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To be the next interior secretary. While we wait for them to gavel and we will take you to virginia were Top Democrats from congress gathered to announce their new economic agenda. They have titled it a better deal. Heres a look. We will show you as much as we can until the senate gavels in. [applause] [applause] [applause] warner. We are back. [applause] good afternoon. Its great to be here. I want to thank the good people for working with us, and i want to thank everyone for leaving the city for a few hours to this beautiful spot to join us here today. Let me pay you a high compliment. It looks like parts of new york state. Okay. Now, as i travel new york state from upstate role republican areas where i was on friday to suburban long island, to innercity bronx, i found one thing in common. Average families feel they are being pushed around by large economic forces and are losing that traditional american faith in the future. Too many families in america feel like the rules of the economy are ranked against them. They feel like they are getting a raw deal, and they are right. They are almost powerless to change them. We are here today to tell the people of berryville and the working people of america, someone has your back. [applause] American Families deserve a better deal, so this country works for everyone, not just the elite, not just the special interests. Today, democrats start presenting that better deal to the american people. There used to be a basic bargain in this country that if you worked hard, played by the rules, you could own a home, afford a car, put your kids through college, take them on vacation every year while putting enough away for a comfortable retirement. In the late part of the 20th century, millions of americans achieved the solid middleclass lifestyle. I should know, i grew up, son of an exterminator in that america. But things have changed. Todays working americans are justified in having greater doubts about the future than almost any generation since the depression. Corporate interests, the super wealthy, theyre allowed to spend unlimited, undisclosed amounts of money on campaigns and lobbying so they can protect their special deals in washington. For too long government has played long, tilting the economic Playing Field in favor of the wealthy and powerful, taking the burden off them and putting it on the backs of hardworking americans. The result, an economy that has created enormous accumulated wealth for wealth holders while producing less work and less pay for workers. Incomes and wages have flatlined while everyday costs have skyrocketed. When you lose elections, as we did in 2014 and 2016, you dont flinch, you dont blink, you look in the mirror and ask what did we do wrong. The number one thing we did wrong is not present a strong bold economic agenda to working americans so their hope for the future might return again. Democrats have too often hesitated from directly taking on the misguided policies that got us here. So much so that too Many Americans dont know what we stand for. Not after today. President trump campaigned on a populist platform, talking to working people. Thats why he won. As soon as he got into office, he abandoned them making alliance with the powerful thomas special interest, coke brother dominated Republican Party which appeals to the very wealthy, not the working people. He left a vacuum on economic issues. We democrats are going to fill that vacuum. Democrats will show the country we are the party on the side of working people. We stand for three simple thing things. First, we will increase peoples pay second, we are going to reduce their everyday expenses, and third we will provide workers the tools they need for the 21st century economy. Simply put, what do democrats stand for . A better deal for working people. Higher wages, lower cost, and the tools for a 21st century economy. Over the next several months, democrats will lay out a series of policies, that in the enacted will make these three things reality. We have already proposed creating jobs with the trillion dollar infrastructure plan, raising wages by lifting the minimum wage to 15, and lowering household cost by providing paid family leave and sick leave. Today we announce three new policies to advance our goals, and in the coming weeks and months you will hear a lot more. Followed us online at cspan. Org or search democratic agenda. We go live to the u. S. Senate. They are returning to capitol hill to take up the nomination of David Bernhardt to be deputy interior secretary. That vote is expected at 5 30 p. M. Live coverage of the senate on cspan2. The chaplain let us pray. Eternal father, our souls long for you, for we find strength and joy in your presence

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