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Million on nt 14. 7 taxpayer funded trips in fiscal over the yearease before, according to the congress own accounting, it say congress o does not pay for its own lights, because under korean statute updated in the 1970s, the Treasury Department directed overseas from s whatever funds available. Congress does not have to spending for foreign travel each year and no set dollar limit. Again, you want to find out more to u. S. A. Todays website. Paul singer wrote the story. Phones is on open bill, bakersfield, california, democrats line. Caller hello there. Host youre on, go ahead. Caller bill, bakersfield, yeah. Want to make a comment accusing obama the problems at the his peopleeeting and leaking information, he has to blame, but himself. He opens his mouth and it all comes out. To say. All i have thank you. Host darren, independent line, washington, d. C. Caller good morning. Host youre on. Caller yeah, good morning. Im a regular cspan caller. I love cspan. Call of 2017. St i just had a general comment the mainly immigration and in terms of addressing that. Why he won, i think issues that lot of resonate with people, i dont now if he has the right solutions. Immigration debate is one of those things. Illegal a problem with immigration here in our country and there are some jobs that are taken that would normally go to im not americans, talking about Strawberry Fields or agricultural work, im contracting, painters, plumbers, roofers and other contractors. Problem, a lot of republican businesses are hiring people, they say for immigration reform, but they it provides. Bor i wonder how this will pan out. The one of the many groups president met with is head of Insurance Companies to discuss care act future, Carolyn Johnson writing for the post this morning when it comes companies that met with the president , it was blue cross cigna, humana, Kaiser Permanente and American Healthcare and health it says the ns, president assured executives he would provide greater detail on he Health Policy plan during the speech in front of congress tonight, according to the Health Industry official briefed on the meeting, insurers for their part emphasize need to maintain market stability during the healthcare o new policy while keeping enrollment numbers at current level. Something in the speech or not, you can watch it onight at 9 00, joint session of congress address by the president of the united states, you age cspan starting 9, can watch on cspan, go to cspan. Org, for more information to it via our cspan radio app. Dianna, go ahead, wimberly, texas, democrats line. Calling to talk about mr. Adriano espaillat that was on there. Teacher, i uage dont think he gave the proper answer, that was his answer, but from south called carolina and said he had the poorest schools and the poorest poorest and one of the states and he talked about the money being diverted from education for undocumented children or illegal taught t children to be that english, im sure he was peaking about english as a second language, that is true, arod, gentlemen, mr. Talking about everybody should have two languages that, is but he at is wonderful, didnt answer the part of the question where this man was calling from a very poor in a very poor part of the country and that is not the right answer, that was not fair. Thank you. Host barbara, clark, new jersey, hi. Caller hi. Im calling because i watch caller. Im a firsttime im very annoyed that you have always ests on that bring out that trump did not country. Clintonnnoys me because didnt serve our country and he country and eign then they were pardoned. They be t is only fair brought out trump is not the serve, thato did not clinton didnt serve, and went canada. Thank you. Host the guest, or the person new e phone was from jersey. Democratic representative bill asqual took to the house yesterday to get privilege resolution passed that would have the president of the united release his tax return. He tried to get house vote on on lution, but it failed 229185. E vaet vote the move was latest in series of efforts to Push Congress to request the president s tax return and emocrats demanded role call vote to force republicans to go on record, representative bill qual of new jersey, talked about his effort yesterday and the history of the to get this information revealed. The chairman of the ways and committee, joint committee on taxation, the Senate Finance ommittee had the authority to request the president s tax 6103 of nder section the Internal Revenue service. Whereas joint committee on axation reviewed tax return of president Richard Nixon in 1974 and made the information public. Ways and means irc6103, used authority in 2014, to make confidential information of 51 taxpayers. Whereas the American People have the right to know whether or not operating dent is under conflicts of interest, related to international reform, government otherwise. Or now therefore be it resolved, r. Speaker, that the house of representative shall one, immediately request the tax donald j. Rmation of trump for the tax years of 2006 for review in closed executive session by the means as on ways and provided under section 6103, of revenue code. And vote to report the therein to the full house of representatives, support transparency in longstandingd the tradition of president s and residential candidates disclosing their tax returns. Was again, that representative bill pasqual, democrat of new jersey. West o middleton from virginia, democrats line. Pedro. good morning, is what calling about cspan is doing. Like this morning, the republican on first and then the democrat. Talk about dividing a country. Because you ision bring republican on and he gives his side of the story and his is a fact. Then you bring a democrat on and the tell you his side of story and there is no contradiction because this guy says and thehat he democrat is right on what he says. You need to bring them on dont want to ey come on together, dont have them at all and give, you give halfhour, make it an hour. Ave them both on there to say so one can counter dikt the other instead of one dictate say, just has to like the republican, he says the American People, why dont he some American People, hes bunching us all into one group. One group. Ll host thank you, caller. Primary et you know, purpose of having representative on of member of congress is to the audience, to have them be questioned by them on whatever topic that the bring up. Ts to so at times in the past weve had two representatives on time we most of the have them on individually, but that is the purpose of what we do here. Scott from oline, new york, independent line. Hi. Pedro, good morning, been about three months, havent been on this year. Im a to start by saying godly, i believe in twoed and god bless all human necessary and hope that whatever happens, happens. Who is president representing us in this land as moral human being and if you look in the bible, it lie, tool of satan. Nybody spewing lies to christian rights eating it up, were not paying attention. This world is getting scarier scarier by the minute. Ill get to my topic now, what i well see problems is when mr. Sessions goes after the states and some states office. Trump in the recreational marijuana, the kid, they n i was a said no medical use for marijuana, total falacy and lie, is different now. These guys are going after the legalized for regular 20 umption, i could go buy worth of alcohol today and drink myself to death with 20 of alcohol. To education the children. E have under 50 years of oil left on this earth, what is going on . Does nobody Pay Attention . E. P. A. , liminate the does anybody know why the e. P. A. There . Mr. Pedro, you are about my age, look at what ise, is going ogod bless the human have them ank god we like cspan and ill give it 30 days before i call back. A wonderful, e blessed month. Came to leslie, a report out from American Family of pediatrics urging doctors to from marijuana as nation becomes tolerant of the trugs use. Benign drug, ot especially for teens, their brains are developing and unhealthy can cause changes that is release from new merman, author of report from American Academy of pediatrics. Caller how you doing . Host fine, thank you, how about yourself . Caller very fine, thank you. Told the Vice President about the conversations about the russia, which st s we found out later was the president true knew two weeks before, wouldnt t be wise of Vice President pence to use the 25th amendment, section four of the constitution . All i have to say. Response. For your host dina from beaverton, independent ext, line. Caller you are on, go ahead. Caller the caller before said were not in the same group. We are. Americans. And you know, we might have differences of opinions, but we together and solve those differences and arguing protesting and beating people up and killing people is not going to solve it. Need to sit down and talk rationally with each other. Host judgment made in company air bags, japanese auto motive takata pleaded to criminal wrongdoing and agreed to pay penalty for providing misleading testing automakers on air bags installed in millions of to one , pleaded guilty count of criminal wire fraud and federal court settling justice of mishandling and r bags, risk exploding spraying sclapinal in cabins. Utomakers are recalling 42 million vehicles, nearly 70 the safety bags in alone by takata. Takatas finances have been seeking d they are investment from rival company new jersey, in republican line. Caller hi. Today . Doing host fine, thank you, go ahead, eddie. Aller okay, basically a few months ago, my mom was in a car accident and her air bag went off. Like, you know, i feel sort of relief they pleaded her air bag did not go off and virginia, nia beach democrats line, go ahead. Caller yeah, good morning, pedro, and good morning, america. Something. To say the congress, when i have it on, have it muted trump comes on, i mute him, i despise him and why just to getching is the reaction of everything going in the hall. When his speech is over, ill democratic e response and also the reason im atching, though, is because afterward, i want to see what is going on and ill still know talked about because ill be listening on cspan and also on msnbc, where the pundits will discuss and all of that. Other thing i want to say real im not a jewish and very religious person at all, i that is what i am and dont like all this antisemitism that is cropping lately and i also dont like is in the ve bannon white house. Antisemite, hes and i think trumps soninlaw, the daughter d converted to judaism, but to me, hey are a sellout, if they werent, they would tell the to havehe president not steve bannon in that white house. Okay. Betty from virginia beach. Whether you are watching wouldt, with volume up, i think, want to invite you to for our t 9 00 tonight coverage of the joint session of ongress, the president ial address to congress. He platform you could watch on cspan and cspan. Org, and the radio app. From indianapolis, go ahead. Caller yeah, id just like to comment on the first of all, on healthcare. Everybody trump is kind of a he on man in the way presents. Hes intelligent, when he says complicated, that is obvious to everybody. I think the people in congress and especially with obamacare of dollars ions weve wasted even in p. R. , it is to understand that the way to conquer this or deal with it money back to the states. Ou get back to people, more efficient it is, some states cant handle it, they contract people that know how to do it in other states. This issue, all you had to do was look at the website how it together and bombed. If you funnel this money back to intelligent people in tories that50 labia would easily, not going to be asy and it is going to be timeconsuming, but the American Public at first, when they media, it is news like the news media doesnt talk stock ow successful the market has been, how much money gone over, msnbc, elitist ubbles on each coast that have totally destroyed this country. I mean, they polarize thing, not, i mean, people re not dumb, they understand that Public Relations and and it is not that at all. Host got you. Joe, thank you for calling. You here because the house of representatives is now coming into session. Well take you there now. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. February 28, 2017 much 2017. I hereby appoint the honorable sprone. Eis, signed, paul d. Ryan, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of january 3, 2017, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties. All time shall be equally allocated between the parties and in no event shall debate continue b

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