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Ways we can respond to this. My response in this vote is to say both of the letter to the court, but a letter to ourselves that fighting corruption is one of the best parts of the american tradition and we should all not and i think of it as a postwatergate fight or really is a post war of independence by and one of the most difficult sites that will ever be involved in. They are making a difference. So everyone at home as well, check out emet online. Org. Great, great important organization, and i have to give everyone here credit for coming out tonight. Theres easier and more soothing things and relaxing things to do after a long day at work than coming to hear about isis. God bless my wife, and she is here someplace in the room in the back i think. We talk about this issue. We talk about isis. And this is my third book. And every night when my head hit the pillow writing this book over a fivemonth span id be thinking about isis, and id have to share it with someone. How about my significant other . Beheadings burnings, lighter fare. Keeping the marriage together. Aid sure to her, would you rather know or not know at the end of the day . And she said id rather know. But youre sleep on the couch tonight. [laughter] so, without further adieu, thank you for coming. Secondly, i want you to know what i want to focus on. Were in america, in the United States. I want to focus here on what isis, its supporters, its sympathizers are doing here on american cycle very important. A lot of times americans today are kind of zoned out. The kardashians are on the tube. The game is on. Someone just texted me. Im guilty of that too. Maybe not the kardashians. But the rest of it im guilty of. I admit. But look, the way you get peoples attention in our great country, is to make it real and immediate and to let them know its in their backyard. A lot of times americans say look, why should i care about what happens in the middle east . Thousands of miles away. It doesnt affect me. Well ill give you an example how it does affect all of us right here in the United States. Just last month recently, the fbi director, james commie, made a stunning statement. The said in all 50 u. S. States today we have a network of isis supporters and sympathizers. The fbi director. Said that in all 50 states in the union we have investigations ongoing right now into isisrelated activity. So folks, what the fbi director was saying is that the barbarians are not just at the gate. Theyre inside the gates. Were going to get into that tonight. But lets start with a quick overview of isis and this Islamic State that has wreaked so much havoc through the middle east and the world over the past year. Look right now, isis the Islamic State of iraq and sir ra controls some 35,000 square miles of territory, and the very heart of the middle east. Thats an area the size of great britain. Astounding. Jv team, mind you. Well talk about that briefly. 35,000 square miles in the middle of the middle east. And theyve declared a caliphate. An Islamic State. The great dream of every Islamic Jihaddist group. From me thus brewer had to al qaeda and some on. The tactics differ but at the end of the day, the end game is the same. The caliphate. And islamic sharia law for one and all, whether you like it or not. So they declared a caliphate. The caliphate has returned. And its made isis more than just a terrorist group. Its made them a global phenomenon. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not al qaeda or hamas and thats bad and thats lethal enough. Isis again has declared a state in a pivotal part of the world. If 30,000 to 40,000 welltrained fanatical foot soldiers basically they have a Standing Army and theyre global. The cia director, john brennan, said recently that isis recruits are coming from 90 countries around the world, including the United States. 90 countries. And american airstrikes have not stemmed the flow. The flow of jihaddists from every corner of the globe continues. Theyre going through our friend and ally, turkey, many times. I say that with air quotes when i talk about turkey being a friend and ally these days. But its happening. This is a global phenomenon. This is a movement. Jihaddists around the world have galvanized. The caliphate has been declared. And here in the west, in the United States, some 180 u. S. Citizens have left their comfortable existences, in the most prosperous country in the history of the world and theyve gone to the caliphate. Some 3500 western europeans at least that probably much high are at least 3500 western europeans, brits french germans, swedes danes, have left comfortable western europe and traveled to the caliphate in iraq and syria, and ladies and gentlemen, heres the key point about that, and for everyone watching here in america, if they dont get killed, these westerners waging jihad overseas, one day they will return home. Theses are u. S. Citizens, u. S. Passport holder, and when they return home fresh off sawing off someones head in the middle east, theyre probably not going to transition peacefully back into civilian life maybe get a job at a gas station. No. The jihad will come here. Isis right now is calling on its followers, theyre saying, hey, come to the caliphate, establish this utopian islamic society, but its also a good thing if you stay put. In chicago, new york, london berlin. Isis calls them city wolves. City wolves. And theyre telling them to rise up on american soil. You can be a oneman jihad in your own backyard. Think of fort hood. Think of the boston bombings. Think of paris back in january 2015. Look folks, in paris, perfect example of what im talking about. Two wellarmed jihaddists. Brothers. They had trained in yemen with al qaeda. They returned home to france. And they wreaked havoc. Killed 17 people. Among those 17 was not coincidentally a number of jews at a jewish deli. They were targeted because they were jews. Make no mistake about it. It was not a coincidence. 17 People Killed by two wellarmed jihaddists, captured world attention, dominated the global media cycle for the better part of a week. Inspired a massive antiterror march in paris, which president obama skipped. Message sent. Ladies and gentlemen translate what happened in paris here to american soil. Do you really think it cant happen here . Did we not see the boston bombings may 2013 . Again, brothers, two wellarmed welltrained terrorists to a degree actually relatively amateurish. In all killed four people. Wounded over 200 more. And again, captured the global media cycle, and even more importantly and more chilling i think, for us a major American City the city of boston was shut down for the better part of a week. Two men were able to do that. Ladies and gentlemen, think of the mumbai attacks. In november 2008 they ruined a lot of our thanksgivings that weekend. When ten welltrained terrorists young these guys in their early 20s mostly, even one i believe in his late teens. They fanned out across the city of mumbai. One of the largest cities in the world, millions of people live there in india. Fanned out with assault rifles and bombs in their backpacks. And they wreaked absolute havoc. They laid siege to one of the Worlds Largest cities. Just ten men with assault rifles and some bombs. Laid siege to one of the worlds biggest cities. For the better part of the week again, the media cycle was completely dominated by this. They killed dozens and dozens of people. Could you see that in god forbid Middle America . Because thats the goal. And im not an alarmist, not a sensationalist. This is what isis is saying. They are calling again on americans to rise up and be city wolves in their words. Folks, the game plan and the strategy for isis, i outlined it in the book. Is to turn the United States and western europe into guerrilla war zones, forthood style attack bostonbombing style attack, a parisstyle attack on american and european soil on a regular basis. We had an inclining of that in october 2014. A sequence of events, actually beginning in late september 2014 and ending in october. A sequence of events, beginning in late september 2014, when an isis sympathizer in rural oklahoma of all places beheaded his coworker a grandmother. Now, on his Facebook Page and in his online ravings, he spoke in fav favor of 9 11, proal qaeda, proisis. Picture giving the isis one finger salute. Yet the fbi deemed it Workplace Violence. At the end of the day. Sounds familiar. I believe theres something happened at fort hood a few years ago. It was also a case of Workplace Violence so im told, and so our government said. This poor woman a grandmother in rural oklahoma, was beheaded by an islamic radical. And it went on. And the ensuing weeks we saw in ottawa canada one lone jihaddist stormed the canadian parliament. Where the Prime Minister often is in canada. Then we had a hatchetwielding squadist madman, isis sympathizer attack a group of new York City Police officers with a hatchet again a city wolf. That was in the span of three weeks. In the fall of 2014. Isis wants to create a situation on american soil, ladies and gentlemen, where youre looking over your shoulder. Ill give you a great example. A chilling example in sydney, australia, down under in september 2014 an isis plot was broken up. A plot devised by isis supporters. What they wanted to do was randomly kidnap someone off the streets of sydney australia. Some poor soul with a cup of coffee in his hand, walking to the bus, doing his morning commute. They planned to kidnap him and saw his head off, or her head off. For the cameras. A great propaganda victory. Thankfully it was broken up. But again, this is the definition of terror, where you never know what is going to hit you, when its going hit you or who is going to hit you, but rest assured, when they do hit you, god forbid probably be shouting and it doesnt take a brain surgeon to walk into a Shopping Mall, yell, and start filing. It doesnt. And if the fbi director his words, not mine his words if he is saying we have a network of isis sympathizers and supporters in all 50 states including alaska and hawaii then we have serious trouble here. Its a big problem. Again, im not being an alarmist. Because ive done my homework. Ive done the research. Ive seen it with my own two eyes. Eye document it in the book. You want to know about isis recruiting, how theyre attracting americans. Well, i have a chapter in the book called the Islamic State of minnesota. Kind of tongue in cheek but kind of not. I spent time on the ground over the years in minnesota. Look, in the frozen tundra of the upper midwest. A great place to live. A prosperous state. Very high quality of living. A beautiful place. But the twin cities of minneapolis and st. Paul of all places have really become jihad central in the United States. People at home and people in this room are probably shaking their heads and saying minnesota . I could see new york city chicago, los angeles. Minnesota . Yes. Minnesota. Minnesota has the largest somali Muslim Population in all of north america. At least 100,000 somali muslims live in the twin cities of minneapolis and st. Paul. Thats going to shock a lot of americans to hear that. Look not every somali is a terrorist, obviously, but we have a serious problem in that community, here in the United States, with islamic radicalism. Dozens of somali muslims, u. S. Citizens, bill the way, who live in the twin cities have traveled overseas over the past few years, and joined terrorist groups like isis. More than any other state, city in the entire country. Minnesota. And in particular that somali Muslim Population. The reason that alarms me is new york one, they may return home, welltrained fanatical. We had a threat from a group called alshabaab. Linked to al qaeda, somali group, calling for attacks on the mall of america in minneapolis. The largest Shopping Mall in the country. I if you have that large radicalized population living within the shadow of that Shopping Mall you may have a problem. Dozens. Thats astounding. Dozens of u. S. Citizens from the same metropolitan area have gone overseas to join terror groups. The worth of the worst isis. Folks, that alarms me also because, look, it seems to be following the european model. I document in the book the horrific problems western europe is having in britain france germany, sweden of all places. Where a large number of muslim immigrants are coming to these countries. And theyre not assimilating and theyre not integrating. And theyre forming almost selfsegregating type societies. I know because ive walked in these neighborhoods and i document it in the book. Its happening. The europeans have not encouraged assimilation. Theyve encouraged multiculturalism, and for new arrivals to keep their culture. It sounds great in theory, but in practice, its disastrous. And if we go down that road here in the United States we have big problems. And i fear that were seeing that to a degree. Again, im not trying to paint a broadbrush. Ive met a lot of good sew mamly muslims, Community Leaders who have worked with me given me great information and walked me through whats going on. But if we have Serious Problems in that community with assimilation and integration, we have to be on top of it. We cant have droves of people from an American Community joining terror groups. Just cant. I spoke to a Law Enforcement source. Very pluggedin guy on the ground. Worked for years and years in the city of st. Paul. And i asked him how the recruitment process works. I think this is one of the most fascinating aspects of the book, and frankly, chilling but an eyeopening discussion. He told me, erick, this is how it works. A jihaddist recruiter, usually a young guy, young enough he can still relate to teenagers, hip enough, guess, that he can still relate to teenagers. Hell come into a mosque or hell come into a rec center or whether theres 18, 19, 20yearold kids hanging out. And first hell befriend them. Then the radicalization process starts. And the bill of goods these isis recruiters will sell a young kid in the United States is, look, if you come to the caliphate if you come to the middle east, iraq and syria join isis be part of our grand Islamic State you will be at the vanguard of the new islamic empire. You will be a rock star in the middle east. Everyone will know your name. Youll be a glorious holy warrior. To an 18, 19 20yearold kid, fresh out of high school might not have a job yet, can be an appealing message. Can be an appealing message. Its working. Its real estate nateing. And the main its resonating and the main they isis is doing this the on the ground aspects where the recruiter curing to my sources in minnesota, will take the kid brainwash them, radicalize them, make sure they note airport to make it to syria. Make sure they have money in their pocket. Make sure theyre in contact with a fixer on the ground usually in turkey. And they transit through turkey into syria. And theyre part of the blessed caliphate. Holy warriors. Dedicated to destroying the country that gave them everything. Where they were born and raised in many cases, the United States. How was this happening other than on the ground . Two words, folks. Social media. Isis, as i said in the beginning of our talk, is a different beast in many ways. A global phenomenon. Ladies and gentlemen, the way theyre using social media is unprecedented. Facebook twitter youtube, instagram. Isis and it supporters around the world send out 90 tweets per minute. Thats astounding. 90 tweets per minute. And their social Media Operations are run by westerners. In particular, one american. Who was raised in the boston massachusetts, area of all places. Was a deans list student at northeastern university. He now reportedly runs isis propaganda arm and that arm is targeting through social media and films. The power of film. Of video. Isis has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars making these slickly produced propaganda videos. And they have the production values of a hollywood action flick in some cases. Its really astounding if you look at isis propaganda. Folks, long gone are the days of Osama Bin Laden in a cave standing against a green screen droning on in arabic for an hour. Thats done. Isis is on the cutting edge and there are westerners who control the propaganda arm and know how to directly speak to a western English Speaking audience. They can reach out and touch them through the web. And theyre having a great effect. I think another aspect of this because we in this room and hopefully most people, if not everyone at home, sees what isis is doing, the barbaric savagery and were repelled bit by it. This is evil. Yes, evil exists. But theres a segment of people in the west right now, ladies and gentlemen, who see what isis is doing, behead raping pillaging, enslaving, and theyre attracted to it. You know in our culture, over the past few decades we have had violent video games where heads are being kids are chopping heads in their bedroom. We have movies with gory horrific violence, realistic torture scenes in our films, and our kids are filling their heads with this, and i believe that there is some desensitization going on. Just chopping a head. I just did that last night. And im not trying to be flip about it. But when your culture is kind of poisonous with that kind of thing, isis is a product theyre made for these times in many ways. Medieval ideology and tactics wedded with 21st century technology. Folks, thats a lethal mix. Thats a lethal mix. And its highly effective. Unprecedented, really. So you have the on the ground recruitment. You have the online recruitment. Give you another chilling story about how the online recruitment works. One of the nastier sides of isis obviously is the way they treat women. Total subhuman oppression. Yet in a strange way and on the flip side, were seeing more and more western women travel to syria and iraq to join isis. Young girls as young as 14, 15 years old. From places like austria, britain, france, germany. Going to join this caliphate. I was stunned in the fall of 2014. If i reverence the fall of 2014 thats when i wrote the bulk of the book. I was a very busy man in the fall of 2014 i spoke at a large church, pro Israel Church out in the suburbs of denver colorado. They told me a chilling tale. They said erick, few months ago, youre writing a book about isis . We have a story for you. A few months ago a woman was coming to our sunday services. Every sunday dressed from head to toe in islamic garb. She was covered. And she would come every sunday to this church with a large vibrant congregation. And she would take notes. She would walk around the Church Premises she would spend a lot of time near the nursery, according to the Security Team there and what they told me. The nursery, where theres children. Dressed head to toe in islamic garb taking notes. After a few weeks of this the Security Team became a bit concerned. Some of the church goers were a bit concerned. A bit uneasy and the Security Team approached her nicely and said miss, are you interested in becoming a christian . Would you maybe like a bible . She said, no. Im a muslim. And i have no about whatsoever in becoming a christian. The natural followup question is, well, then why are you here . And why are you taking notes in front of the nursery . Eventually they asked her to leave. The church did. And a few months later, something stunning happened. This young girl she was 19 years old caucasian, shannon conly, an irish name i believe. She had converted to islam, bam radicalized online and was communicating with isis fighters online. She agreed to marry one and she was traveling to join him. She was arrested at Denver International airport a few months after the church incident. The church prowling. She was arrested at Denver International airport. She was on her way to join isis and marry an isis fighter. She is now serving four years in federal prison. We have seen many cases of like that. A growing number of cases where isis is finding vulnerable girls online. Young girls. And, folks, let me tell you how isis treats women. This is again, a throwback to many centers ago and then isis comes into a city, its raping, pillaging. I document in my book to the horrific stories from firsthand accounts firsthand sources on the ground in iraq and syria particularly in iraq, and seen how isis treats the vanquished populations, where women and children are beheaded. Its really happening. Its not alarmism. Not hyperbole. Its really happening in real time. Isis has brothels in syria where they take christian whim, yazidi, minority, and turn them into sex slaves. Were still at least one of the brothels in syria the capital of isis, is run by british women. God save the queen. British women running an isis brothel, where, when isis fighters come off the battlefield, they have sex slaves literally. I dont use that term lightly. Sex slaves waiting for them. This is happening. Right now. One more thing i have to mention about the u. S. Threat before i move on a bit. The southern border. Ive been told its slightly pourous. One of the most chilling conversations i had in the book was with a former cia Clandestine Services of. This is a hardcore guy who has worked in hot spots around the world for 30 years. And he said, erick, the thing that keeps me up at night is the possibility that an isis jihaddist will smuggle a chemical or biological agent across that southern border. Folks, we could practically have a neon sign flashing, jihaddists welcome, at our southern border. Its that appealing that enticing. Were shaking our havents about it. You know isis is nodding their head. They see. 131 2 years after 9 11 and we still refuse to secure our borders. You cannot sustain yourself as a nation state and a free democracy if you refuse to secure your borders. You cant do it. So, what are we doing about this threat as a country . I have laid out a pretty dire set of circumstances for you. This is no time to mince words. Somebody has to say it. This is happening. If not us, who . If not now when . What are we doing about it . Not going very well, folks. Lets start with president obama. We could talk about this topic for a long time. Well let me begin lets wind. To 20072008. Now whether you agree with the iraq war or disagree with the iraq war many opinions, one thing is certain the u. S. Troop surge worked. It worked. Al qaeda in iraq was vanquished. Crushed. Crushed. Fast forward to december 2011. And i have the timeline in my book. President obama, against the advice of top generals, withdrew every last u. S. Troop from iraq. Essentially declared victory. And, folks, almost simultaneously a wave of suicide bombings began. Assassinations of iraqi leaders began. Terror attacks on iraqi soil began. Al qaeda in iraq rose again like jihadi vampires and the attacks began on iraqi soil. Then the swept next door into syria, took advantage of the civil war there. And eventually became the beast we have today, isis, the Islamic State in iraq and syria. Now, president obama gets intelligence reports across his desk every morning. He was warned by bipartisan whether its military officials diplomats he was warned that iraq was unraveling. He was warned. Yet our president in january 2014 goes on National Television and compares isis to a jv team. The jv team of terrorism. Pretty much waved them off shrug of the shoulders. No big deal. Just a new sans. A mine nor nuisance. That mineor nuisance right now covers 35,000 square miles of territory in the middle east and rules over some eight million unfortunate souls. Thats no jv team. Theyre the richest terrorist movement in history. They have Standing Army practically. They have a state. Jv. You thought might get better after mosul, iraqs second largest city was seized by isis. You thought we might get the memo and turn this thing around. Hasnt gone that way. There have been limited air strikes. Which have had some effect, by the way but theyre limited. And worse of all folks, is president obamas refusal to acknowledge the enemy. That gets to the heart of the matter. Im not trying to be a hyper partisan. It is what it is. And what it is it a refusal to even utter the words, radical islam, or jihaddist. You cant defeat the enemy if you cant identify the enemy. You cant do it. Obviously not every muslim is a terrorist. We know that. But obviously there is a slice of islam right now, a growing slice, and a significant slice that are jihaddists. Who want global domination. Thats not alarmism. Not racism or stereo typing as some on the left would have us believe. Its a fact. And if youre truly moderate muslim youll admit that. Daniel pipe is a guy i respect a lot. Middle east historian, author says that some 10 to 15 percent of the worlds muslims are radicalized. Jihaddists. Thats at least what 160, 170 Million People around the world. Its a lot of people. Its not a tiny minority of extremists. And we have to knowledge that it is exists a global jihaddist movement exists that has declared war on the United States. Its not just a criminal action or a nuisance that can be shrugged off and handled in federal courts. Its a war and were not on war footing. President obama gave a speech recently saying that the islamists have, quote, legitimate grievances. Legitimate grievances. Look, theres a lack of Economic Opportunity in the muslim world, he said, and the lack of Economic Opportunity is driving terrorism. And fueling the rise of isis. So i suppose the next Big Government program will be jobs for jihaddists. Natural conclusion. Look, at the end of the day, ladies and gentlemen, key takeaway from this talk. Terrorism is a tactic. It is fueled at the end of the day not by poverty but by ideology. Ideology fuels the global squad. The global squad. Goes without saying that Osama Bin Laden came from a multi millionaire family them current al quite leader came from a prominent egyptian family and is a doctor, medical doctor. Many hamas leaders, from prominent families, welleducated. The Muslim Brotherhood. They look like me. Suits, ties, western educated. These are not some poor streetunder chins on the Street Corner out of a Charles Dickens novel. In america, we have had in the west in general, europe, america, we have had medical students, we have had business majors. We have had kids in their early 20s, late teens not kids. Young men and young women. From affluent, suburban communities in the west join isis. Not because of poverty. Or lack of opportunity. But because of ideology. And isis discuss breed isis success breeds attraction. If you want to know how were doing against isis, we cant even call them who they are. This is the equivalent of during world war ii not being able to call hitler and his nazis or not being able to call the soviets communists. Its insane, and every from iraq to gaza the yesterdayists hear the jihaddists here the president and his administration parsing their words and holding back and laugh. The Islamic State is not islamic . We have Administration Officials playing, armchair imams, and telling the muslim world what is and what isnt islamic. It boggles the mine but its happening. And in terms of fighting isis in the middle east we apparently believe now and i hate to pile on, but this needs to be piled on about, because its that bad. We apparently believe now, does our government, that iran can be used as an ally and a counterweight to isis. Folks, lets get one thing clear. Iran has been the head of the global terrorist snake for 36 years. Whether its hamas hezbollah, palestinian, Islamic Jihad and in some cases al qaeda iran has fueled and driven this global squad. The global squad. Yes, iran and isis are fighting each other right now in syria and iraq. Why . Not because iran is suddenly some friend to the United States and the west. Not because iran has reformed itself ideology. Not because the mull las have changed their spots. Because iran and isis want the same thing. They both want to dominate the region. And leave the global jihad lead the global jihad. Shias and sunnis are killing each other across the middle east but when it comes to killing christians and jews shia and sunni terror groups get along just fine. Isis and iran right now are battling for regional supremacy. Iran now controls four arab capitols. Theyre not only in tehran. Iran and its proximate siz control sanaa in yemen, beirut in lebanon, damascus in syria, baghdad in iraq. These are becoming iranian satellites. Theyre increasing their influence across the region. And theyre very close to a Nuclear Weapon. And were bending over backwards to cut a deal. To the point where its shameful as an american. Ill be honest. To see our government kowtow to a terrorist regime. Folks, you know we live in a world turned upside down, when our Administration Reportedly is talking about sanctioning israel reportedly yet wants to lift sanctions on iran. Were in a world today where everything that is good is evil and everything that is evil is good. Iran is driving for a Nuclear Weapon. And apparently the west is going to accept it. Why should every american care . About iran acquiring a Nuclear Weapon . Mwai why should everyone watching at home care bat Nuclear Armed iran. Again, its over there. Why should we worry . Its thousands of miles away. Well, in addition to working on developing Nuclear Weapons, iran is developing Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. Icbms. That could reach the east coast of the United States. Not me saying it. Our own pentagon released a report either 2012 or 2013, saying that very soon, iran may have these longrange Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that can reach he east coast of the United States, washington, dc, new york city, philadelphia. Why would they do that . Why would iran want missiles that can reach the United States . Why would they do that . Theyre our friend our ally. Peace in our time is at hand. The deal is coming. Why would they want missiles that can reach the United States . And why would they refuse as part of these grand Nuclear Negotiations with the iranians why would they refuse to give up that Missile Program . Thats off the table. They wont even talk about that longrange Missile Program. Why . Why are we press arent we pressing them on it . Only one reason you develop icbms. To mount them with a nuclear warhead. Only one reason. Iran considers the United States the great satan. The Iranian Regime. They call israel the little satan. Israel is a bump on the road to the ultimate prize, the United States. Now, if anyone watching thinks that god forbid if iran got its wishes and wiped israel off the map, if that happened does anyone at home really or in this room really think that iran would just pack up its bags and say, Mission Accomplished . No. Where will they go next . Israel is the first line of defense for western civilization. Folks, if israel goes down, eventually we all go down. Dont kid yourself. The iranian supreme leader, our partner for peace. Recently called recently called for death to america. As these Nuclear Negotiations are ongoing, the leader of iran is calling for death to america. What are we doing . The president of iran, has said the Nuclear Negotiations are part of a diplomatic jihad. By jihad he didnt mean spiritual yoga. I can assure you. What are we doing . So, let iran and isis fight it out. But please dont call iran an ally. Dont do it. Dont try to recast history, current and former and tell me this regime has changed its spots. Ladies and gentlemen, when it comes to iran, when it comes to isis which is the subject of our talk when it comes to this global squad this is a Winston Churchill moment. Think back to late 10930s early 1940s. Winston churchill saw the gathering storm of nazi germany. Marching across europe. He called it for what it was and knew what to do about it. He was bold and courageous. By the way, Winston Churchill saw the iron kurt continue descending over curtain descending overarch europe. He called it what its. Today the only world leader that i see who sees the gathering storm of radical islam, the global squad, is the israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. [applause] he knows the enemy. The first rule of war is know your enemy. He knows the enemy. I believe he knows what to do about the enemy. Yet, just like churchill in the 30s and 40s of Benjamin Netanyahu is being ridiculed. Shunned and marginalized by western leaders, who dont have the backbone to confront this existential threat and tell it like it is and do what needs to be done. So what needs to be done . Ive spent this evening laying out a pretty dire set of circumstances for you. As i said the barbarians are not just at the gates. Their inside the gates. Its not fear month fear mongering. Ive done my homework and laid it out in the book. Im just . A think thank d. C. On the ground im talking to people. What do we do . Number one, in speaking to military strategists, pretty extensively about this isis threat all of them shared a common theme. We cant defeat isis theres one of them right there tell them i said hello. Ill acknowledge them in the book. We cant defeat isis through airstrikes alone. Cant be done. You need some sort of ground presence. Now, president obama says again and again the American People have no stomach for war. That may be true. But let me tell you something about the American People. If you lay out the case to them, about an exis step shall threat gathering at their doorstep that could kill their kids and their grandkids, all of a sudden their stomach will perk up. The American People have not changed and if a threat is gathering we want to confront it head on. Ill tell you what, we need to do to isis this isnt simplistic and not trite how i say this. What we did to the german war machine and the japanese war machine during world war ii. Crush them. Isis has declared a state in the heart of the middle east. A caliphate. With 30 to 40,000foot soldiers. We know where they are. We know their de facto capital is in syria. Crush them. They are evil. And if they had their way, theyd take all of our heads off and take our kids and grandkids with them. Thats not hyperbole. When someone tells you they want to kell you you should believe them. I believe isis when they say they want to kill me. And cause chaos and havoc and bloodshed in my country. Crush them now because not only is isis recruiting from around the world but theyre establishing satellites throughout the middle east and north africa, pakistan and afghanistan, we see isis presence in algiera, libya, Sinai Peninsula, in nigeria, in the form of boko haram a vicious, savage terrorist organization, which has pledged allegiance to isis. This thing is growing, ladies and gentlemen, geographically its growing. The movement is gaining momentum. Crush it now. Crush it. And when you crush it you will demoralize the global movement. Youll strike a blow against the grand caliphate against the ideology, the ideology will survive but man it will take a major hit. It will take major hit. This does not require a heavy u. S. Footprint. Think back to 2001. Think of u. S. Special forces the cia, on the ground in afghanistan, working with the Northern Alliance they routed the taliban. We can do the same thing folks today in iraq and syria. We have the kurds who are fierce fighters courageous and proamerican. Begging for our assistance. Begging for leadership from the leader of the free world. Maybe a few weapons, since isis is using u. S. Made weapons they seized from the Iraqi Military . The kurds we have a syrian christians, some moderate iraqi tribes. Who are all being enslaved and killed. They want to fight. They want to get rid of isis. Theyre begging for our assistance. We wont take the lead. Doesnt take a heavy u. S. Footprint. Again, afghanistan, 2001. It wasnt brain surgery. We got the job done. We can do that today. I believe. We need to do it. Because this thing is going to metastasize and it is as we speak. Its not alarmism. Its reality. No one wants to be in the middle east obviously, but when a threat is gathering, that seeks to destroy america it must be dealt with. That used to be our philosophy. It affects all of us. One thing. Smash the caliphate. Smash it. Militarily. Isis is not an 800pound gorilla, formidable foe,ess but when at the u. S. Military put this minder to something they take care of business. I believe if if president obama laid out a compelling case to the American People why we needed some ground presence in iraq and syria right now, and why we needed to snuff out this movement crush it now believe the American People would rally behind him. I dont think its going to happen though, folks. I dont think much is going to change before 2016. I hate to be a pessimist, but im a realist. Would also be a beautiful thing, which i dont think is going to happen would be to see a True Movement of antijihad muslims truly moderate muslims who dont want sharia and dont want jihad, would be great thing. We should have a movement globally right now. Millions of muslims marching against isis and marching against jihad. A million muslim march on the national mall. Guess what . Were not seeing it. Even after 9 11, paris, madrid the rise of isis, were not seeing it. I dont well see it. If we hasnt seen it by now i dont know well see it anytime soon. We have seen courageous individuals speak out without a doubt. Courageous individual muslims have spoken out at gravity gravity recollection to their lives. I spoked to man in the boston region. He had a poncho on, disguise over his face widebrimmed hat. And he said i cant show my face on camera. Ill be killed. This is boston, massachusetts the liberal bastion of america. Theres a fear factor there. In many cases. Bottom line is its not happening. If muslims themselves arent going to deal with this problem from within then we need to deal with it because its targeting us. At the end of the day for average americans just closing here then well take q a for average americans ive told you what the government needs to do, what it probably wont do but average americans need to do a few things. Number one, stay informed. You dont have to be a fore Foreign Policy expert but you owe it to yourselves to take ten minutes a day to follow what is going on in the world. After 9 11 theres no excuse. Really isnt. Be aware. Number two get with likeminded people. Join with emet. The ebb do youment for middle east truth. Get with organizations like this who care about this issue. Whether you like the tea party or hate the tea party. Look, we can all agree, they made a difference. They made their voices heard. I it was a bunch of likemind end folks who got together on particular issues. Mostly economic issues. Let me tell you this issue of rall radical islam and jihad to me is a much more pressing and important issue. A movement that opposes radical islam, that supports israel. Get with it. Get with that kind of movement. Get with likeminded people. The bad guys use social media. We can use social media to get with likeminded folks. Vote. Thats very simple. And we take it for granted in our country many times. Vote. Someone you dont agree with someone, how theyre handling the issue vote them out. I worked in washington, dc. The belly of the beast. When you flood your congressmen your senator, when you flood their offices with phone calls and letters, guess what . They listen. They want to be reelected. You can make your voice heard. Im telling you what you can do. At the end of the day, pray. At the end of the day i believe that in this case and in every case i think that prayer works, take it from a guy who spent five months with isis studying isis researching isis writing about isis. Pray. I know this was heavy message tonight. But speaking of praying, im going to reference the bible. Very dangerous thing to do here in the washington, dc area. At times. But never stopped me before. The bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge. Okay. Were equipped now. We have the knowledge. What are we going to do about it . I challenge you and everyone watching at home to be watchmen and watchwomen on the wall. For such a time as this. Again, if not us who . These are the times. Thank you very much. Thank you again to sarah, emet. God bless you. Thank you. Thank you. [applause] [applause] a question about the military. Obama has given pink slips to over 200 military colonels and generals and up. He has decimated the military top brass. Many of them, the active including dempsey, said were not sure we can defend the United States if were in more than one war. Some of the retired military has spoken out on fox and other venues. Where are the active chiefs joint chiefs of staff, dempsey and so forth . They dont believe i know they want to preserve their jobs but why are these really incredibly talented accomplished professionals not speaking out . None of them are speaking out in the top ranks. I cant get inside their havents. I cant speak for them. But is it a case of, look they want to preserve their jobs in some cases . Perhaps. Also in some cases is it that maybe they ideologically dont see isis as the massive threat it is. There could be a number of factors here. Again, i cant get inside their heads, and i cant read their minds about why theyre not speaking out. Cant do it. But some of the statement that have been made have alarmed me. They can keep developing under the radar . Whats your theory . Not for lack of effort, number one. We have had some luck obviously, think of the underwear bomber in 2009, think of the times square bomber. The bomb didnt go off, so weve had some luck. But at the end of the day in covering this closely, weve had great Law Enforcement and intelligence work. Without a doubt. God bless our agents our Law Enforcement officers in the field. Theyve broken up many many plots on u. S. Soil dozens. So weve had great Law Enforcement intelligence work weve had some luck but isis is a different beast. And their pervasiveness now in the u. S. And the porousness, the if thats a word, of the southern border, i think, is a very makes america an even more inviting target. And again, the new strategy look, of course isis wants to top 9 11, without a doubt. Isis alqaeda all of them would love to pull off the next 9 11. But in the meantime, the strategy are these lowtech, selfstarter style attacks where youre a oneman, onewoman jihad. Death by a thousand cuts. Death by a thousand cuts. Chip away. And if you carry out these kind of attacks, you chip away at a countrys economy, a countrys psyche. I should have mentioned in my talk, ill say it real quick here. Alqaeda in 2000 released not released publicly, but they put together a 20year plan. The plan ended in the year 2020, and it has seven phases. The fifth phase between the years 2012 and 2016 called for the establishment of a caliphate. Alqaeda said they wanted a caliphate between 2012 and 2016. Guess what happened in 2014 . A caliphate was declared by isis. Right on course. Now, the next phase between 2016 and 2020 is what alqaeda called total confrontation. And remember, isis came out of alqaeda. 2016 to 2020, total confrontation. So if isis has a network of supporters supporters and sympathizers throughout the west, if theyre gaining new affiliates throughout north africa and the middle east, if theyre gaining more geographic call ground in the middle east and if we refuse to confront them, they will confront us. Seems to me the plan is working out pretty well for them. To he, they could absolutely be a problem they get into the prison population. Weve had a long run here over the past few decades of inmates in american prisons converting to islam and becoming radicalized. Thats a documented fact. So absolutely. With isis doing what its doing, making such a big splash on the world stage and doing it in such an audacious way absolutely. People in prison, thats going to connect with not only people in prison, but radicals outside of prison. What theyre doing is connecting with people in a major way, and the prison pop laughs again weve had population, and again weve had cases where individuals have served as imams and chaplains so you have the fox guarding the henhouse in many ways. I remain highly concerned about the american prison population and the possibility of further radicalization there. Thats a great question. Do you know have there been any actual documented i dont know of any concrete cases. Isis activity in the u. S. Prisons. But definitely something to watch for because theres a history there. Yeah, there is. For sure. Hey. Hey erick, thank you. You talked about how iran is now dominating capitals and countries around the middle east from, you know, damascus to beirut, their own country, tehran and now baghdad and yemen. And we know that in that region the only territory so far conquered or targeted by is belongs to those iranian punishments. So to what puppets. So to what extent would you help iran to hang onto its puppets by going after is, or how would you reach a balance there . Because anything we do to diminish is helps iran which once it demonstrates a deliverable Nuclear Weapon, is going to solidify its control over, you know its hegemony over the region. I think its two sides of the same coin. I believe we, yes, we must deal with isis because isis is showing a willingness and a desire to strike us here. So i think they have to be dealt with. I believe when a terror group, a Terror Movement or a state a terror state expresses a desire a willingness and the ability to strike the United States, i believe we have to deal with them. Iran already [inaudible] on 9 11. But on the flip side, i believe we also need to deal with iran. As i mentioned earlier, iran is the head of the terrorist snake. As a matter of fact, iran is the greater longterm threat without a doubt, than isis. Isis an immediate threat on u. S. Soil because of that n of sympathizers and supporters, but long term if iran gets the bomb all bets are off. They will use it. Their ideology demands that they use the bomb. Im not the president im not a military strategist, but as a relatively informed american, i hope, deal with is, deal with isis deal with iran by any means necessary. Do not allow iran to acquire a Nuclear Weapon. Sounds maybe simplistic but we dont want to snuff out the Islamic State, as you said, only to have iran benefit. I believe you have to deal with both, squeeze both. Perhaps you deal with the Islamic State first then you turn your sights to iran. Im not calling for perpetual war in the middle east but look, there are entities and states and groups right now operating in the middle east who want to kill us and do great harm to us. I believe we need to deal with them and deal with them forcefully. Truly one of the most brilliant talks ive ever heard. Maybe theyll wake up. Unfortunately, thats whats going to have top. Im sure you didnt do it on purpose, but we must mention that the Barack Hussein administration did order the nsa to remove iran from the terrorist list be they no longer pose a threat if they no longer pose a threat to the United States of america [inaudible] yes. Thank you for bringing that up. That was stunning, but not coming from this administration, not so stunning. Thats why the Barack Husain administration was unfortunately [inaudible] something pretty radical. I really believe, and its just something [inaudible] the more people i talk to who are aware and are interested and know this be more specific. [inaudible conversations] could you repeat the question . Were talking about iran and hezbollah being removed from the terror list. And that i can assure you was not an oversight of me not mentioning it. I know. Right. But iran is and hezbollah recently being removed from the u. S. Terror list. Now the Obama Administration, the Obama Administration says they no longer pose a threat and theyre changing their spots, in essence. And iran and hezbollah can be used against jihadists like isis. Thats basically official government policy right now. Again, iran is the head of the snake. Its all there. Israeli Prime Minister netanyahu laid it out in such a forceful, compelling manner on capitol hill. Theres not much i can say that he didnt say already. He laid it out. The case was laid out years ago about this regime. The same mullahs who took over in 1979 theyre there today and their offspring. So hezbollah is an arm of the Iranian Regime a creation of the Iranian Regime. And by the way, something we didnt talk about as well that would require a whole other talk is iran and hezbollahs presence here in the western hemisphere. Iran has its tentacles throughout south america central america. Hezbollah operatives have been arrested in the United States. Why . Again, why would iran and hezbollah want a presence in the western hemisphere . Why would they want Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles . Because they mean us great harm at the end of the day. And if they get the means to do it, theyll use it. Look it doesnt have to be conventional firing off a missile, intercontinental. It doesnt have to be that way. Theres many ways iran can strike the United States and hezbollah, its proxy, can strike the United States. We have the possibility of an electromagnetic pulse, an emp attack, which iran has studied and tested. Many possibilities. None of them good. Do you cover in your book how this ideological enemy has infiltrated our educational system, especially at the higher, you know, levels [inaudible] to the california schoolaged children who are having to pretend [inaudible] how can we topple so the intellectual minds our young minds are not fooled by this, you know . Yeah. Theres two things i really wanted to get into in the book. Number one, you have a short amount of time youre on a deadline. You have a condensed period of time. Theres so many things you want to get in there are. The two things i really wanted to get in there are, number one the islamist influence in the Education System. Thats one of the things i wanted to get into, especially at the universities. And number two which i want to mention real quick before i come back to the Education System, isis belief in islamic prophesies. The islamic prophesy angle, i think, is fascinating. Isis believes right now that these are the last days and that they are the guardians, the great warriors of the caliphate and of the apocalypse. And they believe there will be a showdown with the west in syria one day, according to their interpretation of islam aric prophesies. Sunnis and shias disagree on some things when it comes to prophesy but isis believes that the last days are at hand, they are the vanguards of islam and they will lead the armies of islam to victory over the west and a climactic battle will occur in syria where isis controls onethird of the country right now. Wanted to get in the book but since it didnt get in the book, im getting it out here for you now. Its an apocalyptic ideology focused on armageddon just as the iranian ideology, by the way. Different interpretations from the two sides but same end game. The jihadists win and we die. Now, the Education System the universities have become a cauldron number one, for rampant, vicious antisemitism. The American University system it exists. In our greatest institutions of Higher Learning by the way. Not just some backwoods school. Division i excellent schools. Specifically in the uc, the california system have begun, have become open hotbeds for antisystemtism. Not only that antisemitism. Not only that, we have antiisrael, antiamerican professors, but the main thing on College Campuses is the islamic radicalism in many cases. A group in particular, the limb Students Association muslim Students Association, a radical Group Present on hundreds of College Campuses, excuse me, across the United States and canada. The muslim Students Association. So big problem in the Education System. Some of our textbooks at the secondary and High School Level are whitewashing islam you can conquest and islamic conquest and islamic history. So a major problem. Maybe for another book. [laughter] ive stunned you all into silence at this point. Pakistan has Nuclear Weapons so what used to be the soviet union, now russia, and mark steyn says that the russian army by, i think 2016 will be more than 50 muslim. Pakistan may be friendly with us today, but all you need is just a new ruler at the top and they could wind up being as bad as iran. Is there anything being done along the lines of keeping tabs on pakistans existing Nuclear Weapons . There is. I mean, there is, but weve shown in certain countries in the middle east and north africa and the muslim world that when a regime is going to topple, were not going to do much maybe to stand in the way or to assist the more democracyminded forces. And pack stab to me pakistan, to me, is one of the top three most dangerous issues right now. Because the imminent possibility for the past several years, it continues, that jihadists could overthrow the pakistani regime and get ahold of those Nuclear Weapons. And then, look were talking iran. You already have the islamic bomb in pakistan. And if jihadists seize pakistan, all bets are off. To me its a massive threat, a calderon. Of course were keeping tabs on it. I cant speak from firsthand experience there are, i would hope were keeping tabs on it. But if the regimes going to fall, the Obama Administration has seen various regimes fall and islamists come to power and gain strength whether its libya, yemen egypt, and theyve done nothing to stop it. So i dont have great confidence that we do anything to stop the regime falling in pakistan. Im concerned about another thing to mention real quick saudi arabia, jordan, egypt. Are we going to, i mean, saudi arabia right now is billing a fence across its northern border with iraq to keep out isis. Theyre end circling saudi arabia and all that oil. Theyre encircling jordan and israel, of course. What are we going to do . A few years ago id say, oh my god, well never let jordan or saudi arabia fall. We have too many interests there, oil to, everything else. With the way things have been going the past six years expect the unexpected in the middle east and in the muslim world. Nothing is off the table. Nothing is that might, inside the beltway they wont tell you that but i may work inside beltway, but im not of the beltway. And ill tell ya, the beltwaystyle thinking man has gotten us in a pretty dastardly place right now in the middle east. And general sisi in egypt, it must be mentioned were talking about were looking for moderate muslim leaders, this is the one guy right now. King abdullah has had his back up after the pilot was horrifically budgeter, but sisi is going out on a limb. Hes standing on new years day calling for a reformation in islam in a room before a room full of imams and sheikhs. Thats bold, thats courageous. A few days later he goes into a Coptic Church for the coptic Christmas Eve celebration and stands with coptic priests and says we are all egyptians. No egyptian president has ever done that. Going into a church like that publicly boldly. Hes gone on record time and time again. Its a man hes a man whos crushed for now the Muslim Brotherhood in egypt, largely. Hes fighting isis in the be Sinai Peninsula hes fighting alqaeda, hes got a strong relationship with israel and hes cracking down on hamas tunnelings. And hes a practicing muslim. This is the kind of guy we should be rallying around. Youre not going to get any better in egypt folks. Youre not going to have a jeffersonian democrat in egypt. But what you do have right now is a guy who opposes jihad, who has a Good Relationship with israel and is friendly to america. Yet were isolating him, were shunning him. And let me tell you in my view if the Obama Administration in a perfect world, the Obama Administration would like to see Mohamed Morsi back in power. I say that without hesitation. Why . A few weeks ago we had a Muslim Brotherhood con tin i cant at contingent at the state department. The Muslim Brotherhood, the granddaddy of all islamic terrorist groups. Folks, we would not be having this conversation about isis if it werent for the Muslim Brotherhood. Isis came out of alqaeda which came out of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood spawned alqaeda hamas its the original modern islamic terrorist movement. Yet they are now, along with iran, our friends. And we have them at the state department. And at the state department we have a Muslim Brotherhood delegation, some of them holding up the Muslim Brotherhood four finger salute. Isis has the one finger, the brotherhood holds up four fingers. At the state department, a terrorist group identified as such by saudi arabia, egypt other middle eastern countries. The Muslim Brotherhood are terrorists in suits. Same end game though as isis as i mentioned earlier. Tactics are different, the Muslim Brotherhood are like for mites. They burrow into a host society, and they eat away at it from within. Isis wants to chop your head off now, kill you now. They make no bones about it. The brotherhood much more savvy, much more eloquent much more stealthy. Same end game. Two legs of the you had, the of jihad the violent jihad and the stealth jihad, the Muslim Brotherhood. I dont know how i got off on that tangent but it needed to be said. Muslim brotherhood not our friends. You know, its easy to i dislike bah reaction Hussein Obama Barack Hussein obama as much as anybody else but hes a fish that floats in a sea that we all live in. The fact of the matter is that he could have never gotten the nomination, he could never do what hes doing now except for the rest of democratic party. Hillary clinton was no better on the Muslim Brotherhood than barack obama and in our own lawyer we have a congressman who feeds the state department and is just one of them who was endorsed by the jewish [inaudible] and its voted for by all our friends and neighbors. And nobody says anything. We all say its Barack Husain obama. No its crust van hollen too Chris Van Hollen too, and its the people that vote for Chris Van Hollen. Its our friends and neighbors. And i go to the moral [inaudible] that vote straight obama van hollen. And you cannot, you cannot talk to them. And the reason they get away with that is because we still treat em like friends and neighbors. We think thats a legitimate point of view. That is not a legitimate point of view if youre a jew. And we dont, we dont act on that basis. [inaudible conversations] do you have a question . Any more questions . Yeah i have a question. North korea and sony records and all that, im wondering about Hacking Computers hacking the state department yeah. The armed forces. And also the second question is i know that isis is very well funded. Could you speak to to where some of those funds come from . Yeah two great questions. Two great questions. Number one with isis and the cyber jihad, look, these are guys who i mentioned earlier are very savvy with technology, with the media and they do have a cyber hacking team does isis. There have been persistent reports over the past few months that theyre trying to hack in to the personal information of u. S. Military personnel and u. S. Law enforcement. To me, thats a very, very scary thing. Theyve actually published addresses of u. S. Soldiers on the web. Are they the real addresses, old addresses, not quite clear but the intent is there by isis, absolutely, to to hack into sensitive not only sensitive economic kind of sites but also into the personal lives of u. S. Soldiers. Because at the end of the day youve got to remember why would they target u. S. Soldiers . Because they view u. S. Soldiers as the tip of the crusaders spear. Were the crusaders in their eyes the defenders of the cross as albaghdadi isis leader has called america. They believe were the modern day crusaders and the Crusader Army is epitomized by the u. S. Military. So every time not every time but many, many times when you see these isis plots broken up, theyre targeting u. S. Military installations when theyre broken up here in the west. Many many times targeting soldiers and in the cyber realm as well. I forget the second part of your question, im sure it was profound. Funding, it is profound. A few ways, money makes the world go round, right . Few ways private donors from the persian gulf region, saudi arabia, the emirates etc. , private wealthy donors there who are sympathetic to the jihad pouring money into iraq and syria into the isis coffers. Another way theyre doing it is by looting an ting bities can antiquities. We have jonahs tomb, the prophet daniels tomb in iraq and some parts of syria have biblical significance can. And isis will seize antiquities, and theyll sell them. Another thing theyre doing is theyre good oldfashioned pillaging. When they concurred mosul, the second largest city in iraq they conquered the central bank of mosul. And at least 400 million isis took from that conquest. When you have the illicit oil trade where isis has conquered oil fields theyve seized oil fields in iraq and syria, and theyre selling some of that oil on the black market in the middle east in turkey syria lebanon, iraq, iran, and according to some accounts theyre making 2 3 million a day in this illicit oil trade. So lots of different kinds of Revenue Streams coming. Then the traditional thing look you seize a town, you seize a village you make them pay tribute and you levy exorbitant taxes especially on nonmuslims. Youll levy a tax on them as well. So multiple Revenue Streams without a doubt. Can you wrap it up sarah . Yeah. Thank you. First of all, i cant thank you enough. Thank you. Thank all of you. And all of you, all of you for coming. Eric stacking back is an incredible friend. He is the voice of intellectual courage and moral integrity and of the truth. Im honored and privileged the to be his friend. [applause]

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