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From whom the ambassador has derived particular inspiration. And its already becoming required. Reading in just a few minutes, Ambassador Haley will appear in conversation with blake kernen, a friend of the nixon foundations, and a published author, Senate Staffer and nonprofit director. Blake has been passionate about the intersection of politics and journalism from a very young age since she published her book, your teacher said what our kids from the assault on capitalism with her father, cnbcs joe kernan, when she was 11 years old. She has been featured across network news, cable and network news and has been a keynote speaker at Harvard Business school, Adam Smith Society and the u. S. Chamber of commerce. And she recently graduated from the university, pennsylvania, with her b. A. In political science. So she is quite an accomplished person. Of course, Ambassador Haley served, as a legislator in South Carolina, in the South Carolina house of representatives before being elected governor of South Carolina in 2011, becoming the first female minority governor in United States history. In 2017, she was appointed u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations, where she served until 2019. Ladies and would you please welcome Ambassador Nikki Haley and blake kernen. If you will provide for the first woman to serve as governor of South Carolina . Think my good answer was always people underestimate it and i go back to the bible in going it wasnt a long one. A challenge comes and im so overprotective the things that i just i just work at all i know how to do is work. And i dont stop until i feel like things are taken care of. If you can give a person a job, you take care of a family. And we watched a lot of families get taken care of over the past couple of years. President elect has asked South Carolina governor nikki haley to be his ambassador to United Nations and shes accepted. The daughter of indian immigrants is considered rising star in the republican party. Haley would be the first woman appointed to trumps cabinet. For anyone that says you cant get anything done at the un, they need to know theres a new sheriff, that there is a new u. S. U. N. You are going to see a change in the way we business. For those that dont have our back, taking names, if for any reason. North korea attacks United States or our the u. S. Will respond, period. So and shes so lost. And you just know youre not going to move her a. America will put our embassy in jerusalem. That is what the American People want us to do. And it is the right thing to, you know, vote in the United Nations will make any difference on what we witnessed here today in the Security Council is an insult to. It wont be forgotten. Like the message that nikki said yesterday at the United Nations, this was the finest hour for nikki haley. I think standing up for the United States, standing up for israel. Standing her ground. U. N. Ambassador nikki haley making it clear. I will shut up rather, i will respectfully speak some hard truths. Nikki haley delivered absolute fire and brimstone. She dropped it right on the head of the russian ambassador, Ambassador Nikki Haley, who is really going after the russians. She should gives leave a lot to haley shows us what American Foreign policy looks like with a spine. I wear heels. Its not for practicing. Its because if i do something wrong, were going to kick them every single time we have to put forth Real Solutions to our countrys problems. And we have to restore the peoples belief that america is worth fighting for. America is the great force for good in human history, and we should never be ashamed to say that the. Biggest reason socialism is gaining ground is because defenders are too afraid to speak up. We cant keep quiet. The truth. And its time to tell America China is too nice. Too nice. Stop being nice to these thugs and these tyrants that want to kill us. Were not going to throw cotton balls out. Were going to throw a grenade. Heres what i just learned. Dont make nikki haley mad. And if this president signs any sort of deal, ill make you a promise. The next president bush shredded on her first day in. Just saying, sometimes it takes a woman. Well, that was really special. Thank you, guys much for coming. You guys are in for a real treat. I just finished my copy last week. Its amazing. I understand. Before we take some questions that you want a group. So, yes, we have to do our selfie. For those of you either. Also with us last time. So im going to ask everybody to stand up and hold your book up like this. Or not. With. This. Sure. Everybody looked amazing. Now, with all the format ladies out of the way. Well get right into things. So its a good looking crowd. You are so busy. I mean, if you cant tell shes doing a hundred different things. And shes also an incredible. So i want to know, what was the motivation behind this project . But importantly, why did you feel like these stories are from across history . Why was now the time to tell them . So the publisher had been on me for a while saying that he wanted me to. Write this book, and he said theres all these books on male leaders, but we dont have any books on female leaders. And i kept saying, im too busy. Im too busy. I cant do it now. Then i was thinking when i was younger growing up in rural South Carolina, town of 2500 people, two stoplights, you couldnt think about doing something wrong without somebody already telling your your mom. And, you know, growing up, i was always looking for women leaders, and i didnt see any. And so i would go to the library when i was in second grade and check out books. And the only books that i could find were books first ladies. So i would read the stories of first ladies. And i loved how they partnered with their husbands and loved how the scenes they really did things that moved the country forward. And so then i thought, you know, i have to write this book because i dont want any little girls sitting there doing what i was doing in second grade saying, we need more books, need more books. So, you know, started with one of my favorites. Margaret and the book is from a quote she would say, if you want something said, ask a man if you want something done, ask a woman. So i started with that one. And, you know, just loved reading about her. And then i, you know, included jeane kirkpatrick. She was my predecessor, the first female u. N. Ambassador and, you know, she would always say she wasnt personally tough, but you couldnt tell it on the world stage because she was amazing the way she defended america. But she would complain. She came in as democrat under reagan, but she would complain about the fact that all this anti americanism, she didnt like it and she ended up switching parties because she said that she felt like democrats always blamed. America first. And, you know, you back all these years later. And were still talking about the same. So, you know, there were lots of women in there that we got to, you know, research and profile. And what i hope at the end of the day is as a mom, we all know, that if you raise strong girls, they become strong women and strong women become great leaders. And so i hope that all of you will for your daughters and your granddaughters and your sisters and your mothers and your grandmothers, youll give them this book and remind them that when we work hard and prove we deserved to be in the room, amazing things. And we need our women to step up we really need them to put the most theyve got into this country because this country needs them right now more than ever. I think you touched on something really special. If you walk through the library like so many of you have, and i know you did tonight, in part at least one of the first quotes you hear from president nixon, some some audio is that its about the american. And he says, i believe in the American Dream because i have seen it come true in my own life. And ambassador, i know you have as well. What makes america such an exceptional place to live and . How do we keep that exceptional dream alive for the next generation, like your incredible. Well, you know, and thats what i think bothers me the most, is this national selfloathing that were seeing is killing us. You know, people saying that were an oppressed country, that a racist country, that were a bad country. Were not. If we were a racist country, i wouldnt have been elected the first female minority governor in the country. You know, we are a special country and i know when i was at the United Nations, the ambassadors would take me to the side and they loved the fact that we had freedom of speech, freedom of religion to do and be anything we wanted to without government getting in the way. And we need our children and grandkids learn to understand how incredibly blessed they are that. This is a special place and what i saw at the United Nations is when we spoke, the world listened. When we led, the world followed. Who we are. The world wants to be. We have to remember who we want to be. Because right now we just look so distraught and were better than this. And when we start to really focus on loving america again, thats when well start to see things. So a few just a few weeks ago, Henry Kissinger was on the stage talking about really incredible leaders as well. Now were lucky enough to have you talking about these ten incredible woman and these wonderful lessons in leadership. One thing i really loved is that theyre also different. Theyre from different chapters of history and they did different things. And like you said, you didnt you say in the book, you dont look at their party, you really didnt look at anything. You looked at their story and that their story inspired you. But again, they are also different. But i was wondering if when you were researching these incredible women, did you find any one characteristic that think is unique to like a Leadership Trait that they all share . We can all take as a universal lesson . Well, you know, and the book is not from a partizan slant. The book is much from a how did these ordinary women become extraordinary . And was different. So you look at Margaret Thatcher and here was a woman who was a grocers daughter and, was always underestimated, but she believed in. But more than that, she believed in herself. And so she really led in a way that even when she took a lot of she is the reason they erased 40 years worth of socialism in ten years was because she was so determined to see britain through that. You look at someone like claudette colvin. Shes someone that we all know. Parks we all know that rosa parks to get off the bus. Shes a historic hero. But what people dont talk is nine months prior to a 15 year old claudette. Was the first one to refuse to get off the bus. She had been studying the constitution in school. And when they tried to get her off the bus, she said, no, its my constitutional right. She was arrested. She was put in jail. But because they didnt think she came from the right social circles, because they thought she was a bit too fiery and emotional. They set up for rosa parks to do it nine months later. Because she was a member of the cpp, she was more mature. She was from the right social circles. And so thats how rosa parks ended up with the movement. But it was actually this 15 Year Old Girl that did it or organically because she truly believed in it. And the courage that she showed. You know, then you look at someone like virginia, walden, ford. Here was a woman who lived in crime ridden area of d. C. And we know our children. We have one job. One job is to make sure that we get it right. And she was so worried about her sons education and she would say its the segregation, our time that our children are educated based on where theyre born and raised, not based on the fact that they deserve a good education. And they had terrible public schools. And so she fought and rallied parents around it. And the amazing thing is, she testified all the way up until. But she was terrified of public speaking. But her love of her son mattered more than that. And she was able to get School Choice in d. C. And not help her son, but help thousands children. So these ladies were extraordinary. But because the one thing they did have in was sheer will, the sheer will to not stop, the sheer will to not take no for an answer, the sheer to say, weve got to do this because no one else will. And thats really thats really special. One of my favorite lines in in the whole book and there are a lot of favorite, but one of them was when you said in a lot of the places where i was, there was never a long line for the womens bathroom. Its totally changed the way that i see now. Im like, you know what . Im surrounded other women. But how did you being in those spaces where a lot of youd look around and there was no one that looked like you, you know, there were never any lines to the womens bathroom. I was you know, i was when i was elected to the state legislature, we were the lowest in the country on women elected officials. And then in corporate life, i was the only female on an executive board. And then when i became governor, i was the first female governor of South Carolina. And then on the Security Council of the United Nations, i was the only woman. But i never let that bother me. I always thought that, you know, i had to show them what it was that i was going to do. I to show them what they needed to do to be with me. And so ill give an when i got out of college. And i was the first female executive or i was the only female executive for this company, six of its subsidiaries. I was an accounting and we were getting ready for a meeting and the ceo was running late and. He came running into the boardroom. He said, im sorry, im running late. And the cfo looked over at me and he said, nikki, will you get paul a cup of Coffee Coffee right out of college . And i remember not knowing what i was going to do, but knowing that whatever i did was going to dictate how they treated me Going Forward. And so i said, absolutely. And leaned to the table and called my assistant. And i said, kim, will you please bring paul a cup of coffee. They never asked me to do that again. But you know what i say is its you dont have to embarrass someone. You have to pitch a fit sometime. People just dont know. And so its always good for you to kind of show them how they need to act and how they need to do things. And so, you know, i always tell women, its not what you as much as how you do it, because thats how youre going to earn respect. And so when i was, you know, when i was elected governor of South Carolina was the youngest governor in the country. And everybody in the legislature, they had all been elected when i was like eight. So, you know, here they were looking at heres the girl and she zhang and she doesnt know what shes doing. And so what i had to do was prove to them that i deserved to be in the room and then with the Security Council, you know, youre up against all of these other countries. And i wanted them to know what america was for and. I wanted them to know what america was against. I care if they liked me, but i wanted to respect america and so thats always how ive led Going Forward is not focusing on me personally, but focusing on them and i expect from them. Well, unfortunately it hasnt all been cups of coffee going through the book. You tell us about some really attacks on your character, a lot of them pertaining to your gender or your race that youve experienced throughout career. I saw one a couple of weeks ago. Im not sure if if folks in the crowd saw that as well. But as a cohost of abc the view attacked you for for changing your name to pass his way to help your political career, something youve never done ever. Youve always been so proud of your. So it was it was horrible what she said but how do you handle such direct attacks on your character and these these horrible challenges. Well, thats not the first time or the last time the ladies on the view are going to take issue. With me. You know, i mean, look, i am have always been very proud of my indian heritage, very proud of my parents. They came with 8 in their pocket. There wasnt a day that went by that they didnt remind my brothers my sister and me how blessed we were to live in america. And so what they did on the view was they basically said nikki wasnt, my real name, that i was using it to pass as white nikki actually on my birth certificate. However, the woman that said it, sunny hostin, sunny, is not on her birth certificate. Whoopi. Whoopi is not on her birth certificate. But, you know, whenever they come after you, that thats when, you know, youre winning because they had nothing else to criticize me for. And so they picked at. So i always look at it as a badge of honor. It means im doing something right. Youre doing a lot right. I do. I i really do want to talk about this. These are ten really incredible woman. But we are at the Nixon Library and lot of out of the 11th and thats first Lady Pat Nixon just. Shes deserving of so much applause because she really was so special. She was the first first of so many firsts, really. She was she was the first first lady to ever go to active combat zone vietnam, where she visited orphanages and these wounded soldiers, these wounded american heroes first lady, first first lady in africa, one of my favorites, first first lady to throw out the first pitch at an mlb game. All of this. But so many people, they dont know this. They dont know about the path she paid for women that came after her. She they dont they dont know how special she was. So do we bring a woman like pat nixon to the fore front of the woman Empowerment Movement . You know, i think we have to talk about them. And that was the thing is the hardest part, when you can only do ten, there are so many women that have really laid the groundwork for whats happened the country. And thats why i loved reading those biographies of first ladies, because these ladies really steered the country in directions during times of crisis, during times of success, they really brought out issues that mattered at the time and really gave us hope in so many ways. And so i think whats really important is when you see, a successful woman and i do this often, you know, when we got the first female leader of the Stock Exchange or the first female ceo at citi, i always send them a note and i always just say, you know, congratulations, youve got this girl, you know, and should always go and keep encourage urging women to be the best that they can be. And its not that we shouldnt do it to the fellows, too. I mean, we always win, but men have. They always had this automatic support system. And women, its were wired differently. We tend second guess ourselves. We look for validation, we look for extras. And what i always tell women is the most important thing you can do is learn to push through the fear. Because when we are faced with a challenge, we tend to step back. But when you lean into it and you push through the fear, you find out youre so much stronger the other side. If i wouldnt have pushed through the fear, i wouldnt have run against a 30 year incumbent in a in legislature if i wouldnt have pushed through the fear. I never would have run for governor if i didnt push to the fear, i wouldnt have accepted the position as ambassador. When you push through the fear, you live life. If you dont push through the fear, you never know what could have been through. I know its going to be hard to pick one, but whos one woman in your life thats helped you push through the fear . Oh, my mom. And then hands down my mom. The reason is she was she was one of the first female judges appointed in india. But because of the times, she wasnt able to sit on the bench and so, you know, to see all that she had done to become a lawyer and all that she had done to get this judgeship and not be able to do it, she inspired in her girls that it was important to be strong and whatever you do, be great at it. Make people remember you for it. And so it was a proud for her to see me sworn in as governor because in this country i could do what she couldnt do in, india. And so i look at the strength and the courage and how she passed it on to us to really make a difference. I mean, she definitely you know, they came with they left wealthy lifestyles in india and came here with 8 in their pocket because. They saw the opportunity of america. And ill tell you, we take care of my parents. Theyre 87 and 89. They live with us. And still to this day, we sit down for dinner. My parents are so upset about happening on the border because. Legal immigrants are so much more patriotic than most american these days. They came to this country because they understood the country was a country of laws. You know, if you give up being a country of laws, you give up everything. This country was founded on. But they very much appreciate the blessings of being here. Just have to get everybody else to remember that exactly. Well, when you say what we have here that you know, thats a reminder of what women dont have in other countries. And its not fair. But one of the hardest chapters for to read in this book was nadia broads chapter. And youll all be able to to read that with her, but she was a part of the genocide of the yazidis by the Islamic State of, iraq. And its just brutal. And it even more painful given whats happening right now in iran and afghanistan and theres a really powerful quote that you include from nadia. She said, i want to be the last girl in the world with a story like mine. Its abundantly clear now that she is not. What do you want americans to understand about whats happening to women and girls in iran and afghanistan now . So first, just to give nadia murad her due. She i met her at the United Nations and that chapter i will you that chapters are really difficult chapter to read but its so important because she came again a humble Yazidi Community and isis came in, killed her family, took her as a sex slave, and she went through unbelief several torture. But she got out of it. And had she gone and just been at peace in her life somewhere or just never looked back, everybody would have understood it. But she was so determined to hold them accountable. So she to the United Nations and she was pleading us to start looking at the evidence that these isis members did on the Yazidi Community. And she fought and she won. They are now evidence shes been able to see her captors be held and she won a Nobel Peace Prize because she continues to fight for human rights around the world. And so, you know, her story is amazing. You see in iran is heartbreaking because the people have always wanted more. They dont want to be under the iranian regime. And what you have is youve got masa meaney, who is this 22 Year Old Girl and the Morality Police in iran, it wasnt even she wasnt wearing her head dress. She just wasnt wearing it fully. You could see some of her hair. So they got her they took her arrested her, beat her and killed her. And the iranian women just were done. And so were seeing protests like never seen in iran before. This is different because not only are the iranian women showing courage and getting out there, theyre taking off their head dresses, theyre cutting their hair. Men are joining them in that fight. And its actually even today, its gotten more brutal. I mean, they are killing these women, theyre killing these people. And all they want is freedom. And we should support them in their fight because every person deserves to know what it feels like to be free. But every person does deserve to understand and feel freedom its a universal human right. And its really hard to watch that be taken away from people like were watching right now in ukraine. And i know you walk through the cold war exhibit, the new cold war exhibit at the library. I did, too. And its now with all that we know about putins brutal war of choice in ukraine. And as, well, as all we dont know about what the future looks like in that region. So given your wealth of experience, what can you tell us about that conflict . So what i can first tell you is we would not have this war between and russia had we not had the debacle in afghanistan. I mean, its just hands down. Thats. Im the wife of a combat veteran. He served in afghanistan. The idea that we left Bagram Air Force base in the middle of the night without telling our allies who stood shoulder to shoulder with us for decades because we asked them to be there. Think about what that told our friends, more importantly about what that told our enemies. And then do you remember when russia hacked the pipeline and the Food Processing plant . They didnt do that to destabilize us. They that to see how we would react what we do nothing then got us falling all over ourselves to get back into the terrible iran deal. A number one state sponsor of terror says death to america every day and americas not even allowed in the negotiating room. And the country that we have as lead negotiator is russia. So were allowing one enemy to negotiate with, enemy for us. All of the enemies and haters of the west see blood in the water and when they decided to move and you look at the war in ukraine, it is so much more than just a war about ukraine. This is a war for freedom and its a war we have to win. You look at the inspiration of of these ukrainians. I mean, here hear the fathers lead their wives and their to go fight for their country. The women are making molotov cocktails to help them. Everybody only gave them four or five days to survive. But because of their sheer will of wanting to be free, they have now started ground. We ukraine to win because if the one lesson in all of this is when a tyrant says theyre going to do something, we need to believe them. When putin said he was going to take ukraine, he did. When china said that they were going to take hong kong, we watched it. When putin says poland, the baltics are next, we Better Believe him. When china says taiwan belongs to them. Its not its when so when you look at whats happened with what putin has said, if ukraine doesnt win, he will move into poland in the baltics. Then you have a world war because youre dealing with natos countries. Thats what we want. Now, that doesnt we give them blank checks. We should absolutely not be giving them money. It does mean we should work with our nato allies and make sure they have they need to defend themselves. Putin is losing he knows hes losing. When you go, hes lost the faith of his people. Hes lost the confidence of his military. Theyve increased the draft age. Russia now to 65. Theyve had at least 2 to 300 that i know everybodys thinking about their age right now. Are you. Theyve had 2 to 300000 out of their own citizens leaving, trying to get out of russia. So youve got a situation. He knows hes in trouble and he knows hes hit rock bottom when youre getting drones, iran and rockets from north korea. But this is not that and i know hes talking about Nuclear Weapons is he dangerous he can be. But does that mean we run for the hills . Absolutely not. You keep your foot on the gas. You let him know if he does anything, there will be hell to pay. You put pressure on his partners, china and iran, and say if you support his rhetoric, then youre just as bad they will get him to back down. Hes looking for an out hes never going to wave the white flag, but hes now and all hes doing this is stalling. Hes just stalling trying to buy time. Thats why hes putting more soldiers out on the front lines. Hes trying to hes trying to figure out what to do. But we just have to make sure we suffocate him enough that ukraine win and so its look this is fight that we have to win because we win this fight. This will send a huge message to iran, to north korea. And most important china. And thats why we have make sure that we finish this. Just building off that i think weve sent quite a message here and not the right one. If you look at what was happening 50 years ago with president nixon, we were opening china, he was in the kremlin, he was in he was in china. We had panda diplomacy. We were bringing pandas as a as a sign goodwill between us and other nations. We were the greatest country, the world, and we still are. But is that the message that were sending right now . Were not sending it. And i think, you know, the other thing is, you to change with the times, you know, i mean, you look at republican and democrat president s thought for a long time that if we were nice to china, china would want to be like us. China doesnt want to be like us. They want to be communist china. We have to shift the way we treat them and hasnt happened up until now. And need to see them for the threat that they are. And i think that america to learn that you shift as threats shift you shift and you moving forward and not just assume that we do the old same that weve always done and think that theyre going to work this time. Well, you know, they they always say be the change you want to see. So while we still you i want to just where do you see yourself . You know, ten, five, maybe two years down the road. You. So right now, along with this book, i have been all over the country, house candidates, senate candidates. Weve got 36 governors races. Weve been very involved in. And its important, you know the way i look at it from a republican standpoint is if we dont win in november is no. 2024. So thats why all the attention has gone there . I dont have to make a decision. I until after january. If it looks like theres a place for me ive never lost a race, im not going to start now well put 1,000 into it. Ill finish it. And if theres not place for me, i have fought for this country long as i can remember. And ill do it until last breath. And well looks like were getting ready to take some audience questions here. I just want to make sure today its i know that youre on your lady. Youre youre on your iron lady tour. And this is one stop on it. Its a really special stop because the iron ladys birthday, Margaret Thatcher issued is 97. Yes. My last question, we get some audience questions here. What does it mean to be an iron lady . I think to be an iron means that you are strong, that you understand that your job is to help lift up everyone and make life better for everyone around you, that were victims. We dont need quotas we dont need special treatment. We just opportunity. And when opportunities itself, we we everything we have to to prove that we deserve to be in the room. And theres nothing wrong with iron ladies being feminine. Theres nothing wrong with iron ladies being great wives and great moms and theres nothing with iron ladies. You know, showing emotion in that process as well. I think we need to be who we are. I think we need to be comfortable in our skin. I think we need to understand when women do things. Were just great at it. And i only ladies, gentlemen, Ambassador Nikki Haley and blake kernen. Thank you, ladies very, very much. Thank you. Thank. We do have we do have some questions from the audience and. Im looking at this first one and it made me think of my own daughter. I have a four year old daughter at home and i cant express how important it is for them all. Have a copy of this book. I bought one for her and i got an autograph. We have them for sale up in the store. Theyre autographed. Please pick up a copy. But you an absolute inspiration. Ambassador haley really are. And ive been collecting these books and every speaker we have and so when my children are old enough to appreciate them they will have a library by significant speech. Speakers such as Ambassador Nikki Haley. So our question that made me want to say that and give a plug to my daughter is from amy hobbs. Amy wants to know what actions can you take as a very person to improve your community as a leader . I think the biggest thing is to know that we need you and we need you in whatever it is youre passionate about it. Doesnt have to be politics. It could be it could be helping the poor it could be whatever you you think but when you do something, be great at it and make sure people remember you for it. Thats biggest lesson my parents taught me. I think its the biggest lesson for young person is dont start something and not finish it. But actually, whatever you do be great at it and make sure that people are still talking about you after youve finished it. Absolutely. Thank you. This one is from heidi sturm. We you on gutfeld the other night in the five how much fun is it to be on those shows so gutfeld is interesting but it was a lot of fun. You know its its fun we interview you know with different anchors all the time and to be able to be in that setting like the five where you have like full on conversation or with gutfeld where you can just kind of make fun of yourself and, have fun. Both of them were great and. I always love doing those shows, so its great. Gutfeld is a common common speaker here and he has a ton fun. Our next question, what was your most nervous time having to speak in public . Oh, interesting. Hmm. I can tell you my most nervous time having someone else speak in public. Does that count . So there was we had when i first got to the United Nations, we whats high level . Its one week out of the year. Every delegation from all over the world comes in to give their Foreign Policy speech. And this was president trumps. First Foreign Policy speech. And so, you know, we were setting up meetings for him, getting everything set up. And he called me the sunday before and he said, all right, nick, are we ready . And i said, yes, sir. Weve got all your meetings lined up. And he said, did you read my speech . And i said. I did. It was really good. And i said, but, mr. President , i just to give you kind of some background of what youre walking into. And i said the United Nations, a different kind of place. I said, so when you speak, its serious. And he said, i got it. And i said, no, its not like a rally. Theyre not going to cheer for you. I, i want you to think of it like church, which he said, got it, got it. He said, but i wanted to ask your advice on something. And i said, what . And this is when north korea was testing missiles like every other weekend. He said, what you think if i to kim jong un as rocket man in the speech. And said did you hear the part i said about church he said, i know. But i tweeted out this morning and it killed with the base so fast forward to tuesday where hes giving the speech north korean in the front row. He gets up there and he says it. Thats where i was really nervous. So he said it. And then all of a sudden, silence and in mind, everybodys got their translator pieces in and you just see everybody go. And then they started to laugh laugh. So 2 hours later, im meeting the president of uganda, and he says to me, so tell me, madam ambassador, what are we to do about this little rocket man. By the end of the week, every dignitary was sitting there referring to kim as little rocket man. So its like worked. Thank you for sharing that story. Okay, next question. What was your greatest personal challenge and what do you see the greatest challenge for the united greatest personal challenge. So. Yes, jobs have always difficult, but the most recent, greatest personal challenge was after i left the United Nations. I have an inability to be comfortable. I have always pushed myself to be uncomfortable and so i always knew i couldnt run. I just assumed i couldnt run. And so i thought, okay, im going to figure out how to run. Im going to learn how to run. And so i started and as intimidating as it was and as scary as it was, i ended up running a Half Marathon last december. And so now i love to run and i thats something that just helps me. And it was just a really great personal challenge. Mine, you know, from a challenge, weve got lots of different challenges that i think we have to deal with, but one that i dealt with at the United Nations that i hope that we can continue to look at is after moved the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. And thank you and was you know, america was condemned. I was proud to do the First American veto in several years for that. Well, then it went to the General Assembly of 193 countries, and they condemned us to and we were able to keep 68 countries from voting against which, believe it or not, that was a win. And when i came back to the office, i told my staff, i said, i want you to come up with a book. And in this book i want you to list all 93 countries. I want the second column to be the person stage of times. They vote with us and vote us and then i want the last column to be the amount of foreign aid we give them. I took that book and i gave it to the president. He lost his mind. He was like flipping the pages. And what i told the president was i said, look, im not saying we should give foreign aid based on a percentage vote at the u. N. , but that should be one of the factors we look at. We have to stop being a country that thinks we can buy friends, cant buy friends. We have to stop giving money to countries that say death to america. We were giving 1,000,000,000 in military aid to pakistan and they were harboring terrorists, were trying to kill our soldiers. We stopped giving that billion dollars to pakistan. And what i hope is that the United States realizes that this is not about buying friends this is about being strategic. If theres a small country that wants to work with us and wants to help us from National Security perspective, we should partner with them if theres another country that wants to go, see if we can work on manufacturing, we should do it. But for all these countries, when i was at the United Nations, they loved to poke us in the back theyd love to backstab us and talk about us, but then theyd have their hand down. Weve got to quit being silly and giving this money. We need to start being smart, strategic as we go forward. Okay. This next question is from emma, whos 14 years old. What was it like to be ambassador to the nations and to be in many important positions . I am 14 years old and i am wondering what advice you would have for me since i am interested in being involved in government in the future and working to make our great country even better. Oh emma, first i will tell you, we need you we need you. And i want you to keep working hard to make that happen. What i will tell you is i want you to know who i was before and before ambassador. So i grew up in that small rural town. We were the only indian family my father water. He still does to this day. My mother wore. Sorry we werent white enough to be white. We werent black enough to be black. They didnt know who we were, we were or why we were there. And i remember when i would teased on the playground and i would come home and my mom would say, your job not to show them how youre different. Your job is to show them how youre similar. And its amazing how that lesson on the playground played out throughout my life, whether it was in corporate world or as governor or ambassador, is those challenges you go through . Thats what makes good dont run from challenges. Realize what you learn from those challenges. I didnt know i was going to be a governor. I didnt know i was going to be an ambassador. But how did i start out . Just a little brown girl that was getting teased on the playground. If i can do that, emma, you can do whatever you want to do and be successful . It. Okay. We have time for one last question. How we get our country back on the right track. So so, you know, i think the biggest thing we have to do is truly that national has to stop. We have to snap out of it. You know, the idea that weve got Critical Race Theory and youre telling little girl that goes into kindergarten, if youre white, youre bad. And if youre brown or black, youll never be good enough and youll always a victim. The idea that we have guys playing in womens sports, i mean, its the biggest womens issue of our time is that were doing Something Like that. We have to start really getting back to the basics and what it means we need to know that capitalism is the greatest source for lifting up out of poverty in the history of the world. And the biggest part of it is we look so distracted right . The rest of the world is looking us going, what is happening . And when americas distracted, the world is less safe. But we are going to be okay. Were going to be okay because believe sometimes you have to hit rock to know were up is were there. And i also believe america has an amazing ability to selfcorrect. But its going to take every single one of us kind of pulling our bootstraps, saying, okay, its time, lets do this. And think that were going to end up seeing our finest. Ambassador haley, thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. She is author of something if you want something done. Copies are available in the store. They are autographed. Pick up on your way out. Thank you for coming. God bless you. And god bless america. Well see you next time. Bye bye. Ladies and gentlemen, its great pleasure to welcome you to. The session on the politics of climate change. We have to very eminent authors here with. Us. We have jerome corsi whos published five books on

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