Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book TV 20140615

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Terrific message. Its a very powerful message area to will his legal troubles help, hurt or not affect book sales . Of course it is a question that we are asking ourselves and talking to him about, but it is clear just in the last few days as some of the stories have come out in the paper but most of the people i talked to come in fact everyone that i talked to rally to his defense and they are looking at the legal case against him as frankly another example of intimidation by the administration that was an outspoken critic of the obama administration. Administration. So like the scandals that we are hearing about and some other opportunities of sort of selective prosecution or selective precedent. That really seems to be what is going on in this case. And Dinesh Dsouza isnt even the one saying that. Other people are saying when i look at the facts of the case it certainly seems like somebody was out to get you. They were targeting you for harassment and intimidation. So, i think in an odd way it may actually help because he has a rallying of support of people who say this isnt right, this is end the way frankly this is in the way that the country is supposed to operate. This is in the way that justice is supposed to operate in that way it is seen in his book. What other books do you have coming out this season . We have another one that we are very excited about in this book and that is the next book. It is blood feud. The claim came versus the obama is. Its going to be a blockbuster success and of course, this is coming as the followup if you will to a very successful book that we had a couple of years ago called the amateur which ensure that you remember and that was number one on the New York Times bestseller list for Something Like 21 weeks and it was a turkic read and it was full of all sorts of juicy nuggets on barack obama that was called the amateur by bill clinton as he reported. And he is just a turkic investigative reporter. He did things up that you just cannot imagine. Hes very well sourced and hes walked all of this down. And now we are going to release this book at the end of june and we have very high hopes and are excited about it. As the publisher how much Fact Checking goes into Something Like that . Thats something we have to worry about and frankly no other publisher ever wants to get dragged into a lawsuit or even accused of Something Like that and certainly no author does either serious or part of our first line of scrutiny is a very deep exhaustive interview with the author himself and really grilling the author on where he got his information and making sure that he has done his Fact Checking. And one of the things that has always been great about ed klein and i think one of the reasons that his book has stood up to scrutiny comin coming and belie, people would love to find and poke holes in what hes saying is that his role as he will never put anything into the book unless it is verified by the two sources coming off one. He is never relying on a Single Source obviously has many, many or most journalists. There are sources that he cant mean it wont be made we can think of many famous reporters that have gone to prison because they wouldnt reveal who the sources were. So it isnt a question of him identifying people by name because a lot of times you cannot do that. But it is a question of making sure that he gets confirmation of corroboration. And so he has walked us through that on all of the things that are in his book to convince us that he has done his job and his due diligence. And then of course we always have the lawyers reviewing things to make sure they dont do anything that is worrisome and weve done that here, too another big successful repeat on the list this year is David Limbaugh and his book this fall its from his typical redmeat political book. Hes doing a book for us called jesus on trial. This is a book where david takes his legal mind in the background and constitutional lawyer and he argues the case for the gospel and he goes through as a sort of legal experts as a lawyer and examines the evidence and comes to the conclusion that its true and that what we have come to know as the old and the new testament is true and that its a true story, not a fabrication, not a fairytale. But he takes it a very logical legal approach to the subject. We can think of many books in the last couple of years that have gone more in the faith direction in the political direction and that is something that has caught our attention and it makes a lot of sense. The audience of the conservatives and the committed conservatives and the committed sort of family values are also very added of books on faith and books about religion. So it made sense for us to look to go into that area and it was something david felt passionately about and so it was a perfect opportunity for us to bring out his next book. Margie from tha regnery, thak you. How is everybody doing . Can you hear me . Good. I apologize for my voice. Im half deaf and i were a set of headphones for 24 years in the marine corps. Singles intelligence, morse code and all that stuff. Before i get started i would like to think some people for bringing me here. Thanks to the World Affairs council for bringing me here. Ive always been treated like taki

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