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House speaker, newt gingrich. The book is called understanding trump. I know youve been working on this for a while. Gerry i really started in late november. Because it was obvious you had a president who nobody understood and whos totally outside the normal political process. And so trying to figure out how to explain him is not called predicting trump, because i dont think anybody can predict him. But trying to figure out how to set up an understanding of what his patterns are, what drives him, what his experiences have been, i thought would be helpful. Host lets go inside the book. It is astonishing to me how the elite media and much of the political establishment refused to try to understand donald trump. They have so rabidly opposed him, so ideologically committed to leftwing values, and so terrified of the future that they havent stopped and considered how extraordinary his success has been. You go on to say, he is one of the most remarkable individuals to ever occupy the white house. Is it too soon to say that, though . Gerry no. We dont know if hell be a success yet. But hes already remarkable. I mean, you have a person who became with 4 billion to 10 billion, created a number one Television Show that was on tv for 13 straight years, developed a whole range of other capabilities, then beat 16 republican candidates for the nomination, beats hillary clinton, a billion Dollar Campaign and the elite media for the presidency, that person is by definition remarkable. And hes worth studying on those terms. I mean, what is it about him that enabled him to get there . Now, i think he has a lot to learn. This is not apologizing for trump. Ki thin there are things trump has to change if hes going to be successful. But i do think that he has been a remarkable figure up to now. Just take the trump everybody thought he couldnt do foreign policy, and he was naive and all this stuff. His First Experience in travel is going to riyadh, where the king of saudi arabia comes to meet him at the airport, which he would never do for obama. The king spends 2 1 2 days at his size. Every time hes in public, the king is next to him. They invite 57 countries, basically the entire sunni world, to come to a meeting, which is very successful. He then signs about 400 billion in contracts, or his cabinet does. They then become the first president ever to fly directly from riyadh to tel aviv, to israel. Now, just that one later on, they do everything on the trip, but just that one experience barack obama had done that, the New York Times would have swooned. The entire front page, long articles about his genius, his brilliance. But trump does it, and if you watch cnn, for example, they spent the whole time attacking him over various things that they call scandals. Host the next stop was the vatican, and thats an area close to you and your wife. When will Calista Gingrich be known as ambassador gingrich . Gerry its up to the senate. She has to be confirmed by the senate. It was a remarkable honor when the president asked if shed be willing to serve. She, i think, is a little in awe of serving in a position like that, dealing with the holy father and dealing with the but we talked to a number of friends. Just last night, we had dinner with two former ambassadors who were offering advice, and i think shes working, shes studying really hard. Ive never seen her study any harder. She really wants to do well for the country. She wants to meet the senators questions, deal with the things they care about. And on some issues like Human Trafficking, shes very passionate and thinks that given senator corkers leadership in that area, the leadership that weve gotten from ivanka trump in that area, that she might be able to make a real difference helping work with the church to fight Human Trafficking around the world. Host well be covering the confirmation hearings in their into the on the cspan networks. Back to the book. Ou said gerry you know, this was very interesting. Theres a brilliant historian of the civil war period, teaches at gettysburg college, i wrote my first thought of this, because i thought its almost a nutty comparison when you first think of it. And he wrote back and said he was doing research to put together exactly that point. Dw two comparisons that are fascinating. He said, one, the speeches are, in fact, very similar. Theyre both statements of a fundamental break with the old order. In lincolns case, he is saying hes never going accept the expansion of slavery. Hes not going to outlaw it, but not accepting his expansion and accept anybody seceding. Hes not going to attack anybody unless they try to expand slavery or secede. He appeals to people to not leave the union. And he said, we dont have to have this fight. Very similar patterns in trump, whos saying the country elected me for very profound change, we ought to do very pro found change. He, as well as anybody i ever heard, wraps the assault on racism in patriotic terms, whatever our color, whatever our background, wal bleed the same col, wee all americans, and basically says you cant be a patriot and be a racist. I mean, its a very clear speech. The other point that he made that i didnt know now my own, he said if you look at the reaction in South Carolina newspapers, it is almost exactly the intensity you get out of the left in the academic world. He said the lefts reaction to trump and the South Carolina sle holds reaction to lincoln is almost identical in their hysteria and in the intensity and the degree to which they repudiate the possibility of either lincoln or trump being president. Highway department i want to come back to the book, but let me ask but news of the way. One senator called mueller a man of integrity. Speaker ryan said he should do his job. Youve been critical of robert mueller. Why . Guest i think those are both republicans i admire and respect. I think theyre sleepwalking. Robert mueller, first of all look, i initially said he was fine. And i think in isolation, mueller is fine. Then we learn, in amazing public testimony from james comey, the director of the f. B. I. , who just brazenly said, look, i deliberately leaked to a College Friend of mine, a professor friend, to the New York Times, in order to get a special counsel. And at that moment, my historians ear went up and i thought, wait a second, if the fix is in, if comey is developing som and then i find out, comeynd mueller are very,ix is that i find out comey and mueller are very close. Thecannot and point point of investigator who might be investigating a personal friend. Then i start looking at who mueller is hiring. His first four hires are all democrats. 90of them was repudiated for the Supreme Court for destroying Arthur Anderson for what was not a crime. Both that enron and Arthur Andersen hit information from the defense in order to win. One of them worked for the clinton foundation, it is so ironic that you cant believe it. One of them fought the freedom of information act requests. What is mueller thinking . The first four lawyers who brings in her democrats and they are all headhunters, people who are out to get scalps and they are not giving up their jobs in order to come into the government, they areoing to get somebody. I dont think they are going to get trump, but i guarantee you they will find someone to did something wrong. They are expanding with their looking at. The original question was was there collusion between the Trump Campaign and the russians . Comey himself in open testimony had no evidence after six or seven months. Say that they are sleepwalking, what do you mean . Guest they are not looking at what mueller is doing. Hes bringing in professional democrats who are headhunters who i think have several really dangerous reputations. Second, comey is the person who appointed Patrick Fitzgerald as special counsel under bush, at a time when they knew no crime had been committed and a new bit. Ly Valerie Plames names, a cia name it agents. The person leaking was Richard Armitage of the state department. Comey got the godfather to his children, Patrick Fitzgerald gave him independent counsel for three years. He looked for somebody specifically to try to get dick cheney, the Vice President and the only got mr. Libby on event that had nothing to do with he asks questions and if you make a mistake in one of them, karl rove said he almost got indicted for forgetfulness. One briefen conversation two years earlier and they almost indicted him. You get these kind of headhunters, the sheer power of the federal government and every word you say is taken down. You get every single piece of paper youve ever done brought in and every word everyone else said. Im confused, he said this and now this person said that, did you perjure yourself . Are you objecting justice . Im very worried by mueller and the people he is surrounding himself are very dangerous and i think its a great disservice to america. The original question was russia. And if were going to look in russia, lets do it at a bipartisan basis and look at bill clintons halfmillion dollar speech and tt podess brother is a registered agent for russian bank and the iranian deal when hillary was secretary of state. Im happy to look a rush of all of a sudden its evolving and now its going to be obstruction and now we are going to investigate Financial Affairs. You start getting the Financial Affairs of the scale of trump and you say there was this agreement made several years ago that our accounts just found. This is dangerous stuff and i think the Justice Department donations were 97 for hillary. Theres a deep state that hates donald trump and im personally very word by what mueller is doing. Host the book is understanding trump, and newt gingrich. Lets get your calls, robert on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning, happy fathers day to all. Mr. Speaker, a pleasure to speak with you. I was wondering where does President Trump drive his strength . A spine of man has titanium, the guy is so strong, ifve, and courageous area only our Republican Reps and senators were a strong. Weve got the numbers and this is the only chance we are to have to get anything through. The 28 elections, knows how thats going to turn out. Knows 2018 elections, who how thats when it turn out . Lets push through this agenda, where does this resident in his this president give you strength . Guest a lot of it from his mother and father. He was probably pretty well formed by the time he was in the six or seventhgrade. He sent he went to a military academy and ended up as head of cadets. We have great pictures in our book understanding trump. A particularly religious person in the traditional sense, but i think he is a person of enormous faith. I think he really does believe that the potential is there to do something really good. I recommend everybody if you readto understand trump, the article come back, his second book. His first book tells you a lot about trump, but the art of the come back when he fought his way edgein the 90s from the of total bankruptcy is a Remarkable Book and shows you this drive and also shows you why he thinks he will win. Hes right on the edge of being destroyed and came back and he was at the edge of being destroyed during the campaign and came back and i suspect he believes in the end he worked his way through this. He has some real weaknesses, partly derived from the strength. He is so used to fighting that sometimes he doesnt slow down and think through ways of getting it done. Ifry to convince him that you have a door in a wall, its ok to open the door, not walk through the wall. Even if you have the strength to walk through the wall. Host he is far more product of queens than manhattan, he grew up in a 2000 square foot stucco house, not trump tower and five years in a military preps still test prep school. Explain how a billionaire could connect with bluecollar workers. Guest people forget trump was not primarily a finance guy. He was a construction guide. He appointed the first woman a highrised building in new york. He had learned to talk with people who are everyday bluecollar workers building buildings. Hes not a guy down on wall street handling billions of dollars, hes the guy who says lets get this thing built. He tells the story of the woman skating rink. Andent over every day personally checked in and made sure they were doing ok and asked them questions. You have to have a language were you talking a level that everyday folks understand you. As an example of this personal taste every time i flew with him on his plane, he ate fast food. Stability that wherever you were in america, if you are giving chickfila or wendys or mcdonalds, you knew what you were getting. He was very happy having everyday fast food, like a middleclass family stopping on the road except he was doing it in a 757. Host democrats line, joining us from houston, texas. Caller good morning, stephen. Happy fathers day. Host thank you. Caller you are very welcome. Newt, you said one thing that i trump isve, and that not a man of god. You are right. His faith is in himself. ,n regards to understanding him i think hes a remarkable liar. Its remarkable he lacks such morals. Hes remarkably greedy. Hes remarkably childish. Hes remarkable vindictive. Ambassadoreing made is even more remarkable, given woman with her morals. Guest thats a pretty unkind comment and i frankly rejected and i think its unfortunate you had to spend part of your sunday. You also misinterpreted what i said. I didnt say he wasnt godly, i said he wasnt traditionally religious. I think he believes very to very deeply in god and i think its sincere. I think trump believes will have a purpose on earth, and i think he believes that the United States has become the unique country it has in part because god has blessed it. I dont want you to misinterpret that. The other statements you made, i understand. If you are a little a liberal democrat, you like this guy. I would prefer you not attack my wife is a part of that process. Host from rochester, new york. Carol is next. Caller i have a quick question and comment. Free nude, ive always had a lot of respect for your intellect, even a lot of times i dont agree, but i wish you would stop mentioned the deep state. That is something out of alex jones and that kind of nonsense. Mequestion is it bothers rt is on tv tv in the u. S. Every day and saying they are ready for the next election, they are here everyday on the radar. I dont of them saying how i feel very well, but it bothers insidiousey are so and play is for suckers. I would like to hear your opinion on that. Guest i talk about the deep state, thats when he become the common language that describes bureaucracy that exists. And we have to recognize that part of what shapes this country and the citys 3 million or 4 Million People that permanent jobs and ignore officials and do whatever they want to do. Its a huge problem and i say this coming from a Long Time Coming from a member of the house looking at this stuff and a variety of angles. I think the russian tv things interesting. We allow al jazeera to be here, we are a very open society. I dont think russian tv gets a very good ratings and i suspect that their highestrated programs is actually american talk show hosts been around for about 60 years. What i worry about with the russians is not the tv programs, i worry about their capacity to use social media and interfere in a way that would create an ability to manipulate the next election by bombarding emails and bombarding tweets and setting up false impressions and false information. I also worry about their ability to plants the kind of evidence thats divisive and whether its i dont know the russians actually hacked into any of hillarys 33,000 emails, i have no idea how that happened. Macron kicked out both of the russian news representatives and said you represent news media, you represent copper ganda robert ganda and youre not invited propaganda and you are not invited to my present references. Theres a growing concern that putin is trying to find ways to manipulate their elections. Host we have the Bbc Parliament channel every sunday afternoon we welcome our viewers on that program. Our guest is newt gingrich. ,hose listening on sirius radio the book is called understanding trump, and it was a twitter battle between you and Joe Scarborough the last couple of days. He got personal as well. Started thatt was on his part. Ive known joe for many years and he served in congress with me back when i was speaker of the house. Its our like the process of being a morning joe has gotten to him, and hes gotten more and more extreme. He after he went after me in ways that make no sense. Host why . Guest i dont know why he was saying the things he was saying. Ive been around for a long time i lost my first two elections and kept campaigning. I spent 16 years of increasing majority. Ive done a lot of things that that i dont get paid for. And working in the Defense Department and helping Human Services and other things. He implied that i would do something because somehow i would be paid off. And i was astonished. I thought he knew me better than. Hat ive got two grandchildren and i want them to live in a country that is safe where they can have a healthy life and be productive and have good takehome pay. And they can be free. I spent over half my time trying to make sure we solve our problems on behalf of my grandchildren. Host what would you tell Joe Scarborough . Guest take a deep breath. What happens is people start here and they walk out of a limb and now they are way over here and you need to stop and go back to the tree and rethink what you are saying. I think its part of the polarization of the country. Julies decided we are them and he is joe has decided we are them and he is the other side and he has to have definition the negative and destructive. Host joining us from florida, with former House Speaker newt gingrich. Caller good rning. Mr. Speaker, nice talking to you. Ive always wanted to. These democrats are pretty nasty today. Wholeame right out of the the hole and jumped on you. Its amazing. Guest i agree. Caller i have to ask you a question, its not about what we have been talking about, its about district six in georgia. They got a carpetbagger down got this otherve lady whos running was a much better candidate and this guy you cant even vote down there. What is your opinion . Its your old district in dr. Prices district, but whats going on . Guest first of all, the irat ive been told cant prove this, but ive been told why consultants the democrat will spend 50 million counting is outside allies, 50 million. Host the most extensive house recent history. Guest you could probably give ,ome of that 5,000 per voter just quit buying the ads i had them in check. Its an astonishing number. I watch the National Media try to explain the race and they try to avoid the only reason that even close is 50 million. Not because the donald trump, not because the voting party, its because of 50 million. Beckett front of a large guinea pig, frankly. That could probably a large guinea pig or a rhinoceros. Because people are so mad at the establishment. Host how do you know that . Business you are in my and you notice a rhinoceros winning a white a writein vote, you are. Voters can get really mad. Saying imle smearing him my saying is a hes a rhinoceros, a big animal, he can be proud of. Ive been very pleased with the campaign and i think she has scored 11 points, i think the race is either very, very close or she is now winning. According to the secretary of vote, the republican early is up 16 of the democratic early vote is down 23 . We will find out tuesday. I always believe in the end, shoulder the precincts, dont show me the polls. We see tuesday night if the republicans lose, there will be largely the function of 50 million, which democrats cant replicate across the country next year. This, democrats lose having lost kansas and montana, if they now lose this race, you will see very deep depression along to chronic activists. 1978,you were elected in do you reelect to recall much you spent . Spent the first race i 84,000. Thats less than one commercial atlanta tv today. 165,000. Race was host jed is joining us from florida. Good morning. Caller hey, how you doing . Host were fine. Caller i want to knew about grandkids. Thats what im worried about is my grandkids come the way world is going. Thats the reason i voted for he gave me the feeling that Ronald Reagan gave me when i was younger and i am proud to have voted for donald trump. Job,nk hes doing a good just dont tell the people what hes doing. They are always talking about russia or comey. Comey is the biggest fake guy theres ever been. She shouldve arrested hillary back then when that stuff was going on, but he let that slide. He got on the plane with Loretta Lynch and now he change the investigation and made it something else. This guys a witch like trumpet saying, its ridiculous. Host we will get a couple responses. Ive reviewed the reference. Everyone watching should worry about their grandchildren. We have huge pension problems. Illinois a disaster, very big challenge is to compete in the world market as its been evolving. Genuine threats from russia, china, iran, islamic terrorism. Have to fix our Education System d our health system. We have a lot of work to do who want to give our grandchildren a safe, prosperous, successful country. If using trump has great potential, but let me be fair. I talked about writing understanding trunk, as atanding trump book, i think you would be better understood if he took 30 days and only tweeted positive things. Paul ryan put out a terrific press statement about the veterans reforms the house passed. These are big changes that are great for veterans. No one knows about it because everybody wants to cover the latest tweet about the russian thing. Daysump would spend 30 tweeting about the achievements of the administration, the red tape they cut through to help create jobs, the things were doing in order to help our veterans, things they are doing to help have a friendships and work training, he has a ton of Great Stories to tell and frankly, he blocks sewn storytelling. He blocks his own storytelling. Host why does he do this . Guest hes very vivacious. Carbonaceous pugnatious. He learned it to hit back ease quickly. You punch him, he has a compulsion to get you back. Is he undermining the rules of his staff . You cant serve a president is willing to be served. If the staff walked in and said gingrichs right, lets try a 30 days of positive tweets, that last about four hours. A lot of the problems that happen with the Trump White House is not the staff. You have this president who has not yet fully learned how to be president. I think it may take him another year to fully get this under his belt. To 1980, 16rom 1964 years. I had from 1970 when i got elected as a freshmans missionary for before i became speaker. Donald trump at 15 months. This is a work in progress. I think you will end up being a remarkable president , but i think he probably has more to learn that he wants to admit. Host lets go to, democrats line. Caller i just want to set the record straight, im doing this for memory. Excuse me. What is going on in the country i i understand from trump, know people who work for trump. If people really want to know about trump, they should talk to me. You dont have a clue. ,hats going on in the country with going on in the country is can you hear me . Host we will have the director put this on speaker. In mind his keep presidency is a work in progress. If he can strengthen the forces of freedom, law, and prosperity while weakening the forces of terrorism and tyranny, and do so without a major war, he will be seen as a remarkably successful president by 2020. Guest thats right. They are Bloomberg City of the day the odds are very high that he is going to end up being reelected. Things s the right they have to pass a tax cut. They have got to continue to deregulate. They got continue to encourage job creation. But if they get the economy growing right, this could work out very well and he could end up being seen as a remarkable president. Start over with your question. We can hear you now. Caller im doing this for memory. Time withmp, spent him and i know people to work for him. If you really want to know about trump, talk to me. You dont have a clue. Your propagandist. This is whats going on the country. In the 80s, you are minority whip and you said how are we going to get power in congress . Really we do do it, how do we tell working people that we are for ei interests . The only way to do that, you got rid of the fairness act and equal time laws. They were created after world war ii because the number one cause for world war ii the determined was radio propaganda. Host i will stop you there because we are short on time. Guest its a fascinating theory. You are right, we wouldnt have Rush Limbaugh today or sean hannity today if we run the role the old rules. Wouldnt have met our msnbc or lots of things. If thet our fault competition of ideas turns out the conservatives have better ideas job creation and better ideas of national security, better ideas of reform in education. Without a be a contest of ideas and democrats out to come in with their ideas have to solve things and republicans coming with ayers. Mentionedexample you the 80s and the great example was Ronald Reagan. Ideasility to communicate i wrote a book called the educational Ronald Reagan, about his years at general electric. A classic case of someone who could communicate a Better Futures are you believed it and you wanted to happen. Host we made history of the First Time Ever covering a baseball game on thursday, the congressional baseball game with democrats and republicans coming together for congressman steve scalise. Will that translate in way to what happens on the house and senate floor . Guest all of us on this fathers day should keep stephen our prayers. He is still very significantly wounded and has a long, long recovery ahead of him. Hes a great guy we should all keep he and his family are prayers this fathers day, as well as other people who were shot, the police woman who was shot and some staff who were shot. Host what have you heard about the extent of his injuries . Guest only what they said publicly. 70 said when you have a highpowered rifle that comes you haveour hip area, a lot of vulnerable organs in that area and so hes got apparently fragments of the bullet that was shattered by his hip bone, and theyre happy to get them out. They are having to get them out. Its very laborious and you cant opere too lg comes they are going through a series of operations instead of one big operation. Tellingt it was very that in new york, the couldnt on thet awake a wig guy playing caesar. To do the last two performances with a guy who looks like donald trump, they couldnt even say we ought to back up a step area people dont understand the underlying cause attention. The underlying causes a very fundamental to agreement disagreement about americas future. Republicans have their National Convention and i asked them they had three or 400 young felts how many of them had coerced for being republican or conservative. One third of them raise their hand. I talked to two young ladies who saidin college, and they for the first two weeks after hillary lost, if you smiled, people yelled at you, because it was inappropriate to smile having donald trump one. Led tould be nice it more than one session, but their general there are genuine interests and genuine beliefs that are at contracts i contrast now. Something that is going to be hard. Cspans washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up, the American Enterprise institute discusses education reform. Politico talksf about gender inequality. Stephen allen, Vice President for taxpayers for common sense will talk the National Flood insurance program. He sure to watch washington journal live at 7 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. Watch the discussion. Joseph speaks about the state of the military inclusive the latest strategy for combating isis and other terrorist groups. That is live at 1 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. After that we hear from bill cassidy and tom carper about the replacing the health care low and where they may be possible compromise starting at 2 00 p. M. Eastern. This past week, the House Appropriations committee passed the first appropriations bill for military construction and veterans affairs. A topline budget has not yet been adopted. We spoke to a capitol Hill Reporter to learn more. A congress is facing september 30 deadline to appropriate money to fund the elisal government and inniv joins us. Were looking at is what trump opposed is cutting 54 lien dollars from 54 billion. Bump up from defense and cutting Everything Else in the discretionary budget. Congress doesnt like a 30 cut for the state department

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