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Independents 2027488002. Well get to the calls in this, our last segment of todays program. Line for democrats. Randy, what do you want to talk about . Caller good morning. Id like to comment. Free trade has put this country in one heck of a problem since they came up with this. You cant Grover Norquist and his plan to lower taxes continually in uneven basis, the way that is the money is pooling at the top of the stratus or the economy in 1 , it just doesnt work. Our government was founded and paid for by itself by taxes at of the border since inception, it goes back to boston tea party. Were selling ourselves out with free trade. Has to be some type of equitable vet tax that will help even the Playing Field for workers in america that dont earn enough in wages to pay Social Security taxes and the rest of the taxes and take care of them in old age. Host does it surprise you new wall street journal poll shows climbing for free trade, the poll showed highest portion of americans who said free trade helped more than hurt since the journal nbc news pollster started asking the question in 1999. Does that surprise you . Caller yes, not really. I dont really have faith in polling like i used to because there is so much big money and corporate money behind the polling, the polling become a business unto itself just like fundraising. Host when did that start to turn randy . Caller well, i think it really started to turn back in the 2000s, early 2000s when they started it could go back to bill clinton, it could go back to nafta and deregulating things from 96 on, the gingrich era. Really, my lack of trust in polling has probably i would say since early 2000s, really become evident that not really host appreciate the call from iowa this morning. Daniel in hastings michigan, line for democrats. Daniel, good morning. Caller hi, thanks for taking my call. I want to make a comment on the tax cuts, proposed tax cuts. Right now on corporate tax, 50 of fortune 500 Companies Pay less than 15 , even though the tax is 35 when they take all deductions they pay 15 or less 50 of them. You have big, big companies, g. E. Paying 0, my point, we tried this, weve been down this road before. The tax cuts would be great if they were for the working class, huge for them, small ones for the rich. 70 of our economy is consumption based. When you give people that have a lot of money they will not buy a thing. If you give this tax break a big tax break, i think prot posed tax cut over there is for myself, is like 600. Okay. Give this to the working class, they will go spend the money. The economy will be robust because were the people that cant afford the vacation, the extra meal out every week. I just think that were going down the same rabbit hole that weve been before blow the debt up, democrats will have to come in and be under demanding to cut social programs because of that. I think we could get a lot of waste out of the money that we spend on military already. Thanks for taking my call. Gospel line for republicans betsy is wait nothing elkhart, kansas. Caller yes, we should take legalization of marijuana nationwide. Host why is that, betsy . Caller looks like colorado has had result, i saw a man that had said that the teenage rate had not increased, which is one thing they had worried about and they had less drug dealers running around in the state. Host betsy, how confident are you that the Trump Administration would work toward that specifically the Justice Department under attorney general sessions . Caller well, from what ive heard, hes very antimarijuana, however, if they change the law he would just follow the law. And we have been trying for years and years to get these laws changed and its been too much of a political lie that the government has told us over the years about how dangerous marijuana is. It has beneficiary habit, not just getting high, and i really think this would help the general population. Host you say that weve been trying, here is article in the Huffington Post from yesterday, i believe. States for marijuana war with jeff sessions. Who is the we when weve been trying to get laws changed . Caller oh okay. Well im a member of like normal the groups that try to get the laws changed, like Marijuana Policy project things like that, and different groups. You can find them all over the internet. Host thank you for the call. Matt in baltimore maryland, matt, good morning. Caller hi. I have couple of things, first, thanks for cspan, giving us a voice. I think the republicans should take page out of the democratic playbook and change their name. Instead of deporting, which has a sort of mean connotation we should call it repatriation. It would just sending them back to their own country, i think that is a nice thing. Host rebranding would sell it with who . The American People or the world . Caller i think it would sell it to the world. I think everybody would suddenly have a different mindset on what this effort is. There is nothing mean about it. Of course we should start with the criminals and lay off the people who have been here a long time just as reagan did unsuccessfully to cease it. No need to build a wall when you could put 500foot electric low fence that cant be shorted because it could be detected. That would pretty much end anybody trying to cross it. You couldnt do it if you hads and negatives different heights, a lot of details but that is one thought. A Second Thought i had, that might help is that we should insist that anybody at congressional rally be of that mans district. The running and professionals and semipro host you talking about town halls specifically, ned . Caller yes, town hall, that is what i actually meant. Sorry. Host no. Caller the thing is we have to return to a place, im a world war ii veteran and ive watched the evolution of this country from hard patriotism in hollywood included to this very lonely one world policy, which is impossible to affect and it runs the entire gamut from Carbon Sequestration which is unusually ignorant, except to the people who are the brokers and make the money because it doesnt reduce the carbon, it just sells one guys a lot toment somebody else. Host william up next in arkansas nhot springs national park. Line for democrats. Good morning. Caller yes, good morning. Thank you for having me on your show. I actually have more of a question. Your guy made a comment about border adjustment tax. He made a good point, said for people like me that dont understand completely what it is we should look it up in full detail. I was curious, could you tell me how to look it up in full detail . Every time i look it up on google, the only thing it addresses me to is like newspapers forbes, cnn, fox and all that stuff which we know are biassed. I was trying to figure out where to go to find the information through government pages . Host im sure the Speakers Office has put out information on this. Im i know kevin bradys office ways and means, has put out information. Website of the two guests on recently is piie. Com, adam posen of peterson institute, check out his work there. Grover norquist, americans for tax reform, atr. Org, get you started in those spots. Alfred in california, open phones, go ahead. Caller good morning. How are you . Thank you for taking my call. I have two comments. One, a question regarding Maxine Waters when she came on msnbc calling donald trump and his cabinet scum bags, shes a congresswoman, who kind of language is that in regard to young people . I mean, shes a congresswoman calling them scum bags and another thing, the democrats continue to say that donald trump is racist and white supremacist, i did research and democrats are the ones that are for the ku klux klan, why doesnt that come out . Why isnt there investigation in regard to ethics and what waters said, calling them scum bags . That is unacceptable. Host alfred, you think the discourse in american politics is at the worst you have seen it . Caller yes, i have. I have never seen this in my life and i was appalled, it turned my stomach in regard to her using that word. Why did that word and that incident strike you so much . A lot of people talk about incidents of discourse deteriorate nothing our political system. Caller well i see congressmen and women, they never use that kind of word. I mean, its ludicrous that a congresswoman, supposed to be well educated, uses that terminology. She could have said something else. Im 64 years old and i see cspan all the time and i appreciate you taking my call, but it really really upseted me a person with that caliber would use that kind of word. Host cindy in new egypt new jersey, line for independents. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you, cspan, for letting the American People have a voice. Two subjects id like to comment on. One first is that if my memory serves correct back when ross peron the was run withing bill clinton for the presidency, he warned bill clinton about signing nafta and weve seen the bad effects of nafta. Since then ive been intrigued at prospect of having a businessman as a president and people of business versus politicians in the cabinet. And that is exactly what donald trump has done and i think before people go criticizing all these billionaires you know, if you an employer you want to hire people most knowledgeable about the system you are dealing with and i feel like if these men and women hes putting in the cabinet can do for the country what they did for themselves, i think that is a good thing and we should give it a chance, number one. The second subject id like to comment on is how none of the Democratic Leaders and ive called them here in the state of new jersey and ive requested it over and over again, to get up and denounce the violence against Trump Supporters. There are men and women in the hospital with no arms and legs that fought for this country, the most important thing is the vote, the inauguration, sacred things in america. People have died, people have burnt to a crisp who live like permits for fighting for this country. For fellow americans to be pepper spraying people in the face and breaking private property and Union Members, you know that is why there was no one at the inauguration hardly, Union Members couldnt go for fear of be og t. V. And couldnt go to inauguration for fear their boss would see them, everyone knew there would be violence there. Host when you contact member offices about this in North Carolina what do they say to you . Caller well i couldnt get ahold of senator menendez, he had someone take my call. I pleaded with him or her taking the message to senator menendez to have somebody, major leading democrat denounce violence and discrimination for example, there has been contractors that went to peoples houses in new jersey and had a trump stick sxer they were turned down from the job. The people said, you are for trump, im not going to hire you. We are being discriminated against, there has been acts of violence to from the job. The people said, you are for trump, im not Bruce Springsteens band, they said there were Death Threats against them. These are your fellow americans and suppressing the vote, making people have to hide who the candidate of their choice and another thing is, you know i dont think people realize because of the media polling before the election a lot of Trump Supporters never went and voted. People were registered to vote and didnt vote because they thought he had no chance and there are people not registered in new jersey, that i know they were thinking about registering to vote for trump, but they didnt because of polling. Host cindy in new jersey. Speaking of President Trump, cindy, President Trump will give his joint address to Congress Tomorrow night. You can watch it live on cspan 9 00, also on cspan. Org listen on the cspan radio app, well be looking for stories before that. Tomorrow morning previewing the president s address and talking on wednesday morning after the address here on the washington journal. Linda, noerj, connecticut. Good morning. Caller good morning. First of all, im taken aback by cindy from new jerseys fear of getting physically accosted for being a trump voter. I live in connecticut and i drove by a lot of trump signs and i didnt bother them and they didnt bother me. She kind of has to get facts to back that up. Of course we have discourse in our country. Were supposed to. We are not supposed to agree we are supposed to compromise. This country was founded on discourse. We will get past the anger and the election and we will heal. What we need to do is listen. Not to people like cindy, who see artificial veterans getting burned to a crisp, but to the voices who go to work everyday, the people on the bushes, on the trains Everybody Needs to listen the president included. Host linda what makes you certain we will heal . Caller we dont have a choice. We look at Grammar School we dont see democrats and republicans, third graders coming out, we see our future. When push comes to shove, this is a good nation of good people. And when we look and we finally sit things out and when events happen tragedies like september 11 people, movie stars give up millions and people like me give hundreds and we are good people and always heal. Host thanks for the call. James calhoun, georgia republican, go ahead. Caller good morning cspan. Host morning, sir. Caller the russians are coming. Yeah, im trying to with that. Good movie, though. Larkin host what did you think of hollywood talking politics last night . Caller well, you know, it is going to happen. Anticipate that. [indiscernible] i compare it to oldtime hollywood. I mean, such a great actor, and even today good work. Even after hes gone away. But i want to tear somebody down and Say Something hate sxfl vicious about them, you know, like all these insist on doing now days, it goes with the territory, after what they pulled on mike pence. The now days, it goes with the territory, after what actor, stage actors, just got up and put their two cents worth in. It wasnt as bad as i was afraid it would be, he had to leave so it wasnt host james on the line for republicans. Speaking of republicans, a lot of conservatives in town just this past week for the conservative actor, stage Political Action conference, cpac, and Washington Times and cpa c conducted a im sorry cpa c, and mclocklin and associates conducting this poll for the Washington Times asking questions about the Trump Administration one to those who showed up at cpac which Campaign Promise would they like to see President Trump follow through on . Taxing about tax reform in the last segment, tax reform was nothing one issue they would like to see trump follow through on. 33 . 28 saying ending obamacare most important Campaign Promise. 17 said border wall most important. Most important Campaign Promise infrastructure, 8 said it was the most important. To see the wrapup of polling from those who attended cpac, it is in todays Washington Times. Just a few minutes left in the program today, get to your calls. Tafd waiting denver, colorado, line for independents. David, open phones, what is on your mind . Caller yeah, ive seen that lady mentioned normal, that is norml. National organization for reform of laws is right on target. Host right. Caller i wouldnt have a problem with them, you know, throwing in an extra 5 sales tax on it. Host how is legalization going there in colorado, david . Caller its going really well. I mean, you know, people dont have to buy stuff that has been smuggled in and tainted with who knows what, the people who use it for medicinal reasons, you know, they dont have to, you know go through the hoops unless they want to for extra benefits and less tax and the quality, you know, the quality of the cannibis is greater. Host having access, topic those who oppose legalization often bring up. Caller yeah. You know id like to mention there was a gentleman that had a lot of people think that cutting all the loopholes out of the tax form would benefit us you know. Wealthy peep and he will corporations can afford lawyers and accountants and so that would be lots of jobs for them and not only that, but those are really sentence for corporations and the wealthy to a portion on upgrades and charity and a lot of beneficial things, i think if anything we need more, you know, Green Technology and things like that to make it easier for corporations to reinvest in newer technologies. Host to dela in new york city. Line for democrats, good morning, dela. Caller hello. I live in new york city, we once had a thriving textile and apparel industry, until the clintons came along and got maft naft. Hillary sat on the board of directors for walmart, we lost manufacturing economy. I blame the clintons and Hillary Clinton should be held responsible for this, but shes not, not said a word about it. Host okay. Jim in North Carolina. Line for independents, jim, good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. Im recently retired baby boomer and ive been paying income tax for 40 years and now whether they use vat or bat, they want to shift the tax over to things i need to buy. That seems unfair. And also, i dont think gutting epa regulations is going to do anything to help this country and the Extraction Industry is really need to ramp down and we need to go solar. What industry do you work in . Caller i was computer programmer. Host what do you do now . Retired . Caller recently retired and that is my point, ive been paying income tax for 40 years and now they want to shift the tax to things i need to buy now that my income has gone down. Host thanks for the call. Thanks for watching cspan. Steven in michigan. When donald trump gets on tv tomorrow, everybody that believes he is not a legitimate president , turn off your tv. Host still with us . Hank is income republican. Caller thanks for cspan p or i appreciate your work. I wanted to say in response to the woman who called from connecticut, a lot of problems are going on right now individually with people committing violent acts in general in the world. It is largely due to what i would say is the idea of sour grapes. The other party finally having to come to the realization they did actually lose the election. You do not see republicans going out and committing over the past 50 years happening that did not happen when republicans lost the election. Host give me an example. Caller what went on at berkeley. You have a bunch of hired thugs by george soros and organizations like that being paid to go in and commit absolute violence and wrecking buildings and trying to cause problems with people, in particular the young woman in charge that i have seen on a number of political shows who said flat out we are to take a stand and do this and that. But her stand is a stand for violence. I do not think that is the way to heal the nation. You look at our public schools, you dont see democrats and republicans, i would like to say, maybe this is just my opinion, but a great quote a great book will describe to you exactly will what has been happening since the idea of god has been taken out of schools, you see the kids it has had a big effect. A social engineering project. I dont think the democratic side is being fair to the republican side in a way host kathleen, independent in texas. Caller i want to talk about President Trump. I believe he is going to be the best care he dont put up with nothing. He stands up, he is a strong man for this country. If he can do it, he is the only one who can bring us out of this. Nobody is going to pull any wool over his eyes, and he will take care of is this like he is supposed to. Host what should he tell members of congress when he stands in front of them tomorrow night . Caller he will turn this country around. It will take time and patience from the people of the United States to pull together and work together. Host joe is waiting in new york, live for independents. Caller good morning. I feel like that democratic woman, trump started this campaign, big hands, and also, it talks about the destruction of the xl pipeline, you know, obama didnt approve it. Obama didnt approve 30,000 people signed up to get arrested, to do civil disobedience. There were demonstrations in washington dc. 40,000 people. Bring it on, you know, obama he takes obama had it bad with civil disobedience and demonstrations you know, it is going to get worse under trump. Host that is joe, our last caller today on washington journal. There will be a president ial address at 9 00 and we will show it live here on cspan. You can also see it at cspan

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