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Trump and why. Were joined by jordan allot hes executive producer, and daniel allot. Good morning gentlemen. Daniel allot. Tell us about the project. What it is and what sparked it. Guest trumps america is generally an effort to repair a bit of journalististic malpractice. It became clear after the election most of the media did not anticipate Donald Trumps rise or his victory. Frankly, most journalist were not all that interested learning about what motivated his voters. This sort of prompted us to say we want to get out there and learn who these people are and what they care about and track that. Host tell us about the journey. What has it taken you and who you talking to . Jordan we gone to couple of different counties. I think really the goal is to give a voice to people throughout the country who felt left behind or ignored by the media, by what they would look at as a political elite. Our goal is to give them a voice and not editorialize it. Give them a voice through the priorities that they have and the challenges that they have and families and individuals in their communities. So that everybody can learn a little bit more about a part of u. S. That lot of people have ignored. Host talk specifically, where have you gone and where you going specifically . Jordan were going to robinson county, North Carolina. Which is on the border of south carolina. Its one of the poorest counties in the state. That county is the racially diverse rural county in the america. They went 17 points to obama in 2012 then swung to trump. Mainly because of jobs and nafta. The county has been devastated by job losses starting with nafta. The racial diversity is funny. They have an indian tribe down there who make up a plurality of the population. They are historically democratic. Many of them swung to trump this time for a variety of reasons for most jobs also social issues. We met a lot of them. One guy we met, mark locklear, early 50s, he was telling me how he voted for obama twice had a bit of problem. He felt a bit disappointed on obamacare and Foreign Policy decisions. As we interviewed him, he had on his mantle, a bobblehead of obama and frame portrait of first family of the obama family. He still had a lot of affection for the family and obama. He switched to trump. He wanted to change. He wanted obamacare repealed. He wanted to feel little bit more hope. Host lets invite viewers to call in. This is how we divided lines today. If youre a republican voted for donald trump, call 2027488000. Lets hear from mark look here. Well hear from him and get your thoughts on it. You can keep the frame picture of the former first family. He explained why he and other he knows voted for trump last november. We talked about draining the swamp in washington. He was not a politician. He didnt talk like a politician. Obamacare has resonated with a lot of people. The working class. All our premiums has skyrocketed. Those of us are searching, has to maintain insurance, it hurts. He talked about repealing and replacing obamacare. That resonated with me. Host jordan allot is there common theme. Were there other things that stuck out. Jordan people are not as ideological we tend to think that they are here in washington. Issues that resonate with a particular individual or family or community, arent issues we normally associate. But also for example, my brother mentioned native american tribe they tend to vote democrat. But socially, theyre pretty conservative. We interviewed another individual, jared lowery who the young guy in his 20s. He talked about how the cornerstone of their community is faith and family. That sounded little bit more like republican, they could tend towards the right. They say were not a nancy pelosi democrats were the blue democrats. Somebody like donald trump, with an option for them, they said heres somebody speaking to us. They felt ignored by the media by politicians by people in washington d. C. For a long time. Even mocked. Donald trump turned to them to engage with them and talk to them. They didnt necessarily agree with everything he had to say. They appreciated the fact that he listened to them and he wanted to hear their concerns. He was giving them a voice. Host daniel is this area of the south that reflect this. Did you specifically target counties that voted democrats but then went to donald trump this time . Daniel we went to nine counties. We went to eerie pennsylvania. Six of them are obamatrump county. Custom of them went to hillary. They tell us Something Else about the pennsylvania. Six trump phenomenon. Were focusing on the entire county. Fuller picture. I think to jordans point as well, people care about the issues. What we found so far is that we have a little video that we done. Weve asked everyone to give us one word why they think trump won in their county. Weve only been it two counties. You hear jobs and Different Things you might expect. Two words that come up time and again, more than any other are hope and change. Those two words are associated with president obama obviously in thinks campaign. They contrast with the idea that trump was a candidate of negativity and doom and gloom. But for a lot of americans, we were finding hope and change what they saw was his candidacy. Host North Carolina being one. Erie county, pennsylvania, others counties as well. You can see that on the website too. Well start with mike in vermont. Republican voted for mr. Trump. Youre on with the allot brothers. Go ahead. Caller hello, thank you for taking my call. I voted for for one thing, i wanted change. Im also a fiscal conservative. I think weve been spending a lot of money. I want that issue to be addressed. I hope mr. Trump will do that. I want to point out that senators sanders, of course, comes from vermont. I will tell that i know several people that would have voted for bernie if he was on the ticket. I think the democrats lost on that one. Host got three points out there mr. Allot. Guest about the phenomenon Bernie Sanders supporters crossing over and supporting trump. There are over 200 counties that voted for obama twice. Then switched to trump. Thats something that gets to the point people are less ideological than washington thinks. Host its pocketbook issues that drives these issues. Guest people like that trump is an outsider. They saw him as an independent really. Lot of people voted lifelong democrats voted for trump. The rest of the ticket they voted democrat down the line. Host from warren, michigan on our line for others, robert. Caller hello. Thank you for talking to me. I noticed that in documentary that you were talking about earlier that trump made a lot of promises including about healthcare that he was not going to use the thing about prior Conditions Health conditions and then we find out that millions of people could be dropped from the healthcare rolls. He said that obamacare during his campaign, there would be death panels. When in truth when the death panels seem to be coming from him. When are they going to address that completely . How can you say you got a good healthcare package when you youre going to be eliminating millions from the Healthcare System . Guest thats one of the objectives of the project. Its to follow not only the community but individuals as they say well, might have voted for trump or not, they have expectations and to see where those expectations go. Politician its easy to say i will get rid of something or change something. Its more difficult in reality. Were interested to see how opinions change throughout the next four years. Host i would figure early on, you will get glowing or positive remarks. How do you track that and make sure they are consistent especially leading up to four years from now . Guest well keep track and in touch with people over time. I think people views will change. Over 3. 5 years their Economic Conditions will change. It will be very interesting to see if trump comes through on promise if he doesnt. Depending on congress. Two counties we been through nafta was a huge issue for them. Just the other week, trump was going to get us out of nafta. But then decided, well renegotiate it instead. It would be interesting to see how people respond to what happens with nafta. Host how did you find these people . Guest variety of ways. It takes a lot of time in advance. We usually start with talking to the county executives maybe the congressman, the mayors. But also if we know for example erie pennsylvania, very large refugee population. Well reach out to refugee agencies to say, we like to talk to you and especially refugees to see how theyre experience is. We look for issues, manufacturing, we want to talk to people who lost their jobs. Well do a lot of research and outreach before we get there. Im going to be traveling among these counties now for the next three years. That will give me an opportunity to really sort of embed myself. Hopefully cultivate good will and trust within the community to get people to be candid with me. Host linda is in williamsburg virginia, republican who voted for trump. Caller yes. I have two observations and questions for your guests. Number one, do they happen to read Peggy Noonans article in the washington journal that said democracy is not a play thing. I thought that was excellent. However, my second observation is, during the middle ages in the kingdoms, there were a lot intrigue that the common person did not know about. Many of the lives especially during the english reigns, the people ended up in the tower of london. Everything that donald trump does is under a microcsope. I think hes definitely he can be a loose cannon. Even though i voted for him im still behind him hoping that his advisor will tell him to be more circumspect in every respect. I believe that i wonder what our nations that americas think of how he spoke. I thought he was brilliant when he spoke to them. Host thanks. Guest we always ask people what they think of the daytoday politics that goes on. The tweets, the scandals. Most people just dont care about them. Theyre going to judge sort of looking back over the course of a year or two years, four years. Theyll base on that. Theyre not caught up in the daytoday like people here in washington d. C. Is. Host how does the people you talk to perceive the white house and washington d. C. Versus how we live here and work here . Guest were obsessed with it. Whos up and down. Most people have their own lives. They do hear things. They watch the news and follow. For the most part, they will be patient. Just like people were patient with president obama. They will be patient with president trump. Theyll make their decision before the midterms. Host in the last couple of weeks, with james comey and what shared in the oval that doesnt play . Guest theres a poll that came out a few weeks ago, that showed only two percent of trump voters would make a different choice if they can vote over again. The poll showed he would have won more votes. That contrast with the media narrative of trump is beyond the pail. He cant govern. People will be patient. Theyll give him time. Theyre not going to get focused on all these smaller issues. Guest lot of people know especially the independents, they tend to make decisions before the election. We have a long time to go. How much people will remember about some of these scandals that dont necessarily have staying power. Host jordan alocal is allot producer. Guest its a Production Company that started 12 years ago. I work on human right and domestic policy issue. Now im collaborating with my brother to give video and photo along with the articles my brother is writing. To give a voice to people throughout the country to reintroduce america to americans again. Host daniel allot you out of washington examiner. What birthed this idea . Daniel theres one issue that was personal for both of us. The issue of the two narratives of what a trump voter is. You had the prevailing narrative if the media that the trump voters were racist and ignorant. The reality of people we know, weve lived all over the u. S. Upstate new york, which is trump country, wisconsin, hawaii, he lived in oklahoma and now d. C. We know respect admire, and love lotted of people who voted for trump. We known them for years. We know that prevailing narrative did not clash with our own reality of the people we know. These people are among the best people we know. This project is sort of mission of understanding. Trying to understand whats going on in these communities. Host let me take calls real quick. All others port st. Lucie florida, christy hi. Caller i was asked how i feel about trump. Host do you have a question or comment for our guests . Caller well basically i think that on trump, i knew him. I lived right down the street from him growing up. Im a disabled attorney. I am flabbergasted how little i get. I was working in my passion. So i never worked a day in my life. Host misdirected how . Caller you know, if you look at his proposal, for example his tax proposal, 15 tax cut hes doing its going to to be financed by the poor. The tax code proposed will allow people to reorganize to llc. Host thanks. Guest this project is not for or against president trump. Its trying to understand people who voted for him and people who didnt. I know so many members of the media here in washington who dont they talk about politics on a national scale. They dont even know anybody who voted for donald trump. I think thats a problem when you dont have that. Thats a problem in the media where youre totally cut off from about half of the country. We need to engage with that half of the country. Get to know them better. Know what their priorities are and challenges are. I think thats going to help everybody out. Its necessarily supporting or against president trump. Its to try to understand those who have supported him. Host for those who dont democrats who voted for democrat, joe, in pennsylvania youre next. Caller hi. Im a democrat that voted for trump. Because when i look at chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, perez and also waters im looking at unhinged people with this impeachment. Donald trump is doing good. No one is going to die from his health plan. Give him a chance. Nancy pelosi said about the health plan, we have to pass it because we know whats in it. Its the same thing going on now. Theyre going to fix it and theyll do a great job. Tax cuts but donald trump needs to do these things and not get sidesidetracked. Russians, i dont believe a word they say. I can see through the lines. Im a street smart guy. I can see it. Its nothing but lies. Everybody except dont is un donald is unhinged. Give the man a chance. If you dont stick behind your president , youre not patriotic. Host okay joe thanks. Guest the caller is a good example of a trend were finding. Hes a democrat that voted for trump. Lot of people are much more complicated than we give them credit for. We talked to a few people. Mexican american in erie who beamed as he told us about having attended the trump rally in erie a month before the election. With the trump shirt on. He was unemployed and living in poverty. Yet, heres a trump supporter. He loves trump. Hes going to give him he would probably vote for him reelection. He continuing on with trump. Guest people are complicated. There are contradictions in their views. We thought are the one guy who early 30s manufacture out of work looking for a job in construction he told us, he went on about all the problems he had with obama and his administration. We said what grade would you give obama he aid a minus. People vote not just on the issues or score card but based on emotion and feeling. Hope and change were the two feelings. Host when it comes to political awareness, what i mean is, what they consume from news media. What about out there the people youre talking with. What do they look for as far as political information. What do they accept as far as information. Is it the standard newspapers or is it radio talk show . Where do they get the sources . Guest people get it from variety of places. More than ever people, people have a filter. Whatever they get if from, its a bit biased. People are getting it from a particular source, whether its tv or internet. They are putting it through their own filter and get the facts out. I think thats something that the media needs to recognize. Guest our goal is not to have an agenda other than to tell the stories of these counties and act as a medium through which people can convey their stories to their fellow parent. Trust in the media all time low. Part of that is because lot of people feel like media has an agenda. We talked to people in erie who on their own volunteered that they were really frustrated that a Major Network had come in and done a 20 to 30 minute special on the loss of manufacturing in erie. Very doom and gloom, negative this is where people voted for trump. To felt used. The reporters will come in with their conclusion set. They have to fill in the quotes. They were reluctant to talk to us. We dont have an agenda. We have our views, were here to learn. It would be great if more in the media will do that. Guest they recognize there are challenges faced here in erie. Theres some positive things going on that this particular news agency didnt want to highlight. We want to tell the full story. Host the story that brothers heard from of the republican state senator danny britt talking about donald trump. Heres a bit of that interview. [video clip] you got these guys in the working poor class. We got people. Weve got lot of good people. A really want to get out and work. They dont want to go down and just pick up a check somewhere. They want to be able to work. They want to have good jobs. He was able to campaign on that promise that im going to do my best to do away with what happened with nafta. Youll see all kinds of factories. Old factories postally shut mostly shut down. Back before nafta were up and going and employed hundreds of people. Thousands of people when you combine them. Host trade and economics playing out in this documentary. You want to fill in blanks that he brought up . Guest one thing about danny first republican to win state senate seat in robinson county since the construction. He was able to win over a lot of the native american vote. Its always local issues. Hurricane matthew devastated that area. That was a to before the election. Danny britt showed up and helping people out. Not showing that this is danny britt and im running for office. Just being involved in the community. That mattered to a lot of people. A may have helped him over the edge to win the election. His opponent wasnt present. Actually donald trump bus was present too and some of his supporters were there right after the hurricane came through. That meant a lot to the people there. Just being present and you matter and you count. Were here for you. It goes a long way. Guest young guy we talked to on facebook, people were sharing the trumppence bus. Just a picture. Trump wasnt there and his team was. They were passing out things. The question was where is hillary . Shes not here. She didnt campaign in the county and none of her team did. People like it when their politicians are present. Fast what britt was. Trumps team at least. Host lets go to matt in new york. Republican who voted for trump. Caller good morning. I spoke to steve forbes when you had him as a guest at the very beginning of the primaries. Comments were would you vote for trump . At that time my mind wasnt made up. What i did like about him, he was standing up to the democrats instead of letting them beat him up. He brought a gun to a gun fight. I just thought that was great. For me being 62, gone through few elections, the most important thing to me is the long game. That means the Supreme Court. I think it would have been totally devastating if we would have had some more Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. That in the long term will change this country. As far as im concerned, trump already done his job. The other issues they worked themselves out. Under the obama administration, we saw plant close, put a lot of people out of work because they could no longer manufacture the light bulbs. They had to ship that overseas with they can make them. Were seeing the kraft cheese plant closing. Thats not attributed to overseas. I guess its more about regulations. Host matt, thank you very much. Guest Supreme Court you mentioned, trump won over evangelicals. He won them overwhelming and conservative catholics and Supreme Court was the issue. Lot of people had on the right to this problem with his characters and issues. He made this promise. I had out of list of 20, i are pick from this list. That was the only issue that mattered to a lot of people. He followed through on that. I think caller is a great example of many people who did that. Host lets take one more call. Marie, mississippi on our line for others. Go ahead. Caller hello good morning. I wanted to make a comment. I feel like when you talk about the people who actually did vote for trump, lot of the white people switched from obama to trump. I felt over the years that the white republicans on the local level and those different organizations have always overlooked the poor white people. I live in mississippi, i see the poor white people that i hear. They never really had a voice for them. I dont know its because of upper class white republicans who are ashamed to even acknowledge that there are poor white people. If you watched news, television or anything over the years, you never would have thought theres ever been a poor white person in america ever. They were here and they were hurting really bad. I feel like they felt trump gave them a voice. Because they didnt have the upper class republicans on local level in different positions to speak out like you have maybe the black people may say, we need more Public Schools we need more for this. They never had that. A face was never put where you said, poor. They never put a white face to poor people. You come up out, you have the rich that speaking out for them. Some misdirected and wrong things that he put out there. Thats who they have speaking for them. Because they never felt that they had upper class white person or that republican or that person to say, hey, we have poor white people too. Host got you. Marie, got to leave it there, i apologize. Guest she said it very well. Poor whites tend to be traditionally democratic constituency trump was are the first republican to say, i will not let you out on street. I will take care of you. Im not going to let you go. Im here for you. Guest i mentioned jared lowery earlier, young native american. He said something that stood out to me. We want our politicians especially our president s, to take an interest in us and think that were important. To think were just as important as somebody in new york city, just as important somebody in silicone valley. We dont want handouts. We want to be recognized and for our president to think that were an important part of the country. Host the chapter on robinson county is on the website. When is the next chapter come out guest probably june 1st. Host our guests daniel allot and jordan allot. Thank you for your time. Coming up well take a look at the skill needed to become the white house chiefs of staff. What makes an effective one. Chris whipple the author of the will be next. Later on in our year money segment. John sopko on his latest report on afghanistan. Reconstructing spending. All that when washington journal continues. Tonight on the communicators mcsweeney talk about key issues facing the internet including the recent malware cyberattack on some 150 countries, internet security, privacy and regulations. She is interviewed by axios reporter david mccabe. One of the challenges always going to be keeping up with the new ways in which technology is being used to surveil or monitor or gather intimate information about people. Connections become more intimate as they are in our bedroom and on our body and in our childrens bedrooms, giving precise geolocation information it becomes more important to protect that kind of consent. So that people are aware whats happening to their information. Watch the communicators tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspan 2. Cspan where history unfolds daily. In 1979, cspan was created as a Public Service by americas Cable Television companies. Its brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. Washington journal continues. Host joining us from new york is chris whipple. Hes the author of gatekeepers. Why do you think that the public might be interested in what role chiefs of staff serves and what he does for the president . Guest if youre interested in whether or not trump can achieve his agenda, if youre for it or against it, you have to be interested in the role of the white house chief. Its absolutely critical role. What i learned from interviewing all 17 living white house

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