lot of the classic industries of the Furniture Industry have not come back. If it is strictly labor dependent. We made quite a bit of comeback with governor mccrory leadership as done a good job to getting us recovered but we have a long way to go. Maybe his taxes have been burdensome on the poor people that could not afford much. The unemployment was the fifth highest in the United States of america. The fifth highest. Nine. 4 . One of the greatest recoverys now have 4. 7 National Average my first year they said you are still not below South Carolina. Our economy is so much better there is so much more we need to do absolutely. And we are about to tax all businesses that was the solution of the liberal democrats. Second a 500 million miss forecast it was so broken 500 million with that highest incometax or even South Carolina nicky hayden he told me they considered North Carolina competition any more so we had to make immediate changes or to keep trying the same things under our predecessors. And then to continue to be the fourth fifth highest unemployment rate. But i am extremely proud of what has happened in North Carolina. There has been a National Economic recovery but carolina is lagging behind. That they have seen the carolina comeback working longer and harder for less money before the recession. The statistics show they are right and wage growth is languishing in our state. A particularly for the middleclass then governor mccrory promises everybody a tax cut. The but every day north care libyans has seen a net tax increase including small businesses. With those different ways. And governor mccrory puts more of a burden on the middleclass with taxes at the time we need to be helping small businesses. Event then to invest in Public Education with the Community Colleges but those universities have to be the center of innovation. Governor mccrory common here he is talking about h. B. 2 all over national tv is destroying our a economy. Talk to Economic Developers they will tell the of it costs jobs and many. We need governments that workout for the middleclass will you change the cuts of the incometax that we initiated if you were so against them million repeal it . To raise the incometax for every working person that gets a paycheck . Felt it was for everybody to earn a paycheck a net increase in pay from schoolteachers sources we were the highest incometax. We dont need to increase taxes. To take the taxes off of those. But if you dont repeal it but you will change it but there will be differences in the in complex. It is about priorities. I believe it will grow and over the last four years governor mccrory made the decision he wants to do Corporate Tax i want to invest in education or invest in teacher salaries. You cannot do that without raising taxes . I did that in the state senate in because also get the teachers salaries to a the National Average. To have both ways it would appear that those tax cuts with the investment of Public Education that he has put taxes on the middleclass that is what we have to do. We have to move on we lower the income tax and guess what . We have more income which we proposed more money coming in this year with the Corporate Tax that is letting the economy work with the teacher pay raises with the new engineering facility that is the best of both worlds. You can bet that it would be Corporate Tax cuts instead of investing in education. And that is how your math works. I do like the part about reelecting a. [laughter] much has been said about h. B. 2 in the selection season. Also accessing restrooms under the law. Perhaps the most controversial part is that it excludes old ddt people from the antidiscrimination law and prevents the government to pass any ordinances to protect them so i asked you not about the restroom provisions but the lack of protection, why was this necessary . Mccrory it was necessary because there was the bathroom provision. Could it have then written without antidiscrimination quick. Concept of gender identity which was a radical concept the left brought up the issue one of the great political scams of state and National History is the mayor of charlotte brought it to North Carolina with the eighth jersey that they had to add a portion of the bill to have a gender identity your expression in order to get into a private sector locker room or shower. Had that not been there we will not have had a problem. I have the of legislation here so reading about those that were projected idol see anything about the ilg bt community. None of that was there when the attorney general was there either. But there has been more more protections in North Carolina history. Ill lead support. Since the Supreme Court decision regarding marriage needs to be protection at the federal level. But i will not accept the radical changes that they have brought to North Carolina that do you even now . But the penalty was in charlotte for someone who does not accept a gender identity as the new requirement . Der nowadays say . Tell the audience. The fine of 500 and or the 30 days jail sentence. This is what the liberals brought as an ordinance with a 30 day jail sentence in the city of charlotte. This is what we overturned. That is the first time any of you knew that. That is why we took action. Cooper this is all that he can talk about he goes all over national tv to talk about this. This is why North Carolina is having a problem with its reputation. He continues to talk about that. But what lot of people dont know if is death of local government was to protect people from being fired because they are gay h. B. 2 says you cannot do that if a local government wants to raise the minimum wage h. B. 2 says you cannot do that. Available government wants to provide discrimination protection for veterans in a couple of cities said to have those ordinances that if wiped away by a h. B. 2 this is one of the reasons h. B. 2 is one of the most discriminatory laws in the country and why we are suffering economic damage because it is wrong. Day you believe that they should be specifically protected under the discrimination law . We need to have all people. But they dont want a boy is in the girls bathroom. And they say repeal h. B. 2 to look davies and discussion and then it will take more than one day. If but would you change it to that could be specifically protected. I was looking for a compromise for months on this issue but i will make a deal right now. If you agree to take out to the locker rooms and showers i will support the bet to make sure we do not discriminate i signed the executive order for all state employees across North Carolina news in National Newspapers that promotes discrimination without hiring and firing anyone based upon sexual orientation. This is now. To the gender identity and gender expression. Now the schools in th the prison system when someone has an individual situation regarding their identity and made special arrangements. Theyve all gotten together to say no we need to stay with the threat of a prison sentence this is what has been supported. Its one of the biggest political cons in history and sadly he promoted the boycotts, the head of the Democratic Governors Association helped announce the boycotts who donated millions in the campai campaign. Ive been working hard. Many have said we are not going to expand. House bill number two was pass passed. You need to help us fight house bill number two. The governor that has opposed the house bill but he attacked them and worked with people in North Carolina is attacking them and theyve given seven or 8 million. The governor of connecticut called him a boycott accepting millions of dollars has had nothing. This was all politics. That is flat out not true. If he wants to talk about political contributions he had something for the contribution in return and he gave him a private prison contract over the objections all night tonight so if we talk about the political contributions you are the one that has the investigation is the attorney general thats absolutely not true. Weve heard a lot over the years youve inherited many of the problems. Are those problems completely fixed and if not why not . We need to make sure that there are more scientists and more equipment and we still have a lot of work to do but this is about the leadership. It is over 5,000 sitting on the shelves and they were the shoddy investigations. We put people in charge who knew what they were doing and we eliminated the backlog. Its helping to convict thousands of people and helping to exonerate people. Its the only one in the country that has certified scientists and theres tremendous progress that has been made. We found the problem and fixed it. I am not familiar enough with the crime lab here to know completely what is working but for several different people the past few weeks how in charlotte they said that there was blood on it and within 24 hours in the news media had the announcement they were sure from the test in who it belonged to. But they said it is now four months old and still no response so there isnt a leadtime that has to be looked at. You want to call your own hotline for fraud and turn your cell phone because the fact of the matter is it isnt fixed at your hundreds of thousands being spent. It is still broken. If it were not why would they be planning to build their own crime lab, its because they cant wait on the estate crime lab anymore. That is just a fact. Do the two of you talk with each other about issues like this when you are the states top lawyer. It seems he would have a conversation about whats going on there. You talk about 5,000 cases. Did you inherit that from him . It sounds like a huge number, which it is, but the context seems to be missing. It wasnt even testing the suspect rape get. You brought on the lack of emails in the 16 years. We tried to get records from the Governors Office and its been like running against a wall sometimes. Both talk about transparency. It seems very opaque to me what we see trying to get information to the public. As attorney general ive been told you like to code down the hall and talk to people on the phone in your office. How can you do that as governor isnt there the need for a paper trail . There is a paper trail. Theres thousands of documents the office has produced. I helped write the public records law and believe in transparency. And the governor has been stonewalling those that ask for public records they had to be bailed to produce. If you were elected governor are you ready to make the statement tonight that you would make Public Access records available . It would be as quickly as possible. People know we work expeditiously and the work hard to get that information out to the public and as governor, i will make certain that all of our cabinet members know that this is a directive and they have to get this information. I know that often times attorneys, law firms, so many people come for discovery and they are looking for the information and it can overpower any office from doing it at the same time, we have waited for months and months to get information. When you have folks you saw that on my public calendar right away. There is no information on what was discussed that night. I discussed that i was going to veto the bill that he is now criticizing. By the way the democrats and republicans on the Supreme Court supported. When i took this to the Supreme Court i got support from jim hunt and jim martin in my case and i won with only one dissension in the Supreme Court. Is there a way to cut through . A lot of the super packs the progress they are all easily making more requests and going on with chimes and we have to go through every recor records to e sure there isnt personnel information so there is the issue of a middleground and its not the legitimate news organizations, its the super packs and then they get the headline sadly on other statio stations. The personal information of how the employee has to be protected and get it set up in the way that the judges can make the decisions that they can be released. Its not up to the individual city council or the tow councill of every little town to make those decisions. I am in favor of transparency everywhere we can and automating the record retrieval where we can. A lot of this stuff is going to be difficult to get a hold of simply because of its own paper record and thats the only way they store it. I asked you what additional restrictions he would support. Since then the waiting period has been extended to three dayss which is the longest term of any state in the country. Are there further restrictions he would support and how you qualify that is not a restriction . What i had to do is i stopped restrictions from being done and believe me if i put further restrictions on womens legal rights to have an abortion according to the Supreme Court they would have already challenged the wall and i refuse to do that so yes it is a phone call now needed 74 hours versus 24 but doing that i stopped much more extreme legislation which is proposed by the senate as you well know and i threatened a veto and as everyone knows you have to make compromises and it was a 24 hour phone call versus a 72 hour phone call had i not done that the senate and house woulthehouse would have had enoh votes to override with much stricter restrictions and i refused to cooperate in the effort. I will tell you what i am proud of i enforce the existing laws. We had a clinic that treated women like they were going to a meat market as opposed to seeing a physician with a very serious operation on a very serious procedure where they were not even mopping the floor in between abortions. Thank god my secretary said thats unacceptable, we need to shut it down. Weve reopened them because the restrictions have to do with the actual medical care of women. I dont know where the attorney general was starting to 1 durins this clinic was opened but its not acceptable to have women treated that way in the clinics. At this debate in 2012 when you asked if he would support new restrictions he said no. Not only those youve discussed so far, he also signed legislation that requires womens ultrasounds to be sent to State Government bureaucrats. Now regardless how you feel about this issue or this policy to have a womans ultrasound sent to bureaucrats is wrong. It is a restriction and shows whether you can trust the governor and i dont think you can. This is one of the issues where he has said one thing and done another. To bureaucrats is quite a word to ensure doctors are following the wall regarding abortions after five months and im sure he agrees there shouldnt be unless it is for the life would you support tighter restrictions . Not at all tighter. As ive told many people i feel it is an issue that is between the patient and her doctor in the government should have virtually no say or control and should minimize or not pay for it. Abortion is a serious problem to the woman. I have a few friends over the past 50 years that have had one and it has long effects. Throwing big and government in their to stir it around doesnt help so no further restrictions. Youve never Held Public Office in your life why should voters have confidence that you can run State Government . I havent Held Public Office and that also means i do not have a long string of promises of people expecting me to pay back favors. I have had very few contributions in my campaign. I spent a year in vietnam by helping them understand nixons foreign operations and id had about all the Public Policies ive wanted for a lifetime. I went into private industry. I got it has been to veto patent that turned into the machines where when you put in your car the screen comes up it says what is your pin number and you type in the pin number and that all references my prior art. I worked in the 1990s to get Keyless Entry into cars. Most of them now do have that. I have a tendency to look at what options are available and i think that is what is required. We have less than a minute before we go to the closing statements. I wish we could have got into a couple of other things but do you think you can give me a 102nd answer can we or should we move in North Carolina where we are ringed by 42nd or 43rd right now should we spend the money and make the commitment to do it without raising taxes . We were 44th and that is unacceptable. University spending is still very strong one of the best in the nation. Each candidate will now have a one minute closing statement. We will go in reverse order of how we asked the first. I want to thank you for asking to be cohosting the event tonight that this will be instructive to a lot of the voters to help them make their choice. We have a lot of Revenue Sources in North Carolina and i know all of them are being tapped in every way we can. We need more choice for the kids and education. Three fourths of them are handled well in high school. We need more online, homeschooling, Charter School vocational schooling. We have the tax law but if we set up the medical cannabis law we can follow the lead like states like colorado, michigan oregon, nevada. All of the debates are over and it will be up to you to decide who leads North Carolina the next few years and who you trust to rebuild it. We are facing the worst disaster since hurricane floyd and we need a governor that knows how to rebuild our communities. We have that are in underfunded schools and teachers leaving the state. We need a governor that knows how to rebuild the education system. North carolinas brand that has been tarnished and our economy has been damaged because of house bill number two and we need a governor that knows how to rebuild the reputation. If we set the priorities right, North Carolina could be one of the most admired states in the country. Im going to work hard to rebuild North Carolina. But have more debate. I love our state and people. I was so proud of our people during the coming together of Hurricane Matthew and our Leadership Team that helped in the recovery of many volunteer agencies and i was also proud of my Leadership Team for responding where we decided to bring the National Guard long before the mayor requested it. Sadly he was against working with the mayor at the time. I had to work with the police chief and coordinate and hand power over but i also showed his leadership when i came into the office as a governor three and a half to four years ago when unemployment was the fifth highest in the country. We need to make change the word of the income business tax and increased teachers pay. Thats leadership for the future. Thanks to all three of you we hope this will make you help you make a decision on who should be the next governor and as we heard early voting begins thursday and runs until saturday november 5. We would like to thank all the candidates for being here and thank you very much for joining us. [applause]

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