Happened put i dont recall a speaker invited to a campus being shut town in the way that Charles Murray and Anna Mcdonald and nothing like what happen to miloan knopp miss with the violence and six visits sent to the hospital six individuals sent to the hospital. This is terrible. I think it comes from thisnd it encouragement by the Obama Administration and the Obama Justice department of violent people, the civil rightsts movement now celebrates career criminals, and the freddy gray more arrestes and somebody preyed on black people. Wife is he a civil rights hero . Why would anybody go out and defend him . And theres no indication that any police were involved in his death at all. So i think things are a lot worse than then. The new left is committed until the end of the decade to american ideas, like democracy, like listening to the other side, having a respect for difference. Now they preach respect for difference but have in respect for people who have different views than they do. Host what were you doing in the 60s . Guest well, i started the 60s as a radical in berkeley. I actually was fed up and gave a speech on the campus denouncing kennedys resumption of nuclear test neglect atmosphere. I was hauled interest a committee of deans and said i needed to have permission before i got up and spoke because there might be a riot, and i thought that was crazy. Now i think it was pretty sensible, at least in this climate. I went to england and work for Bertrand Russell and wrote becomes and then came back and beyond the largest magazine of the left at the time. Host and today. Guest and things im not proud of. Host and today . Guest today im a big supporter of donald trump and i think the Democratic Party is a party consumed by hate. Anytime a democrat opens his mouth or her mouth these days its an act of character assassination. I think of what theyve done to jeff sessions. Jeff sessions, one of the half dozen most decent los angeles in the United States senate. A champion ofsive civil rights. When you think about it for at least two seconds. He was the attorney general in the deep south state, alabama, which is where the Civil Rights Movement began. He prosecuted the Klu Klux Klan. He said a Klu Klux Klan leader to his death for committing a racial murder. He desegregated the schools and he defended three black voter who were by naacp officials and yet democrat of democrat called him a racist. Its just unconscionable. Host how do you come from campus radical to supporter of donald trump . Guest thats a long one. I left the left when the black Panther Party murdered a mother of three whom i had recruited to do the book for a school that i had raises the money to buy. And when the left what victorious in its fight against americas involvement in vietnam, and when the left was victorious, the United States withdrew and left the vietnamese without protection. The communist proceeded to slaughter 2. 3 million peasants in china and there was not a single protest from the left, and i realized the left was never an antiwar moment. It was an antiamerican movement and reminds that to this to. Host brought up race a couple of times. Racial issues in your new book, big agenda. You write republicans need to direct their errors they akellth lease heel of the Democratic Party. The monopoly control hoff the inner cities of america and its responsible for the middy suffering in the them. Si hough did they do that . Guest yes. The chapter of my book called the achilles heel of the Democratic Party. The democrats have a straininglehold on every major city in america. Every killing field, chicago, detroit, st. Louis, ferguson, baltimore, philadelphia, washington, dc. 100 controlled by the Democratic Party and has been for a hundred years. Everything thats wrong with the inner cities the schools that dont teach the kid, 40 dropout before the graduate and 40 who graduate are functionally ill literal. The catch and release program. How dwayne wades cousin, a beautiful mother of four children, killed by two noness who should know hat been on the streets. Every injustice in the inner cities, every oppression of minorities and poor people in inner cities, policy can affect, democrats and progressives are 100 responsible for. But until donald trump, republicans have been too polite to mention this. Spent 20 frustrating years to trying to get republicans to in every speech, mention the plight of inner city under the heal of the Democratic Party, and until trump i couldnt get their attention but i did gett trumps attention and he proposed 130 billion Scholarship Program for inner city kids. Well see if he can get that 0 through. Host back to big agenda. The movement galvanized by trump can top the progressive juggernaut and change the american future and only if it emulate this strategy of his campaign. Be on offense, take no prisoners, stay on the attack. Guest yes. Trump there was a i dont remember. The second or third debate, a moment where trump looked Hillary Clinton in the eye and said, you are a liar and a crook. Theres not a republican in christendom who would ever sayk. That but it is true, she is both, and that crippled the Republican Party. Getting out of the way in instead of going at their opponent. He also said and i think this is tremendously important. He said, you have to understand, hillary has tremendous hatred in her heart. Thats what defines Hillary Clinton. Her hatred and she has named it, her basket of deplorables is what he is referring to. People who are irredeemable, damned. Racist, sexist, hope mow phones, islamophobes, seep know phones. There xenophobes. There isnt a consecutive in tho republicon who has been in aco debate with a liberal socalled who has not also been called by them a racist, sexist, hope homophobe, theyre designed to drum you out of the human race and if myrrh werent such a remarkably tolerant, inclusive countrywouldnt have the effect it does but the minute somebody calls you a racist, your humanity is suspect, and that is all the democrats do. Thats what they do. Host prior to your coming on here we had an author who has written a book called exceptional america and the author writes in his book fish is not whether democrats are trying to turn america in europe as republicans have charged. Rather its that liberalmer is closer to europe and other parts of the west than the conservative america on many of its political social and moral values. Guest yeah. Theyre socialists. I agree. Host to a large extent it us conservative america that is an exception in the modern western world. Guest consecutive conservative america is what america has been since 1776 and thats the exception. We are country based on the accountability of individuals. Individual freedom. You judge people on their merits regardless of their origin. The left is driven by density politics which is antiamerican. Its racist. You judge people on the basis of their skin color. This is what democrats believe. On the basis of their gender. On the basis of their Sexual Orientation and they have a hierarchy and a freeze for it a afraid for it. People of color. Its not even english. We dont see is a crayon of color. You call people colored people youre a racist. What is the ideological function of people of color . If you think about mexico, its two manith Anything Group ethnic groups the dedescend dens of the spanish conquistadors who slaughter the indigos anyones but when they cross the border theyre people of color and therefore depressed and deserving special privileges. People in india are people of call, the islamic beheaders inin raqqa and iraq, theyre people of color. Who is not people of color . The only people in the people in world would not people of color are white people, white people oppressors. That is pure racism and it is the ideology of the Democratic Party today and thats why so Many Americans are turned off it, and thats what i say in my book. Host david here witness ner book called big agenda President Trumps plan to see mare. He is our guest the Los Angeles Times festival of books. Host how is President Trump doing . Guest i think hes doing very well. He has a lot of problems but he has a Republican Party which is not the trump party. Republicans for 30 years have been too polite to mention the oppression of blacks in inare city by the Democratic Party and by progressives generally. And theyve been scared to confront democrats. Why hasnt anybody ever asked Debbie Wasserman shout how can you be a member of a racist a mm party . Why hasnt anybody done that . Host lets hear what the viewers have to say guest let me thank cspan for having me on. Im not going to be on msnbc, cnn has already said they would never have me, told my publisher. We have a media which is not a media anymore. Its just a political weapon for the ideological left. Host have you are been here to Los Angeles Times festival of books. Guest i have but i was banned for ten years by the editor of the paper, janet clayton. I complained that there are 500 authors at these festivals and i only count one that i i said this on cspan if said it was as much a disgrace as ucla because there are no conservatives on the faculty of the ucla. There are five consecutives out of 200 authors and they were Arianna Huffington and i countered three here so hasnt really changed. I had this high its tells of ten years hiatus of ten years as a result. Host lets hear from mikal who is calling in from im. Good afternoon, michael good ahead with your question. Want to understand, i love i liberal college had , obama, mad dip all Madeline Albright for this commencement speecher and now theyre having eva longoria, a reality star. I wanted to comet how far we regressed. Going from obama, clinton to eva longoria. Thank you, goodbye. Guest theres a part any book devoted to universities. Its a disgrace. All the Commencement Speakers are leftists. You cant continue to have a democracy if only one side gets to speak. Y one si 85 of our youth go to public universities. The taxpayers in universities so if republic cowardice and lameness that allows his to happen. I appeal to any chairman of the appropriations for the president of those universities who sell one to see political and intellectual diversity. Brcs sitting on a campus what happens is there is no check. I hate using the word liberal but they are not always right but when everybody agrees with everybody . The faculties have been dumb down. And with that captive audience is grotesque. I never knew the politics of my profession. And you never knew their positions but thats has disappeared as a national tragedy. I hope the Republican Party is responsible and they have the power to do something about it. Host texas good afternoon. Caller what a pleasure and want to thank you for your courage and your truth. I know you will not surrender the matter how many names your called with that prophetic left. Diaz still plan to pursue . Thank god for cspan and the dogs of the lies we would not ceo on an lou dobbs. I will never see one msn b. C. Can you give anecdotal context . And . They give for your kind words i tried to speak at berkeley and was invited on april 12 but the university should be down shut me down. And eight, left his client a bridge too far. Those democrats who have come mount condemning and facing more of it. So i think they have overdone it. I m band at cnn and effectively add ms nbc. It is as simple as that of would not revise the Republican Party to do something about it because we want an independent media it has given itself over to the Democratic Party. So that will have to come from within. But what is more important those who are a lot more important than i am. Host David Horowitz who invited you to speak with you have attended . And i guess. And the police chief and he should be fired for this but he said it would be a security problem. I am not a security problem the said you could solve that and then to take away your recognition he wont have organization on campus. What this belief chief police chief said it used to be the school for the death. You cannot advertise the location of the speech. And unfortunately so what is ever needed as a large protest. That is a threat to our democracy. Caller while a beating you . Sold many people could call you a big get. To show you how bad things are, the head of the Student Workers Union sent an email saying i should be dyed a platform and have three children one is black one is filipino i marched in my first civilrights march probably even before you were born in 1948. And my record and civilrights is clear. I am very proud of it. And then to describe as a white nationalists. And with that democratic leadership you have a National Problem people dont take that Chuck Schumer is a liar as i do that he is also racist. The first 100 days of the Trump Presidency the executive orders to restore guantanamo into defund the sanctuarys cities. Getting he is doing very well he is the party of cowards sanctuarys cities they need to be prosecuted of pearl communist approach terrorist and the supporter of castros cuba and i write about this in the big agenda they say it was designed with the department of Homeland Security because they identify with the terrorist. That was 95 percent accurate. Where muslims confused with terrorist by the leftist . Maybe 300,000 words . That one sentence if you look at the sites because it does not exist. Host the next call from california. Caller i am so glad youre out there speaking and with those soft bigotry and blacks dictations they have tried to a light the innercity and what is your analysis where do you see that coming with the agenda . With the insiders of the indelible community angelico community not everything trump does will please them. And it is a fight to return the powers to the states to get washington off everybodys back. I dont agree with paul ryan or george bush. With the soft bigotry of low expectations. The Democratic Party is a racist party full of black and hispanic people across the country we cannot even get the statistics on the crimes that are probably hispanic because obamacare it is for a racist and dont even want to say anything that would sound negative but with that Patriotic Community but one criminal sea in opportunity to come to america with all the goodies that we can doubt people dont want america to have borders for them to being antiamerican. From page 26 of big agenda writing to call people racist is to draw that out of the company as extremist and social outcast. That is a cheap weapon to call me unless it a racist. And to fight fire with fire. If you are a drug dealer selling to poor people in the innercity overlap then you are a press tnt were a victim. It is unbelievable. Host West Virginia you are on book tv with David Horowitz. Caller i have been listening to cspan for longtime ally have been educated. By so many people taking so many pictures inside of the meetings kinky very much. Also id like to ask a question of david or of its imc in many times. Do you feel that moves toward a treasonous situation of gerrymandering when the votes the other cast in different states . And with every clinton having 400 votes even though she has all the scandals we thought it was ridiculous. Guest i dont know why you are afraid of trump he is an american patriot. He carry he cares a lot of his reputation if he buys the airline he will try to do the right thing. I share your high opinions of cspan and appointed this out to the cspan audience before nobody ever complains about cspan it would take republican to do that that is why i am republican growing up to beat the american way. Talk about gerrymandering of would not call it treasonous but we live in a Society People are greedy and self centered what will lead you expect . And how they get away to require an expert . It is an ongoing battle to talk treason you cannot have a country without borders. Host what is a red diaper baby . Guest my parents were the cardcarrying members of the communist party causing america to lose the cold war and to orchestrate this movement that is the bad diaper baby. What kind of work did they do . Host next call from pennsylvania. Caller i am a registered republican and i have paid much different opinion to be a republican and a patriot obviously he believes someone who said they could not serve in the United States military obviously he believes that before a bankruptcy judge six times is a patriot and then he refuses to pay taxes at least 20 years in spite of the fact with 8 percent tax on casinos in new jersey the casinos and pennsylvania are taxed at 55 8 in new jersey no casino has ever been bankrupt in pennsylvania but he has filed bankrupt for every single one. Guest . Guest you are a trump hater. The facts are facts bankruptcy is complicated and part of american law. If you lose a billion dollars he is not a criminal he was not charged as a criminal. Host what about deferment from the vietnam war wax. There was a lot going on at the time. Voting for the iraq war young men and women put into harms way and then to attack and sabotage the war that is treasonous. Whatever your views of the iraq war is treasonous. Host do you talk with any of your old friends from the 60s . Yes. We have a good time we yearold geezers now. When we were younger way in the past. Prior to his death had talked with tom hayden . Once. He was a very dishonest person and in america hater he manipulated people put them in harms way in this the author of the riot at the 68 convention he said to me dated , and we have to do was put them into this situation so the police will crackdown and i was horrified. I anything nice to say about tom hayden. Host North Carolina goahead. Caller mr. Horowitz has President Trump read your broken . Kenny stand the pressure of the onslaught of the next four years from the last 100 days . That is the 100,000 question right there. My but shows it is hard to fight the democrats. Trump is very tough he can fight other tough guys like unions and casinos i have enough confidence he will stay the course but this is the tougher battle then he never imagined that it would be. Host arizona goahead. Caller talk about namecalling saying you are a trump paid her that is close to being called a racist. Now i have a question. Number one going with back to the states going back to slavery if this nation was built on individual people going out to make their way with them and getting into namecalling complain about people using the word racist guest you have no idea where racism is if you think calling somebody a trump pater hater. That is individual accountability is United States inherited slavery from the british empire. In one generation they obliterated the slaves existed for 3,000 years without nobody ever calling that immoral. Not jesus were Muhammed Oromos this nobody in tell White Christians and then americas birth certificate declared all men created equal within inalienable rights and delivered over a generation at the cost of 600,000 american lives every black in america owes their freedom to america i have no apologies to make our country stood before the principle of individual liberty and made great sacrifices to realize that now we have the most inclusive most equal society on the face of the year if of the earth. Host back to the first 100 days of the judicial of parliament of the supreme court. Guest great. They overplayed their hand so greatly i embarrassed for the democrats hope they sweep the democrats in the election. The democrats voted to confirm him and now dredging up reasons to filibuster him with anybody is not a religious democrat or scratching their heads over that one. Host the Affordable Care act we have had one debate. But to me this is the problems with the republicans they talk like accountants republicans say your programs cost too much you will not been without argument. The problem with obamacare it would default on individual freedom if you cannot choose your plan or decide your own health care. It is so destructive to these individual survival very difficult to replace with these entitlement programs in place. Host california. Caller mr. Horowitz you have knowledge they were brought up a communist. In the 50s and 60s youth knowledge you were a radical leftist a close associate of the black Panther Party and the close friend of peewee newton. That you seem to be unable to get along with people for very long. Now at some point he became a radical rightwing so my question is how can we trust your judgment about any issue . Guest ecolab attacked me better totally ignorant of where lifes work. In my book called radical son first of all, i was married 20 years to my first wife and mother of my children i have been married 23 years to vice second wife. The black Panther Party murdered my friend as they supported the murders i went into a personal tales been. Tailspin. I have written over 1. 5 million words. I am the only radical from the 60s that i know of besides one or two other defectors who led mitt where they went wrong if you want to find out why i am no longer the antiwar activist it is because the left did not care they only wanted to bash america. Then the left said go to how many of those are the leaders of the Democratic Party today. Why will it you trust Bernie Sanders who was a lifelong supporter of communist causes . Why would you trust anyone has his honeymoon in the soviet union . That is to the Democratic Party is today. With the help of Debbie Wasserman shultz i make no apologies. Host the did you care about is the conservative what was the reaction from longtime colleagues and parents . My mother believed family was more important than impala tex i think both my eight parents were worried because the panthers to end my life and they were vicious most of the people they murdered were black but because i was threatened they were worried. Host what about your friends but. Pylos every friend ever had. Every last one. New never realized when you learn there but if you do 88 to be politically incorrect to can use your friends to lose every friend that you never had when you dont even noble conservatives are. I found out that was not true. Host big agenda has been reviewed by a wellknown conservative. A brilliant man i love believe are and what you say. Halle we able to see how they would believe the people of slavery because i think the way you think and i thank god you are brilliant so highly able to see that . First of all, it is harder to be a black conservative than it is to me me ; and du. I have been waiting for the black community to liberate itself from the oneparty state. I am admirer of Clarence Thomas and other black conservatives law and civilrights i understood how bad the movement had become anything thomas is a great guy on those issues the very wise man unknown to 99 of todays youth to have a stranglehold on the university. Caller it is wonderful to listen to you. I was born 1950 force schools were integrated it was inspiring because my african classmates were into the civilRights Movement as a positive culture so to contrast that to the culture now which is so negative and destructive it is incredible senate this will Rights Movement was destroyed by those to race hustlers who would line their own pockets by attacking white people basically. Is a terrible thing what it has done but to tell them that the system is rigged against you and then that is denying them an Incredible Opportunity that this country affords. And as a talented comedian. It is a great country a. In the censorship issue is huge. My book is 10 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. By the l. A. Times and Washington Post and have the new york review for the industry to say ive voted for ronald reagan. Host paid 146 from big agenda thinking that the children should be indoctrinated from the political left the they of purge conservatives from their faculties and they should require bodyguards and security to ensure their safety berger adjusted if hill minutes left with our guest. Greetings from hill country. President obama left behind what list any ideas how to reject them . Why hasnt that holocaust survivor or the grandchildren of her suit george soros as a nazi collaborator . I will wait for me answer. 17 years old to confiscate the property abuse that is the problem there. Cspan is a good example to identify and tear down the obama loyalist. Inside the washington issue as far as im concerned that the conservative grassroots has to rise up where is the ground where is the Student Organization . Not tell the Obama Presidency at the Grassroots Level it is a movement of ordinary people. Decatur 12 schools are now indoctrinating kids from kindergarten up. Just fill in the state legislature and read the code of ethics that will prevent them to indoctrinate with controversial issues. They cannot advocate for any side whether theyre right or the left indicator 12 classroom. So lets take all the way theyre teaching license if they do that. Caller doublea2 complement you assign it was uh donation only other by to ask if the communist Party Meeting it is very informative. I am not familiar with those things but bush is important is the idea as part of the religious movement that the world could be redeemed and the planet could be saved. And that theyre willing to use the power of the government that is why they are so dangerous. It is that idea the idea to have social justice. Those to minister it are the same from those individuals only social justice whoever is politically on top so is our word greed

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