Transcripts For CSPAN2 President Calls Police The Thin Blue Line Between Civilization And Chaos 20170516

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Please welcome the Vice President of the United States and the president of the United States. [applause] present the colors les remain standing for the Events Schedule the colors for the u. S. Capitol police and for our National Anthem performed by a lieutenant rodriquez retired Police Officer from of n. Y. P. D. [applause] right shoulder order. Cut. A low now call on the chaplain to deliver the invocation. Please join me in prayer father we think you for your presence here today father eyelid you and on behalf of this grateful nation and were thankful for this day designated as the day to honor the men and women in Law Enforcement that made the ultimate sacrifice or injured performing their duties. To look over the families and friends and coworkers setter here grieving and hurting made a rest in comfort and peace and the lord tells us even though i walk to the dark espalier will fear no evil the rod and staff come for me. We humble ourselves and turn from their wicked ways for you to forgive perssons father reef pray to you today in the presence of our great nation of president and our families and National Leaders as we continue to work for a better and safer Law Enforcement for this country in your name we pray. Amen. Colors. Honor guard. Right shoulder. Order. Please be seated. Is indeed my honor and privilege to welcome my fellow officers and our Law Enforcement families and our distinguished guest to the annual National Peace officers Memorial Service. Of light to begin introducing our guest joining us this year beginning of my right please welcome the Senate Sergeant at arms. [applause] next to him chairman of the national Law Enforcement officers memorial fund. [applause] and concerns of Police Survivors president. [applause] we have the architect of the capital with us thank you. [applause] and very special welcome to the u. S. Capitol police chief. [applause] were very pleased to have with us this year the president of the Canadian Police association and the chairman of the International Council of Police Representative associations representing over 3 million Police Officers in the world. [applause] also the chief Public Affairs communication officer for one of the corporate and generous partners. [applause] next were pleased to have with us miss kelly tickler who will perform in a few minutes. [applause] thank you were extremely pleased to have with us again the minority leader from the u. S. House still need a lawyer. [applause] steady wire also david harlow. [applause] the National President of the auxiliary is with us and will be welcomed in a few minutes. [applause] now turning to my far left please welcome the sergeant at arms to the house of representatives and it is an honor to of the acting director of u. S. Immigration u. S. Customs enforcement. [applause] and acting commissioner from Border Protection with us today. [applause] all of these agencies lost officers and a line of duty in 2016 were fortunate to have with us the assistant to the president for a Homeland Security in counterterrorism joining us for the Memorial Service. [applause] it is an honor to welcome our good friend secretary of the u. S. Department of hesitation she is attended many of the service is delivering the keynote address. Welcome back. [applause] we also like to welcome another longtime friend labor secretary. [applause] please welcome your Homeland Security secretary who is attending our service for the first time. [applause] i am also very grateful and honored to welcome the u. S. Attorney general sessions i am sure you will continue to represent us is our attorneygeneral as you did as our senator pressler very honored to welcome to this event the Vice President of the United States michael pence. [applause] and the president will be introducing the Vice President in a moment of philae it is my great honor and privilege to introduce the president of United States donald j. Trump. [cheers and applause] thank you. Mr. President mr. Vice president and members of congress brothers and sisters of Law Enforcement and family and friends welcome to the 36 annual National Peace officer Memorial Ceremony in 1962 congress authorized john kennedy to proclaim may 15 each year as peace officers memorial day, a day to honor the brave officers who proudly wear the uniform to serve their communities in which they live and work and ultimately made the supreme sacrifice and performance of their duties. The proclamation was signed october 1st and 20 years later 1982 the first Memorial Service was held honoring 91 lawenforcement from around the country who had given their lives. Today we honor 234 officers as their familys friends and coworkers gathered in this place to celebrate those whose lives were taken in this instance while serving in protecting the citizens of our great nation. Honor is not a word the lawenforcement Community Takes lightly it is about character and the code that you live by honor is a way of being courageous heroes we honor today they took seriously their obligation and responsibility to serve and protect while we honor these 234 officers for the heroes we knew them to be the loved ones and their friends and coworkers are remembering them for the person that they were. It is a hard wheat part make no one can heal but these are memories that no one can steal. President coolidge once stated no person was ever honored that is the reward for what you gave these 234 brave men and women gave there all. They laid down their life to protect and serve family and friends and coworkers who were here today to honor them may our heros rest in peace may god bless the families they leave behind may god watch over the officers protecting your streets in communities today and may god bless United States of america. Thank you. [applause] i am honored to have the opportunity to introduce our next speaker. Mike pence sat as a decade for the u. S. House of representatives as a member of the committee on the judiciary not only a key supporter of Law Enforcement officers were also a champion for lawenforcement families his commitment to keeping his fellow citizens safe and then being elected as the governor of indiana in 2012 now of course, he serves a greater role so please help me to welcome the 48 Vice President of the United States, michael pence [cheers and applause] thank you. Mr. President , members of the cabinet, members of congress, honored guest and dignitaries and members of Law Enforcement community and precious families of our fallen, it is National Police week. On behalf of the president of the United States of America Today it is my privilege to welcome so many courageous men and women of Law Enforcement especially the families of the fallen who were gathered here to mark the 36 National Peace officers Memorial Service. To the leadership to the fraternal order of police and all those whose stand on the blue line of a Law Enforcement community, to all who have traveled a year and far to join this ceremony, were honored by your presence and our Nations Capital is better for you being here. Every day each one of the walks out the door to protect and serve our families and be assured today you have the gratitude of president and his entire administration and national government. You have the gratitude of every american. Is mitt knowledge reservists will acknowledge the sacrifice and we trust to cover the families of members of the lawenforcement community who lost their lives in a line of duty. It is said no greater love than a man should they down his life is also said that the board is close to the broken hearted and that is our prayer for each of you today. Sacrifice and memory is what brings us to this place every year. 1962 president jfk declared peace officers memorial day and this week around the country will be National Police week. Every year since 1982 members of Law Enforcement community and families and friends have gathered to mourn the fallen and remember there heros to this Memorial Service to the men and women coming from all across america us to serve at every level of Law Enforcement. We mourn with those who mourn and grieve with those who grieve but we do not grieve but those who have no hope. Because he rose give us hope. The tens of thousands to stand here today to honor the heroes of the Law Enforcement Community Across america in cities large and small and i am confident to say on the streets of Howard County indiana were they would find the streets to pay a solemn tribute i am confident today millions of americans stand in spirit and grieving a silent prayer for your service in for your family per go beyond the member the memory across the nation all this week but also their sacrifice to ensure those who protect and serve have the support and resources and training that the men and women of Law Enforcement to serve. [applause] as those in uniform already know President Trumps highest priority for safety and security of the American People the president knows in his heart to make america safe again we must also restore the tradition of respect and honor that is owed to every member of the Law Enforcement community in america. [applause] president from stands with the men and women of Law Enforcement without apology and he always will. On this National Police week may god himself convert the families of the fallen here and looking on and may god bless each of you wish to protect and serve in may god bless the United States of america. [applause] please join me to welcome kelly picked her to perform one of her songs. [applause] they did their best until the end. The memories that we as loved ones have for them will last forever and the contributions they made to our great country will never be forgotten. Their names are not only engraved on the National Peace officers memorial wall, they are engraved on the fabric of america and in our hearts. To you the survivors i say that our thoughts and prayers are always with you. I resolved resolve to go on is made stronger by knowing that while we have your backs, you have hours. You will always be advocates for your Law Enforcement family and we count on you to provide your prayers and your well wishes to us as we go about performing our duties. The thin blue line will never be broken in the memory of your loved ones will remain in our hearts forever. God bless you come the families of all of our heroes and may god bless the United States of america. Thank you. [applause] i now feel like the luckiest Police Officer in the history of this country because its my honor to introduce our next speaker. Mr. President its a great pleasure and an honor to have you here to honor the families of our fallen heroes. It is a difficult time for Law Enforcement in our country as you know. More officers are being targeted for violence simply because of their uniform and pledging to serve and protect they willingly place themselves in harms way but now all too often harm is seeking them out and they find themselves in the crosshairs of individuals consumed with hatred for police and who were determined to kill them. Mr. President on the campaign trail youll often spoke of your support for Law Enforcement officers and you have made a commitment to help us make america and our officers on the heat safe again. In your first days of office he began to deliver on that promise. Demonstrating that you will be a partner and not a critic of our nations Law Enforcement officers. Every officer needs a partner on the beat. Mr. President we see u. S. That partner in the years to come. We appreciate your leadership and we are so very grateful to have you with us here today. Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters please help me welcome the president of the United States donald j. Trump. [applause] thank you everybody. Wow what a beautiful introduction. Thank you, chuck. That was so nice. That was above and beyond and is the way im going to be with and its a great honor. Thank you very much. To great honor to address americas heroes on this most solemn occasion. Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude but i hope that our actions will show you how deeply we care and how strongly we feel about protecting those who protect us. America stands strong with our men and women in blue, believe me, we stand strong together. I want to recognize hugh pasco lender handing chapel or wiggins and everyone as the paternal order of police for all that you do to protect the Law Enforcement of this country and all of our communities. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. [applause] as long as im president you will always find an open door to the white house and you have already found it, believe me. Mr. Vice president , cabinet secretary and members of congress we are gathered here today in the u. S. Capital to pay tribute to those brave Law Enforcement officers who gave their lives in the line of duty. On this Police Officers memorial day we thank god for having blessed so many with such incredible heroes and we pledge our solidarity with their families and loved ones and many of those great families and survivors are here with us today and i would love you to stand up families of survivors. [applause] your loved ones are looking down on you right now. Believe me, they are very proud. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much. Whatever you need we are here for you and we are praying for you. As i look out today at this amazing assembly of police, detectives marshals and sheriffs i want to make all of you remember and heed this promise. I will always support the incredible men and women of Law Enforcement as much as you have always supported me, and you did [applause] your presence here reminds us all of what is at stake on this sacred day of remembrance. Each day during police week new names of fallen Police Officers are added to the national Law Enforcement memorial. This year, 394 brave souls joined the over 20,000 men and women who gave up their lives in the line of duty to protect us. The names of these heroes are not only carved into that wall but carved into the hearts of the American People and by the way the American People love you more than you will ever know. [applause] your loved ones left us much too soon. The memory of their courage will live on forever. To see so many names together is to gain only a small glimpse of the debt america owes to those who protect our cities and police our streets. We are privileged this morning to joined by families of the fallen for whom we owe that ultimate loyalty, so many people please know that you do not grieve alone. We cannot fathom the depth of your loss or fully appreciate the bond that forms in the precincts and between partners on the beat your sadness is felt by all of us. Every drop of blood spilled from our heroes in blue is a wound inflicted upon the whole country and every heartache known by your families and Law Enforcement is a sorrow shared by the entire family of the american nation. No one asks these selfless men and women to enlist in this righteous cause but to enroll as foot soldiers in the eternal struggle against crime and violence. They joined the cause because their hearts were big and full of amazing courage. They joined because they cared so deeply for the innocent and helpless and forgotten. They put on the uniform because they believed to the very core of their soul that it was their mission in life to serve and to protect. As the bible tells us there is no greater love than to lay down ones life for ones friends. The names in that wall are each a testament to this pier and unselfish love and that is what it is pure and unselfish love and it is our duty as a people and as a nation to prove worthy of their sacrifice and that begins with showing our police the appreciation they have earned a thousand times over. [applause] living in new york i gave a deep appreciation and lasting admiration for Law Enforcement. Thousands of people are living and enjoying life today in new york who otherwise would be gone because our great Police Fought to bring safety to our streets and our communities. The entire world witnessed the heroism of new yorks finest when they gave their lives on 9 11. I was there, and sacrificed so much in the brutal and horrible aftermath. Now as president my goal is to keep america safe. We will keep america safe. [applause] and included means safe from crime, safe from terror and safe from all enemies foreign and domestic. At the center of that duty is the requirement to ensure that our Law Enforcement personnel are given the tools and resources they need to do their jobs and come home to their families safely. [applause] you are the thin blue line between civilization and chaos. You come from every community and all walks of life. You are mothers and fathers and sons and daughters. You rush into unknown danger endanger lives for people you have never met and people you dont know performing your duties under the most difficult conditions and often without any thanks at all. Because you do not hear nearly enough i want you to know that patriotic americans of all backgrounds ghirelli support and love our police. [applause] and a very sad thing is that many of todays politicians dont want to say that, dont want to talk about that because its not politically correct or it they think it might hurt them with the voters. I will say it and i will talk about it proudly. [applause] i will make it a personal priority of my administration to ensure that our police are finally treated fairly with honor and respect that they deserve. [applause] to all americans watching this event today the next time you see a cop on the beat take a moment to say to Wonderful World world words which they so readily deserve, thank you, thank you. [applause] as you all know much too well we are living through an era in which our police have been subject to unfair defamation and vilification and really i mean you see whats going on. You see whats going on. Even worse, hostility and violence. More officers were slain last year and ever than in any year in more than two decades, including and its so incredible to even have to be speaking about this, the beloved officers killed in Baton Rouge Louisiana and another murderous attack of Law Enforcement. We have some of those incredible families and survivors with us. [applause] the attacks on our police are a stain on the very fabric of our society and you are entitled to leadership at the highest level that will draw a bright line in the sand, not a red line in the sand but a bright line in the sand and we will protect you, that i can tell you and we will say enough is enough. [applause] the attacks on our police must end and they must and right now. [applause] and just to show you by the way how much i love our police isac im going to need a hat acus its so windy. I said when i get out of here there is no way im going to put on this hat so we will leave up a hat. This is for you, mike. Thats for our beautiful mike. [applause] we must also end the reckless words of incitement that give rise to danger and give rise to violence. It is time to work with our cops not against them but to support them and make it our streets safe and not to obstruct which we are doing. We obstruct them. It is time for all americans of all parties and religions to join together in a simple goal to ensure that every child in america has the right to grow up with safety, security and peace. True social justice means every child in every neighborhood can play outside without fear and can walk home safely from school and can live out the beautiful dreams that fill their hearts. [applause] freedom includes the right to be free and i mean totally free from crime and from violence. Ms13 is going to be gone from our streets very soon, believe me. [applause] when policing is reduced its often the poorest and most vulnerable americans who are the first to suffer. We have all seen the tragic rise in Violent Crimes and many of her disadvantaged communities. We have seen the unbearable horror of the shortcomings in baltimore and chicago that have cut short so many fives and so many beautiful, beautiful dreams. We cannot stand for such violence. We cannot tolerate such things. We cannot under any circumstances and a longer turn a blind eye to the suffering thats going on any longer and we wont. [applause] its time for a grateful nation to join hands with our police and with our sheriffs to build the bridges, cooperation and trust and make our streets safer for every man, woman and child in america. Someday many of the Young Children you are protecting will decide that they too want to be Police Officers, that they too want to be sheriffs. They want to be cops. They want to protect people because they love people and thats what they are going to do and they are going to do it well. They are going to do great at it. As we seek a better and Brighter Future we do so in the memory of these brave and gentle souls with what they have so much left to sharon to give not only to us but to their incredible families. Among them were patrolled Justin Martin and Sergeant Tony but me know who were murdered last november. Patrolman martin was on the beat for less than a year and leaves a beautiful loving mom and dad, randy and jane. Thank you randy and jane, thank you. Sergeant beminio was a veteran of 11 years and leaves behind his wife and his wonderful children Cameron Hayley and matthew. Ashley guindon of the Prince William county police fell in the line of duty on her very first day on the beat. She swore the oath to protect and serve only a day prior to her death. Officer guindon was dedicated to serving our nation. She also served in the marines and today our thoughts are with her and her incredible mother, sharon. Thank you, sharon. [applause] i also had the privilege to meet at the white house just a little while ago with representatives from the Phoenix Police department. New jersey state troopers and they county Sheriffs Department who are mourning the deaths of straight state trooper Frankie Williams and kerry wentworth. I had the chance to spend time with officers beautiful families , his wife and his 6yearold son michael who has my hat and he is now with us. Please stand up. Great people. [applause] kristen and micah i know your beloved husband and father are looking down on you right now from heaven and he is so proud of you both. Thank you very much. We also remember those incredible heroes who were so cruelly targeted at an execution in dallas texas rushing into a hail of gunfire never to return. Dallas Police Sergeant Michael Smith was a 27 year veteran of the dallas police. He was decorated, a Law Enforcement officer at the highest level. He even paid his own way to attend advanced training sessions. He leaves behind his cherished wife, heidi and his loving daughters victoria and carolyn. Thank you, thank you very much. Last friday in kirker spell ohio a gunman shot and killed steven eric cesario. He was the chief of the kirkers filth police department. He died responding to a hostage situation at a local nursing home. Chief desario leaves behind six children and his wife who is expecting another child. Our hearts break for the cheese family. We love you all. We love you all. [applause] to every child in america who has lost a mom or dad in the line of duty i want you to know your parents are american heroes they died keeping us safe. They are the pride of our nation and we will hold them and our hearts always and forever. [applause] they are sacrificed will never ever be forgotten. To everyone in the audience here today i want you to know that my administration is determined totally determined to restore law and justice for all americans and we are going to do it quickly. [applause] that is why i am so proud to be here today with attorney general Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security director john kelly, two men who are deeply committed to the rule of law through the rankandfile officers and to bring in the violent criminals, drug dealers and gang members to justice and irish mean bring them to justice quickly. Thank you very much. [applause] all of you at this ceremony, the men and women who police the streets or who send their loved ones to work with a very sometimes worried or heavy heart , every single day you do this you have seen and you have heard things that no one else would ever have to see or hear. You dare this burden on our behalf. You have witnessed the evil of those who inflict inflicts pain on the innocent. We have seen a lot of that more recently than maybe ever before. You have watched great great people suffer unthinkable harm and unthinkable death. America as a nation must always have the clarity to know the difference between good and evil , between right and wrong and between those who uphold our laws and those who so easily break them. We owe it to the fall in to who act according to our best and highest ideals. We over to their memory to put truth before politics, justice before agenda and to put the safety and security of the American People above everything else. [applause] we owe it to them to build a Better Future for all of americas wonderful children. May today be the beginning of the new era of respect and appreciation for Law Enforcement may this ceremony bring new hope to those in search of healing and harmony and peace. May americans learn from the example of the heroes we have lost and always remember to trust each other, work with each other and love each other. And finally and so importantly may god bless you, may god was our police and may god bless the United States of america. Thank you. [applause] thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much everybody. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [applause] [inaudible conversations] [applause] [applause] [background sounds]. 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Its reported that President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian Foreign minister and ambassador in a white house meeting last week. Thats according to current form u. S. Officials who said trumps disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the islamic state. The information the president relayed have been provided by u. S. Partner through an intelligence sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the u. S. Government. The post reports the partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with russia. Official says trumps decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the islamic state. After trumps many, senior white house officials took steps to contain the damage placing calls to the cia and the National Security agency. You can read more to Washington Post. Com later, hr mcmaster denied President Trump devotes classified information about isis to the Russian Foreign minister and Russian Ambassador during their meeting last week. Good evening. I have a brief statement for the record. There is nothing the president takes more seriously than the security of the American People. The story that came out tonight as reported is false. The president foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries including threats to civil aviation. At no time, at no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed. The president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known. Two other senior officials were present, including the secretary of state remember the meeting in the same way and have said so. I was in the room, it did not happen. Thanks everybody. Thank you. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] next, Homeland Security advisor for President Trump, tom bossert briefs white house reporters on the global ransom or cyber attack. He says the malware has affected 300,000 computers and 150 countries but the cyber attack has its impact u. S. Government systems. Then, white house Secretary Sean Spicer took information on a number of topics including questions a new fbi director. He was asked about possible tape conversations between the president and former fbi director, james comey. Good afternoon. Before we get started i want to bring Homeland Security tom bossert back up here to discuss the administrations response to the ransom were hacking. They will gone with the events today and answer your questions. Tom. Good afternoon. Im time, assistant to the president

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