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Into account the negative impact on u. S. National security interests. Think we all recognize that the emotions associated with 9 11 are still quite comfortable. I was up at the ground zero this week and the victims families are still seeking justice but the 9 11 Commission Report are senior saudi officials are responsible for the 9 11 attacks. That said piercing the concept of sovereign immunity which is undergirded International Relations for centuries i think is a very dangerous slippery slope that we are going to get on and will start to pass similar legislation that is going to haul the United States into court overseas even for the most frivolous of charges and allegations in what u. S. Has done overseas so i think its much more than just going after an individual of the saudi government. It is what does this mean as far sitcom set is . I want to come back to the saudi issue which is extremely controversial issue. It was 971 harry reid was the only one who voted against this open you go to senators and say you are hurting American National security if you do this what they say to you . I spoke with a number of legislators to recognize that there are real downsides to this legislation. I think there are Political Considerations in their emotional considerations as well and i find it hard to believe that they are supporting this override when i think many of them understand what the impact is going to be on u. S. National security interests. What is it going to portend as far as individuals overseas who are going to bring United States government into court and we have far far greater resources around the world than anybody else . Are they going to be attacked as a result of some court thats going to move forward with some type of decision to attach those assets because of some court case . Blumenthal th spin and thank you mr. President. Im honored to open the debate e body and by the United States cs Congress Give loved ones of the victims of terrorism on 9 11 their day in court. Simple justice. 15 years ago we stood in horror as our country suffered the worst terrorist attacks on the United States in the history of our nation. Nearly 3000 innocent lives were lost including heroic First Responders, firemen, police and beloved and honorable men and women, 148 of them from my home state of connecticut. Over these years i have watched and listened to them and their strength and courage as they have sought tirelessly to make this system of justice work in the memory of their loved ones. The terrorists who struck on 9 11 tried and failed to destroy that system of justice and the ideals of this nation. Our hearts were broken but our country and our ideals were noti over the past 15 years i have been honored to work with those families and today give us the opportunity to move forward with legislation despite the president s veto. I deeply respect the president or and the reasons that you have given for vetoing the justice against the sponsors of terrorism act but i urge my colleagues to move swiftly and soundly to reverse this veto so that these families can have their day in court. That is what the legal system oe this country is designed to do. It is a system that i have spent my career before the Senate Working to ensure accountability for wrongdoers and restoration of the rights, promises to by citizens that are made by our constitution that there will be a neutral and fair for him to determine their claim. These families will never gethe back their loved ones but theyay deserve justice and a day in court and that is why we will today i hope override the president s veto. That 15 years after that tragedy we are still learning the facts but there is mounting evidence that the saudi government or at least organizations within the saudi government aided and abetted one of the most massive crimes in the United States. In our system the truth behind those facts deserves to be presented in court. A court of law where fairness and justice will be assured. This measure does not prejudge a verdict or issue a judgment. It gives both sides a fair day in court and if the saudi government has no involvement in noth 9 11 it has nothing to fear but if it was culpable it should be held accountable. That is the basic principle of this measure. Said a when all is said and done, the justice against terrorism act simply closes a loophole that was created by the court contrary to the intent of this body. That loophole in effect permits Foreign Governments to aid and abet crimes against the citizens of this country as long as its aiding and abetting occurs outside our borders. Think of it as a missilenother t launched from another country by terrorists there with the support and assistance of that Foreign Government. That Foreign Government can invade evade any and all responsibility simply because the missile was launched outside our borders. Similarly the missile of terror can be launched outside our borders and the Foreign Government including saudi arabia is able to evade all responsibility under the decision made by the Second Circuit court of appeals in new york that created that loophole and so that Foreign Government can give terrorists bags of money, tons of explosives to carry out murder within our borders and launched itself outside our borders and that is wrong. Here the principle here is broader and bigger than saudi arabia or even the 9 11 event. Its about simple justice. Our laws should recognize the reality that global crimes have been sponsored and supported outside our borders and inflicto great harm including murder on the citizens of our country within our borders. This loophole will be closed by this measure for the benefit noi only of the 9 11 victims but also potential victims in the future. It will send a message and deter future. Aided and abetted by Foreign Governments in the future. It will deter that kind of violence through an ideal and a tradition that is uniquely american. A system that of justice that imposes accountability and make sure that everybody has a fair day in court. That i know that questions have been raised about potential members o retaliation or reprisals against members of our military or other citizens in other countries. Nd this nation should stand firm and strong against terrorist violence and we have nothing to fear as long as we do not engage in supporting or sponsoring the kind of violence that occurred on 9 11 here and we must trust that our government would never be responsible for that aiding and abetting of deliberateocent killing of innocent civilians,e purposeful massacre of people who are innocent. I am honored to begin this debate and i hope it will best closed in a way that vindicates the life as well as the interest of our country. To i am proud to join colleagues on both sides of the aisle. This measure has been bipartisan from the start and i particularly want to thank my colleague senator schumer and senator cornyn for their leadership. I believe a bill which was unanimously passed by about both houses of congress strongly supported by both sides of the aisle deserves to become law and i trust and believe it willu, mt today. Thank you mr. President. I suggest the absence of the quorum. Mr. President. As the senate knows today we are considering the president s misguided decision to veto a piece of legislation that passed this body unanimously by unanimous consent and likewise passed the house of representatives with no dissenting votes. Now in our poll in Politics Today this is pretty much close to a miraculous occurrence because democrats and republicans, senators and house members have all agreed that the justice against the sponsors of terrorism act which gives of coe terror attacks on our own soil the justice they deserve. All of us have come together and agree that this is appropriate and the right thing to do. At a time when International Terrorism is spreading fbi director comey yesterday warned of a terrorist diaspra. Sponsors the justice against terrorism acts been there since strong message to those who sponsor attacks on american soil including Foreign Governments will answer to the victims of paper the death and the destruction they cause. Current law already allows for american victims to sue Foreign Governments for many different offenses committed by their empl employees and commercial bronx,r a salt, drunk driving rape and Human Trafficking among others. As part of existing law. Just i would clarify that sponsoring an act of terrorism in america has added to that list. If we allow lawsuits against Foreign Governments for contract breaches, drunk driving, then we should allow the big of the terrorist attack on our soil thr opportunity for their day in court as well. This is an important piece ofig legislation and it is straightforward. Thats why believe we got unanimous support in both bodies that we have. That i want to just make clear though that this has not been a quick this process. This legislation has beend pending since 2009 in the a fort through with a number of members concerns they have expressed along the way in order to modify the legislation and build the consensus that we now have achieved. Thereve been many differenter drafts and feedback are membersf a lot of consultations with family members who have been affect did and a lot has gone into this legislation. Has this bill has been negotiated and hammered out over a longim period of time and thats the reason we were able to garner such strong support from both bodies to get the bill passed. Last friday the president chose to ignore the voices of americas terrorism victims by vetoing this legislation. Fortunately today this chamber will have a choice and have a chance to exercise our constitutional progress under article i, section seven of the constitution. We will have a chance to act as a check on president obama by the vote voting to override his veto threat every president obamas veto message and its not persuasive. Thats because it describes a bill that doesnt exist and this represents the state of the law. He cites concerns about quote great complications says with some of our close partners but the truth is just the only targets Foreign Governments who sponsor terrorist attacks onow america soil plain and simply. I know how that would create complications with some of our close partners. We the financing of terrorism in many states is not behavior we should tolerate from any nation, allies included. The how can anyone look at the that families in the eye and tellce them that they shouldnt haveea the opportunity to seek justice against the Foreign Government responsible for the death of their loved one . Flood the president has claimed that this legislation would result in a flood of lawsuits against americans by Foreign Governments well, what the president ignores is this. Eign we are already being sued by foreign nations already under the current state of the law but with a lot like jasta applied reciprocally will open no such floodgates. The president even had the audacity to claim that this legislation might lead tohi lawsuits against members of the military but having read the plain text of the bill he would know this bill only allows foror lawsuits against warned for he would also note contains a specific exemption for our armed forces. Finally mr. President jasta is not a sweeping legislative overhaul that dramatically alters international law. Its an extension of the law thats been on the books since 1978. Once again there are numerous exceptions to prevent Foreign Governments from shielding themselves from litigation whene they cause harm. The president has also complained that this applies to conduct committed abroad but replete with immunity exceptions that apply to conduct committed abroad still just as another exception. This so at the end of the day this vote is about doing whats right for the American People. Some of our colleagues have expressed concerns about how it might be interpreted by some of our allies but the fact of the matter is this legislation does not mention any particular country. All it does is it carves out the exception to this notion of sovereign immunity, conduct committed in a terrorist attack on american soil. You know the whole idea of sovereign immunity comes from a england and our angloamerican inheritance and our law and the notion is that the king in england could do no wrong, so you couldnt sue the government. That we have recognized the injustice that was caused even in our own country when wexcept passed, congress has passed numerous exceptions under which the u. S. Government can be sued in our own courts recognizing that equal justice under the law does not create a situation where should not tolerate a situation where the government was simply a man but litigation and paying its fair compensation in individual lawsuits. So this legislation is really about pursuing justice and the Legal Process to continue to serve as the foundation to our republic. At its core this bill is aboutti inspecting the voices and the rights of american fit yours. I believe that we have many important allies around the world with whom our interests are aligned but when her interests are verge and theres a question of protecting americans rights and Americans Values they think we should always do that rather than somehow subjugate those rights and allies to the interest off some Foreign Government. So this is not about severing s our relationship with any ally. This is simply a matter of justice. This is about respecting the voices and the rights of the american victims. At about noon today this chamber should vote overwhelmingly to override president obama speed in the justice against sponsors of terrorism act because the families have already sufferedal too much. They have already suffered untold tragedy of course and they deserve to find a path to closure that only justice can provide. I, like many of my colleagues had a chance to meet with a c number of the families, the victims of 9 11. Their stories of course are heartbreaking and i know none of us will forget where we were on that fateful day. Our country has changed undeniably but for these families that they and each days serve as a tragic reminder of deep personal loss. One of these family members that i have had the chance to get to know is mark mathers who now calls texas home. The marx husband charles worked on the 99 for the north tower of than World Trade Center. She says she would turn on the television that fateful day and watch in horror at the tower in which charles was working collapsed. Mark moved to texas soon after september the 11th but her grieving in our nations grieving continues and of course will never completely end. Ld d i pledged long ago to marge and two other families i had met that i would do my very put level best to help them write this wrong and to provide them an opportunity to make theirthec case in a court of law that we would ask this law by extending this 1978 provision the foreign sovereign immunities act to allow the families and the victims of the 9 11 tragedy to seek justice in a court of law, an american court. These families should have the right to make their case. These families should have the freedom to have their day in court, to have the judge hear their case and to hold accountable those who played a role in their suffering. Thats what this legislation is all about, providing them the freedom to do so. The families of the 9 11 terrorist attacks that occurred here in the United States have waited a long time and im hopeful they wont have to waite any longer for the opportunity to pursue justice. I hope every member of this body will join me in supporting this bill 1 more time and will vote to override the president s veto and further the cause of justice for these victims. O speak mr. President i take this time to speak about the justice against sponsors of terrorism act better known as jasta and im going to support the veto override that is not aboutve concern of the potential unintended consequences that i have come to the conclusion that the risk of shielding the perpetrators of terrorism from justice outweighs the risk of how other countries might respond to and perhaps compromise u. S. Interests. 15 years have passed since september 11, 2001 terrorist attacks but in my home state of maryland and across the country the pain caused by the events of that terrible day are still very real. The 9 11 attacks were a National Tragedy for the United States but we were personally devastated for fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, and childrenful around the country to the 9 11 victims and their families deserve meaningful relief and i cannot support putting obstacles in the way of the of terrorisms seeking justice. I understand that this legislation may have an effect n on longheld sovereign immunity principles and i share some of those concerns. The president has articulated in his veto message and i share the president view of the importance of upholding sovereign immunity to the extent that we can and to the extent that it makes sense. The principles of sovereign a immunity with were put in place at a time when acts of terrorism, International Terrorism were not as common. Exceptions to sovereign immunity of grown over time as times havy changed and in todays world it is my view that we must make sure the International Community understands that there is a clear distinction between those that oppose terrorism and those that sponsor terrorism. Those who commit or support terrorist acts in the United States should face the full weight of our justice. Jastas intended purpose is to n create an exception that allowse terrorist victims and their families to seek justice or acts of International Terrorism in the United States that are caused by terror by a foreign state or its officials. Terrorism victims and their families in the United States should be able to have their day in court. We cannot in good conscience closed courthouse door to those traveling and suffered a unimaginable losses. Mr. President i confidence in the american jurisprudence system that we will get this right in order to respect the thoughtful acts of government but also to hold those who sponsor terrorism accountable under our system of justice. The legislation restricts the application of the dash it only applies to acts of terrorism when you on u. S. Soil. Establishes a standard in order to be able to have an actual claim. Has to have the ability for the government, theres ability forn the government to stay proceedings to negotiate a settlement to the u. S. Government can intercede. I think these exceptions were put in a negotiated in order to concerns or were initially raised. Risk as Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have recognized their risk factors in terms of how other countries may respond to the enactment of jasta. As a nation with hundreds of thousands of troops who serveac are brought not to mention most of all foreign bases and facilities the United States of america is a country that benefits from sovereign immunity , principles that protect our country and our countrys interests. Ficials, government officials from litigation in foreign courts. Ce therefore there is a concern of unintended consequences including irresponsible applications to u. S. Activities by other countries. System while i have faith and confidence in the american legal system the same does not extend to the Legal Systems of other countries and they claim they are taking similar action against america when they are not. So we will need to follow closely how other countries respond and try to litigate the risk to the United States abroad in my role of Ranking Member of the foreign Ranking Committee i intend to do just that. Mr. President will seek to work with my colleagues to try to mitigate these risks and i support the efforts of the state department and the department of of to mitigating the risks to imposing assets or troops above that may be caused by the enactment of jasta. I intend to explore the possible is whether we need additionalti legislative action and such additional legislation would allow justice for family members of the victims of 9 11 attacks while ameliorating some of the potential adverse consequences of jasta. F in inner harbor of maryland has created a memorial to the victims of the 9 11 attack inspired by the artifacts from the new york World Trade Centeri to the memorial consists of twisted and torn amalgamated steel columns from the twin towers. The memorial provides a place oe contemplation and a site to remember and reflect on the tri offenses of september 112001 while paying tribute to those who lost their lives that day. Each year on september 11 baltimores World Trade Center will act to mark the chronological inscriptions of the event that tragic day. Today we hold close in our hearts and our prayers those marylanders who died on that day as well as the families and friends whose lives have been altered forever. There are no actions we can take to sufficiently heal the pain and suffering so many thousands of americans carried with them 15 years on that date tambor day that our constituents and fellow citizens are asking for justice this legislation creates that path and having weighed both sides carefully im compelled to uphold it. With that mr. President i yield the floor. The senator from iowa. Mr. President over the last several days we have heard a lot of complaining from the other ts side about the partisanship that is involved with getting the final appropriation bills passed so government can function. Yesterday i came to the floor to talk about a bill that was being held up on the other side called the survivors bill of rights at the 2016 which passed the senatt unanimously, passed the house of representatives unanimously and now its being held up. What would be wrong with moving that bill . Heres another bill, the justice against sponsors of terrorism act that passed this body unanimously on voice vote, unanimously in the other body and somehow the president of the United States vetoes it and then the democratic president veto something that passes unanimously and we are getting complaints from the other side about partisanship that tends to be our problem. So, i come to the floor to talk about this. Given the overwhelmingly bipartisan support that this legislation enjoys in both the senate and the house i was surprised and hence very disr disappointed the president disregarded the will of the people and chose a course of action he did and the will of the people as expressed through unanimous support in the senate, unanimous support in the house of representatives. He chose to use his veto pen but today its my hope and its my e expectation that the senate will exercise its Constitutional Authority and override that vetn by president obama. This legislation has been trulyp bipartisan. A bipartisan effort since the t very first day that it was introduced. A i joined senators cornyn and schumer as an original cosponsor of the legislation. Our bill is answered by 16 members of the Senate Judiciary committee and if you know anything about the judiciary Tha Committee you know that getting 16 members of our committee to agree on any legislation is no small task. Rvative we have some very conservative members as well as some very liberal members. Getting all those members on board with this important legislation is a testament to just how broad support really is. I moved this legislation out of committee unanimously in february and the full Senate Passed it unanimously in may. The house followed suit and pass it in september and like the United States senate or house ol representatives passed the legislation unanimously. Thats how this legislation arrived on the president s desk. It was sent to him with unanimous support in both the senate and the house from republicans and democrats, conservatives and liberals. But it has run into some opposition. Of course, its not opposed by the victims of 9 11 and their fr families. They arent asking for legislation that tips the scaler in their favor. All they want is the opportunity to present their case in a court of law and thats what this legislation would give those victims. The legislation has run into opposition because it is opposed by saudi arabia who has been making threats against the United States about what it might do if Congress Stands with the American People and the 9 11 victims and their families. Instead of the leaders of saudi arabia. Now according to press reports that country has gone out and hired an armory of lobbyists to attempt to derail it. So one exact we, sell on exactlh what has the white house and saudi arabia based its opposition . They have made a lot of claims that the one you hear the most often is that if the United States stands with the 9 11 victims on this legislation and provides those thick to miss the opportunity to make their case in court, then other countries could try to haul u. S. Soldiers and other personnel into the courts of other countries. Claim but to what this claim ignores of course is that this bill does not allow lawsuits against individuals. Du its only allows against foreigi governments and this bill expressly prohibits lawsuits arising from acts of war. So any claim by the president that this is all about protecting u. S. Personnel from being hauled into foreign courts just doesnt hold water. The second most common argument some are making is that if Congress Stands up to the president , the saudis and theid lobbyists and this legislation becomes law the argument goes then the saudis will respond by pulling their money out of u. S. Securities. T well, lets set aside the fact that this appears to be an empty threat. T its highly unlikely that they follow through on it but even if they did there will be plenty of bias for the securities but more importantly, is this really how we should. What kind of a message would that send to other foreign messw governments . The message would be clear, if you want to influence u. S. Legislation, make sure to buy up u. S. Debt and then threaten to sell that debt anytime the United States congress does something that you dont like. We absolutely then cannot be intimidated and we cannot dance to that type of threat. That would send a terrible message to the rest of the worlr so its very unfortunate thato president obama veto thisio important legislation and we now need to have this vote but its my hope and its my expect tatian at the senate as well as the house will stand with the 9 11 victims and their families and stand up to the president , stand up to saudi arabia andrk their army of lobbyists. I yield the floor. Several mr. President i have met over the course of last several days with the victims of 9 11 and like many people in in this body have. I dont think i have ever met a more gracious, genuine Sincere Group of people and i know that they have sought some way of expressing their desire to seek justice in what happened on 9 11. These peopl constituents who come up and meet with us. These people certainly not have been in the state of tennessee but i have to say they presented their case in a way that is moss heartfelt and have tremendous and that the for all that they and their families have gone through. Yesterday on the way outside the building a gentleman came up to me and recognize me and told me about sitting in his home and seeing the planes go over head and seeing them killed his wife. He talked to me about the conversation he had with the fbi agent who now they have gotten to know about what had happened. Senator schumer and senator cornyn have done a remarkable job in shepherding through this piece of legislation. I give them tremendous credit for what they have done. I do want to say i dont think the senate or the house has very functioned in an appropriate manner as it relates to a very important piece of legislation. We have had no hearings in the United States senate or this congress and we have had no vote , no vote whatsoever on this piece of legislation. As a matter fact today will be the first vote. No doubt we went through the unanimous consent process and no one object did, no one objected. No doubt that registered hour yes vote if you will without a word on this piece of legislation. Mr. President yesterday i brought my niece and nephew to this building for a moment and i told them about the fact that theres a place in the back hear that from time to time i have gone to pray before a big vote and how in recent times there havent been many votes that have been that decisive or that have weighed on me as much isay this vote today. Today is one of those votes. I have tremendous concerns about the sovereign immunity. The sovereign immunityri procedures that could be set in place by the country as a result of this vote, i do and for that reason i have circulated a tho letter that lays out those that concerns and numbers of people in this body of sign that letter and they have said could include unintended consequences as a result of do we know whats going to happen today. Ive seen our country standing be eroded over the course of the last several years and i know there is debate over that. In my opinion i have seen our standing sea road. Im concerned about the consequences that over time this vote will have on that. E, at the same time i believe that the victims of 9 11 do deserve an outlet, it away themselves of seeking justice in this particular case. This to me is not about saudi arabia. Its about us and i dont think the senate has yet gotten it right as it relates to the best way for the 9 11 victims to seek that justice. I know this bill provides a way for that to occur. I dont think its perfect. I think a better way might have been to establish some type of communal where experts could come in and identify what actually happened on discretionary decisions that to place within the country of saudi arabia. We make decisions around here that we believe are to be in our national interest. T. I have had tremendous difficulty with this one and thats the reason we have generated a letter of concern to the two sponsors of this bill who have handled this in a manner that they have. They have done an exemplary job. The senate to me is not functioned quite in the manner that it should nor has the house and i think we end up today with an imperfect solution. I have concerns about this legislation not having a way for i have concerns about the fact that over time if this continues to build upon itself we as a body, a body that to me could use some great strength again. We have a body that to me is itself back to the place where it should be and we had done the last couple of years. Institution of United States senate itself has diminished over time and we have got work to do to overcome that. So, on balance i think this bill has problems. I think that we will be dealing with overcoming this over timet. And i know numbers of us are going to gather to express that but i do think that to be consistent and to give the big sums who have lost so much an opportunity to express themselves in this way is the appropriate thing to do at this time. I have read the concerns that have been expressed by the head of our joint chiefs. I have read the letter that camy over from the president and certainly there are significant and important points to fma. Sly a matteroffact six months ago those points may have led us to a slightly different place today so with tremendous reservations and concerns about where this legislation is going to lead us, with tremendous empathy towards the victims that have lived through so much and have seen loved ones gone that have affected their lives and will affect their lives for the longterm im going to support the passage of this legislation today. But i do so understanding that there could be in fact unintended consequences at work against our national interestsua so with a determination should that occur the work with others in this body to try to overcome that. With that mr. President i yield the floor. I know the distinguished senator from new york who sponsored thi . Bill wishes to speak. Mr. President. H the senator from new york. How much time is left on each side . The democrats have 14 minute. Mr. Remaining. The majority has one minute remaining. I ask unanimous consent i be allowed to finish my remarks and the vote occur immediately thereafter. Is there objection . M without objection. Nn thank you and i thank my colleague from tennessee. I know he comes at this with the best of intentions and spirit. We disagree but he is an expert on foreignpolicy and all we all respect his judgment. I rise today mr. President to speak on behalf of my bill for justice against sponsors of terrorism act or jasta. Soon we will vote on whether or not to override the president s veto in this bill. This is a decision i do not tako lightly but as one of the authors of this legislation and a Firm Believer in its purpose i believe the senate should confidently vote to override and i will lay out the reasons whys as clearly as i can. Woul the bill is near and dear to my heart as the new yorker because it would allow the victims of 9 11 to pursue some small measure of justice, finally giving them the legal avenue to pursue the foreign sponsors of a terrorist attack that took the lives of their loved ones. The courts in new york unfortunately have dismissed the 9 11 victims claims against certain foreign entities alleged to have helped the 9 11 attacks. These courts are following what i believe is a fundamentally incorrect reading of the foreign sovereign immunities act. Do we really want it established and flexibly and president that Foreign Countries directly responsible for financing terrorist acts on u. S. Soil are beyond the reach of justice . I dont think so. I dont think that in an age where we have state sponsors of terrorism, i dont think that is what the Foreign Service immunities act ever intended and so for the sake of these families it should be made clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that every entity including foreign states, will be held accountable if they are sponsors of hate attacks like 9 11. Its very simple, the saudi were culpable they should be held accountable. If they had nothing to do with 9 11, they have nothing to fear. And i might add mr. President the families are not simply w seeking justice for themselves. They want to make sure that saudi arabia or any other country in the future knows they will pay the consequences if they aid and abet terrorism. R in a certain real sense they are lighting a candle. With when tragedy befall somebody in a horrible and irrational way, a vicious way as it did without these families the natural instinct come the scriptures tell us to curse the dark, why me to be angry and turn inward . To wish the world would go away. But these families with amazing fortitude, persistence andth courage are lighting a candle. They are trying to make the world a better place even though will never bring their loved ones back so it would never happen again and i so respect about t about them. Now let me address the foreignpolicy concerns some may have about the bill from which the veto or rises. Senator cornyn and i discussed in depth many times here on the floor how we have narrowed the bill to strike the proper balance between our interests abroad and the right of our citizens to obtain redress and there are victims of terrorism and u. S. Soil. It in fact mr. President we take the joint oped on that question u. S. Today that our requests be inserted into the record in its entirety. The chief without objection. I would like to read a section of the oped that addresses the chief concern of jasta opponents. Quote just as opponents claim the bill will subject u. S. Diplomats and u. S. Officials to a grass of potential lawsuits in foreign courts. Not true. Just simply builds on wellestablished principles. Returns the law to the way it was before the 2000 a court case that granted sovereign immunity even in terrorism cases where citizens are murdered on u. S. Soil. Lo in the decades before this there was no flood of lawsuits against u. S. Citizens and u. S. Interests consistent with that if sia has designated by Congress Victims can sue a Foreign Government if one of its employees causes damage arising from drunk driving assault or breach of contract. If u. S. Victims can sue a Foreign Government for these reasons they should be able to sue a Foreign Government that harms their loved ones by financing a terror attack on our homeland. Y so senator cornyn and i have worked hard over the course of six years and several iterations of the bill to strike the right talents. Its been a long long work in progress. I believe the measure of our success is reflected by the unanimous support the bill received in both houses ofe floo congress. In this body no Single Person object it when it was brought to the floor to be voted on. Democrats and republicans mr. President dont agree on much these days but we had great on jasta. Both parties agree that the families of the 9 11 big deserve justice. That more than anything else t should weigh most heavily on her minds today. Day mr. President its been 15 years since that awful day, the day that changed every new yorker, every american. We will never forget the shot, the fear and the holes in our hearts, the friends andd neighbors and loved ones we lost , the First Responders in union work or send firefighters and police who bravely rushed to the tower searching for signs of life in that smoldering rubble. I was there the day after and the smell of death was in the air. As a nation we came together. We rebuilt. As new yorkers we did the same but mr. President we will never, ever forget. And in this debate we cannot forget what this legislation means to the families of victims. It has been 18 years since Terry Estrada lost her husband tom who worked in the north tower. Terry didnt just lose a s husband, she lost a father to her young son and seven a dog or for a newborn baby boy. She lost a loving father and her best friend. Terry and her three children have championed this bill for over a decade. I thank them and all the other families especially Monica Gabriel Lindsay Feinberg Kristin Burke weisser for their tirelesr advocacy and patience. Of course no compensation could repair the broken hearts of the families that lost a loved one to such mindless hate but as jane bartels, mother from Staten Island who lost her husband called me on that morning 15 years ago. Recently, we just lost our day in court. D we just want our day in court. The victims of 9 11 and other terrorist acts have says its. Suffered pain and heartache. S they should not be denied their pursuit of justice. Mr. President theres always and zuccotti sunday by the senator cornyn and ive explained the chief argument used by detractors is not strong and in fact its lazy. When weighed against the marlins in. If we have to do right by the families of the 9 11 victims. The choice is clear, i urge myk colleagues to override. Thank you and i yield the floor. Heres not a call call from politico. President barack obama and former president bill clinton traveled to israel later this week for the Funeral Service of former israeli Prime Minister and president shimon peres. Obama will lead the u. S. Delegation to the funeral in jerusalem according to a Statement Released by the white House Wednesday afternoon and returns to washington on friday following the Funeral Service. After clintons press secretary confirm the former president is also planning to attend the service. Shimon peres died tuesday night at the age of 93. More at politico. Com. Secretary of state john kerry spoke about the life of mr. Perez. I just want to say couple of words because i know everybody here is mourning the passing of one of the worlds great statesman, a giant of history, a founding father of israel and h. Roux warrior for peace, shimon peres. I first met him three years ago when i was a younger senator and ever sense i have to tell you shimon peres has been an inspiration, a source of tremendous wisdom and insight and most importantly a real friend. I had dinner with him last year and listen to him talk and well into the night, sharing incredible wisdom and at age 92 or so which he was then incredible energy, commitment to going on into the future. He always said dont lose your curiosity, dont lose your projects, your sense of what you have to continue to do. Its those projects and visions that kept him going forward. He dedicated his life to the cause in israel that would be safe, secure, democratic, free and the homeland of the jewish people. He never lost that vision. So many times one of us traveling over there so frequently to meet with the Prime Minister he would express a frustration frank we and with a lack of seizure of opportunities by the iceboat restrained and necessarily respectful of the incumbent Prime Minister so he never inserted himself inappropriately in the dialogue. I can tell you he was impatient for peace for his country and impatient for the lost grabbed opportunities that were passing by. Women was at the Clinton Library dedication and number of years ago he spoke and he was one of the most eloquent people. I went up to him after and was chatting with him and i noticed he just jotted down notes on the back of an envelope or piece of paper and gave really one of the most eloquent most moving speeches of the day. This is a man who was long a towering figure of moral leadership, moral leadership and as i listen to jane talk about whats happening in syria never has there have been a moment where we need our global sense of morality were then now. Shimon peres will be hugely missed. There said great gap that exists now and everybody who knew him and admired him and was inspired by him by his example for their pursuit of justice and peace will continue i know to remain inspired and motivated by him. Online cspan. Org and honor cspan radio app. The ceo of wells fargo will lose 41,000,000 dollars in stock compensation because of the Company Sales practices and unauthorized customer accounts. John is on capitol hill taking questions from members of the House Financial Services committee. Live coverage at 10 00 a. M. Eastern, on cspan. The next president making appointments to the Supreme Court of the United States will be president , donald trump. With Hillary Clinton in the white house the rest of the world will never forget why they have always looked up to the United States of america. At cspans campaign 2,016,016 continues on the road to the white house with a Vice President ial debate between the republican governor, mike pence and democratic senator, tim kane in virginia. Beginning at 7 30 p. M. Eastern with a preview of the debate. At 830 p. M. , the predebate briefing for the audience, at nine p. M. , live coverage at 9 0e debate followed by viewer reaction. The 2060 Vice President ial debate, watch live on cspan, watch on cspan, watch live anytime on demand at cspan. Org, and listen live on the free cspan radio app. Election and Technology Officials to questions about Voting Machines and cyber security. Congress has talked about prohibiting election systems tabulating votes from being connected to the internet. This has oversight subcommittee hearing on information technology, it, it is chaired by will heard of texas

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