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Raging boil. The left would like to pin the blame for this on what they claim as the rights and racist refusal to accept a black man its president. In. In fact what has exacerbated Race Relations in the United States is the inherent racism of the less identity politics. Spearheaded by obama himself. Progressive racism, not the right is the reason for todays heightened racial conflict. David Horowitz Horowitz needs no real introduction to this crowd. Let me focus on his new book, progressive racism which i recently wrote, needless to say i gave it two thumbs up, it is the six the most recent volume of his writings called the black book of the american book, this book collects need 50 essays over the politics of race over the last 50 years. The book concludes that the racial bias which the left demands tears at the very fabric of the social order, compromises true equality, and is and is the antithesis of the american dream. If i could quote a little bit more from it, in a free society, composed of individuals who are unequal by nature, the highest government good is neutrality in the treatment of its citizens before the law. One standard and justice for all. This is the only equality that is not an odds with with individual freedom. It is the only quality that can make a Diverse Community one. Ladies and gently, please welcome the founder of the freedom center, author of too many books to mention here, including progressive racism, one of few intellectuals willing to talk about race and still the most hated adversary, david horowitz. Sorry for all those words but somebody has to do it. President obama had said that racism is in the dna of america and transmitted through the generations. This is a malicious liable. It is in fact the most malicious liable ever uttered by an american president ever uttered against his own country. Slavery existed in africa for 1000 years before years before a white person ever set foot there. Slavery existed in all societies for 3000 years, it was what you did when you conquered your enemy, you would enslave the men and women. From the beginning of time, no one ever said that slavery was immoral, not aristotle, not moses, not jesus, until White Christians christians in england led by labor force did towards the end of the 18th century. The british colonies at the time, a white slave owner named Thomas Jefferson wrote americas birth certificate that liberty is a godgiven right that government cannot take away and equality too. Within just a little more than a generation and at the cost of 350,000 human 50000 human lives, slavery was abolished in america and quickly then in the western hemisphere. Every black person alive in this country owes their freedom to america. That is the true dna of america. It is liberty, not racism. The rival is racism and that has a second malicious affect which is to persuade, unfortunately large members of the black community that that is the truth and to alienate them from this country and make them feel like outsiders. When black people are as american as any other group. There on this continent from 1619, you cannot speak of American Culture without black culture, does not exist. Im going to go on and on. So this has a terrible effect on black people in this country and on the rest of us. It sometimes takes years to get a crucial fact like this right and then it can be undone by the next generation. People come into this World Without any knowledge and experience in it sometimes takes a lifetime and sometimes like the president you dont even go over a lifetime. We had a saying in in the 60s that you cannot trust anyone under 30. That was just youthful arrogance but the reality is you cant trust anyone under 30 because they just dont know enough. They have not had a life experience. When i was a youngster, about 11 or 12, a book came into my progressive household. My the book titled we charge a genocide and what it was in fact was a petition, the book was published by an organization calling itself the Civil Rights Congress and it was a petition to the un to condemn the United States for genocide against black people. In the piece there is a photograph, could we have that photograph . Do we have that projected is there can up with the photograph up . Anyway it is the most famous photograph of a lynching, two black men hanging from trees and a white man facing the camera and pointing at them. Anybody who who is seen any picture of lynching sensing this photograph will hopefully be able to get it up briefly. It was incredibly disturbing to me as an adolescent. It is still disturbing. The hotel did not want us to short while the staff were present. So this hotel is a safe place. But its it is a horrifying photo. It took me ten or 20 years before i had read enough about lynchings to understand that lynching was not a device for black people. There is a racial dimension to lynching and it is a terrible, evil one. But lynching was actually justice. Lets lets not waste time with the due process, lets have the punishment before the trial like alice in wonderland. First the the punishment then they can have the trial. I also learned that one third of all lynch victims were white. That tells you a couple of things. First first of all that it was not devised in a practice just against black people. But also that they were lynched because they had allegedly committed crimes that were worthy of hanging. So most of the lynching cases are not a bunch of white racist grabbing a black person and stringing them up from a tree, but were hangings to punish people for crimes for which they had been accused. In this particular case, the two men hanging were smith and schmitz. There is a companion name james who was 16 at the time was not lynched. What happened was, and i learned this 50 years later, i just happened to tune into an npr program where they interviewed James Cameron about what happened. What happened was, the three of them had been accused, arrested for murdering a young, white white factory worker and raping his girlfriend. The lynch mob had broken into the jail and took them out and then strong the two from the tree. That is the famous picture. And you can see the crowd is white. But they had been accused of murder. According to james camera they actually had committed the murders. According to the white woman who was allegedly raped, she had not been raped. So the rape charge wouldve turned up in the trial. But this does not make lynching right. Lynching was wrong and evil. We have due process in this country for a reason. It is to protect the innocent. Another fact about this lynching is James Cameron who is also black and arrested with them and the reason was, James Cameron said that he did not participate , he did not want to commit the murder, it was a robbery and he didnt participate, he stayed in the car. And he probably would have hung for being black. Except that a white woman in the lynch mob stood up for him and so they let him go. He was subsequently tried and convicted of being an accessory before the fact and he served seven or eight years. In 1991 the state of indiana pardon him. You can find find all this up on wikipedia. If you look up this indiana lynching. These are the most famous lynch pitcher. It was a picture in which a miracle in the american communist wrote the strong strange fruit that Billie Holiday saying and its a symbol and obviously was used in this a book recharged genocide as a symbol of white racism. Obviously once you know the fact it is a lot more complicated than that. Another thing i learned late, years and years later, probably when i had become conservative so that would be 20 or 30 years later, was why this book recharged genocide in this petition it brought to the un it after i was brought to the un this was around 1950, 51, 51 when america had been through the Second World War and we had fought, the master race. The conscious of america was awakened and the barriers began to be broken down. Of the military and a 1947 they were integrated. Truman integrated the Civil Service and Jackie Robinson became the first black participant in Americas National sport, was only couple of years before brown versus board of education integrated the school so why the charge of genocide, that is a deliberate campaign to exterminate a people with what is going on with the juice today it obviously was not the case. Well, the Civil Rights Congress which authored the petition with the communist party front. Therefore it was run from moscow as we also have learns through the opening of the soviet archives. In Eastern Europe there is a show trial taking place in czechoslovakia. The kremlin had accused the top the top leaders of the Czechoslovakian Communist Party of being in a zionist. Sinus was because 11 of the 13 people they hung were jews. In other words, if we charge Genocide Campaign was not about black people at all it was about using black people as a battering ram against the United States to neutralize bad publicity the kremlin was getting for its campaign against the jews which they had spread as everybody knows. This progressive tradition, my parents were communists never refer to them as communist, all always as progressives. This progressive tradition lives today and the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party does not care about black people, does that really do much for black people except throw them crumbs and bribe their leaders to keep the community and line, that is basically what goes on. The. The big perks go to the leaders. But the black masses as we would call them in our inner cities, they get crumbs. The Democratic Party controls every major innercity in america. 100 . 100 . And they have 450 100 years. Hundred years. Everything that is wrong with the inner cities in america, every oppression, every deprivation, democrats and progressives are responsible for. They destroyed School Systems that urine and youre out out do not teach these kids to read and write, massive failure nine graduation, the Democratic Party will go to the depths to protect the teaching unions, i dont have to go on with this. Ill. Ill come back to it later maybe. But using blacks thats what progressives do. Thats why every Election Year the Democratic Party will run, donald trump is a racist, black churches will burn if republicans are elected and so forth and so on. This is their bread and butter, its disgusting and racist. As i said i learned late about these facts. It took a lifetime, i have done nothing but politics basically since i was ten years old. I understand that most people cannot devote themselves to arguments to investigating these things and im sure the fact that i have laid out here are obscured or invisible to most of the people, actually even watching cspan, which are the people who are probably highly politically educated and informed it to begin with. I went on in the 60s, i raised a lot of money i have written about this extensively for the black Panther Party. The black Panther Party was seen by the left as the vanguard of the black revolution, i know i bought into that and it was seen as a vanguard because they would take up arms against the police, stand up for the oppressed actually, prior to the 60s from the 1940 until 1960 the greatest social revolution in Race Relations ever in the history of mankind was taking place, in 194040 of black americans were middleclass and professionals. In 1960, that figure was 49 , just a remarkable transformation and it was still only the beginning of the transformation that was taking place. But we on the left, we progressive saw blacks as oppressed people and revolution was the only thing that would transform their lives. Therefore the left which you can forget now despised Martin Luther king, we supported him in 1963, but then as things got more and more radical the left left despise mr. King and turned its back on them. Was a pretty isolated figure when he was assassinated in 1968. Anyway, i saw the black Panther Party as blacks willingness to stand up for themselves. It did not occur to me that the black Panther Party had no significant following in the black community of oakland in areas where they were prominent that they were in fact feared by the local community. I had progressive racism in me, i saw black people as symbols, of anything that was wrong with america and that was why i raise the money for the black Panther Party. I didnt Pay Attention to the signs. Well, in 1973, 1974 i had raised a lot of money for the black Panther School and i went by a church and turned it into a black Panther School. The women i recruited had three children and in 1974 betty disappeared and i knew that she had been murdered. On the left all my progressive friends were the panthers. No one known on. [inaudible] and coleman published the first story in the panthers worst street gang. They were criminals. They murdered a dozen black people got away with it. But this delusion, this melodrama of america having racism in its dna actually this delusion, in 1999 or thereabouts i was walking down berkeley street and i had talked on many campuses and saw what students are being taught and said which is america is a racist country. It occurred to me and i was familiar with the curriculum that was struck by this thought that it was politically correct to hate white people and i determined right there that i was going to write a book with the title its politically correct to hate white people. I did write the book which came out in 2000 or maybe 1999. The publisher, first of all when i told my new york publisher that i had one of the biggest publisher was simon schuster, new york publishers that i wanted to write a book called hating white people as a politically correct idea, my editor told me he would never publish a book with that title. He said hating black he wouldve been a bestseller. So i had to go to little texas publisher to get this book published and it was called hating whitey and in 2001 i became aware of a campaign on american campuses is called reparations awareness week. Week. It was a campaign to get reparations for slavery. It was a hundred and 37 years after the fact it wouldve been a Reasonable Campaign if it was won by the confederacy if not by the United States government who citizens lost 350 lives to end slavery and adult know how much the government spent but i know was a lot of money. It would also have been reasonable if there is any slaves alive or theres children the slaves or white americans were opposed to any federal program that would actually help black people. So i took out ads or attempted to in College Papers called ten reasons why reparations for slavery is racist and bad for blacks. Why is it bad for blacks . The same reason as the president s statement that racism is in the dna of america because it alienates them from their country. Even the name african americans, africa is not a country, the continent. How many continent. Dominate length different languages are spoken, how many different nationalities they are. African americans for better or worse are americans. And they should be proud of it and taken as their heritage and there are obviously some courageous blacks like sherif clark of milwaukee who do so when jason riley of the wall street journal who do so. But they are are considered race traders by the progressives. Progresses is a big misnomer as liberals. Liberals are bigots, they are intolerant, well intolerant, well know that. Theyre not liberal about anything. Except drugs, sex, spending other peoples money, thats what they are liberal about. They do not want to sites to a conversation. Thats why i have to take bodyguards when i appear on take bodyguards when i appear on campuses and so does other conservative speakers and, im sure everybody is familiar with 100 atrocity cases that are committed by the totalitarians. And particularly the totalitarian students who call themselves progressives. Their reactionaries. This is a throwback of 100 years is what it is. It is no accident that they support totalitarian from islam that we are now facing. Where are we today . Today we have a movement called black lives matter which is a roving lynch mob itself. By lunch mom i do not mean string people up from trees, but i mean have the punishment before the trial. So they help to burn the city of ferguson which is 60 black punishing all the blacks when the demand for the head of a white policeman because he was white. No evidence, no trial, we won his head. Thats what it was about. That is a lynch mob. That was supported by the president of the United States was a racist. If you dont think barack obama is a racist, then you tell me how as a chief advisor and Race Relations has visited the white house more than anybody else is the racist al sharpton, a convicted liar who ruined the lives of six people by spreading the lives of tawana, who owes the government for a halfmillion dollars in back taxes, who could get away with that . He gets away with it because of what i call black skin privilege. If he were white, he would never get away with it. He would never get away with being a racist a racist and be near their president of the United States. Al sharpton is a racial arsonist, he is incited, he incited his own mob, the Action Network or whatever it is called against a white, obviously a jew store owner in harlem some years ago. The owner pretty smart. And on his radio broadcast, his followers to get the right answer low for out of our out of our community. One of his followers torched the store and killed seven people of color. Ill sharpton is today, the president s go to person on Race Relations. This is what we have come to. It it really started with sharpton and jackson. Two racist targeting white people. If you are white youre guilty before the fact. You are guilty just being white. If you are black youre innocent. Even if the the facts eventually show that youre guilty. Like o. J. Simpson. Black lives matter claims, its not just black lives matter, but its the entire socalled liberal progressive culture which supports a black lives matter. The officially endorsed the black lives Matter Movement. They have everyone the life of barry nelson, the officer he was defending his own life against the street thug in a Michael Brown attacked him in his police car reaching for his gun, how many people out in the Television Audience would do Something Like that . That tells you everything you need to know about it. He wasnt kicked on by Darren Nelson because he was black, he was picked on because he had just committed a strong armed robbery. The lie, hands up dont shoot which is what he was able to say was with his accomplice in the this is a pretty gray or a career predators, and who did they pray . They pray in the black community. Black lives matter and many other people and we have University Courses in this and if you want to know what this comes from it comes from turning the School System over to what i call leo communist. People just like the community i grew up in an america is a racist country its an oppressive country and anybody who goes to war with america has her sympathy. I remember clearly in the first gulf war wondering if my ex comrades on the left were going to support a monster like saddam hussein. And they did, did, and they did it again in 2002 and 2003. Anybody who hates america they support. The hatred of of america is so deepseated among progressives on the left that its really hard for conservatives to fathom otherwise it would be many more conservatives talking the way i am talking. But i know it because i was there. White supremacy, americas is a white supremacist nation, you hear that. Whoever says that is either a lunatic or a racist. Happen to be in anti white racist but a racist nonetheless. This is a country who is now at the end of eight years of a disastrous presidency by barack obama. We have had two black secretaries of state, a black chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, three black heads of the security council, including the current susan rice who just made a racist statement that the nsc is to white. Was it liar. Who went on television after benghazi line about what happened, knowing it was a lie. We have thousands of black elected officials. We have American Cities like atlantic run by blacks, black mayor, black police chief, black superintendent of black superintendent of schools for their other cities just like that. Baltimore, and who suffers by the way of this and progressive racism, they they suffer from black people in the inner cities. The assault on police, the war against police that black lives matter and other racist declared and led to epidemic homicides and spikes in the homicide rate in crime rate in cities like baltimore and ferguson. Who are the victims . Black people. Its time for black people to wake up and start voting for republicans or youre going to be in this prison. The blacks in the inner cities will be in the prison, lets not forget the thriving black middle class in america and black upperclass as well. It is so diabolical that people put faith in the Democratic Party as they protect their blacks and the champion of blacks in the Democratic Party is the worst enemy that black people have in this country, the worst. Thats not forget the Democratic Party is also the party of slavery and the party of segregation, it is also the party of the inner city. The party of the welfare system that is destroying innercity black communities. It has huge incentives to kick fathers or men out of the household. So you have a single mother then bribed the mother by giving her 200 a month for Something Like that if she has the baby. So you encourage. Large families, no wager, no wage earner, and if the mother also gets a job, if she earns the money, she uses loses her welfare benefits. How evil is that . When the democrats are responsible for it and republicans are responsible because theyre not screaming this for the rooftops every time they make a speech. Our National Culture in the new york times, the networks, pbs, the universities encourage this kind of racism, antiracism and lunacy. You cannot always tell what is going on in this way. The winner of the National Book award this year is americas most pampered racist son of a black panther who did not graduate from college but was made a visiting professor at mit, nonetheless. He. He was offered a column in the new york times, received and is receiving a 650,000dollar genius award from the macarthur foundation. Celebrated, praise, by the atlantic, by all the institutions and he got the book award for racist screed between the world and me which is in the form of a letter to his son. Let me just quote one passage. And so that beauty that was pledged to protect, black beauty was never celebrated in movies, and television, or in the textbooks ive seen as a child. Everyone of an any import codes was born in 1975. And it was eight years old when he became holiday with an honor. In order to get that holiday which was created by Ronald Reagan George Washington had to be pushed to the back of the bus where washington and lincoln, the two formative figures are bunched together with noname fidelity. The first Motion Pictures champion on most notably home of the brave began appearing in 1949. They won the Academy Award for best actor of his war and lilies of the field which is not about civil rights, it was about a wonderful black person in 1964. In 1960, harper lees novel about blacks won the Pulitzer Prize and went on to sell 60 million copies. In 1977 when quotes was two years old the television featured about the black oppression which is the most widely viewed show of the time. It has been viewed by more than 30 million americans and one a score of emmys. As is typical of the black lives matter and taught easy coats and those like him inner academy, he simply lies to sustain his hatred of whites. He actually says his best friend was killed by a policeman, his best friend was black. The policeman said he was trying to run him over in his car. Coates uses this as an example of american white racism. However the Police Officer was black. He excuses this by saying the devil made them do it. He was thinking he was white. How racist is that . That . And this is a celebrated figure in a progressive culture. People are shaking their heads, this is what our country has come to, this is why donald trump is such a compelling figures for so Many Americans because they are tired of this crap that is being thrown at them. They are tired of the lives that are lost because this racism is human, just just because it comes from black people. How is it that civil rights heroes, socalled, art now career predators of prey on black people. How screwed up up is that . What is wrong with the progressive class question marks what is wrong is our schools have been turned over to the basis for 20 or 30 years. The whole curriculum in our universities are devoted to teaching that is politically correct to hate white people. You have the spectacle at the university of missouri of empty charges that there were four charges that there is racism at the school. Not one of them examined, think again, lynch mob. Not one examined. Moms appeared to get the resignation of the head of the entire University System which they achieved in getting, over nothing. Over empty charges. This was a school where the president of the student body was black, the vice Vice President was black, and the leader of the lynch mob was a son of a multimillion or railroad executive. Black skin privilege. You you can live people will believe you. It is time for americans to return to its roots which is individual rights, individual circumstances, even of a lynching. Lynching. You can see the bad dimensions of it. You can see the racial dimensions of it. But but there are other dimensions as well those other dimensions should instill a certain sense of humility before you go screaming black lives matter. If a black lives matter you would not be crippling the police where the only line of defense for people in the innercitys because the Democratic Party of these and democraticcontrolled cities and states will have deprived them of their Second Amendment rights by stringent gun control laws where the only protection i have is guns. Hillary clinton has a secret service, the white middleclass and people who live in gated communities they have security systems, but if you are welfare mother living in a high crime area, the only security you have is what you can reach for in your night table drawer. Democrats are determined, Hillary Clinton clinton is determined to take that right away from all of us but in particular from the black citizens of the democratcontrolled plantation in our major cities. Return to individual rights, return to what is so remarkable about what this country people. People say 400 years of slavery, there were not for hundreds of years of slavery in america there are 400 years if you include the english colonies in the British Empire which we defeated. America was created in 1776, or with the constitution 1787. Then within just over a generation slavery was a lemonade. America is the liberator of slaves. The liberator of black people. Until that is instilled again in our young people in on our culture at large we are in a heap of trouble. Thank you. [applause]. We will take questions and because we record on cspan everyone needs, i would like you to line up at the microphone if you want to ask a question. You mentioned donald trump twice. Some time ago they did an interview with David Horwitz in which you were asked, many inside the gop see him, that is donald trump as a sign of the. [inaudible] and unfit to be the republican nominee, what what is your opinion . Your answer was somewhat and dramatic. You mentioned kennedys assassination, lyndon johnson, european tendency to look down the nose at american. No no no. Let me get to the final point. You said that one moral of christianity is that saviors are crucified. So are you suggesting that donald trump is a savior. No, no, this is this is a comment about how people think. Trump as a excited, conservative intellectuals, because he has not read their books. Thats what upsets them. And he and he probably will not read their books. And i was recalling how i learned, because i was brought up as an intellectual and things are very important to me, i read a lot of books. When kennedy when kennedy was assassinated i was in england. The europeans have always looked down on american. Starting from 1776 the children that went astray, we are the prodigal children of the europeans. They always sneer at art culture, and particularly taxes which is a very american frontier sort of state. I remember when kennedy was assassinated in lbj became president s, all of my english friends, is living in london, did they look down on it. Yet lbj daughters, he had lbj cufflinks and ties, what is he, hes Everything Everything wrong with america, crude, rude, vulgar, you heard these comments about trump. What happened next was this. Kennedy and all of these reform programs could not get them through congress. He did not know how to do it. Johnson came in and unfortunately for all of us put through the Great Society added a couple of years so i learned then that there is intellectual smarts and then there is streetsmarts and political smarts. So to under underestimate trumpet which is what everyone on that platform did and what National Review and the Weekly Standard are doing today, is a huge mistake. Thats all i meant by that. And when i brought up, i dont know why brought up jesus, but a rabbi, rabbi actually taught me this that people reason he and rescued and saved. They reasoned that somebody that they are dependent on somebody else for their salvation and they crucified him. I dont mean to compare donald trump to jesus, its just a human response. I i also probably due to many interviews. What you think about donald trump . While i think that donald trump, first first of all i think that he is an incredible breath of fresh air that he is not intimidated by what is called the Political Correctness but which is actually a communist party line, thats what it is. They keep you in check with that. So to be politically incorrect is to be driven from society and you can see that reaction among these republicans and conservatives like george will, brilliant intellects but they want trump out of the picture. It is just too much for them. I think like all president s, he will disappoint us if he is elected. There are things that he cannot possibly do. He cannot reform read for the entire corrupt washington culture. On the other hand, the confidence that i havent trumpeted it is not insignificant, as this. This is a man who takes his name and reputation very seriously. Trump towers, trump airlines, trump this, trump that, when he gets to the white house, should he get to the white house, he is going to want to furnish that reputation, not to destroy. He has made promises, hes going to build the wall, you Better Believe hes going to build a wall. It is that important for america, you that important for america, you bet it is. No country can exist as he says, and as i thought for many years before he said it without borders. Not only that, we, we can keep ourselves safe if we are letting terrorists and criminals in. There 550,000 illegal, convicted criminals in this country. 200,000 in jail hundred thousand in jail and 350,000 roaming our streets. And preying on innocent americans. That is an outrage in a crime and the Democratic Party is responsible for that. And all those republicans who keep trying to appease the democrats wish for open borders so they can get votes. So i am for trump. [applause]. I have course agree with you, my question concerns some of the other black africanamerican please conversation confrontations that you want them. My my question is can and should we make teaching moments out of example the following two, you mention gardner. About we really have a situation where he was not resisting arrest, he was talking calmly and he was selling one cigarette. And let me finish, and we have a liberal city with a liberal mayor passing wildly high taxes and our cops, instead of dealing with Violent Crimes are becoming tax collectors for liberal establishments. The other example i would ask about his we had a man who was shot in the back six times in South Carolina for not resisting and philosophically was certainly no liberal welk that the teaching moment is that he was afraid to be put back in jail for not paying Child Support and when we put people in jill for not paying Child Support they cant pay Child Support. Weight. So the first teaching moment of that is that the officer who shot him in the back is on trial for murder. Thats the real lesson of that. The other stuff is interesting but the real lesson is when cops convict crimes like that they get tried and should be tried for. The Garner Garner case, look, this is a career criminal. I know the cigarette thing. You do not want to make an excuse for a guy who is been praying on black people for whatever it was, 30 years, also, he was resisting arrest,. It was very clear there said no physical effort. Excuse me, look im not going to argue, just going to tell you what my viewpoint is. They tell you you assume the position when they are arresting you. You put your hands, if a Police Officers says to me youre under arrest, my hands are on my, im a lawabiding citizen. The second thing is, the officer in charge, the sergeant on the scene in charge of the arrest is an africanamerican. Im not going to argue. Hello. You touched on the influence of unions and city governments and i applaud that, now there is an Organization Called the Industrial Area foundation which was a startup in 1940 and there are a lot of branches of this in los angeles, its called one l. A. They pretend to be motherhood and apple pie, however on their website it says that they proposed the head of the Housing Committee in l. A. City hall that he proposed a registration measure and of course that is being pushed through. Now, i would like to ask you what you think of the influence of organization such as that which incidentally mike temple belongs to, thank you very much. Okay i wrote a pamphlet, i dont dont know if its here which 3 Million People have read call brock obamas rules for revolution. It is an analysis of the rules for revolution which is the original title. He is the communist and an anti american in a very dangerous influence and so, thats my view of it. Temple temple should not be part of it. I agree, tried to say that. I was a poster but im wondering what you know or what you think of this Organization Called one l. A. I dont know i never heard of it. I know that los angeles is gone. All these cities are gone, there hundred control by the Democratic Party. How can anything good be happening. Could be happening. And the unions, well its one in the same. We have an encyclopedia of the left posted and discovered that networks. Org. Its encyclopedia so i have not read every entry. Would you consider the reluctance of the leaders of the black lives Matter Movement to repudiate the calls of their rank and file to kill Police Officers should designate that movement as a hate group . It is a hate group and its a typical leftist a group. They hate the police, they are defenders criminals at home and enemies abroad. That is what progressives do. And of course, in case people in the Television Audience, obviously not every democrat, certainly not certainly not every Democrat Voter is aware of what they do. Because they are incredibly deceptive. When i was a young boy and Joseph Stalin who had murdered 40 billion russians who did not get on board for his socialist schemes, the one that Bernie Sanders seems to like, the communist party was not a dictatorship of america, thats the trustees. It was not calling their slogan was not to call for soviet america, it was peace, jobs and democracy. So, people get get fooled. The left is very seductive. People get fooled all the time. That is why social justice is a mirage. Its one of the big reasons why moral progress is a mirage because people lie and they are very good lives. We seen wonderful examples of it in president ial primaries in both parties, just a normal i guess human thing to do, to lie. And politicians have a vested interest in line because i have to put together coalitions of very Diverse Communities who are normally at each others throats so they lie and say one thing to this group and another to another. And every politician does it and that doesnt mean theyre not people of integrity and politics, but they are rare. You talked about genocide and talked about what we just mention 40 million killed in russia at 60,000,000 million killed and try to, i hate it when somebodys killed unjustly, even one, there kinda numbers i cant comprehend. Now back in the 20s margaret saying, the vanderbilt planned parenthood said some words of the effect that we should not let the africans work it out to their goal is to exterminate the african race. Wouldnt it help prove that america is not racist if planned parenthood was abolished and abortion was made legally good . I think planned parenthood should not get a dime from the federal government. Margaret sanger was a racist genesis. She hated hated black people. The left can overlook that and overlook the communist statement as well. I do not think there is anything that will prove that american and racist people that their very being a very identity hate america. That to me what the black lives Matter Movement of the Progressive Left is about. I just wanted to write that there that there is roughly 1,200,000 pages abortions in america and the vast majority of the, so it is a movement against the black people, therefore it it should be abolished. Last question,

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