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Social technology in order to frame the problem. In a more constructive way. When he you think about the last year where we have gone from its not because there images, weve had images of please beating black people since rodney king. Thats nothing new. Whats new is the activists have been able to use these images to focus attention to start a conversation. I think you need a forum. Thats thats a conversation we need to have. I think its a process. Its powerful, i think just as we made this country we went from slaves and justice we had a Successful Civil Rights Movement making it go undercover it to go away but we made it go undercover again we can make progress in this area. Its awkward to lead to a utopia, get im not coming up with specifics because im trusting this process will help us understand where we need to go. Also have an issue where two or more people need to come to a place where we are comfortable listening to people who are on the other side of that racial divide and not prescribing necessarily our own sort of pathology to their motivation. I think a lot of the recent we have a donald trump because someone very popular is because before a lot of White Americans there is a sense that the language of race has become all about Political Correctness and limiting what they are able to comfortably stand public. That they dont dont even necessarily feel comfortable confronting issues of race across the racial divide for fear of as he said the racism has become one of the worst things you could say to someone. There is a lot of raw feelings attached to that notion. I think we become unable and i dont think the countrys never been truly integrated when you look at groups of friends, theyre still divided by race, or School System is still segregated. You have the public School System now which is becoming majority in the place where minority kids are educated. You go to a place like selma, only 2 of white children are in public schools. The vast. The vast majority are being sent to private school. So were so segregated in our lives that people dont feel comfortable having basic conversations. We need to be come more comfortable with having Uncomfortable Conversations with people. So to be able to explain your point of view without being in combat. Were the only truly racial democracy andelieve me other countries are not winning at this. Look at europe and see how they failed to integrate north africans into fans france or Great Britain where people can never become french no matter how generations there been there. There is a possibility here but i think it starts with people being brave and eric thought all he met when he said were nation of cowards. He said people are afraid to talk about race. Theyre afraid to talk about the issues which we disagree because theyre afraid of how will be perceived. I think think we need to develop more ability to just talk. The issue is you want to talk about it but how can you talk about race that is so passionate and so real for so many people without having the emotion. Hat how can you talk about race with taking the emotion out of it . Lets get president obama credit to this degree is that he understood, how difficult it would be, he he knew the racial fatigue of White America. He tells that tremendous story in the audacity of hope that making a powerful point but a white guy leans over and says you know, the problem is that every time i listen to state senator x, y, and z, i feel whiter. So by which obama implicitly took credit by suggesting that his more equitable and morally equivalent race speech did not make right people feel guilty. That is something to be said that its important. The problem is the following though, when you are a minority in this country, racially, sexually, even religiously, but i i think mostly in terms of color at this point, you have to hear stuff in tv and radio that is outrageous before you brush her teeth in the morning. Negroes have discovered to be as pathological now its 50 years ago. Then the next report is about how jacked up you all are. How messed up your culture is. How how you are addicted to violence, women dont take care of their kids and on and on. Relentless proselytizing and property in the name of neutral news media which is reproducing the pathology of this notion that black people are somehow the problem. But when many White Americans hear things that are negative about them, they shut down, black folk just got a sink because where we can ago. Were right there in the country, we have stuff we dont really like, but we are conditioned even when white folks say, just criminally insane, are ignorant things about africanamerican people, we are conditioned to stay and listen even if we disagree. One of the forms of white privileges exit. One of the forms of white privileges denial. It is to pretend that what he said is not true and go to my neighborhood that does not contain the contaminants that have to be dealt with. So this is the problem with brock obama making moral equivalency between what white folk over here gotta do and what black folk over here gotta do, i do think think its honest not to fall back on jargon. Lets look at fresh new language that may be able to re describe the problems that we confront together and to ask White Brothers and sisters to take some responsibility. If barack obama in the last 16 months whatever he is left could say to wait america say you can tell me i havent been four. While white folk to step up to and i want you to take responsibility. Hes done that in part at that remarkable press conference with the japanese premier when he says about pretty great, when i walmart burns up that we get all mad about it, and working to say what happens that were going to pledge that we have commitment to the relief of that suffering and then were point to go back to business as usual. If you want an equal society you can to it. Thats as close as he got to say White America, stepping up on black people. Why do you think he kept repeating, you know black people and making it up. Because White America thinks that were racially diluted that were making up stuff. Now that the camera prove it in the plant evidence, that is happen one time on tape it has happened 1000 times off of tape. My point is this brock obama, i think if he is going to be serious and using the bully pulpit can encourage White Americans to speak more honestly and openly about the issue of race. Yesterday my class was from slavery to Michael Brown and we read a book called they left marks on us about testimonies of racial violence from emancipation to before world war i. I have students present, to white students. One said the following. This is not what i wanted. I wanted. He said in my presentation i must admit to that it made me ashamed to be white. Now i dont want my students to be ashamed to be white but i want them to be ashamed of some of the things done in the name of whiteness and to grapple with the historical impediments of the flourishing of africanamerican people in a democratic nation. When you take that kind of responsibility then we empathize with the other. They said the problem with white folk made with black folk in the real air they made is they put us behind them. Black survival was dependent upon how white folk acted. We know how they think and react, we know what theyre up against, we know how to placate him real nice and smile and then behind, on the other hand she said white folk dont know anything about our culture and as a result of that that ignorance is lethal. If the president can invite us to have that conversation his legacy would be bananas. [applause]. Will take one last question. If you just go around and asked the question and go around i think we can do it. Not on. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] i want to pose the question there were talking about legacy for obama im wondering with a white establishment. [inaudible] the contributions of obama. [inaudible] thank you so much, next question. They need to become courageous and become brave. Okay thank you. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] k1 ask a question about black economic power. Question is how long are we going to discuss the quality . If we get to a point where we stop measuring ourselves. Thank you everyone. There are two things that an everyday white person can do in their two things that an everyday black person can do in cases like the Michael Brown case what you think couldve been done better . Okay we have one more . Panel i want to start answering the questions that you want to answer and can answer. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] when you talk about the backs of africanamericans would call him slave immigrants now and workers now. I will say this, i have a problem when i hear an everyday im questioning president and principles of the administration say we are nation of immigrants, immigrants or slaves. Native americans exactly as well. So youre exactly right. You have to remember the totality. And im going to thank my panel so much for coming. Lets give give them a big round of applause. What shouldve happened and Michael Browns case in ferguson. There are encouraging developments with regards to things that can make a difference. Things like the police having body camps, that will make a difference. The fact that you have to respond, the military surplus from the pentagon to use on american citizens, that program has been changed in part because of president obama. There are encouraging developments. When you look at Michael Ferguson there also some of the problems. The the Ferguson Police arrested a guy named michael for giving false information because he told him his name was mike. Or filed the police that he was being beat up by the boyfriend when the cops got there the boyfriend was gone, the police looked around and said looks like he lived here, does he and she said yes. And they said youre under arrest because hes not listed on the occupants and lists. The Ferguson Police are using it as a slush fund. So theres nothing on constitution or legal about that. So the question is, if its true that White Supremacy that identity as a nation, that we are built on exploding africanamerican people, we have to think about what Racial Justice would do to our identity as a nation. I dont know the answer. We have to to have conversation about whether freemarket or capitalism are consistent with our vision of Racial Justice. And to the woman who asked what should you tell black boys. The one thing you should seize dont forget about black girls. They can enter the criminal Justice System just like girls do. Talked about the average net worth of a black family, the average network of a nonmarried black woman is 100. Will the white establishment diminished the accomplishments of brock obama a . It will be very difficult. Two terms which is a very small number of them. The idea of passing Health Care Reform which is a 100 year project of the democratic party. The end of osama bin laden, i think the president has enough accomplishments that it will be difficult to keep them out of the top ten and a fourth course be in the first africanamerican president. I think all all be very hard to diminish him in history. In terms of what could be done to change some of the other questions, i want to bring back to my profession of the new media. I think for too long we operated with fundamental notions that are wrong. We tend to be open and to open of the state. And thats is not a clue the place. So when we are told a man was shot after altercation with a Police Officer in which you try to take his taser, we should just buy into that. We could be embarrassed to find out that hes walter scott shot dead running away in the taser was jott near his body. We have to take more time and not give the benefit of the doubt always to the state. I think thats part of the problem we have. I think for White America one of the things brock obama can do is stop postcard in civil rights. Its not something that happened in the sixties. Its its an ongoing and ever present struggle and for africanamericans its not a thing in the past theyre bringing up. Its the the thing that happened this morning. So we can stop thinking about it and start empathizing with their fellow citizens who cant walk across the street without being afraid, cant send their kids to the corner store without being afraid. Not of some local person of robbing them but of the police. Thats very serious and undermining condition for society. We have a substantial number of individuals and yes we would have to do and from keeping more franchise. The political selfinterest is to diminish the number people who can vote against you and get you out of your job which pays you hundred 74000 a year. So i think we need to start thinking outside the box. Understand that what people are talking about race theyre not bringing up some historical fact from 100 years ago, the bringing up whats happened to their children now. Theyre telling their. Theyre telling their son tonight to be careful of the police. We really get afraid when a police car gets behind us not because were delusional but the incidence of Police Killing are never ever followed by prosecution. Last week Police Officers dont want the guys in there because they threaten them too. They can even tell on back cops because theyre afraid that they wont get backed up at a robbery in their lives will be in danger. We need to have prosecutors have the courage to actually take cases to trial. If you had someone read no interest in pursuing the case and allowed the officer to investigate himself then he showed no interest in giving the appearance of caring about or even considering prosecution. Those people are elected officials you still have the right to vote however the supreme court. Use whats left [applause]. A great point by both of the speakers, black boys, love them. As a protection against the inevitable and unavoidable salt upon their being. Love them so thoroughly that they will love the hell out of themselves and that we will squeeze the resistance of the greatness out of them. One of the great marks of what it means to be black in this country, under a spell of a certain believe that we are inferior is the belief that we should snuff out geniuses and black talent. We think that we have to be competitive against it as opposed to collaborated with it. Thats one of the most vicious consequences of what was spoken about in terms of White Supremacy and teach them to love and respect women and teach them well. In terms of obama the dude save the automobile industry, he he gave the american recovery act bill out, he also gave us a obama care. Then he save the economy. I know a lot of people are pissed and they said will what about wall street and main street. If the first black president comes in and the headline reads, obama allows the bank to fail and the economy is going to hell, and aint much more after that thats going to be written about that brother right there for your so he was in a difficult position and he did what he had to do. I think think youll be seen as a black reagan. I think brock obama will be seen as one of the greatest president s within the history of this country of being the first africanamerican will give him even more icing on top. Is very beautiful what he was trying to do to engage people to think seriously about race. Deal with White Supremacy at the same time. In terms of the young baby asking the question about biracial, the most brilliant question asked, if by racialism is an advantage to some people yes. When you live in a country that that privileges the white side of the black white diane, inevitably people think you got pretty hair, got good hair, he got fair skin youre more of the ideal of what it means to be beautiful. Thats not the persons fault who happens to be biracial. Thats a sickness of a culture that only privileges one form of beauty. Being dark, in the parklike park is is a beautiful thing as well and i think we should celebrate that as well. Some biracial people like barack obama have to work harder because they did not have black privilege. Lotta black people are born with a black privilege. When he said i dont need to read malcolm x. Because im black, biracial people do not have the advantage of black people they have to learn their way. When i have students were not africanamerican in my class and i tell them you cant just come appearance just because you black, be black, black, no black there is no assumption. Thats not anastomosis by which you can absorb it you have to read the damn book like everybody else. Its important to do so because when you do it you can perpetuate a legacy of fighting against White Supremacy. One of the most vicious things it has done is make black people believe they dont have to study their own culture. The people who are denied are just as important. I will tell you what the consequence, a big bowl of jello and the man who promoted it now sees the horrible consequences of the alleged activity. That is the ultimate logic of respectability politics in america. You must understand, it mightve been Chocolate City but its awful vanilla right now. Justification is real. Justification of the city is powerful. Im not saying we should invite everybody in but urban renewal met negro removal and until we grapple with that consequence of our urban demography we wont see help black people are being drained from the spaces. I will end by saying this. I love brock obama. I love what he represents. I love the beauty of his family. I disagree with him on some things but if we love them spiritually, we must call to him as asked. What would drs. King say to you and what would he recommend . He said doctor king would hold us accountable to the principles of democracy and the struggle of our people and as a result of that he said change doesnt havent from the top down but from the bottom up. How we going to be mad as by people. Will we hold him accountable, we know the vicious right wing thats even more reason for him to stand up for us for him to love us in time. At the funeral for reverend we ate heard no pull your bootstraps up or lift yourself up by your bootstraps. We hadnt heard any thing but on adulterated black love and thats the most beautiful thing a black person can do. Reinforce the value of all black lives. If black lives matter, all black lives matter. We have books for sale. I am very thankful for this very inclusive and civil dialogue that we had tonight. It was a discussion that some people believe, but you can talk about it. You can about it civilly. People have written about it. Did you enjoy the conversation . [applause]. Did you enjoy the conversation . I want to thank my friend and he has his book for sale. I want to show him your love by buying his book. What were talking about is in those books. I want to thank joy and read who is the latest author of the book, fractured. She is is a Great Dynamic reporter. Please support her. And paul butler. He knows what hes talking about we want to thank books and poets. Youre blessed to have this bookstore, politician and prose. Will be on cspan and whey think book tv. Think you all so much. [applause]. We. Were gonna move out to the lobby and have them for sale out there book tv has 48 hours of of nonfiction books and tv every weekend. George Washington University professor discusses her book for issues for free speech for college students. And then they look at illegal voting practices in the u. S. In her book 5 a pork sandwich, she is interviewed. The people who are running for office of the same people over and over very often they are the ones who are corrupt and the other people are not getting the benefits of it because theyre not acting to counteract it and havent found a way to counteract it and all these years. On sunday indepth life with guest steve forbes. He will join us to talk about his life in latest book reviving america. He argues for repealing the nations healthcare law, replacing the tax code and reforming the fed. Other titles include money and how capitalism will save us. Also position and glory. Join in on the conversation. Then at 745, join book to be as we take it tour of the Shakespeare Library in washington d. C. Go to book tv. Org. Org for the complete schedule. Numbing up we will look at race in the u. S. Youll start off with a panel of authors from the tucson festival of books. Then from after words, they talk about his book democracy in black. After that crystal right on her book con job they will join us to discuss natos role in the fight against isis. Also the issues that are playing in campaign 2016. They also talk about the New York Times best selling book, ashleys war. The team of women soldiers on the special op battlefield. She will discuss the military integration of women into combat role which starts tomorrow. Be sure to watch washington journal beginning live at seven am eastern friday morning. Join the discussion. Next you will hear from the author of the future of whiteness. This is part of the tucson festival of books held earlier this week at the tucson festival of books. Hello everybody welcome to the eighth annual tucson festival of books. My name and i want to thank us for supporting this event. Thank you for sponsoring this venue. I will begin by reminding everyone that this presentation will last one hour. We will have questions at the end for the last 20 minutes of the hour. Please hold your questions if you can until the end of the presentation. Immediately following the discussion the authors will best autographing books in the bookstore tent. That is sponsored by the university of bookstore. P because you are enjoying theou festival, we hope you are a member member of the friends of the festival program. To your taxable donation allows us to offer programming free of charge to the public and to support this critical Literacy Program in the community. Become a friend and person today by visiting a Student Union or by going to her website. Out of respect for the authors in your fellow audience members, please turn off your cell phones now if you could. T i will now begin by introducing each of our authors today. We have a trophic panel with us. Our first author is the author and illustrator of walker grachev. It is the first latino themehe daily comic strip. He has received numerous awards including the Spirit Awards in the california legislature. He has published two books, political cartoons on immigration. Our second panelist today, our second panelist is doctor linda. She specializes in feminism, race theory. She was recognized as a distinguished woman philosopher by the philosophical associatioe her newest book, the future of whiteness. Our third panelist today is dr. Baptist. He is at the cornell universityh in specializes in history. He is also the author ofev numerous articles and books including creating an old south, middle floridas plantation frontier, new studies in the history of american slavery and his nearest book our final panelist today, he is a professor at the university of northern name. He studied the history of colonization. He received a huge number of awards in his career so far. His written a dozen books including 1492 the work year the world began in the spanish history of the United States. Please welcome our four distinguished palace. I will begin with a question fo] lilo. How do illustrations convey messages in a way that prose cannot. Im glad you asked that. Cart we move mountains to get the computers to work. Hink illustrations and political cartoons, i think theyre the ultimate sucker punch. When people send me hate letters, ive already won the argument because unless theyre sending me a hate letter with a better cartoon im already inside that persons head forever. Ive already ruin their day. O both the questions you were going to ask me, what can illustration convey and what are cultural influences in my world. So if i get this magic mouse to work, i will show you. [applause]. You might recognize this as acute version except thats a fascist up there. So again i draw from the rich vs visual and the treasure trove of visual from mexico and also, nit heres when donald trump hosted saturday night live and there were still no latinos because there were no latinos on saturday night live. Really this one really doesnt need a caption or word bubble. Hter] caption that you cant see down here says mexico built the wall for free [applause]. The historian knows exactly thep boundaries of the map that im drawing from. Its around 1820 or 1840, around there. Pinata. [laughter] the number one thing of course in mexico and the u. S. R finally the bestselling Halloween Costumes last year were donald trump and el chapo. [applause]. And finally, what you can say with a picture that you cant say with words words [applause] done. Oh, yeah. Did i answer it . [laughter] cuz each of those was a 1,000word answer, right . Each of those was a thousand word answer dr. Alcoff whose new book is called the future of whiteness. And i was wondering if you could comment on how the concept of whiteness has changed over time and what it means today. Its changed a lot over time over who is included, right . I mean, we know that southern europeans and jews were not include. Its still uncertain whether latinos are included. Some are, perhaps, some arent. But the meaning of whiteness from the beginning incorporated an idea i call vanguardism, that whites were the vanguard of the human ra the meaning from the beginning inc. An idea that i call vanguard is him. I think its a white exceptionalism. Int of whats changed today as whites can no longer presume that there point of you will go unchallenged. Our cultures are moree diversified than they ever have been so that more more white people, because of the demographic changes that are happening, a lot of white people live and work and go to school t him majority minority areas or areas at least in which they care about the points of others were not white. [applause]. That came down from white command. Is illusearly trump who is my brother from queens. He doesnt represent all white people. The ideals he expresses is not uniform across the white population of places like the United States today. We have diverse public cultures and more more white people know how events are going to be seen or might be seen by nonwhites and not just by whites. Theres a kind of double consciousness, i think, or triple or quadruple consciousness in the way population today in which you might tell a joke and then wonder how that might be seen by others or you might be aware of a slogan like make America Great again, what does that mean,ic again again . He when was it great foruo africanamericans when there were racial quotas in immigration or legal gender discrimination. More and more white people realize that its looking like make America Great again has a particular constituency in mind and its fudging with the facts of history. So, its that that sense that these the rings have different meanings and we are all aware of those different meanings that these slogans have in our neighborhoods and populations. It means that its changing, sort sort of like a hundred years ago when southern a lot europeans were led into the club and some of those brits were not too happy about the italians an jews coming into their country club. It took 50 year battle to reallo create a large enough whitete community that would be inclusive is inclusive of those other kind of whites are borderline whites. Today we are in similar kind ofe torment over what does it mean to be white and not be in charge. What does it mean to be white and not be able to assume cultural dominance of the oscars or political dominance of the government. What does it mean to be white and be one among of others. Thats whats going on today. I think its the elephant in thh room of our political electoral debates and events like we saw the other night in chicago. I think theres a lot of avoidance and denial and theres a lot of people who are uncomfortable talking about racm who are not sure how to talk try to make about being white in a way that doesnt come across as being antiwhite. I tried to write the book to make it safe to talk about these issues and, if i could say say one last thing, i think the Current Situation in the demographics challenges that were facing are causing three elements or phenomena. One is this white hysteria and reaction that we see with trump and so forth but thats not the only phenomena. The other one is this diversification of the publicc sphere which is a good thing so we can actually begin to talk across our communities and comeh to terms to a better understanding of what is the true history of the United States . S how do we incorporate slavery in the annexation of mexico. And genocide in all of these things into our clip div histors in a way that makes sense to all. I think a third element thats happening is that the wages of whiteness are falling. Theres lower wages, more precariousness, uncertainty of people being able to keep theirp homes and the social contract that gave white people in advantage in this country and made them feel like they could have a decent living and support their families is now under threat. This is what people like trump are appealing to. He is promising to renegotiate the trade deals and to kick out the mexicans and to keep out the muslims so hes offering a racist answer to the real economic plight. I think this gives an opening. There needs to be a response, a counter narrative to trump that is directed to those large segments of the population who are experiencing economic threat and we need a counter analysis that will show a way out of this without racism that tells a more honest story about how we actually lost that wealth andro how they can make coalition to improve their Living Conditions for the future. What about social scriptionn . To whiteness. Can you talk about joining the club. All the example youth given us are about people whose whiteness has been endorsed by others. Again, im familiar with a lot of cases and the people who describe themselves and he tells the story of his encounter with the black king who said to him, the trouble with my people is that they dont understand white guys like us. And to he thought himself as a remeb recruit and to judge from the way he responded, he thought it was great. We we recruited another guide to our side. A similar case happened when the british troops arrived with the british empire. Those in charge said im so glad you have arrived. And so really glad to see you because im used to being the only white guy here. Then again, they form this band together in spite of a very big difference in the pigmentation. Doesnt that happen . How does that fit into your picture . Ual its not about pigmentation. It is contextual. Es you might be seen in one way in one community and another way and another community. Many latinos and mexican experience that, but its not just about how the individual sees themselves. s we could be mistaken about our history and how we actually operate in the social world. Its also about how your scene by others. Sometimes others can see you better than you can see yourself the way others see you is going to have a huge impact on your job prospects in your educational success and so on and so forth. So, i think we need both to attend to the subjectivity and t the objectivity. Hologists theres been research that show the differences of political power and economic power and tht social psychology has been showing theres a different way of interacting. We have with other people, that white people also often have different habits and practices who we Pay Attention to, whose t books we read, who we attend to, who we, who we take seriously, who we give credibility to and how we interact informally and formally. Social psychologists can now document this to show even if you think whiteness really doesnt have anything to do with you, you can be operating in the world and interacting in the world in a way that fits thess pattern so i think this has to be brought to consciousness so we can begin to unravel and change it. Today had thank you so much. Dr. Baptist, i was wondering if he could draw on the research from your book to tell us how you think america would lookeal today. To answer this question i would really like to have that map back. [laughter] that would really be helpful. Sa do you want me to answer just about the United States or do you want to assume that the trade across the atlantic never happen . Yes, that would be great. Slavery doesnt just take place in the new world and the United States. It takes place in the caribbean and south america in every country that exist today. De fro

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