book "wanted dead or alive" manhunts from geronimo to bin laden." a recent review said accomplishing to contradictory feats a colorful accounts of each man high-end appeal to pay its venture story but it provides ample material material and it is bt without being ponder and the book deserves attention from the general public. [applause] >> they give for that kind introduction. it is great to see some plant-- trends here tonight in to be here as well i promise i will be brief but the scheduling conflict i cannot think of the more appropriate time the and the day after the tragic anniversary. out of curiosity how many people remember exactly they were his september 11, 2001? >> not surprising. but how many people remember where they were tuesday september 18, 2001? >> nobody raise their hand is also not surprising. it is a cliche to say it is in comparison in their mind that in comparison in september 18th, 2001 seems inconsequential. america was state of shock from the attacks killed nearly 3,000 people and desperate to regain some small measure of marvell say. 5 miles away while they search for signs of life tenure stock exchange won't reopen for business in play ball would replace the maura breen silence that had settled in across the country and then president bush went to the pentagon to meet with military leaders to activate 35,000 reservists. as the president arrives the smoke still lingered in the air from where 77 slammed into the outer ring and after the meeting after the gathering and the spontaneous rendition of god bless america of the president spoke to reporters one member asked do you want bin laden dead? and president bush said i want justice. there is a poster that said wanted dead or alive. the president's supporters at the time included large richard b. of americans it was in the face of the unspeakable tragedy but for those ranks drag on in afghanistan and iraq it comes to epitomize the cowboy diplomacy even president bush would express regret over his choice of words that day but it was the iconic moment with those four words bush linked by the key two of one man bias of the bin laden. but as dramatic as it seemed although bush signed a document authorizing operations capture or kill, this is not the first u.s. president to do so. and then the clinton fired tomahawk cruise missiles to kill bin laden and authorize the use of legal force of necessary to capture the saudi terrorists. and he was not the first individual to be singled out of the u.s. military campaign. may 3rd, 1886, one century before $25 million obery were offered the u.s. house introduced a joint resolution "authorizing the president to offer a reward of a $45,000 for kill or capture of geronimo. 30 years later in response to pancho villa raid into columbus new mexico, it woodrow wilson announced "inadequate force will be sent at once in pursuit of the single object to capture and put a stop to his foray. now with the 1989 invasion of panama with george h. to be bush declared the capture of general noriega was the ultimate objective. in fact, they have deployed military force with the objective of killing or capturing an individual nearly one dozen times since 1885 this strategic history in the lessons they can learn. it is a reasonable question to ask with the monegan dead why should we care about geronimo of our looking for a vested sandino what applicability does that have? besides of cool story the reality is there will increasingly be attractive for several reasons. and from the joint chief of staff it was noted a president has to rally the country with the policy would that is where it is tough to get public opinion against political distractions. but iman and -- among the conflicts the sensitivity to, at and casualty's and the abilities of individuals to threaten with interest and magnified by the evolution of technology especially the growth of the international media and weapon of mass destruction and dual-use technology. up the same time the ability of forces to target individuals with finishes to make such operations tempting. thus rather than make war there is a strong with a patient to kill or capture leaders that threaten their national security. given the probability of future strategic manhunt it is important to draw lessons learned why some fail or is it took 13 years to get bin laden when the average mankind was only 18 months. based upon the 125 years of american mankind's as examined in "wanted dead or alive" i come to conclusions first of all, u.s. forces almost always in joy in a joe of technology the advantages really decisive. making heliograph stations u.s. forces have attempted to leverage the technology although in recent man hence with incredibly sophisticated reconnaissance assets it has only played a peripheral role. neither said dumbledore bin laden was located or that the voices heard never captured. the reality is for every technology there is a other that the reality and complexity guarantees it is not an all-purpose panacea. my second conclusion is more troops too not guarantees success that is the most surprising that the reason end day escaped was because the bush administration failed to deploy troops of the history of the strategic manhunt suggest the punitive expedition deployed twice as many in pursue addis geronimo which was 1/4 the united states are met a sure me the yet the earlier smaller manhunt that was successful only because of a party of 52 track the apache leader similar leave the plant floor noriega both involve roughly the 20,000 troops pursuing the urban environment but yet it succeeded worthy of their fee at -- of a failed and one could point* out u.s. advisory teams not instrumental tune the capture with che or escobar. and to increase the chance of the model in the cia from the afghan and -- to president bush nobody has enough troops to have any possibility of escape the fifth look at operation and anaconda between 90 and 100 troops were required and then that would have taken between 9,000 and 1500 u.s. troops to cordon off the 150 passes or potential escape routes that the number was logistically impossible to deploy. the delta force commander at tora bora decided the afghan forces would either turn and additional forces or just go home levying them to operate the wind. too historical operations conducted over the similar terrain provide useful counter facts with the credit of wisdom in march march 2002 after bin laden escaped roughly 2,000 troops were deployed the yet when they uncover the palace, he has not quite this weird own collection of weird things and that is one of the things that to me to the project. this is nonfiction. also one of my disappointments is a lot of dead targets become legends the military heroes one was henry lot 10 and 18 year-old when fort sumter was fired upon. and immediately dropped out and enlisted in to the army and 520 metals eventually move from private to colonel over the course of the war. may 1886 when general miles took command of the stalled geronimo campaign describe the 100 best athletes and handpicked to lead them and was six ft. five which today means an average college linebacker. but back then he was described as a gigantic beowulf of the man. thing backend 1880s i would have been a linebacker on the average college team. >> then marking 1400 bios and although they never caught the apache it help to convince to run a mood to surrender august 1886. because it was his company that escorted back fast forward 13 years after we had been the easy conventional fight down with a counter insurgency with the iraq war can achieve the filipino insurgency as a key to victory u.s. forces were led by that cautious who has one described as just like general mcclellan without his good looks. in the early months the rumor but is to filling the most battle hard tinge best -- veterans and confirmed in the 6-foot 5-inch officer with the idea and clay mustache stepped off the transport and henry lot and had arrived in the philippines. into a is wind in doing tremendous popularity with a fellow officers and as a reputation to an indian fighter leading the attack and cuba the previous year pro and then a model officer known as a fighting calgary man whereas as a decisive rest in this thought to be the ideal commander. "the new york times" declared "in then had two realize that was no match for geronimo but even douglas macarthur's father hoped they would be replaced and if they carry a dark secret nearly easygoing to those that had violent fits of temper when intoxicated although could control the consumption was relieved as military governor of this on diego district. and was summoned to the warehouse to be face-to-face for reelection on intemperance. and to deploy to the philippines with the infantry and honored his promise to live up to the lourdes reputation he had earned in 40 years of fighting. clot in lead from the front with little regard for his personal safety in look and talk like a hero in acted like a hero walking e rack even as he paced back and forth in polished until it shone like the head by of attention. and then to the sea share but on may 17 then to see the filipino capital. and then in then to effectively terminate the expedition. if they would give them to regimens would turn them loose to state the reputation in a position in the united states army would end the war to mood deliver dead or alive. and left the office is even more limited than when he arrived. it was cut short by the spring monsoon but in fall there was another offensive launched although it disperse the filipino army he was always one step behind. 60 filipinos it led by his best friend held off 900 u.s. infantrymen known as the philippines thermopylae and held them off long enough to slip across the mountains into the dark interior. what in requested permissiopermissio n to cross the mountain into the valley the floor of an elbow was settled and of 300 bn company had a reduced version. but he met with surprising success as he surrendered with 800 rifles and perhaps discourage further into take charge of the campaign in then for the highest ranking generals. and then beating the small patrol to san mateo in the driving rain encountered the insurgent force and ramada inn pays back and forth pushing onward and the filipino general director did the death shooters to concentrate the firearms in the bright yellow slicker. one of the aids was hit shortly thereafter. and then despite the promise to return to a safer position then made an awkward mission what is the matter? >> i am shopper go where qwest with blood coming from his mouth within minutes the most beloved officer the philippines are in the united states army was dead with his head resting upon the five of his officer but he was struck down by soldiers led by the filipinos general and then finally strategic manhattan's one thing that i learned that i did not know that they are significant because they see the most technological innovations in history and given the proximity to colorado springs and should be noted the punitive expedition marks the first american deployment in two aircraft. and then for the decade prior and the first appointment of the stealth bomber in the punitive expedition also saw the mechanized interests of the salts which i will account. in the first few months u.s. forces nearly missed capturing the mood did been just as the end tubes for coming in but by me increasing tensions between the mexican government forces with operations but the expedition enjoy some success and then placed in aiding command of an expedition to buy corn at the hacienda. and then at officer or a known as the best of the when he learned his regiment would not be going to mexico they big day persian to take them along. walt purchasing come it noticing a group of 50 or 60 on the phone to mexicans. a one recognized a number of old friends among them and all those to eliminating eliminating, the commander was believed to be hiding in the vicinity. home dale in another interpreter drove where patent cat interrogated the zero call in his nervousness aroused him in donna lynch he ordered his convoy two mou drive 6 miles to the ranch where the family was rumored to be residing. he saw three old men and boys getting take-out in a freight yard. one man ran into the house but then returned to resume his work. two cars took up positions in jumped out of the car raced along the ridge is northern edge and made a similar negative in case any mexicans jumped out in than move toward the gate and went 15 yards from a large arched door three armed men on horseback broke out of the house and going to the southeast corner of the mexican is turned in rhode that off the shot at me. i fired back five times for range of 20 yards. two shots hit their target one injured his belly the other breaking his right arm. soldiers began firing from the quarter to put him in a line of fire and then the bullets hit above his head consequently he did not see the demand that he shot. win patton came around the corner he was nearly stampeded and then he was brought crashing down with good is indignant came than other americans caught hit -- cut him down three others made it east of the hacienda. he pitched for word in two of the three mexicans word dead. the first man who had entered the patio climbed out a win deal was spotted running toward the nearby fields. when helendale approached two surrender within 20 feet he raised to his temple in shot but then blew out his brains. this is the words from his journal. and then turned up no further information. nobody would identify the bodies since the corp.'s were strapped across the hoods of the automobiles. at than racing toward the hacienda outnumbered they were treated with the first man that was identified and it allowed patent to keep the battle in begin referring to him is the band and promoted him. and the exploit quickly appeared in reader's were thrilled to have an attractive hero they could associate expeditions as was the beginning of launching of patent. meanwhile then the rap in the decomposing meccas and -- mexicans were buried and ashes to ashes if they will not very you then it uncle sam us. it struck me on almost every case that there was anecdotes as military history that i could never quite decide if it would be a policy book to read like a novel or tom clancy book to have some policy lessons. so far the feedback is that it has achieved both. i am now look forward to any questions that you may have. >> do you know, why? >> that is a mystery that lt. charros keyword is one of the most talented officers with the sixth calvary. thinking the fourth calvary wanted to hog credit so he led a five man but excepted the mission of going when they could never catch to rob a mehl birkhead is he trusted him to try to surrender after words general miles who was ambitious his uncle said we could never satisfy your ambitions unless we made him general in army at the same time. and later when he was chief of staff teddy roosevelt called him a stroke teeing peacock. basically in the after action report its cut him out in is to capture geronimo and living a fairly a tragic life and never recovered but the curious thing is vyyo supported he was effusive in his praise sell it was a day mixed bag. although in the movie which is not historically accurate, the character receives full credit. but that is an excellent point*. i discuss that very briefly at the end of the geronimo chapter. >> with the united states marshal service are in the business of tracking wanted criminal fugitives. do have any messages out they could be more effective? >> i look added different phenomenon in make a conscious decision they have some incredible real-life stories, in thus a book of the hunt for air rick rudolph and a lot of work has been done but i look at a hostile environment did act the will bid i think it compares apples and oranges. >> when it has been a a half relationship vs. and there hasn't been any kind? >> in a lot of the man who wants i was surprised how many that we did have viewed cooperated with the first four months after the battle to come aboard in bay and admiral do we gave him arms told him to continue the revolution and he had captured the good deal of the island on his own and then it became very well thought of two pda bad guy. and because of a mexican politics and revolution had a lot of supporters within the lowe's encashment but did things leading up and mass occurred something like the 16 american miners that cause the opinion of him to change. similarly with that noriega, there is a history that there was a relationship but i hate to say the united states can be fickle i would like to think we are a little bit better now but with the international politics you have to vocationally make accommodations with people less than an perfectly clean hands and circumstances can change that. and half of those to come but that is a excellent point* that has happened surprisingly frequently in the history of strategic manhunt. >> >> is there is rich of a history of the government's going after the most wanted? to we have lessons to teach? >> strategic mankind's come in as i mentioned are almost as old as civilized warfare and alexander the defeated the army bed did not consider it a victory complete and then chased him from northern iraq to the border of the persian empire in the second eight year they chased table because they feared him and in the 16 40's the colonial militia chased the man it is about 20 letters but a tribal chief tin that they feared and the british have the more obvious examples in been chase the mad bull a. who was a rebellious clerk and i did not look at it in this book but i think it be an interesting comparison. i can take one more question. >> having a strategic perspective maybe just being criticized for her writing that? >> my doctor is in political science. you can take the boycott of academia you cannot take that out of the boy. my career has been in policy last 15 years it might difficult to read to woo the go pure entertainment fashions but with a broader point* i don't think that right team needs to be contrived will retain about history. it is very interesting especially episodes that it to show a continuity and then 100 miles behind enemy lines with the seal teams that go 100 miles into pakistan. there is much more continuity than they are much deeper than we think of in a moment today. thank you very much what. [applause] >> might attempt to answer the question that i was asked very frequently talking about climate change after i had written in the weather makers. the question was what are our chances really to survive the shifting climate? in the only way i could think of to an answer the question was to go back to the fundamentals and the process that created us. in and of course, look at the intersection the thing that we call planet earth. and deciding not to do go through that man there. so westminster abbey the sacred house with the british -- british men and women. end it shows he was buried in the church. benefiting is said in the tombstone that did is pretty unique. for what they had written about with the theory of evolution was not kindly looked upon. the reason i wanted to start is because he is the man then explained to us what the process made us the idea was extremely simple. and then some of those over third time just becoming aware of but it must be nine irritability it lantos as a whole. that darwin being a very wise man and perceptive person decided to sit on that idea 20 years and then i understood about to before announcing the fundamental idea to change how to view the world. just outside his house, he built something that he calls the sea in walk. i don't know why but it they can do odd things. but people have wondered why. what one is the doing? so i have speculated maybe he was perfecting the things but then to characterize the written word. some men to talk about what they knew and then often interrupted and then not the actions of a man who is deeply engaged in a critical thought. i think what that is doing is metaphorically ef- the of the implication for his religious beliefs for civil society and other matters. and then to destroy faith but then to be with the moral and utterly cruel process that may destroy hope and charity as well to have the adverse impact on his society. >> he may never have published his theory and 20 years after first tumbling on the idea of how we hear every other living thing on the planet was made and then a man 20 years hundred bandar when in went to the topix and while he was there , he had a venereal attack and as a result the ada came to him that the species were created at the exact same mechanism that darwin explained 20 years earlier. when he recovered enough he wrote with great excitement and ast are one if you would not transmitted to one of the durables to be published. but when he received a letter he was horrified. he said it you made could not have made a better summary if we had my notes in front of him in thought his will work would be viewed as substandard. as it was he appealed to his friends and in particular those of the "journal" hot publication and as a result of their intervention it both were not published but when his extraordinary how similar they are. this theory is presented in both accounts but for that it was like going on in nobody took notice. the man that was in charge an expert said that it there had been no scientific discoveries in the "journal" to revolutionize the department of science and in then the following year of 1969 on "the origin of species" in then the theory unleashed it began to change. within five years it is a survival of the fittest and social darwinism. their win did not help and then on the preservation and i imagine going into a bookshop 19592 pick up the book i would not be thinking about worms into thinking of the british empire. so is the social impact. at the time what we saw was a very big impact on the society. did everything to the neoclassical economics from the darwinian thinking but particularly as mediated from those likes. then as we begin to look at the process that created us us, it and began to despair after rereading darwin that perhaps we were selfish and short sighted and selfish forged by the amoral and utterly cruel process. and that may not necessarily be the case. and then dying at the age of they be at the age of 80 he was still writing and i would argue the most important work was published in 1900 for that is said title page of it there. so in relation to the unity or plurality. so what's in this book really is, a summary of the and a standing of what the evolutionary mechanism had created. he was not like dar when toots jillian -- to drill down in terms of understanding the evolutionary mechanisms of. what he wanted to know is what created in being the ballistic thinker his field of endeavor was the entire planet. so he has the theory that the others were ever they be are more dead. also millwork -- the work talking about the atmosphere and talking about regulating the earth's climate system, an extraordinary, lucid, press should work early that has many aspects of a holistic sides and so forth. and what we learned from wallace and his work is evolutions legacy is not a survival of the fittest but instead the mechanism has led to a world of extraordinary interconnectedness and op

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