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Household today. See that reduced. Host and how do you go about doing that . Funded . You guest funded by a variety of private we have individuals, foundations and uch less, in fact, than corporations. We respect privacy of our that i but to the extent dont know who they are. So, it is going to be very to tell me r them what to do when i dont know who they are. Talking about ay shrinking government bureaucracy, on the competitive website, institute cei. Org. This report focuses on the agencies and as he said a moment ago, regulatory of cei. The focus why these seven agencies that on here . Guest this all came about as result of the president s reorganizing r on the executive branch. He asked for recommendations agencies, but also asked for recommendations from outside. A few other ite think tanks and group necessary washington, d. C. , we submitted decided to ons and polish them off and present them to the public, as well. Them, it iswe chose the areas in which we have the most expertise. He Environmental Protection agency, various financial egulation agencies, National Aviation board, federal Communications Commission and department of commerce, we have areas. Se in all we dont do health care, social or war, we focus on areas we know about. Ost the recommendations, some recommendations to get rid of some regulatory agencies. Indeed, a lot of agencies were put in place in the 1930s, conditions were very different. Federal Communications Commission was created in 1934, act was in ations 1996, barely mentions the powers that using were meant to have some effect regulating the internet. Not sure of the fact that is to start again in a lot of these areas. Cases, we find that the agencies are actually gnoring constitutional mandates. The Consumer Financial instance,n bureau, for is not accountable to the president , not accountable to has ongress, it even protection from the courts. We think that thats ignoring constitution mandate for checks and balances. Protection agency tis difficult for congress, which is responsible for all the spending that the executive branch does. Very difficult for congress to e. P. A. Is y what the spending money on, we urge reater transparency in the budget to get back within constraints. Cei recommendations from regarding e. P. A. , abolishing the assurance, compliance returning functions to the program offices, abolishing regional offices, torgency response capability the Emergency Management agency, theinating the system at e. P. A. , eliminating heavy community and smart programs the eliminating Environmental Justice program to the e. P. A. , eliminating Environmental Education programs related to Grant Programs at the e. P. A. And reforming e. P. A. s programs. How much shrinking of the e. P. A. Talking about here . How many people would be reduced of the. P. A. , the scope e. P. A. s work, do you have a sense of how much it would shrink . That is up to the these when it implements plans or to congress when it mandates them. A lot of what we recommend has done by congress. Some can be done by the executive branch. A lot has to be done by congress. We think those details are really for the people who are organization to work that. I imagine wed probably see the by at least 25 at least. Host have you totaled up the the regulations here that you say you want to eliminated . Re you able to put a dollar sign on it . Guest cost of regulations is affair. Ebulous ur colleague, lane cruz, does 10,000 snapshot called commandments, he counts the 1. 9 trillion, that translates to 14,000 per household. Each individual rule is a very small component of that, but up very quickly. And so, what were thinking of rather than really focusing n the rules themselves, lets look at the bodies that have ower to make the rules and try to shrink those, we wont get more of these rules. Compared those to the benefits of regulations that are of some of the you able to total that up . It is not necessarily apples to compare Health Benefits from e. P. A. Program to putting that program in place, right . Guest one thing were concerned about, the agencies are supposed to do rules nalysis of their and. Few agencies present the cost analysis to office of management and budget. The Consumer Financial supposed by reau, law, to analyze the benefits and costs. Benefits and costs are handwaving exercise that comes notice. The rulemaking no quantification. If the agencies themselves cant and costs,e benefits then it becomes very difficult for anybody else to do so. Is such a it difficult matter. Host talking with iain murray of Competitive Enterprise Institute. Lines if you want to join in, talk about the report shrinking, government bureaucracy. Republicans call in, 2027488001. Democrats, 2027488000. Independents, 2027488002. For you in up first brooklyn park, minnesota, line for republicans. Michelle, go ahead. Hi, good morning, everybody. To give you case in point, about gentleman you had a on this show talking about, he advised cialist, he companies on building manufacturing plants. He was working with a u. S. A plant in the United States and the same time, to build a plant in europe. They started the process at the xact same month, within three years, the European Company was putting the ple, manufacturing product and shipping it out to customers and the United States, the regulations, they were not even through with the regulation process. Literally gave up on the u. S. Plant totally because the uldnt get through regulation process. That is what is killing this economy. Jobs because there granted y regulations, we want clean air, clean this and that, but a lot of just go over the top. When they pass a bill and have it to a ity to give nebulous group to come up with regulations, its outrageous. Guest that is exactly the issue. Really difficult to start business in the u. S. These days. Businesses, the cost per employee is Something Like 9000 employee, combined with federal paperwork, just regulation. When you get down to small usinesses, that is up to 11,000, Small Businesses dont have dedicated people who can paperwork and s know the tricks of the trade. They dont have compliance that, s or anything like employee. 11,000 per cuimagine what it is like if you think, i will start a business, hire five people, you have 55,000 over and above your profit and loss and pay the employees and everything, just of the compliance cost program alone. That is why Small Business in particular are really, really hit by this regulation. Youre right, Large Businesses are, too, when large fast, that cant open means other Small Businesses, to would have sprung up surround them, they are also caused s a cascade, all by over regulation in this country. Host when it comes to exchange and commission, your recommendation from this report is to abolish securities and exchange commission. Why . Guest because the commission 1934, when place in it was really difficult for anybody to know out in the know how to invest in venture that may be many, many miles away from them. Might get a newspaper that would occasionally refer to the environment that the company was in. So people could be taken of. Ntage today you can get stock tipos up to date environmentsal information about what is going on in matters in that industry. You can know what is coming. E have much safier investors these days, doesnt really need to be protected in the same way the 1930s. Were in its got to the stage, if you to do a peer to peer loan, ew form of financing that sprung up, people invest in people individually. To be treated by if it was a note, as Securities Investment and that r ridiculous. The best way to deal with this, abolish the s. E. C. Tekz is again prompt broad, absolutely, transfer that rotection to the federal trade commission, which has a lot of expertise in dealing with fraud, so we retain protection, but can again when it comes to regulating investments. Roslyn heights, new york, good morning. Morning. Ood i think these people are deliberately lying to the American People or just dont there is a lot more regulations in europe, which is rate is so high over here. Here is more regulations in europe. The woman who called up before and said two businesses both the same time and the one in europe is up and running, must be some other thing that. Ed in when it comes to regulations, not only environmental things, with food and stuff, we need more regulations in this country. Regulations. I dont think it is regulations hat these businesses from competing and going up quick. I cant understand why these ignorant abouter this or lying. Guest well, as you might guess, european, i know what it is like in europe and certain places, yes, there is regulations. One of the reasons why britain voted to get out of the european was because of the concern there were too many regulations european union. For instance, the famous one is regulates how curved a banana can be before it can be sold. Sort of ridiculous regulation, that i think verybody agrees we need to get rid of. Host what is aller there are area where is european is better than the u. S. On regulation, that is for sure. European ing that union is very good at is making get that industry consist off the ground. Host what sort of response have ou gotten from submitting this report to the white house . What have they said about it . Uest we havent got a formal response yet. We will see, i believe in september, office of management and budget is supposed to report, hopefully will take onboard some of our ecommendations, hopefully take onboard recommendations of other institutes put out. Cato has a good set of recommendations. Happens, probably in september, i think. Host in massachusetts, ian is with ependent, youre on iain murray from the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Go ahead. Hi. Er my feeling is that i agree with caller. E have a history of corporations polluting our damageand doing terrible to the environment and at the cost of the people. Cost in the didnt effect on our Health System due to those problems. Now we have a problem in detroit, water isnt even being be drunk because it is poi poison. Why . People with corporate mentality are so quick to save a buck, actually think even twice about what the are for actions. We have to start thinking about ur people, we have to start thinking about what we want as a you ry and im sorry, but, know, there is something called on the change and its environment and all the more more careful uch of what were doing to this ours. T of thank you. Host mr. Murray. Guest one of the things that we recognize, the Environmental Protection aagency hasnt done that good of a job protecting the environment. The recent gold mine spill in colorado, where the horrendously polluted, that was the fault of the Environmental Protection agency itself. The mine owners wanted to do something different, which would have prevented this bill. The e. P. A. Let it happen. The Consumer Financial rotection bureau talks about protecting people from the wells fargo, bad things happened at wells fargo, but was didnt realize this happening. It was up to the Los Angeles Times to break the story. It took them two years to move enforcement. Sion to so in a lot of cases were which are e agencies supposed to protect us, arent helping in any way. Host are there some things regulatory agencies are doing your good regulations in mind . Guest um, i certainly think the there are agencies as federal trade commission, which do a good job. Lesson in rned its the 1980s. He ftc started to overreach when it attempted to ban advertising of products aimed at children. The Washington Post realized this was a bad idea and editorials called he ftc, the national nanny, so congress stepped in and restrained the ftc and they learned their lesson. The ftc, somewhat latency of over the past 20 or so years. Host jim is in new york, line democrats, go ahead. Caller yes, a lot of newer many, s, they have too like we have here, a check for e light come on, example. So many sensors in the vehicles anymore. 400 to 1500, maybe a couple thousand. Vehicle, the car industry is anymore. Overregulated that is really bad. You take a person, that dont have a lot of money example, old car, they tend to hang on to that more, they can work on it or fix it themselves, vehicles are just too complicated. You look under the hood, you got into the shop. A lot of people dont have money stuff. That i mean, that is all i have to say approximate it. Murray. R. Guest you are exactly right. If you look at all the regulations that have been put vehicle Manufacturing Business over the years, they increased thently cost of the vehicle. The same time decreasing the of the vehicle, and that to significant implication safety. All things being equal, heavier occupants safe for than a lighter car, so what the egulations have done, far from protecting our safety, is they made our vehicles more same time, made them more expensive. Host Commerce Department and ys 1 47,000 people spends on their mission, how would you change the Commerce Department . Guest the Commerce Department is interesting department. We chose this as an example of would actually abolish an entire government department. Decided to do this using various principles tried around to world and have been pruch work. The Commerce Department is a hodgepodge. Half of it is National Oceanic ic agency, which is theey capabilities and also National Weather service is part of it. Parts are grantmaking bodies, they essentially pick losers in the market place and there are things like the Census Bureau is there. Particular reason why the ensus bureau, constitutionally mandated government function, no reason that needs to be dedicated to commerce. Census mend taking the bureau out and seeing what can e done to privatize parts of its functions, but it might make sense to combine it with other agencies to create an office of National Statistics like a lot of other countries have. Is one thing we can do. We can look at breaking up the atmosphericanic and administration, a lot of activities can be done or sector. By the private it is privatize things, which privatized. E lets take laboratories, get of critical control, lets make them charitable they can operate can get ridy and we of the grant making body which is interfere in the commercial rid of those entirely. Town, elcheshgser massachusetts, an independent. Good morning. Caller good morning, im comments respond to mr. Murray made in response to an earlier caller about agency,ental protection other regulatory agencies. Basically the there has maybe and my rregulation you can see at historically where these ompanies have taken advantage the not sed bused, but skirted the regulations and so this is just ofther, you know, an example ow their attitudes and therefore a need for strong regulatio regulations. You know, we had, early on, i believe in the formation of the financial protection bure bureau. Elizabeth warren was going to possibly head that up. Obama administration decided probably due to pressure that up ave her head i just think nt, there is strong need for regulation. Murray, the idea of benefits of regulation versus cost of regulation. We have to bear in mind, i think the Consumer Finance bureau is a good example. It was set up in order specifically, in fact, elizabeth warrens idea, set up to mimic he Consumer Products Safety Council to provide the same sort protections cpsc ives against toasters and apply that to Financial Products. A toaster can burn down your house, a mortgage can you to lose your house. Why not have the same sort of protection . Is that is based on false premise. Faulty toaster is faulty for everyone. Faulty mortgage may be faulty for some people or exactly the ight product for other people in their circumstances, people who have different tax flow flow , different cash requirements might want an mortgage, rate interest only for five years for a er people that is probably bad idea. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is set up with fits all regulatory premise and that has proven to what were because see suggest cfpb is regulating the same way and in so doing, cutting out through the various Financial Products which are actually extremely beneficial, especially to low people, the unbanked, people on the margins of their , they are finding opportunities for credit are being significantly reduced. The sort of nuance that isnt available when you principle of regulation is good you lso not available when come with principle all bound tion is host line for democrats, antho anthony, good morning. Thank you, cspan. I think what were really seeing reality that industry has the revolving government has become so cooptable in that you cheney, defense contractor, basically, somebody before the United States government, sit at the head of the table and you find in war for profit. Earlier rtantly, an caller discussed global warming. Lobal warming is really a fly compared to Nuclear Regulatory basically which is they become inspector of the onstruction of reactors, thereby no legitimacy to anything. Were said in 1996, they supposed to start receiving Nuclear Waste into a repository come e keeping and weve to realizization there is no such thing, now we have a redundancy of waste water and waste matter on the shorelines the country host we are running out of give you a chance to respond and give you the last minute to talk about the next step of this report. Is there another part of this report coming again, looking at branch ecutive Branch Agency . Guest on the issue, i think one thing you have to remember, if worried about global warming, Nuclear Power is one of he best ways you can reduce Carbon Emissions. Produces no Carbon Emissions 8 of power comes from Nuclear Power. O, the regulations that are stopping new Nuclear Power plants being built, they may be perhaps as earlier caller said, we could learn from france here. Hope to t, yes, we continue producing more reports agencies and more get a better feel for what they justification is, how long they have been around, whether their rules are up to or out of date, hopefully well produce moreover the next year or so. The look at recommendations for seven egulatory agencies at Competitive Enterprise Institute website, cei. Org, reorganizing executive branch, Economic Growth to end freedom. As the august congressional recess continues, republican john shimkus tweeted representative Ileana Roslehtinen sent the message, jimmassachusetts democrat mcgovern, representing the Second District in that state tweets early in the season [inaudible] ofe we have another setting kale, swiss chard, broccoli, cabbage all in here. Congress returns from recess in less than two weeks, veterans of her five. On the agenda must pass federal spending bills to keep the government open after september 30. They need to increase the debt ceiling to avoid a default on u. S. Debt. Other items, and writing the tax code and work on health care legislation. Gavel to gavelve coverage here on cspan and the senate on cspan2. This week on cspan. Tonight at eight, former president s george w. Bush and bill clinton on leadership. President clinton i could help someone have a better life and i liked it. All these people tell you they were born in a log cabin they built themselves are full of

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