The robert m. Warren center at vanderbilt [inaudible] some of which actually talk about robert warrens influence as a poet and as a novelist. So really its important artists who won pulitzers in two categories rarely. So, but the Warren Center at vanderbilt, very special partners of the festival every year. Youll also see University Presses set up all over the plaza here, the folks at the University Presses and at Humanity Centers around the state, really important to help us make this such a great and diverse program. Tim henderson, whats your background . Howd you get involved well, ive been at humanities tennessee for nearly 20 year, identify been the e. D. For ive been the e. D. For just over four. I mean, i came out of academia and was teaching english literature, got back to nashville after many years, had found the council, and it was just love at first sight. I mean, the work that humanities tennessee does is not only important, its an enthusiastic group and a great bunch of supporters all over the state for this work. So thats where i come from and ive never looked back. Its a great place to be. Tim henderson is the executive director of humanities tennessee, the overseeing organization for the southern festival of books. And booktv has often covered thats right. The southern festival as right, so we always appreciate their cooperation and, in fact, we are live right now on booktv on cspan2. Were just showing you an aboveground scene of what the festival looks like outside of the rooms where we cover the authors. We will be live today and tomorrow on booktv. And starting now from nashville, more live coverage of the southern festival of books. Heres vanned arer built University Vanderbilt University Professor kelly oliver. Good afternoon and welcome to this session of the southern festival of books. My maim is Lynn Alexander name is Lynn Alexander, and i want to welcome you on behalf of humanities tennessee. And today were going to be talking to author kelly oliver about her book, hunting girls. Professor oliver graduated from gone zagging Georgia University Gozaga University in 1979 and earned her ph. D. From Northwestern University in philosophy. Shes held teaching positions at various universities including George Washington university, the university of texas at austin and stony brook university. Currently, she is the w. Alton jones distinguished professor of philosophy at vanderbilt university. She has published books on topics ranging from family, love, war and violence to a affirmative action, hollywood films and animal rights. Her nonfiction work includes over 100 articles and over 20 books. And today we welcome her to talk about her newest book, hunting girls. [applause] thank you, lynn. In my recent book, hunting girls Sexual Violence from the hunger games to campus rape, i discuss classic fairy tales and blockbuster hollywood films featuring strong teenage girl proto tag nists protagonists in relation to the epidemic of campus rape. This afternoon, given time limitations, i can only give you a brief preview of my discussion of hollywood films and fairy tales. Given todays Headline News on Donald Trumps comments about wanting to grope p and force himself on women and the women who have come forward since, ill focus primarily on chapter two of my book on campus rape and the valorization of the lack of consent. First though, a a short preview of my analysis of our new fairy tale princesses, namely those tough girls in hollywood films. Katniss aberdeen from the hunger game, bela swan, twilight, and other strong and resourceful characters have decimated the fairy tale archetype of the helpless girl wanting to be rescued. Giving as good as they get, these young women access reserves of aggression to liberate themselves. The problem is that that they still get and as much or more than they give. Film representations of violence towards girls ans the size their abuse in ways that not only normalize violence, including Sexual Violence, but also valorize it. These films send double messages. On the one hand, they give us heroines for whom no means dont even try it or youll get hurt, and on the other hand, they delight in violence towards girls as if abuse is a normal part of coming of age. Unfortunately, its all too true that violence and abuse are part of the lives of girls and young women. Yet reveling in the assault of girls and young women on film works to further normalize violence against girls even as in the case of some of these films, it gives us fantasies of feminist avengers who fight against it. In hunting girls i examine popular cultures fixation on representing young women as predators and prey and the implication that violence especially Sexual Violence is an inevitable, perhaps even celebrated part of a girls coming of age. To underscore the threat of these depictions, i locate their manifestation of violent sex and the growing prevalence of campus rape and the valorization of womens lack of consent which is going to be the focus of my discussion this afternoon. In an official trailer for the film Pitch Perfect 2 out last year, rebel wilsons character, whos called fat amy, is shown dancing at a campus party when the girl shes dancing with asked if she wants to have sex later. She says no but then gives him a is oughtive wink. He looks suggestive wink. He looks confused and asks if that means no or yes. And she didnt say no, but then she winks. She responds, absolutely not, and then winks again suggesting she doesnt mean what she said. So what kind of message does this send . What kind of message does it send when girls say no but maybe they really mean yes . Certainly amys no is open for interpretation. A but years ago a few years ago Yale Fraternity brothers marched around freshman dorms chanting, quote no means yes, yes means anal. Their interpretation of no and yes is clear. Unfortunately, the yale case is not an isolated incident. Practically every week during the fall you hear about these. For example, just this last fall there were similar chants and lappers welcoming freshmen and banners welcoming freshmen at ohio state university, at western Ontario University and at old dominion just to name a few. And last year fraternity at texas tech was suspended for flying a banner that read no means yes. Another frat was suspended at georgia tech for distributing an email with the subject line luring your rape bait. That ended, quote i want to see everyone succeed at the next couple of parties. And in 014 at william and mary, an email message included the following phrase, quote never mind the extremities that surround it, the 99 of horrendously illogical bullshit that makes up the modern woman, consider only the 1 , the snatch, end quote. Then there was the chant used at st. Marrlys university in hall Marys University in halifax to welcome new students, this public chant that went smu boys, we like them young. Y is for your sr. , o is for oh, so sight, u is for underage, n is for no consent, g is for grab that ass. Unfortunately, the list goes on and on. Every fall on campuses across the country we see the sort of celebration of lack of consent, degradation of young women and valorization of rape. These examples suggest an Aggressive Campaign on the part of some fraternities and some men on campus to insist no means yes where consent is not only irrelevant, but also in their minds undesirable. In the st. Marys chant, the lack of consent is openly valued, quote n is for no consent. They make it plain that actively seeking sex without consent and luring, quote, rape bait is their goal. Studies confirm what these seemingly endless examples indicate. For example, one study found that, quote, nearly onethird of college men admit they might rape a woman if they could get away with it. And another Study Reports that half of the college men surveyed admitted to using some form of sexual aggression on a date. Recent cases of creep shots found on fraternity web sites are further evidence that men who prey on women sexually also enjoy debasing them. Creep shots, in case you havent heard of them, are by definition photographs of womens bodies taken without their consent. And one of the many creep shot web sites on the internet and there are many stipulates explicitly that the women in the pictures cannot know theyve been photographed. Thats what constitutes a creep shot. You have to sneak up on them. You get the up the shirt skirt shot and so on. Womens lack of consent is part of the conquest documented through creep shot photographs posted online as trophies. Lately several fraternities have been busted for posting creep shot photographs of semi or unconscious girls on their web sites. For example, last year at penn state along with creep shot photographs of unconscious women in extremely compromising sexual positions, one fraternity web site included derogatory comments about the women posted by frat members and only because one of the frat members came forward did authorities ever find out about this. It was a closed web site. In addition, several recent high profile rape cases include creep shot videos taken by perpetrators or bystanders that show perpetrators and spectators joking and giggling while abusing halfnaked, unconscious girls, and unfortunately this is becoming more common where the camera is becoming part of the Sexual Assault and the rapists are basically taking videos and then posting them. For example, a steubenville, ohio, rape case where High School Football players assaulted an unconscious girl while bystanders joked and then made disparaging remarks about her. One of the perpetrators defended himself saying, quote it isnt really rape because you dont know if she wanted it or not. End quote. Because, you know, she was unconscious. This sentiment makes clear that for these boys if a girl is unconscious and neither affirmative nor negative consent can be given i mean, no consent can be given, then sex with her doesnt count as rape. These boys imagine their unconscious victim might be consenting, maybe she even wants it. Given the use of rape drugs and alcohol to render girls and young women unconscious, incidents of unconscious rape is truly incall club on College Campuses and notoriously hard to the determine because reporting in any case is very, very low. In the case of party rape involving drugs and alcohol, women may not even know they were assaulted. If they were assaulted while unconscious. They may wake up wondering but never sure. And you see on this slide the estimates are that one in four women experienced some form of Sexual Assault while in college, and that varies on College Campuses from one in three to, you know, one in ten. Depends on the campus. In the case of party rape then, the women may not even know they were assaulted. In the last decade, the prevalence of alcohol accompanying Sexual Assault has led the u. S. Department of justice to identify a distinct type of rape that they call party rape which is defined as one that occurs at an offcampus house or oncampus fraternity and involves plying a woman with alcohol or targeting an intoxicated woman. In terms of Sexual Assault, party rape makes collegings and universities hunting colleges and universities Hunting Grounds for sexual predators, many who never consider their activities rape and who never consider themselves rapists. For these boys and young men, it is just a fun part of fraternity life. Its part of the party scene. Certainly not every man who parties is a rapist, and not every woman who parties is a rape victim. Studies show that multiple variables including individual psychology, rape myths and rape culture or and [inaudible] lead to rape. The use of rape drugs to intention beally incapacitate College Women is particularly reprehensible insofar as its not only premeditated rape, but also these drugs are in themselves dangerous, even lethal at high doses. In 2014 at the university of wisconsin, for example, several girls ended up in the hospital after they were served punch spiked with prohip knoll at a prohip knoll at a pa alternative my fraternity party, a rape conspiracy by planning Sexual Assault and intentionally drugging unsuspecting women. As long as college men continue to see women as sexual prey or trophies, rape will continue to plague College Campuses. As an aside, just a couple days ago i learned of a new fingernail polish that detects rape drugs in drinks. Girls dip their fingernails, and the polish changes colors if rape drugs are present. Now, the need for this product is evidence of a growing problem and should concern us. Addressing party rape is compounded by the fact that women dont report it. And when alcohol is involved, only 2. 7 of victims report their assault. Only 2. 7 . The combination of a Party Atmosphere with alcohol flowing and the acceptance of rape myths that include victim blaming or fantasies that victims actually enjoy rape, myths that may begin in pornography but are perpetuated by fraternities and jock culture make colleges and universities especially fertile Hunting Ground for serial rapists and men who are willing to force sex. The existence of rape myths such as victims are responsible for their own rapes or victims are sluts and are are asking more it or no really means yes are prevalent on College Campuses and part of fraternity and sports cultures. Several studies show that College Athletes and pa Fraternity Culture perpetuate a classic double standard whereby men who have sex, even forced sex, are studs whereas women who have sex are sluts. Perhaps this is why groups of young people happily watch and even record unconscious women being sexually assaulted without intervening or calling the police. And this is something that i think is new with cameras and social media. And this is what im also trying to point out here and argue in the book, that this public the publicness and the acceptance of this, of rape that used to happen in the shadows. Rape has become a spectator sport in which rapists pose for the camera and victims are are subject to creep shots distributed or posted online as trophies or entertainment or part of the assault. Creep shots of assault distributed on social media add another layer of trauma and shame for the victims. The trauma of victimization not only becomes public, but also is infinitely repeatable. It can go viral. It doesnt go away. Its presence on social media extends the victimization and trauma into an infinite future that makes closure or healing more difficult if not impossible for survivor ares. Indeed, the shame over photographs of their naked bodies in compromising positions on social media has led some victims to kill themselves rather than face public scorn. For example, in april of 2013, two distinct cases taming girls killed themselves after photographs of their Sexual Assaults were posted online, and these are not the only cases. While theres always been rape including gang rape, the public valorization of what we now call nonconsensual sex or rape and its display on social media is new. If in the past rapists acted in the shadows and kept their acts a secret, now they chant in public, record their Sexual Assaults and post the pictures for fun. Rape has become a form of public entertainment rather than report the crimes, perpetrators and bystanders take photographs with their phones and then distribute them to share them which seemingly enhances the experience. In these cases the cell phones become part of the Sexual Assault. Ironically, in some recent high profile cases because the victims were unconscious and didnt even know theyd been raped, the rape was actually easier to prove, try and convict when there were images on social media. This suggests that the testimony, the we can call it that, of unconscious girls who have been photographed is actually more believable than that of conscious ones. Well, the testimony of young women is often challenged or discounted, and many studies show this, as a he said versus she said. The recent phenomenon of creep shot photographs of rape and recording of unconscious rape victims taken with cell phone cameras has brought about some high profile be convictions. As one detective said in the high profile vanderbilt rape case, quote pictures dont lie. The suggestion is, well, maybe women do, but pictures do not lie. As strang as it seems strange as it seems recording instead of reporting is becoming more common. Girls are finding out theyve been raped when pictures taken by rapists or bystanders are posted on social media or sent around aztecs messages. For example as text messages. In the vanderbilt case, the survivor had to be to convinced that shed been raped by her boyfriend and his football buddies. Police showed her surveillance videos and cell phone videos from the perpetrators camera before she finally believed that shed been assaulted. The vanderbilt case is rare too in that its yielded convictions and minimum sentences of 15 years for two of the perpetrators thanks to the efforts of campus police. And the other two perpetrators are still awaiting trial. According to police on beaches in florida that are popular spring break destinations, theyre increasingly discovering rapes via social media featuring pictures of unconscious girls being assaulted. For example, last year a young woman discovered she didnt know, she discovered shed been gang raped on a Panama City Beach when a video appeared on the nightly news. Imagine that. You find out that youve been sexually assaulted when you see yourself on the nightly news. Hundreds of people watched. Reportedly, she was drugged with a drink offered to her on the beach and then two Troy University and alabama students sexually assaulted her. Perhaps as troubling as the Sexual Assault itself is the fact that rather than help victims, bystanders watch or take videos and post them online. And pictures of unconscious girls in compromising positions are sent around like some kind of funny cat videos. Even brock turner, the high profile case the stanford swimmer who was convicted of Sexual Assault, took pictures of his victim and shared them on a social media site called group me. As part of what his father called his 20 minutes of action. Be youre wondering what some fathers are teaching their sons, consider another case this fall at Illinois State university where a father allegedly bought alcohol for his underaged son, then drugged a coed so his son could rape her. While rape and debasement of women are are not new, the use of social media to do so is. Whereas in the past pornographic pictures were produced for mass consumption but sold privately, even wrapped in brown paper and sold only to adults, now the internet is filled with pornography and creep shots of women accessible to almost anyone. Rapists hamming for the camera and taking creep shots of unsuspecting, unconscious girls are part and parcel of Sexual Assault in the age of social media. The prevalence of Sexual Assault should make us take very seriously any endorsements of the idea that boys will be boys, this kind of sexism is just boys will be boys or socalled locker room talk as weve been hearing, of grabbing women against their will. The sheer numbers and the outrageous sentiments of chants like that one at yale, no means yes, yes means anal which continued, quote, my name is jack, im a neck profill yak, if dead women, only they didnt say f, are depressing signs that sexism is alive and well. But take heart, there are individuals and groups fighting back with various forms of activism and art. And the very fact that this type of sexist behavior is now making headlines, i would argue, is a step forward. This afternoon id like to conclude on a more upbeat note acknowledging some of the activism and art bringing awareness to the epidemic of campus rape. Working to envision alternatives to rape culture and imagining a future where violence especially Sexual Violence will not be taken for granted as part of a girls coming of age. The promise of true girl power in film may not be bella, katniss or trys, but rather, the rape documentary in the Hunting Ground, the cofounders of the group end rape on campus. And also many other young women on College Campuses around the country who are fighting existence Sexual Violence. Against Sexual Violence. Not with violence of their own, but rather with social media, compassionate activism and Performance Art. For example, slut walk activist campaigns in countries across the globe raise awareness of victim blaming. Or amanda [inaudible] who successfully promoted the new Sexual Assault survivors rights act after fighting not to have her own rape kit destroyed now insures that rape kits must be preserved. Or survivors using Performance Art such as emma, the mattress girl who for an entire year carried the mattress where shed been raped with her on the campus of columbia university. And more recently in response to the case at stanford, yana [inaudible] raising campus aware withness through her photography project, it happened. Or lady gagas awardwinning anthem, til it happens to you. These reallife heroines are not afraid to tell their stories even if it means facing retaliation. In order to bring Sexual Violence out of the shadows and into the spotlight. For my part, after researching and writing hunting girls as a muchneeded antidote to the depressing reality i uncovered, and truly just ive just given you a tip of the iceberg i turned to writing fiction as a way to address issues of party rape and human trafficking. In my new novels, wolf and coyote, i attempt to raise awareness of these issues through compelling characters and plot twists and to imagine a better world where coming of age for girls means strong bonds between friends who Work Together to overcome odds, defeat sexism and assault and flourish on their own terms. Thank you. Ms. D. [applause] we have some time for questions, and if you would like to ask a question, i want to ask that you come to the microphone here so that we can hear you. Would anyone yeah. I was wondering if you have any notion that this is just this has just been prevalent for a long time and is now just coming to the surface, or if there is a change in the culture that has made rapist more acceptable . And if thats true, it doesnt seem that could just spontaneously happen to collegeaged men. There must be something going on somewhere. Is it related to pornography itself . An increase in violence in high schools or in culture in general . Any concept of how all that relates to the attacks on women itself . Thank you. Thats a very good question. Because we are seeing more reporting even though, as i said, the rates of reporting are still very low, but i think because of the more openness in our culture to talk about sex, to talk about Sexual Assault, that more women now feel comfortable coming forward. Also there has been increased pressure especially on universities and high schools who receive any kind of federal funding because this is one thing that was unique about annie clark and andrea pino from the university of north carolina, that they used title ix. Instead of just bringing a case against the individual rapist, they brought a case against the university using title ix legislation which guarantees that the environment is safe for any student, but especially women, to have equal access to education. And this was groundbreaking in a way. I mean, it still remains to be seen how successful theyll be, but its a kind of shift of responsibility that is also highlighting the educational institutions and changing, again, the way that educational institutions deal with the reporting of Sexual Assault. Of women who are being sexually assaulted. These are coming in the case of ohio case when the videos come out they make the news and because we are seeing that, we are seeing more of these cases in the media. So theres more Media Attention as you said. On the other hand, i think you have hit the nail on the head when we talk about pornography. I mean, we have always had rape and pornography, but now pornography thats easily accessible on the internet to all ages pretty much who can get their hands on a computer or a phone and the images portrayed in a lot of the pornography is that women are objects to be used, that women that rape even some of the pornography is the kind of endorsement of rape and so young people now are getting their ideas about sexuality, what it is to have intimate relations in part from pornography and i think that so the prevalence of pornography, we could say penetrated mainstream culture in a way that we havent seen before the internet and certainly that has had a influence about the way both young people think about sex, both men and women. So i think that thats part of the consolation and College Campuses, because you have closed system and young people who are sexually active all together on campus and you have fraternity parties where the goal is to drink a lot of alcohol and have sex. That that culture combined with the images from pornography of what counts as sex, what counts as fun kind of sexual encounter without thinking of intimacy. You would hear in the past of slipping a mickey into a girls drink. This is part of the evenings entertainment. Its very public. I think that the fact that that the discussion are public, it has two sides at least. Obviously its multifaceted, on the one hand, the openness now that the openness in the media, we are hearing media reports of Sexual Violence and sexism and even comments like the locker room talk kind of comments amongst politicians and sexting and the Media Attention, it shows us the problem and we see that the problem is hopefully being taken more seriously on the one hand. On the other hand its depressing to see the extent of the problem, hopefully the heightened Media Attention to the problem of Sexual Assault will also increase the possibilities of doing something about it and i certainly think that social media as i argued is on the one hand has become part of the entertainment, hey, lets take a picture, its a selfie, lets take a picture while sexually assaulting the girl, its hard evidence, thats something that used to happen in private or alley or behind a dumpster. Now theres evidence in these perhaps photographs. Its not just College Campuses. I dealt with College Campuses because the per capita rate is higher. Because i am an educator myself and devoted myself to education and the importance of education and part of what inspired the work on this project was to hear about highly educated young men like young men at yale. These are like the creme of the crop and politicians and president s that are involved in fraternities and when highly educated young man are chanting openly these very offensive kinds of things and very sexist and not only that, but endorsing rape, basically, no means yes, then it made me wonder what is going on and how are these kinds of attitudes being fostered on College Campuses, places where you think education like counteract those kinds of attitudes. Hopefully education can counteract the kinds of at studies but i think we need some education in order to do that. We need some educational institutions have to address this problem. Yes. I was wondering, i read the hunger games and was glad to see not only female character but someone that i thought of as a strong girl, a dangerous girl standing up for something and now seeing the pictures that youve shown, i didnt even notice how they could be considered victims of Sexual Violence and i wonder how authors can deal to have a strong girl who is not a victim. Yeah, thats a great, thats a great question. And i think again i think that these films do give us strong tough girls who with stand up for themselves or take care of themselves and often have to take care of other people around them. I mean, catness in the hunger games takes care of her little sister, her mother thats traumatized, she has to take care of her boyfriend pita and she is a strong character but also a girl who is kind of confused, thats something i found interesting too about her. She doesnt take political sides. I really like the hunger games. I really like these young Adult Fictions and i like the film so im not saying oh, these are really bad films and we shouldnt be watching them, but at the same time specially in the hollywood versions i think the film versions give it a much more two dimensional and reduced sort of female protagonist than we do in some of the series specially in susan colins, the hunger games, the ones that i mentioned in terms of ya literature. What we see in the hollywood films that although the girls get as good as they get, they also get beat up. When i started looking at some of the film, i was quite stunned to see that in every single one theres a scene of the girl being choked, something about the girl being alcoholicked choked also in pornography and also in high face, high fashion, the corpse, for example, last year it was victoria beckhams corpse chick where they were shown as they were dead. Featured College Coeds with faces mounted like they were trophies like animals. In terms of trying to specially as you ask, write young Adult Fiction or fiction with young women, that its something to keep in mind that, okay, if youre a female heroin if its an action book and youre going to have violence and they do and thats part of the entertainment that the girl gives as good as she gets, at least for me and what i have written in terms of my fiction, one of the things thats been important to me is to show strong girl characters or female characters who are working together. So if you think act catness, shes pretty much on her own, i guess bella has a few vampire friends to help her out and there are other women around. That was another interesting case was the case of diveggantn. Her fear escape if youre not familiar with it, is they give you a drug and it taps into your greatest fears, whatever those greatest fears and shes afraid of a loft different things, fire, crows, being drown, her boyfriend is going to force himself on her. That was striking. Thats not in the book. Its not in the book the way it was in the film. Why does hollywood add this Sexual Assault scene . And when im reading about the comments, you know, of the fans some were upset about it and others said, it was hot, that was a hot, i loved that scene. To me, again, that is a response where its very problematic to think that a scene of her boyfriend forcing himself on her is a hot scene in the film. So i think that just to be conscious and aware of what kind of violence you subject your girls and heroines to. Not just the alone girl hepless and weakless and one special girl that the one friends are the animals and the boys and you have friendship between young girls and thats part after what sustains them and make them strong. I have a twopart question. The other part is statute of limitations that still exist in many jurisdictions on when you can bring, how long it takes to bring rape charges. Yeah, thats interesting. This was not part of the research that i was doing which is more about the images of Sexual Violence and the social media, the role of social media, but interestingly the one in the last part of the presentation i mentioned let me go back. Maybe i will go back to my slide. I mentioned amanda who promoted the Sexual Assault rights act and president obama signed it that presents the destruction of rape kits, that ensures that any person who has said that they have been sexually assaulted will have access to rape kits and evidence collection because until now, this was part of the problem. If Law Enforcement for whatever reason didnt believe the person or didnt collect the evidence, there was all kinds of discrepancies on how the evidence was collected and as you pointed out, it takes at a minimum about three months, thats a good turnaround to get the rain kit back, so the backlog i mean, that points to at least two things, one that there are so many Sexual Assaults and two that there arent enough police and Law Enforcement dedicated to and fa forensic teams evaluating and doing what it takes. Theres no need for it to be that long. I went to a presentation on this topic for former Law Enforcement who dealt with collecting nda dna evidence. I went to it as a fiction writer because i wanted to know how its done. Really, you should be able to turn it around it in a week that you could. Even if a couple of days you could turn around if there werent this backlog, in most states, the quickest turnaround time you could expect is about three months. So thats thats a problem. Its a problem. Hopefully this new Sexual Assault survivors act right, which is brand new, last week or the week before was signed will at least change some of the ways the evidence is collected and and also that the evidence is preserved because in a lot of the cases the evidence hasnt been preserved and then its very difficult theres no evidence. It really is a he said versus she said situation. So hopefully some of this is changing but still your question points to the need for more Law Enforcement attention to this kind of evidence and, you know, the backlog in terms of just putting the resources, devoting resources to to assessing the rain kids, but thats a good question and it is a real problem. Another problem with prosecuting. As we know, i mean, its just mind boggling when you think of the number of Sexual Assaults there are and how few are reported and of that are only a fraction of perpetrators are arrested and then a fraction arrested are actually prosecuted and then smaller fraction of those prosecuted are convicted and even smaller of those convicted actually serve any time is practically as if these rapests are going free. Its really if theres a free to rape specially in College Campuses. Thats where at least until now theres a culture that hides and i think in part young women who brought title 9 suits to institutions and institutions are paying attention and antiactivists and how institutions have to deal with Sexual Assault on campus. One more question. Hi, i have an 11yearold dollar and a 15yearold son knowing all that you know that youve encountered in your research, what is the best advice or guidance that you can provide to me and other parents to prepare our young adults as they go off to college to be sure they dont end up being a part of this the fraternity at yale with the educated young men chanting things like that or my daughter who has a black belt in mix martial arts, is that a disadvantage on showing in college campus, any advice with what all you know would be greatly appreciated. Well, i think that we need to change obviously we need to change this culture that not only accepts but in some places embrace it is no means yes or its okay, boys will be boys, this is locker room kind of talk, this is what we have seen in the last couple of weeks, its not true. Its not true that all men talk like that. Its just not true and i think we can make a difference with your 11yearold son to to teach him that to teach him to respect all people including women and that sexual relations are about communication and intimacy, they are not something that is to be forced with someone who is seen as an object, that these kinds of representations and pornography are unhealthy and theyre going to skew your idea of a sexual relationship and also just make them aware that these attitudes do exist, okay, theyre going to go to college, theyre going to run into fraternity, think this way, maybe fraternities that are plotting to spike punch and they need to stand up and say, no, this is not okay, this is not cool, this is not the way we treat, this is not the way we treat women. This is not what i want out of a relationship and im going to report you to the authorities. And the same goes for your 15yearold daughter although you may also want that fingernail polish is pretty nice stocking stuff but i think also that both young women and young men who are going to college need to be made aware of this problem because a lot of most of thighs assaults take place within the first month. Most are targeted to firstyear students because they are new on campus and most of them take at least at least begin with these parties and with alcohol and drugs and i think if the young people are made aware of the risks, because they dont know the risks, they dont know until it happens to them or their friends that this is a real risk and they need to be careful and also, again, that they need to help each other both out both young men and young women, groups of friends who are likeminded and agree that we need to stop Sexual Assault and to realize that socalled nonconsentual sex is rape, making advances on a women when she doesnt want that or hasnt asked for it is a form of assault. Its not appropriate. I think at home and in churches and schools that we need to keep reinforcing the idea that that Sexual Assault and forcing yourself on a women or, you know, grabbing and groping or kissing or whatever is not just boys will be boys, its Sexual Assault and its not acceptable. Thank you professor oliver and thank you all for attending. [applause] we will be going to signing so if you have other questions or would like to talk to professor oliver we will be up there. Thank you very much. [inaudible conversations] and youre watching book tv on cspan tv. Television for serious readers. That was author kelly oliver, hunting girls. We are back in ten minutes with our next author panel, for complete Television Schedule go to tv. Org or you can also follow us on social media book tv twitter handle and facebook. Com booktv. [inaudible conversations] you know, its very interesting how we come to understand the identity of black women and girls and much of the discussion of pushout is centered in a critique of the way in which the identity, the black feminine identity has been presented publicly and also scholarship and consciousness. When i talk about School Pushout i talk largely about the policies, practices but also prevailing consciousness that underlies how we approach girls in our spaces, how we understand who they are, what theyre capable of and who they ultimately will become. That study is a profound one for me because it does begin to agitate much of the consciousness about how we understand these these identities as they have aligned with historically constructed stereotypes and memes, specially in age of social media where memes dominate our understanding of whats occurring. We see this way in which the way black girls and women is presented with being hypersexual, loud and sassy or consistent angry presence and also the latest one which is, you know, some combination of all three which we, you know, have referred to as ratchet but can also be interpreted in many different ways and so this way in which we have misrepresented and misunderstood the black feminine identity plays into our subconscious, unconscious bias needs about how we understand and read behaviors so when girls are asking questions in class or when girls are questioning material, its often perceived as being in front of authority or being combative or defiant in ways that are inconsistent with true intention and in some ways again, you know, given the legacies and misreadings that accompany the behavioral patterns that we see in schools, we also see the way in which hypersexual from black girls affect us from responding to trauma and thats problematic. You can watch these and others on booktv. Org. Here is a look at some books being published this week. The attention merchant and journalist beth recalls the kid napping of two African American brothers in 1899 from virginia who were force today perform in circus side show. The assassination of president william at the 1901 electrifying fall of rain bow city. A history of black panthers in power to the people. Also being published this week, remember it is life of edith wilson, her influence on the presidency in madame president. Historian tyler looks at how new york city became a desired destination for immigrants in city of dreams and daniel provides a history of israel from origins to today in israel. But for these titles and bookstore this is coming week and watch for many authors in the near future on book tv on cspan2. They had a woman supervisor and they spent their days doing trajectories. And then things changed and when nasa was formed and then these womens roles began changing and became the labs first computer programming. So although there were other women that were working on computer. The jobs were very special. You can watch this and other programs at booktv. Org. [inaudible conversations] and book tv is back live up next joseph beck describes the life of his father, a black man who defends a

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