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Think of my good friend who i grew up with on the same block when we were three. Just pure luck. Im in one house committees in the of the. Im a nobody, a bluecollar kid. I become a Vice President ial nominee and a National Best selling author. He becomes making of space travel of the United States of america. The chairman of spacex foundation. Peter offers rewards. It offered a 20 million reward for the first private company that would put a spacecraft into space. Thats my friend from the age of three. Peter said to me, its a ridiculous, the Energy Department spends 28 really in a year and its been around since 1977 and its goal is energy independence. What do we spend 20 billion a year on . We are no more Energy Independent than 1977. Why dont we cancel the department of energy, get people back 20 billion, lets put a prize for one year of 20 billion. The entire budget of the department of energy for one year and offer to the company us also most important problem in america. 28,000,000,080 solve alzheimers, 20 billion it is all diabetes. 28 billion if you saw cancer. 28 billion if you can think of fuel that replaces fossil fuel. Im a guy who wants to harness the power of the private sector. Thats the only time i would have use government money for anything is to harvest the power of the private sector to solve our biggest problems. Heres another idea. Jumpstart jobs, jumpstart jobs. America needs jobs. Two out of every three are created by Small Business. I propose an Angel Investors tax deduction. What that means is investors would receive a dollar for dollar tax credit of up to 50 of the income tax for up to 50,000 for investments in new business startups. You want to see the economy explode . Watch what happens with an Angel Investors tax deduction. Think about this. Pqr a middleclass american, you can invest 50,000, or any amount up to 50,000 in a Small Business every year. Year. Lets say you are a lower middleclass america and you take advantage of my do. You invest 10,000 each year in one conference starts. We know the only way to get rich in america is to invest in a startup. It is the best way to earn a fortune. For the next 10 years you will save 10,000 on your taxes with the irs and you have 10,000 working on Small Business across the country. If even one of them comes through you now have your Retirement Fund and you never need social security. You will never have to worry about the rest of your life. If you get the 10,000 to the irs every year for 10 years, that 100,000 is gone for ever with no chance of ever using it in your entirety. This is how you build a solid middle class, create jobs and fuel this is creation. Heres another idea. Theres over 2 trillion parked offshore nowadays, 2 trillion. Every one of those companies would love to bring it back and get it working in america but they are not going to bring about what the highest Corporate Income tax rates in the world of 35 and another five to 10 of state income tax. Crazy. What are these business of doing . Battle is there money parked offshore, they are now parking their business offshore. Youve heard of inversion. They are all moving, leaving the United States i buying another company in scotland, ireland, switzerland and theyre leaving america for tax purposes. Theyre giving up their citizenship. Why dont we get them back . All those jobs are gone forever. I propose, if you bring it back well let you bring it for a one time penalty of 10 . Thats 200 billion in new taxes for america and thats one point a trillion left over to get working to create jobs and to build businesses in this country. Thats a you create success instead of the left idea, the left idea that oh, my gosh wayne root is letting them get away with murder. Thats to truth and they should be paying 1 trillion letting them get away with only paying 200 billion in taxes. Folks, 100 of nothing is nothing. And im getting 10 of something. The idea that government thinks they deserve 50 but no one will pay it is crazy. Its groundhog day. Its trying the same thing again and again and it fails again and again. Its failed in countries. Thats exactly whats happening in the training. Ive got 100 other ideas but the odd, i know its on its time for question an and answer but i want to do when looking at you. One more. The problem we have in this country is that heres a credit card. Let me show you my American Express card. Can you imagine if i have an American Express card, im on the board of directors of American Express and i decide to vote that he would dispense money on American Express and rings of a big built doesnt have to pay it back. Oropeza back with 0 interest. Would you not call that a conflict of interest . In our country we have 148 Million People collecting welfare checks and they are all voting. Its the most massive conflict of interest in history of mankind. Im not a radical. If you need welfare, if youre in trouble, wayne root says im going to give it to you. Im not going to let you vote until the day you get off it. You cant have welfare and vote. You can vote but you can have welfare. Its insanity at its suicidal finish would allow people who are collecting government checks to be able to vote for more government so they get better bigger checks and the make government bigger. It is the most massive conflict of interest ever. Im not saying anything bad like the Founding Fathers one only people with property to vote. I dont agree. Everyone has a right to vote, unless youre not contributing to society. When the day comes where you take and you give nothing, you will no longer be allowed to vote. When you get back off the welfare you can vote tomorrow. Thats how you solve the problem of america. Commonsense in a bluecollar son of the butcher. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen,. [applause] stay there. All right. Were going to have like half an hour q a if you any questions on to say, go and speak on that mike back. If you want this site, come and follow me. I have a comment and a question. Brilliant. Truly brilliant. Inspiring. I wish we could clone you. We need more people who think like this. Honestly, this is really truly inspiring. Question, i think you missed someone here. Which i think the snake of everything is the fed. What do you exactly the point. What do you do with the fed . Let me finish. The fed has been over 100 years, under the fed a dollar depreciated 94 . The fed made president s, broke president s, was behind president s, was propping their campaigns, propaganda, et cetera. What do you do with it did when we started lamenting that plan, that drastically or program . What do you do, how did you with the fed . Something you havent raised. [inaudible] okay. [inaudible] id like to come and speak to the people. Since the day we got the fed whose only to have the job responsibility is protect the value of the dollar and ensure full employment. Since that day we that mass inflation, massive drop in the dollar and massive problems with unemployment. So i believe that it is at the root of many if not most of our problems, ziad. I agree with you. I would audit the fed. Weight. The question is would you curtail the power of the federal which end of the fed, or what exactly speech i would like to end of the fed. Reality, were probably had to audit the fed and curtail the power of the fed. The reason people are so scared in government and the fed is so scared of a Gold Standard is because the Gold Standard means your dollar is a certain value and you cant spend more than what you got. Politicians stand the Gold Standard because amici cant to deficit spending. They are scared to death of the power of it and, of course, it will leave to the fed being unemployed. The fed is against the. Of course, they are. Heres a number that will shock all of you. If you had 1 million in the year 1913, and replayed in the dollar edged up 1 million kept it in your mattress until today, today we have the buying power of 20,000. Thats exact numbers of about two months ago. I want to look up the exact number. If you had a Million Dollars in gold in the year 1913 and you kept it until today, its worth 62 million. If you had 1 million in dollar versus one in gold, he would have 20,000 versus 62 million plus. Thats the power of gold in your personal life and thats the the power of the Gold Standard in the United States of america. One more question. I dont want to mobilize monopolize this. Every president , dont they understand these basics . Why is the fed, has the fed kept the flow all these years and increase power, increased regulation, i dont understand your. Your. The only way to get elected and reelected is the power of the purse. They want to spend and spend and spend which makes them seem more important which makes them more powerful which buys them your vote. Just look to mississippi. Just three weeks ago i was in mississippi for a week campaigning for Chris Mcdaniel fromcdaniel, the Tea Party Candidate who had a 10point lead over 36 handed senator thad cochran. Adcock as people got desperate. They realized they couldnt win in the republican primary so they decide the only way they could win was to cheat. What did they do . They went to the Democratic Community and they went to urban areas and they literally take them to vote republican for the first time in their entire lives in a republican primary even though most of them had voted a month prior in the democratic primary and it is against the law to vote in both primaries in mississippi. They said dont worry, no one will know. No one is watching. Youve got to vote for thad cochran against this guy, this wayne root clone, this tea party guy, Chris Mcdaniel. Why . Because he wants to cut spending. What thad cochran promises is to keep the welfare checks coming, to keep the food stamp checks, to keep the unemployment checks coming in to keep all the bacon coming from washington, d. C. For every employer in the area. The election was sworn by democratic votes in the republican primary. Theres no hope for america at all. If both parties act the exact same way. At this moment its pretty clear they do. The way you get elected is by promising people three things. Free contraceptions, free obama phones, free everything. Free health care. You promise people free and some of them are just dumb enough and a good enough to vote for it. But there is no free. There is no free lunch. Go ahead. Name is scott nelson. I heard that you point out politicians summit and dull outfitters once they are elected. Did you do that part . Yes, i did. George will has referred to the Current Campaign finance laws as and incumbent protection regime. So do you agree with the recent Supreme Court decision and do you think that eliminating the individual Campaign Contribution limit would be structural reform that would resolve the problem that youre talking about . Would you like it as a politician give you an honest answer . My honest answer is im divided. I dont have a yes or a no. I of region supported the ruling by the sprinkler because i believe corporations have just as much right as people to donate and to try and influence society and policies go their way. I like the rolling at first. Now i agree with you that its gotten out of hand and you are seeing just dramatic, multiMillion Dollars donation that drown out the average person industry. I think there are Better Things you can do than limiting peoples freedom to donate money. I think youre better off term limiting politicians. No politician should be in office 36 years. No politician should die in office. I have no right to run for election at the age of 76 after 30 years in office. The Founding Fathers said you are a citizen politician the go, serve a term or two and come up and go back to running their business. I believe term limits are even more important than the amount of money. Once youre done with your term ahmedabad what i believe all politicians should be limited to two terms, one term in office and one term in prison, but once you are done [applause] once youve got the term limits in them which are done with office, the next thing you can do after that is make sure they are barred from ever becoming a lobbyist the thats a much worse problem. I think you can achieve libertarian ideals of freedom and the of corporations and people to donate any amount of money they want and yet also limit the corruption by saying, im not going to get an 8 million a year lobbying job by voting for the auto industry. So instead they can figure conscious and vote against the bailout for the audit indicates because they dont have a chance at a job to be a lobbyist. No politician should ever be allowed to take a job as a lobbyist. In case you didnt know theres a sliding scale, a United States congressman starts at 19 a year as a lobbyist, could be much higher than that but thats the starting salary. Obviously very easily back and six, seven, 8 million a year range. This is intended. My answer is theres lots of things that we can do that curb corruption that dont curb free speech. I dont like corporations building lots of money. I think leads to corruption but in such a free speech guy and such a libertarian guy that just dont feel like Webber Wright to tell anyone how much they can write to politicians they favor. Thank you, wayne. Theres a short like one minute for my question to in the late 70s when the Congress Took over afghanistan building robot aboard of about 20 people in 15 the 16th of them had went to them and became common as in colombia at college. How did you avoid that fate . No surprise but you probably know what i think that is on my class but colombia bragged openly, class of 83, i with Barack Obamas class but by the way and let my classmates bragged openly about being cognitive, radical, marxist, socialist. Right now with a president who is very radical. We have attorney general who went to columbia with a radical. We have a mayor of newark city builbuild a glossy appointed columbia history radical but colombia is a hotbed of radicalism. I have a hard time with it all because all my classmates round in three professions big media, government and lawyers. If you ask me just three things ruining america, media, government and lawyers. There you have it. Thank you for coming here. I have a big question, 149 people who depended on government, and that is the biggest problem we have. We have empowered them tick it off, entitled them and their living respectfully rather than waiting for the government checks. What is your systemic plan to get them off the welfare . I did discuss it in my book in detail. I dont want to spend too much time talking about the to the book and youll find more details, in general my idea was that its crazy that we have 149 people on welfare entitlements of the berries constantly 92 million working age people not working and yet at the same time our government politicians on both sides, republican and democrat both want to legalize and give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens at a time where there are no job openings. Theres no jobs for anyone currently not working. Why would you bring in millions more people want a job and want to a job and taken with the middleclass americans . I would rather see us very carefully spend billions of dollars, i made recent libertarian, government does have to spend money occasionally. I would rather spend money on job training. Id like to see all those people are on entitlements have to work for a living. Make them go to work, make every woman who has children and Society Still not taken by children, but you dont hear from now on for a return for your welfare check you will run a Childcare Center and the other nine out of 10 women who have children who clicked welfare check, their children will be at your Childcare Center. The other night can go to work and you running your Childcare Center. Admin, how come youre not working in construction . Rock obama is 100 right. We have a problem with infrastructure, bridges, highways are crumbling. We dont need to spend on lunch with dollars to fix it because all that money goes to hiring Union Employees dedicating grossly overpaid and expect to intentions one day. Basin are suspect thats not all the men on welfare to go build those bridges. They are getting checks from us. Put them to work. I went jogging in washington, d. C. I went through my morning jog and i jogged by hundreds and hundreds of young men standing in the street at 1 00 in the afternoon playing cards, talking to each other, listening to rap music and watching soap operas on little tv screens. This is a disgrace year does no one else see this . You cant allow somebody to collect welfare check and that 1 00 be standing outside and sleep late and watch Oprah Winfrey and dr. Phil. You cant allow that. What does that say to the guy and gal who goes to work every day and works three jobs and works their little butts off to afford their children and not go on welfare . We are running this country have asked backwards. Got to change it. My name is mike. Ive got a question for you regarding the income tax holiday. I love the idea of lowering income tax rates and show but id like to hear your thoughts on the fair tax as an alternative. I love the fair tax. I live in las vegas and nevada has your income tax and zero businesslike but we have a sales tax. We get almost all of revenue from sales tax but let me interject something else. We could not have a 0 income tax if we did not legalize and tax gambling, marijuana and prostitution. The United States better start legalizing sin and taxing the hell out of it and then the rest of us get to pay less. For those who are moral majority members, i happen to consider myself fairly religious and very spiritual, ive got to tell the, i dont partake in those things for the most part at all. At all, but having said that, las vegas has more churches per square mile than any city in the United States. While they have legal prostitution illegal gambling and legal marijuana. Do you know what that proves . You can live your moral Spiritual Life and you can leave alone the people who want to commit sin. You never have to meet them, never have to have fun with them, never have to spend any time with them. You dont have to approve what they do but you could do that was taxes because theyre doing their thing. America needs legal pot, legal gambling. I wont get into prostitution. But legal Online Gambling and legal pot would pay about 200 billion a year in taxes that the rest of us pay now, or pay down the debt. Either one, the public decides. [inaudible] very good idea. I think it wont happen. I think youre better off sticking with a flat tax because a proper i have with the fair tax, even though i love it, the problem is once you have a fair tax you have to first pass a constitute an in two eliminate the income tax. Even if you do it i believe sometimes in the near future they will go back to income tax and you have both the sales tax, a fat tax and income tax. I think it could lead to problems in the long run. But if you ask me is that better . Yes. Anything is better in the current system. Question . My name is erica dixon. Im a member of the board of directors of the financial policy council. My question tonight in balls the issue of overregulation. This is emerging technology called crypto currency, or bitcoin. Its been growing in the Financial Markets for a couple of years. Everything was working fine. It was unregulated until about eight hours ago at 11 a. M. The state of new york promulgated new proposed regulations. That would basically drive the entire bitcoin industry out of new york state. Heres the problem. Its currency but when you really know the technology, its not currency. Its not points. Actually an information database. So its defined, the regulations define it going are Virtual Currency is anything that is a store of value which means its database can then be taxed the if youre involved in creating a database, youre subject to the regulation. If youre a new york person, a new york person is defined as anyone with any contact with the state of new york. Eric, let me give you my answer. Such a simple answer to advice for everyone in the room. Moved to las vegas. [laughter] new york is the author people who make money. New york is a dying state. California is a dying state. They are dinosaurs. The death, attacks, the regulation, its impossible to start a business. Its impossible to survive. In the last four days ive done 40 interviews in four days to promote my book and thats flying back and forth new york and washington, d. C. , exhausting. But when i do these images i took able to go to my website, root for america. Com. If i might be no address and strangers contact me. I do 1200 interviews a year in immediate. A bit much for me. But i do 20 oh more every week. And strangers contact me every day by the dozen and they all have the same exact stories. Government regulation drove my business out of business. Lawyers suing me for incompetent pathetic employees who never did anything. When i find them they sued me for Sexual Harassment in the i never even looked at them. And just to win the case by settled out of court for 100,000 but everyday i get notes from people saying, government, and lawyers, drive me out of business. And regulations driving out of business. Almost every single note isnt someone in new york or california. Its amazing. These two states dont like people who make money even though you pay their entire base. Without you they have nothing. They should love you. I find it amazing. My grandfather was a nothing, nobody. Came here from germany with out a dollar in his pocket. He worked for 20 is on minimum wage as a butcher. Saved up enough money and opened up a butcher store. It turned into a wildly successful butcher store. Never more than a Small Business with for employers and for butcher blocks but nonetheless wildly successful and is able to pay for me and my sister both to go to Columbia University. So i owe my life to my grandfather, simon. He always taught me that the government is just bad news. It doesnt work. He told a story, a great story. He told the story of his butcher store, an irs agent walked in one day and the agents it can ask your question offthecuff . I swear to you its offthecuff, no one will hear your answer. My grandfather was like, yeah, right. Ive got to ask you, within one square mile of your butcher store there are 300 businesses, and all 300 have been in business 20 years or longer, and all 300 report breaking even 30 years in a row. How could that be . Youre not laughing because youre not in Small Business that youre not getting it. Because up until the 1980s nobody bought anything with credit cards. They bought it with cash. Tax rates didnt matter. The greatest lie youve ever been told is that america once had our tax rate than they have now. Never in history of american has america had a higher tax rate than it now. Nobody ever paid rates of 80 or 90 or even 40 . They all earned cash in a Small Business and they told ago but they broke even. Them to use the money to send the kids to Columbia University but isnt that good for society . Que . Que x or they bought a new car. Isnt that good . Or the bought a new house . Isnt that good . Or they hire new employees. Isnt that good . My grandfather told me another story. He said theres only two rules of business. Rule number one is the customer is always right. And rule number two is if the customer is wrong, refer back to rule number one. The customer is always number one. Except with the irs and the u. S. Government. Where the more money you make the more they spit in your face. They demand your money. They audit you. They harass you. They have to and then when you give them large sums of money, they dont even say please or thank you. It doesnt work like that in business. You would lose all your customers. You would go out of business if you treat a customer like that. Do you know what you do when you on the company . I know a nine knows. Youre more of a big businessman in wall street but when you have employees who are good you take them out to golf. You take them out to dinner at the best restaurants in new york. Did give them giant bonuses and if they make 1 million a year and the brandnew employee makes a million a year, but this guys been around for 20 is, hes always made you big money, a producer, you let him keep 60 and then you guys might only get 40 commission. Thats how you reward successful people. The more they make the more you give them. Only in the United States government thinking the more you make the more we demonize you and the more we take from you and the more we punish you a number we demoralize you. It makes no sense. They are not running a business and it doesnt work. If i could change this whole country tomorrow, i would eliminate the irs completely. Fire every last one of them. Number two, what have you me, the more you make the more you keep your the real tax rate should be 15 up to 1 million. And it is 10 on the next million, than 5 . If you want to incentivize to good jobs, thats how you do. Tell them the more they make the more they can keep, just like when they work at merrill lynch. Thats how you solve americas problems. We are dealing with people in government who couldnt get a job in the private sector. They could never get hired and if it didnt be fired in two weeks. You wonder what obama six the irs on me. Ice because the government employs can work in the privatee sector to the we get into it we cant but if you can you take a government job. Thats why countries failing to i assess going all over the world. I speak about branding from one of the earth to the of the hutchison south africa gushes in amsterdam and ask for an audience this question. Raise your hand eating im passionate antienergy. Raise your hand the joy have a lot of energy . Now compare my energy to an employee of the department of motor vehicles. [laughter] i get laughter in every country in the world. Do you know what that means . Small businessmen like me wake up and we dont know how were paying our mortgage this month. I dont know how i am paying for my daughter to go to harvard but i figure out a way and it always begins with being fast and decisive and working hard. Government employees dont have those issues. They have a job for life. They can never be fired in many cases they can rape someone and they still get their pension. In las vegas a fireman raped a little girl an underage girl, sentenced to 20 years and is just a newspaper the other day. He will get is too much 8000 a year pension for the entire 20 years hes in prison. Folks, i the attention of zero. Ive never had a penchant in my life. Why are we giving pensions for Government Employees . If you work today, you get paid today. When you retire you live on social security. Thats the only way to make america work. Thanks. As a u. N. Correspondent has its own lessons to speeches all day long and everybody reads them, its exhilarating to hear somebody who can stand up and talk. I have another question stated by the way, no teleprompter. I am amazed, absolutely amazed. You go to these dinners and if you want to social club with a rich, you have to pay 1000 a year to hear somebody read a speech, a canned speech. My question now is, now we are told, we believe, i wanted for homeschoolers. Im learning from you know along with your kids. How do we find you . How to relocate you . How do we keep in touch . And how do we keep getting your advice on destruction and construction, where you see it. They can at least open to our minds to start following your suggestions to we want to know you better. Thank you. Very sweet, god bless you. Look, my book is the murder of the middle class. Opal you go out and grab a copy at amazon or a local bookstore. My website is rootforamerica. Com. What do i do all day . I root for the greatest nation in the world history, america. My email is wayne root at gmail. You cant miss that. If all goes we might want to make a donation to me one day because of the giver safely about running against harry reid or u. S. Senate in nevada. Applaud but im and i believe have to mail the personal check. It cannot be a business check. Personal check, correct. My good friend in this Dinesh Dsouza found out about breaking finance laws. [inaudible] i live in new jersey. And i worked for you . You can come. I will let you in. By the way, i am a supply chain expert at financial policy council. Having said that im an eternal optimist. I like every word of what you said today. Lots of stuff, lots of stuff we heard from we need to digest and see how it can be made to work. But let me go back to my supply chain roots. Fundamental question. A little bit presumption. Im not anyone . Considered 2 and 98 . Assuming all 100 works. How do you make the 2 work against the 98 . [inaudible] im saying 2 believe in your philosophy because i am assuming all the capitalists, all the rich guys believe in what you said. Listen, i think all this consent is the fault and i dont want to make a Campaign Pitch for the public and party, i really dont but i am a republican and i wrote in my book philosophies for the Republican Party. I said to affect change you have to get elected. What you like it or not, politics is show business. Politics has failed at its finest. I believe the greatest salesman of our lifetime was ronald reagan. I was the second greatest salesman our lifetime was barack obama. Said got to be a great salesman. Barack obama reminds me of george mcgovern. They both have the same philosophy. Socialist, far left radical. Mcgovern was a lousy salesman. He lost in a landslide and obama took the same philosophy and one a couple of elections. Is a great salesman. Ronald reagan took the velocity of the mighty rose Barry Goldwater who was a lousy salesman but it had great ideas. Terry goldwater lost by a landslide. Reagan took the same philosophy only 16 years later and one into landslide. What that proves is you need to develop candidates have great sales pitches, who know how do so, not to entertain, who know how to tell good jokes about the difference between vegas and washington, d. C. You have to have routine to be elected. Poll after poll shows the American People dont like obamas policies but they like obama. Thats what saved him so far. He has a wife, two kids, a dog. He smiles, his last, he kisses babies come he shakes hands. Heres a stat that will blow you away from my book. Whoever smiles the most has won every president ial election since 1960. How about that one . Every single election but if you think thats uniquely american thing, its not. I got the studies in the book that in both australia and russia which the of the country . Malaysia or thailand from whichever politicians boast the most wins 80 of all elections. Its an amazing stat and these are scientists who proved it. I dont think it is anything to do with smiling. I think its that whoever smiles the most has a great personality. Its not smart to come its personnel. Ronald reagan had a great personally. Barack obama has a very nice personality. You need a good personality to sell communism. Hes done it. Hes done it. Hes made communism go. He has people believing its not communism, it is but thats another story. But in the and to answer your question, anything can be sold. I want to sell people thats conservative, fiscal, economic ideas are not for the 1 . They are for the 99 , however have the hope of joining the 1 . They are for your kids and grandkids. One of the reason i think the 90 doesnt buy into a lot of the time is because its too late. They are 60, a schoolteacher and make 40,000 a year. They are 60, a government of welcome they make 50,000 a year. Im not going to change tomorrow and become donald trump ejected give people hope they can be the. My answer isnt aimed at them. Its aimed at and grandchildren because Everyone Wants the kids and grandchildren to do better than them but i dont think a teacher wants the kid to be a teacher. I think their teacher wants the kid did whatever the to be but hopefully it might be a wall street data makes a Million Dollars to you. I do think a cop wants to get in the soda counter to the kid wants to go to Columbia University and do better than the father did. I think every middle class family wants their kids to be filthy rich. They know thats a great thing. Not only that when theyre old enough take care of them. In the end i think you can sell my philosophy. It can be sold. It can be taught. I saw the study the o other day come young people voted overwhelmingly for obama but then it has been what do you believe in. Almost all young people, a giant majority are fiscally conservative and socially liberal which is what i am. If the Republican Party would move away from these idiotic notions about women and Birth Control and abortion and gay marriage and stem cells, and stick to economics and give People Freedom in the boardroom and the bedroom, it would be the dominant party in this country. Young people get it. You just have to stop telling them we will control their wombs, thats all. I am a recent addition to the board of directors. Welcome aboard. Thank you. The question i have regard accountability. You were saying before someone in the private sector has a certain job description. They areget a job if they dont do the job at the beginning of government you dont do the job, you just move into another division. You just keep moving on. Plus i learned in college that there are games played with the budget. So youve got a certain amount of budget and you have only used 70 of the, you better figure out how to spend 30 next week in order to get something higher. What do you propose for increasing accountability . Do you think you should go so far that they contributing taxpayers should be able to score the government and the government employs and the politician told them accountable in such a way . I have a whole bunch of ideas in my book. I propose every bill that is proposed in front of the United States senate and house, every single bill should be scored by the cbo would ever vote on it. That almost never happens. In other words, a congressman feels free to vote for a new bill that creates a bridge to nowhere for 200 million. What i think should happen is every congressman should know your voting until the cost 200 million. You need to see the feasibility of the money youre spending and how its going to affect your constituents. The people need to see the exact same thing. Pure accountability let it be posted for a month before you can vote on the bill online for every citizen to see. Thats one example of accountability. Let me give you a second one i think holds people accountable. Theyre not accountable because they are in washington and you are here. That makes no sense because i wouldnt care about you if im 3000 miles of either. Its human nature. I dont see why i do all my bases from las vegas. I dont travel that much other than what im booked on a speech. I told you i went to amsterdam and a story. They paid me. Icecap, conference made and Conference Calls and skype. You dont need to be in washington anymore. I think all congressmen and senators should conduct business from an office in the district instead of spinning all the time meeting with lobbyists in washington they would spend all the time meeting with constituents who are knocking on their door who live right there with them. Then when congress meets a meets on the tv and theyre all closed circuit television. I want to bring everybody closer to the people. Thats the way the Founding Fathers wanted it and were not doing it that way and thats what this country is getting away from us, getting out of hand. Scary stuff. I want to bring up, this ties in kind of, i want to bring up government employs because thats a huge issue no one is dealing with. Can you imagine if every Small Businessman or woman retired with a five to 10 million golden parachute . I dont know any Small Business men or women who own like one restaurant or one pet store or one bar that retire with 10 million. But i know a lot of Government Employees to retire with 10 million. U. S. A. Wayne, youre crazy. Every single day. They dont get 10 million up front. They get 200,000 a year for the next 50 years if you liv they lo 100 theyre retiring at the age of 50. Thats pure insanity and bankruptcy for america and the taxpayers and its got to stop. They shouldnt do that. Who gives pensions of 200,000 a year for not working. If you apply that philosophy to the private sector, can you imagine every time you walk in a pizzeria for a slice of pizza begun to think here you go, i will be 800. You would have to pay for hundred dollars. U. S. Paper ive ever worked there 30 years ago in 40 years ago. How suicidal is that . In las vegas the average fireman, and i love firemen, love them or the average fiber makes 199,000 a year in las vegas . 199,000 a year. Keep in mind these are not the captains, the chiefs. The average apartment on the rigs coming to knock your window down when theres smoke is getting 199,000 a year. There are fire captains, because its accountability a bit in nevada, they print this house of every government employee. There are fire captains and please captains who make four and five and 600,000 a year. Insanity. So folks, it wont work longterm. One more question. Last question. You when the price. Last question to you better be a good one. Im putting pressure on you. To questions. So question one, what in your view is an ideal Health Care Policy . And question number two, what is your take on quantitative easing . Sure, to easy question, to great question. Im glad you asked them. Its almost as if i ask you to ask them. Quantitative easing, simple. Quantitative easing is the feds program that allows wall street to get rich while the rest of us go in debt. Thats the problem with quantitative easing. Let me stress, i love wall street. Those of you in the room part of wall street from your great. I love you. As long as youre not asking me to pay for you getting rich. As long as youre not asking you to pay for your kids to go to harvard. I have enough trouble paying for my own daughter to go to harvard. I dont need to pay for yours. How can you ask government and the fed to print money so that you can get rich and fix the stock market and churned into a red craps game . Thats what it is. It is a red craps game. Rig to make it go up and up and up, and the worst the Economic Statistics are, the more it goes up because that means the fed has to spend more money. Quantitative easing is a ripoff of the middle class and the murder of the middle class. Health care. Im for health freedom. I dont want government involved. Did you know before obamacare the two most expensive states for Health Insurers were new york and new jersey. New york and new jersey, why . They lead the country in government regulations of health insurance. Whatever government touches turns to crap. Its no good. So i dont want government in health care. I want to make it 100 taxdeductible, every time you spent there i want you to buy policies over state lines. If i find a better policy in New Hampshire i could bite in arizona. I want to make sure most people have just a civil chief policy the exact opposite of obama. Did you see the seinfeld episode where Jason Alexander go something the biggest loser in the world to suddenly think George Steinbrenners right hand man and he is making their money, eating a fancy restaurant the seinfeld says youre the biggest loser. How did you turn your life around. Simple. I realized i was the biggest loser and so not do the opposite of every single thought. The only way to save america is whatever is being done by the government now, do the opposite. So they want more government and health care, i want no government in health care. I want john mack in charge of health care, the founder of whole foods. I want tax deductible for Healthy Foods and vitamins and gym. I want most important the one they left out of obamacare the road healthier, toward reform. The problem is lawyers. Get them out. [applause] thank you, everyone. Thank you, ziad, for invited me. Indeed, its been a pleasure. You are watching booktv, television for serious readers. You can watch

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