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Assistance. And we didnt take away that program. We actually just raised the barometer to 20, and it saved taxpayers 8 billion in the program. Thats 8 billion that we can put towards making sure that those who need benefits the most are going to get them. Ial believe that we ought to implement i also believe we ought to implement some kind of work requirement that was common place under the clinton era welfare to work program thats been changed during this administration. And i, for the life of me, cannot understand why america should be satisfied with a program that doesnt require an ablebodied adult who has no dependent children, who is not enrolled in a training or education program, who doesnt take care of an adult dependent, who doesnt meet a plethora of other exemptions, i dont know why we cant pair them with a job. And if a job is not available, why cant we pair them with Community Service or volunteer Service Opportunities where they can learn skills that will get them the best benefit that their family can have . Thats a job. Moderator judge callis, we want you to chime in on this. Callis yeah. Talking to people in these Community Centers, i think it is not the right approach to demand someone that they have to have a job when you dont know what that person is going through in their own lives with whatever domestic abuse, drug and alcohol abuse. So i think it is a presumptuous way to govern. And if you listen to mr. Davis, they were burning the midnight oil there passing bill after bill after bill. I mean, this is the most nonproductive congress that weve had since the history of congress. So i think its a holistic approach, and we need to, first of all, we shouldnt let as congressman davis congress did when the longterm Unemployment Benefits were extended by the senate, they died in the house because everybody went on vacation there. 185,000 vet irans, 185,000 veterans were left out in the cold because they didnt have the longterm Unemployment Benefits. So what can we do . Well, i think strengthen pell grants, for instance, so these people can go to school, people that are on minimum wage can go to school and also be able to better themselves, get a better job. And it wouldnt be the ryan budget way where the Needs Analysis testing was constricted and the eligibility was reduced. Also what i was able to do as chief judge, and i think this is a philosophy that i would have as a congressperson, and that is youre on the ground, and youre listening. What can you do at these Community Centers . When ive gone there, people there are things that are going on with the urban league like man camp when people come out of prison or probation to teach them and how can they get into the employment universe. So im really having been a statewide leader on justice and Mental Health and Restorative Justice issues, not only veterans court, but a true believer in drug court and Mental Health court where people can become productive citizens by going through these programs. I could see where i could travel around our district to each county and see what they have going and see what they dont and really being a bridge to the Justice System which i think would fill a true gap to help the people in this district. Moderator weve got another we from twitter, what will you do to help improve new fuel energies in illinois and the u. S. . Judge callis . Callis well, i was pleased to see that illinois is number one in Renewable Energy sources. And we have great opportunities here with our nine colleges and universities, especially here at university of illinois with the wonderful innovators here. So what can we do to expand on this and grow great jobs right here . Draw out our innovators, join them with our local business. So our students graduate from this Wonderful University and want to raise their children in these Wonderful World class communities and how we can advance them forward. And i saw that decatur had the chance to get the genotype lab, and that was lost to fargo, north dakota. So how can we do that to sustain ourselves, but also draw in businesses, what can we do . So i would just continue to work, build coalitions, get things done. Moderator congressman davis. Davis well, i appreciate anns comments, and thats exactly what ive been trying to do, is build coalitions to insure that we make our next mission to the moon to make America Energy independent. When you look at energy independence, we have the ability to grow our economy by doing something as simple as building the keystone pipeline. The president and his administration have overstudied this permit more so than any other project in our nations history. And even members of organized labor estimate it will create 40,000 new jobs. That oil is coming from canada via train and truck now. Lets put it in a safe pipeline, lets create american jobs. And thats exactly the first step in becoming Energy Independent. And thats how we actually use all of our energy sources, especially those that are home grown right here in illinois. We have a perfect example of a state that decided to make themselves Energy Independent x chas and thats north dakota. North dakotas minimum wage is not set by government right now, its the marketplace, its about 18 an hour because they made the decision to make north dakota Energy Independent, and theyre reaping the benefits of a very low unemployment rate, an economy thats growing exponentially. And were sitting here in illinois with the worst job growth in the first seven months of this year. Its unacceptable, and things need to change, and i hope to continue to lead that charge from washington d. C. Moderator all right, next topic, moving to education. 13th Congressional District includes the university of illinois main campus, u of i springfield, and a number of ore colleges and universities. Recent estimates show tuition continues to get more expensive while total Student Loan Debt has grown to more than a billion dollars for the very first time. Education is next. Hannah will get things started with a question to congressman davis. Congressman, two years ago in a debate in this studio you said you would increase access to pell grants and added you would not have supported the ryan budget that would have slashed funding, and in the end you did support a ryan budget that freezes pell grants, cutting about 90 billion over the next ten years. What changed . Davis nothing changed. And, frankly, that was a ryan budget that was done before i was elected. Just because paul ryan is chairman of the budget committee, each budget takes his name. That was a much different one than i supported that balances in ten years. But lets look at the ryanmurray bipartisan comprehensive appropriations package that increased pell grants. Its not just about putting a vision in place. And when you talk about cuts, only in washington, d. C. Can zero growth in a vision document be considered a cut. We are looking to make sure that we balance the budget, and if we get back to our constitutional appropriations process instead of running off of a continuing resolution where it allows the president and the leaders of both parties, of both houses to determine how washingtons spending money, if we can get away e from that process, youre not going to have things like acrosstheboard cuts and sequestration. Youre going to be able to allow a freshman congressman to have a say in spending decisions and how we reprioritize to make sure college is affordable. Im proud that a i actually voted to stop the student Loan Interest rates from doubling in june and july of 2013. This is something that should never have happened because at that time, thats something that should never have happened because at that Time Congress was in the beginning of setting student loan rates. Congress shouldnt be in the business of setting student loan rates, families should take advantage of rates that are at historical lows. And we need to change the debate from how much a student is going to pay for an everincreasing debt at the end of their College Education and what Interest Rate its going to be, because we stopped them from doubling. We need to do what ive been doing as a member of congress. When i go to College Campuses and universities, including my alma mater milliken university, thank you for mentioning them i talk to those who are in charge about when they ask me to raise the pell grant again, i say what are you doing to make sure that that pell grant goes further for our students . What are you doing to make sure that students have the ability to work on the university if they want to to help pay their college debt so they dont have that debt when they leaf college . Leave college . Thats the type of leadership ive been exhibiting in this district, and thats exactly what i intend to continue to do in my next term. And judge callis, would you support an increase to pell grant funding, and how would you pay for it . Callis well, absolutely. We need to support an increase in pell grant funding. And how we pay for that is, i think, what i talked about before and also there is a bill out there called the government waste reduction act. And it will go after and see where we can cut, see what we can slice, see where we can save some dollars into our national economy, and i just have to mention, mr. Davis, you sat in this studio, and you said you wouldnt vote for a ryan budget to cut pell grants, and then you vote ised for a ryan budget to cut pell grants. So you say one thing and do another and say another thing and do another thing. Another program that we have that can bring in billions of dollars is the heap program. It goes after medicare fraud, waste and abuse and medicaid fraud, waste and abuse. I think its in seven United States cities now, and its a u. S. Attorneydriven program thats been very, very successful. I think strengthening those types of programs. But talking to students, they do rely on pell grants. I talk to one woman whose husband and partner was deployed, and she was struggling to go to school, and pell grants were very, very important to her, and that was on a campus of Southern Illinois university in edwardsville. So also ive seen people its the next bubble, that a trillion dollars, student debt. So how do we address that . And i think people who have graduated and have these, the student debt should be able to renegotiate their Student Loans at the current rate. Also you shouldnt do what the ryan budget does, and that would be charging students interest on their loans while theyre still in school. Moderator all right. Weve got to move on to the next topic to get everything in. Earlier this Year Congress put off funding a comprehensive transportation bill until next year. The revenue for the program has dropped off rapidly in recent years. In a decade can transportation spending fell by 12 , transportation, the next category. Hannah has the first question here for judge callis. Would you support an increase in the gas tax, 18. 4 per gallon, excuse me, federal gasoline tax for bridge and highway repairs and other transportation items given, you know, what jennifer has laid out . Callis no, i would not. I think theyre just too overly burdensome on our middle class and working families. But the transportation bill, it was, it kicked the can down the road which causes a lot of uncertainty for our labor whether theyre going to have any Infrastructure Projects or not. And ive heard this from a lot of our labor unions. So, again, i would be against the gas tax. And congressman, you sit on the transportation committee. Davis i do. What do you think . Davis well, before i get to that, let me address what my opponent has said. Let me be clear, the ryan budget i voted for did not cut pell grants. The only issue on pell grants that ive addressed is actually voting to raise pell grants. It is an issue that im going to continue to address, and im going to continue to make sure that we put College Affordability first. Because ive got a dollar whos going to be going to college next year. I know that many families are facing costs that they didnt imagine would be that high when they took their child to kindergarten for the first day and dreamt that they would be able to get that College Education. We need to work to reduce the cost of attending colleges, make sure the state lives up to its promise. Transportation, i during my endorsement from the chicago tribune, i was called an infrastructure wonk. And this is an issue that ive been talking about throughout my entire campaign in 2012 and now. I was one of the few republicans who actually stood and said we need to invest more in infrastructure. And how do we do that . Do we do it by simply raising the gas tax which even most policy organizations on the right and the left agree is going to go down and dwindle and put ourselves in the exact same position we are today with an everdecreasing amount of money we can dedicate toward Infrastructure Spending . Thats not the best idea. What we need to do and what identify been talking about is putting together a portfolio. Lets take revenues from making America Energy exhibit and put it independent and put it towards rebuilding and building our crumbling roads and infrastructure. And thats exactly what we did on the Water Infrastructure bill that i was proud to cosponsor and pass. And thats exactly the type of bipartisan leadership that im going to continue to exhibit when it comes to our highways and our bridges. And i want to make sure we have that debate. And as a matter of fact, i actually, i drove an electric vehicle here in the champagne area because it was a trade with my colleague, janice hahn, who talks about having an electric vehicle and never putting her car up with gas. It was a great example, a bipartisan example where we talked about the different Transportation Needs in her region which is Downtown Los Angeles and my region which is. Counties, and the 14 counties. Id like to thank charlie for representing, i couldnt get home to taylorville. So these are issues we need to address and put that portfolio together, and i cant wait to get back to do that. Locally, theres a lot of talk about highspeed rail in Central Illinois and especially through champagne urbana. How could such an expensive project be financed with todays federal transportation revenue . Davis well, its being financed, and its becoming a reality in the chicago to st. Louis corridor. Ive been somebody thats worked on that project in its infancy, and were seeing the improvements. And what we need to do is make sure that we put good policies in place, and well make sure we get that portfolio of sources that are going to go beyond i guess what im talking about is the one that would operate at, i think, 220 . Is that really possible, the cost of that . Davis i dont like to say anythings impossible when it comes to infrastructure. We just have to make sure we put good policies in place and mechanisms to make sure that americas able to afford that infrastructure so champagne can be the beneficiary of a highspeed rail corridor thats going through champagne. Im proud to work with laura wise and mary gerard and all of the officials who have come to me and talked to me about this project. Were going to continue to make sure that we put infrastructure first, and thats exactly why i requested that seat on the transportation and infrastructure committee, and thats exactly why i want to go back to remain on that committee. Judge callis, do you think thats a doable project . Callis well, i wouldnt absolutely say no. My role as your congresswoman, if im honored to be elected, is what kind of Infrastructure Projects are feasible and reasonable, and what can we do to improve our communities here. And mr. Davis said he was in leadership, leadership on transportation in d. C. , then why wasnt a comprehensive transportation bill passed . Why was the can kicked down the road . And im sure its fun driving around in an electric car, but i dont know how that helps the people of this district. We need to get back to serving the people that we were honored to be elected by instead of serving ourselves. So its an entire philosophy change that needs to be done here. Moderator were just getting down to the last couple of minutes. Tom, you had a question about military to local Police Departments yeah. Judge callis, one of the issues around here was the militarization of local police. Weve prorted that a federal reported that a federal program sold dozens of assault rifles to area Police Departments, i know its happening in springfield and here. Is that something the federal government should do . Callis well, it probably sounded like a good idea at the beginning, because it was excess military gear. But seeing the visual on tv, what happened in ferguson with these tanks and these Police Officers dressed in absolute military gear and on with assault weapons with demonstrators on the other side shouldnt happen. So there should be some transparency and oversight. And i can tell you my son is an expert on m4 assault weapons. That takes a lot of training. So it can concerns me that Police Officers wouldnt have the training even to handle these types of weapons. So, yeah, i think that this should be looked at and see what you can do with type of program. Congressman . Davis well, i think some of our Police Officers, unlike my opponent, are actually the most well trained individuals we have. But i, too, am concerned about mraps, the visual we saw in missouri. And thats why this Program Needs to take up be looked at by members of congress. We need to insure that its going to provide the equipment thats going to be beneficial to our communities. Would you just prefer it be shut down . Davis deafs no. The program itself we cant throw the baby out with the bath water because the same program has given Dewitt County a humvee, and do you know what the Sheriffs Office does with that . Sends deputies out when its snowing and its easy, and he pulls stranded motorists out of the ditch. These are good things that are being done by excess military equipment, and we have to be very diligent in making sure that we dont get rid of those opportunities. We have to make sure that we address the visuals that we saw in ferguson with the mrap, but we also have to make sure that those driving through Dewitt County get an opportunity to get served by the sheriff too. Moderator quickly, a question about Climate Change. Yes, very quickly. The first question goes to you, congressman. Do you believe that Climate Change is real and that its manmade, and what could the federal government do to reduce the effects of Climate Change . Davis oh, ive been clear. Ive said Climate Change is real. We can discuss how much of it is natural and how much of it is manmade, and what we have to do is continue to do what americas done, lead the world in emissions reductions. But at the same time, not sacrificing growth and jobs in our economy. Judge callis. Callis Climate Change absolutely exists. I mean, manmade Climate Change keys exists, and all we have to do is look out our window some days and absolutely have firsthand knowledge that it exists. So, yes, i think that emissions restrictions should be in place but not at the expense of jobs. So i think its not a black or white issue, but its a fine balance. But we continue and i think we have such a great opportunity here, again, with our nine colleges and universities, to really go to they were to explore the alternative energy and Renewable Energy sources and really be a leader in our nation, in our nation in this district with Renewable Energy sources. Moderator okay, really quick, i have to ask this because it was on facebook. If you had a song that played when you walked in [laughter] what would it be . What would your theme song be . Weve got to wrap callis i have one. Moderator all right. Callis katy perrys roar. Moderator congressman davis, whats your theme song . Davis lets say creed, had the higher. Higher. [laughter] callis i like that song. Moderator thank you to the candidates for congress in illinois 13 district. Thanks also to the Candidates Campaign organizations, our panel of reporters and our audience both here in the studio and following on tv, radio and online. Im jennifer rosco, good night. [applause] the 2014 Midterm Election next week, our Campaign Debate coverage continues. Tonight at eight eastern on cspan, the new Jersey Senate debate with senator cory booker and jeff bell. And at nine, the South Carolina Senate Debate with senator tim scott, Joyce Dickerson and bill bossy. Jill bossy. On cspan2, the georgia 12th district debate between john barrow and rick allen. At 8 30, its the pennsylvania sixth district debate with Ryan Costello and manny [inaudible] and at nine, the maine Second District debate between bruce, emily cain and blaine richardson. And then at 10 is p. M. Eastern, the New Hampshire First District debate with representative carol sheaporter and former representative frank begin that. And wednesday night at eight on cspan, live coverage of the louisiana Senate Debate between senator mary landrieu, representative bill cassidy and rob manus. At nine, the maine Senate Debate with senator Susan Collins and [inaudible] and then at ten its the texas Senate Debate between senator john cornyn and david alomil. On thursday night at eight eastern, the illinois governors debate. At nine, the new york governors debate with governor andrew cuomo, rob astorino, Howie Hawkins and michael mcdermott. And then at ten, the New Hampshire Senate Debate between senator Jeanne Shaheen and scott brown. At 10 p. M. Eastern on cspan2, the New Hampshire governors debate. At nine, the oregon governors debate with governor John Kitzhaber and dennis richardson. And at ten, the south dakota Senate Debate green four candidates. Cspan campaign 2014, more than 100 debates for the control of congress. Earlier today on washington journal, we spoke with an iowa reporter on the u. S. Senate race in the state. Democratic congressman bruce braley and republican challenger joni ernst are in a tight race that recent polling has found to be a tossup. Iowas open seat comes after fiveterm democrat tom harkin announced his retirement. Heres more now about the race. Host want to go now to iowa where Jennifer Jacobs is joining us on the phone, chief political reporter for the Des Moines Register there to talk about thein iowa senate race. Another closelywatched race for control of the senate. Ate. Jennifer jacobs, lets just begin with the status of it. What are the polls showing, still a tossup . Guest yeah, its definitely a tossup. There are so many polls coming out now, i think well see one just about every day until election dayve in seven days bu, yeah, of course, the nbc news poll on sunday showed ernst is up four, theres a college poll where we expect things to stay very, very close. Host and youre referring to joni ernst, the republican, over the democrat, bruce braley. This is also, Jennifer Jacobs, being seen as one of the more colorful i races for senate, and partly to do with the their personal stories and things that have happened. I want to show our viewers a couple of ads, and then well talk about them on the other side. Dude, they left the gate open, lets go for a walk no way. Last time we did that, we almost got sued. What are you talking about . Remember when we were chilling down by bruce braleys Vacation Home . Om e . Yeah, the guy running forha senator. Yeah. He threatened to sue over that. Because we walked on his property . Uhhuh. He threats to sue threatens to sue over chickens. Not very neighborly. Its not very iowa. We need tort reform, not a guy who makes a federal case out of chickens. Its a mess. Dirty, noisy, and it stinks. Not this, im talking about the one in washington. Too many typical politicians, hogging, wasting and full of well, lets just say bad ideas. Its time to stop spending money we dont have and balance the budget. Im joni ernst, i approved this message because cleaning up the mess in washington is gonna take a whole lot of iowa common sense. Host Jennifer Jacobs joining us from iowa this morning. So pigs and chickens, how is this playing in iowa . [laughter] guest iowans kind of roll their eyes at all the farm animal talk, it plays into a stereotype about iowa that im know bugs some people. But, you know, if youre a democrat, you see those joni ernst hog references and it grates on their nerves. If youre a democrat and you see those bruce braley, im sorry, the other way around. If youre liberal and you see those republican ads and if youre democratic and or if youre republican and you see liberal ads, get ets on it gets on your nerves. But these negative campaignsese work. K. Iowans can be rather cynical. We are exposed to so Many Political ads, and iowans are more likely to believe negative ads and vote the negative ads are effective, and thats why theyre all over the tv waves. Host so what other issues are playing out in thision . Election . I mean, is that the pri marijuana are those the primary ones, or what are voters talking about in iowa . Guest not at all. Probably bruce braleys top issue, hes talking about Social Security, hes talking about abortion, hes talking about the minimum wage. Jonilk ernst is talking about wt she calls theaway which she says has to do with the strength of the iowa economy, unemployment is low here, we have a balanced budget. Ed b she says that weve been shes been removing regulations and putting sunset clauses on regulation, so she calls that theaway. Bruce the iowa way. Up bruce braley plays up the social issues, ernst focusing more on the military in the middle east and the economic issues. So those are the ones, those are the issues that the candidatesec areon bringing up the most. Host yeah. I want to show our viewers a couple of ads for bruce braley, and then weid can talk about the as well. Go ahead. This election isnt about joniest or me, its about who will be best for iowa. Be iowa has lost tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs, yet joni ernst wants to keep giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas. I say t it has to stop. We need to eliminate tax breakings for companies thatanie outsource our jobs and cut taxes for companies that hire american workers. Huge corporations dont need a senator, you do. Im bruce braley, and i approved this message. They talk about relying on Social Security, and joni ernst talks about privatizing it. Joni ernst so extreme, shed risk seniors retirement on the stock market, ending theior guaranteed minimum benefit. Bruce braley stood up to those trying to privatize Social Security. Hell protect Social Security for all of us. All the Democratic Senatorial Campaign committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. Host Jennifer Jacobs, lets take that last ad by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign committee, airing that with one week to go. What does that tell you . guest yeah. The negative ads always say that, you know, theyre worried whenever you see the positive ads as an emphasis, it tells you theyre pretty confident. The negative ads say theyre worried, for sure. Rrie and the democratic, the National Democratic party is one of the the biggest players here. The Senate Majority pac is probably spending the most, and then, you know, theres nearly the same amount of spending on the republican side too. But ernst has been the biggest target of negative ads in iowa, more so than the democrat, bruce braley. Host what about the female vote here . I mean, iowa could be electingwac the first female to congress by voting for joni ernst. But is she, is she connecting with female voters in iowa . Guest with some but definitely not as many as you would like to. She plays better with men and republicans in iowa than she does with women. But i know that the campaign has been trying to work on that. They have a force of women who promote her on a regular basis, including our lieutenant governor. The you talked about outside money coming from democrats. Where the outside money for republicans coming from . Which group . Caller the karl rove money coming in. The Koch Brothers money coming in. Those are the big ones. The national republicans. Wiou be watcng week to go,hat host so with one week to go, Jennifer Jacobs, what will you be watching for . Guest i will be watching to see if the democrats continue to play up the social issues. Of course, we will be watching to see if there are any mistakes. I dont think that these candidates can just make it through. Host all right. Jennifer jacobs. You can follow reporting on the website. Appreciate your time. Guest youre welcome. Tomorrow lowering glass gas and Energy Prices and the potential threat to the u. S. Economy. Then a discussion on National Security issues in campaign 2014. After that a talk about how tech millionaires in Silicon Valley are using money to change education policy in the u. S. , plus phone calls, facebook comments, and tweets all tomorrow morning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. Be part of cspan campaign 2014 coverage. You can instantly share your reactions to what candidates say. The battle for control of congress. Stay in touch and engaged by following us on twitter and liking us on facebook. More campaign 2014 coverage now with another debate, one of more than 100. Up next, candidates for the New Hampshire Senate Democratic incumbent Jeanne Shaheen face is incumbent challenger and former massachusetts senator scott brown. Successful this is just under an hour. Tonight a highstakes debate. New hampshire deserves better than fear mongering and grandstanding. The current senator from New Hampshire verses the former senator from massachusetts. Putting New Hampshire first. Says wind . A carpetbagger. I will answer only to you democrat to Jeanne Shaheen is fighting attempts to label her as a rubberstamp for the president. Some of the biggest names in washington are taking sides in this state that holds the lead up president ial primary Jeanne Shaheen. Scott brown. Jeanne shaheen. Scott brown. Election day is almost here. The senators phrases above ramps, and it is New Hampshire is joyce. It. Live from crawford, New Hampshire. This is debate night. We want to drop will commute tonight tough questions for the democratic senator from the state, clinton, and republican challenger, the former senator from massachusetts, scott brown. Enjoined. We will your questions from New Hampshire residents. All of our viewers join this debate in realtime. Tell us when you agree or disagree to the candidates response. Lets get right to the debate. Both candidates will have one minute to respond to questions about 30 seconds for rubles. We will allow conversation and actually press them to answer questions asked. Welcome to this debate. Thanks to both of you for joining us. Let me start with you. The news of the day, a possible double less care right now in new york city. A doctor just back from west africa rushed to the hospital in manhattan. He did not self quarantine. We know that he went to a Bowling Alley in brooklyn. Here is the question, should the federal government to mandate quarantines for highrisk individuals like this doctor . Brown with france to that question i want to thank our sponsors and it senator Jeanne Shaheen the participating. This is a rational fear. He should have known better we have a situation where the policy with the cdc and the president hiring a czar who had no experience in this field is an area where we disagree. We need a clear and concise policy. What the president to succeed, but it is confusing we need to be reassured because there is an irrational fear that this and other types of diseases will come into our country. Moderator go ahead. Specifically, is there anything that the president is not doing that you would like to do to better protect americans from a bullet . Shaheen i understand why people are concerned and afraid because this is a new disease we have not seen before her. We need to do Everything Possible to make sure people are safe. It reminds me of the post september 11th time when we were governor and i was dealing with the threat of anthrax and buyer terrorism. I brought together medical experts and Emergency Response folks to make recommendations on how we put protections in place. Now we need to rely on the experts. We need to make sure that we take every measure that is going to keep people safe. Screening at the airport is an important step. I think that the effort to solve self quarantine is important to mention the need to followup to make sure that it works. I think that we have to take every measure possible to insure people are safe, and we should do that working together. We should not be here maundering about this issue. Moderator do you agree that the federal government should mandate quarantines . Well, i think we have got screenings in place now commander need to check and see how they will work. You know, one of the challenges is that people are not getting a lot of accurate information. Windy tip make sure people understand what this disease is, know what to look for, and there are plans in place, protocols, met with the Emergency Response officials and Public Health officials to talk to them about the plans in place here in New Hampshire. And i think that we are responding positively. We need to make sure at the federal level not only are we doing screenings but also providing support that local communities and states need because they are the First Responders. Moderator is senator browned, respond. He recently said that had mitt romney been elected president we would not be worrying about a ball right now. What are you saying . That it is president obamas fall that we are worrying about a bullet . Brown of course not, but i would like to respond. The center said that we do not have accurate information. That is the issue. It there has been misinformation. We need to do a travel ban. It makes sense to make sure that anyone who has been in an infected country would come back and obviously gets creamed. And while i was referring to governor romney, we were talking about a host of things because he was right on russia, obamacare, the economy. Had he been president i feel he would have had a clear and concise plan to reassure the American People that this is the problem, how we will deal with it and what you can do to help. We do not need to be experts this is common sense. To have the president go and the point is are strictly for political purposes makes absolutely no sense, and that is part of the problem with this administration. Confusing and incoherent policies like this, very problematic. Moderator go ahead. Shaheen again, neither my opponent or i are Infectious Disease experts. What we have heard is there is concern a travel ban would make this worse. I am in the camp of, lets do what will work based upon what we are hearing from medical experts and Emergency Response experts. And so that is what i support. Moderator you do not support a travel ban . Shaheen what i said, if the experts tell us that is what we need to do and is workable, that is what we should support. I am not willing to tell the experts that, this is what we have to do. Brown i called for a travel ban, bipartisan members of the congressional delegations in congress have called for a travel ban. It is very typical that she waits to get the okay from the president. I am encouraged that she finally has said that, in fact, she supports a travel ban and joins with one of our local congressman. We need to be safe. You do not need to be an expert to use common sense policy. The president and his team are issuing confusing policies on this issue. Moderator would you like to respond . Shaheen the cdc and that dallas hospital did make mistakes. The important thing is, we learned from our mistakes and put measures in place to address. What we do not need his people fear mongering about this issue. We deny any people who do not have medical expertise trying to get people concerned about what we have got to do to respond. Moderator who is fear mongering . Shaheen i think that is what my opponent has been doing in talking about people coming across the border who have ebola who are going to a affect people in this country. We heard that the americans who had been ill, and being treated for this are now one nurses out of the hospital, and the other is doing much better. The camera man is out of the hospital, so we have been successful in treating infected americans, and we need to make sure we continue to follow the same some kind of procedures to address the challenge. Moderator she says your fear mongering. Brown i am glad you brought that up. She calls it fear mongering. I call it irrational fear. Their is a rational fear that this is real. To not take my word for it. General kelly in charge of the border in mexico has indicated that the clearest pathway to bring anything to the southern border, so it is not meet talking. It is also general kelly and many other people that care and understand this issue. That is why we need to close the border. It is so critical that is a huge difference. Moderator lets just be precise. Are you saying ebola is crossing the border . Brown i never have by general kelly has indicated and stated the clearest pat to get any type of disease, especially if ebola his latinAmerican People will be coming through the southern border like it is a wideopen situation, as it is, but even worse. He recommends we close it in the event that happens. Moderator i just want to be clear. As far as the travel ban, you want to get more of expertise and advice. Shaheen that is not what i said. If the experts tell us that this is a workable plan, that is what i would support if you support securing the border with mexico and was then you should support comprehensive immigration reform. That is what i have supported. My opponent is not. There are strong measures in the legislation that has been passed by the senate with bipartisan support. That would strengthen the border, 700mile fence, double the number of agents, more money for surveillance and interdiction. That is what we should be doing careful one point, when you said, i guarantee you we would not be worrying about ebola right now at mitt romney been president of the United States can you stand by that . Brown with all respect to what i said is, we are talking about many different issues, obamacare, him being right on russia. Had he been a charge we would have a clear and concise policy is to what were going to do to well where we are going, and how we can help. With regard to immigration moderator let me interrupt. He also said, we would not be worrying about the ball right now if romney was president. Brown that was taken out of context. Moderator this was not taken out of context. Brown once again, it was taken out of context but whittaker of him being right on obamacare, russia, we would not be in this situation with regard to the economy. Moderator let me read the exactly what you said. Can you imagine it made was the president right now . He was right on russia, obamacare, the economy, and i guarantee you, we would not be worrying about it all right now and noriega about our foreign policies drops. Brown thank you for repeating it for the fourth time. What we were talking about specifically is he would have a clear and concise policy about that issue. I think it is important to talk about immigration. I voted to send troops to the border. She has done the complete opposite end is referring to a bill that would have given the president the ability to actually legalize about 11 Million People and give them the ability to work and take away jobs. I am going to be working for the people of New Hampshire so that they can get jobs. A way to stop this because he is preparing right now it appears to legalize additional people who are not entitled to those benefits. We need to deal with the funding issues. Moderator we will get to immigration and a moment. Shaheen well, what i am talking about is a bill that passed with strong bipartisan support from republicans and democrats, not one that the president supported. We need the house to take this up because if we are really going to deal with our broken immigration system windy to address not just Border Security but our visa system, both people who are here illegally, and despite the suggestion from my opponent, that is not amnesty. Moderator all right. A question. Getting back. The president plans to send 4,000 u. S. Military personnel to west africa, and that includes a general in our owner in New Hampshire National Guard to help prevent the spread of the disease. The question as to are you concerned about sending u. S. Troops to the bowl of hot sun . Shaheen i am always concerned about troops when they are deployed anywhere, but the challenge that we have is that we need to help contain ebola. The United States has offered to lead that effort by sending equipment, troops. Most of those troops with very few exceptions are not going to be on the front lines working with patients but helping to train medical personnel in the free infected countries in west africa, helping to build Health Centers and labs said that they can make sure that they can test people for a blowout. What we know is coming of we are really going to contain this disease we need to make sure that we fight it wary exists. That has happened in the past. We have been able to support efforts to contain the disease. We need to do that now. As long as ebola exists in africa, there is the threat that it can go anywhere else in the world. Moderator the other big story of the day. Yesterday there was a terrorist attack in canada right across the border from New Hampshire, not far from where we are right now. What additional security measures, if any, should be taken along New Hampshire is northern border with canada . Brown first of all, heart goes out to those who have lost their lives. Obviously a serious situation with one of our greatest allies in the world, canada. The Prime Minister said that it is terrorism, and i agree with him based upon the information and things that we have heard. Is the question is, what are we going to do . We need to take any and all precautions to make sure that we use diligence and vigilance which is another reason we need a strong immigration policy, the show we not only deal with our number but southern border. To step back a minute, u. S. To a previous question about our troops. I recently retired from the military. I take our troops and their mission is very seriously. The question i have had from the beginning is, what is the mission . The senator said herself that we are not ebola experts. Well, neither are our troops. Were putting an enormous with no Clear Mission or safeguards that i am aware of where the president has told us. I would like to know more. Moderator let me just ask a specific question. What additional security measures, if any, need to be taken . Brown im sorry. Well, thank you. Once again, i said that we need to make sure we work with our partners to enhance Border Security working with immigration officials. If there is a need for troops to that is up to the governor working through federal officials. That is obviously important. Common sense issues making sure we deal with Homeland Security and that they have a clear line of communication. There have been problems in the past to be kidding with federal, state, and local officials. A lot of that has been addressed, but we must work with our canadian allies and federal lawenforcement officials and state and local officials to make sure there is a clear and concise plan and communication. Moderator you serve on capitol hill in washington, member of the Senate Foreign relations committee. You saw what happened yesterday. What should the u. S. Be doing to make sure Something Like that never happens on capitol hill in washington . Shaheen again, i share the concern about our canadian neighbors, and i offer them our condolences. This shows why it is very important to support not just our Online Security efforts but also our Law Enforcement, First Responders which is what i have done my entire career, supported the resources in washington to make sure that they have what they need as they protect us. I actually chaired a subcommittee of appropriations that has oversight over capitol police. This is where theyre is a difference which way my opponent and myself. What scott brown did in the Massachusetts Legislature was consistently vote to cut resources for Law Enforcement and First Responders. They have to have the resources that they need. I would never cut resources for First Responders to provide tax breaks for millionaires, and that is what my opponent did when he was in washington. Endorsed by the New Hampshire Police Association and the firefighters here. Moderator senator brown. Brown as a Ranking Member on the Armed Services, 0. 35 your member of the army National Guard serving the last three at the pentagon, my First Priority is the safety and security of this country which is why i have been and others have spoken about securing our borders first and foremost and we need to make sure we streamline and consolidate every federal program to make sure that we can maximize the federal dollars that you were getting. The federal ever been right now is not a good steward of our money. The Obama Administration has provided get resources, but there are holes where we must look harder. Moderator let me followup on this. The whole threat of isis end the war that the u. S. Is engaged in get this terrorist group. If the military commanders were to suggest some of u. S. Ground combat forces have to go into iraq and syria, would you support that . Brown isis is a real issue, irrational fear not only with our citizens, but throughout the world. We have to look back . This is getting bigger and better. The size of new england. Right now general dempsey has said previously there may be a time when we need to send Ground Troops. President obama and senator Jeanne Shaheen and immediately taken that off the table. My question in the last debate was, what if airstrikes dont work . Than what . There was not an answer and i am not sure if there will be one tonight. To take the greatest fighting force off the table right away is not how you deal with a battle. I would rely on the generals on the ground and general and see to make sure that we know the full picture, and this the president should use congress to come up with those answers are that we can be fully informed and talked to constituents. Right now there have been half steps and missteps and as a result our allies dont trust us, our foes stop your respect us. It is an interim policy. And those have been endorsed moderator go ahead and answer the question. Shaheen well, general dempsey just last week said that we do not need to send troops in. I dont support sending tens of thousands of troops to the middle east as an occupying force. The threat of isis is real, but we should not be here are wondering. The fact is, my opponent ran weeks of ads that said a radical islamic terrorists threatened to cause the collapse of america. Well, that is just not true. We have the Strongest Military in the world, and we are not going to let isis or any other terrorist group cause the collapse of this country. Moderator was it a mistake for the president of the United States to take Ground Troops off the table . Shaheen again, i think were building an international coalition. My opponent says our allies do not trust us, but we have over 60 partners in our coalition engaged in air strikes with not just European Partners but arab countries. We have taken out hundreds of isis fighters. We are also going after the financing of isis, the recruitment effort, and, again, i do not think that we should be putting tens of thousands of american troops pankin as an occupying force, and we should also not be talking about isis anyway that spreads here and panic among or population. That is just political grandstanding grandstanding. We need people to talk about this in a serious way that will address the challenge. Moderator answer the question. Was a mistake for the president to take the option of inserting u. S. Combat Ground Troops off the table . Shaheen not right now. And general dempsey said within the last two weeks that he does not recommend putting Ground Troops into the middle east right now. And i do not think that the American People want to see tens of thousands of american troops back in the middle east. But if were going to authorize the use of military force in the middle east, we need to have the president comes to congress and make that request and have that debate. The people of this country and our fighting force, our military men and women. Brown with respect to the senator, she still has not answered your question. She did not answer it in the last debate as well, and that is part of the problem. She is so tight end with president obama and his failed policies. The question was would you agree with the president to send crowds troops are not . The bottom line is, she has already taken it off the table. And we have there is no one talking about occupying forces. We are talking about a transitional force. We are not occupiers. Were there to assist the Iraqi Government to make sure that what happened would not happen, and it is that type of lack of [inaudible conversations] brown where our allies dont trust us right now. Shaheen and we are assisting the kurds. Brown they are hanging on for dear life. The Iraqi Government is in trouble. Isis is the size of new england right now, and you and the president have taken Ground Troops off the table, which is the worst thing you can do you have the greatest fighting force in the world. That is part of the problem. You are so supportive of this president that you cannot even say, if general dempsey and others say we need Ground Troops you will say that is right now we have to do it. Your goal is to put a flag in the white house. Our goal is to make sure it does not happen. And if you dont believe me, secretary panetta advocated for it and the president rejected each and every opportunity to make sure we could have a transition force there. Shaheen i have called on the president to come to congress to ask for an authorization for use of military force so that we can have this debate. If he is not willing to do that, i am working with the chairman of the Foreign Relations committee to do that. What is not responsible is for politicians to repeat isis talking points like theyre planning to plant a flag on the front steps of the white house. What is important here is that we address this threat, do that by building an international coalition, supporting the fighters in iraq end of the kurdish fighters to have a lot at stake because it is there country. We should be supporting them, going after financing, but i am not ready to say that we need to send troops and today. Moderator of what both of you to stand by. A lot more coming up, many more questions, including president obamas role. Both candidates have some explaining to do about voting with president obama. We will be right back. Moderator welcome back to debate tonight. We are in concord, New Hampshire, one of the closest and most important races in this electionyear. A few different wings of the republican party, the john mccain republicans very often anxious to willing to intervene internationally. On the other hand, the rand paul republicans are much more reluctant to intervene internationally. You have campaigned with both of these centers. His Foreign Policy are you more closely aligned with . Brown i think that they both play a valuable role in our party, and i respect both greatly. That is the beauty of the independent republican like diane. I was the most Bipartisan Center on like center Jeanne Shaheen. So as an independent republican, i can work within my party and still find common ground. There is not a onesizefitsall approach, and i will continue to listen, learn, do my own research and make my own decision. That is what it means to be an independent. Moderator are you with rand paul when he says would like to eliminate all foreign aid . Brown of course not. Israel is our greatest allies. Look at what happened this summer . The stress that they are under right now is unbearable, but i do think that we have an uptodate and in the affirmative obligation to do our review of each and every dollar that we get other countries. I believe there is an obligation to keep our citizens and embassy safe. The fact that what we have happened in benghazi under the Obama Administration was unconscionable. I felt that there is an affirmative obligation with those dollars that we give that government to make sure that those types of things do not happen. Moderator senator Jeanne Shaheen, you voted with obama 99 of the time. Here is the question to you. Hell is a vote for you not a vote for president obama and his policies . Shaheen you know, apparat talks and what about that survey he is always quoting. In fact, he has built his campaign on it. The fact is to my work and vote for New Hampshire. That is what i have always done. If you look at that survey, and we have it on our website to i am proud of my record. Take a look. One of those votes is the defense bill. While i am on the Armed Services committee i worked hard on that defense bill with provisions that helped the National Guard, the Portsmouth Naval shipyard, the 157th air refueling wing, i voted for that, not because the president supported it but because it is good for New Hampshire. Another one of those votes in that survey is the fair pay act. I sponsored that. Would provide equal pay for equal work for women. My opponent voted against it not once but twice. Now, i work for New Hampshire. That is what i have done my whole life and what i want to continue to do as your center. Moderator you want to respond . Brown thank you very much. The president is not up for election, but his policies are. If you want to make sure that harry reid is not the majority leader, we can take over the senate and make sure that does not happen. That being said, she reference to particular items. With respect to you have a zero rating with the National Federation of independent businesses. We get to the fair pay act you referenced many times. Senator a out and i both voted against that bill. With respect to my plea women in my office and dollar 21 for every dollar a man makes where you pay 0. 95. And not only believe it, i live it. Moderator your response. Shaheen my opponent is quoting a right wing survey that does not understand what the equal pay act is. He talks about independent businesses. What my opponent has done in washington, he comes to New Hampshire and says hes supports Small Businesses. Look at his record. What he supported was a corporate special interests, big oil coming giving 19 billion to the banks and outsourcing american jobs. Well, we do not need to import a candid will outsource our jobs. Brown with respect, i have been fighting for Small Business is forever, and arating with the National Federation of business. We have ratings. In addition saying that she does not vote with the president 99 percent of the time. Yesterday the Congressional Quarterly came out with a new survey saying that when the president lets us know what he is feeling, which is rare, 118 times as last session, senator Jeanne Shaheen was with him she continued to support him over and over and over again. It is like we have two senators here. Not only President Committee is acting like the center of New Hampshire. Moderator a quick chance to respond. Shaheen again, there is a big difference between my opponent and me. I support New Hampshire Small Businesses. I voted for the smallbusiness jobs axed to help our Small Businesses. My opponent voted against it ive voted to provide tax cuts. My opponent voted against it i voted for the travel promotion act to help the Tourism Industry so that we could attract visitors from outside the United States. My opponent voted against it. He comes to New Hampshire and says he is for Small Business, but look at his record in washington. Brown i have an a rating with not only the nfib, but the chamber. It with respect, i was with a business yesterday. His been in the family for generations. They have been a member of the nfib for 50 years and are just trying to make a living. Because of the policies put forth by president obama and you on energy being the deciding vote on obamacare with the business mandate, you had a zero rating. Im not quite sure how folks get a zero rating and then say they are fighting for Small Business. It does not add up to four lets move on. We have a good question. You have criticized senator Jeanne Shaheen for voting with president obama 99 of the time. We went back to the Congressional Quarterly analysis the Congressional Quarterly says he voted with president obama 78 of the time. How do you explain that . Brown when the president does something right, i will support him. But he does not our let him know. That is a huge difference. I voted with my party and the other side about 50 in my entire career. That being said, as an independent senator, we can do that. When we work on an insidertrading bill, we got it done. I worked with democrats. We were at the signing ceremony. The ability to give jobs and employers the ability to get a little bit of a tax credit, the of bill worked with the democrats to make sure that heroes were buried properly. Body parts in the mulch pile we were able to get it done, so there are times. You want gridlock, then send it senator Jeanne Shaheen down their printer if you want an independent Problem Solver that as a history of working with both sides and what you can reference as the most Bipartisan Center to thousand kutcher the nighter guide. Moderator response. Shaheen my opponent talks a lot about that survey, but what he will not tell you is why over to a half Million Dollars being spent in New Hampshire to support his campaign. I do not think it is because they think he is going to go to washington and support Small Business. It is because they know he will go to washington, continued to support subsidies for big oil companies, the five biggest Auto Companies last year made over 90 billion, and he wants to give them over 20 billion in subsidies. I dont think that is good for New Hampshire. Brown once again, if you want to talk about money, were both raising money the same way. She has her groups, i have ours. By m. Scott brown, and i approve that message. Those are my messages. That being said, we have an opportunity because the people of New Hampshire are smarter, sophisticated, being first in the country. They understand that senator Jeanne Shaheen has not held town halls, when she went to washington she changed and is not focusing on Small Business. She has a zero rating. With respect to my have been down there fighting for Small Business. That is why i have an a rating with the National Federation in the United States chamber of commerce. Shaheen again, i appreciate those members, but the fact is i get support in so many other ways in this campaign. We need somebody in washington who is going to support Small Businesses. That is what i have done my whole career and we will continue to do. Moderator a former president bill clinton came here to campaign with you. Hillary clinton is coming next weekend. You will be joined on the campaign trail. Why dont you want president obama to come New Hampshire to campaign with you . Shaheen i never said i did not want him to come and campaign. The fact is, he is busy in washington dealing with the ebola threat, the threat from isis. He is exactly where he needs to be. Again, the fact is that there are big differences in this race between my opponent and i commend it is not just about the president. He would like to be running about the president because he does not want to talk about the issues important to New Hampshire. He wants to go to washington he will work for affordable Student Loans so young people and not facing years of debt . Who is going to fight to make sure that we do not house source jobs because right now New Hampshire has lost more jobs to china than any other state in the country. That is what i have done my career and what i will continue to do. What my opponent did when he represented massachusetts in washington was to support the corporate special interests, rubberstamp for the wall street banks, walt rubber stamp for the big oil companies. Moderator let me be precise. The president has gone out and left washington, campaigning for candid its. Do you want him to come here in these final days . Moderator we have a lot going on. I dont think it makes sense right now. Brown if i may, the reasons she does not want the president here is because he cannot explain why he pushed a Health Care Bill that is destroying businesses. He apologized for pushing that. Senator Jeanne Shaheen has yet to explain why she was the deciding vote and has misled citizens on that issue. The people of New Hampshire are going to make the decision based upon town halls which i have held and she is not. The president also said that he does not need to be here because his policies are on the ballot. I agree with him. He also said allied dont care if they want me. I know if they get reelected they will be there for me. That is what she will do because she has done it for six years, folks. That is not independent. Shaheen let me just respond of a couple of points. On the Affordable Care act, i believe everyone should have access to quality, Affordable Health care. That is what i voted for and continue to support. Until we need to make changes . Yes. We have 90,000 people in New Hampshire who have access to health care did not before, people like steve white, a real letter he did not have Health Insurance because he had a preexisting condition. Finally he enrolled in the Affordable Care act in the exchange. Two months later he had a quadruple bypass. Without the Affordable Care act you would have been in financial ruin. It is doing great things for so many people in New Hampshire, and my opponent wants to repeal it. He does not have a plan to replace it. Brown i have voted five times to repeal. Every democrat voted and every democrat was the deciding vote for a terrible bill that is crushing businesses. Right now after the election the businessmen it is coming in, deductibles of gone up, cost as got up, coverage has gone down. I was just up the street at a pizza place. They cannot afford obamacare to think i dont want people to have a plant, but in place something that works that respects the rights and freedoms, that is affordable , that as competition. Lets not forget, when the senator was governor, she forced the Insurance Companies to the point where they said that they would leave. We now have one. Shaheen what my opponent wants to do is kick tens of thousands of people off of their Health Care Plan without anything to replace it. He wants to go back to a time when Insurance Companies could tonight people because they had a preexisting condition, when if you reached your annual limit you could get your health care cut off and if you were 26 you could not stay in your parents plan. If you were on medicare you did not get copays. The cost of health care has stabilized. It is at its lowest rate in 50 years in terms of the increase in cost. And what we are seeing now and we will go up less than 1 to 4 want to bring paul into this. Shifting gears, this question for you, senator brown. The department of Homeland Security estimates that there are currently 11 Million People in this Country Living illegally. What do we do with this . Brown whatever we do with the people here illegally, i cannot support a bill or any effort to provide edt cardstock preferential housing and other benefits they have not heard. A huge difference, Border Security, immigration. She supports the. Translator, i dont. She supports the president s use of executive authority. Right now he is preparing by all accounts to actually legalize people that are here illegally. Not entitled to protection senghor rights and privileges earned by citizens. What about the fourth half Million People that are actually following a long . What do you say to them . Moderator we have an up a charity. We can take over the senate, go after the funding source. So whatever plan we have, whenever we do, i can continue to provide benefits is there a process . Potentially, but until were absolutely sure that they cannot get those benefits to continue to up reward that illegality, i cannot support it. Shaheen first of all, people who are here illegally do not get preferential benefit. If you want Border Security you should support comprehensive immigration reform. This is a bill with bipartisan support dealing not just with Border Security but the people here illegally and with our broken visa system. My opponent, when he was in the senate on the Homeland Security committee. Not only did he vote to us last, and Security Budget when he voted for republican budget, but he missed all six hearings on Border Security while on the committee. If he is really serious about immigration reform, that he should support a comprehensive bill, as i do. Brown with respect, i spent 306 years and National Guard, a colonel, served at the pentagon. I dont need anyone to tell us the border is boris and people are coming over the border. There is an irrational fear from citizens in New Hampshire that people are coming cover criminal elements, terrorist elements, people with diseases. With respect to my dont need to attend those hearings and did not need to , and i did not slash the budget from when security, with all respect. Lets talk about hearings, when isis was percolating, a member of the important Foreign Relations committee. She missed an important hearing on isis, and she has been silent until recently when we had a tragedy of this issue, once again falling in lockstep with the president and his failed policies his have stamps and ms. Starts. Brown i attended the 16 hearings on isis, Foreign Relations, and the fact is, i was asking questions about isis before my accident ever moved to New Hampshire. Moderator standby. We have more questions. What kind of trade house of these candid its willing to make . We will be backpack. Moderator welcome back. Do we are here in concord, New Hampshire. This is one of the races that could decide control of the United States senate. Remember, you can go online in real time to vote on which answers you find that most least convincing. Lets get back to the debate to reduce support raising minimumwage. But the last partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that a half million american jobs would be lost nationally if that happened. Is it worth it . Shaheen there are a number of other analyses that say we would create more jobs. About twothirds of minimumwage workers are women. We need to make sure that they can support their families. We also know that if we raise the minimum wage it lived about 1 Million People out of poverty, and it would help reduce the other government expenses because they would no longer be dependent upon government programs. Again, this is one of the issues that distinguishes me from my opponent because i have been supporting middleclass families here wanting to it supporting raising the minimum wage. My opponent has said well, we dont know exactly where he is because he has been on both sides of the issue. One of the things about the survey is that he got 100 percent rating. One of the issues was that he did not support raising the minimum wage. It is now clear that he does not support it. I think it is good for our families. We should support that, make sure that people can make a living. Moderator lets ask the senator. Right now do you support raising the minimum wage . Brown says the senator is confused about my position, let me restate it. I remember working at minimum wage jobs. I still remember the smell. My mother had a minimumwage job. I have supported minimum wage increases of pork, but here is the key, everyone is at the table. What is happening right now is another effort by the Obama Administration to dictate to businesses with they will pay. Theyre not even being asked whether they can afford to increase wages. When you look at the high Corporate Tax rate, medical cost as a result of obamacare and her deciding vote to increase those costs fifty to 100 percent increase notice is already produced a profit taxes, all of the challenges. All i have ever said monkhmer fear going to have that conversation, make sure that people have a seat at the table. And here is the real key. We need to make sure that whatever we do takes into consideration every aspect of that important debate. Moderator you support raising the minimum . Brown i have done it before and made my position clear that in order to have this conversation is cannot be dictated by the president. We need to make sure that the people writing the check because they want to pay more, they want to retain these good, hardworking people. They want to keep him there. Shaheen can i respond . Brown excuse me, with the strains and stresses of the regulation and additional burdens that the president and is putting on them, that is why she has a zero rating business. All lot to your pocketbooks and wallets, folks facebook. Com booktv seconds. Shaheen my opponent is to bring people around the table to see if they can agree. He did not have that concern when he was willing to support over 20 million in subsidies for is where a company and 19 billion in subsidies and a giveaway to wall street banks. Moderator lets take a quick break. More than a state motto, way of life. We will be right back. Welcome back. Debate night. A good question for is that New Hampshire people to a resort. Brown this question is for both of you. As you both know, our model is live free or die. How do you live by that model . Lets start with you. Brown i live that and believe it because i think that we have too much government control in our lives. We have a situation right now where the president and senator are actually trying to outsource our Second Amendment rights to the united nations. We have a situation where the government is mandating what we can and cannot do with regard to health care which is why i want to bring it back to the state. Also in favor of common core, something where local families and School Boards should be able to make decisions themselves panel is still here is the problem in our state live free or die means more taught us that other people throughout the country. To make sure we have little or hardly any government intervention, that is being chipped away over and over and over again. The regulation, cost, taking of tax money and not using it properly, we can do better booktv i am proud to have represented a live free or die state as state senator, governor, and now in the United States senate. Their is a fundamental difference between me and my opponent in this race because i have been fighting for our Small Businesses, middleclass families to make sure that students can go to college and not be facing decades of debt. My opponent went to washington representing massachusetts and fought for the corporate special interest. Moderator we have to leave it right there, but i want to thank both of you for joining us. Thanks to you as well. Thanks to our host. Please be sure where to join us for Election Night right here on november 4th. For all of us on cnn and n. H. One, i ambled pulitzer. Thank you for watching. Good night. Cspan campaign 2014 is many more than 100 debates for the control of congress. Stay in touch with our coverage and engaged. Follow us and like us. One of those debates was from i was third u. S. House district. Here is a short portion. With the 2014 Midterm Election next week, a Campaign Debate coverage continues tonight at 8 00 eastern the new Jersey Senate debate. At 9 00 the South Carolina Senate Debate. On cspan2 at 8 00 p. M. Eastern the debate. At 8 30 p. M. , the pennsylvania six district debate. End at 9 00 the main Second District debate between three candidates. And then at 10 00 p. M. Eastern, the New Hampshire First District debate with representative porter and former representative frank again tap. Live coverage of the louisiana Senate Debate between three candidates at 9 00, the main Senate Debate with senator Susan Collins. And then at 10 00, the texas Senate Debate between senator john cordon and david alan kneele. On thursday night at 8 00 eastern, that the illinois governors debate between governor pat quinn and bruce rother. Of the new york governor debate and then at 10 00, the New Hampshire Senate Debate. At 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan2 the New Hampshire governor debate between governor Maggie Hudson and walt adkins die. At 9 00 the oregon governors debate. At 10 00 the south dakota Senate Debate between the four candidates. Cspan campaign 2014, more than 100 debates with the control of congress. Earlier today we spoke with a reporter who has been covering the Louisiana Senate race between incumbent democrat mary lender, republican congressman bill cassidy, and gop colonel. In the open primary system in which all candid its for office run against each other with the majority winning the election. If the candidate fails to get 50 percent of the vote and run off takes place. Here is more now. Joining us from louisiana this morning, the Capitol News Bureau reporter for the advocate to talk about the senate race between democratic incumbent landreau and bill casting the republican. There is also the independent candidate who is running as well, and then you have got several other candidates on the ballot. Louisiana senate race according to the latest poll is headed toward a runoff. Do you agree . That is what it looks like right now. That is the kind of game plan that i think that the campaign is taking. Even though he is not the incumbent but very much running in incumbents race. The next debate is tomorrow night. One of only two that he will participate in leading up to this. It is going to be interesting. And ims spoke before. Nine candid its total. What is going got . What is happening with the incumbent senator . Louisiana is different. It has what we call a juggler primary. Everyone next week is the primary, but everyone runs together. It looks like said to lantern will get the most votes most likely. But nobody is going to have enough to crack into that 50 percent plus one vote. So it looks like it is going to let enter a runoff. It is interesting of the campaign has been going. We have had you know, you cannot watch tv without being bombarded by campaign ads. And, you know, it is interesting. A lot of it is said solyndra being a democrat. A lot of it is on president barack obama. That is what we are seeing a lot of, campaigning tying her directly. And has that been impacting her ability to get over that 50 percent . Is it her record as a senator . It is certainly obama. That is what every campaign event, every commercial, all of thats i mean, you would think that barack obama would be on the ballot with the way that it is being campaign, both from the chastity campaign and that made this campaign. Last night there was a debate that cassidy did not participate in, but it was between the two peed time and time again it came up as to the you know, meaning barack obama. The affordable character and all of that. The former president was in louisiana yesterday asking voters to get out and vote. Will that work . Well, that was actually last monday. Sorry, i misspoke. That was last monday it was the second event. The first one was kind of a more fact and more private fundraiser. This one was in bats and ruched it was open to the media, unlike the last month it was packed. You know, about 1,000 people there. Probably it a little more than that. And they have been pulling out the stops. A week before that john mccain was in town for a stop for bill cassidy. It is definitely drawing attention. We will see how much attention as gets. Right now today is the last day for early voting. Not as much as the president s election. About 200,000 people have early voted at this point. I guess we will see how much the big names hour during a out. Expect a lot more attention this year. How much money has been spent on this race . Also, what are the key demographic voters to watch for . , that have not even looked. Over the last elected was the most expensive race in the country. Millions of dollars being poud into it right now. Itis not worth tracking because theyre constantly running ads on tv. Ho all to figure out w these groups are. The last poll showed 14 undecided. Its finding out who those undecided voters are. Mattere ads streaming in to them . Host in other states and districts. To see the different viewpoints then it is a great thing to watch them. I watched the debate on cspan2 with Paula Bradshaw i wish to put that and regular cspan at night please put that program on every night and tell election days we hear the truth about things. I am so tired of this campaign from virginia. I am so sick of the politicians who cannot tell the truth this is just under two hours. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] good morning. I am president of Progressive Policy Institute and thank you for coming today and a beautiful Indian Summer day in washington and. Thank you for coming to this forum policy choices facing sec why consumers should pay attention. The mobile broadband revolution may be the most exciting thing in our economy but as consumers that gets them the most excited about the business sector is everybody awesomely awaits the next apple or the remarkable thing i can only liken it to that shows you how old the of the economy i am but the new device i am looking for something to tell me navigate the stairs or the escalators with the cellphone zombies but this broadband revolution is a powerful catalyst for job creation for Economic Growth and invention for entreprenuers. You hear almost nothing about it on the campaign trail maybe that is a growing size and of the politics of government the more likely a reflection there is a highly technical arcane area of Public Policy that has the impenetrable jargon of gigabytes. And how you allocate that spectrum is not from a grand political narrative and a not as compelling as ebola or the war on women but that is why were here today and our friend, despite the furious rounds neutrality questions like spectrum shortages and other capacity shortages in the mobile space will have a bigger impact when we try to expand that ecosystem. Ppi has laid heavy stress for Digital Innovation protecting the environment we think it should be debated. It is key to our strategy that is the most important to put america back on the highgrowth path to shared prosperity. And that is where we show real success with a unique strength the comparative advantages. The ppi chief economist has documented the rise of the economy from massive private investment and it is a remarkable story now working on a road map to get to the 6g world and beyond the will talk about. With that mobil ecosystem lies with regulation the redeployment of underused spectrum these kinds of questions and antennas with the report for ppi last year we looked at the spectrum policy and options then they said it should be guided by the desire to maximize investment with a nextgeneration wireless and want to give us special thanks to the organizer of todays organizer and our colleagues. But there are huge challenges for regulation can the Public Sector keep up . And kang government embraced rate humility instead of trying to preempt what might have been or might not have been . Those of the questions we are dealing with today obviously the fcc will be at the top of activity for these issues. That is why were so happy to be here today to talk about the fcc to meet to the mobile moment. Previously a democratic chief counsel on the House Committee on energy and commerce and was the democratic staff director for the subcommittee on communications and technology. After working as an aide for it is a virtues senators including senator waxman he spent with a senior attorney at sprint of working on both sides of this issue and their akeley qualified to guide us of these complexities. So thanks for joining us. Over to use. [applause] good morning. Thanks to ppi to speak with you today. It feels like a lot longer but i have been at the fcc a little over one year, a little less than one year and at Commission Time this is barely a blip on the of radar but under the chairmans leadership we have moved at a very fast pace on a very complex issues of Wireless Bureau we have had our hands full with a ws3 Global Spectrum holdings, infrastructure, sp ectrum frontier, part 17, federal licensing reform , a Competitive Bidding rules, competition policy in the long list and i suspect the pace will not let up anytime soon. Weld were busy working on these issues is sometimes challenging but we dont to see challenges but opportunities i want to talk about opportunities that we see from the Wireless Bureau and how they fit into our agenda. More specifically we see opportunities to the deployment of Wireless Infrastructure in new and innovative ways and the opportunity to promote and protect a marketplace with services and Devices Networks with regulation and policy that is important that we try to focus on as well. The opportunity to in advance with the strategic goals into three categories protecting and promoting competition and stimulate competition of all forms. Not just referring to the agency itself but the effort weve undertake requires engagement of stakeholders from industry in the Public Community many parties have a Important Role to play the u. S. Continues to be the world leader in wireless. We often challenge people that come before the bureau to look at those of us opportunities to work collaborative lead to find solutions. One quick observation i have come to appreciate how refreshing it is when advocates offer Reasonable Solutions to problems. Solutions that benefit their interest to be sure but not overly protective for defensive for aggressive that is the best way to advocate for policy and a friend of the committee but even more of the agency. And everyone comes to purple cone dash propose Solutions Sometimes we see strange advocacy. I will not call anyone out here. [laughter] maybe some time over a couple of beers but the staff to notice the parties dont recognize or the push too hard without consideration for other stakeholders. You should not assume it is always the Big Companies pushing there is no monopoly on that. West to the chairman challenged industry to take a new approach to new problems. Son embraced the challenge and some have not. Please take the opportunity to address these issues to find new approaches Work Together to find solutions instead of highlighting problems and specific suggestions we have Better Outcomes when we dont have to adjudicate between policy positions when they work cooperatively everyone is better off. The last thing you want is a bunch of bureaucrats making the decision without knowledgeable industry. Now lets turn to the spectrum and a structure to foreign and competition we can find examples of collaboration as well as opportunity for the future. Talk about spectrum. There are great examples to capitalize. Said megahertz of spectrum was in the commission is inventory for years because it was perceived to be unsolvable technical problem the worked collaboratively to hash out Technical Rules to make it usable and they found a solution for earlier this year we could raise 1. 5 million to help fund first met and other examples. 1755 transeventeen 80 many were skeptical about that spectrum it would never be available for commercial use people in industry and government have been working on this problem for years. Was with us on this from the hill and there was a time when there was no hope but Tutus Solutions based thinking at department of defense and other industries and congress in just over two weeks we will begin auctioning 65 mhz of spectrum in this band largest in over five years marked on your calendars. Were very excited. There are other opportunities to find solutions the proceeding is an opportunity to new look get a way to unlock spectrum and if we are successful to capitalize we can open prospects for expanding access from other bands. The parties still need to come together to drive the resolution in one week ago the commission had an inquiry that had new and exciting one that would determine how the spectrum could be much higher for mobile broadband. Talking about billions above 24 mhz we will examine technologies meet the higher frequency bands usable for mobile in to insure that they flourish. With a new initiative with the bureau a special frontier others talked about in the context of 5g but a half after the open meeting this was adopted as dont care what they call it even kumquats i dont care. Whenever it is call is an important next up of spectrum efforts. Where we strive to create rules to allow the market to determine the technology and a band to foster opportunity for some issues based approach. This is the ground floor and it is an exciting opportunity. We cannot forget about the first option which is a huge opportunity. It is slightly delayed, but work is not stopping or slowing. Were developing a common Public Notice for procedures for the auction that should be coming in the relative newark near future as in the perspective available we need to make providers of all sizes have an opportunity to participate in the wireless marketplace that is why the commission initiated rulemaking to take a fresh look at Competitive Bidding rules in the first time in eight years that is a lifetime of where this industry now we can update their roles to support Small Businesses to take a vantage of new business models. Spectrum is only a part of the framework to expand wireless we have to seize opportunities for barriers to employment that is infrastructure comes in and. I made it a key priority since they joined the Commission Staff last year and spend some time in the private sector and i have to confess to have a private sector history in this area for how difficult it is to build a Wireless Network and nobody wanted to talk about. Some is land use and zoning but it is critical to allow companies to make it available so making progress in this area is satisfying. With the most recent activity we have an opportunity to recall the old regulatory model of networks. I am pleased earlier this month the commission unanimously adopted the costs and delays associated with locations it takes critical steps for deployment of Wireless Infrastructure necessary to provide the public which ubiquitous and Wireless Services it demands. So we updated the manner the fcc evaluates the impact of deployments on the environments of properties. And stead to shore rules for state and local governments and in reviewing the infrastructure including a remedy if the state and local government fails to act within a certain period of time within 60 days and be codified the Public Notice process for temporary towers. The great thing about this item it is. Historic preservation of local government that takes into account realities as wireless deployment taken together they will help to deliver wireless capacity will also extends to streamline the writing and marketing and also to expedite the facilities going for word with those better out of commission to bring an end to compliance for echolocation it is another example where they saw the opportunity by stakeholders in the center all parties came forward to solve problems we would miss the spectrum opportunities if we did nazis these infrastructure opportunities. And then to fall flat if we dont preserve competition. You never the chairman speak about how important competition is to him as a consideration of everything we do to pursue policies that preserved a competitive marketplace and to the future and we are encouraged by recent announcements that confirm industry will compete with providers reducing prices was more consumer friendly prices than ever. It is a good thing we expect to foster further investment. To preserve competition in 2014 was the mobile Spectrum Holdings report adopted at the may open meeting we revise our spectrum screen to account for spectrum currently available for mobile pratt broadband for that that would be auctioned off and then an incentive option 2016 will have providers without a significant amount of load and to get what they need to compete we have heard from many providers for large and small they wanted as soon as possible. As the Commission Voted there is a significant risk in the agency plans to diligently promote competition at that and so long coastlines will carefully consider transactions including the enhanced analysis to consider concentrations of spectrum. Will look for opportunities for rulemaking is and as you know, competitive global marketplace drives innovation. Also working to address questions related to the role minerals especially to data roaming there are formal complaints pending at this time in the commissions staff is actively reviewing what is in front of us. Finally no discussion of competition is complete without open internet proceedings looking into Consumer Protections not just fix to their services but mobile wireless as part of the review carefully considering the implications of capacity constraints and read understand wireless is different if youre at the mobil roundtable the chair been made it clear he in the stands wireless is different but what does that mean in practice . And the differences to be addressed to Reasonable Network Management we also look at questions whether the commission could interpret the Statutory Service to mobile brad van service the bottom line as noted no is the time to wait and. Is of a busy time at the bureau i hope it is clear were focused for mass spectrum availability to promote competition and access and we want to do everything we can to stimulate innovation of all forms so the United States can be the world leader of wireless. Thank you for your time and consideration. [applause] you may come up now. To talk about the research it is all available on the ppi webs web page it is also thinks links if you have not seen the last two it is must have policy watching. One on interconnection it was fantastic and then one on neutrality where i thought we have reached a consensus. That did not put an end to the debate but i encourage everyone to check those out. I am very excited to have cspan3 covering the event i told my mom and she said he was on number one and number two . [laughter] the purpose of the panel is to explore some interesting wireless issues but i will ask questions of the panelist as they go along with the premise of the question and one tip for the audience of one to leave on the audience heavily for questions i dont want to fill up the air time and one to go to the audience to 20 minutes so think right now about tough questions for the panelist. With that money quickly introduce the panel. We have mary brown director of Government Affairs from Cisco Systems the senior director for spectrum policy in though washington and Government Affairs office ambiance of a global Public Policy agenda and during her career she has worked as a staff lawyer in manager at the second holds a masters of science from syracuse and putting both of those used today. Next three of the chief economist from ppi also holds an appointment as a senior fellow for innovation management for never see a pennsylvania prior to joining ppi he was the chief economist at business week 21 years. Amazing ph. D. In economics from Harvard University almost as prestigious as having run from johns hopkins. [laughter] and at the end of the table is founder and leading analyst of leading expert on telecom with the Wireless Communications industry before founding his company he was Senior Vice President for head of the Telecom Practice of the Nielsen Company the Largest Consumer research marketers in the world also with the research and Vice President of telecom. Thank you for joining us and finally peter is an expert on the capabilities and evolution of Technology President of the executive director for portable computer Communication Organization now c

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