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November. If you are a supporter of Bernie Sanders, 202 7488000. If you support Hillary Clinton, 202 7488001. If you want to make your thoughts on this report endorsement known on social spanwj on twitter. You can post on facebook as well. Thisf the people following event today is James Pindell of the boston globe. Foresting to be a full endorsement or something other than that . Guest thats a really good question. Questions into the afternoon as to whether or not he was actually going to the the words i endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. Negotiations happened over the weekend to not so much on policy but the process. Told from sanders hopes that he will say words that we will interpret to be an endorsement for Hillary Clinton. If he says those words does this mean the official suspending of his campaign . Guest it does not. Thats a great question. Intends to continue to be an official campaign through the convention, something Hillary Clinton also did. The issue is this is more about the technicalities. Pay staff to be on your team to organize delegates. More than it has to do with anything really campaigning and being political. Host tell us why portsmouth, New Hampshire to make this announcement. Guest it makes sense in a lot of ways. It is a very liberal city in a state that Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton by 22 . Thing Hillary Clinton has been doing is taking highprofile joint endorsement and putting them in swing states. She was going to meet barack obama in wisconsin and it was rescheduled to north carolina. She was going to have an event with joe biden in pennsylvania. Obviously that got delayed as well. New hampshire is this weeks state. It is neighboring to his home state of vermont. Logistically it is easier and his impact may have the most kick here. And it is a reprisal of 2008. Many viewers will remember that it was a small town in New Hampshire where barack obama and Hillary Clinton buried the campaignn the 2008 were they appeared for the first time together after the campaign. This you also write morning that the Clinton Campaign is to roll out the red carpet for sanders supporters. What do you mean by that . Guest there are a lot of inner feelings. This was a really bitter primary. Folksularly the sanders who feel like the system is igged. Was r out to has been reaching a number of sanders supporters saying, you did win the New Hampshire primary. We give you credit for that. We need you on the team. We need to be united against donald trump. Anything we can do to make you feel more welcome. You will see that today. There will be a vip section for the Bernie Sanders committee in the state. They will have photos with Hillary Clinton backstage. Anything they can do to make this transition easier. Host James Pindell, bernie he offers this endorsement, what would you say has been his impact on the campaign . Even with the platform hearings on the democratic side he had a big influence. Guest no doubt. When he began this race he was 3 in the polls. Everyone thought Hillary Clinton had the easiest possible primary she could have. He ended up winning 22 states and giving her quite a dogfight. Theres no question that on a number of issues she has moved to the left to try to mitigate the damage Bernie Sanders was doing to her campaign. Host James Pindell of the boston globe about this event that takes place today with hillary and berni clinton and Bernie Sanders. For more information go to cspan. Org. Your thoughts on this report endorsement for our first 45 minutes. What it means for supporters of both candidates as they vote in november. 202 7488000 for Bernie Sanders supporters. 202 7488001 for supporters of Hillary Clinton. Lets start with joanne in New Hampshire, a supporter of Bernie Sanders. What do you think of this event today . Guest i think its not going to make a difference in my mind. I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. I didnt vote for her in 2008. I didnt trust her then. I dont trust her now. I dont believe that is actually senator sanders is actually going to endorse her because he knows. Because hes a good man. Im hoping all the sanders supporters dont have to feel it is a choice between clinton and trump. I will be voting for jill stein and the green party which is very close to what sanders supporters are looking for. Democratic life form or not, hillary will do what she wants ando when she gets elected there will be no one above her to put any controls on it. Im keeping the faith. Ernie. Nging with b i was called by the Democratic Committee in New Hampshire. I talked to a woman about 20 minutes and she seemed to agree with me a lot. They are in a difficult position. She kept telling me, if you dont vote for hillary, its a vote for trump. Thats not true, people. Host thats joanna. Usa today writes about senator sanderss influence saying, it became clear over the week when Hillary Clinton proposed expanding access to health care and eliminating College Tuition for working families and when National Democrats change the Party Platform to incorporate his ideas. Clinton,er of hillary this is william in ohio. Go ahead. Caller yes. Im going to vote for hillary. I was going to do a write in and just vote for my two dogs. Politicalll this nonsense and all her hearings and this and that, nine out of 10 of them are the same situation she is in. I figure i will definitely vote for hillary. Host so were you not always a Hillary Clinton porter supported . Supporter . Caller i was never for either one of them. Write ining to vote righ for my two dogs. Host a Bernie Sanders supporter in fort worth, texas. Caller good morning. Host what do you think about this reported endorsement of Hillary Clinton . Beenr as someone who has following the election, its not a huge surprise at this point. I was very optimistic until perhaps very recently. Some still are that sanders could clinch the nomination. It looks like it is almost certain that he is not going to. Race do hes out of the you support Hillary Clinton or do you go elsewhere . As far as who i vote believe ie moment i will land on ultimately voting for Hillary Clinton. Supporters but i but itill supporter will still vote for Hillary Clinton. There are things i dont like about her but i dont think her being president will bring about the ruin of our nation. If anything she does support more of the things that i believe in than other candidates. Host lets hear from sylvia in tulsa, oklahoma. A supporter of Hillary Clinton. Go ahead. Caller hi. How are you . Host im well, thank you. Caller this is the 40th time ive had the opportunity to speak on these types of questions and other questions that you had. For herng to vote because it has to be something brandnew. I am also the department of corrections volunteer and i promote crime awareness in my county and abroad. We need all the Health Health help that we can get in these end of days. More police, more firefighters as they put their lives on the line. Host you think Hillary Clinton can deliver that . Caller yes i do. She has already been outside of our United States and she has been to those countries. She understands and they really like her. I have watched her for many years. Didnt like her husband when he was the president. She went and it seemed like she was the president. They backed up one another. And when the scandal came out about Monica Lewinsky and all of that, i watched that too. God is still in control. This is going to be a shock for the whole world to see for the first woman of our United States be a president. We have women governors all over the United States. But now it is time for change. Int tony is up next damascus, virginia. Supporter of Bernie Sanders. I support Bernie Sanders because Hillary Clinton is a flip flopper. She was careless on the emails. She voted for 24 million americans in prison. I hope in the Convention Delegates will turn to bernie. Host if that doesnt happen, what do you do . Caller if Bernie Sanders supports Hillary Clinton i guess i have no choice. I definitely dont want whats his name. The republican candidate. Host donald trump. Caller i dont support the other person. Clinton supports minimumwage 15 an hour. She supports obamacare. And whats his name on the republican side. Host humane donald trump. You mean donald trump. Caller yes. That clown. Host your next. Supporter of Hillary Clinton. Caller good morning. Im voting for Hillary Clinton because she is well qualified for the job. Shes a strong woman. Shes been in this fight over 30 years. And she can take whatever they dish out. Trump these new recommendations they have. They did ask any of the male candidates if they were trustworthy or not. I trust her and she will win the nomination. Host were you always a supporter of hers . You never supported Bernie Sanders . Caller never. Because those things he proposed he knew they could not be done and would not be done. Hes been in congress for 30 years. Where was he when all of this stuff he never worked for this stuff. He just talked about it. Hillary is a hard worker and i believe in her. She has worked with barack obama. She campaigned against him. When she knewher that she had lost the nomination she came together and worked for the country. Bernie is still out there wishing and hoping that something comes up on her. Thats why he was not suspended his campaign. Host one viewer you are on twitter says ive got to stand up for what i believe. This is karen saying i think endorsement of clinton is going to upset many of his supporters. The expected announcement today in New Hampshire with this joint event with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, we want to get your thoughts on the expected announcement and what it means for supporters of these candidates going forward. Four bernie00 sanders supporters. 202 7488001 for supporters of Hillary Clinton. Go to cspan. Org for information on the events happening today. Republicans are meeting on their plant form. Platform. At 2 00 this afternoon. Out platformh policy things leading up to the convention which is next week. Our coverage on cspan starting on sunday. You can go to cspan. Org for information on that. Virginia a vote in that might influence what happens concerning delegates who are pledged currently to donald trump and may be looking to be released from that. This is out of richmond saying that a federal judge locked virginia from enforcing a law that would have wired all of the states gop delegates to vote at theald Trump Convention this week. The lawsuit was filed by a lawyer from Northern Virginia and member of free the delegates who backed senator ted cruz. He argued that the state law that required him to vote for trump would have violated his First Amendment right to free speech. One of his lawyers called the ruling symbolic and very important. A supporter of Bernie Sanders is next. Good morning. Morning. Ood i would never vote for clinton. I would love to have a female president. Im an independent i dislike both parties each league. They both seem very corrupt. But clinton started off as a goldwater republican. Her husbands policies, pretty much they signed off on anything. Exceptid the foundation in Campaign Donations from the privatized prison industry. And now we have privatized prison, privatized police training. It is failing our africanAmerican People. Dont understand why africanamericans with support clinton. I just dont understand it. Here she is. She is supporting tpp, keystone. When its politically favorable to her she switches sides. She is not to be trusted. It has nothing to do with benghazi or emails. Is not to be trusted. If i cannot write him in, i will vote for trump. Because this super delegate system reminds me of a banana republic. Nothing more. Where the kings court is coordinating the king and queen matingelating carron correlating coronation correlating correlating c oronating the king and queen once again. Host you are next. Caller you have a lot of never trump people on the republican side. On the democrat side to have a lot of never clinton people. I think sanders endorsement would bring some of those people over to the camp. In 2008 i was a hillarys reported. Hillary supporter. I switched over to obama. I have always in a clinton supporter. When her husband was in office i was in the military. I serve in the military under president clinton and i have always and loyal to the clintons. I think she is more than and tod to be president the young lady from florida that was just on here, theres many reasons why africanamericans i am a black man. Theres many reasons why we support hillary. For one thing she is very supportive of the black lives matter movement. She has been with us over 20 years. And i dont have time to go through all of reasons but those are just some of them. Thank you. Jennifer from delaware. Bernie sanders supporters. Good morning. Caller i will not be voting for Hillary Clinton. I am a former Hillary Clinton order back when she was first lady. I loved her. She made an announcement and did itsearch me, and i and i did not like what i found. There is so much of their that is negative that i was unaware of. I am also a disabled vet. Of the like any warmonger things i have heard in reference to her. Libya, benghazi, honduras. They are currently sending out draft card to where teenagers with no registration. Combine that with the rigged system to get her in office and , its all fitger together like a puzzle. Im not ready to forfeit every one of my children will qualify under the registration. I will lose all my kids to war. Theres allies. Shes powerhungry. Shes part of the establishment. She likes to play the female card when it and if it through. It when backs away from it doesnt benefit her. Houston, texas. Supporter of Hillary Clinton. Go ahead. Caller yes. Us. Ary has really helped her husband has helped with everything for everybody. So muchn hearing talking about the reality about so much Hillary Clinton has helped with everything with her husband and i know she will. Butybody makes mistakes this is the propaganda of the Republican Party. Trump to be in that all hes going to be and you w hes not quality qualified. Hillary is going to do for the country for everybody. They just shouldnt be doing stuff like that and talking. People need to realize that they are not perfect and she would make a good president. Host donald trump in indiana today. 7 30 on cspan2. He will appear with indianas governor mike pence. He is on a list of possible vp candidates were donald trump for donald trump. You can see donald trump today at 7 30. And for it on cspan2 cspan radio. Donald trump in Virginia Beach yesterday calling himself the law and order candidate. He took a shot at his democratic counterpart. Am the law and order candidate. [applause] Hillary Clinton on the other ineffective, pandering, and as proven by her recent email scandal, which was an embarrassment not only to her that the entire nation is a will but to the entire nation as a whole, shes either a liar or grossly incompetent. One or the other. Very simple. More of that available on cspan. Org. Hillary clinton and bernie. Anders appearing today some type of endorsement reportedly expected. Onwant to get your thoughts that if you are a Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders supporter. Does it change your mind about Hillary Clinton . What is your feeling . Sanders88000 four supporters. For clinton01 supporters. You are on. Caller good morning. I am a bernie supporter that i cant vote for somebody who is friends with Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright. So i was wrestling with the idea of voting for hillary to i will probably vote for jill stein. Host what is it about that friendship that causes you concern . Caller they are evil people. They are evil. A lot of people know about Henry Kissinger but when Madeleine Albright made that comment that all those innocent iraqi and shes got killed said, it was worth it. That just turned be totally off. I cant stand those people. Chummy with is sho them. I will probably vote for jill stein. Host from california, supporter of Hillary Clinton. Caller i am a supporter of hillary. I have another issue i would like to discuss. The georgeemember Bush Administration having their own private email server. Andas help i the rnc thousands of emails were lost. They claim they found some of them but still there was a lot that was lost and i didnt hear the stuff thats going on right now. There was a little bit discussion but it wasnt constantly attacking him. I find the double standard with this woman appalling. Everything she does and says. Lie. Hese politicians they all make mistakes. She is no different than any other politician. The only difference with her if shes a woman. And even women i cant understand say such nasty things. Women are not with each other. They dont stick up for each other. They stab each other in the back constantly. Clintons email use, the meeting between the Loretta Lynch and bill clinton reportedly will be topics of discussion when the attorney general appears before the house judiciary committee. That will be at 10 00 this morning. See it live on cspan3. This is a write up about judging , Loretta Lynch will talk about criminal justice reform. Republicans on the committee have other ideas. They are promising to grill her about her decision to accept the fbis recommendation not to prosecute Hillary Clinton. Another hot topic will be her private meeting with bill clinton days before the fbi director he announced would not be pressing charges. Here is bob from montana. Bernie sanders supporter. Good morning. Somebody cant support that voted for the iraq war, that is the candidate of wall street, that has not been seen a trade agreement she doesnt like. Candidate Bernie Sanders that was for the working class. This is probably the saddest day of my life. Im one of the people that gave him 27. Im not even sure how much money i gave him. For him to endorse Hillary Clinton is like seeing Elizabeth Warren standing up and endorsing hillary. Shes the candidate of the 1 , the elite. This is what god is in the trouble in the iraq war. Media. Te corporate i just wanted to say what a sad day in america. Thank you. Host from california, Hillary Clinton supporter lisa. Caller yes. Good morning. A lot of africanamericans are voting for Bernie Sanders. My daughter is one of them. I have a clinton supporter. But sanders is going to be out of the race. Donald trump is a racist and thats why a lot of africanamericans are not voting for him. I watch cspan, msnbc and fox news. Every time i see donald trump talking, he never talks about policies. All he talks about is crooked hillary. Ok, so what, shes crooked . Ok, and . How Many Americans are not cricket . Crooked . Host mark in ohio. Good morning. Caller good morning. Im 76 years old. I have voted the last 55 years in every general election. And i have voted democrat. I voted for the first time in my life in a primary election this year. I voted for Bernie Sanders. I also contributed Bernie Sanderss campaign. I cannot vote for Hillary Clinton. I will not give up my selfrespect. In scandaln involved after scandal ever since her husband was governor of arkansas. I will vote for the first time in my life republican because i intend on voting for donald trump since Bernie Sanders will not be the nominee. Have a great day. Host mark, even the fact that Bernie Sanders is appearing on stage with mark has hung up. Crystal from pennsylvania. Hillary clintons. Good morning. Im a Hillary Clinton supporter. I like Bernie Sanders. However all of the email scandals over the years doesnt play a part in my life. What i cannot vote for is donald trump. All i think about every day is how racist he is. A Hillary Clinton supporter. I will be voting for Hillary Clinton. Donald trump is not a president for the entire people. He is not a law and order president. He is a person who divides people. Thats what he does and he wants us to forget that. But as an africanamerican woman i could never forget what he said about hispanics, muslims, have you started trouble with africanamericans at his rally. I dont care what Hillary Clinton does. I will never ever vote for donald trump and i wont be will be voting for Hillary Clinton. Those delegates on the Platform Committee and rules Committee Meet to settle up on things. You can see that live on seized. Een at 2 00 this afternoon one of the things that write out yesterday during those meetings was the topic of same sex marriage. Politico writes up a story drafted panel that has the platform yesterday rejected a push to moderate the party stance on samesex marriage. Im not asking you to endorse my own constitutional rights, im only asking you to recognize them. That was rachel off, and open gay gay delegate openly delegate from cleveland. Of that exchange at yesterdays platform meeting. Page one, line 20 evan. Children rich raised in a two parent household. I want to insert traditional. That has been a general theme we have seen from this committee as well. We want to have some specificity as to what sort of household we are endorsing. Is in motion. We are inserting one word on line 27. It has been moved and seconded so that the word at the end of that line after two parent says, traditional. Before two. In a traditional twoparent household. People understand the amendment. Discussion. Delegate from new york. Amy dickerson here. Look. This is another poke in the eye to the Gay Community if you could scroll back please. To say that the traditional twoparent household is without certain to account for physically and emotionally healthier children and are less likely to use drugs engage in crime or become pregnant outside of marriage, outrages. Zero evidence. Horrible research that was conducted in 2010 before marriage was allowed. And freedom to marry was allowed in most of the state. This research has been debunked again and again. Place in continuing to suggest that a gay married couple which is legal in their couple Dutch Country and was legal in 32 states prior to the this isecision, outrageous to suggest that children of a gay couple are more likely to be in balanced and use drugs in droves and be criminals. Is so provocative and i completely disagree with his lingwood and i will not thatrt it and i would hope some fellow member would not want to continue to do harm and would want to have a party of addition and not subtraction. Stop repelling gays for god sakes. Host that effort passed yesterday. You can see the whole discussion on our website at cspan. Org. A Bernie Sanders supporter in indiana. This is beth. Caller good morning. I am a sanders supporter and i understand the frustration of the supporters. We didnt get will be one that we need to look at the long haul and look at the Supreme Court. We stand a much better chance by supporting Hillary Clinton and getting some of these things in place that we would like to have such as choice and try to overturn hillary couldd influence who is on the bench for the next 30 to 50 years. Bei hope before we would angry and vote for trump and vote against their own best interest that we would think long and hard about the Supreme Court. Host do you think there will be a role for Bernie Sanders in a Hillary Clinton administration . See why theret couldnt be and i hope that his supporters keep pushing for that kind of work. He did ring a loud bell and he started something. Host at Hillary Clintons of water from pennsylvania, paul. Thank you for taking my call. I have to support hillary. Im not thrilled about hillary. They have been trying to frame her as dishonest for the last 20 years. The email and everything, it was wrong. She simply didnt want people to be able to go through all of her things and she got caught. Its not like she was a spy. She wasnt trying to hurt the country. Trump is a complete madman. Who could trust him with the Nuclear Codes . , youepublican party itself saw how homophobic they are with their platform and stuff. Can we write a history book that we elected the first africanamerican president and then we elected the first racist president . I cant see that history book being written. Host you said you were not thrilled about Hillary Clinton. Why is that . Caller there should be more candidates. To buy ice cream, ive got 31 flavors. I want to vote for a candidate, ive got two. Howsed to laugh about Saddam Hussein would run and he would be the only candidate. Host margaret from texas, Bernie Sanders supporter. Hello. Caller i support the comments made by the two previous Bernie Sanders supporters. Im actually an independent progressive. But i will vote for Hillary Clinton. As much as i am very critical of her. Because the president is not allpowerful. There are three branches of government. Republican even suggesting someone to go on to the Supreme Court. We need to work to get as many progressives in the andte, retake the senate rely on those progressives in the senate. To democrats goodwill promote the measures that we as independent have fought for. Im 88 years old. Thats my comment this morning. Announcement expected with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders today. An endorsement of some type might come forward. We are getting your thoughts if you are a Bernie Sanders supporter or Hillary Clinton supporter. 202 7488000 Bernie Sanders supporters. 202 7488001 Hillary Clinton supporters. The senate changeup in the race for indiana. The former indiana senator expected to run for his own. Seat. Own seat his old it could strengthen the democrats prospects of winning majority control of the senate in november. He served as governor from indiana and as a senator. His name recognition is expected to give him a strong advantage in the race for his Old Senate Seat which is being vacated by he would face. Epresentative todd young a supporter of Hillary Clinton. An African American scientist and i have a phd in physics. Hillary Rodham Clinton is the best qualified person running for president this country has had in years. She has been all over the world. She was secretary of state. The most qualified of all those president s. I dont care what Bernie Sanders does right now. He was just a diversion. All this stuff about the email scandal is nothing but hatemongering, female bashing. I had those criticisms also. I want to make an announcement to our africanamerican brothers. Africanamericans are voting for Hillary Clinton by and large because of old african with. We as a people know who has our best interest in mind. Africans are most loyalty in this country. I support her because one is down and read. This woman is going to take care of this country. Donald trump is not going to be not qualified to run this country. Thank you very much. Host one more call. A Bernie Sanders supporter. Thank you for taking my call. Im confused. Because sanders is against wall street, pharmaceutical industry, banks and stuff like that, donations. All the donations that clinton has received at this time. Andhe is supporting endorsing Hillary Clinton . And then what . I feel betrayed. I support him. He was the candidate giving us a little bit of hope to have a little bit of socialization of america. Now he is supporting Hillary Clinton. Host we have two guests joining us today. First up, jim himes on efforts by democrats to pass can control legislation. Concerning the shootings. Rigellrepublican scott of virginia. Washington journal continues after this. The hardfought 2016 primary season is over with Historic Convention to follow this number this summer. As the delegates consider the nomination of the first woman ever to hit a Major Political parties and the first nonpolitician in several decades. Watch live on cspan. Listen on the cspan radio app or get video on demand at span. Org. You have a front row seat beginning july 18. Had a rough up bringing and i got involved in the streets. I met some friends and they were selling drugs so it was like the thing to do. We sold marijuana, mescaline tabs, cocaine, crack cocaine came out and we started selling that. In the streets from the age of 13 to 18 years old. Five years. Nypd21 year veteran of the discusses his book. He talks about his former life as a drug dealer and police officer. I criticize police a lot. When i criticize im talking about the bad police and thats a small percentage. The overwhelming majority of cops are just doing their jobs but you dont hear about them. Look at the persons background, seven complaints, use of force. The guy was a mess. And we dont find out until they kill somebody. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern on cspans q and a. Washington journal continues. Host representative jim himes, democrat from connecticut. Also on the intelligence subcommittee. Good morning. About house morning republicans when it comes to events concerning Gun Legislation. It probably wont happen until after the summer. Guest im not surprised. For someone from connecticut to see the sandy hook killings go by when 20 first and second graders were murdered and nothing happened. And all these mass killings and nothing happens. I cant say im surprised. Projecta very long convincing people that we can do common sense gun safety regulation that in no way impinges with their Second Amendment rights. Sadly the republican majority doesnt see it that way. This is going to be something we are going to talk about. Universal background checks. These are measures that are supported by well in excess of 80 of americans. We will be holding them accountable for that in the upcoming election. Host the republican proposal wanted a threeday period. Whats wrong with that approach . Guest ever was and one that i was immediately happy about in as much as three days is not a very long time for the government to say to a judge and by the way that part is important. You dont take away somebodys rights without some element of due process. Three days or the gun sale gets approved. Its probably too brief. I was not thrilled about the proposal we were supposed to vote on but it would have been better than where we are today which is nothing. Host you think the democrats made impact on this whole debate on the gun proposals . Theres no question we made an impact. We really touched a vein. All over the country people said, wait a second. This is the 30,000 plus gun deaths very different from any other country on the planet. People say its not the gun, its Mental Health. No other country on the planet has the kind of gun problem that we do and thats partly because we are a nation awash in guns. Immediately the discussion collapses because the nra wants progunpse it to argue or antigun . Thats the wrong way to think about it. I am proSecond Amendment. I enjoy recreational shooting. Host when you hear the proposal made during the city and reduced to a stunt, what was your reaction . Guest i want the American People to think about the fact that the speaker of the house called john lewis, who has beaten was beaten almost to death crossing the Edmund Pettus bridge in alabama by Alabama State troopers let this effort. To me it was startling to hear the speaker of the house accused john lewis of creating a stunt. Measures that we did this to call for our supported by a very large majority of americans. This is not an abstract academic problem. It is killing 30,000 americans a year. To take a strong action in that regard and having called a stunt and the speaker of the house was a mistake on his part. Host democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. Ndependents, 202 7488002 in light of the extrajudicial Police Murders of black men, what is next for congress . What do you think . Guest politicians, not politicians, we all need to take a step back and take a deep breath. At the end of last week i just had a sense of tragedy and depression because of course we saw the killings, the Police Killings in louisiana and minnesota. And the violence in dallas. Immediately in this political environment fingers started pointing. We have to take a step back. This is a moment for people to think about what it means to be an american. Of us in positions of elected authority to show some leadership. We have to come together. Lets conversation about how African Americans are treated very differently than white americans in the judicial system writ large. Lets talk about Better Police training and deescalation of situations rather than escalation. We have to stop the aggressive rhetoric that has been pointed at movements like lack lives matter and say lets take a look at this problem. Host ron is in New Hampshire on our line for democrats. You are on with representative jim himes. Himes, representative im very honored to stay with you this morning and think you cease been. You have the best guests on all the time. , im reallyve housexed with the way the has been conducting business for at least the last seven years. I know i am preaching to the choir but the houses inability to get everything done even the simplest of things, i mean my eighth grade class could do a better job. I just dont understand how people keep getting elected. I like my gun. I have one gun. I like it. I dont love it. Its a semi automatic. Its probably one of the guns that would be banned. But it doesnt matter. I will switch it for a 12 gauge. Its no big deal. I dont need to hunt and kill and clean my prayer at the same at the same time. If somebody is looking to do somebody harm and kill a lot of people on the way out the door if they grab a baseball bat, they are not going to do much damage. Theyey grab a loaded ar15 are probably going to become an over achiever. Its just common sense gun laws. We will let our guest respond. Guest i appreciate the sane and sober view you take here, particularly coming from the live free or die state. This is a severely polluted debate. We talk about a lot of things and have a lot of arguments that are pretty silly and meaningless. You are absolutely right. There are weapons made for war that were designed for small military units to kill a lot of people very quickly and obviously we are going to draw that line and they this is appropriate and this is not. I happen to believe that magazine size is important. Colleague gabbing efforts gabby giffordss assailant was stopped when he paused to take a magazine out of his rifle and replace it. It becomes a debate of progun or antigun. Do you want to take my guns away or do you not . I have never met anybody who wants to take peoples guns away. The president has never said that. It has never been his policy. Of things weinds should be talking about that we are not talking about. Two thirds of the gun deaths in this country are suicides. Not an Assault Rifle crime. That is probably an availability of firearms crime. What if we just had better standards for storage . What if we had more conversations about trigger locks . Digital trigger locks . What if i had that only i could use as its owner . Distraught person or a drunk person or a person who has stolen my weapon cannot use it. We do not have these conversations because the nra and their enablers, the moment you offer a conversation like that they look at you and say, you want to take away my guns which is utter fantasy. Host delaware, republican line. Yes. R im all for Gun Legislation but we have a lot of it on the books. All they need to do is enforce the ones that are on the books. People, the democrats that sat in the well and they would not let any legislation be passed that day, they acted like a bunch of little babies. Ive had little ones that would jerk my hand and down on the floor and refuse to do what i wanted them to do and thats exactly what the democrats were acting like that day. Doingk that all they are is making the people that are on the streets go and buy more guns. The gun places were loaded with cars out front of them. I said, i think the democrats have to have its my way or the highway. Grownups act like than nothing will get the legislation passed. Isil then all they are doing going in the street and buying guns. Disagreerespectfully with your conclusion that all we have to do is enforce the laws on the books. The mass killings just to name three recent ones at orlando, sandy hook elementary school, San Bernardino where those isis inspired terrorists killed a bunch of their coworkers. In each and every one of those cases assault like weapons were purchased legally. Just enforcing existing law is not enough. And il we are asking for understand your criticism about raising hell on the floor. A lot of us felt like sometimes a problem is so severe that as john lewis of georgia put it, you get in the way. I think a situation or 30,000 americans are dying every single year is a cause for getting in the way. The point is its not enough simply to enforce existing law. We also need to make sure that every person who exercises their Second Amendment rights gets a background check. Thats common sense and pretty hard to argue with and yet it is not the status quo today. To make sure people who are suspected of terrorism cant walk in and buy a gun in a period of three days. We need to focus harder on Mental Health. There are a lot of things we need to do and a lot of conversations we need to have. This argument at all we need to do is enforce existing law if that is the approach we take you will continue to see 30,000 plus americans dead at the end of the barrel of a gun every single year. And a lot of us are not comfortable with that. Host you came into the news by criticizing the moment of silence that came after the orlando shootings. You to that and what did you learn from that and your thoughts on it . A sunday, awas sunday morning i learned about the orlando murders, the 49 People Killed by one individual with a military like rifle. I bumped into one of the fathers of a sevenyearold boy killed in sandy hook. Whatt imagine, you know congress will do tomorrow in the brutal a new round of killings . They will not pass legislation come universal back and check, we will not have a conversation about knowledge he, instead, we will stop talking seven seconds, stop talking about sports and dinner, put on our serious race, and we will say that is forward motion. We will stop talking about sports for seven seconds and put a serious face on ember 10 that is in some way adequate to the size of the problem here it problem. That is not honoring the many victims of gun violence. My god did i ever learned that around this country, a lot of people said it is time for you guys to step up and do something. And i just articulated that. We do think, if you are with 90 , lets put a bill on the floor. Caller good morning. I just want to talk about the reports in great britain. Tony blair and george bush went to war for the wrong reasons and it is unjustifiable. We need to get ourselves together. You live by the swords and die by the swords. Here with all of this killing, that is called predatory killing. The blacks, we have privileges and not rights. Said america was the biggest purveyor of violence in the world. That young man who learned terrorism from america, we have an terrorized and i hope when george bush and obama get up there, they need to repent for what they created with that skirmish in iraq, with all of that violence, the chickens have come home to roost. All of that come violence and create terrorists. Thank you, brothers. That, there was a lot in a lot of important ideas in that. It makes me sad when people say we have an event like the killings that occurred in baton minneapolis, they are talking about having black lives matter protesters out there saying we get treated differently than white americans. I hear that and it is almost always the skin color we have. Ot to own up and be honest we should not be afraid of that conversation anymore than how we allow this to exist. Stop and frisk to who gets arrested, to who press it is prosecuted, how long the sentence is applied, to the application of capital punishment, at every step of the judicial process, African Americans are treated differently than white americans are. Withay disagree demonstrations or whatever, but that is not an acceptable fact regardless of your skin color. Politics isng how we get things done in the country. It is an alternative to violence in the streets. That leman is right we should be talking about the fact that black americans have a different experience writ large the people of my skin color. Not t nor that and do because that is somehow divisive, i do not think anyone thinks that is acceptable. Host john, democrats line. Caller i had a couple of comments to say. Say as far aso your point about the democrats i think where putting the cart before the horse say you can be added to a terrorist list the aftermath of 9 11 and the creation of homeland security, against the creation of another security apparatus, now it seems democrats are embracing that this nonjudicial process should be embraced as what can be used to curtail a Second Amendment right. To put out the initial review part. That will give them a judicial review. Job to do what you want. Minority rights protected, not just the majority. 30,000 people are dying here. To a recentng report die. 200 thousand a year. Guest democrats do not say that if you are on the terrorist watch list, you should not feel to buy a gun with no due process. You are absolutely right. Process,t be due of judicialme form oversight. It is not a crazy idea and it is not like we have to go into a you have a constitutional right to privacy. Police go to a judge and say we have probable cause in the process of committing a crime, you can say fine, we can listen in on these own conversations or emails. We have a process by which we have that kind of due process and that is what we need here, obviously since were about constitutional rights. Simply in virtue of you being on it, youre giving up that right, that is not anyones position to you are right about the larger list. I think most americans would say we probably ought to have a list of people that we expect suspect are involved with terrorism. Probably extra scrutiny if you get on the airplane or that sort of thing. If you get that list on africa, you can appeal that. Host a mode scholar with a master of philosophy oxford university. The ciaspeaker asked keep Hillary Clinton from intelligence briefs coming out of the situation with her email server. What do you think . Aest i think it is nonstarter. The speaker and all of us who work with classified information are right to be concerned. On the a hand, it would be tempting and i flirted with the notion of saying, donald trump, donald trump gets up and says whatever he wants pier 1 guarantee will we have that he does not disclose classified information . One of the sea does people in all likelihood we will see in two weeks will be president of the United States and they will make life and death decisions and have their finger on the nuclear trigger. It is important that they not start and sworn in on day one and have to spend three weeks coming up to speed with National Security issues. I think paul accused those of us who raised a little hell in the thinkof doing a stunt, i host clapboards denied the request i speaker ryan. Were you concerned about the Sensitive Information . I was you havee to be concerned anytime there is a breach of information. People are working to discover our secrets or there is no others and director comey said this, no evidence out there that somebody did still classified information. As a member of the intelligence committee, i had an opportunity to look at a lot of that information. The president made the statement a month a couple of months ago, saying he did not think National Security had in any way been compromised by the information in those emails. I happen to share that. Mean easy everyone of us does not have an obligation. Secretary clinton herself has said this was a misjudgment and a serious mistake and it was. If any good will come out of it does not matter how seniors you are, if your secretary of state or secretary of treasury, you use the internal system. There was evidence that secretary clinton was not the only one, that her predecessors did as well. Host josh, thanks for waiting. A quick comment. Ban,13 an assault weapons certain variants of ak47s, it did not seem to do much because they had different types of what. I do not think a lot of representatives know you can make a lot of these in your garage. Out on a 3d it printer or a 30 round exiting. You can print a lot of what you ban and they will still be happening. Representatives honest with the public and tell them this will keep happening, even if you ban these types of weapons. That is my comment. Criminals do not care about the law. Fair point and that is why this weapons ban is a harder thing to your out how to do well than the universal background checks. It is not a coincidence that those of us who would like to see better guns the d regulations out there usually do not talk about an assault weapons ban first. Obviously we will draw a line about what kind of hardware americans get at best to. There are not a lot of people out there making the argument that americans should be allowed to own automatic weapons on the house. We already make that illegal. Lets draw it in a place where in my humble opinion, we are not allowing 30 round exitings. You are right that someone can make a magazine or change a semiautomatic into a fully automatic. He will never stop people determined to break the law, but we can reduce the total number of weapons out there that are killing in amass military environment. To josh, we need to stay sane. Deaths,0,000 plus gun only about 2 of those are associated with mass killings committed with an assault weapon. I would not say we should not have that conversation. Questions have that conversation not first pair lets do think that you take us down to 25,000 down to 20000 and then address what is a smaller part of overall gun violence in the country. Host maryland, joe, good morning, independent line. Caller thank you. When i evaluate proposals, i always feel how they do , ings, with all due respect am not a democrat or republican but your side of the issue is i have ever seen. John lewis is not jesus christ and is not infallible. He lied, it is a lie. You violated house rules and you willing, when republicans have an issue they think is important, you have to be willing to support their actions. You talk about due process in the bill and you seem like a smart guy, you went to oxford. Hill,ow that feinsteins was toy due process bring a lawsuit against this, thousands of dollars, years before you are able to get off the list of you know darn well no individual person, when you take the constitutional rights, you have to do that, on a list named after a you talk about universal background checks. The implication you are giving is so many guns are not that is a very small number of private sales that do not have universal back on checks. The blatant dishonesty of your that thehat you imply mass shooting would have been stopped by the proposals you are doing. Host you gave three points and then one so lets get a response. The democratsthat are all of this is part of the reason we have got polarization and the partisanship that we do in washington. That is plain wrong. Democrats are no more dishonest than republicans and republicans are no more dishonest than democrats. I have a lot of friends on both sides of the aisle. That is not the way to about politics. There are dishonest people on both sides, of course. I do not disagree with your fundamental contention that we broke the house rules. We did. Is an avent heart avatar an exemplar of civil disobedience. Day, on an issue that the vast majority of americans are with us in this place that is supposed to work, we will break the rules and we will suffer the axis. That is classic civil disobedience. Not being dishonest about it. We were trying to make a point. Daylong disruption we orchestrated on the floor, it you want to put this in terms of democrats and republicans, because that seems important to you, was far less disruptive and 18 day shutdown engineered by ted cruz and the Republican Party. That cost our economy probably hundreds of billions of dollars. You we canng to tell govern this country through civil disobedience and through those actions and if they were happening every week, i would start to get concerned. But i stand by saying this is a problem with the vast majority of American People are and we need to bring some attention to it. If the country lost 30,000 americans a year to terrorism, which we dont, not even close, if we lost 60,000 americans every two years, a number that is equivalent to the americans we lost in the entire duration of the vietnam war, we would be legislated 24 7 and debating and passing laws and rules. 30,000 americans die a year as a result of gun violence and we do a seven second moment of silence. To me that is an abdication of responsibility that warrants civil disobedience. Brian in indiana, democrats line. Caller thank you for taking my call. Handgun. Rchased a in San Bernardino, i filled out my application and got fingerprinted. Like, i did not get my card to carry a concealed for like 90 days. I do not know if they are backlogged, but if that takes that long, and the room was , some people were from tsa, but there has got to be a gun under every stone in this country. Guest what can i say . It sounds like the process was euro. He doesnt sound particularly bothered by it. I understand it is a difference between a constitutionally guaranteed right to bear arms and youre right to drive. But it flummox is me that we toe it an awful lot easier buy a weapon in terms of how trained and capable you are and how much we checked you out, then we do allowing you to get behind the wheel. People like me who support Second Amendment rights and enjoy shooting, all we are a is less do those background checks and make sure weapons are stored ,ell and have the amortization and i want to go back to the point joe made earlier. None of us are saying, and this is one thing the an array and their gang are using to shut down the debate, universal background checks or assault level a select bands that poof, 37 30,000 deaths are going away. Of course that is not the case and we will always have gun violence and there will always be murderous criminals out there. We are saying we can take constitutional and fairly common sense and popularly supported measures that would take that 30,000 people number down dramatically. In the last month or so, the House Speaker is putting forth proposals called a better way. Dots that frank, one of the pieces highlights a piece from jeff who wants to strip systematically important Financial Institutions and exempt those numerous regulatory requirements if they hold sufficient capital. Can you put that in the larger context of what you think dodd frank has done concerning wall street and how effective it has been . Guest yes, it is still early days to look at that frank and regulations and say, we solve all of these problems. We know a couple of things. Now much more progressive about casting the viability and solvents the of banks. The stress test. Banks are far better capitalized than they were nine years ago. We know that organizations are out there stopping the sale of ninja mortgages, no problem, we have got a mortgage for you, that is a said a thing of the past. Financial layers , the banks are doing very well, as our many hedge funds and private difference etc. Private equity firms, etc. Smaller banks i think are struggling against the big guys, for whom it is not hard to hire a whole bunch of lawyers to do with regulation. I think that is Something Congress should do. I do not agree with a lot of what he put in the proposal but it was thoughtful stuff. The idea that if a bank has enough capital, it will come out the extra scrutiny of the Federal Reserve and other regulators, the core problem here is not having enough capital. I like the direction he is going here i am not sure im willing to say that men we were not going to Pay Attention or not closely regulate systemically important Financial Institutions. It is not a question of either or. The Federal Reserve should be looking at their book to make sure they are not telling us capital but boots, it turned out they did not. Especially with events happening in the United Kingdom, particularly for people who might be monitoring the 401ks and the like . Anyone who took a look at the ira or 401 k after the , immediatelytion after that. Remarkably, the u. S. Capital markets had largely rick evert. The markets had close yesterday at a record high. The real impact is probably on britain and some American Companies, particularly the companies that always looked at london as the dropping off point here that will be compromised. I sadly think it will have a real impact on the british economy and it will require some American Companies really thinking of london as your it had voters, i think that changes but we have got a big and in thist economy country and while i personally wish they had not voted the way they did, there is some virtue, and i think americans iras in the long run will be fine. Host what benefits do you think british folks had by staying . Guest there is no question their economy is helps when they conduct business with germany,he powerhouse of europe without any friction, without having to clear products through customs and show passports. Economically, there is no question that is good for britain and that stepping away will not be good. It raises all other sorts of political problems. Scotland voted tuesday to what will they do now . Are they going to leave . I worry more about northern ireland. There economy really relies on trading with the republic of ireland and there will be a real border. My guess is the republic of ireland, northern ireland, said to themselves that we might want to think about being independent and now most of us have not forgotten the troubles and violence that listed there. There are politically all kinds of possibilities for political upheaval that hopefully can be overcome but we do not know. Host next call, republican line from virginia. Caller i want to know, the police and the black people, but what we need to understand, a small town, and like i said, and theyple got killed never find out who done it or who do it. I want to know why he is always in washington, d. C. , why dont he come into small town and try to help people in the small town . Money. Getting no this drug money with these know how a lotto of people have guns and they dont know who is having a gun. Know on this issue around the world, and why dont the fbi tried to find out what is going on . I think we could do a lot do trackingwe firearms. I think i understood her to say a lot of guns move around and we do not know who is moving them or where they are. Not to beat a dead horse here, but universal background checks and registrations will help us with that. Do tracking firearms. I think i understood her to say a lot of guns move in a drug but in new york city, we could go back and hold the Rightful Owner of that weapon accountable, noter for selling it or storing it adequately. This gets us again to a debate i wish we were talking more about, which is a lot of the problems we have is guns being illegally trafficked. About thelot more obligations of ownership, we could use that problem significantly. New hampshire, independent line. Caller congressman, you are about the smartest person ive ever heard. Listen to what im going to say to you. There were more deaths in america, because you are a statistics guy. More deaths in america from opioids and drugs last year than automobiles and guns put together. You will see how many young people are dying daily. There are more gun laws on the books than they know what to do with. It took a year in massachusetts to get my gun. I live in New Hampshire now, it took me about a week. It is not an issue about guns, it is a Mental Health issue. The fellow that kill those children in connecticut, the movie theater, the fellow who shot the congresswoman, it is all about mental illness. Is nothing but a sham and you people sitting down in congress, shame on you. Sit down. T there to i do not care what your feelings are. You are not there to sit down. Youre there to legislate. If you do not like what the other side is doing, promote your issue better and change the number. Guest thank you for the couple met. I suspect my wife is probably next up on the line to dispute whether i am a smart as you think i am. I respectfully completely sit down. Disagree disagree with your point. The United States does not have any more Mental Health issues than australia or the United Kingdom or china or russia. We do not. Our people are not less healthy mentally than countries all over the world. A few that show me that we have got a massive Mental Health problem in the country far worse than any other country, i would listen to the idea that it is all about Mental Health but that is not true. What is different about the United States versus every single one of the countryside is named is that we are a nation completely awash in guns. In massachusetts where you come from or New Hampshire or connecticut where i come from, where we actually have fairly confident statelevel regulation, but in some states, you do not need a license. You will not get a background check of you buy online. It is not exclusively a Mental Health problem. This is something that the opponents of actually doing commonsensical things around they try to persuade us this is true. If you want to make the argument, you have got to convince the there are a lot more people on this country with Mental Health problems than any other country in the world and that is simple enough true. It gets us back to what are the things we can change without in any way damaging your Second Amendment rights so we are not a awash in legal and illegal guns, well stored and badly stored, but are resulting in a problem that no other country on the planet has. Host maryland, democrats line. Hello. Caller i have been listening to this and i have some comments and also a question. Im a retired marine. I have lived in plenty of other countries. You will not have these types of killings you would have to be a serial killer with a knife cuts of their gun laws. I know the importance of the Second Amendment but i do alieve the government has responsibility to protect us from ourselves at times. I remove her growing up in detroit during the riots and anyone in the uniform was the target, they were shooting a fireman off the latter so they could not put out fires. Cars did not have seatbelts p review could drink and drive. A nation, we as have progressed to a better point that we can live our lives and have a better place for rent kids. My main question to you is what exactly has to happen for something to happen . Died, people of all colors have died, politicians have been shot, mass killings, single killings, just about everything has happened for something to happen but nothing has really happened. Laws are not being in force and the laws probably need to be rewritten. I am asking you, what has to happen in your mind for something to happen . Thank you for your service in the marine corps. It is a Good Opportunity to summarize a lot of the rings that have come up in this conversation. There is no one in that it happened that will change the gun violence epidemic in this country. Whole bunch of things, not one of which is an infringement on Second Amendment rights, that we could do to dramatically reduce in combination the number of americans killed every single year. We talked about those things. Universal back on checks. If you buy a gun online at a gun show, your checked out so that you are not a terrorist or a dangerous individual. Due process and of course Mental Health. It is not either or. That it is all this or all that. Storing. Ation about kevin was in the marine corps. There is probably no organization that is more terrible about how they handle firearms, how they store them, magazines, if we had the kind of discipline the people who work with weapons every cell day, whether a police force or the United States marine corps, if we had that kind of discipline in americans homes, if we were having a conversation about trigger locks so only a gun owner could use it, if we did a whole bunch of those things, we would start to look like other countries in terms of the number of our citizens who died with bullets in their bodies every single day. Host one more call from michigan, independent line. Caller i have a couple of questions. I do not think what you get on either side of the senate or the house, that it was not a stunt. It is just republicans when everyone talks about zika and Mental Health Mental Health and all of those things, the republicans will not do the funding on them. So they mean nothing. They sit there and said they want the Confederate Flag flowing as part of the zika ville seek a bill and taking away from the veterans 250 million and all of these other why they are not voting on these things because republicans put in such stupid things in it. Barb is right, it is a very frustrating situation both ,ith opioids and with zika which i ultimately voted for an opioid bill that did some good things, the commitment to treatment and rehab and all of those things, but it had almost no money attack attached. Killing people in premuch every community that i represent, and again, for reasons that disturbed me, the republicans that we will not have much money behind that. Abouthad an hour to talk this, that a year ago, Congress Passed a package of tax breaks that in combination cost us over 10 years 800 billion. All of the savings that came out of all of the budget big oceans came out when a year ago we passed a permanent standards a lot of stuff is good, would love to say it is terrific, it costs 800 billion. We now have an Opioid Crisis which is killing americans in every community in the country and the zika virus coming in, which has not devastated our communities as of yet like it has devastated brazil, my republican friends are saying we have got no money for that, though we had 803 and dollars in tax cuts in one big bill that has strong bipartisan support. That these sad emergency situations, we are not finding the money to protect and save american lives, but we can find it hundred billion dollars over here to give a lot of people tax cuts. I have to be satisfied that our government divided as it is, you put up with compromises that are not to your liking. An opioid builds on and i am hopeful we will get smarter about the zika virus. Host when it comes to spending bills, not many the past, you are about to go on a sevenweek break or so, what happens if those do not get done and what happened facing congress . The republican majority has had a hard time trying to get these appropriations budget bills done. It also has nothing to do with my side. Or may not be happy with various parts but you have got a real argument in the between thearty hawks which are basically saying spend money on premuch nothing and those who understand there is obviously, spending is important to services and is gearing set americans have. We have been here before a bunch of times. If they cannot get the budget will pass what is known as a continuing resolution. The government will continue to his and money on current trajectory, much reduced from where it was seven or eight years ago. What we then do is we give up the opportunity to do what our job is, to say we should spend less here and more there and at the does this end he emphasized what ising a resolution is known as a continuing resolution. The government will continue to his and money on current trajectory, much that the government is on autopilot. Host we will hear from a republican from virginia, scott rigell. His opposition to donald trump becoming the nominee for the Republican Party. That discussion will take place on washington journal. Cspans voices from the road. Recently, our cities tour unit stopped in ohio to ask voters what is the next president to address. I know a lot of things were established by the obama era. There are a lot of good things about some things were not good. At least we have a health plan in place. We need to tweak it and make it better. But we have something in place to work with and we have not have at the last president these. Lets build on what obama has established and make it stronger. Interested in a president ial candidate who shows concern for higher education. The cost of tuition has rise at a rate of five times out of inflation and it forces students like me to take out expensive student loans. My current student loan has an Interest Rate of 8. 4 . I could get a car loan for 1 . Im interested in a president willing to mitigate that is expressed concern for millennial click me in similar situations. The Biggest Issue right now in this country is polarization. Serving anybodys interest to have this type of polarization by the opinionateds and the blogosphere is, the flaming rants on the internet and we are being provided at if we do not come together, it does not matter which president. We will get more of the same. Nothing is lack and white. Whatever you think of the other side, if youre going so far to the extreme, that will not help. The next president needs to unite a lot more than it is being portrayed in the campaign right now. The division of our country is a single against enemy that we face right now. Voices from the road on cspan. Joining us representative scott rigell, good morning. Guest good morning. It is good to be with you. I enjoy the format. Donald trump was in your neck of the woods, talking about how he was the law and order candidate. I have fundamental disagreements with mr. Trump and i made this clear before the primary. It did not seem to make much difference what my view was but i needed to speak with clarity on this matter and i did. Think he lacks the temperament and judgment and character to serve as our president. On the other side, secretary is completely unacceptable as a candidate to me. For the first time, i will go in the voting booth and i will have to write someone in. A terrible choice for me personally. I wish it were not the case, but it is what it is at this point. Host who are you considering . Guest one of my colleagues is reid ribble. He was put forth as a viable alternative. I know it is a vote of sensible. Businessperson to understand statistically what it means to write someone in. Some of my closest friends were sideways on the issue. Ace they when you do that, you are essentially giving a vote to Hillary Clinton. I understand that logic, but there is something about casting a vote for someone, it is an affirmation of something in that person and i just do not see that in him. Particularly in the role of commanderinchief. The other alternative is equally unacceptable. Host is this specifically because of things he has said or his past Business Career . Guest all of it. There is not one character trait he exhibit that i can find that i would want my son to emulate. I start out with the basic ms, mocking people. He is deeply divisive in that sense. Particularly in the role of commanderinchief. The other alternative is equally unacceptable. Host is this specifically because of things he has said or his past Business Career . Guest all of it. There is not one character trait he exhibitim ok with talking a. She is not a better. Who identifye, with the Republican Party all my life, National Review when i was a college student, sporting heritage when i was 20 three years old 23 years old and it is like, what has happened to my country, and i have been working on what are the cause of factors that brought us to this point we are americans who can do better than this. I will continue to work on that part of it. There was a Court Decision wing a delicate what do you think about the effort by delegates at the convention coming up about voting their conscience . Guest given the number of delegates, i am certain there are members who will be in the delegates that are going to want to vote as i am in this case or , a vote ofng conscience, i think they should be a lot to do so, but i do not any outcomere to be other than dollar will be the republican nominee. Host are you planning to go to the convention . Guest i am not. Anytime i look at my calendar and think, what will i do with time coming up, i think, is there value . Sometimes there is a lot of value just being with family. In this case, knowing statistically, i just would not be able to influence the outcome of that. If i thought i did, i definitely would go. Ishave got to fight for what right but im in a place where i think this has left the barn. He will be the nominee of the Republican Party. Host if you want to ask our guests question about this the he serves on Appropriations Committee and is retiring as of when . Guest the retiring phrases funny. It is basically transferring to a different age of life. It will be six years for me and serving in the house has been a tremendous armor honor. Just gaveled in and everything, i have done that a few times lately because i know i am transitioning out. It is a great honor to serve in the house of representatives. It was not on the bucket list of life. I had a sentence an idea that my service was completed and i am taking the offramp. I have said from the very beginning with my staff, i want to leave without regret. That in sixs look years and say i would have done this or that differently. I feel good about my service and we can do better as americans and we can send our country in a better direction. The first call comes from illinois. Connie. Independent line. Caller good morning. I am voting for trump. I do not go along with all he says here i do not go along with everything. I was a lifelong democrat until bill clinton signed in abortion. Rth i thought, i cannot go along with this ungodly party anymore here and i switched republican. Now i hear all these republicans , and especially mark, i had his for the lasty yard two times he was elected, it will not be there again. Now saysdent we have to my kids, who are not college graduates, some of them are not high school graduates, if you want a better job, you go back to school and get a better education and you can have a better job. Because all of these latinos and immigrants he has let in, they need a job. If you are going to stand against trump, why dont you just switch to the Democrat Party . Fair question. A i disprove a couple of things you said there. Lets look at what mr. Trump a set about immigration. Since border on our southern border of mexico and we are in agreement. The manner in which she has been and theng for that, call is kind of a pep rally type of situation where he is saying mexico will pay for the wall, that aint going to happen here to just is not. I agree on a stricter immigration and early active proponent of saying syrian refugees, we need to stop that because we could not properly vet them. He is not to the right of me on those issues. It is just that and the call is kind of a pep rally type of situation where he is saying mexico will pay for the wall, that aint going to happen here to just is i think his ability to leave the country and certainly to bring it together, i just do not see it. You and i just respectfully disagree on the issue. Virginia, it is a beautiful document online and you can see it. I believe in limited government and other things that reflect the core values of the party. I do not feel like i have left my party. I feel like my party has left me. We can do better than this and i am convinced of it. For the call to we just disagree on that matter. Host florida, john, you are on with our guest. Caller i want to Say Something about cspan. Every time you have someone on, it is against trump trying to get him to get beat. I will go to my Satellite Company and tell them to quit with moneyyou all until you all start doing the right thing and work on the right side instead of the liberal far left. Have our share of Trump Supporters as well on this program but go ahead. Caller i have seen one or two. 25 people against him. Host i do not know about the number but go ahead. Like this guy mcconnell, he is like a democrat like mcconnell is an paul ryan. They are for all of the illegals to come into this country. Guest that is flat out wrong and we never met each other and i wish we can have this conversation direct and because that is how i like to deal with things and you probably do. I am not afraid of a tough conversation the what you said is flatout false. If you look at what i have said on immigration, i do not believe that when someone is here child, thatd have a that child should be an american citizen. It is one of the most controversial matters we deal with. I am for building a wall. You and mr. Trump as i understand it are in no way to the right of me on this issue. That is just a fact. Your Opening Statement was just off the rail. Host do you have a followup . Caller earned Income Credit getting 23 billion a year . Guest if you check my votes on this matter, it will line up the most conservative members of the house of representatives and i stand by my voting record on that and what i have called for. I understand why you and so many others have gotten on the trump train. I cannot do it in lieu of myself. Host democrats line, wisconsin. Good morning to the representative. First of all, as far as immigrants go, no the only get heavy onhat is the companies that hire them. Fingerprinted and stuff like that. If a person aint going to hire an immigrant, i guess they will turn around and go back home. All, hillary should type. Een and in some there was four other people in the last 50 or 40 years that have done similar things, and some help put on probation or something. The last one, the general, he lost a star and everything else. [indiscernible] guest we are 242 p or i have called to make it illegal to hire someone illegally. Im an employer with 600 employees and it is a privilege to grow a mediumsize business in america and i have done that. I think it is a tremendous way to help employers to know that they are hiring someone who is here illegally. With respect to secretary clinton and the disparity of how she has been treated, to me, it is unconscionable. High regard for fbi director comey but i think he missed it on this one. I am convinced if we find a gs 10 or gs 1113, people who work for the federal government, think ifing people, i they did something similar, im convinced we could find cases where people like that have lost their jobs, people have had serious consequences. I do not see that here. There is a double standard. It is demoralizing to the American People and i think it is typical of this administration generally that there is no accountability. We did not see it at the v. A. , we do not see it on the border for those who are not getting the job done, and it goes on and on. There is a general lack of accountability, without which you cannot lead an organization, whether a Small Company or the united dates of america. The House Speaker asked the caa to keep secretary clinton from briefing because of the fbi scandal, is that something you agree with . This point, we are investigating this and holding and the fbithis director comey did come over and he was grilled and should have been. If you want to clarify exactly there . Ur point was host they asked Hillary Clinton to keep because of the email thing. Guest i heard that statement and agreed with it. The best evidence of someones future behavior is the past have your paired people can change and i believe there is a place for grace in life. Not in this case. A there . Visit a basic lack of accountability. She has either lied to the American People consistently, you have seen the remarks, you that timeute the fact after time after time, what she said was diametrically opposed to the truth. Sohn confident that i would not entrust her with classified information, or she has lied over and over and over. This is unacceptable. Either way, not qualified to handle classified information. Lets go to larry in new york, independent line. Caller hi. I just want to endorse the idea that you will not over either one of them. One thing i am concerned about with the right in, and i hope many millions of people do not stay home, but they go home and write somebody in. One thing i am concerned about is we have a candidate that we write in that everybody writes in so we help show the Government Guest do you have an idea who that might be . Caller Susan Collins from maine. The only republican who went against host i think we lost him. Guest i understand the plan you just said. Four people in a room and you ask them how to death where to go to lunch, it is hard enough to do that. All of us deal the way we do, to head in one direction, i think the time does not allow for that weird i think those of us who feel as we do, you are absolutely right that the alternative should not he yielding to apathy, a checking out of fighting for a Better Future Better Future for our country, but instead to figure out where we are going from here. Host our guest is onresentative scott rigell the Appropriations Committee and hogan study committee, and automotive, guest a business losing a good old. T of money, 30 years it has been a real journey. We grew a nice business. It has been a remarkable experience. I digress it out about a year and a half ago. I had a friend who apparently wanted those and i told him, for the first time in my life, i reset when i and this term in january, i am going to try to process all that i have learned and really the Turbulent Times our country is fight i will continue to for our country. There are things causing us to really get off the rails. I think redistricting has been a causal factor and we can do something about that we are americans who can shape our future. I believe that. We can also use our mobile devices better. I am convinced this radical an unprecedented existential increase in technology, they are always with us, always on, better connected and yet ironically we are further divided. News but are less informed. We can do things about that and im working on it. Host valerie, republican high line. Caller thank you for taking my call. Listened to some of the thank you for the call and if it helps you in any way, my closest and dearest friends about my as you do view on trump. It is a matter of conscience. With my friends i generally try not to talk about it. That is ok. That is the nature of governance. The solutions in the United States, i heard a lot of various views about republican funding on zika response and research. Im here today as a member of the Appropriations Committee to say under the direction of our chairman on health and human services, if the administration , raised inus florida, a Family Member who is pregnant in florida, this is personal, i will not rest if i was concerned we were not fully ,unding our response to zika and we are not. Host we asked previous guests of the house calendar does not reflect challenges facing our country. The world of our Leadership Team and i know friends of mine that what is reconcile to left. I know that theres always things that come out to get republican votes out of the house, but we do not have earmarks anymore. Leadership just doesnt have enough members. I made this point consistently. I ended up speaking to my colleagues that when we do have is the calendars and i would that untileaker ryan he passed 12 preparations bills that we are not breaking. That is what i just did in the private sector. It is hard to break this monolithic east that is going. Own the road ive been very clear on this manner. Ive been consistent on this matter. That is kind of my thing. This needs to be elevated. Its important to pass these bills and thats in certain regard with president might do. Let 30 years ago, you think of the bell curve, where it was to 18, im convinced of this. Invertedcurve is now and the two extremes are now accentuated. The challenge of getting to 218 is far greater with our leadership right now. You just cant get together. Republicanlleagues, and democrat, and i am really to the centerhat College Still in the senate and less than 3000 americans have confidence in that. Here is due process despite what the nra is saying, there is due process in that bill. This is just not good. We have this mindset over there but for us to win that they must lose. It is not good. Im convinced they are not going to bring this Collinsville Collins bill because i would think it would pass. I feel very strongly about it coul. If we dont want someone on an airplane and we think we are that great event risk, why would buying . Them host you are on with our guest. Caller why in the world would you write somebodys name in on the ticket instead of voting for trump . Concern isrincipal in the role of commander in chief. Lets look at what he said about terrorists. He has been going around for weeks saying that we are going to take up the families of terrorists. Its in Collateral Damage that happened, but as a proactive policy in the United States, this is not a precedent. It diminishes the moral high ground that we elevate life in the United States. I understand the president needs andake out the terrorists the painful decision of knowing that their children there for example. Understand that, but to have it as a proactive policy, but if i went down the list, well have enough time on the show. I really dont know what he believes. He is acting like a to million on the wall a chameleon on the wall. Im no confidence in him. I cannot be in good conscious proactively thinking he will be a great leader of the country. I respect your view, but i dont agree with it. Host would it make a shade of difference if mike pence becomes les Vice President . Man. he is a fine thats quite a question that you have offered me there appeare. I hold mike pence in high regard. For the leadership of this great country, that would be more of a wiser decision if he elevates them. Host it would not change her mind . Your mind . Guest it is a mitigating factor at this point. Host ohio on the republican line, yolanda, go ahead. Caller good morning. Who isod to meet someone standing by the principles. With this election, i just feel so i cannot cast a vote for trump. Im going to stand by my principles. A fact, sunday we heard preacher preaching it is time for christians everywhere to stand up and stand by what you truly believe in. I truly do not believe donald trump is against abortion. He may say it now, but he is saying a lot of things now. Yolanda, thank you. Im not sure how many of us are like you in and i. There is the freedom to cast the vote that reflects the direction that this country needs to go. This is a difficult hour for me and for so many others. Reluctance and i cannot take another step in that direction. Host this is our democrats line. Caller thank you for taking my , you all want all to run from it, thats fun. Ine. As the number one thing phenix he needs to do. Hillary, but the problem with the gop and hillary you keep the reefer, but yall hate him. Voted,e fear of being these democrats and republicans, need to getans yells act together. Guest thank you for bringing it up. When i first came to congress, ive never served in congress before. Before the president went to the united nations, when he was about to bomb libya, he really need to come to the American People through the representatives and seek in rizzi authorization for the use of military force against libya. I felt very strongly about this. My conference is going in a different direction generally. I made an impassioned floor speech about that matter. Dennisn named jen kucinich. Name, butcognize that hes not as an outspoken and a liberal. He called me and said i saw your speech. I have a similar bill to yours and i was defunded. Knew what it would mean to actually vote for his bill and for him to vote for my bill. Where there is Common Ground, we have got to advance that coul. We have never met, but i would ask you this. I may stereotype people from time to time, but i would certainly ask that you not just do the bold categorization like we all hate barack obama, the president ,. I dont hate him. Thats inconsistent with my faith and personal values. , ire there is Common Ground have tried could he i. He is the commander in chief and president. Lead andre to mandatory spending reform, and i did speak personally to him on this. Tearlly kenneth, tea your point, i just met with the president. Theres this red jersey for republicans and blue jersey for democrats. I tried not to be a part of that. Host this is richard from massachusetts on independent one, go ahead. First of all, please dont hang up on me. This is cspan and if they dont like what they hear, the hang up on me. Everyone wants to know. It seems like you want to bring in immigrants that are on 10 year work visas. They have no rights. You let and 50 millions in the last five years. Now speaker ryan wants another 55 million. They cant vote. If you want to take away the rights of people to vote, you give these all uneducated people there aree saying jobs for the uneducated people in this country. They are all corrupt. First john, 519. Guest wow, we are all correct. Corrupt. Thats not true. Thats just not true. I wish we could look at each other and just talk about this. Replacingnk just house members is going to make a difference, im not sure sure that. So sure that. Tough navigate through a issue like immigration, i try to establish the fact. Put out really big numbers. I am unfamiliar with the numbers that you have quoted and that speaker ryan wants to bring another 50 million, ive not heard this. I do not know the source of your information. My own experience has been this. So often people come to the and theirare information isnt correct. If your information is correct and you can easily get in top touch with my office, let us know where you got that information. If that information is true, i will pivot based on it, but i do not think the information that you shared is true. As i shared earlier, my position on immigration is not xenophobia , its not antiimmigrant, but it is absolutely committed to borderstrong and secure , north and south, east and west, and that our airports and not just the south, but every part of our immigration policy. Without a thorough vetting of people coming to this country and making sure they are a similar waiting not apologetic about that. Are not assimilating, im not apologetic about that. Appreciate in some sense and i do not want to be too dramatic about it. Categorical training of every member of congress, ive heard that before and its not true. If you are a better man and i mean this not in a derogatory way, perhaps think about running for office. We need good men and women to. Office to host. Ost richard in new york caller caller do you have a problem with any of the 11 names for justices . Guest no. I have looked at mr. Trumps list and he started off with the federal society and i do not think you can get better vetted than that. That list went over to heritage. Conference where i attended and he spoke, he indicated to me at least and others took it this way that he looked at speaker ryan. I may not have this exactly right, but he looked right at speaker ryan and said if you want to bet this down a little that mr. Trump is making an honest effort to be transparent about the Supreme Court nominees. I understand where youre going with this. Nominees could set the destiny for this country well into perpetuity. Points well taken. Host thomas in florida on the democrats want. Caller how are you doing . Im glad you are not supporting him. Not think the man is mentally capable of being president of United States. Noticed that you like that word accountability. Guest i do. Caller accountability it should be both ways. There have been two big studies done one by british and one by our Congress Several years ago about the iraq war being started overlies. If you do believe in accountability, you need to bring that up and not just talk out of both sides of your mouth. Guest well, ive held the view for a long time that for one thing we should a pay for that war have paid for that war. Have mentioned that and that is one Common Ground and we shouldve paid for it instead of the tack that we went on. I think the evidence was faulty and our secretary of state at powell, general powell was saying in his statements that they were based on faulty information. I do not think that general powell particularly ended anyway and in any way deliberately misled the American People. The information was muddled. If i thought it was any good to go to the house floor and talk about the issue just mentioned, im not saying its not important, but there is so much before us today, passing our appropriations bills, immigration, and a host of other matters, top among them for me is mandatory spending reform to. Kno, i know youre calling on the democratic line, but all of us from anchorage to key west are working together. Do not responsibly reform mandatory spending, the consequences are going to hit us harder and sooner than most people realize. Work with us on that. Host representative scott riddle, member of the Appropriations Committee. Thanks for your time. Guest this went very quickly. Until 10 00. If you want to make his thoughts known on our right of issues,emocrats at 202 7488000 republicans at 202 7488001 and independence at 202 7488002. We will take those calls when washington journal continues. What cspans live coverage of the Republican National Convention Next monday in cleveland. We will take a look at past Republican Conventions, including the 1952 convention in chicago with dwight eisenhower. You have summoned me on behalf of millions of your americans who lead a great crusade for freedom in america and freedom in the world. I know something of the responsibility of leading a crusade. I have led one. Careern for his military instead of his political expertise, she was led to the Republican Convention. There is also the rules debate where it would require present take his Vice President before speaking. The call for heard us to really be successful in communicating and revealed to be American People the difference between this platform and the platform of the opposing party, which is nothing but a revamped and a reissue and a running of the late show that we have been hearing from them for the last 40 years co. The 1976 Republican Convention in san diego with former senator bob dole. Nationalpresent conventions saturday on cspan. Announcer washington journal continues. Host again, the number is 202 7488000 for democrats, 202 7488001 for republicans, and for independents 202 7488002. Today,New York Times they have coverage starting on sunday. Security plan is the subject of a story, saying ohios open into the can take them there miles where many of events in protest connected to convention will be held next week. Beginning sunday, protesters will begin to flood the city with causes running from gun rights. There is increased Security Firm resources from city, state, and federal authorities. Work oning place is the the platform and to tell us the latest of what is going on in those discussions and deliberations. David drucker is a Senior Correspondent joining us from cleveland. Good morning. As far as going into day two, give us a synopsis of what happened on day one. What are the major decisions and were there points of contention . Guest there was not much that change on the platform. Biggest debates were on security issues, but this platform is going to come out looking like most platforms. The recent changes in immigration wing which they are going language that they are going to stress at the border wall, those votes are happening now. I expect that they will pass. You will have strengthened language on immigration and voter enforcement, which probably puts the platform more in line with its voting base. On social issues, things were pretty much the same. There were amendments yesterday proposed that would have added more welcoming language to samesex marriage and lgbt individuals, most of those failed. There was an actual debate. It was not simply one long vote with everybody opposed or shouting that person down. It was a debate on where the party stands on that. You can see over time views on samesex marriage in particular changing in the Republican Party. Host you talk about immigration. What about other issues such as trade . Do those get adopted into the platform at this point . Guest they are still looking. They are handling the economic portion of the platform today. We have not had that many votes yet. What was striking to me is that i talk to Party Officials yesterday and delegates were on the Platform Committee. It was how much they were going out of their way to stress that this document was going to generally represent traditional Republican Party views of the last 3040 years as opposed to donald trump point of view on many policies. Taking a sort of handsoff approach to the platform cracking. Crafting. Admittedly no one goes to the voting booth and votes on the platform, but its interesting because trump hold so many unorthodox views for a republican. His relationship with the party , its agrassroots base little more touch and go them with his voting base that he built in the primaries. Host this donald trump or his surrogates tried to influence the process in any way . Guest theyre working with the Platform Committee, but i do not think they are trying to take a heavy hand here. They are involved, but i spoke to senator John Barrasso from wyoming and he told me he had a discussion with trump last week. He said trump did not have any interest in remaking the platform and his image. I spoke to delegate from idaho yesterday, who was chairman of the National Security subcommittee. He told me he had talked with Trump Officials and that they were working together to produce that would not highlight the divisions between many republicans and from what comes to matters and trump when it comes to matters of foreign policy. That is where the differences between the two are rather start. They did not want a document that can highlight those divisions where people like me can make a big deal in the reporting. Host David Drucker, there has been talk and you have heard this as well about delegates looking for a conscious vote. Is any of that bubbling to the surface before they moved to the rules part of it . Guest theres no area for that to matter. The rules Committee Thursday and friday is where you can look for that. Want are delegates who putcious clause amendment into the rules package for the convention. They believe they have the votes for what is called a minority report, which would force the full convention to vote on it. The people that oppose that say they do not have the votes. We will find out. One key figure to watch is the senator from utah. He and his wife are the rules Committee Delegates from utah. Lee has refused to endorse trump. He was a big ted cruz backer. He does not like trump or his policies. That could send a signal and bold in some of the antitrust delegates. If you does not, it could take the wind out of their cells. There is a second group that is preparing for more action. They are less concerned about the rules committee and are more interested about influencing things on the floor when the Convention Starts monday. Host David Drucker with the washington examiner. You can go to his website for more information at washington examiner. Com. Thank you. To open phones in the first collar is ann. Thanks for waiting. Caller i have several things on my mind. I hear the republicans constantly say we are voting on our principles. I have never seen any principles there. I know im speaking a different aret what articles there principles . Hillarytrump can call look at hillary, what does that based on . She has been called up forever and accused of everything. I think the christian right about abortion, ive never had one. And i am 80 years old. Birth controla pill, what are you doing but a boarding a child . Aborting aing child . We need to look where we are standing could we are i. We are in this iraq war because the republicans. They will not let a transportation bill go through so people can get jobs. Ive seen people work in fields for two dollars a day and it was fine that they could work for that. It was never anything about immigration or anything else. E were using people feared i am black. We have been minority since the conception of this country. Get our country back . Whose country is it . Host barry is from florida on independent line. Caller a couple of things and i will leave you all on. In reference to the lady who just get off the phone, i spent 25 years in the military. Be a republican. I turned democrat excuse me, turned independent. Theres too much infighting in the Republican Party. The people at the primaries voted for trump and where he is. As far as hillary, let me tell you something. If i had emails and use my private server in the cemetery, i would be pounding rocks in fort leavenworth. That is one issue. On this problem with the Republican Party, there is so much infighting going on right now. The people in the primaries voting for trump have pushed and through and now the problem is aree people like jeb bush. I can gorting trump c on and on with this. Maybeeciate your time and people can take a cold hard look at what mr. Compas trump is saying. Nobody else has the guts to speak up. Host richard, hello. Caller thank you for taking my call. I wanted to say the lady that ,as a democrat that called in its not talking about our country like it wants to one person in particular. This is a very important election and the only time in my lifetime where ive seen anything like this and im 58 years old. I feel like this is the last chance were going to have to stay in this country. If anybody in this, republican or democrat, does not see what is going on, they are not looking. Hillary clinton, the boldness of them to try to run Hillary Clinton for the presidency is unbelievable. Donald trump is the only candidate that we have had and is coming and fighting the republicans, the democrats, the media, the liberal media. This is our only opportunity to straighten this country out. Donald trump is not for democrats. He is for republicans. Hes for americans, all of us. Tos is the one opportunity elect someone who is not a crook like Hillary Clinton. If we do not elect donald trump, which i believe we will, because i believe the American People are smart enough to know they have got to vote for donald trump. Thatst blows my mind people are talking about Hillary Clinton still. How can anybody think about voting for Hillary Clinton after all the things that has been brought to light that she has done . Host that is richard in south carolina. The Associated Press looks at the ground game that the republicans have in key battleground states. Saying that president ial battle states are supposed to be swarming with republican workers by now. We have moved on to thousands and thousands of employees, Party Chairman Reince Priebus declared in march, contrasting that with the gops late blooming staff for years earlier. Districts across this country in ways that we never had before. That hasnt exactly happened, a statebystate review conducted by the ap has found. The story goes on to say that Ohio Republican stop everyone to see 220 paid staffers by may and in reality they are about 50. Calledor pennsylvania for 190 paid staffer and there are about 60. Iowas plan ground force of 66 by may actually numbers between 25 and 0. Valerie, hi. Caller good morning. Hillaryd things about clinton for about 35 years. Im not saying i agree with everything that she has done. But for the most part, i believe she would make an president because of all an excellent president because i know all the policies she has had over the years. That is my first point. My second point is that unless you are a native american, you are from an immigrant background. That is all i have to say. Host donald trump speaking at 7 30 p. M. Today in indiana. Hes reportedly including mike pence in that meeting this evening. Mike pence being on the Vice President of candidates. Test president ial candidates. And find out more information on events being planned today on cspan. Org. On the independent line, walter, good morning to you. Caller good morning, cspan, and good morning, america. The problem im having that this election is that i have to go back to the situation in dallas. That was in an insane human being coul. That was not an africanamerican or black man. That was an insane individual. Wingr that right foolishness of lack lives matter or Barack Hussein obama being responsible is ridiculous. Its as ridiculous as donald trump for president. I beg you, america. Look at the felt that has come out of this mans mouth and then convince yourself that this is what we want representing this country. As an africanamerican, i dont agree with 100 of barack obama, but the policies of barack obama had been fought since the inaugural date of 2009. They began to disparage this president. His, and the situation of i think positive and productive presidency, we are at a point where the right continues to vilify the left, the left continues to vilify the right, and we are not equally concerned about nothing but our selfish interests. Greed in america is a problem. We need to address it and stop fighting each other. Enemy and he the is us. Host republican line from michigan, is it denise . Hi, first of all, i plan on voting for donald trump because we need somebody to stand up for the American People now. Are way gone because all they care about is it legal immigrants. Illegal immigrants. There is no rule of law when it comes to illegal immigrants. Ande are sanctuary cities they release them out of jail. On top of that, they have to show samesex marriage down our throat and transgender restrooms. On the republican side, they want to control so they can have power of the purse and not Fund Obamacare answer to a cities. So we give them control of the purse and they turn around and give them everything they want. Is what a lot of people are so mad because we do not have anybody else that is looking out for us. I think donald trump would be the only person we have. We have to vote donald trump in so we can make things right because we are being treated so shabbily like we are secondclass citizens. Iraq,560 more troops to reported in the New York Times today. Iraqis have struggled with the movement of troops and it will become more difficult as troops in whatoser to mosul will bring the official number of American Service members in 4647. 6,004 c zone he was speaking with reporters with the defense secretary Ashton Carter at the baghdad airport. Margaret in cleveland, ohio on the independent line. Think trump can be a bluster, but he is exposing some selfserving positions of much of art and cover congress. Clinton, the failed cases of these oligarchies, have to go. When youre no longer able to do the job as some of these congressmen are, they are parlaying favors and taking positions with lobbyists selling Insider Information to the corporis that appeared to the corporate bidder. As a carterser min that is going to sell his soul for seven digits. For heavens sake, he is a congressmen. He has access to information an average american working two jobs would not have access to. To do miss us and say we are off the rails is why we are so fed up. Host margaret, can ask your go . Tion before you whats it like in your city to delete up of the Republican Convention . Hyped upveryone is because of the dollars it would bring to the city, but after the tragedy in dallas, it is more serious and somber. Disappointedery that every single congressman and senator who is a republican is not going to be at that convention because that is their job. That is what they ran for office to do. It is a little more serious now i believe. We are all hoping for the best. Host do you live in the city itself or the suburbs . Caller i live 35 years of the city and i moved to the suburbs five years ago. Host margaret from cleveland, ohio, thank you. Our coverage of the Republican National Convention Starts on sunday with this program. You can see the convention itself as it conducts its business. You can look for more information on cspan. Org. You can also find information about todays hearing with Loretta Lynch as she appears before the committee this morning. Some of the topics addressed is the issue of the fbis decision on the email server use of Hillary Clinton and how the Justice Department responded to that as well as her meeting with bill clinton on board that plane. All those things you can see on cspan3 live today at 10 00. Carl from neptune beach, florida. Doing . How are you old 66 years africanamerican disabled federal. A 66yearold africanamerican disabled. Eteran coul i have a lot of things swimming through my mind today and one of the things i want to talk about his black lives matter. Theres never been a time in history where white people have not demonized black organizations that are trying to help black people. Martin luther king. They called him a racist. They said he was trying to stir up trouble. And called him a communist then they killed him. Actnow they are trying to like they like him and i know its not true. They even try to quote him. Thingre doing the same with black lives matter and they had a history of doing that anytime any organization pops up the trust help us. Hat is one observation could the other observation is this bragging about patriotism. When people brag about their patriotism, it seems so disingenuous. When i see a guy driving down the street with two american flags on his truck, he is bragging. If you are really patriotic, you do not have to brag. Host brenda in kentucky on the republican line. Caller good morning. My biggest concern is i do not trust Hillary Clinton. She can sit here and lie all these years and people lose their life because of their decision. Her decisions. I cannot put her into the white house so she can continue to live. If she gets into the white house, she will have full power of everything going on in this country. I think obama needs to be impeached out of the office. I think yes done a terrible job. Im so sorry to say that, but that is the truth. Im going to take a chance with donald trump and have donald trump get in there and show people what life is all about. God putting us all on the search for the same reasons. Host that is brenda in kentucky. We will go next to luis in illinois. Caller good morning, everyone. I have a suggestion for broken taillights. My suggestion is we need to set up a procedure so that when people are stopped that they know what is expected of them shared how they can notice is to have a manual setup for drivers. When they are stopped, there should be a manual that says when a policeman stops you, this is what a driver should do and this is what the police should be doing. That way they will be on the same page and they will understand why they are being stopped and what they should do not to be stopped by the police. We should get the Vehicle Department when they issued drivers licenses to train the drivers on the procedures of the road so they know what the police might be stopping them for and have a manual in their car so what they are stopped by the police to know what will be expected. They can be taught in school before they get that drivers license how they should be driving and what is expected from the police. And what they can do is set up a database for Motor Vehicle to have drivers who has had problems with taillights monitored so that the police can do other things rather than worrying about how drivers are driving and stopping them for broken taillights because they have Better Things to do. The motor Vehicle Department can tell drivers that they have been notified by the police that they have had a broken tail light and check with them to see if theyve had it repaired. The police will not have to worry about that. That is my suggestion. Host thank you very much. The president of the United States heading to dallas for the interfaith service. Former president george w. Bush expected to participate. As far as coverage from cspan, go to cspan. Org for more information on that and see about other events also included today. The best place to find out when those will air on cspan is at cspan. Org. Speaking of the president , he has an article in the journal of the make and medical association talking about the Affordable Care act and ways to improve it. The story says he is advocating in the piece for a public plan, saying that he would buy the idea of a public plan in place is lacking competition that would give consumers more formal options while also saving money for the government. Medicare oftens deliver care more costeffectively by securing better prices from healthcare providers, mr. Obama said. Critics say the savings result in large part from price controls imposed by federal laws and regulations. Medicaredent described medicaid as a critical piece of unfinished business. Of republican opposition, he said, 19 states have not expanded medicaid eligibility. If they did, he said 4 million fewer people would be uninsured. Mr. Obama also assailed special interests. The white house concerning police over the last week of events also saying that mr. Obama said in on those meetings. Carol lee riding saying that mondays meeting was arranged by Vice President joe biden on how best to reduce tensions. Mr. Obama decided to stop by, White House Press secretary just under said josh earnest said. Cnn afterward that mr. Obama as the lawenforcement officials how they felt about his approach to their concerns and two of them said he wasnt sensitive enough. Its a week in which mr. Obama will focus on the dallas shootings and the broader concerns it has raised. Ryan, go ahead. Good morning. I am very curious ticket from republicans. To hearery refreshing from your guest that is a moderate relatively and does not support donald trump. People understand that that is a war crime. Their candidate of the Republican Party is running on a war crimes platform, let alone the fact the support from white supremacist groups who are doing robo calls on his behalf. He has no control over who supports you. You have to really wonder about your principles when people like dwights premises groups are supporting you. The solution white supremacist groups are supporting you. The solution between voting for hillary or trump is ranked Choice Voting and it allows you to vote your conscience without fear of someone throwing away their vote. I am for people to go to youtube and watch a one minute video and talk to your congress about it. You can vote for the greater good instead of lesser of evils. On the democrats line, your next, hello. In maryland, go ahead. Caller i just wanted to call on donald trump and the use of politically correct. That phrase came from jerry aboutld one night on tv being politically correct and he was referring to michael richards, one of his friends seinfeld. He was doing his standup and africanamericans started messing with them while he was doing stand up and he went off to a racist rant. He used the n word and you ought to go back to africa. That is where donald trump took that phrase from. That is all i have to say. Host iris in alabama on the independent line. Caller i appreciate cspan. I wanted to talk about host you are on the phone, go right ahead. Caller i appreciate cspan so much. My statement is that i wanted to say that i was very disappointed. I watched the hil hearings for hillary. She lied. Theres no doubt about that. Donald trump i remember when he first started this campaign. Said do not buy any more oreos. I did not hear him say my ties are made from mexico. Do not buy any more ties from mexico. That is speaking with a fork tongue. To me there is no choice this election year. A bible thumper, but god separated everybody for a reason, building the tower of babel. We could not get along. He made it so we cannot speak the same language. We are living in the end days. God said he would not destroy us, but we would destroy ourselves. God bless us all. Host one more of that to point you to for our website at cspan. Org. This is the event featuring Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in portsmouth, New Hampshire, set to take place today. More coverage on that and cspan. Org is the place to go to find out more information. Host in kentucky, joseph, republican line, go ahead. Waser that previous caller dead on about the tower of babel and god telling us to keep the races apart. He did that for a reason. Thatt to make the point everybody talks about americans taking their guns and all these situations that are coming up on tv. They are made to desensitize the average american does say, we need to give up our guns. They are all just ruses. We need to study other countries and what happened to them when they got disarmed like germany, china. They were slaughtered. The powers that be that are trying to take over america cannot proceed with it until america is disarmed. People need to put their differences aside and do a little history. Also, what is up with the hand signs that donald trump is always putting up . He puts his index finger and his thumb together and people need to look that up. That is a satanic sign that says 666 when he puts his index finger and his thumb together. Research that and it will blow your mind. Has athe Financial Times profile of theresa may, set to become the next british Prime Minister after the announcement David Cameron would be leaving his position. She held down one of the toughest jobs in british politics, the Home Affairs Portfolio for longer than anyone 1982. Nice and 82 meeting she established a reputation for study competence and statements or while serving in David Camerons conservative government, despite occasional failures, notably over meeting targets for cutting immigration. Sprint towards an exit on the eu, mrs. May will have to balance the desire of business and the city for imported labor and unfettered access to the european Single Market with their own conviction in the popular will of much of the nation. Caller thank you for taking my call. My phone went dead yesterday. I would like to see information americans get their information from reading more. I have three titles that i read recently. One of them is the declaration alexdependence, the late cardrooms not a dimes worth of difference, and an outofprint book. I cannot remember the author, but its a wonderful book on the rise of hitler. There are numerous magazines that people need to read and im sorry that most people get their information from television, even though i do appreciate your comment forums. They do not get much death of information that way. Well towe would do start reading more and rely less on a personality sort of image you get from television and other media. Host thanks for calling. David from new york, your next, republican ine. Remind just want to people that the replicant Party Started in the days of Abraham Lincoln and they were fighting theh and nail to keep slavery intact, the democrats. And the democrats want us to be slaves of the government could. F you want t work on it if you want to be slaves, vote democrat. Our countryto take morning. Host you are next. Caller it seems like a natural progression of cronyism. And i second the motion of the previous caller that donald trump will make America Great again. Businessmanessful are very afraid of him because they are very afraid of accountability. Host we are just about to see the house of representatives come in. You are on the democrats line. Caller i like to ask two questions. The first question is if everybody is so convinced of the fact that mrs. Clinton is guilty , publicmail account and ryan also received emails from her, does that also not making guilty . Host we have to leave it there because the house of representatives is coming in. We take them to you now. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] the chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip , but in o five minutes no event shall debate continue beyond

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