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Organization turns 50 this year. Can you believe that . We caught up with the man behind it all. Wheree pictures of cpac Texas Governor rick perry has just begun to speak. It is the largest gathering of conservative activists. They will talk strategy. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back the chairman of the american conservative union. What a week. Senator cruz kicked off on thursday. We also heard from congressman paul ryan. We heard from governor christie and governor jindal. We heard from donald trump. Yesterday, governor perry started a day with a great speech. To yourl brought you feet. Today, we heard from speaker gingrich. We are not even done yet. Panels. Had some great they have had insightful and diverse opinions on liberty, privacy, the irs, criminal justice performed reform. We have also brought you a number of exhilarating exhibits. Often lawmakers that we hope you have enjoyed. I hope you got a chance to attend some workshops. Topics include running the conservative message and using Digital Tools to speak to a new generation. Of course, we cap the audience buzzing over favorite radio shows. We also gave you a number of awards from the top 10 conservatives under 40, blogger of the year, and to senator rand paul. The best part is you. Energized to am see young people who come here and travel for many parts of the country. They travel from across the world to get here. Im happy to report that 50 of this years audience is students. [applause] and i thank all of you for everything you did to get here. All of the bright, young, motivated young evil people who have grown into talented entrepreneurs and after this is me hope. I see the present and future in our audience. I could not be more optimistic be early mornings and late nights. There is not another event like this. We hope you will leave here energized and ready to write the message of what conservatives values do for our country and ourselves. When you go home, i hope you will follow some of our activities. Follow us on social media. Has many programs. They include congressional and state legislature programs. Our Youth Foundation head, carly karina, has new plans to educate our friends. We cannot produce this event without these of work of our sponsors. I would like to thank in particular are presenting sponsors. The tea party patriots, the townhall media. The National Rifle association and the washington times. [applause] lastly, a point of personal privilege as the chairman of this organization. I am proud of all of you and im proud of our movement. God bless us all. Thank you. Thank you very much. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please the executive director of the National Rifle is the asian. Association. How is everybody doing . Have you had a good cpac so far . Let me ask you another question . Does everybody here loves sarah palin . [wild cheering] if i walk out there and asked 100 of you why you love era, i will italy get 100 different answers. I will probably get 100 different answers. For me, it is because she is an unabashed proponent of the right to bear arms. [applause] you might love that she works hard to elect leaders like nikki haley. [applause] you might love that she would rather tell Michael Bloomberg to have a coke and a smile and top telling us how to live our lives. [applause] one thing that we all about sarah is that she drives liberals absolutely crazy. [applause] it is actually funny to watch. A come unglued. They do not know what to do. [laughter] is it because she took on the establishment and beat the incumbent mayor of her town . Is it because she was the first female governor of the eight of alaska . The truth is it is not. She drives them crazy for the same reason we love her so much. She stands firmly in between our freedom and our opponents who want to drive this country into a place that we cannot even recognize. That is what sarah palin does. That is why we love her. Please watch this video. She knows how to fire up the crowd. She tries to get people elected. She is fearless. She has proven that she is effective at endorsing candidate. She supported marco rubio. 19 haley. Nikki haley. Ur energy captures us. She dominates one more time. Dont let the bigmoney men and the big bad media here you off a scare you off. They talk about rebranding the gop. We need to restore the trust of the american people. How about rebuilding the american class . American middle class . The focus groups have a political script. She plays by her own rules. For us to break up cronyism. Small businesses, tea party rallies, city hall. People are willing to leave. She is building the future. She does not care about the old dalton the party at all. We must be better than the people who call themselves our leaders. This is one fight that is worth it. The power of palin. She has clout. She is trying to mobilize. She says the word is not done yet. Correctly it is 20 months away. The last thing we need is washington, d. C. Betting our candidates. I would not be in the u. S. Senate today if it were not for governor zero palin stop governor sarah palin. [cheering] thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you so much. I am so happy to get to be with you all. It is cool to see some of the College Republicans sitting down here. [applause] i met some of you in the lobby. In addition to some great independence and libertarians. They were awesome. And i met some of our proud and wonderful members of the military. I love you guys. You are my heroes. I love you because i love freedom. If you love your freedom, thank a vet. We thank you guys. [applause] it is really good to be here today. I love coming back here because there are so many young people, or as you are known by folks across the river, obamacare suckas. You are the ones who will pay the bills in our brave new world. They forgot that part, didnt they, when they said that you were the change you were waiting for. It turns out you have the change that you you have the change that they are waiting for. You have these guys, the tens, the 20s. This is the place. This is the place where the future of conservatism all starts. Whether it was Ronald Reagan and ,5 or dr. Ben carson last year this is where it starts. It is because of you and your energy, your commitment to the greatest country on earth. And everything that makes her exceptional. It is because of you. [applause] you and i feel good. When we were here last year there was some really reeling going on because of the election results. Our fellow americans had decided evidently to double down on hope and change and the sages of the beltway and their sock puppets. [applause] had to give upwe on our principles. They said that the train of history was roaring to the left. Jump on board or get left behind. But then, something happened. Change, it went from a Catchy Campaign slogan to a reality and along the way, hope and change, yes we can, it became no, you cant. You cannot log onto the website. [laughter] you cannot keep your health care. [laughter] callant make a phone without Michelle Obama knowing. This is the third time this week you have dialed pizza hut delivery. [cheering] something did happen. We became a wiser republican. Americans know now what the giants of our movement have always told us. People like friedman and reagan and margaret thatcher. There aint no such thing as a free lunch. There is no free birth control. There is no free phone. There is no free doctor visit. There is no free freedom. There is no free ride. Someone pays, someone always a. Pays. If you do not know who that is, it is probably you. [laughter] [applause] americans found that out this year. Thoselly socialengineering politicos werent something as well. Learned something as well. Americans are not as obedient as they thought we were. They want to make the pay for insurance that we do not want or need. Theresl us that nothing to see in bangkok the, move along. Benghazi, move along. Not even a smidgen. They are making us bear the brunt of that ill be dopey, waffling on the world stage. We did not come through those hoops. Went rogue. all [applause] [cheering] l, speaking of yal texas, thank you. Liberty means a congress on cruise control. [laughter] [applause] laughter something happens. The awakening began. Senator ted cruz helped keep them awake. His filibuster worked in waking people up to the folly of a government takeover of our economy. He forced debate. He told colleagues it was time to stand up and use the tools of the constitution, the power of the purse, to fulfill their campaign promises. Lost. R army we had hoped that they were reloading, but instead they retreated. Joined the lapdogs to trash theream foot soldiers like pop for america. [applause] ted cruz had a clever way of doing it as well. Thunk . Whod a thunk . Good idea. Maybe i will add live. Adlib. There he was reading it on the floor of the senate. He was telling his kids, i am thinking of you. I am thinking of all our kids. I have five kids. I have five kids. , iding green eggs and ham totally have it memorized. I had to spice it up a bit. His bedtime story goes like this. I do not like this uncle sam. I do not like his healthcare scam. [laughter] o not like [cheering] [whistling] just you wait. I do not like these dirty crooks. Or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when congress feels. Steals. I do not like their crony deals. Man not like their science,. I do not like, oh yes we can. I do not like this spending spree. We are smart and we know nothing is free. Who amt like reporters plain when i complain who complain about their lives. [applause] like this kind of hope. N will not take it ,nope, ope, nope. [applause] [cheering] [applause] on the internet, i saw a couple lines. Let me read the other ones. Andcruz and mike lee everyone else, we have good guys in there. And theygood guys carry the common sense gene. They know that we are a nation with a government, not the other way around. They are constitutionalist. They are sent to d. C. To fight the battles for us. It is time. It is time that we send them reinforcements. They need their reinforcements. Families are hurting. Hard workers. Hardworking families are caught between crony capitalism that benefits the politicallyconnected and the income redistribution. I feel good about america. Conservatives have not forgotten the america beyond the ruling passes classes. The places were most of the people who do the work and the building and the taxpaying live. That is were you will find an amazing america. Staying true to our principles. It is a real solution to real problems. You have to hear some of those solutions. You are not just sit in that with theback and hangin gang. You are just letting d. C. Control the people. They want to transform our country. You are not just putting up with it. Profreedom,great greatarket, profamily leaders. They are proposing ways to help the middle class. Allow people opportunity to work. Everyone will be lifted and succeed. It feels good. I see you. We have each others backs. Theel that you know this is story of a great awakening. I do believe that the eyes of america are open. Some would just want you to hit the Snooze Button and roll that over. america, go back to the, little lamb sleep, little lamb. Some of these folks are in the gop establishment. [applause] they are a different breed of cat. They say the smartest thing we can do right now is to lay low and stay out of the way while obamacare crashes and burns on its own. The economy sputtered to a halt. Forget all that sovereignties off. Stop. Ereignty stuff. And we off our allies lead a world that is looking for that shining city on a hill. Is some very, very, very bad dude gaining ground. Instead of putting the fear of god into our enemies, proving hes restraint peache through youngth, that is brought to courtesy of the red, white, and blue. That is what the u. S. Military can do. [applause] some gop experts ascribe to the old saying that we should not interrupt will air in the process of destroying themselves. That may be true, but you do interrupt when they are in the process of destroying your country. That is what we are going to do. We are going to stop them. 2014. We are gonna stop them. They would stop on our next necks. They are working be statist agenda of obama. This applies to you in the 2016 president ial race. Runs there are ron ryan, sarah, ron run, sarah, run i should have this morning. I did not get a chance to. I did hot yoga. I am so sorry for some of those cabinet members. Secretary of state john kerry. [laughter] did you say, taken . Take him . I feel sorry because it is draining on him i am sure. He does not look happy. [laughter] he sent this message where the president is these venting is. You can see it on him. [laughter] to ask him, why the long face . [laughter] those policies that the cabinet have to ask dana justified, have to explain and justify, how do you convey to gluten vladimir,utin, dont mess around or you will feel my flexibility. [laughter] i have a bone and 810. A pin. I can run real fast and coke you with my head. Coke you with my pin. This is the guy who promised to provide for the set, but there are more uninsured today than when obama began the he promised jobs for the jobless. Fewer people are working. The average family is bringing home 4000 less than when obama started. He promised us a safe and peaceful world. He has al qaeda on the run. Towards us. [laughter] safer . Will he got our arsenal allow enemies to enrich . That is like a liberal on gun control. Mr. President , the only thing that stops the bad guys with the nukes is a good guy with the nukes. [laughter] [cheering] i love the nra. [applause] he promised to heal the planet and stop the rise of the oceans, but the planet is not listening to dr. Obama. Histhe only thing rising in lalaland if the russian empire. Im sorry. I am probably being too hard on the president. After all, who could have seen this coming . [laughter] [cheering] the gop establishment is going along to get along. We have another come to jesus meeting. It is time. Lostemocrats agenda is a cause. President obama is tested. He knows that the issue of our time is the oppressive stagnation facing the middle class. Good workingclass families cannot get ahead. He hates the gop establishment. T is a hit for cat tit for at. They pander and they do damage. Their agenda is failure and fiasco on steroids. Gopica is counting on the to get it right. That is why the establishment cannot handle it. No republican gets elected promising higher taxes, wasteful spending, inc. Raised that, bigger

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