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Spirit, and a selection of his speeches going back to 1989, sunday night at 8 00 eastern on q a. Washington journal continues. Joining us for discussion on the Trump Administrations climate agenda is bob deans of the National Resources Defense Council and myron ebell from the competitive enterprise institute. Good morning to you both. We talk about the larger issues of the agenda, but first, talk about the paris claimant agreement. The Trump Administration is debating on whether to stay in it. Can you give your perspective on what it is and whether the u. S. Should stay in it or not . Guest this is a triumph of american leadership. Were cutting Carbon Pollution so our children do not inherit dangerous Climate Change tomorrow. We had the entire world on board, 195 countries in paris agreed with United States to cut fossil fuel use and to shift to smarter ways for the future. That is a huge triumph. Why owners would we walk away from that success . Why would we break our promise to the world and leave our children to pay the price . Guest the paris climate treaty is the opposite of what bob said. It is not a triumph. It is taking the world in the wrong direction. It is incredibly expensive for this country and other countries, including developing countries, and it will have no effect on global temperatures. And no gain, and that is why President Trump campaign on the promise to withdraw the United States from the paris climate treaty. Host this was in usa today, a couple points. Here is the first point. It says reneging on such a farreaching and historic pact with the road diplomatic relations with countries that have taken environmental promises far more seriously. How would you respond . Guest first of all, other countries are not taking their promises so seriously. This was a study last week in three European Union countries are on target to meet their commitment. But the United States also is not on target. The commitment made by the Obama Administration only gets us to about 55 of our commitment. So President Trump has said we are going to remove some major and wereards that, not going to add any more to it. So we will never fulfill our commitment, and i think that is really why we must with straw from the paris climate treat y. Host this statement says climate catastrophe, no computer model projects a detectable temperate reduction from paris. And is artificially rationing availability. Guest oh, my goodness. That is ridiculous. We know from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association that we just wrapped up the hottest year since global recordkeeping began in 1880. We broke the record for the third year in a row. We know that it is causing rising seas and croplands turning to deserts, mass distinctions. The Great Barrier reef is dying, and it is because we are burning too much fossil fuel. We put so much fossil fuel pollution at the atmosphere that we have put 43 more Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere, which has thrown a heat link it over the globe, causing Climate Chaos worldwide. Are in agreement on what to do about that. Host we want to hear from you, as well, about the agenda on climate. Republicans. For 2027488000 for democrats. And 2027488002 for independents. Aside from the specific hair agreement and whether a decision is made, a meeting was supposed to take place at the white house about whether to consider even joining. That was canceled and is said to be rescheduled or does that send a message . Guest it does, but i dont know what it is. It was reported that some people were traveling who wanted to be in the meeting, senior people traveling with President Trump. I think there are two factions in the administration. I would call them the promise keepers and the promise breakers. Balanced. Airly evenly i think the president made a strong commitment during the campaign. He made it several times. It is part of this in energy and environmental package. I think the president is for pulling out, but i think the administration is divided. President ou think the will go forward as far as pulling out . Guest i think he will keep his commitment and withdraw. President willhe recognize that we are making Real Progress here. Had our economy grow 17 since 2000 five. Were doubling down on efficiencies so we do more with less waste. We have some of the best all electric and hybrid cars weird were getting more power from the wind and sun. That has created jobs for 3 million americans, and this is only the beginning. Because of the Global Nature of this historic shift away from dirty fossil fuels, we will see 7 trillion in Global Investment weird we need our workers to succeed for that global sweepstakes. Workers success for americans begins right here. Host first call is from michael, illinois, independent line. Points. Hi, ive got two one, i have been noticing at objecting to the fact that when you have on someone who is a knowledge and the settled science that Climate Change is taking place, you always bring on somebody who is going to counter the argument and confuse the issue. The question is this the u. S. Military has been planning for Climate Change and the social implications of that for more than 20 years. If the military believes that this is happening, why do we still have these naysayers . And i voted for trump, but he is not getting my vote the Second Time Around because he does not know what he is doing. That is what i want to know. ,he military prepares for this and these naysayers just keep going on. Thank you very much. Well, i will say that i think you are one of Many Americans who did not vote whatever we voted for in november, people did not vote or dirty air or dirty water to take our environmental guardian off the beach, and we surly do not vote to walk away from american climate and Clean Energy Leadership and millions of jobs. We hope the president will see the rationale in that. Certainly the military has been preparing for this, we have seen croplands being turned to deserts in somalia, in china, in kenya, in kansas. It is a National Security issue. Longagon on you know ago recognize that. We need to cut fossil fuel consumption and shift to cleaner, smarter options. Guest the u. S. Military, like all government agencies, is always looking for to expand their portfolio and funding. I would like to know what they have actually done to plan for socalled catastrophic Climate Change. Contrary to bob, u. S. Food production and global Food Production continues to go up. Part of the reason is because the planet is greening as a result of higher Carbon Dioxide levels. So these disasters that are predicted for the future, they are entirely speculative. Thedata suggests that things we depend upon, like food, are in good shape. With the threat is from this agenda is the threat to affordable and abundant energy. There are over one billion people in the world who do not have electricity. They are not going to get it very quickly if it is the most expensive forms of energy. They are going to get it from false oath fuels, coalfired power plants, natural gas fired power plants they are going to get it from fossil fuels. In latin america and southeast asia, that is what theyre dreaming of, to join our kind of standard of living and benefit from modern technology and energy. Host minnesota, democrat. Hello. Caller hello. Living in minnesota and growing up is 61 years, i grew up on the lake and the streams. We have such a beautiful state. You can see what the chemicals and the pollution is doing to it. I think the only reason we do not go farther and protecting our environment is because of the big industries. It is all about the bottom dollar. That pipeline coming through in the dakotas next to me, it is very upsetting. In science, biology, chemistry, and you sent us to school to get smart and study and tell the world about better ways to live and you do not listen to us. We need to stop the pollution. Guest i am against pollution, but i am against limiting the worlds ability to deal with pollution. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. It is a naturally occurring gas necessary for life on earth. Not model predictions, the data bob talks about everything going up, but the rate of warming is so much lower than what the models have predicted that i think it calls into question the entire project. We have seen, over the last 20 years, a very slow rate of warming. It is about onethird to onehal f of what was predicted by even the lowest models. There is confusion between Environmental Protection and limiting pollution. Globalis the whole warming regime. I agree with the caller. The Global Warming agenda is really about empowering and enriching the Industrial Complex. There Major Companies and wealthy people who are benefiting, making billions of dollars and hope to make hundreds of billions of dollars off the backs of taxpayers and consumers around the world. Host mr. Deans . Guest nowhere else in the world with this conversation even be taking place, and it is right here on capitol hill. They are not arguing about Climate Change anymore in beijing, london, los angeles. Everybody in the world understands the problem. Everybody in the world understands the difference, and n does, too, between the co2 that we breathe and the industrial carbon revolution. Yes, i put out heat, but i am not a smelting furnace. There is a big difference. Everybody understands the opportunity to shift to cleaner, smarter ways to power our future. Remarksried about her about the lakes in minnesota. Under the plan the administration has put forward, the proposed budget would end a program that is cleaning up the largest surface freshwater system in the western hemisphere. Those great lakes are dying from a distro contamination, municipal waste dying from industrial contamination. This administration wants to put an end to the program that is cleaning up the great lakes. Why would you do that . People in wisconsin, ohio, michigan support the program. We need to protect the great lakes. What aboutbell, potential cuts to the epa program . Guest i think the epa budget cuts that have been suggested, of course they will debated they will be debated in congress so it will probably not get by, what the president has requested. But i think the epa is an agency that is over stamped. It is also over regulating the economy. I think one of the reasons President Trump won the election is he made that point forcefully in the heartland states, the states that have suffered economically. Bob talked about Economic Growth. Well, the Economic Growth over the past 15 years has been the managerial class, the financial class. Places likesed wisconsin, minnesota, michigan, pennsylvania, indiana. Those states are hurting, and President Trump said i think one of the reasons is the cousin of the regulatory rampage that epa has been conducting is because of the regulatory rampage that epa has been conducting. Lessinking of the epa, capability in the epa to over regulate the economy. Host you were part of the president s Transition Team with the epa. The director, what do you think of the performance of our . Guest i was head of the epa Transition Team for the agency. Pruitt ised with scott think he is a good choice, but i do not have anything to do with taking him. Host what does he bring to the table . Guest it is a disaster. The epa was created by president Richard Nixon to be our National Guardian of our environment and health. Hispruitt has devoted career to take the epa to court to try to prevent it from doing its job. That is what hes doing from the inside. Just today, he was going to visit one of the dirtiest coalfired power plants in the country. It puts up between two and three times as much of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide as the National Average for coal plants. These are dangerous pollutants that cause heart attacks, asthma attacks, bronchitis, strokes, acid rain. Is a horrendous pollution problem. The fact he is going to showcase that shows where his priorities are. It is about getting big polluter profits first and putting the rest of us at risk. That is not great, not what we voted for. Host new hampshire, independent line. Caller i appreciate the topic and agree that the need to absolutely go after this my tom line question is this what we all understand is a takes resources to be committed, and to do that or has to be an agreement from the top. Sometimes it comes from the middle range, state folks, up to the president , and sometimes it is the other way around. Ago,xample is that years before two companies were merged in maryland, we turned off all the ibm mainframes. My family is in medicine, and i very serious about this. I would love your guest to respond to this. Allad a total commitment, kinds of people thinking we should do all kinds of things, a total commitment down to 15 minutes of time of managing money and people. I know that is impossible in our world. Two institute in entirely new system, and the world was advancing in medicine. We did that in three years. Three years. Host thank you. Thank you so much for calling on that. First of all, i will tell you who is totally committed, the fossil fuel industry. They are committed to making sure we do not do anything to protect our children against the growing dangers of this global scourge. They spent 200 six 2 million last year alone promoting their agenda and allies on capitol hill. They have an army of 700 lobbyists who get up every morning and go up there to twist arms to protect shareholders. They are not breaking laws. They have the right to do that. The rest of us have to stand up and talk about what is good for the country. Were going to take this agenda on any court of Public Opinion and in the court of law. We will have a chance on april 29. We going to come out here in washington for the climate march and show this president that we mean this, that we believe in this, were going to stand up for clean error and water, stand up for our childrens future. Host mr. Ebell . Guest it is really not a debate between big bag industry and the poor little environmental pressure groups. The nrdc is a budget well and at this of 100 million a year. The top 50 environmental pressure groups have a budget of 3. 5 billion or so. And they are working in lockstep with big corporate corporations, including the fossil fuel industry. Exxon mobil supports the paris climate treaty. We can go through the list of the companies that support the paris climate treaty. This is a battle between working people who need Affordable Energy and big corporations and their allies in the environmental pressure groups who hope to get rich off the backs of consumers. And that is why you are seeing more and more of a convergence between the renewable fuel industry, the climate Industrial Complex, and these big multinational corporations like exxon mobil. Let me say what moodys Investor Firm said about that last month, not an environmental group. They put out a report saying that when turbines in the great plains of america are now 30 cheaper than existing will fired power plants. Moodys cautioned investors that there may be 100 coalfired power plants in the great plains of the midwest that will be shut down because Wind Turbines are 30 cheaper. Solar hasof wind and plummeted, falling more than 70 in the past seven years. Consumers are getting a break on their electricity rates, and investors are getting more money. And were getting a cleaner energy portfolio. These investors are bullish on renewable power. Guest i would like to add a footnote to do if that word true, then we do not need all these Government Programs to support and mandate would mills and solar panels. Windmills and solar panels. If they are cheaper, we can get rid of the mandates. If they are cheaper, they are going to win. They might be cheaper if they get in a federal subsidies and state mandates, yes. The storylot of behind this claim that they are a lot cheaper. Youre talking about a tax incentive to help her moat clean, renewable, homegrown American Energy right here in this country you are talking about a tax incentive to help renewable, homegrown American Energy right here in this country. The other guest is rated to dispense with the taxpayer handout to the oil and gas industry. We spend scores of billions of dollars to secure our access to oil. Cei, we think free markets are what benefit consumers. They encourage innovation and find the lowest Cost Solutions to what Consumers Want to did we are against all mandates and subsidies. We would like to see this done in a fair way. The idea that we put all this money into the strategic and military protection in the middle east well, the shale oil and gas revolution has changed that. It is not wind and solar are do we are now the Worlds Largest oil and gas producer, and the sky is the limit because we have the largest resources in the world. Not only oil and gas but also coal. Host i have to fit in a call. Were talking about the Trump Administrations climate agenda. Republican line, you are next. Caller thank you very much. Thank you to cspan. A couple points for your guest on the National Resources Defense Council. You mentioned is protecting oil overseas. Sir, we dont use a much of the oil, but if we were not there, the chinese and the russians would be. We know their attitude towards our interests if we withdrew our influence from that area. You spoke about the issue of global temperature rise. It was interesting, and all the News Coverage of the global temperature rise, nobody in the mainstream or the scientific institutions promoting that did not mention that the temperature rise was less than , actually coming in way under the margin of error, almost six times less than the margin of error for the study. The last three years worth of temperature increases were within the margin of error from the study three years ago. So you cannot be sure there has been much of any warming. There is the recent whistleblower, and there is a major isst one is the things that difficult in this debate is what scott adams, he does the dilbetrrt cartoon, and he said i cannot evaluate the claims of the Global Warming alarmists because it is the same way folks is are presented did it may not be a hoax, but i cannot tell because they promoted the way and economy promotes something. So the public has trouble in the debate by weighing both sides. Is convincedside that the only way to win the debate is to exaggerate everything, exaggerate the rate of warming and the impacts. Host the atlantic reports that Rex Tillerson said Climate Change is a concern and, even according to the store, was real. Does that carry some weight . Guest exxon mobil, under Rex Tillerson, not a very large natural gas company. That was bought before the shale gas revolution was fully apparent. They paid a very high price for it, and the price of gas collapsed. If they could get rid of coal, the only alternative was natural gas. So they have been doing everything they can under Rex Tillerson to play out anything. Guest that the Renewable Energy is. And is that a surprise . Every industry plays these we need free why markets and to get government ut of the way of letting free arket work and letting oil and gas. Guest i appreciate the question, here is how we know it a problem. Here is who tells us it is a oceanic and onal atmospheric, National Academy of science, created by congress the civil war. National aeronautic and space administration, the people man on the moon, they are telling us this is a problem. If you want to know what cientists are saying about it, dr. James powell, National Science board by president went through in 2013 and 2014 and looked at 4,000 peerreviewed scholastic scientific articles to find out how much debate is there of the 70,000 authors of those papers. The idea that Climate Change is being driven by fossil fuel use . Four. 99. 99 of all of these climate globally agree with the concept, they understand fossil fuel is driving Climate Chaos, that is from powell, pedro, i put it to to 999 doctors and they told me i had a broken well, and one doctor said, im not too sure about that, im thinking im going home in a 99. 99 of the knowledgeable scholastic me thatts globally tell fossil fuel consumption is change, lobal climate it is time for a change. Host there is a problem here, consensus and other gases by burning fossil fuels and that is chaos, that is scientists 9 of believe, there is consensus of what Greenhouse Gases do and and natural oil gas. There isnt consensus, it slides all we all agree to scientists agree were creating climate coace, this is what i aid, that it is hard to evaluate the claims because they are presented as a hoax. Quickly try to answer the question. Go talk to robert conland who found a live octopus at a in miami at high fall. Vincent skull, a rancher try to question. O talk who told me he used to see trout years. Our or five go talk to the folks who had to pump out the new york subway sandy after hurricane dropped 14 feet of water in the lower manhattan. These things have never happened before. We can sit and talk about models or get out in the world and talk to real peep bell how it is impacting their lives and take action. Waiting to talk to you. Texas, republican line, lacey, go ahead. Caller yes, this is more of a question for mr. Dean, but i would like to hear both sides. While, all i heard about as population control and now about Climate Change. Your wondering, what is take on Climate Change and your mraplant . Clear power guest certainly Climate Change is driving climate refugees around the world. There are reports United Nations there may be tens of millions of people on the move because their abitat has been destroyed by the things weve been talking about today. Deserts, inurning to drought, blustering heat, raging wildfires, storms. Nuclear power in our estimation things. Be a few number one, it needs to be safe and secure. Be e, it needs to. Inancially viable security is another issue, where 60 years after the dawn of the Nuclear Power age, way to et to find a permanently dispose of waste it created and waste that can be terrorists to make bombs and threaten our country. Finally, affordability, no wall has been willing to finance a Nuclear Power plant country since a plant in the 1980s. Find s the situation we ourselves in. Westinghouse has been working hard to create a Nuclear Reactor promise is currently in bankruptcy. So we have financial issues, issues, we have safety issues, they all need to be addressed. Lacey. You, guest the claim that theres let hese climate refugees, facts. Ack to the production is alltime highs, global starvation, hunger is at alltime lows for the modern world and probably the modern world facts. Production is alltime highs, global is a lot better at evergrowing population, people say in the middle ages, they hit have lture and didnt modern technology and modern energy. So global Food Production is at high, the kind of political unrest and instability is still created in socialist society like are uela, where people starving, because of the mismanagement of the country by government, even though they have huge services. Can nk this idea that you point to a drought somewhere is, somewhere and always flood somewhere. The fact is, if you look at the intergovernmental Climate Change report of the impact of climate hange and read the chapter, Severe Weather events, there is in the assertible intensity or frequency of Severe Weather. Illinois, from ahead. Dent line, go caller yeah, hi, thanks. I just want to say, the is run by, that is now manned by the Business Community and there is an old saying, the Business Community knows the price of everything of nothing. E so they have a very narrow scope when they look at the world, if not profitable, its unnecessary. But throughout this conversation, mr. Bell admitted co2 levels are rising, hes admitted that water levels are all within it is some questionable layer that we add to. Ed to can put 9 k you billion cubic tons of co2 into annually, which do stry does, just you can that with no ramifications is utter ly utterly irrationale to think it wouldnt have some type of effect. Gone from approximately 180 parts per million to over 400 parts per million in the past 50 or 60 years. Claim nothing is happening is really irrationale, i just think the whole business aside, has to be set where stating the price doesnt matter, claim nothing is to start is we need focusing on the values of things. And sometimes the Business Community, it is hard to do. Host caller, thanks. Yes, your caller said we 180 parts per rom million to 400 parts per million. Since the nsensus beginning of industrial age, we 400 gone up 270 parts to parts per million. To start increase in the co2, produced by coal, gas has come since Framework Convention on climate in ge was agreed to in rio 1992. So we should have seen a lot worry by now than we have, but the fact is the rate of minimal, as one caller noted, for the last 20 years, more modest than computer who use models have predicted. Its been very much within the of what concentrate on data, so and have predicted. What we have here is a question, but f denying reality, deciding whether the reality eans this is a catastrophe or looming catastrophe or whether this is a problem that we need sensible way n a instead of trying to turn the economy upside down and making up particularly poor peep nel poor instead of trying to countries. Guest i think the real are we going to anchor future in the dirty fuel of the past or invest in ways to power r the future, put our people to work and protect our children . Clear, ills pretty tell you, there is a fellow out year way not far from where you in iowa, veteran navy seal, when he came back from iraq he went back to and built a Solar Company that is helping people get more clean par from the sun. Believed that was the way to strengthen the country, economy Better Energy portfolio for his children. That is what we need to be doing now, theyre getting 30 of their power from and helping keep the family and farm in tact, that is congress, innovation, is ican enterprise, that what we need to move forward with. Victoria, go ahead. Caller hello. This ank you for having conversation. Bob, you are a smart guy. Actually has ion o do with it is my understanding that obama took steps to block now with tillerson and this whole thing that exxon is doing, the ocean, warming, the ocean life is dying, you know, the plants, big whole thing island in the middle of. My gosh, what is going to happen with the poison from that . Nd you were talking about the guy that came back and started he company in iowa, it is also jobs and they for that gentleman. Have a good day, gentlemen. Thanks so much, thank you victoria, for the call. No question President Trump and republican ally necessary congress have launched single worst assault in history against environmental and health. Step one is to go after the ommon sense safe guards we depend on to protect air, water, lands, forests. Two, to undermine, cripple the Environmental Agency to take it off the and number three, retreat the progress were make nothing fighting Climate Change that threatens our children, a threepronged attack. That is what were seeing from administration, his ally necessary congress and new things everyday. Talk boo scott pruitt he would roll back control and reduce mercury in we breathe. Mercury is a neurotoxic, ridiculous. They rescended stream buffer protects from mountain top demolition threatening 6000 the oldest streams in the world. Forest, res of ridiculo absurd. Ous, they moved to eliminate clean water hole, which protects wetlands and streams, water sources for one in every three is not moving around at the margin, not making America Great this, is a one of f. Every single us need to stand up and say so. All of cant address the misstatements of fact and givenrations bob has just you. Let me say, a lot of in the russia, canada. United states started producing il on the north slope in the 1970s, all of the claims the pressure in rd. C. Vbeen proven to be false. Impact of the tal Oil Production are minimal compared to the billions of wealth that has been created and continue to be created now that we have wants to tion that ndue the closures of prime oil territory. If we dont do it, i mean the russians are going to do it. Going to think is have the better environmental record . Host you talked about opposing with the paris agreement, who represents those . Uest well, i would call it deplorables versus the swamp and picked t trump has different people with different views on some major issues for administration. So i think on one side, over the treaty, you have the president , Vice President and some key advisors of the now the other side, you have secretary tillerson head of the n, economic council, Goldman Sachs a company that will benefit from making energy more expensive for decades. This going back to george w. Bush. And then reportedly, the president s daughter and soninlaw, Jared Kushner and fairly we have two evenly balanced camps in the administration and i think at the end of the day, the decision will be the president s and i think the president has made it again ear over and over that he plans to keep his commitment, the promises he made campaign, not just offhand comments, but things hes said over and over in speeches. End ofares plans, at the the day host excuse me, i suppose forces guest were not thinking about handful of voices in the white ouse, thinking about what is best for the American People. We had a poll this month that 76 of americans are concerned about Climate Change, hey understand, it is essentially environmental challenge of our time sfoochlt said trumps proposal to cut research on the environment and climate was a bad idea. 68 said we know that we can create jobs by addressing Climate Change. That is what the American People believe. That is what is good for us. The American People understand people dro, no free anywhere are stuck with bad hab that does more harm than good. Stuck, with oil, gas, coal and hazard and harm it brings, there are cleaner, ways to power our future, put our people to work and protect our children, that to be about. Ed that is what the president needs drive that and decision. Host steve on the republican line. Caller good morning, gentlemen. Have a more or less vision of revolution or for the oal industry, i believe they re going to be the ones that create water filter system for intake of Drinking Water right the point of drawing the ater in at the water plant and seeing same system at the end that the sewage. Air. With the smoke stacks. I dont think you need smoke stacks. Draw ild it correctly, they h filterization, call water and whatnot. You will s oal, ee host thanks. The role of technology. Guest well, the role of technology is huge. My vation in this country, goodness, look at the 10 most productive city necessary this of them are in california. Half of the most productive cities are in one state, why . That state has most assertive Clean Energy Policy anywhere in the country and some of the best the world. When Governor Brown went to paris for the climate accord in 2015, World Leaders were lining up to talk to him to emulate happened in california and create a more successful market. To this global let me just say this, you know, about the coal industry and im glad you brought it up. We have 50,000 coal miners in country, according to bureau of labor and statistics. This job is important, every one of them is important. We have homeless that people. 475,000 americans, those jobs are our future, what we need to in this country nwest virginia nkentucky and connect talent, skill and dedication of the workforce. Are try in transition who Clean Energy Opportunity of the future that, is happen nothing est virginia along the eastern plateau with Wind Turbines, with the Certification Program and College System in west virginia, with the advanced manufacturing programs at the west virginia. Excuse me. It is happening in kentucky, you robably saw the article where the Coal Mining Museum just shifted to solar power, because cleaner, cheaper, smarter, that is the direction the go and we hope the coal workers will help lead the way. Uest the relative number of people who work in the industry is indicative. The coal industry, 50,000 miners produces 10 times the energy as 500,000 people in working in energy. E they are more efficient and produce more. Your caller talked about dont know whether be technology is going to revolutionized or not. I would say this, if you go with the bama climate plan and paris climate treaty, the whole goal is to kill the coal ndustry, there wont be a chance to have technological breakthroughs, by the way, the biggest technological breakthrough in the Energy Industry is the shale oil and involved tion, which combining technologies, it wasnt done by government, it individuals rivate who tinkered at it for years mitchellntexas, chris wright and several other it, and he will they did that has done more to change our future than any other single thing and it has made the United States the Worlds Energy power, when in fact 10 years ago, everyone said we were running out of natural gas, we hundreds of years. Host this is partlow, virginia, independent line. Carrie, hi. Xt to caller this is terry. I can find lanation for a person like myron ebel, if pronouncing correctly is greed. Okay. I didnt catch the beginning of show, i dont know wouldnt surprise me if it is all about greed, and is about gaining money irecting all over the land [indiscernible] there is this waters and by time it is done. Think the crazy policy of the Current Administration might have woken up the frog and now they will have to deal with the that. Quence of thank you. Has my organization cei an 8 million or less dollar budget. The nrdc is over 100 million a year. Ost what is sourcing of that budget, where do you get it from . Guest several thousand ndividual donors, some corporate support. Host some from the Energy Industry . Guest yeah. Is a lot more funding from the Energy Industry going into move, lets betal clear about that. The idea of greed, greed we know motivator in private industry. Im a policy guy. To promote i try policies that i think are best for the country and the world free markets e in and free people working on those things. Overregulated and have too much that is where im coming from. We have had an election in this country. Bob talks about polls. One thing President Trump said that resonated, weve had more of economic stagnation, particularly in the heartland states. Going to turn that around, he said, by freeing up the roductive economy, bringing investment back to manufacturing and resource industries. I think were seeing that happen. Think, you know, we are going to three s back on percent rather than 1 percent in decade. Guest well, we certainly do all want to see the economy grow and bullish on were clean energy. Ut let me just go back to the callers Central Point here is pulling the strings for the Republican Party right now. We said, fossil fuel industry 260 hundred million 2016 to support hill. S on capitol the Senate Majority leader, caught on tape saying, i dont know where we the be if it wasnt for koch brothers, of course they that, they have written the play book and we need to stand up to it. A better way. We didnt have to be this way. See Environmental Protection as partisan issue, we dont think it should divide us american, but unite us as all americans in fact that for a it has been century since teddy roosevelt, greatest conservivity has done. Richard nixon created Environmental Protection agency, got led out of and george w. Bush in final state of the union said, we have a problem, we are to oil. Republicans recognize something has happened since then. Past 10 years, radicalized an extreme and sent down the ican party extreme road. They have been bought and sold fossil fuel industry. It is corrupted our politics, we eed to stand up for it, talk about what is best for the country. Host mr. Dean, same question for you. Do you get money from . Guest chiefly individual unders. Host corporate funder . Guest we have no corporate corporate accept no funding, it is individual million from 2. 4 supporters from around the country. Moderator one more call, cleveland, ohio. Democrats line. Caller hi, i would like to know is no are saying there Climate Change, why are chunks of he arctic the side delaware in rhode island breaking off . Nd since i live in cleveland, ive been here all my life, 55 ears, and the river no longer catches on fire because of the e. P. A. See the disgusting smog air were breathing over anymore. So to say that the e. P. A. Is not is completely b idiotic and to put someone in that knows absolutely ridiculous. Ut it is host finish with this, mr. Dean. Greekt you. thank the river is why Richard Nixon reated the e. P. A. , our friends from the right howled, said it would cripple the economy, it would ill jobs, industry be dead. American innovation would give our d go home, instead economy has grown 360 in real adjusted terms since that was created. We have built in this country, economy in the history of the world while protecting our air, our water, our lands, that is what we need to be about. Oversight is ublic essential to the function of modern economy and as a matter greatest job killer in our countrys history was lack of responsible oversight in street that caused the financial collapse in 2008 that ed to the decade of stagnation that myron referenced earlier. When the independent ongressional commission reviewed the collapse of our Financial System in 2008, they ame back and said, the centuries were not on their post. We dont want that to happen to our health. Ent and host you get the last word. Uest the kind of exaggeration and extremism of the Environmental Movement is why so have been turned off about the environmental move now opposed ey are to it. Americans are not opposed to protection and e. P. A. Has cleaned up the air and water and made the nvironment a much better, more pleasant and safer place. I dont think that is in question. What the Environmental Movement to ded some years ago was vet it on essentially changing, the global ol of economy in the name of Global Warming salvationism. And the main beneficiaries are not consumers or citizens, they they are or people, the climate Industrial Complex very wealthy people who support groups like the nrd. C. That. Well finish with the competitive enterprise institute, director of the center for energy and and bob deans, Natural Resources defense counc council. For the conversation. Guest thank you. Host in the final minutes of so, rogram, 25 minutes or ill open phones and if you want to give us a call. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488002. Check out cspan classroom at ite cspan. Org, classroom. 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