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We checked them out, they had nothing to do with the media. They suddenly appeared, they said they got an invitation when they didnt. We know that individuals have contacted certain people, we know that there was an emergency meeting of tax attorneys in washington, d. C. In mid october, actually, mid to late october, and that emergency meeting of tax attorneys was designed to answer anything that Congress Might throw at it. And so while many people talk about retaliation of the nif, after youve done ibm, ford, general motors, carnegie and rockefeller, the new israel fund is not a real problem. So if there are any other questions from any of the policy people in the room, any of the you have a question . I wanted to ask you a question. What is your first name . Kyle. Kyle. Yes, kyle. I wanted to ask you, you said that this issue of paying salaries for palestinian prisoners was no surprise to, you know, the ambassadors and the policy people and the foreign ministers, yet somehow it was a surprise to members of congress. One of the first things that any congressman is going to do if they want to hold hearings is ask the state department what do you know about this. And it leads to the question, are they misof informing congress, do you think . And if so, why . Well, first of all, they havent been asked the right question, so they havent misof informed congress. But there is such a thing as to missive misrepresentation to missive misrepresentation. And if you knew there was a terrorist getting your money, you would with duty bound to report it. And our country, our administration should not be vibrantly and robustly allowing american taxpayer money to be fungiblely financed into terrorist salaries. We should just abruptly say this has got to stop. Now, let me give you a similarly. The biggest simile. The biggest demonstration in the history of man kind occurred in egypt some months ago. The biggest petition in the history of mankind occurred in egypt some months ago. The Muslim Brotherhood was dethroned. The question was, and i have my own tv show, i asked this question, everybody in the media was asking this question, was it a military coup . And if so, does that not disqualify it for u. S. Funding . And, of course, those of us who know the history of Democratic Movements, those of us who know that people like adolf hitler were brought to power through the electoral process. Democracies dont make elections, elections make democracies. Those of us who know that democracy can be hijacked by the wrong people who openly admit theyre hijacking it for reasons that are nondemocratic when there was a correction, and these people were put out, and now theres a genuine interface Democratic Movement in egypt where the coptic patriarch is actually on the dais with the muslim leaders. Thats a real turning point. So immediately congress said, oh, lets discuss it, lets debate it. Is it, is it not. It immediately went to the front page. So congress can if it wants stop dead in its tracks and say what have we done . And they need to do that here. They need to not take a long time doing it. Because every day that congress delays in its hearing, every day that congress delays, every day that congress delays in rectifying its wrong in this area leaves open the possibility that some brighteyed palestinian villager living in poverty like the one who killed that medical clown will feel this is my chance for money, this is my chance. And by the way, i just want to add an addendum here. One of the most astonishing things i found in this research was that organizations who claim were just here for democracy have no problem undermining the democracy in israel. I refer now and you saw it in the trailer to the new israel fund which is committed to democratic processes, which brags about the fact that it can convince or cajole knesset members not to vote in their own knesset, in their own legislature. Interrupting elections, interrupting free vote is not an act of democracy. So i think we need to define what is wrong with the system, take a good, hard look at the system, admit that theres a new entity that never existed before. Just as there was a king cole king coal and a king oil and a king corn, and now weve become aware of big data. We have big ngo to. And big ngo reports to no one, big ngo belongs to no one. Theyre international. The new israel fund cannot only pick up its money in washington, d. C. , they have a whole office in switzerland, they can get whatever they want through swiss p channels if they want. If they dont like the law, they will overturn the law. The they dont like what happened when they tried to overturn the law, they will go to the, to the Supreme Courts. If they dont like the action of the Supreme Courts, they will appeal the Supreme Court to the u. N. They say, well, thats what we do in this a democratic process. Thats what the people of the land do in a democratic process. Thats not what is done from boston and San Francisco is we pull the strings on what is and is not going to be done with the legitimacy of israeli law, a law, by the way, that goes back to the beginning of the judeochristian ethic. I hope that answers your question. Is there another question here . Do you have a question . With that, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for having me. I hope to come back to a hearing room soon. Thank you. [applause] is there a than fiction author or book youd like to see featured on booktv . Send us an email at and theyre not my keywords. Arbaughs words. I asked a couple of questions. When you look at the constitution empower the president , does the president have the power to transform america . Of course not. Why would you want to fundamentally transform . You dont like america very much, do you . You i capitalism, private property rights. He dont like our constitutional system very much. When you are the fundamental transformation, change is hard, we need our time for change. We need to understand this is a direct attack on our constitutional system. Thats what hes talking about. Thats what he means

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