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When a. Will come. On behalf of of the office of a like to welcome you all here for this landmark event honoring the launch of David Brion Davis new book. A couple of acknowledgments and brief introductions then we will turn the program over to the speaker is the first of all, by giving my thanks to harold, the person who arranged the event that brought us together. Also michelle summers, of the publishers of the book as well as leslie from the institute for their help and cooperation to arrange this evening. I would also like to recognize members of the board of trustees of for taking their time to come here this evening as well. Thank you for that. A few brief words of introduction. One of the reasons i was so glad i jumped at this opportunity was the work of professor davis that meant such a good deal and it has benefited from the riding especially years ago researching catholicism online with the breath of the work but yet with the landmark with its own right, also we are greatly indebted to confer antisemitism when it was a time of great controversy and tension but yet he condemned what needed to be condemned in the of a dispassionate manner. It is natural to host this event this center is named after a survivor of the nazi holocaust after liberation devoted his life to bring justice to the victims of the holocaust did become a human rights champion. To insure the lessons of that period are never forgotten that jews or others would ever suffer such a fate again. In a sense there is a great affinity between that and the trail blazing work of professor davis. Does not take more than a glance our own world to see how we have fallen short of the ideal and suppression and genocide are continually present even today. He reminds us in the epilogue of the book that slavery still exist and could even be restored on a large scale in todays world. But the affinity runs deeper. Professor davis is shaped by the events of world war ii. And as he has written and stated the shadow of the holocaust and with the worlds greatest war to embark on his career with the goal with the superficial propaganda in perspective and the comprehensive view what people thought and why they did it. Groups this was written in 1946 and that list has grownr longer and wider. Looking up the relationships of similarities and differences, some examples that came to mind was in the first wave of steady to deal with the holocaust was a landmark study based totally with the nazis perspective on the oppressor side to ignore the impact for a the holocaust itself that leads to the oppressed also with the collaboration that is exemplified that the professor twice brings with self preservation and a loss of selfrespect. That is a question raised have reduce survive . What is the cost of survival and the last of the unjust. With the application antigeneralization that he uses very much and the impact that they have a. That went along way to shape the discourse of human oppression. Fed is also reflected in current literature of the holocaust. Where the nazis slaughtered more victims than they murdered in the death camp. There are differences as well. With the venture that had Great Success in the needs that were coordinated for the pursuits of genocide by the Jewish Population but fundamentally it comes down to that their evils in the past we must learn from to have a Brighter Future or as professor davis includes History Matters and also the Master Teacher to aluminate and inspire us. As professor davis has done for so many years. Tonight is the launch of the third and final body of his trilogy of slavery. the problem of slavery in the age of emancipation and two speakers will join the conversation and anything else they want to talk about. Following that you are invited downstairs for a book signing and wanders through the Interactive Museum of tolerance discussing some of the same issues of professor davis. Firstever ask everyone to silence their cell phones or electronics. We are being filmed by cspan. Now ill introduce our speakers. And in turn they will introduce their teacher as we go along with the venture. With a ph. D. From Yale University honored to be named to the academy steadings slavery in western culture but the work from the documentary he coproduce the Philadelphia Museum of art and also title zero freedom and mother of the American Revolution spoke on the history of ambition published by university press. He wasnt formally at harvard studying africanamerican research now at yale talking about the history what with the executive director of the schools Public Health and was part of the White House Research and Development Institute to develop tools for Money Laundering for the department of treasury. He also collaborated on a young adult books on slavery in the emancipation. John is professor at harvard university. He writes on the civil war era began antislavery in photography. Author and editor including two books our National Best sellers for the most recent is the battle of the republic. And the stone that marches on was a finalist in 2013. His reviews of appeared the Washington Post in Huffington Post and numerous scholarly books but with the state Department Program is a consultant to hollywood films with a screenplay and appearing in a documentary the abolitionist. With that background i think well look forward to an incredibly exciting discussion. [applause] the goal is to have a conversation but before we launch into this discussion we often have dinner together at least once a year and we will share a couple dozen oysters to have a conversation about everything and anything because with the completion of the trilogy it is nice to attempt some to revokes maybe we should have some oysters and a bottle of wine. [laughter] but i will turn it over to john. We will hopefully allow david to give a summary not only the problems with his trilogy and public life. I will start with a very brief summary as most of you noah sterling Professor Emeritus at Yale University and has won virtually every award that a historian can win especially a National Book award. But i want to start by having david talk about the background that leads to the trilogy or the introductory remarks one of the things highlighted that you became interested in slavery in the shadow of the holocaust as a post world war ii soldier. Food you be willing to elaborate on the background that led you to become interested in and slavery and the abolition act a time where in large part to there were a few books but to a large degree held to create the feel of slavery and abolition. As you know, the preface of the problem of slavery in the age of the emancipation that stamp was important to. But in terms of the abolitionist that point very. With a departure from the first book which was of a study of homicide. Publishing with the dissertation and careful to remind me he did the dissertation three and a half years as mine went on and on. Now all of a sudden he turns to slavery and entice slavery in the 60s with a nation torn apart by racial strife. We had this fast social history taking over the whole field of history and i was interested in concrete subject like homicide or universal subjects like homicide or the most extreme form of domination and the way i am looking at changes in moral perception. Forms of behavior. So there was that. As i mentioned briefly in the introduction, in the 30s and 40s my Family Travel well over the country coasttocoast, and went to many different schools, five high school in 40 years but never visited the classroom with africanamericans. Even though i was in the north in a segregated society, that all ended it was drafted into the army in 1945 and was trained for the invasion of japan, and i was down in georgia for the first time, i saw jim crow america at its worst, and the war with japan ended i was on a cruise ship bound for germany and was ordered to go down into the hold of the ship from gambling. I had no idea there were any bikes on the step, this went on until i became a Security Policeman in germany and was called up, a shootout for black american soldiers partly because there were many german girls who love to date black soldiers and there were many white soldiers in an outbreak here. In germany we spent a year, wasnt experienced the first time and introduced me to a racial issue. And there was also the holocaust of course. And some many survivors and protected them going into the streets. Summery called truckload after truckload of survivors. I was opened up to a lot of new things. And to go to college i was very much interested in the racial issue even though i failed to take part in the actable civil rights movement, i read their wasnt anything, when i was in graduate school or hovered, very distinguished historian from berkeley, and teach at harvard and the Fire Department and we became good things good friends. He was about to publish any institution, the first really great book on slavery in the American South was not based on the assumption, a very serious book, and made me realize in my classes at harvard, hardly anything said about slavery let alone abolitionists. This opens up a new prospect while i was working on homicide. The prospect of slavery and anti slavery. So in 1955, a professorship, i began bringing material and slavery into that and to get a fellowship. And the head of the guggenheim, emerged myself in london and became the problem of slavery in western culture, what was going to be a background chapter on the background on slavery became a whole book exo i was launched that way. Did you teach them that . I did. That was supposed to be the first chapter, two of this. I anticipated i would be writing more. And those three books were the top ones . I am not sure exactly. Probably justified that. In the wake of the narrative, both his parents were writers, mom and dad, father wrote the gable first film after the war. His mother was as well. Was there a time when you thought i would like to be a writer as well . I was very much interested in writing that. I actually was an undergraduate, some summer classes at Columbia University in france for language and writing fiction and was a pretty wellknown moment. Net for wind on after is that. I was struck i remember we had a discussion about the necessity to drop the atomic bomb on japan and i remember you telling me they told you when you were ready to prepare for the invasion of japan, that you were going to go away and die after watching that. I dont know about actually dying but when we hit those beaches in japan it would make normandy look like nothing. They emphasized that in our training, having to use all kinds of weapons. Enjoy judge they had fake japanese villages and so on. Actually having had physics in high school, the atomic bombs were bought. Never have any after that. And without those bombs we still would have been in the beaches of japan. You talked at cornell in cultural history which became the basis for yale, slavery and anti slavery. Because you were doing something new and worked against original myths. Rather than just calling it slavery. Well beyond slavery, and intellectual and cultural history. But slavery was only a part of it. People at the time especially coming to yale, a lot of work, attitude toward anti slavery in the academy of. Before i asked the question was curious if you could summarize the challenges for writing the problem of slavery and western culture and the problem of slavery in the aids revolution. In 1966, the second published in 1975, and the challenges they face as you tackle the problem of slavery. The beginning point, there were other works that were related in the problem of slavery in western culture, that was originally an introductory chapter. And give some background in western culture, worked in britain thanks to the guggenheim fellowship, it grew and grew, in antiquity, and slavery in western culture. Somewhat more intellectual history, not much social history in it. Dealing with the Industrial Revolution as well as the american and french revolutions and so on. And the second deal, asking what the abolitionists were up against, the first abolitionists, why at a given moment in history, a small group of men and women achieved slavery, absolutely terrible evil when it was accepted pretty much for millennia. Going back to the hairstyle and so on. The age of revolution, already had a transformation of perception. And slavery is terrible and going to do something about it. Said and prefectorial label get into all these things. In this book i am able to be much more selective because i have written this subject between the age of emancipation and age of revolution including a broad survey called in human bondage the rise and fall of slavery in the new world, which is serving so i didnt want to repeat the survey material here. To select particular themes and subjects beginning with the dehumanization, the attempt to dehumanize slaves and going on to the haitian revolution and i devote quite a few chapters to the socalled pollinization movement. It brought consensus in the u. S. In the north as well as the south that there was no thought of real slave emancipation and deported or moved freed slaves outside the u. S. So i devote a great amount of space to this Colonization Movement which i felt was misunderstood and i have a great deal on the crucial role of free blacks in the north and combating colonization and launching an immediate Abolition Movement, whites and blacks in the 1830s committed to the immediate emancipation of slaves. And so i express again and again the role of blacks themselves whether in haiti or not, finding the french and spanish and english or free blacks as i move on but i am selecting things here and not trying to repeat the hybrid. One of the really unique things about this book for me is the ninth decade, and i slavery, up with and some many monographs that come out and the last of this trilogy managed to do something original. How does one do that . In a yearandahalf we have lunch. Complain about how slow the work was going. This was the middle of a vast fall and a yearandahalf it took. I dont know what is wrong. Quite a few body parts and a few of them. Just touching on the theme of dehumanization that runs through the trilogy i was wondering if you could turn to the haitian revolution, read a bit from the book because dehumanization and analysts asian animalization of the slaves is something you can eloquently this is in the chapter the first immense a pairs. If you would like to read a long. You would like me to read here. Okay. On january 2nd, 1893, Frederick Douglas rose to deliver a speech dedicating the haitian pavilion at the chicago worlds fair. Douglas was intimately involved in planning a pavilion. He took the opportunity of his speech to negate the stereotype that haitians were lazy barbarians who devoted their leisure time to voodoo and child sacrifice but what is more significant is douglas used the speech to reflect on slavery emancipation. Douglas after all was born slave and he had Won International theme through his writing and oratory in the service of black emancipation. As the most prominent black spokesman of the new world, douglas had no difficulty in identifying one of the central events in the history of emancipation and he writes we should not forget that the freedom you and i enjoy today, the freedom 800,000 colored people enjoy in the british west indies, the freedom that has come a from the colored race the world over is largely due to the brave stand taken by the black sons of haiti 90 years ago when they struck for freedom, they struck for the freedom of every black man in the world. He made sure to note blacks and british abolitionists, antislavery society, blacks he noted, incomparably more in haiti and to the mall. It was haiti that struck the first emancipation, the original plan, the emancipate your, haiti instructed when the dangers of slavery had demonstrated the powers and capabilities and only to be awakened. Once awakened the former slaves demonstrated their strength in defeating 50,000 troops. Not only is that that these insurgents turned to independent nation of their own making. The white world could and would never be the same until haiti spoke, douglas road, no christian nation had abolished negro slavery. Until she spoke the slave trade was sanctioned by all the christian nations of the world and our land of liberty, until haiti spoke the church was silent and the pulpit dumb. The history which encompass that. He knew that but was a hell of wars. The very name was pronounced as he noted in the beginning of his speech. And indeed the revolution inevitably had contradictory affects. As an abolitionist 18411865 douglas had avoided mention of the revolution in his public speeches, debate and interviews. His audiences, the abolitionist douglas knew the perceptions all too well. For some the revolution had been an object lesson in the inevitable social and economic ruin that would attend any form of emancipation. For others it signaled blood, a veritable white massacre, racial nightmare made real. This did not change, the haitian revolution was a watershed event. Beautiful. Thank you for reading that. I want to ask a question about colonization. You took four chapters for colonization in this book and could you summarized why colonization is so attractive to so many different kinds of people . In the beginning going back to the eighteenth century colonization rose in terms of simply returning africans, slaves who had been born and brought from africa returning them to their continent to. For example samuel hopkins, a descendant, protege of Jonathan Edwards who was motivated by disinterested benevolence when he moved in 1770 to in newport, rhode island and was very anti slavery, he tries to make it possible for the black slaves who were treated freed to return to africa. So many would want to go. But as you move on into the nineteenth century, of course more and more slaves were born in america. The slave trade had been cut off in the 1870s. And theres always a great danger in africa if you were returned to africa of being real enslaved. Still as more and more slaves were freed in the north they would beginning in 1780 or move a mountain in massachusetts earlier, more and more slaves were freed in the north you had a tremendous increase in antiblack racism. The blacks were denied virtually all regular right and privileges of various sorts. There was a broadening consensus ground whites that the only way you would get behind abolition would be if we moved these freed slaves back to africa or possibly in the 1820s, thousands went to haiti and many returned from haiti but might go to central america. And actually very important class leaders went along with this but so paul coffey who was half black and half indian and part quaker was very well the. He went in 1816 to sierra leone, the british colony, hoping to set up a colony there that would be a kind of model showing how freed blacks could achieve various things. He actually was in touch with Thomas Clarkson and british abolitionists and interviewed president james madison. Imagine a black man interviewing madison and he wouldnt call him president madison. He was a quaker. He called him james. But he died unfortunately in 1817 or his own influence might have been somewhat beneficial on deColonization Movement. James portman in philadelphia, a great inventor, was for pollinization in the beginning so it was Bishop Richard helen was the major with the just leader in philadelphia but in january of 1817 after the founding of the american colonization, they had a meeting of 3,000 africanamericans, 3,000. And put it to a vote that none of them wanted to have anything to do with colonization so they had to shift and change their mind, they had to go along with the overwhelming africanamericans in philadelphia. And were opposing the colonization so we got fed up in 1817 but black opposition to colonization which had been i forgot to say jefferson, president jefferson was very much forgotten and so was president lincoln even after the emancipation proclamation for sometime, he still would cleaned of little bit to colonization so i think it is a misunderstood cause. One thing i do bring out is in the vast literature premise american colonization, there is very very very little to even hint at inherent in fury of blacks. There is prejudice black and white have degraded, infinite the degraded blacks in various ways in america but if they were in africa they would strive and become missionaries and so on so we look much more carefully, we need to look carefully at this colonization concept which did promote as the blacks realized and promoted like this, but i had to go to a lot of space in the book. You also devotes an extraordinarily amount of space to the crucial role of freed blacks in emancipation, you have a chapter title, when i read it in manuscript form to get published, the title itself is revolutionary, freed blacks is the key to mensa commission and dice a revolutionary because free blacks never constituted more than 13 of the black population and roughly 1 of the american population. Given that small number, comparatively very small number of free blacks, why were they the key to emancipation . They are above all resisting the hope of the american colonization, conflated to voluntarily go which was found to be for that purpose. In the 1820s we begin publishing their own newspaper, freedom journal, and they know two of these divisions. And i stress by the 1850s a very large number of black figures have embraced one form or another of colonization and this comes down to the 1920s, with the first mass black movement and today he is scorned and all. Martin luther king, lay a wreath on his grave, because of his having first black movements so the 1920s we have kerri overs where garvey praises the white colonization. But the main issue the chapter raises is the need to uplift and elevate free blacks so that they are capable of achievement of various sorts and i point out not only Frederick Douglass but smith peon smith new goes to scotland and becomes a graduate degree and md, becomes a very successful doctor in new york city and is very important black figure but we have various kinds by the late king 15s enormous free black achievements in this effort to uplift black preservation, and extraordinary deal by the dread scott decision and all kinds of things, various things in the 50s. You place a lot of emphasis on the importance of teaching the fugitive slave and half that leads to emancipation. Could you elaborate on that . Come most famous of all the fugitives was Frederick Douglass who escaped in 1838 andy in 1841 was surged to give a speech in nantucket where all the Massachusetts Antislavery Society was meeting, all these people were spellbound by Frederick Douglasss speech and he was very much incorporated into the anti Slavery Movement but with regard to fugitives there has been a good bit of misunderstanding. I go along with the conclusion of many historians that number of fugitives was never large enough to endanger the institution in any way even though in the house itself fugitive slaves were running away and in the 1850s well over 50,000 slaves ran away from their own ears but didnt go far. And in the free north bite 1860 there were 45,000 fugitives living in the north but wasnt real system but ideologically it was a enormous. Since the u. S. Constitution tried to evolve they avoided using the word slave. And always prevent northern states, prevent them from giving shelter to slaves from the south. In 1793, the fugitive slave law and only 288 slaves returned to slavery by 1860. Something you have shown the fugitive slave issue, and so on. The impact of the civil war. The issue of free blacks release highlighting the book and also a source, a range of experiences that you saw 12 years a slave, a depiction of the north, ideal community where it seems and john pointed out, fairly accurate portrayals in this one community but the majority of free blacks as you point out in one chapter the challenges were far more significant, freedom from slavery, and oppression and this wonderful, really wonderful moment that is really unusual especially for a professor of history. We are in third person and david demands it takes a tremendous amount of imagination and conceptual issues to amass a free black, the first person, the space of a free black. Do we have time for that . It got later than i realized. This is just may be little abbreviated motion at the moment. This goes back to the fact that this book, buying history, it takes risks, most people are afraid to take. Some of the things, it was underscoring the first point, for the general public especially in america, the key issue is abolition. And freed blacks overcame formidable barriers, and still up against their incapacity, the risk of southwest and in their place and so on. The complexity of this struggle especially involving such issues as black gratitudes remain special, imaginative efforts on the part of author and reader. At the start imagine what it would have been like to have been a free black abolitionist in antebellum north. So i now have a different kind of pumped. As free negros in the mid 1840s we abolitionists and most other blacks are always conscious that most of our brethren are chattel slaves, and we can easily be kidnapped or officially arrested, and family members and our very names which happens in 12 years and in some ways be different than the deep south. And keep us from entering or settling in states north of the ohio river and many towns in the north have passed ordinances requiring us to register or even close by easier. Most states deny us the right to vote, sit on juries or even testify against whites in court. Mostly blacks are illiterate. And even children with grade school education. Most important, we are surrounded by White Supremacy and constantly viewed as inferior people in daily interactions with life. We sometimes regularly curse or ridicule in the street, whose egos climb or step off the wall. Or let them pass. No matter how close we might become too a white friend, helping him or her to most restaurants or hotels, lectures, concerts or public places. There are very few radicals. I remember when he was contemplating the departure, not worried that the editor might not bristle, and get one word for you. Enough said. Yes to keep it. To not allow them to change that. Open up for questions. I want to end by saying this trilogy began 48 years ago. The problem of slavery in western culture was published, appeal the surprise in 1967. The Pulitzer Prize winner, 1966 was harry millers posthumous book, the life of lines in america, and to the civil war, who you knew from harvard, you had Great Respect for to give you a 6 sense of the significance of saving western culture, went back to perry millers life and the mind of america from the revolution of the civil war, there is not a single mention of slavery or abolition in the entire book. That one in history. In cold blood. Up against cold blood. The problem of slavery in the age of revolution, both of them, many other wars, the problem of slavery in the age of the emancipation. It will win many very prestigious awards. Throughout this entire period, you directed over 58 dissertations including mine and caseys and christie is here. A number of others. Tour graduate students, former graduate students are represented of every Major Research institution in the United States end many abroad, not just history but diversity, english law, Public Health, truly extraordinary. And the conclusion of this trilogy 38 years later, an extraordinary inspiration not just to historians but to every writer, everyone. Sell a want to thank you for that inspiration. The review in the wall street journal. When you ask me i confessed david was my student and i said i would love to do it but i would have to disclose my relationship if they let me write it and i acknowledge my relationship by saying he directed my dissertation. That was a real honor for me. Why dont we open it up for questions and criticisms. Thank you so very much. You did great work at davis, when and concept of slavery and the problem was a government book. There are many ones like that. The books of the bible in defending slavery, fighting for emancipation. Of course it is important to me that the bible was used for slavery but there is no question emancipation, did use the bible. And in your judgment what is the weight of the bible . In that particular balance to defend slavery or fight against it . The great student of the bible and i think personally it played an Important Role but i would very much like to hear your voice. That is important extremely complicated. The bible of course all kinds of conflicting messages and in the Bible Study Group i belong to, we have been reading our parts that called for and justify genocide. Pretty shocking that the lord is calling for the wiping out entire peoples and so on. And of course there are numerous passages in the bible that give justification for slavery. Also the great exodus narrative is extremely important in the sense that the chosen people, the jews are freed from slavery in egypt and for 40 years out of egypt and all this exodus paradigm becomes extremely important for large numbers of africanamericans slaves who learned the bible or read from the bible. I think that it depends where you are looking at and what is going to be most important but the narrative is extremely important. Introduction. There was a comparison implicitly made between the economic logic of slavery called successful versus the idea of the logic of genocide undermines economic selfinterest. Do you see that as part of the anti Slavery Movement that abolition was connected and economic logic that slavery was not compatible with new industrial freemarket economy and the new ideology of free labor and does slavery in the same way genocide raise the question of the problem of evil, excess of aggression in society. One final question is how do you explain the fact that the equivalent of zionism within africanamerican social movements didnt reach the same success that they did in Jewish Society after the holocaust. There are three questions there. There was one there was my problem with slavery in the age of revolutionize examine in quite some detail the issue of free labor ideology. And i think there is no question the need in britain especially and in the Industrial Revolution, the need to justify the industrial labour in the late eighteenth century was really taking hold. Contributed to the anti Slavery Movement and indeed there was a proslavery writer in britain, governor franklin, who claims in effect that the hole Abolition Movement in the late 18thcentury was an attempt to divert attention from the exploitation of workers in britain, it was much worse, he went on and on about how much worse the labor was of Industrial Workers in britain than slaves in franklins view, very well taken care of and happy in the british west indies. He even said, one of the famous prized in Cambridge University for his essay on and try slavery, one of the launching points of the anti Slavery Movement in britain and he said why doesnt cambridge have prizes, essays on industrial working and children, women in the mines and sulleo on. It would be a mistake to think that abolitionists were consciously trying to to justify bad things in england, but theres a complex relationship between the two. It was incredibly profitable. Actually, one of the things we probably dont have time to talk about 12 years a slave, the movie and the book which i just reread the book having seen the film played long time ago. One of the things that troubles me a bit about 12 years of slavery and even in the book is the north of as you know the free northerner from new york state who was kidnapped for 12 years, he argues the cruelty is mainly the fault of the serfdom. You are bound to have people who will exploit slaves terribly if you have a system like this. The argument is the system is very and economical. If you take solomons views on free labor versus slave labor, you cannot explain why slavery in the southwest so immensely productive and profitable even though they using the lashed to drive the slaves on and on and on. That raises some interesting questions. The other part of your question was zionism that occurs and zionism to there is an article, i you thinking of that . Which draws a parallel between the treatment of palestinians today and black slavery in the new world. The author again and again trying to draw a complete parallel and admitted there are very few reasons between the treatment of palestinians and treatment of black slaves and it doesnt stand up as all that convincing it seems to me. But then we have all kinds of evidence to compare Human Trafficking various sorts and oppression and racial slavery in the past and that is very controversial. Prof. Davis, six seven years ago in london you with a keynote speaker at a conference of historians sponsored by the Templeton Foundation on the subject of is their meaning in history . Is their meaning in history . It was a controversial subject of foremost professional historians who ducked the question and there were noted historians from oxford, cambridge, harvard and elsewhere and you with a keynote speaker and view deferred answering the question until the final presentation and you said i dont know that i can and to that question. It is not my day job or something to that effect but i have a hard time explaining how with in a short period of 60, 70, 80, 90 years the world turned on its head in its attitude toward slavery. I cant explain it. Or something to that effect. In light of your you had not written the last of your trilogy but in light of your most recent work would you care to amend or extend your remarks . I dont remember this at all, whatever it was i said. I think my trilogy attempts to explain as well as i can there was this revolution and moral perceptions so that from the 1780s when you begin, 1777 in vermont adopt the constitution outlying slavery and in 1780 pennsylvania passes a law for the emancipation of slaves in pennsylvania and a few years later, in pounded in correspondence with london and pennsylvania and by the 1780s you have anti slavery organizations beginning to rise up and by 1888 even though in 1776 slavery was legal and for writing from canada to argentina and chile in 1888 when brazil finally outlawed slavery in the space of 100 years we outlaw slavery throughout the entire hemisphere and i think this is a very remarkable event which i can say we need not to forget there has been such moral progress. This book in in human bondage, you talk about the moral, the will, moral achievement that is extremely important in history. Would you mind reading the last paragraph of your book . Because i think it is really rich and profound. As i approach the answer i am talking about Human Trafficking in perpetuity and how this century brought the end of slavery in this world and outlying slavery and the new world and the century depended on all kinds of fortuitous events along the way. If my friends and i were suddenly stripped of our 20th century conditioning and plummeted back to mississippi in 1860 we would doubtless take for granted our rule over slaves. Human nature, does not change. An astonishing historical achievement, really matters, an astonishing historical achievement really matters, outlined of chattel slavery in the new world and globally represents a crucial landmark of moral progress that we should never forget. [applause] the way that and now booktv on cspan2, 48 hours of nonfiction authors and books every weekend. Here are some programs to look out for. Live from california, in depth. Booktvs monthly you recall in program with louis rodriguez, a former gang member turned author, a Community Activist and political candidate. On our weekly Author Interview program after words, how the u. S. Government has invested in private industry since the country was founded. In his book uncle sam can count. Booktv visits often, utah to interview several authors and for the 3 sides. Watch for these doctors and many more on booktv on cspan2. For the full schedule of authors and books visit us at booktv. Org. In this encore book notes program from march of 2001, Kiron Skinner talks about reagan, in his own hand. The revolution was fascinating to people and documents were opening up that scholars have never seen before but i was interested in the american contribution. Cspan what were you doing at the time

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