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Any gambled on plays and her everything into the stock market. But the stock market crash, he goes down. A lot of others go down with them. But before that happens, new york has won stunning absolutely stunning moment. Washington d. C. Comes into new york and he doesnt make it. He comes back and he makes it in this grubby little clubs run by gangsters. A hustling agent finds that everybody hated me. I did nothing. Harden the term. Theyll pull them this is the guy that does the music. Theres an opening at a place called the cotton club. It is designed by joseph urban design theaters for safeco. Ellington does not addition. Madden signed him up. So madden called one of his mob bosses in philadelphia and said pay this guy robinson who runs the show visit. So the gunman pays him a visit and says get bigger or be dead. He says what does he mean . He said sending ellington to new york city, and he says im ready to get back. That night ellington and the bad were playing at the cotton club and new york history changed and the countrys history changedded and ellingtons music goes out to not just the country but the world. And people are comparing him to mozart. He is writhing weight the critics call hot jazz, and the duke says, no im writing negro folk music. And one night, another of my characters, bill paley and his wife walk and the club, harling hear ellington and they sign him up and out goes his music to san diego, duluth new york city, and new york starts to transform the whole country, the style of music buildings, the works. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it. [applause] if anyone has any questions please feel free to come up to the front and speak clearly into the mic. I would like for you toll us about the publisher who signed up f. Scott fitzgerald oh, yes horace. We dont know about. Another the book has lot of facets to it, a lot of characters and all of midtown is all of new york is moving uptown in the 1920s. The Garment Industry moves from the lower east side. Up to 7th avenue and so does the Publishing Industry and the Publishing Industry needs to be near agents, magazines et cetera, talent. And a whole series of young publishers comes on the scene and challenge the old guard. Most of the old publishers are jew rich, richmond simon, meets a guy named schuster. Glad for those guys. Bennett cerf, who founds random house. Young, aggressive jewish publishers and livewrighters who name is not well known today, is the most tremendously exciting of all of them. He is a gambler like zig field and lost it all in the crash. But liveright had the Publishing Business moved up to 6th 6th avenue, above rock center. They buy these brownstones in the bootlegging section of the night club section of new york city and any one given day this is a guy who drank himself to death probably more bootleggers in there than authors, but being a gambler like he said, with this sense of strength and weakness, he gambled on writers and publishes oneill when oneill is a nothing help publishes faulkner when falkner hadnt published yet help pushes hemingways first book. He publishes classics. He publishes strtsky and he believes in hollywood style advertising. Sherwood anderson said, going with liveright was living right. You get on the subway and you reside see your name up there in the subway, see your name in banners and billboards across new york city. I once gave a talk on this with my publishers in the front. And they dont believe in advertising. I dont know what they believe in now. How you sell books. Im really looking forward to reading your book two questions, first is, youre so enthusiastic about your characters that you call them, how do you edit because you could go on forever. And second if you were having a dinner party which three of them would you have for dinner because you seem to they seem to alive and theyre so exciting. Two questions. I would definitely have here his liveright, and just because it would be such a crazy juxtaposition, id have david ssarnov, so sober and strong and worried about his rivals having sarnov in the room would be great. He starts as a telegraph boy running errands and sending flowers and candy to marconi who came to new york. He took chocolates and all kinds of flowers to his guard around the city. Eight years later he is head of rca, and then he is a lucky one. The day before the stock market crashed in 29 he withdraws all his funds. It wasnt financial acumen. Just a hunch. A hunch. Luck. And so they would be interesting. Ive had this woman texasgyn unanimous, who ran the nightclubs in new york city. The queen of the night clubs and beat all the federal agents in new york city. They couldnt close her township also proved that not all american women were against prohibition and she battled the law, and she is a gutsy woman who, when she left her nightclub, she didnt drink or smoke. She was a devout catholic. Went home at 4 00 in the morning, stopped off the church, go home, get slight, and with the father and brother they count the earnings. She is a sharp business woman, and reporters would come to her for the latest gossip because everything seemed to happen in her salons as she called them in her nightclubs, and her favorite personality was one of my favorite jimmy walker, the stylish, whip smart mayor of new york city who was brought low by corruption. Not that he robbed the city. But he took money from friends to live the kind of life he seemed to have to live, the high life to be in miami to be in hatch van have van havana. I trike to take his biography from an neck dote to analysis because there hasnt been a good buyography on walker. He cared near mentally ill, pushed hard for immigration tried to bring women into city hall. And he was funny and really smart him would bounce around from italian spaghetti dinners to swedish whiskey festivals. One time he came into a jewish event, fundraiser, and came in with a yarmulke on, and somebody screamed jimmy circumcision next . He said, no madam, i prefer to wear it off. He was crazy. He had a hangover room in city hall. Show up at 12 00. The nighttime mayor. He and guinan that would be the forsome. We would have a wonderful time. Dont have anyplace go to tonight. I wish they were around. With a topic like this where theres no logical boundaries would you describe briefly your Research Strategy and your writing methodology . Well, you start out and then the last question i didnt answer her question, how do you curtail this. You have to stop somewhere, and ill give you a classic example. Luce the foundser of Time Magazine but its an ohio operation. They had to have started something brand new in new york this is the idea. They have to have started something new and something that really spread fast or they had to have been under the thumb of some powerful forces that were too oppressive to overcome leak the garment workers. Im trying to write something very difficult and i dont know if it pulled it off. My mentor called it holistic history. You good to a high point in the city dish went to the top of rock center just as i start mid chicago book by going to the top of the hancock center. You see the city hall and try to understand how all the parts connect. A city is an organism and at the like mumford said you go down to the street level and start to explore it, and you explore it on foot and he had the expression, by living we learn. Stay out of the library first. Get into the city first hand. And thats how i found these characters. French chanon, chrysler and essentially what wanted to do was i thought i knew new york. I taught at city university, at the Graduate Center at 42nd 42nd street in the middle of this thing. But i didnt really know it. I finally found. And i thought, im going to tell a story about a new york that everybody thinks they know but dont know. And im getting these wonderful letters from people who are longtime new yorkers lifelong new yorkers, who are telling me theyre seeing the city in a new way. And any writer in the room knows this. When you get a reader that says youve gotten them to see something they thought was familiar in a new way you have been somewhat successful, and thats how you trim it. Thanks. [applause] thank you so much. If youd like to meet mr. Milner person and have him sign your book you may head straight to the authors signing tent. And thank you again for joining us for the eighth null savannah book festival. We hope to see you tomorrow at our closing, a conversation with ann and Christopher Rice at 3 00 in the trustee theater. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] dr. Ginsberg, you write in here the unpleasant fact is although war is terrible and brutal, we should not assume that all his consequences are up for it. What mean . Guest well you know this is a book i wrote in response to a Bumper Sticker. You know the Bumper Sticker we all see, war is not the answer. It depends on the question. There are a lot of questions that unfortunately have to be answered with war and violence. Its the nature of the world. War is a major force in building modern society. It has answered three of the main questions of politics. Statehood come at territoriality and power. Every state that exists including especially the United States of america is the product of war. We dont like to remember this. Kids are taught about the American Revolution in terms of philosophical issues. Well, they didnt exactly debate with the british. They fought it is a very bloody revolution, one of the bloodiest revolutions in history that it determined there would be United States of america. Virtually every state in the world was created by war. Very few exceptions. Territoriality. Who controls what piece of territory. You know every piece of territory use of territory used to belong to somebody else and it was taken from them by war. We dont like to admit that. But as i recall, native americans didnt trade us north america. The white settlers seized violently and that is true of every place. Someday it will be taken from us. Its the nature of history. Finally power. Power within any nation is often held most often settled by violence. Not by the ballot box. Bodine, peaceful participation comes later. The broad contours of who holds power. I take a recent history. An africanamerican was elected to the presidency. Fairness. But the fact that africanamericans are not slaves was resolved by violence. So our world is formed by war by violence and not by peaceful forms of political dvd. We dont like it but its true. Host some people there say weve grown up. We should be more sophisticated than we were 400 200 100 years ago. Guest i wish it was true. Unfortunately not everyone is peaceful and sophisticated. All others have to be prepared to fight. The one case that i cant find historically, of the nation, as a group that was totally crude is the case of the travel islands. The more you worry would not say if for any reason. Unfortunately a neighboring tribe on another island is that more your he wouldnt fight. Faq and ate them. Pacifism is rare and not always the best thing. If we lived in the world of angels we could be pacifists but we dont. Host Benjamin Ginsberg you write war is terrible but it also nature engine of human progress. Guest yeah, isnt that ironic. When you consider past acts of human progress, many of them are up for. Take technological progress. Generally speaking from a basic arises at places like have infinite minds by scientists to mention ayers. Transforming basic science into type knowledge it will be years that usually as a result of war and military needs. So much of our Technology Stands for military applications, ontopic Energy Microwaves radar chemistry, all of these are results of military investments over the years transforming laboratory ideas into technology. Sometimes those words get beaten into shares and thats progress. It is military ideas. Take for example planning. The profession of planning is the military profession. Armies planned. Engineering. Engineer with someone who built weapons of fortifications. Today we have Civil Engineers who distinguish themselves from the militaristic rather in as the joke in the engineering profession or double engineers built the targets. Other engineers knock them down. The field of engineering is a military field. Rockers the for better or worse arose in military organizations. Our world is a world out by war. Host what did we learn from our civil war technologically . Guest from the civil war we learned a lot about supply logistics that are used in the distribution of food and material throughout the world today. We learned a lot about metallurgy chemistry all developed for military purposes, but then became part of our civilian society and our civilian economy. I will tell you that one thing that is the harshest that most important lesson of all. People say war is crazy, irrational. But the truth is the opposite more forces to think rationally because if you dont think rationally, youll disappear. This is the great history of the peloponnesian mourners and what he called what we call the million dialog. Then the nonisland milos. They wanted to establish a naval base. They said get out of here. We dont want you here. They said look, were not going to bother you. We want to push a naval base. If you tried this day we will fight. They said well our army is 10 times as large as yours. You have no chance. Millions said our cause is just so surely the gods will take up our cause and you will be defeated. The athenian said we believe in god, too. We are second to none in our belief. But belief. But we have one of the gods tend to to favor the larger army. The lesson here is a stern teacher. What it teaches as they try to think straight. You cant be superstitious or silly because generally speaking from your be destroyed. Societies that enter wars with silly ideas that her. Why did they lose the secular world war. Hitler couldnt it just is thinking to reality. He regarded the russians as sub humans who would be brushed away. But on the other hand his armies were going to depend on russian and ukrainian presence for their supplies. While murdering those peasants was in a good way to get the cooperation. The german class because of logistical problems. They can adjust their thinking to reality. The russians on the other hand did. In the face of the threat of destruction Stalin Burdick by himself for two and three weeks and came out thinking straight. Turn the army over. We have to be serious. Civil were teaches society is to be rational. You know if you read i always call him a Fortune Cookie general. But his son serious nature lesson. Irrational. Think straight. Dont be dont believe in aleutians. That is what societies learn from war. That is the old cement lesson of warfare. Host professor ginsberg people listening to this, their heads may be exploiting saying you are promoting more. Guest i dont promote war. War is terrible. It is a state affairs in the state of affairs off then. I dont want anything to do with it. It is horrible. For that very reason we have to understand that and we cant delude ourselves. I know some of you will be a keyword

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