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I would not wish it on anybody. Host when did you write men to life . Guest two years ago. Host was that the first time the people at the University Learned . Guest yes. Host were they surprised . Guest they probably were. I tried to act like i was everybody else. I suspect they were, yeah. My family was surprised. I dont know what my army friends think about it. They thought i pulled it over their eyes which i did. Jerry apps, limping through life a farm boys polio memoir, is the cover of the book. This is booktv on cspan2. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible] so we over get started, please turn off your cell phone. I want to let you know that adam will be signing books after commenced the please buy a book. Please add your name to the upcoming reading. Here are a couple upcoming. [inaudible] his latest vote is a field philosophers guide to fracking how one texas town stood up to big oil and gas. An important grassroots policy. Adam teaches philosophy at the university. His work featured in the New York Times with the washington post. We are going to open it up to questions from the audience. Please, respect the camera. Without further ado, adam briggle. [applause] okay, thank you here first of all, i want to thank you for bringing me out here. I also want to thank you for setting up this event. I had a wonderful time this weekend hanging out here. I appreciate everything. A great chance for me. A couple of introductory remarks and i was going to trace a friend through the book, just kind of touching on some things. Mostly extemporaneously, but i will live one little section in the middle of it all. Im going to cut myself off here. Let me check the time. About 30 minutes or so. Maybe little bit more. That will leave us plenty of time for q a. By way of introductory remarks, two things. This is a story about texas. I feel like im representing this year. This is a community with 120,000 people. We do not associate with that is all. This is really a story authored by everybody involved. I am just trying to channel that. So that is the first remark. The second one would be about philosophy. Just a few words about what the philosophy is. The philosophy is an approach that breaks up the disciplinary model. By the way the university of north texas for years. So i would like say we think they made a mistake there is a distinction between a regional time it. Philosophy became regional through the stovepipe alongside all the other specializations. We think the philosophy is lucky not the way things are together. So theres one thing we need. The field philosophy is going out into a realworld situation in real time and debating in framing the problem by tracking and cashing out right in the moment so you dont go out there and go back and write a book that nobody is going to read. 85 of the humanities journals though undecided day anybody. They may go unread by anybody. So if you want to communicate, but we are trying to work with this field philosophy in going out and engaging interstitial in nature. You find the cracks and crevices and you contribute something. Its a little bit like jazz. You have to improvise and think about the right thing to do in this moment. How can i help . Doing something good is to unearth or excavate and then how people articulate and then how people criticize the values and ethics diminishment of our problem. Tracking is a good example. So often our culture frames issues that are economic in nature. There really was the surface of this and clearly find fundamental issues about justice on issues about human aesthetics, metaphysics, the question about what is a new gas flow. Really not a metaphysical question. So to help people recognize those moments, i criticized the function they have about philosophical decision being made all the time very cautiously, very, very well. By way of ventured out to read, me just now ill try and keep myself in check here. Ive also asked really the best editor ive ever worked with before. So let me start story about three weeks after an early april, 1977. President carter says to the nation, basically put on your sweater. A lot of hardships and will pull together as a nation and craft a society because there is nothing to be had. We are just running out. What they didnt mention was at that time, geologists were scouring through not far from here in West Virginia and other parts of the country trying to find a way to unlock vast reserves that they had known for many years where they are but we didnt know how to get it on the ground. Somebody mentors we are running out of easy staff. But everybody knew in the business at the time, theres a lot of stuff, but it was locked in there. The traditional method of extract oil was not economical. It was really kind of the Manhattan Project [inaudible] over the next 20 years, slowly extracting oil and gas. This is where it comes than because theres too the lineup at the epicenter and that makes it a revolution because what happens is changing the view of Political Landscape of energy. Someone was drilled in 1981 done by George Mitchell who was the sort of entrepreneurial engineer pioneer. It is underlined and he was able invested millions of dollars of the next 18 years. You cant make this work. There is often times this whole operation in 1997 or 1998, another was closer. Finally, the injection of chemicals in the oil and gas out. That was finally violent. Although its technically been going on for several decades, and it wasnt going on during the year 2000. And started to spill over to the east towards us just in time. So you have this perfect drooling at the Industrial Committee that is very largescale and interacts. It is polluting industrial activity from the routing into urban and suburban areas. So then a little bit with it now without thinking about the big picture, about lets say between 1998 and 2009, most of the activities were talking in the city but the inflation of the industrial side. They kept getting closer and closer to the parts of town. 2009 at the university of north texas there were three wells that city council permitted right next to my family called purple heart. Across the street from the playground, a hospital in a neighborhood. It was just a real uproar in these areas. The city Council Agreed by the texas state laws which give priority. You know, in texas you dont necessarily on. Its actually a legal precedent over people, and said they felt to permit tracking anywhere. In 2009 they said lets see what we can do. They formed an official task force. But the task force for some reason but to further criticisms so one of the members of city of approached me and said why dont you form an unofficial shadow. And thats what i did. So it was an awareness group. At first, in the first two years in 2011 we held about six or a public discussion, featuring experts and policymakers. We wrote a couple of reports for city of advising them what we think and at the end of the day, 2013 the biggest being if you are going to be tracking innercity, it you need to be 1200 feet away from home but after happen after, ninemonth later it is still going on less than 200 feet away and we realized a couple of things. The biggest one was the operators who run the operation or grandfather or a vested before you knew much and wouldnt play by those rules. Whether 2013 or 24 teen, we were stuck with those own rules that sad was the biggest break. Are we just going neighborhood to neighborhood and informing them they had become industrial injures a number to call. Where are we going to draw a line in the sand and after years of trying to wrangle the effect to these, prohibited . We decided to pursue it. After a lifetime of discernment for me personally, i think maybe ill read a little bit because the very personal stories i had never heard of tracking. I went to buy a house and somebody said to me, they are going to be cracking right there. We began a personal, professional place. So my family has been heavily involved and so a segment here shows how i made this whole project kind of a chance for us together as a family. Its going to be a story about the museum in fort worth, which features tracking. In that it has extracting rise, which is a very thinly veiled using our Museum Education system to promote the interest of the industry. It is funded primarily [inaudible] so my son who is seven and my daughter lisa, lulu who is very. Let me just read a few pages here and then i will tell a little bit more about what happened after this then wrap it up. After hearing [inaudible] so was kind of hanging while we waited. Hang from gas wells, we decided to ride on the shell oil. It is not sold on the of the mountain. We open the door and that led us into the four d. Theater x periods. The inside is a cylindrical theater, but the front of the screen and around the back were seats arranged in two rows. They were the kind of seats you would find them they were above the seats and a giant projector with yet another inmate in the center. Lugo immediately started firing the seed behind us. The volunteer told the handler, my wife, the fourth tee was going to be a breaking. They just sat there. The lulu did not want to be held and she let everyone know that as loudly as she could. They started to think this might have been a mistake, but it was too late. In an attractive and perky blonde informed us we were not in a theater. No, we were sitting inside a robot named otto on board a tanker truck heading out. It didnt landscape zooming by as we sped down the highway with enough gusto in dire need of repairs. I was having a hard time concentrating to escape the question and managed to launch into my arm. I think was at this point that auto shrink to the size of a golf ball. But apparently energized. Than 7000 feet down on the floor , the lady on the screen that they ensure this had never happened. It took a jarring may turn to the digital shelves to liberate right is she liberated herself from my lap. We then rushed back up. The lady on the screen set them inspiring patriotic word about how great cracking is. Having survived the voyage through the shell. Before we went downstairs to get lunch, we stopped to watch to short part 2 about cracking in the energy hall. Just outside, as if it hadnt been enough, the cartoons for the oil and gas industry. The first video speaking over a cartoon explanation which has quote enough gas to philip 288,451,000 football teams. The media about the cartoon into a winding reality. So they said there has been some controversy, end quote, with the sign that said not in my backyard. All the complexity, who was thinking about our community. They brought all of that god to one grumpy state figure. Despite these opinions, but the shell gas reserves and showing them surrounded by smiling children that sad making all this production will require all new crop of scientists and engineers. The cartoon concluded that the blast of trumpets. I looked carefully. After watching the cartoon. They had no comment and seemed thoroughly unimpressed with the production quality. They were playing the other cartoon. This was a honkytonk singalong and a baritone of his presley style. That cowboy saying about the skill of the land man corporate representatives who had to jump through hoops and begin a special interest group. And of course went like this. In the shell, you cant leave out one detail. Take the time to get it right. At that point it was barking in the course continued. The natural gas underground were smiles all around. Three houses appear in balancing up and down the rest of the day she asked me, what are you saying . They try to sound tomorrow night. So that is the kind of personal story thinking about the ethics of this whole situation. That may keep an eye on the time here. So what happened was they decide to go, we have a process in our city charter that allows us as citizens to elect signatures on the petition that says the ordinance of law and if we get enough signatures, we can put it on for life citizen. Actually one of the highlights in the campaign with a public hearing for city bowl. It is really just an affair. There were over 600 people that came. They said it or you overflow rooms so that people could go sit somewhere else and no when their name is about to be called the meeting lasted over nine hours. At the end, it was Something Like 90 of the people spoke spoke in favor. They could have at that moment voted to put down. They decided not to get a couple of them said we should. U. S. Assistance in this event and we would love to go to an election campaign. These guys are just going to get stomped on by the industry. They are playing the field how people wanted. Lets not go through the unfair political process. So thats what happened. That was in july 24 teen and lasted. Theres a lot of stories in the book about that campaign. I felt like a punching bag. I would do a lot of debate with some industry talking heads and i would take a lot of abuse resulting in horror and for the first question i got from one woman who got up after my opening remarks and she said why did you go on Russian Television . I did not recall saying that. There is a lot of heat around this issue. At the end of the day theres a response. They raised 1. 1 million. The city election was like 20,000. We raised 75,000. So they had about 20 to every one that we raised. People coming together, republicans are the vast majority of republicans and voters sat down to attend. They understood we dont even have bakeries, but here it suddenly made sense. And so, i think it made some news. On november 4th last year, what was interesting is the industry had showed [inaudible]. I think i will wrap up the remarks the book i was writing that got me starting to thing about this and i spent the next month wrapping it up. And what happened [inaudible speaking] i think what the industry and state legislature which is funded with 22 million since the last election i think they knew [inaudible talk] now the lawsuits are primarily on changing the law. So where we were successful was this orgy of legislation action and authority some of which is attacked and some say cities cannot make their own rules. You have to go to the attorney first to make sure it is clear. All of the rights would have to be what happened in oklahoma stands out. Oklahoma legislature actually did something and they passed a law on fracking known as hd 40 and it is a nod to the percentage of the economy that is dependent on gas. Dzhokhar tsarnaev make up the numbers all you want come is something i learn today do you can but it isnt just a ban which is how it was built. The question is this law takes back 85 years of the texas allegiance that has a history of case after case [inaudible speaker] it happened in a way that had not happened before. I thought it was an unjust law. Alabama failed. Fracking came back. I went out with friends and did acts of civil disobedience. What we are seeing now is there is a lot of somebody told me in the book about the highlights with the tradition. [inaudible speaker] there are issues now and with a legislative change we will this is like an evacuation plan because there have been several blowouts. Basically this continue and they will write up the fictional score. And into the the depths that are under the surface and this will be my last note. There are some people, and i dont know where i fall on this, that think that fracking and oil and gas are the it might be part of extreme measures. So i dont know what is going to happen. I see the beginning of it especially powerful to me is it intercep intercepts. These powerful perceptions allow this. Do you think the argument you are making is let you decide whether you dont want any economic activity. In your case, having activity in the community is [inaudible question] you say fracking is a bad thing. Great question. [inaudible speaker] what our message was let the people in society speak out. I recognize what may be the defini defining principle mind this is the vulnerability test. He said what folks are the most vulnerable and are they in the area of this happening . That is what i live by. We will have to go there and find out what they want and what conditions. Fracking can have all differelo different layers of regulations and technology involved. [inaudible question] you know, we have about 290 gasoline and we already had had 250 including basics. [inaudible conversation] now that i see how this is affecting cities all over the state do you see the movement withstandi withstanding . Or is it already sort of a law that we [inaudible question] [inaudible answer] there are others in our town and this is blasting it forward. So, yes, this is vital across the state but we will see and we have to work from the bottom up. In pennsylvania, they passed a similar law during the state elections. There with was a considerable backlash and when people realized what the content of the legislation was and, you know, it sounds like it is just beginning to open the conversation but is that becoming a Larger Movement . Great question. And help me out. This was a similar law in pennsylvania and it led to backlash which then led to a partial repeal of parts of this which talks about the rule [inaudible] that is exactly what we need. I hope to write this was the start of the process. The problem in pennsylvania is there is an eighth amendment as far as it stands that a constitutional amendment that gaves communities rights. Gives and gives protection a very strong backing so we cannot do it more correct than that. [inaudible speaker] the followup question is do you think you can organize or there will be enough popularity on a local level that may change this law . I think there is really a time to look at the crystal ball and say this is one area we can plan. We are building a massive scale pack of supporters. Part of the understanding is we will see a lot of exporting of natural gas to europe and the s asian market flucuat flucuates. But what i see happening is we start exporting this stuff and the activity picks up. The frustration is going up as well. [inaudible question] i think they i dont know. That is a good question. Could we have avoided it . You forg i guess, what i thin depends on is what kind of opportunities do we have . What i to say is someone says i dont want that in my backyard. There is a place for it according to some. And others think no, full stop we have to stop this. The other thing wont do this. I think we need to clear the air on this. [inaudible speaker] others . Yeah, i just was curious what challenges you faced as far as the big money in politics and no issue with what fracking does. Politics played an interesting role. It is partly in some ways because of the strategy. Strategy is not punishing or having physical remedies. I think the point of the law was unnecessary over that issue. They are very selfconscious about that hue. The other part of the question of fracking the law thinking munis municipalities are strained. We didnt have them too much and this causes development. We look at the pictures, right . Have them tell you about how it smells when it comes out into the air. The reason i actually said lets go is because it was bad. They had two rigs up. And they were both 200 feet or so. And the air was blowing and that was causing us to [inaudible speaker] [inaudible conversations] how many of you are aware new york state banned inaudible. The rational was precautionary. They said you dont know about the impacts so we will wait and learn about them before we make a decision. [inaudible conversation] you can transform the biology and change our own evolution. They are sick of the precautionary measures getting in the way. [inaudible conversation] we were not protecting peo e people. It is not this indictment is farfetched in general. [inaudible conversation] [applause] [applause] do you want to watch this program again . Visit booktv. Org to watch any of the programs you see here online. Type the author name or book title at the search at the top of the page and click the looking glass. You can share anything you see by clicking the facebook, twitter or share box. Booktv since 1988. All of the top fiction authors and books all available at booktv. Org. Here is a look at recently reviewed titles premiering this weekend. Naval academy Phillip Jason reviewed the manhunt and capture of balkan war criminals. He said the book is loaded with horror stories, stories of courage, determination and success in bringing ethnic cleansing masterminds and functionaries to justice. And he notes what is new is interview with special forces soldiers and a range of criminal investigators and intelligence officials. Nick little field and dave next recovering the live of ted kennedy was recounted by susan page noting the book doesnt just show how the sausage is made it details how the pigs were chosen, what knives the butchers yield, and which recipes are made to make the main dishes more pallatable. And natalie ann jeer talked about the history of psychiatry for the time book review session. He said liberman recognizes many people are uncomfortable with the notion of Mental Illness generally. It is one thing to suffer from a malfunctioning of the bodys infrastructure but Mental Illness targets the mind, the seat of the self, and its symptoms are disguised as personal defects sometimes. Here he is discussing the difference between physical and Mental Health care. If you have als, alzheimers, pancrease cancer, there is not much that can be done. You need to wait for the next discovery. But for the vast majority of mental disorders as i define them we have enough to make a huge difference. We just dont provide it in an accessible way. So i think and you know the only way that this kind of gets the attention of the media, public and government is when there is a Mass Violence into this and some individual who is mentally ill and untreated kills people. Watch for these programs and more this weekend on booktv. Host peter bergen in your new book you write americans have long tended to overestimates the threats posed by jihadist guest 80 of americans are somewhat or very worried about terrorism as an issue and 24 of republicans think it is the leading political issue in the election season, 9 of democrats. And you know some of that is understandable with the attack on metro jet and the attack in paris with 130 killed people and in san bernardino, california 14 People Killed by people inspired by isis. The threat from jihadist is very law in the united states. It has been managed and conta contained because of the actions in the u. S

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