Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal News Headlines And Viewer Calls 20170211

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Democrats 202 7488000. Independents 202 7488002. One headline in todays wall street journal is also on the issue of immigration we were just discussing. Oricans aim to jam court deportees. As donald Trump Presses ahead with the and immigration crackdown, one group is pushing ahead with a strategy to fight the likely increase of deportation of their undocumented compatriots. The alreadysing overburdened system to break down. Advising immigrants in the u. S. To take their cases to court and fight deportation if detained. The backlog in the immigration system is tremendous. Idea is to double or triple the backlog until trump the tssts this idea trump desis this idea. Catherine on the democratic line. Good morning. Caller good morning. We should go by law. If we do so, should start at the top. That means that the socalled statesnt of unitedunited should be impeached because he aided and abetted a foreign country when he was running for president. That is against every law you could possibly break. His cabinet should go with him. If you want to go by rule of law, and i am all about the law, i tried to read the constitution every 30 days so i am up on it. He has broken numerous laws by aiding and abetting our enemy. Shame on him. Host calling in from North Carolina on our republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. I was a selfemployed tile installer. I have five guys working for me at one time. I had a business for 12 years. As a general subcontractor i have to give a free estimate to a general contractor. Illegalleg hispanics have put me out of my business. They were working off of my free estimate. They do the job wrong. The job ends up feeling after a few years. Since i do tile work in these homes, it breeds mildew. The homeowner is getting sick. Homeowner insurance does not pay for improper installation. Ofis costing them thousands dollars. They dont get any help. An american citizen, my rights are being denied because the border was not really. Im dealing with this issue. I have been to washington, d. C. , in 2013 and seen all of my congressman. Ive been calling since 2009 for help. There is not one program to help me because i have been displaced as an american citizen. My family has suffered. But i do lost my home with my own hands. I had to take a mortgage out. My parents have been helping me with the mortgage. It is embarrassing that i have to live like this being a top craftsman in my trade. I can go on. On the job site, they messed things up all the time. They steal my tools. Ok. mary is calling in from omaha, nebraska on our republican line. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. I tried to get in when mr. Johnson was on because i wanted to remind him about your previous gentleman caller from connecticut that said he was syrian, and in syria they believe in sharia law. He says he submits to allah and thinks us westerners are ignorant and we should submit to allah. That is dangerous. When we let people come in from syria and those hotspots, we dont know what is in their heart. I have done a lot of reading and investigating, and a lot of them do want to come over and change our western world to sharia law. You cannot believe in sharia and the constitution at the same time. Host some other headlines today from politico. Out has frozen rejected for critical security plans, effectively ending his tenure on the National Security council and escalating tensions between flynn and the Intelligence Community. The move comes as a tense relationship between flynn and the Trump Administration and the Intelligence Community increased closestiday one of his deputies on the National Security council the senior director for africa was informed the cia had rejected his request for an elite security clearance required for service on the nsc according to two people with direct knowledge of the situation. Former marine Intelligence Officer who had long maintained a topsecret level clearance according to the source who requested anonymity. Our independent line from new jersey. Caller good morning. I have two comments to make. First of all, regarding mr. Johnson, i agree with him. We need to deal with the law and stop blaming democrats and president s and republicans and just fix the law. That is something that honestly the Democratic Congress when it was empowered tried to do, but it was stopped. For theg the crime rate previous subject, i am wondering when this president is going to look at the facts instead of yelling and screaming about fake news. The problem is that most of the callers that have called in have not bothered to double check. Never before have we had to double check president s facts. Now we do. Untilcts are this, 1990 2015, we have had a drastic decrease in crime. Crime was at its highest in 1990. It only increased by 5 in the past 12 months, one year. So this business about crime increasing 47 is wrong. It is just fake news. Host ok. Don is calling in from West Virginia on our democratic line. Caller hello. I believe the judiciary is flirting with a constitutional crisis. The president had every right to decide who comes and goes in this country when it comes to National Security. These judges are trying to rule from the bench. They are very lucky that President Trump did not arrest that judge. I would have. I would have arrested that first judge. If i had to send the military into the airport, i would have followed the constitution. Host some other headlines today. Blockters temporarily education secretary devos from visiting the school. She encountered protests friday morning outside of a middle school and found her way barred. Forcing her to retreat into a government vehicle as a man shouted shame. She made her way inside when event that started at 10 00 a. M. The event was closed to the media. The demonstration outside was a further sign that she remains a polarizing figure in the Education World even after she took office. She said that she respects protest and will not be deterred in executing the Vital Mission of the department of education. No school door will be blocked from those seeking to help our nations children. We have our independent line from california. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host what is on your mind today . Ladyr i want to ask the that called earlier with an allegation against the president , russian allegations, was that applied to barack obama and his iranian deal that passed with a one third vote in the senate as opposed to a constitutional two thirds treaty vote . Host our independent line. What do you want to talk about today . Caller i was curious. A lot of people have been protesting and calling trump everything from a traitor to calling for his impeachment, but his order, his executive order follows the ima act to 12. When you go down to section f, that gives him the exact but the reviews. Theever the president finds entry of aliens or any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the u. S. , he may by proclamation and for such a time as he will deem necessary suspended entrance of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants or aliensthe entry of any restrictions he may deem appropriate. When the attorney general fines a commercial airline has failed to comply with the requirements for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the u. S. , including the training of personnel in such detection, the attorney general may suspend the entry of some or all aliens to the u. S. Host do you approve the actions the president has taken . Caller absolutely. Absolutely. We are not talking about just people who want to come here to this country. They are calling for sharia law. There was a guy on foxnews calling for the journalist also on foxnews, for her death. She published a cartoon. Ok. Another thing i really dont understand is the womens march that just happened. They were out there. By a womanganized who has called for sharia law in the u. S. At theets take a look closing of the House Democrats retreat yesterday where the caucus chair talked about looking forward to the 20 18th election. [video clip] this is a tough election for us. We also have to keep in mind from the democrats in the house gained six seats. There were incredibly bright spots for us in terms of the house elections. We also know that ahead for us, the Midterm Election of the incumbent president and his party does not traditionally fare well for them. Theres a lot to be excited about going forward. The notion that we can win the house back is a real notion. It is really there. We have to do everything we can to prepare for this next election cycle and make sure people know what we as a party have to offer our country. Host our democratic line from new york. Good morning. Caller good morning. How are you . Host i am good. What is on your mind today . Caller the lady that got deported in arizona was deported for Social Security fraud. That is why she got deported. She got in trouble in 2014, and they are just now deporting her. Court ninth circuit the Supreme Court has overturned them 80 of the time. This was just all political. Dont agree with them. As far as the democrats winning more seats, it is not going to happen. Y is calling in on our republican line from virginia. Ricky, sorry. Caller good morning. Host what is on your mind today . Caller several things, but i will keep it simple. I am a republican and have voted republican for the president , donald trump. We are past time. The election is over. We have a new president. We can agree to disagree. Lets move on. Bias of the media and everything that is so negative out here, why people voted for donald trump. People are wanting change. We need change. In order to get that, this is an outsider that has listened. He did not just get up there and spoke. Some of his words were not the best vocabulary he could have used, but he hit nerves. He had open ears. It is time for both sides. We are American People in the United States of america to make it better. Why cant we just keep it simple . Listen. Lets debate and take care of the issues in our country. Goes, that isban exactly what it is. We have a new president. And seeboot the system if there are any flaws or anything we can correct to make sure the vetting is better for the people coming into the United States of america. Host ok. Lets look at some of the other headlines. According to the washington post, donald trump is urging israelis and palestinians to act reasonably. Thatrned israel on friday building more homes in jewish settlements is not good or piece and he wants jerusalem to act reasonably. Donald trumps comments published friday appeared as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu planned strategy for his first facetoface meeting in the white house scheduled wednesday. Israel considered the first meeting with the u. S. Present as vitally important, a way to reset relations after years of feuding and policy clashes with the obama administration. Raymond is calling in from pennsylvania on our independent line. Caller good morning. The lady from new york kind of storm i thunder about the lady stole my thunder about the lady who was deported in arizona. He violated the law she stole the Social Security number to do whatever she did. She was convicted of voting twice. The government under obama consistently said that illegals are not voting. This woman voted twice. On your program you had someone from the Heritage Foundation, not necessarily you, and they did a study in the state of virginia. They found somewhere around 600 illegals voted in the 2012 election. They turned that list over to the attorney general under obama. They did nothing. They refused to enforce the law. They tell you that these illegals are not voting. I can tell you for a fact that im here in South Carolina for the winter, and i talked to contractors. The government tells you these illegals are paying taxes, Social Security. You give them a 1099 as an independent contractor, and you employ them. Work their he shoddy very shoddy work. The illegal does not pay any taxes. It is his responsibility to pay with the 1099. He does not pay anything. He ships a lot of that money back to mexico and south of the border. I dont know what you have to do to make they cite facts by the government like the one lady about crime going up and so forth. Why dont you look at i wish you have that program again with the people from the Heritage Foundation and really going to this about the illegals better voting. Once this investigation starts under jeff sessions, how many states are going to be investigated for the illegal voting that is going on. Host ok. Our democratic line from louisiana. Hello. Caller i am a 76yearold black military veteran from the vietnam combat. For those that did not vote, they are going to pay the price. This election was to make America White again. Saw in new orleans, this is a segregated mind. Thank you. Host another headline today. Hew york times reports is no match for the young and restless. He is beating the bold and beautiful. Sean spicer, White House Press maybe struggling to settle in behind the lectern. On the airwaves, he is daytime televisions new hit. Live areings carried pulling in an average of 4. 3 million viewers. Audiences across fox news, msnbc , and cnn grow by an average of 10 when mr. Spicer comes on screen to discuss the latest news on President Trumps administration. Republican line, kentucky. Say your mind. About, i want to talk have known people who have been deported and come back to our country, spending thousands of dollars. These people are getting here on the price of a plane ticket. 90 days would not be awake at all. People that are protesting, they should trade one of them for every immigrant that wants to come here. That is my opinion. Host coming up next, we will be joined by Ben Schreckinger of libido magazine. Politico next thing. We will discuss his piece on the all right comes to washington. And we will look at the roots of antiestablishment politics. We will be back. This weekend on American History tv on season and three, this morning former law clerks of Thurgood Marshall examine his legacy and opinions. Why was he the most important lawyer of the 20th century . Because he did more justice to more people than any other lawyer did. To feel as though you have been selected somehow, you have won this lottery so you got to spend a year with this incredible man was very special. At 8 00 on lectures in history, Anderson University professor talks about freedom summer, a 1964 black Voter Registration project in mississippi. 1963, the Voter Registration project discontinued funding in mississippi. They had the fewest results of any states in the Voter Registration project. Tock voting went from 5. 3 6. 7 . That is what they got for two years of beatings and arrests. Sunday on real america, the documentary the regulators focusing on pollution and national parks. Constant paul rogers is now revising the clean air law. Although a great deal had been accomplished in cleaning up the nations air, the slides were convincing everyone that the parks were still unprotected. Talking about the movement and groups part of the Counter Culture in the 1960s and 1970s. People who produced the counterculture, those are the people we should be interested in as scholars. Not so much the counterculture as spectacle as a series of iconic events or six or eight celebrity figures, but as a project in which a group of people trying to do something in real time. For a complete tv schedule, go to cspan. Org. Washington journal

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