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Good afternoon everybody. For good evening. My name is Katie Willard and im part of the events staff at politics and prose. What a crowd. Before we begin let me go over a few quickthings. First, please silence your dicell phones and other devices. We are audio and video recording this evening and e you do not want to be the one whose phone goes off on cspan. Secondly during our question and answer portion in the interest of being able to hear everyone please ask your questions at this microphone. That way theres no understanding for our recording and lastly please for your chairs and place them against here, our staff would greatly appreciate that. Im pleased to introduce lynne olson to politics and prose. She is the author of those angry days, trouble some young men and citizens of london as well as several other books and has previously worked as a journalist for the associated press. In her new book madame fourcadeb daring young woman war the who franceb against hitler olson network t the character previously introduced in last hope island, mariemadeleine fourcade, the only one to serve as a shift a resistance during world war ii. The first spy Network Allies with the longest lasting and most important of the French Resistance. Most notably supplying information critical towards the success of dday however along with incitement also came danger and fourcade suffered personal losses in her years as a spymaster however fourcade always remained dedicated to the idea offreedom both from German Occupation but also from patriarchal french society. The author of the terrace life rights lynne olson is at the top of her game giving us the elite french socialite mariemadeleine fourcade who surprised everyone including herself perhaps by becoming one of the most consequential players in the highstakes spy game of not the occupied europe. Fourcades resolve and resources shine and inspire here. This is afascinating portrait of uncommon audacity. Please join me in welcoming lynne olson. [applause] is this on . I am thrilled. I look around this room, my life goes before me. Politics and prose is and was our neighborhood bookstore. When we moved to washington we moved about a mile away from here. And our daughter sometimes she was four, five, six years old was over hereall the time. And its my favorite place in the world and looking out it really is. My life is here. Members of my family, old friends, work associates, new friends and just plain booklovers. Thank you so much for coming tonight. [applause] before i start i want to makeone introduction. This obviously is a book about t france. Its a book about the French Resistance and is particularly about an extraordinary french woman named mariemadeleine fourcade. When i was doing my research and doing my writing i was blessed with having a colleague and a guide in all thingsfrench. She as it turned out was, i could go into the story but it would take months. It turned out shes a neighbor of ours and shes become aclose friend. She lived in paris for 25 years. First as a tour model and then as a reporter for time magazine. Her name is lori laurent and shes standing right over there. And i could not have done this book without her. Ou madame fourcades secret war is the fourth book ive written. Writing history is my second career which i stumbled into somewhat by accident. My first career was as a journalist and as i said ive worked with some of you in that capacity. I spent 12 years as areporter first with the ep and then for the Baltimore Sun in washington. John ferguson who is here with my bureau chief. Before and during that g time i never had any thoughts of becoming a historian. I didnt wake up one morning when i was a kid andsay i know what i want to do when i grow up. I want to write about history. In fact, when i went to school and i daresay this is probably true for many ofyou, history was the driest subject i could imagine. Memorizing events and dates and the names of kings and president s and generals was and is not my idea of fun thats not what history really is. History is about people. Think of the word itself. History. It also should be herstory but i could also devote another lecture tothat. When i write a book i work hard to tell the story through people. History after all is made by people, shaped by people and coming up with ideas for books and doing the research i look for characters who have made a difference but who have never had much attention paid to them. People who are forgotten heroes. Its a Common Thread in all my books. They all focus in some way on unsung heroes, people of courage and conscience who helped change their country and the world but who for various reasons have slipped through the cracks. Since seven of my books ideal with war specifically world war ii its not surprising that most of the heroes i spotlighted up till now were like john gilbert,warren , the American Ambassador to london during world war ii, someone i wrote about in citizens of london but madame fourcadeb secret war the daring young woman who led franceb largest spy network against hitler is the exception to that rule. It is about a woman and an exception and underwent another way. Its the onlybook s main focus is on one individual. The others have told sweeping panoramic stories on aspects of world war ii. The angloamerican alliance with london or the brutal debate in this country about getting into world war ii and those angry days. Most of these books have huge cast of characters but as much as ive enjoyed writing them, ive often felt a great sense of frustration in having to dismiss in a few sentences or paragraphs people who in my mind deserve far more attention and ive been able to give them. And that was especially true for mariemadeleine fourcade who i actually mentioned in my last book, my most recent book before this which is about the relationship between britain and the occupied countries ofeurope. How can one not be fascinated by this story of a beautiful and elegant young french woman, the mother of two Young Children who just happened to be the leader of the largest and most important spy network in france during thewar . Mariemadeleine fourcade was the only woman to head a major Resistance Organization in france and she took it over in 1941 when she was only 31 years old. Thats remarkable in itself, but what makes it even more fascinating is that time and to some extent today as doherty was want to tell me, france was a deeply conservative Patriarchal Society in which women were largely confinedto domestic roles as wife and mother. Back then they still do not have the right to vote. Women did not have the right to vote in france during world war ii. It wasnt till 1944 after paris had been liberated that they were given that right. Mariemadeleine fourcade rebelled against that restrictive view of women and spent all her life refusing to let men dictate what she could do. She had a strong will and a taste or risk and adventure. Qualities not often seen in young french women from welltodo families like hers but then again, few genteel french women have the kind of unconventional wobackgrounds and upbringingthat she did. Her father was a shipping executive and she was born and spent much of her childhood in shanghai with when in the early years of the 20th century was considered the essence of eroticism mystery and excitement. It was an open city which meant you did not have to have a visa or a passport to get there. As a result shanghai was crammed with an extraordinary collection ranging from white russians fleeing from the bolsheviks to chinese warlords and arevolutionaries to american and european gangsters, spies and drug smugglers not to mention internationalarms dealers. Mariemadeleine loved every minute of living there and as a teenager she mother and two siblings moved to paris after her father died suddenly of a tropical disease but she never lost her taste for the adventure. At the time of the french capitulation to hitler, mariemadeleine invited everything about women that marshall detested. She was separated from our army officer husband and i should mention she married at the age of 17 to a very handsome thinking he was a captain at that time a military intelligence officer. They immediately had two children and he she decided in her mid20s she had enough of ahis conservative views on how life should be so picked up her two children and moved back to paris and whereupon she immediately learned how to fly a plane. She bought a car at a time when women did not certainly in france did not, most women did not know how to drive much less by a car. She participated in car rallies for it was a big craze in europe during that time and of course she got a job which again was very unusual. So all that proved she had a mind of her own and ambitions that stretched far beyond housekeeping and she had given up taking care of her children to resist the germans. After the war broke out she became deputy to the founder of an infant spy network. His name was george. He was another former French Army Intelligence officer and he was also mariemadeleines longtime mentor. When he was captured in july 1941 he took over command of the group which was called alliance. Although some Alliance Agents e had talked about her at first most more one over by her charisma, courage, resilience and determination to stay in the field. One of her top agents said after the war quotes, she was young and savery beautiful. But there was anunmistakable aura of authority about her. When dori and i were in paris the son of another offer key people in the network told us she never operated according to societys rules. She followed her own rules. Basically, she acted like a man. Although the groups official name was alliance, the gestapo called it noahs ark because itsagents used the names of animals and birds as their codenames. It was wmariemadeleine who came up with that idea and assigned agents, talk about ge how many agents she had. Many of her agents used her company. The men were given names of proud members of the Animal Kingdom like walt, tiger, elephant, fox and eagle to name just a few. But for her own codename, she chose hedgehog. On the surface at least to me that seems a rather odd choice. Hedgehog as you know is a beguiling bright eyed animal with prickles all over its body and it was and is a beloved figure in classic childrens books and in alice in wonderland for example hedgehogs are used as croquet balls by the queen of hearts. In the story about peter rabbit one of her most endearing characters is a hedgehog named. Winkle who was based on potters on hedgehog and i discovered that in the uk at least , having a hedgehog as a pet is very popular. There are a lot of hedgehogs. But that hedgehogs unassuming appearance is deceiving. Ce when its challenged by an spenemy it rolls up into a tight little ball whichcauses all the spines on its body to point out words. At that point as a friend of mariemadeleines once saidit becomes a tough little animal that even a lion would hesitate to fight. At its height lyons operated throughout all of france and numbered more than 3000 agents and as i said it was by far the largest intelligencenetwork in the country. I want to make clear these were not trained spies mostof them. O with they were ordinary french citizens. They came from all classes of society, workers and business and, soldiers and sailors, government clerks, shopkeepers, housewives, bus drivers, fishermen, members of the french aristocracy, priests, ministers and the most famous child actor in france. What they were doing was crucial for the allied cause. Much more so than the work of a number of other resistance groups and before i go any further, i want to explain that there were basically three different kinds of resistanceactivities in france. One was the kind you hear about the most common groups which specialized in sabotage andother forms of open rebellion against the nazis. Those are the people that the british , special operations executives worked with. The second strand of French Resistance ncactivity is has also received considerable attention in books and films. But as exciting and dramatic as their stories are, neither of them played a criticalrole in winning the war. Saboteurs and other resistance fighters were certainly importantafter dday but they did little to obstruct the germans before then. Escape networks did harrowing work in smuggling out shot down allied airmen and other servicemen back to freedom but their contributions to history were small. By contrast the third strand lyof activity, espionage was vitally important for the allied cause from the first day of the war to the last. In order to plan both defenses and offenses military operations against the germans allied commanders were dependent on france and the rest of occupied europe to inform them of the enemy was and what he was doing. France was particularly important and dozens of other Alliance Intelligence networks sprang thup to meet that need. From 1940 when the alliance was created until the war in europe ended in may 1925 mariemadeleine and her colleagues dont you just breaded britain and america with a flood of toplevel intelligence of a huge array of german voluntary secrets ranging from troop movements and the location of airfields and antiaircraft defenses to summary sailing schedules. You have to remember scfrance was the occupied country closest to britain and most of the german lanes were bombing british cities, london and the others and the german submarines sinking british merchant ships were based in france so in order for the british to fight back early in the war it was vital that they know everything they could evabout german operations there. And the alliance was important later in the war to. Again because of france. France was the place where the allies were going to land in order to take back to europe so they needed to know everything they could about the beaches on which the troops were going to land on june 6. Mariemadeleine agents in normandy would provide the allies with 55 foot long map of the normandy beaches on which the allies would land on the day showing every german gun emplacement fortification and each obstacle along the coast. Together with details of army units there and their movements and that huge mass would be the basis of much of the maps that the troops carried with them on dday. You might ask how difficult was it for a woman to lead a network like this, not only with the french but the british. Alliance worked closely with British Intelligence and the answer to that is they had no idea that the person who took over from the creator of alliance was a woman. For almost a year. She kept her identity secret because she was convinced they would never accept the idea of a woman as head of a major spy network and she probably was right. She thought she had to prove herself before her identity was revealed and when it was finally revealed she took over in november 1941 which was almost 6 months later and it was because of a crisis in the network that i go into in great detail and she would smuggle across the French Border into neutral spain in a diplomatic mailbag because she had no papers obviously so she had to be hidden in a diplomatic mailbag and this was the beginning of december 1941 and she almost froze to death and then presented herself in madrid in a totally nonplussed british michigan six official. She was an elegant blonde dressed in a black silk dress and he could not believe she was head of alliance but he didnt really have to worry that much because although there was him grumbling from british officials when they found out, they could not argue with compliments and those of alliance. As the work continued the gestapo set out to crush the spy group that was playing such a major role in helping to assure germanys defeat. As mariemadeleines 3000 agents nearly 500 were arrested, tortured and executed by the germans over the course of the war including the man mariemadeleine loved and by whom she had a child in the middle of the war. All this was agony for her. She was a strong, tough leader but also prided herself on formingclose personal relationships with her top lieutenants and other members of the network. There was an extraordinary sense of community between her and those with whom she lived and worked. Much more so than was true of male leadResistance Networks. One thing i tried to do in d this book is to depict what daily life was like for people who were actually in the resistance because i dont think these books really do that so there was a lot of fear and terror. These people lived every day in mortal fear of being arrested because of the incredible dangerous activity that they were doing but there was also a sense of love and joy and Community Among them and they were really a family. She consider them to be as much a part of her family as r her own children and in a memoir she would later write was no end to the list of names i had to erase on my network chart as i learned of new casualties. Each time i crossed outthe name of a friend i experienced the feeling of having wielded that executioners ask. I was dying of grief. Through the war she was also on the run from that gestapo as she moved her headquarters every few weeks constantly changing her hair color and identity. She too was captured twice in fact both times she managed to escape. Once in an incredible scene which my husband insists on telling everybody k,who asks about this book. Quite rightly is the most dramatic scene in the book once by stripping naked and forcing her body through the bars of her jail cell. Until the end of her war she managed to hold her network together even as they repeatedly threatened to crumble around her. Yours is an extraordinary story as is the story of alliance but as remarkable as they are both she and her network remain virtually unknown today. As you know since the war there have been floods of books about the French Resistance but little has appeared abouther and alliance or for that matter any other intelligence organization. Alliance attention has gone to the two Resistance Networks i talked about earlier. One of the reasons for the lack of attention to spine networks was thesecrecy of their wartime operation. Not much written material is available about them in historical archives. But theres two other reasons, the second one ill talk about quickly and its because she was not an allied general. She would not work for degaulle, she insisted on working only with the british and degaulle is famous for having said whoever is not for me is against me so he considered alliance to be if not anenemy , he certainly was not happy at all that it was independent in terms of its operation. And for that reason, after the war degaulle and the free french basically created the image of the resistance at least for the first several decades after the war so the people they considered to be resistance were the people that went down at least in the early history as resistance euros and mariemadeleine was not one of them. In november 1940 he created an Organization Called the liberation, an elite group of those whom he and his Free French Movement considered heroes in the struggle for french liberation during world war ii but by the end of the war only 1038 opersons were thought to be worthy of the honor. Of that number, 1038 were men. So we come to the third and most important reason i think she is not that well known, because shes a woman. Included in this exclusive fraternity were three male members of alliance, three of mariemadeleines top deputies. Also chosen was her estranged husband, a free french officer who had commanded a regimen duringthe allied landing in Southern France in august 1944. Others names were leaders of various resistance movements and networks. Among them the chief of the free french Intelligence Network that was second only to alliance ain importance but mariemadeleine, red nose, was not one of the six women awarded the honor. Most of the six had been associates of male Movement Leaders who were close allies s of degaulle. The only woman who had been a resistance chief and whose networks achievements were unparalleled was not judged worthy of the honor. The omission of mariemadeleine and the pitifully small number of women named reflected the sexism that prevailed among the free french and most resistance leaders. They were just like the rest rest of french society. In their view men fought and women stayed home. In the words of one french historian , discrimination on a notion of inequality between the sexes was as solidly rooted in the resistance as everywhere else in france. Yet notwithstanding mens hesitation to include french women in resistance work, tens of thousands of women had rest and in many cases lost their lives by defying the germans although as i said virtually none were given leadership positions in resistanceorganizations. As one historian put it, just as businesses recruited female personnel only for positions like switchboard operator or receptionist, women and girls were brought into the resistance primarily to the couriers and liaison agents yet while these posts may have been regarded as subordinate and were in fact highly important and extremely dangerous jobs. Female resistance were keenly aware of their societies norms of acceptable behavior to them and other women and as a result many of them both during and after the war minimize the importance of their achievements. Unlike a number of their male counterparts, they needed to manage credit for their contributions nor asked for recompense. As the historian robert gill has written those who whhad done the least in the resistance often spoke the th most. While those who had done the most spoke the least. Women he added were particularlymodest. Even mariemadeleine felt obliged to downplay what she had done this grinding herself to one postwar interviewer as, this is her quote. The wife of an officer, the mother of a family, a member of no Political Party and a catholic. To quote her french biographer it was a rather humble and misleading selfdescription by the only woman to have led a large and importantresistance network in france. Her words failed to capture her uniqueness before, during and after the war as a woman who transgressed contemporary gender norms on a regular basis but they capture the tensions between her actions and societal expectations. For several decades following the war histories of the French Resistance which were written almost exclusively by men largely ignored the contributions of women. Although that is no longer true, most current overviews of the subject while certainly mentioning women have continued to underplay the extent and importance of their participation. And although there have a flurry of books in recent decades whichexamine aspects of french womens experiences during the war , even they tend to shy away from highlighting atypical women like mariemadeleine fourcade whose work as the leader of the military Intelligence Network was so different nfrom the norm of most female resistance members. Its the lack of attention bothered mariemadeleine she never showed it. In her view of thousands of agents in her network were the ones who should be remembered and she worked very hard to keep their memory fresh. The years have passed, my friends have died but their spirit is still alive, she wrote in her memoir. I should like to note they would not be forgotten and the divine flame that burns in their hearts would be understood. These ordinary men and women never planned to be heroes but they were every bit as much and some perhaps even more than 1038 and tried in the museum. Although they were from various walks of life, a common denominator overrode all theirdifferences. A refusal to be silenced and an iron determination to fight against the disruption of freedom and human dignity. In doing so they along with other members of the resistance saved the soul and honor of france. Many years after the war and american journalists actually David Ignatius of the Washington Post asked johnny russo one of marie matalins operatives why she had risked her life to join the alliance. I dont understand the question replied russo who was responsible for one of the greatest allied intelligence cues of the war. She went on to say it was a moral obligation to do what you are capable of doing. It was a must. How could you not do it . Thank you. [applause] and now id love to hear from each of you, its my favorite part of the wholeevening. Jim, you have a question. Always good to see you again. Tand always good when you have a book coming out. Its a pleasure for all of us. David however sign was asked one time by our writing student what it takes to write a successful book. And his answer was it has to be something that you have to do before you can go on to do anything else. I was wondering if that was the case with you in writing your book and also im interested in how did you come to finally the decision that you were going to be a historian . How did that happen . I think i agree with david hauber stand, what he said makes you write. Each book that ive written, i usually run across one or two characters that idescribe that i needed to have a strong character and they are the ones that take me on a journey. This woman grabbed me right from the beginning and i didnt have in mind when i was writing that i was going to do her but after it was published and i was thinking what i was going to do, actually before it was published i thought im just so fascinated by her, i got to find out more about her. Just a few sentences i had, i have the line about her escaping her jail cell. Why has nonobody ever written about that . I mean, shes been written about. She published her memoirs. But thats it. T and i just thought she really deserves her own book. What prompted me to become a historian . It began when dan and i wrote our first book which is about the correspondence that merle cbs news before and during the war and we spent a lot of time researching london during the war, particularly the early years of the war and i fell in love with that whole period. That whole time and then you cant find a more dramatic period of the war just period to write about. That just grabbed me. So Edward R Murrow is really the father of my book writing career, youreally is. From that book then i got fascinated in finding out about people like the an American Ambassador and lee became fascinated in the fact that polish pilots flew in the battle of britain so these things that we found out really intrigued me and really hadnt been written about so i kind of look in the nuts and crannies of world war ii dhistory to see what has not been explored thats what i really do. This book was particularly fun to write. Its a lot easier to write about one figure even though your writing writing about a lot of people as you use her as the through line through the book. You dont have to keep jumping from century to century. But it was so much fun to do, we just had a ball. Itreally had a blast doing it. First i thank you and then a softball question. Thank you for writing about these people who you have found consistently who share p intelligence, guts and decency even when theyre going off on tangents and having fun doing peculiar things. They are so decent. The softball question is 20 or 30 years from now when youre still writing books i hope, look at America Today and who are these heroes obscure and famous you might look at . There there. I hope they are. They are people who are showing evidence that they may be but so far. More and more i love to immerse myself in history. But when youre going through it you dont know. Obviously inworld war ii you know churchill is the hero. If britain was going to be saved and western civilization was going to be safe he was going to have a big role in that right now i dont know. I actually when im writing and its true, i tried to block out whats going on. We talk about it enough when im not writing. And the answer to your question is i dont know. Ihope they are there. I dont know. Hello. How are you . Im happy to be here we have a history. Congratulations on the new book. Is your book going to be published in france . I dont know. Its been sold to the uk and right nowthats the only foreignrights we sold. We hope so. We have absolutely, none of my books has ever been published in french. Im hoping they will do that for mariemadeleine but i just dont know. Thank you for writing a great story about a great woman. Thanks. Anybody else . Do you have any idea how many women were in the hall . Any idea about the number . Rs the numbers ive run across is about 20 percent. She had about 20 percent which is very high for a Resistance Organization. She tried very hard to recruit as many women as she could and i talked about johnny russo. Theres a lot of material in this book about her. She found out a lot of information about the b1 and b2 terror weapons and its a great story, i refer to it and she reported back to alliance and to mariemadeleine. She was captured by the gestapo. She was sent to several concentration camps and ended up weighing less than 60 pounds, 70 pounds and was days away from death when she was rescued. So she did survive but there were many many others. Mariemadeleine the end of the war after the war said and i cant quote her exactly but she said basically, most of her agents were brave but the bravest were the women. She said there were numerous women who were captured and tortured but not one of them gave up any information about the enetwork or mariemadeleine. She said i would have been dead if they had talked but she said every single woman even under torture was silent and refused to talk. This is a followup. Many of them were capturedand tortured. Any idea if there were more women, percentage of women was 20 percent. Any idea if the women were at greater risk . It would seem to me they might be but i have no idea. I havent seen the statistics. I think there were 438 that they know were executed by the germans. I would say probably the number of women probably were about 10 to 15 percent, the number of women who were killed. S thank you for this book. Thank you very much , its an exciting story. One thing that seems a little strange to me though, maybe it shouldnt that the subordinate role of women especially in the intelligence category of spine networks, it just seems like women would be in an ideal position to be out and about in the country and the city electing information about whats going on and where , so the question is is that true or is and i off base . Is it ipossible that a woman out on the road looking at troop movements would have been more at risk,more unusual . Thats a great question. The answer is more complex. Youre right in a sense that the fact that women were regarded as wives and mothers and not a threat did help certainly in the early years of the war, especially young and attractive women who as i said most of them were not the ones that were in the shipyards. They can do that kind of work. There were around the bases but what they did do, they were the carriers and the liaison agents. They took radio transmitters and messages. They help people escape so they were out there in public on bicycles, walking on trains but the germans like the french were very conservative, very traditional and in the beginning they couldnt conceive of women he and spies, saboteurs, whatever so they did get away with a lot. In fact one of the main characters in this book is mariemadeleines young female assistant who lays a major role in the book and shes beautiful, youll see a picture of her. She had long blonde hair and shedid all search of things. She did act as the carrier and she talked about how she would flirt her way through german checkpoints. She finally was caught and escaped but there were many women like her. So they were important and part of the reason they get away with a lot erearly in the war was becauseof the germans traditional view of women. Iq. Thank you for introducing us to this fascinating story. And this extraordinary person was still very young when the war was over so im wondering dedid she play any role through the postwar period and how did she take to the surprising reconciliation between germany . Very good question, both very good questions. I should have mentioned her after the war. After the war she basically actually became a big proponent of degaulle after the war. She remarried. I said she was very much in love with her secondincommand actually and as passionate and charismatic as she was. You can see why there were sparks between them. And had another child after the war. But her husband had been in the free french and was very, very strong supporter of degaulle and she joined him inie that belief and they were two of the leaders of the campaign in 1958 to bring degaulle back to power. So that helped resuscitate her a bit in the eyes of degaulle and the free french. That she also, she most of her time working to help the survivors of her network, those agents who survived, but also the widows in the children of those who had been killed. She devoted her life to a crusade to make sure that they had enough money to live. And she really pretty much until the day she died. But she was heavily, i mean she was a very elegant socialite in postwar paris. She was a member of the European Parliament for a while, but in her mind alliance was most important thing, all eons was most important thing. I mean, they were member of her family still and she never gave up on that. That to me is one of she and like many male resistance, you know, as i said did not seek to further herself. All she caredal about were the people whom she had worked with to help free the country. Are you any position now to share with us what you have thought about as being possible topic or focus of the next book . [laughing] no. No. Im going to wait. I have kind of an idea. Somebody asked, dont you ever want to change john rose and talk about Something Else besides world wart ii . I said i once had a fleeting image of doing that. In fact, i got a contract for a book about world war i, believe it or not, and i did years worth of research, not quite that much, six months, and i was supposed to write five chapters. Five chapters and to get a bit ofd money and if they like it, and i sat down to write those five chapters and for the first time inor my life i had writers block. I coulde. Not write, and that never happens to me. And i realize i couldnt stand any of the c characters i was writing about. [laughing] ill tell you they were. Theyeyth were not heroes to me. They were woodrow wilson, henry cabot lodge. So went backac to world war ii. If i do another book, and im under contract for anotherld bok it will be about world war ii and possibly will be about another woman. Im not quite sure yet. Thanks. Is that it . Okay, thank you very, very much for coming. I really appreciate it. Thank you. [applause] all right, thank you. With copies of madame fourcades secret war at our register. Please for a signing onto the right of the table and please hold up your chairs and please get something solid. [inaudible conversations] watch booktv now on sundays on cspan2, or find online anytime at booktv. Org. Its television for serious readers. Welcome to this latest middle east institute event. My name is Charles Lester and i direct the program on counterterrorism. Todays event marks the release of an excellent new book by might in the eye and colleague

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