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Me with uganga, can we detail the house what to do . We have programs including in uganda that does the intervention of provision and we have seen it from the last 15 years that ma malaria has brought down. [shouting] is the secretary of state of two men having consensual sex, human rights obligations and ensure charges are dropped . We will be making representations, hes absolutely right. Key area of human rights that needs to be addressed where ever it takes place. [shouting] mr. Speaker, im sure the whole house will wish major as he begins the sixmonth stay and as the first britain to visit international station signals a landmark in the countries exploration and im proud that the department helped. I shall have further such meetings later. Richard, can i welcome unemployment to 5. 2 . [shouting] mr. Speaker, stalking is a horrible crime. She and her family suffered deradfully. My honorable friend raising guidelines, would Prime Minister give support for longer sentence rrg it is clear that the stalker is a menace. Stocking is a dreadful crime. On unemployment the whole house will welcome that there are half a million more people in work in the country in the last year alone. [shouting] without wages growing above inflation and t at the lowest of 1975. Im sure this will have a welcome right across the house. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker, could i start and all members of the house [shouting] a very happy christmas and a peaceful new year. Mr. Speaker, the number of patients has doubled and i asked him if they could guaranty no winter crisis in the nhs this winter. He didnt answer them. I wonder if he would be able to help them announce them today . I dont want to wish him the seasons greetings but i want a full happy christmas for the gentleman and everyone in the house. He asked specifically about the nhs and let me answer specifically about the nhs. The average stay in hospital has fallen since i became Prime Minister from five and a half days to five days, one of the reasons for that is that we kept our promises in the nhs and put extra 12 billion and will put 19 billion pounds. Mr. Speaker, just for the record, i did say happy christmas. Maybe the Prime Minister wasnt listening at the time. If he is so happy, mr. Speaker about the National Health service could he explain then why he decide today cancel publication of any nhs performance this winter and there was a time when the Prime Minister was all in favor of transparency and it was his 2011 when he said, and i quote, information is power, it lets people hold the powerful to account giving them the tools they need to take on politicians and bureaucrats. Is it because the number of people in a e has gone up and he doesnt want to publish statistics . First of all t data was not published before the government came. [shouting] let me quote some data about the nhs. Let me take an average day today compared with five years ago when he became Prime Minister, on an average there are 4,400 more operations, there are 21,000 more outpatient appointments. Yes, there are challenges in a e but there are 2 thousands 00 more people seen within four hours today than five years ago and there is more data published in nhs than there was in labor. Mr. Speaker, they are largely due to the precious on the Adult Social Care system which is under enormous stress at the moment. Indeed, huge cuts in Adult Social Care because of cuts in local government funding. Nhs has called for radical upgrade. Would the Prime Minister agree with me that cutting Crucial Services is a faulty economy . [shouting] so that locals can spend more. I notice that the honorable gentleman mentions simon stevens, nhs for the first time got together and wrote their plan. They asked us for a billion pounds. They asked for the money up front and we committed to that plan unlike labour and we funded it up front and thats why we see a bigger better nhs but none of this would be possible including action on social care that we are taking with Better Care Fund, none of it would be possible without the growing economy that we have. [shouting] mr. Speaker, the problem is to do with Adult Social Care. This morning the Nhs Confederation said on bbc radio 4, cut to health and will continue to pile more pressure on hospital and will worsen deficits in the acute sector. What was announced in the autumn statement falls well short, 6 billion in place by 2020. How is the government plan to go meet the shortfall. [laughter] this is what the chairman of the local Government Association says, the local Government Association calls for flexibility in canceled tax and todays announcement will go some way to allow a number of councils to raise the numbers needed in the Better Care Fund and that today is good news. Is this government that funded Better Care Fund. They opposed it. Is this government that has a strong and growing economy. Mr. Speaker Adult Social Care and cut in local Government Spending are very much the responsibility of central government, can he confirm that nhs deficit of 2. 2 billion this year and indeed, i understand the Prime Minister as part of the movement will be concerned about this, but his own local Healthcare Trust is predicting 1. 7 million deficits. There is a problem of nhs funding. Has neglect hot has he forgotten the simple that prevention is cheaper and better than cure . [shouting] how could he possibly complain about nhs funding when his party didnt commit to fund the stevens plan. We are spending 19 billion pounds more on nhs, money that wouldnt be available if we had listened to the labour party. Now he says that social care is a responsibility of government. Everything is a responsibility of government but, in fact, it is local council that is dispense decide how much to spend on social care and with the Better Care Fund they have more to spend. But i challenge him again, how do we pay for the nhs, we pay for it by more growth, more jobs, more people having a likelihood. Is he going to welcome that at christmas time or doesnt he care about the reduction in unemployment. [shouting] mr. Speaker, i have a question from abby. [shouting] abby wants to train to be a midwife and she says im 28yearold, this year i left my successful career to go back into university to retrain as a midwife, i already have a debt of 25,000 from my first degree. Well over half of my coworkers studied the first degree in another subject and many of my fellow colleagues have children and partners with mortgages. Many people are put off by lack of financial support. Will the Prime Minister have the word a friend the chancellor sitting next to me to reverse the cut so that we do get people like abby trained to be midwifes which will help all of us in the future. [shouting] well, first of all, i want abby to train as a midwife, i can guaranty that the funding will be there for her training because there are thousands more midwifes operating in nhs today than when i became Prime Minister. The truth is today, two out of three people that want to become nurses cant do that because of the constraints on the system. And our new system will need many more doctors and many more nurses. Already we have ten thousand more doctors since i became Prime Minister, but all of this is happening, mr. Speaker, because the economy is growing. The deficit is falling. Unemployment is coming down. You can fill out a tank of gas in less than a pound a litter. Wages are going up. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. Yesterday colleagues from both sides of the house formed a new party group for the armed forces covenant, scrutinize and support personnel and their families. Would the Prime Minister join me in incredible dedication of armed forces and families specially those in my constituency when many are separated from loved ones . [shouting] shes absolutely right. There will be in armed services. They wont be able to do that because they are serving abroad or at home, we should wish them the very best as christmas comes. In terms of military covenant it is one of the things that im proudest of that we did in thefive years, was put that into law and add to the military covenant, increasing funding for Mental Health services, prioritizing for School Children every year im standing will continue to do so. [shouting] thank you very much, mr. Speaker. The Prime Minister will meet shortly with heads of state and your intean union, will he keep advise of former Prime Minister and in his words very dangerous and against our National Interest . [shouting] it was the first to veto a treaty, bring substantial pow toars britain. We have a great record on europe and we will get a good deal for the british people. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker, we were reminded that theres a Strong Majority in scottland to remain within the european union, and the Prime Minister has failed i know his side doesnt like to hear it. The Prime Minister doesnt give any guaranties that scottland wont be forced out of the eu by the rest of the uk. Does he have any idea of the consequences of taking scottland out of the eu against the wishes of voters in scottland . [shouting] why is he so frightening to listening to people. I say, get a good deal for britain and then trust the people. [shouting] thank you, speaker. [shouting] the Prime Minister visited constituency and given the United Kingdom is conducting air strikes over syria as well as over iraq, why is our country still not at highest level of threat . First of all, let me join my honorable friend in praising those who work around the clock to keep us safe in our country and are doing such vital work. As he will know, the threat level is set in this country, not by politicians by the joint terrorism. They currently set it at second highest level, so i can confirm what i said to the house, the uk is in the top tier of countries that daesh is targeting. That was cleared in advance by the chairman of the joint intelligence committee. A terrorist attack is highly likely. Thats been since august. Its critical, you believe attack is eminent. Thank you, mr. Speaker, im proud to represent the constituency, four mosques, over 35 churches and two temples, however, last night donald trump reiterated that one of these communities would not be allowed into america simply because of their religion. In our country we have legislation that stops people from entering the country who are deemed not to be conducive [laughter] does the Prime Minister should we be making exceptions for billionaires in in politician . Were we are one of the most multiracial, multifaceted country in the world. Its right that we exclude people when they are going to radicalize or encourage extremism. I happen to disagree with donald trump. I think his remarks are stupid and wrong and i think he if he came to visit our country i think he would unit us all against him. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. By the time the house makes the questions, many people have started knew years resolution and many would be to give up smoking. Half of the population is unaware of the fact. Would the Prime Minister join me in highlighting and helping people to give up tobacco for good . Someone who has been through the battle a number of times eventually relatively successfully, lots of people find different ways to do it and clearly for some people ecigarettes are successful. We should be guided by the experts. It is promising to see that over a Million People estimated to have used ecigarettes to help them quit, so i think we should be making clear that this is a very legitimate part. [shouting] during referendum the Prime Minister pledged to deliver storage at peterhead. He pull it had plug. Can i ask the Prime Minister he sees of greatest betrayal, that of scottland or the entire planet . The greatest success is the paris climate talks. I want to pay tribute. It was one of the key negotiators that helped deliver the global goal. Let me answer him directly. In government you have to make tough choices. You have to make decisions about technology that works and technology that isnt working and we are spending the money on innovation, energy storage, on Small Nuclear reactors and other things, energy heat systems for local communities that will make a difference. We made the right choice. Thank you, mr. Speaker. [shouting] this friday closure of britains coal mine. Will my right honorable friend join me in thanking the hundreds of workers who will be working their last shift this friday and also praise the thousands of workers whose bravery and hard work over the last 50 years has helped warm our homes, power our factory and keep our lights on . [shouting] i think my honorable friend speaks for his constituents and obviously its a difficult time and as part of closure process the government has put 80 Million Pounds to ensure they receive the same package as minors recently closed. That has allowed can i just tell him something. Can i just tell him something. [shouting] this is the official policy of the labour policy. We must take action to keep fossil fuel in the ground, right . Thats our policy. They have a policy of reopening coal mines. What theyre going to do is dig a hole in the ground and do nothing. [shouting] allison. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister promised during Election Campaign that he would not benefits to children. As a result rate clause for women, in order for women to receive child benefits. Ive asked a number of things, nobody has been able to tell me how this would work. Would he know the policy and the rate clause . First of all, we have made clear. Theres no question of someone who is raped and has a child of losing tax child credit. No question at all. Is it right for future claimants to get payments of their first due children, i think that it is. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. Its my honorable friend aware that thanks to have the the chancellor protection of the Police Budget 108 more Police Officers are being recruit today protect the people and while theres more to do in more rural areas, would he agree with me that this is an important step in prioritizing the front line and the home office have made Real Progress in making our police more effective, more efficient. [shouting] im delighted to join my honorable friend in saying its the right decision to make sure we have extra funding by the police. Increase of 900 Million Pounds in cash terms by 2020, im delighted theyll be more officers on the street. You cannot fund the nhs, you cannot fund the police unless you have a growing economy with more jobs who are paying their taxeses and making sure you have a strong and stable economy and that is whats happening in britain today. [shouting] parkingparliament decided whe collection would be free to all native or foreign, where every citizen would have the right to information and all inquiry outside of political control. Does the Prime Minister agree that the partnership of the working British Museum, interface gallery is important but that will not happen unless our museums and galleries continue to be funded properly . First let me honor the honorable lady not only to the British Museum but niel mcgregor. Given her heritage will be amused by the fact that when they put on the brilliant exhibition of germany i took chancellor merkel. [laughter] nonetheless in the spirit of cooperation its going to be very vital this week, im happy to see that happen. I do want to see the British Museum complete all of the partnerships, not just across United Kingdom but also internationally and she would have seen that in the autumn state the British Museum got a settlement for which they were rightly very pleased. [shouting] according to uk donated a generous of 229 of fair share of aid and support to syrian refugees. The highest of g8. Does the Prime Minister agree that its critical that other countries step up to the plait as the uk has more than done and [shouting] first of all, can i say how much i agree with my honorable friend. We are going to hold this conference in february bringing the world together to make sure theres more funding in future and thats going to be vital. In terms of number of refugees, i made a promise that we would resettle a thousand by christmas and confirm today that we met our commitment, charter flights that arrived yesterday mean that over a thousand have been settled and another charter flight is coming today. The government has provided funding so all the refugees get housing, healthcare, education and i want to thank all of the local authorities and all those who have worked so hard including my honorable friend the member who has led the process because i said the britain would do its duty and with the thousand we have made a very good start. [shouting] three years ago the Prime Minister couldnt have been any clearer. Renegotiation would mean returning control over social and employment law. Is he still seeking that . I always find it hard to satisfy the honorable gentleman because he joined the conservative party when we werent committed in referendum and he left the party after we committed the referendum. Im not sure hes giving his bosses enough trouble as much as hes given me. With that, i wish him a very christmas. [laughter] [shouting] the star wars saga began in my constituency but continues to produce [shouting] order i want to hear it. [shouting] will the Prime Minister join me in pledging support for our thriving Film Industry make such a valuable cultural and economic con trigution and across the United Kingdom. I think my honorable friend raises an important point. This is not only very exciting for children and i have to say quite a lot of parents are looking forward to this film, this is a film being made in britain with many britain actors showing the strength of the Film Industry, but i would say this backed by the British Government backed by taxpayers with the excellent resources reprovided. As i worked with them for so many years, i know that he will never join the dark side. [shouting] marian fellow. Thank you, mr. Speaker. [shouting] [inaudible] are starting to receive notice, given the urgency of the situation will the Prime Minister pressure to make quick decision for eii and commit to implement the scheme as soon as possible to provide much needed breathing space and to give some hope for my constituents . I think the honorable lady is absolutely right to raise this. I can confirm to her that as soon as its clear the money will be available for the british steelmaking companies. We expect this to be in place no later than april 2017, but should be much earlier and we are working around the dlok get that done. [shouting] im sure the whole house will want to join me in sending condolences and honor the bravery but in the light of this attack, does the Prime Minister agree it is now time for the government in retailers to Work Together to make it more difficult for offenders to get ahold of offensive weapons in the first place . [shouting]. Would you please come and speak to the union or Partner Group at some stage for the future, but even more importantly would help with the campaign to help work Better Together . Like the honorable gentleman im passionate about our United Kingdom and i believe we can make it stronger by dissecting it is a partnership of nations

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