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The institute is focusing providing young women to give them the knowledge in the freedom for all of the moral values. At i am delighted the authors have stories the redemption and courage he remembers d. C. In the 1995 hit movie. The film is set in the Beverly Hills high school with the attractive wealthy and spoil characters. She writes about glisten her brand new book and chronicles her journey from the outspoken conservative. Wednesday seeking now is a conservative with a position as a wellknown actress to encourage discussions on topics ranging from pop culture to policy issues and joins fox news to serve as a contributor. Stacey has staged hollywood and our country so much. Especially young women to not courageously speaking out for what you truly believe in and. Stacey makes us all stronger with her tenacity and her devotion to america. Please join me with the mitt of clips from clueless. She is my friend because those of the people were jealous of. Girlfriend. With a great singers of the past. Go straight. Go straight. [laughter] you are up. I have a note from my a coach. My Plastic Surgeon doesnt want me to do many activities. [applause] look in all of you beautiful and young with your whole lives ahead of you. And will start the book by reading something that a very important. Called on i am. My friends forsake me. Of the self consumer of my woes. From the stifling pros but like the vapors of scored and always hot with the sense of life or joey but the vast shipwreck. And as the man never tried. With as we slept with a the grass below. After that, i had a sexual abuse incident happened in my parents had left made with the family they were taking care of me. I dont want to tell you too much because i wanted to read the book. I will give you a little taste and that was difficult because i didnt want to be there. I wasnt safe and they were drug addicts so they didnt really think about that much. So i had to take care of myself and i unfortunately didnt listen to the mother of the house who told me dont go into soandsos room if he ask you to. He was 16 and he offered me candy one day and i would end. I didnt listen and i didnt do what i was told so i came out and well you will read it in the book. It wasnt nice. Finally my mother brings me, and i have a little brother which was my joy. He was my little baby and, but my parents were not well. They were worse than they had ever been. My mother tried to take her life i saved her life because i found her. I was told to leave her alone but i was a five yearyearold and i was stubborn and i like to do things my way so i tried to wake her anyway. I couldnt so i screamed for my cousins and they came in and the next thing i know she was taken away in an ambulance. I later realized she had committed suicide. I had an uncle, my uncle ferdinand. He was a very powerful figure in my neighborhood. I grew up in the south bronx and it was great because the kids, the neighborhood everyone, you played in the streets and play jump rope and hopscotch and stick all and we talk to each other and we ran around and played tag really play games but there was also a so im not going to lie that we had an uncle who had a lot of prestige and power and he knew i was the niece and they said dont mess with stacy. Bad things will happen to you. My uncle freddie always told me you were special. There is something about you that is special and you can do anything you want to do in this life. Dont ever be anybodys trick and when the jesus train comes make sure you are on it. As the little girl i got the jesus part to the trick part i was like he must mean dog let people play tricks on me. It wasnt until i found out that he was a that he was talking about Something Else but anyway he was my favorite uncle because he showed me love, so much love. He took care of me and made me feel like i was special. My mother never did. My mother never told me i was pretty or beautiful or special or any of those things. I feel if your mother doesnt tell you no matter who does in your life, it never sinks in. They can save say it in the magazines and they can say it on tv. But if your mother never tells you you never think it. So im still in search of that feeling of line beautiful. I still have to wake up in the morning and say to myself you are worth it, you are good enough. Its still a battle and i have to get that courage and that fortitude from god. Hes the only one that can make me feel better. I can do all these other things that you will read about in the book and i have made a lot of mistakes. Ive been married three times and divorced three times but i have two beautiful children. My son is special because i almost didnt have him. I was pregnant with him at the time i was doing things that i should shouldnt have been doing that i was doing drugs and you would think after being with parents that do drugs i would know better but i did them in spite of myself. It did them to spite them and they did them because me being a good girl wasnt good enough so i said okay im going to do drugs. Instead of hurting them i just hurt myself. When i found out i was pregnant i was so far along i was in an abusive relationship. The man i was with was beating me on a daily basis and i just thought i cant bring a child into this world. Im doing drugs and its not going to work. They had to put me under, put the ivy in me but i was crying and i was crying and i was crying and i couldnt stop. This is later on in my life. I had to teach myself how to stop crying. They learned how to be mad instead of sad but at this moment i could not stop crying so i said to god, god you have to tell me what to do. I dont want a sign, dont want to signal, you have to tell me what to do because this doesnt feel like something is wrong and god spoke to me. Like im speaking to you right now he said keep your son. He even told me it was a boy. I ripped the ivy out of my arm, i jumped up and the nurses thought it was crazy and the doctors thought it was crazy. They said, down stacey but you get this feeling when you make a decision. They are going to take it i had to get it out of me and i had to get out of there. I was keeping my baby and my doctor such as hold on us to a sonogram and make sure everything is okay. That was the best thing he could have ever done because when we did that sonogram i felt this little peasized heartbeat inside of me and all i could think was how could you possibly imagine getting rid of this little life rowing inside of you i just thought its you and me kid, thats it. I knew the man i was with was not going to be around and i knew the other man that was stalking me was not going to stop stalking me but i was going to fight for me and for my son. My son suddenly made highlight important. I stopped doing all drugs. I stopped doing anything bad for my body but i couldnt stop the outside things that were happening to me. My son and i, had my son and i got a job thank god. My career was going well and everything was going fine. My son turned three and we had to move because like i said i was being stalked. He found out where he lived so i would move and i would move. I moved five or six times, cant even tell you, me and my little boy. At three years old when he was three years old i got a gun. Enough is enough. Thankfully i did because this man decided to break the door and off the hinges and come into the house. My son was asleep upstairs and he beat me up so i ran upstairs and i got my gun and i tried to kill him. I tried to kill him. I shot at his head and i want him dead tree thank god i missed. But the moral to that story is what im doing now at night age because i have a 12yearold little girl i decided i was no longer going to have premarital sex. Im not going to do it anymore because i now realized it was a part of my soul that is precious and the only person that deserves that is the man that has vowed to god to stay with me for the rest of my life. I now understand what marriage is and how important it is and how important it is to children. If im teaching that to my child who is 12 no premarital sex than i have too do the same thing in and the best way teaches by example. So thats what im doing. My strength i believe, stand up for what i know to be true for me and i know to be true and are able to god comes from god. When people say stacy how do you take all of the backlash, its not me, its the grace of god. All i can say to you girls is as you were growing there so much that you are going to face in so many things that you will want to do and so many men that are going to want make you want to do things but remember you are valuable. You are valuable. Before you are valuable you are worthy of gods love and we are grateful that gods love is unconditional. I believe its never too soon and its never too late. So with that i would love to now open it up to you to ask me whatever you want. [applause] span this is one very brave lady. Thank you very much for sharing your story. Ladies and students of the wooden mind lining up to ask questions. Please give your name and your college. Dont be shy. Please dont be shy. Stand up and ask. Stacy, thank you. Thank you for sharing your very wonderful story and its very admirable that you have come to share this with all of us and share your struggle and not really difficult road. I would say what is your biggest challenge . My biggest challenge is man. I want to be loved. I want to be married and my biggest challenge is sticking to my vows to god. That is my biggest challenge because i love love and i have to learn how to take it slowly and trust god, that he will come my knight in shining armor. My name is abigail and my friends call me at the. My question to you is you are you were a liberal in hollywood. Where was that transitioned . Was there a moment you decided you were going to be conservative or was it a slow process . There was a moment. I was having a conversation with a man that i was dating at the time and he was a very wealthy man. We were talking about social issues and i said to him, that doesnt sound right. It sounds like social and socialism and he said stacey you are living in a socialist society. This isnt about 20 lap and i said know that cant be right. That cant be right. I dont like obama and i dont like what hes doing it that i started to think about it and i said it is socialism so i started paying more attention to politics and how they apply to the right and what should i do about it. And what i did is i voted for the only hope for the future and i got backlash because people thought because im black i have to vote for the black and which is absurd. You should judge people by their character and not by the color of their skin. Thats what i believe and thats what i think everyone should he leave. Thank you. Im emily and i attend Liberty University and my question is how do on College Campuses were being blacklisted for conservative ideals . Yes, plant your feet firmly in what you believe in and stand thats all i can tell you, to stand. Dont defend yourself because you have nothing to defend. You have a right to your beliefs and if someone wants to bully you they are the ones that are , not you. God bless you and i commend your bravery. I name is clare. I was wondering when you made your conversion did you talk to any conservative woman in particular that talk to you . Yes, margaret thatcher. I love her. I loved how she went and achieved so much even though so many people tried to tell her no you cant do thats impossible. She proved it was possible. Hi my name is andrea. I was wondering. [inaudible] c the people who are my true that friends are supported. A lot of my friends from clueless are still supportive of me but then there are a lot of people who are no longer my friends. They just stop talking to me. Family members as well. But thats okay because i believe if god wants you to do something he opens up the doors and all you have to do is walk through them and thats what im doing. Thank you. Thank you. An odd you are one of the most beautiful people. C thank you, very sweet. Im so frustrated by hillary clinton. I have never dreamed of that. Like she was the one who invented it. [laughter] c newsflash. Im just wondering what you did would say to people im sure this roomful of people are not interested in voting for her what do you say to young women in this room who are shifting because she is the presumptive nominee . If you talk to people on fox or people around the country if you talk about hillary how do you discuss the future for young women . I speak to women and i have a rant called dash american what am i platforms is 21st century and that is being a lady just like every single one of you that i see and hear. Being a woman, dressing like a woman, behaving like a lady, using all the tools god gave you and dont ever let anyone shame you. You dont have to dress like a man you can just like a woman which is how she dresses. You can still be beautiful where you are. Dresses and do your hair and your makeup and run for president. You dont have to be like her. Please dont be like her. [laughter] my name is danielle and i know you talk a lot about feeling beautiful and worthy and the struggles and im sure every girl in this room has felt not beautiful at one point. Is there a particular when you dont feel that way . Wheres my sister . That is the one. Is that the one where he says i have counted the hairs on your heads in your mothers womb. That is the one i go to. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for your help. Hi stacy. I go to Patrick Henry college. [inaudible] absolutely it does i feel like our country is going into the wrong hands if you know what i mean. Its becoming darker and darker and i dont want that. I do not want that dark evil presence to take over our world and i want to fight to make that happen. Im willing to give my life. Thats what i want to do. Thank you. Im from outside of atlanta georgia. It happens to be all girls and its very liberal my professors. I won hundred stick out like a sore thumb. We talk about things and i tend to get shut down a lot. I dont want to talk about what i believe and i believe in so what assured by his . Do not let them do that to you. Do not let anyone scare you into submission. If anything let them feed your fire. Let it make you study harder and find out more things. I want you to Youtube Video of william f. Buckley and James Baldwin at Cambridge University in 1964. Its an amazing debate and every one of you should watch it. Its amazing and yes standup. Do not give them. God is with you. Thank you. Hi i go to morgan university. I will be a senior this year so a lot of us have the same problem. Young conservative women programs are platforms we dont deal like so are there some platforms . Especially now with the election going on the thing i really want to do is educate people who are disenfranchised. They dont get to have the education that we might get to have now. Go went talk to people that you may not want to go and talk to and share what you know, whats good. We have got to break that narrative, that democrats had been feeding to the country that plantation mentality that they been feeding to everyone. You cant do everything. You can achieve everything you want. Theres not enough to go around. You know what they are doing doing . They are putting a limit on our god. Does god have limits . No he does not. I go to the university of South Carolina and i was wondering your opinion on conservative women the republican nominee donald trump. He has been saying in a purpy thinks about women. How do you feel is a woman . Do you feel its accurate . I dont feel like they are accurate at all. They can never tell me anything specific other than or member the thing with megyn kelly but it seemed like it was an argument that they had some kind of rift between them. Thats what it seems like to me. What i would say is look at his children, look at his daughter and his wife, look at them. They seem very happy and respected and loved and thats what i look at. That tells me a lot about a man, what his family looks like. Hi i go to Liberty University. I was just wondering you seem very strong and going to liberty i dont know if your for me with it. Coming into the political world and coming into society how do you share your faith without making it seem like you are [inaudible] i see my own personal experience. I see it from my own heart and what god has done for me. I think dodd for myself. I never say you have to do this. And make suggestions like it just did. I suggest you try this and if you dont want to do and you dont want to and thats your choice but hey im going to be on the jesus trained with my uncle ted. May be the last two questions a month or more. One, what is your issue that you care the most about, the policy issues and two police tell us about making that movie. [laughter] i policy issue i care the most about is to be defeating isis. I care the most about defeating isis because until we do that i wont feel like we have achieve the greatness in the country that we can and we have to prove to the world that we care about everybody, that we are not just the selfish americans who sit on her high horse and think we are better than everyone else. That is not who we are. We love people and we care about people and we are the strongest country in the world so its our responsibility to take care of those who cant take care of themselves

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