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Independents the line is 202 7488002. We are opening up a special line for Law Enforcement. We want to hear what you think. The number is 202 7488003. You can find us on social media. We are on facebook. Or you can send us an email at journal cspan. Org. Here is the latest reported the philadelphia news and acquire inquireer. Arch convinced he acted in the name of islam. , and that islah why i did what i did. Investigators are still working to determine whether the don man had. Any ties to terrorist groups or whether he acted alone archers mother said friday that her son had been hearing voices in his head and needed medical help. Friday afternoon, police and agents with the fbi Terrorism Task force searched her house and another location in West Philadelphia asserted with archer. Scouring his neck activity to see if he had any contact with isis members or other radical islamic groups. Late enforcement said friday that so far they are not found any indication that archer had been in contact with known terrorists suspects. Federal authorities are looking into two trips he made to the middle east in the fall of 2011 he traveled to saudi arabia for a pilgrimage to mecca. To egyptyear he went for reasons that are unclear and spent several months there. We will see where this investigation leads us, said Philadelphia Police commissioner richard roth who is on his first week on the job. The New York Times have this photo of the shooting itself captured by a surveillance camera. You can see Edward Archer walking, striding towards the police car and then running away in the attack. Here is how the New York Times is reporting the story. Dramatic images taken by security video camera. They show the gunman wearing a long rope, a loose outer garment worn by muslim men. He was running towards a patrol car and firing until finally reaching into the window. That he ran away, firing once more as he fled. Officials said while the video left little question as to what happened, there was some doubt as to why. Mr. Archers mother said he had serious psychological problems. But officials said they did not know if that was true. Beyond repeating his allegiance to islam, captain clark said, he wouldnt give us anything more than that. Officials said they did not know whether they he had contact with radicals or terrorist groups, or whether he had been influenced by such groups and become radicalized. To stop short of advocating himself in a conspiracy, if there was one. Its just an extremely violent individual. You certainly targeting police in trying to assassinate this Police Officer. Philadelphia spoke at a press Conference Friday afternoon and said he believed that the shooting had nothing to even ofbeing a muslim, the shooter may have been radicalized. Our main concern at the moment today would be the wellbeing of the health and recovery and rehabilitation of the officer. You can see the bravery he displayed. He had his family look at everything he needs from our Police Department and the city in an effort to recover and be whole again. I want to complement Homicide Division in the Police Department for their tremendous work. Their ongoing everyday tremendous work, especially on this particular case. Of bringing this case to fruition. I think its important we understand how hard they work and the circumstances they work under. And how our officers everything with a are willing to do it this officer is done, for themselves between us in the back guys. That is the first that that it guys bad guys. No one in this room believes has anything to do with what you have seen on this screen. It is abhorrent. It is terrible and does not represent the religion in any way, shape or form or its teachings. This is a criminal with a stolen gun who try to kill one of our officers. It has nothing to do with being a muslim or following the islamic faith. Host that was philadelphias mayor speaking about the shooting. Philadelphia, the shooter in philadelphia has claimed loyalty to isis. We want to hear your thoughts and reaction about this and incident. Democrats 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. Independents, 202 7488002. And Law Enforcement officers can call in at 202 7488003. Here is the reaction from pennsylvania senator bob casey. Hartnett officer jesse a speedy recovery. A reminder of the risks local Law Enforcement face every day to keep our communities. Safe first callerr which is nick from tennessee calling on the independent line. With you think this morning . Caller hello. This would be hilarious if it was not so serious. He have the chief of police, goes on and on how this guy swears allegiance to islam, then the mayor comes on. A big liberal, of course, talking about how its appalling we would even apply its islam. The president will not even a knowledge terrorism. He traced all these people for one man that is a deserter. He will not support the Charlie Hebdo situation. They are killing us and is the reason they are winning because we have liberals in charge. They are the best asset the terrorists have. If i was sitting with radicals in my little cave, we cant lose as long as they have obama. Philadelphia is a major city and new york and they carry on. Its not gun control, in gun confiscation. That the political correction. The liberals bastardize the language in every way. Thats why we have these problems. Address some of the topics you brought up in later segments this morning. Please keep watching. We do want to point out this statement from jacob fender, executive director of the philadelphia chapter of the council on American Islamic relations. He said of the incident it should not be seen as representative of muslims or of the faith of islam. He called for a thorough investigation of the shooting. Our next caller is margaret from ardmore, oklahoma. From ardmore, oklahoma. Caller good morning. Concerning what happened in philadelphia, and i dont know if everybody has been watching. The only one showing it was fox news. They are in europe, new years eve. Men,at number of muslim middle eastern men and north african men. They may a gauntlet. They attacked women hugely. One of the women was on it she said they touched us everywhere and some were raped and they were robbed. Copenhagen they are greatly outnumbered. They are going through hell on earth. Murder, rape, and not just the women. The children. If we allow host margaret, a little bit more information about the story you referenced. Its on the front page of the Washington Post. Migrants confirmed as suspects in sex assault. At least 21 asylumseekers in the middle east and north africa are suspects in the new years eve rampage of sexual assaults and thefts in cologne. Similar acts in finland and sweden as well as other german cities, including the alleged gang rape of two teenage girls by four syrian men. The broad allegations were rapidly escalating into a full and crisis that on friday colognes police chief. Publicndal was deepening outrage calling for title tighter controls on newcomers. We are talking about the news this morning that the shooter in philadelphia who hit a police opposite three times in the arm has claimed loyalty to isis. We turn to harrison, tennessee where barry is calling on the republican line. Good morning to you. Caller i just want to make a comment. Raised about 20 years in an islamic country. I may cut christian. This is just a scratch on the surface. What they have done all over the world, took over destroyed nations. Sexual violence. This is the beginning in this country. They have done it all over the middle east. Theyve done it all over africa. And they are doing it in europe. We are next. If we are not careful we will go through what happened in the to middlet and eastern christians will happen in this country. Host here is a comment from twitter. The shooter sound like a mentally deranged man looking for a reason. A wall would not have prevented this but a better gone loss might of might have. Here is what he had to say [video clip] tonight tonight at 11 40 officer Jeff Hartnett was at 60th and spruce streets. When he entered the intersection a male comes up on the sidewalk and starts firing into his window. Is drivers side window. The mail gets closer and closer until he is in the car firing at the officer. We know he fired probably 13 times of the officer. The officer was able to state evasive action. He was able to escape the mail. He subsequently fired himself. The male rent southbound on 60th for he was shot by the officer and apprehended by other officers in the area. I have to tell you, you look at the video of this. Its one of the scariest things ive ever seen. This guy could execute the Police Officer. The officer had no idea he was coming. Its amazing he is alive. He was shot three times in his left arm. Significant damage to his arm. He has got at least a broken arm. Significant damage to his nerves. Fortunately he is awake. He was coherent, ok. But now he is up and surgery. Hes got a lot of recovery ahead. Host that was philadelphias Police Commissioner speaking there. From fort worth, texas tony on the democratic line. Caller good morning. Thank you for having me. I think that the officer being shot is tragic. There is nothing we can say to take that away. What i am saying is that you statorlame all islamic all islam when it was one man. When the guy shut the nine people in South Carolina, we did not blame people who waved rebel flags. When the guy shut the Abortion Clinic in colorado we did not blame all people who are prolife. Tragic actually one man, as it was in bad as it was, and he is getting the punishment he deserves. He deserves to be put in jail. He deserves what he gets that you cant blame all of his long for the actions islam for the actions of one man. Host backs of his fill from corinth, maine on the republican line. Caller good morning. Hownt quite understand people can call in and say this situation had nothing to do with islam. It had everything to do with islam. Last night cnn made a big deal about this one woman who stood up at a trump rally wearing her full muslim garb. Just stood up. Nobody knows why she stood up, she didnt say anything. When 70 stands up at a rally like this in this situation today, you have to find out what they are up to. They escorted her out. All of a sudden it is our fault because this woman in muslim garb stood up and was thrown out of a meeting. Let me tell you something. Left towant my family the situation that happened in San Bernardino or what happened in philadelphia last night. The mayor of philadelphia has to be dumber than a box of rocks. This guy said he is doing it because of our islam. He hates white policeman because they are unfair to black people. With the mayor does not understand about that is beyond me. The only mayor that is more foolish than him is the blog you in new york. De blazio in the work. These mass shootings, anybody chicago, yet to go to detroit, washington, dc, philadelphia in new york. They are all run by liberal democrats. Nobody but nobody wants to take responsibility. One thing cspan should do, is to do a study since lyndon rememberwhich i because i voted for kennedy and im a republican conservative. How many billions and trillions of dollars were spent on the Great Society to help black people out of poverty and it never worked. Look at baltimore. Look at philadelphia. Look at new york. Ant,ever you w black families with no follies, single mothers, education is not a sit ration women want to be. Situation where they want to be. And trump said we had to find a way to screen them before we let the men. Now europe france this morning put 5000 more police into power this morning. The you think the french arent afraid of the muslims . Im sorry, it is wrong. Host we will keep it there. We will give the conversation focused on the shooting incident in philadelphia and the shooters claim that he is loyal to the Islamic State. Editorial in the wall street journal about muslims and the police. New york city has ignored the lessons of its antiterrorist excesses. The editorial states that terror attacks in paris and San Bernardino hash of the dangers of homegrown islamic radicals. Progressives want to shame and the police that first over the Police Departments muslim intelligence program. The deal confirms that the cost. Of in right of a long insane they did nothing wrong but it nonetheless embarrasses the cost of any civilian monitor and castigate them for being right about radicalization. Jesper is calling in memphis on the democratic line. I want to dial into one of my homeboys. The one from maine the just spoke about islam. Weve been having a problem with islam until they voted for mr. Bush and they started messing with those folks. You push somebody around, they will come back and get you. You try to blend the population for being black in a grid or whatever, look at what you have been doing to the population. The people down there in Oregon Holding that chance ranch, they are worse the people coming up here try to kill them. You have got to face up to it. The chickens are coming home to roost. You pay for what you get. In for you republicans, you are the ones that got the country in this shape. Him e a bad prejudice prejudicism and hate in this system. Host jasper from tennessee. In the Washington Post there is a story about the Obama Administrations new tact infighting isis propaganda. The Obama Administration is overhauling his faltering efforts to combat the online propaganda from the Islamic State and other groups. Reflects aid that rising white house frustration with ineffective effort so far to cut into isisuse of social media. Officials will create a counterTerrorism Task force which aims to list dozens of agencies. It includes revamping a state Department Program created to serve as an information war room to challenge the Islamic State online and he wrote its appeal. Official said it will turn his focus towards helping allies craft more localized antiterrorist messages and will stop using any videos or materials in english, and a campaign that in the derided by critics. A Senior Member of the National Security team travel to california and a renewed effort to attorney general Loretta Lynch were to meet with executives from apple, facebook, twitter and other firms. Here is White House Press secretary josh earnest speaking about this efforts in a press conference on friday. [video clip] its true there are white house senior officials including the top counterterrorism advisor, the usg Technology Officer megan smith, participating in a meeting with a number of senior National Security officials in the u. S. Government, including the attorney general and the secretary of Homeland Security. This is a meeting that the president diluted to in his address last month. They talked about the need for andgovernment counterterrorism officials and Law Enforcement officials in particular to work more closely with the Technology Community to fight terrorism. This kind of eating and level of and level meeting of engagement is what the president called for. The goal here is the find additional ways to Work Together to make it even harder for terrorists or criminals to find refuge in cyberspace. Host that was josh earnest speaking about the administrations revamped efforts to combat isis propaganda. There are some comments on twitter. One person writes, regardless if you was inspired by isis or not, he committed a terror attack. We have a visible muslim population. Im not at all fearful of them. Good neighbors. Is gives us another reason to consider smart and technology because the gun was stolen from responsible gun owner we have to stop that. Josh from the york. Hes of the democratic line. Go ahead. That i i have got to say am ashamed. I have to say that. I am ashamed because the republicans want to blame everybody out there but they dont want to look at themselves. I forgot 54 64 of republicans believe that obama is a muslim. And they got donald trump out there saying these stupid things like her republicans saying he is no good and he is this and that. You know that program of Charlie Brown when he speak to the teacher. That is what republicans sound like sometimes. They dont know what the heck they be saying sometimes. Thatimes they say things how can i say . Host are you worried about the possibility of an ice is attack in the u. S. . Caller yes because the simple fact is if there is another attack out there and got for bid if somebody comes up and says donald trump, we saw donald tv bashing muslims lets put it this way. Let say there is a puerto rican placeent and he goes to a like a Movie Theater or Something Like that and shes up i dide theater and say, it because of donald trump dis sing muslims or dissing puerto ricans. They can be any one of those things. Republicans dont understand when they keep saying that obama is this. The republicans started this. They opened up that box. Host we hear your thoughts this morning. The next is james from laverne, tennessee calling on the independent line. Go ahead. Caller hello . Host you were on the air. Caller thank you. Thank you cspan. This started with bush going to iraq. These people have displaced these folks and they have nowhere to go. Now since obama has been president everything is all obama. Is not about obama. Its about what you have done in the past. I dont know what folks think they can just keep doing the same thing to people and they are not going to get the repercussions. There are some terrorists here of all kinds. Blacks, white terrorists that they dont like to talk about this. Church in in a sitting down and praying with fulton and murder them. All they did was take down a flag. The flag didnt kill nobody, but with the flag represents. It sounds like people once their slaves back. Then every black man in america to be a terrorist. Thank you. Host next up is call from annapolis, maryland calling on the independent line. Good morning to you. Caller yes, thank you for taking my call. The man himself proclaimed he did this for isis and he proclaimed he did it for allah. A basically proclaimed he was a terrorist himself. If he calls himself a terrorist, he is a terrorists. Now we have these criminals running around with guns and all the politicians want to not acknowledge that they are terrorists and they went to prevent and hinder lawabiding citizens from exercising their Second Amendment rights so they can properly protect themselves. Instead of allowing lawabiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights, these politicians pass host we believe that caller there for now. There is good news going on in the country. The economy created 292,000 jobs last month. Here to break up the numbers with us is victoria stillwell, a reporter from bloomberg news. Good morning to you. Victoria . Are either . Are you there . Host we will show you a few charts. This is out of the wall street journal shows how much average Monthly Employment growth annually has changed over the past decade, to decade or so. Ades or so. You see how steeply it fell during the great recession. And then it increased dramatically starting in about 2010. We see that 2014 and 2015 have been the best years of job creation since the recession occurred. We do have victoria stillwell with us now. Good morning to you. Guest good morning. Host tell us more about these numbers. 222,000 jobs. Wasnt any reason to be concerned out of the numbers in the report . Guest yes. It sounds like a lot and it is a lot. Actually more jobs than the economy currently needs to keep pushing down the Unemployment Rate. That is good news and we are there was a reason to be concerned. This piece of the recovery that has been a problem basically the entire time. Wage growth. Wages fell a penny from the north best month before and were up 2. 5 from the year before. That gain is pretty good in a string of numbers we have had recently, it was still less than economists were forecasting. We continue to be disappointed on the wage growth front. Host the Unemployment Rate stayed the same at 5 . How is it the Unemployment Rate stayed the same goes sausage job . Ains guest more people came into the labor force last month. A client to 62. 6 . That means more people are feeling confident about their ability to get a job. They are willing to come to the labor force. Maybe they think it will be easier this time around. Maybe they are finally finding a job they actually want. Maybe the paycheck is finally to a point where they say this is worth my time again. We are starting to see the Labor Force Participation numbers creep up. That has been a hobbyhorse for this entire recovery. People pointing to it and say its been a problem but always great to see more people coming in. Host do you think the trend will continue in the workforce will grow . Its a great question. Great question. Its a hard one to answer. We do have this trend in the u. S. , as it occurs in many other countries around the world, where we have this great surge in babies. And now they are all retiring. We got a tot of retirees in the labor force, and thats predicted to continue to push down that Labor Force Participation rate. I would say thats one reason why economists they would like to see the number,. The hope is as the economy continues to strengthen, the job market gets better, more people will come in. We do have his weight on participation, where retirees are dropping out. And thats not a going to change anytime soon. Host you mentioned the issue around wages, Many Americans of not seeing them go up much. Heres another chart from the wall street journal that shows how wage growth has been stagnated over the past five years or so. Its really not going anywhere. What is holding wages back. . Caller thats a hard question to answer. Wages are really asking arent really acting in the way economists thought they would. The thinking in the theory goes as the economy strengthens, as more people are drawn out of unemployment and into jobs, its going to get harder for employers to fill jobs and they are going to have to did up up wages to attract talent and increase the talent they have. Its not happening, despite a great job gains weve had over the past two years. 20142015 with the best backtoback years for job growth since 98, 99. The answer that economists point to most readily is that they are still slack in the labor market. There are still people out there who want to work, but are so discouraged that theyve given up. There is still people out there working parttime jobs, even though they prefer fulltime hours because they cant find anything else. Is still a problem, we dug ourselves into a very deep hole during the recession. Its taking a very long time to get ourselves out of it. Host pretoria stillwell, final question. Victoria stillwell, final question. Whats the outlook for the u. S. Labor market in 2016 . Caller wall street definitely got off to a rocky start. Thats a great way of putting it. I think that most economists are seeing the labor market perform pretty well in 2016. As far as ive heard, there may be some slowing in the pace they were setting earlier. The economy doesnt need a blockbuster number like 292,000 every month to keep growing and keep drawing people into the labor force and into jobs. While it may slow a little bit, or stay at the same pace, it certainly slowed from last year, the hope is that those wage gains will start to percolate. Most economists i have spoken with the wages starting to increase. We will see if that happens. They predicted the same thing last year. And we havent seen it. Hopefully we can bring enough slack out of the economy that actually materializes this year. Host that is victoria stillwell from bloomberg news. Thanks for joining us early this morning. We also want to lay know about other programming we have going on over the weekend. Today at 10 20 a. M. Eastern, republican president ial candidate so be in columbia, South Carolina to answer questions on their solutions for the countrys problems. There will be questions from paul ryan and tim scott. That will be saturday, today, at 10 20 a. M. Eastern and later i find p. M. Eastern, we will have at 5 00 p. M. Eastern, we will have donald trump. We cover to stop in clear lake. And tomorrow at 4 00 eastern, the planned Parenthood Action Fund will be to endorsing hillary clinton. Thats in manchester, New Hampshire. We are turning now back to your phone calls. We are talking about the news that the man who shot a Police Officer in philadelphia has claimed loyalties isis. Are next caller comes from maryland, thats derek on the democratic line. Go ahead. Caller good morning. Ofish there was some kind possible way you could screen people who come on who just outright lie. You have a caller who said despite the millions and billions of dollars that the government gave africanamericans, they still dont do right. But this guys ignorance, he doesnt know anything about africanAmerican History. All he knows is that he is white. That thes estimated revenue stockpiled by whites just from slavery in todays money would be around 11 trillion. Reparations, he doesnt talk about all the africanamerican inventions. Look it up. They all have patents, but these racist dummies refused to give them those to start their own businesses. If youve ever seen a street light or a back code in a construction area, or how about a folding chair . Theyre all African American inventions, but white people always take what they want from us. We take our music, they take our culture. Where would most of todays music be worn for black people . Maryland, werom hear your point. Lets keep your point focused on the threat from the Islamic State. Next, alan on the republican line. Go ahead. Caller good morning for cspan. Thank you very much. Regarding the philadelphia fact,ng we know for a its been released, the none of the agencies were looking at social media. Thats the first thing. Number two, there is no law to top anybody from going over the Islamic State, or going into fighting against america and other people. We are allowing them to leave the country, then we are allowing them to come back. That needs to stop. Government is not doing their job, thats the bottom line to the whole thing. All the money they are spending at the nsa to build this humongous Computer System is a joke. Host does that mean you are in favor of stricter immigration laws and tighter controls around refugees who may be entering the country, from syria or elsewhere . Caller even more than that, were talking about some thing really simple. America is going against the United States, to go fight against the United States in the Islamic State. And isis. Thats about as blatant as you can get. You lose your citizenship. And why the present the law in that affect years ago, that just baffles me. Can i say couple things real quick . Ive been in business for 29 years. Ok . I think i know a lot about what it takes to make an economy and to run a business. Besides that, im a professional musician. I love my black brothers. The thing is, these black callers who are calling in from new york, especially that guy, you let him rant. Its a complement to you. You let him speak. Which is really good. But the thing is that there is no racism in the nba. Theres no racism in the nfl. Awardsu go and watch the for the rock n roll hall of women arek men and complementing their relationship with europeans s, the white people. Host were going to leave it there and keep our comments focused to the threat from isis. Next caller is thomas from maryland on the independent line. Good morning. Caller cspan. Host you were on the air. Caller of course, what was happened was tragic, smart guns, thats a nobrainer. I just want to say that right now, were kind of that war, immoral war in the hearts of muslims. I think that blocking them at the border is a great, amazing recruiting tool of donald trump for islamic moderates to become jihadists. I think that we have the best filmmakers and youtubers in the world, we should be doing better campaigning than isis is to stop homegrown terrorism in america. From glen is thomas bernie. If you comments from twitter one person writes isil isis are only at war in republicans. Are just a jv team to usa. Republicans karma has created isis. What happened in philadelphia was a crazy man who tried to kill a cop. It doesnt have anything to do with one of the worlds great religions. How could stricker gun laws have made a difference in a shooting . Criminal stole the gun from the police when he robbed his home. Bill was on the republican line. Caller good morning. Im a moderate republican. My thoughts are its saddening whats happening in our country today. I think people are forgetting that the First Amendment right was freedom of religion, all religions. You cant hate any religion. And with people coming to our country, they have to remember, they have to have tolerance for all religions. I think thats kind of getting lost everywhere with this. Shouldntontrol, we take away peoples guns. But we should be smart about it. Thats really my thoughts. Its more sadness than anything else and that police chief needs to get fired. Host bill from bushnell, florida. Robert from frostburg, maryland, calling on the independent line. Robert, go ahead. Caller good morning to america. This doesnt have anything to do with religion. Years, white000 people have killed more of each other than they have the rest of mankind combined. Years from all17 over the far east, they drove these people out, these were muslims, these was our booties. Gandhi,ng in india, egypt. And here in america, they dont ite no comprehension of what was like, putting japanese in concentration camps. Rounding up indians and putting them on reservations. And then they sit there and ask you why are these people mad at us . You dont like it to happen to you, why do you do to people all over the world . This guy from maine, hes out of touch with reality. These people bring the stuff on themselves, and then when these people retaliate and fight back people seem like they are too stupid to understand theyre doing this to people everywhere. Host robert from frostburg, maryland. Harry from cupertino, california. Very early. Calling on the democratic line. Go ahead. Caller good morning, and thank you for putting the online. My comment is that we have to be smarter when it comes to dealing with issues like this. I think we play right into the isis whenroups like we get scared. We fear the muslim people. Just because of an incident like this. I think in the case of this particular person, hes traveled several times to the middle east. We should have done a better job tracking people, their patterns of behavior. People go to syria or go to egypt, we have to do a better job of tracking them, and then making sure they are not influenced by isis. Thats my comments. Host harry from cupertino, california. Norma in west palm beach, florida is next. Calling on the independent line. Morning, norma. Caller hello. I just want to express my opinion that from the beginning of time, we had all kinds of nationalities that come over here and they are murderers, their robbers, some of them. They are killers. Our own country, we are murderers, robbers, killers. Why all of a sudden are we picking on the muslims . One muslim does something, you blame all muslims . Thats not fair. Thats not american. Host thats norma from west palm beach, florida. Jackie from philadelphia is calling next on the republican line. Whats the mood there in your city . Caller i want to call about my muslim friend who i met through work. It is an eyeopening experience for me. Because we are sharing equally our backgrounds. Im starting to understand muslims, she is starting to understand americans. I think were both learning something from each other. See that she is frightened that she will be considered a terrorist. So i think its a good thing that we are communicating, and i just want to say that. And im from philadelphia. Host thats jackie. , calling fromy washington, d. C. On the independent line. Tony, go ahead. Caller good morning. Host good morning to you. Caller everything is rich mans tricks. I was going to the cspan library, looking at an interview we were doing with these two guys, talking about the different branches of the Israeli Intelligence services. Beside and theas other one was him on. And he said how would you referred to masada view had to write it on paper . Its a secret, because no one knows who they are. This was back in 1998. The guy said the israeli secret intelligence service. You want to run around here and tell everyone to be afraid of muslims, the muslims didnt do anything to the people in the United States. The United States went over there and killed. These five or 6 million muslims, your bombing the syrians, nobody in syria did anything to us, your bombing in iraq and afghanistan. The people who were doing something to us with saudi arabia. In saudi arabia, you are giving them weapons and arms. Blackwater and Israel Intelligence combined. Thats what isis is. And you are funding them indirectly with weapons and bombs. Youre giving them weapons and bombs. But the same time, your tried unarmed the American People. The government is the only one arm to the world. Host tony from washington, d. C. We will leave it there. Greisaup, we talked to martinez. Reactiond to discuss from deportation rates that started this week across the country. Later on, we talk with john hannah, the National Security advisor to former president dick cheney who will discuss u. S. Policy towards iran and north korea. But first, House Armed Services chair Max Thornbury will be our guest on newsmakers, this week. Concernsalks about his with president obamas military strategy. This pulling back and doing the minimum necessary to avoid disaster that sort of thing has proven to increase danger. Of course, we can also talk about the red line in syria. Which not only did not help syria, but it disillusioned , ands around the world among other things, has led them to have less trust in us. A long list of things that something that i wish the president would knowledge that didnt work right would give me confidence that he is able to look at the world as it really is. Aboutback to your point boots on the ground. The Obama Administrations military strategy relies a lot on partner forces, whether they are Iraqi Security forces or syrian troops. I was wondering, the week began with iran and saudi arabia having a lot of tensions, the saudis and other gulf states cut off their double matted relations. Are you worried that sectarian the groundd affect forces that the u. S. Is relying on . Have you see this tension affecting the fight . I am worried about that. I think this tension, this escalating tension between iran and saudi arabia makes everything more complicated and more dangerous. I think you can make a pretty good case that saudi arabia has felt increasingly isolated as a result of the nuclear deal with iran that the administration put forward. Rulese of the restrictive of the administration has put on our people in iraq and in syria. See whats happening in yemen, saudi arabia is feeling surrounded. And so that has, i think, in part led to some of the actions that weve seen. But theres no question that iran feels emboldened, saudi arabia feels threatened, and this escalation of tensions creates a more dangerous world for the middle east, including four troops that are in that region. Washington journal, continues. Host our guest now is greisa forinez, a field organizer united we dream of. Ask for being here. Guest thanks for having me. Host tell us about your organization. What do you do . Largestts the immigrant led Youth Network in the country. What we do as we organize undocumented young people, we use advocacy and we do what some Communications Work to make sure that the voice of the undocumented community is heard in washington, d. C. And around the country. Host how many members or undocumented immigrants d will represent . Do you all represent . Guest of the 11 million, theres about 2 million undocumented young people. We represent undocumented people through about 56 organizations. Host i want to ask you about these deportations that have been going on since the beginning of the year. The department of Homeland Security secretary jeh johnson put out this statement recently, saying that over the past weekend, isis engaged in these raids, and he said these raids should come as most apprise. He is that public from is that individuals who constitute enforcement priorities, including families and a covenant children, will be removed. I know there are many who will loudly condemn our efforts, while there will be others who say these actions dont far enough. I also recognize that the reality of the pain that deeper patients do in fact cause. But we must enforce the law consistent and our priorities. What has been your reaction to the raids, and how do you feel they are carried out . Guest a lot of them have been missing a lot of due process for the refugees that are coming in to this country. A little bit of a record on who it is were talking about. We are talking about Central Americans from honduras, guatemala, and the northern triangle. These people are facing what some might call civil war. There is Gang Violence. Some of these folks are making the treacherous path up to our borders to ask for help. Soon ase beginning, as they landed to our borders and they are put into detention centers, they are not given and good do process legal representation. And now they find themselves as the target of isis operation, of raids, what were talking about is in the middle of the night, at 4 00 in the morning, getting in on your door. If you dont open, barging into your door. We further reports of a woman sleeping with her children in bed and being pulled out in the middle of the night, given five minutes upon close, and then being escorted by police. Againstegregious act refugees, is an egregious act against our legal system. And a lot of the folks that have been rounded up, 121 that was in mr. Johnson statement have been found to not have been able to finish out the due process to make their case in front of a court. Peopleou refer to these as refugees. Can you give us some background on what was her to see the number of people from Central America increase in terms of border crossings and what exactly they are facing in their home countries . Guest weve had reports that people are being murdered and raped. Theres an economic starvation of a Certain Group of people, brought upon by the drug war thats happening in those countries. Its happening because of the Economic Conditions that exist there. , weve seen similar situations in syria where people just cannot would rather make the treacherous path, then stay in a place where they can face certain death. What weve seen is people coming to us and asking for help. Host the rays targeting primarily who at this point in time the raids are targeting primarily who at this point in time . Guest Central Americans who have gone through the luminary judicial process but who have not been able to move forward in the full process. They have been ordered deported, and given a final order of deportation, but they havent been able to appeal that, which is part of the process. But weve also found out is its more widespread than just the Central American population. From the 101 people that were rounded up, we found about 30 of them were of mexican origin. From our perspective, the tactic is violence. Its not well executed by the people on the ground. As lacking in due process. Host we want to let our viewers know they can join in with his conversation with greisa martinez. ,emocrats, call 202 7488000 republicans, call 202 7488001 , independents, call 202 7488002. We also have a special line open for illegal immigrants. The number is 202 7488003. You can call in and share your thoughts. We are speaking with greisa martinez, a field organizer and advocacy coordinated escorted her for united we dream. You were an undocumented immigrant yourself. Tell us about your story. Guest i am undocumented, the recipient of deferred action from child arrivals. Host these are the dreamers. Guest we are called the dreamers, which sort of movement of young people who have risen and galvanize the immigrant rights movement. I came to this country when i was a newborn. My mom and i came, i came in my mothers arms. I have been doing a lot of work in texas, one of the states of the highest in document population. And the older sister of four girls, two of whom were u. S. Citizens, one who is also undocumented like myself. Pa mother would be da eligible. Thats the executive action that status to the parents of legal citizens. Might family knows what it means to be separated from each other. My father was deported about eight years ago. And suffering that not only myself, my mother and sisters of gone through i can only imagine what would be like to be one of these refugees in the middle of an icon being pulled away from their mother and son and their family. That is why we dream. And we are not alone. The immigrants right movement as caucus, the progressive on the hill, all of us are standing firmly against these raids, and the violence is being put on these communities. Host where is your home country . Guest we are from hidalgo, mexico. Host is your father still there . Guest yes. Host what is the process of someone whos been deported . And he would chance they can return to the United States under legal avenue . Orst we have a 10 year threeyear ban. If you been in this country, undocumented, for a certain time , if you are then found and deported, you have a band of 10 years outside of the country before you can apply for any visa or any sort of way to come back. Its been eight years, that to be nine years since ive seen my father. Im waiting to see him in 10 years. Host can you all visit him . Other restrictions on travel because you are covered under daca or dapa . Guest my two younger citizens sisters have seen him. Only allows you to travel under three specific issues. Humanitarian, which would be if my father was terminally ill, education, in which a school here, so theres a lot to do there. And unemployment. A really happy to be employed by united we dream of. There is no open avenues for me at the moment. To be able to go visit him. I am actively looking for them. Because i miss him terribly. Host can you leave the country at all . Guest under the circumstances, i could leave. Host we turn now to the phone lines at our first caller is clearance from dayton, ohio on the independent line. Clarence, go ahead. , you get to gon first. Caller hi, i just wanted to say host moving on. Weve apple of clearance from dayton, ohio. Clarence moving on to from dayton, ohio. Caller i dont understand why someone who is a legally come into the country all of a sudden have some rewrites where we are shackled with the expense of legal and taking care of them with talking about appeals and things of this sort. Thencountry has trouble, all of the expertise that i see coming from here, would try and change things in your own country. America cannot police or take care of the entire world. We cannot afford it. It takes away from the people that are here. I really dont understand why countries dont try and better their own countries, and do this thing legally. Not come in a legally, and now we got so many rights where we have appeals and things when the whole premise is based on a little legal action. On an illegal action. Host your response. Guest refugees and allowing people to be safe, a safe haven for the world as part of our rich tradition of america. We see this time and time again, when jewish immigrants came into this country fleeing the violence they were seeing in their home countries. Weve seen this again with folks from syria, the conversation we been having about this. This is a matter of our core values of america. Growing up in this country, i know this is a country that has been shown fairness. People would be able to take care and advocate for themselves. Due process,out everyone having the ability to make their case, state their case, and then be able to have a judge be able to make a decision based on the facts. We would disagree about what would be the political steps moving forward, but i think we can all agree that these are values espoused by us, and its going to sound cheesy, but what is in the statue of liberty. Guest the Los Angeles Times reason we publish this editorial why the Obama Administration ordered them to leave. Guest host its hard to argue that logic. Host how you respond to the argument that these people have had their chance to make their case in court, and the courts of cited the other way . Guest i would argue is a lot of examples in which thats not true. This seen that in particular case, of the 121 people that were targets of raids, 12 of those have been able to stay because the highest court in the immigration system has deemed them people that did not have the full access to legal counsel. They didnt have good access to lawyers that spoke their language. They didnt have the right notice to know what was the procedure coming in. We have to understand that these people have faced a lot in their home countries, on the journey here. The vast majority of them experienced ptsd or posttraumatic stress disorder. Us, i think that we all believe that these people have been given their full fair day in court. We dont believe these people have had adequate representation to be able to make an asylum case. Asylum law is already very complicated and hard to do. , again,for the country those are values that we espouse. Allowing people to make their fair case. But we are talking about here is not some abstract migrant or refugee. We are talking about women and children, thats the majority of were the children majority of the populace and rounded up in these raids that happened in the middle of the night. About 70, there are empty beds across the country. And children asking wheres my friend, wheres my student . Tom on the republican line, good morning. Caller i wanted to ask if the u. S. Government makes known to the people the countries from which theyre not going to be welcome here in the first place . Why would you try and come to the u. S. When there is a legal barrier in the first place . People who wish to escape this kind of condition in the country should first go to the local authorities, complain about the drug dealings and complain about the crimeridden neighborhoods. And not just the to go to a neighbors house and say this looks like a nice neighbors house, maybe i can stay there. The neighbor, within his rights says no, youre not welcome here. Im sorry, go solve your problems another way. Tom Franck Ribery township, pennsylvania. Guest i would say there are a couple of policy issues that are embedded in your comment. Be, we believe there should a better legal pathway in which people are able to ask for help in the way you described it. There have been some initiatives by the administration that have not been very effective, the Central American miners program that would allow people in the country to come into the u. S. Unfortunately, this programs are not working. And unfortunately, the government in those places in some ways, part of the problem. Part of the violence that people are experiencing. I would share this analogy. If your house was burning and your kids are in their, you are not thinking about what other different room youre going to go into. You want to get out and make sure your kids are safe. In terms of the treacherous path, i think people are waiting certain death versus at least an opportunity and a chance to be able to survive. Daniel from saginaw, michigan. Go ahead. Caller yes, i would like to say theres been right a few years that weve been hearing about nazisk and i guess those organizations. I wonderwondering if they have actually gotten into our congress . Have they gotten into our Police System . Because all the things that are happening, people are getting killed and we have all these trying to get immigrants out and stuff. It seems more of a type of organization that has to do with the kkk, because of the racism they have. Really, its not actually comment, just a question to all the people here in the United States, could that be happening . Host thats daniel from michigan. Here are some statistics from immigration and customs that show the number of deportations over time. You can see that in fiscal year 2015, there were 235,000 deportations, half of them are people who have been convicted of a crime here at 41 are those who were deported for noncriminal immigration violation. Thats down from the number were removed in 2012 and 2013. Were talking to gratian martinez. Can you tell us a little bit about the process for someone who comes to the u. S. And is seeking asylum . How long does it take, what steps to they have to follow in order to try and achieve that status . Guest under current asylum law, there are five different populations that are eligible to apply for asylum. People that are fleeing a regime an example would be what would be happening in cuba. And the communist regime there. Someone who is seeking refuge because there is a war, a civil war in their country. Unfortunately, those laws are really complicated. Thereeve seen is that are some judges in some places, like atlanta, where areumseekers and approvals 1 . Of the 100 of people to go through that arduous process, saying i fit into one of these five categories this is all my paperwork, i have the best competent legal representation in places like georgia, Immigration Judges are only approving about 1 of these asylum cases. We feel theres an inherent where we areen telling these people you need to find a Legal Process, use this one. The reality is that even that Legal Process is mired by red tape and the lack of access to legal counsel. One of the solutions we are finding, were thinking about in this moment is there seems to be a big push, these particular countries, from Gang Violence and all of these exported violence that are happen are happening in this country. Put population on the asylum law, and what would it be like to be able to clear out the docket from these judges . How do we give people a fair chance . Host how long does the process take . Guest it can take years. Host in terms of the number of people going through the process, do we know how many women and children comedy families are in consideration . How many families are in consideration . Guest i dont have the numbers off the top of my head. What i do know is that when someone comes into the country, lets say theres a mother who comes through taxes, they come into contact with ice or the Border Patrol. They are scheduled for asylum interview. Someone figures out whether or not they have a credible fear for asylum. And then they go into a process which starts the long arduous process which starts over there. Sometimes, the right people to ask those questions are not the ones asking them. Its the Border Patrol and ice, which are not people who are trained to make that kind of situation make that consideration. We find that glaringly unlawful. Robert,e next caller is from wisconsin on the republican line. Robert, go ahead. Caller my question to you is what is your take on the undocumented workers using true American Social security numbers , which is true. Im a victim of that. I know its in the millions. I just wanted a wish your take on that is. And wheres the restitution for the victims whether nondocumented worker causes this to the victim . Guest im sure there are millions of americans affected by identity theft. Thats unfortunate. What i would say is the vast majority of immigrants and a document and workers are underneath the table where they under the table. People are not in the books, they do not use of security numbers. Violence is egregious nonviolence, egregious wage theft and Work Environments. For someone like myself, and someone like my mother, i think what my mother would say to you is that we are sorry that happened to you. Its not implemented of the hole and document the population, or the process the and documented publishing goes through to get a job. We see that very clearly in the way that undocumented immigrants show up in the workforce. Host gary from new york is next, go ahead with your questions or comments. Caller good morning. Upon reflection, it very much the exploited and excluded who have very little power are usually through some kind of magic are imbued with the power to bring down those who have the power to exclude an exploit. In regards to the american dream, i believe it is somewhat ironic that one hopes to ingress to becoming included the class that excludes, which is very unfortunate. Ask anybody running for president right now to say sir or madam, what are you going to eat tonight . Where you going to be housed . How is your health care, how do you have access to it . Is your employment secure . How about your finances . What gives you the ability to help you and your family . That has to do with everyday life, which is what most people are concerned about. Hardly anyone in the daytoday life is concerned with isis or that idea. Most people are just concerned about their everyday life. Its very strange that people who have very little power and are trying to gain some, are always scapegoated and imbued with power to destroy, something to have very little access to. I think thats very important and people should Pay Attention to that. Host gary from new york. That the keyd say thing we want to ensure that people, the listeners understand is that what were seeing with these raids is something that is unamerican. Something that does not represents the values that we all claim to a spouse. The other thing is that president obama seems to be increasingly alone on this. Weve seen the Current Special Congressional Hispanic Caucus andhe hill, leader pelosi, a lot of them leading the effort call onto to ourselves a better nature of this country and asking president obama to stop these raids and provide relief for these families. I think for us, and for the immigrant community, we feel thats what the true leadership. We are asking this true moral leadership from all Democratic Candidates who come out personally against this. Host a Facebook Page for united we dream has some advice for undocumented immigrants, if ice does come to their door. Here are some of the tips that you guys have put up there. Do not open doors, remain silent, do not sign anything, report the raid, fight back. Can you tell us a little bit about these steps, and how you discuss the nature of these raids with the people you represent . Guest i use that graphic to go through with my mom. Weve heard about these raids from new years eve. One of the things we understood is that ice is a broad police agency. Is thatve seen so far sometimes it is wrote. We felt that, although the scope of this raid was going to be targeting Central American families, there was a possibility they could also come after my mom. On Christmas Eve i said out of my mom and said if someone comes, dont open the door. All you have to provide any sort of authority is your name and date of birth. Me, and discovers his repeated itself millions of times across this country ring the holidays its about making sure that your family has all of the information in their hands to ensure they are able to fight through the Legal Process. We are telling people dont sign anything without seeing what it is first, or without getting legal counsel. We have a lot of cases in which people are coerced and forced in deciding their own deportations. We believe that graphic in the conversations we are having nationwide will help a lot of people stay with their families. Host you mentioned earlier you felt president obama was increasingly alone on this issue. The front page of the Washington Post, has the story that the rates will continue, despite the outcry. Democrats and Latino Advocacy groups, and Administration Official said they intend to continue the rates hoping to send a signal and prevent a repeat of the huge surge in illegal border crossings. 10,000 children reach the border in october and november alone. Meanwhile, donald trump is forming i guess credit inciting some of these raids by saying hes the one who first of the talking about it, heres this tweet, does everyone see the democrats and president obama are now, because of me, deciding to deport people who are here illegally. Politics. As you look forward to the 2016 president ial campaign, and some of the policy that has been discussed and introduced what do you see as the potential impact on the Legal Community the ilLegal Community . Guest we use the word undocumented. The one thing i would say is that president obama this is the same president that in 2008, came to the National Council of raidsnd exclaimed how were so inhumane and he was against raids and took a firm stance against them. This is the same guy that decided to dig in his heels. Thethe reality is that undocumented community has not forgotten about that. The reality is that we are not alone. My family is made up of latino voters, a people that are expecting to be voting in this election. My family is also part of the nucleus of a community that support us, that includes other types of voters. What we see in the Washington Post, is if donald trump is on your side, you know you are doing something wrong. Donald trump has gone and waged war against Muslim Americans in this country, hes targeted mexicanamericans in this country. Obama, the president tickets time for him to look deep in his face in the mirror and say what is it im trying to do . This is a hallmark failed strategy. The same strategy he and his administration decided to use during the conference of Immigration Reform fight, were they wanted to look tough on deportations and they deported 2 million people, 2 million families separated. And were left with nothing in our hands. The reality is as you said earlier, people are fleeing violence, they are fleeing certain death. People are reading the cover of the Washington Post, they are trying to figure out how to make sure their families are safe. We believe this is a failed strategy, its inhumane, and it must stop. Host john is on the independent line. John, good morning. Caller thanks for taking my call. She seems utterly nice lady. My question is though where does the funding come from . Nonprofit organizations like hers, theres an awful lot of news on the internet and you dont see it in Mainstream Media that much. Theres also an industry today where nonprofits are funded by charities and other protestant religion charities, and even government funding to have almost an industry where they support immigrant communities. Its become a business more than anything. I think a lot of americans are really upset about the fact that their advocates for illegal activity funded by taxpayer dollars through nonprofit organizations. I just wonder where does this organization gets funding from . Dont nonprofits like yours have a responsibility to advocate against the governments that these people are fleeing from, saying some thing about the poor conditions in those countries as opposed to saying somethings wrong in america that we need you to take more and more of the men, paying all the bills, that the countries they are coming from, the nonprofit seem to have absolutely nothing to say about it. Host we hear your thoughts this morning. Question,nks for your john. And calling me a nice lady. Im sure my mom will be proud of that. The one thing i will say is in terms of your question about why arent we calling on these governments to do more i would say that we agree with you. No one wants to leave their home. No one in the middle of the day wake seven says i think im going to make a trek through goe for borders so i can enjoy a big mac at mcdonalds. These are people who are facing ultimate death. Governments that are failing them. We believe that there should be some help. In the last omnibus bill, the u. S. Took taxpayer dollars to figure out how to best help these countries figure this stuff out. We are definitely there. We want to make sure that people stay in their homes. The people are safe, and that they have the ability to live. On where we get our funding we get our funding from really courageous donors that take attempts at peoples speaking of themselves, an individual membership. We have a great Advocacy Team and the Relevant Team that helps us get funding from our membership all across the country. Funder,ike to become a or anyone that wants to become a donor for united we dream, go to united we dream. Org. Cornell from kansas city, kansas on the democratic line. You are on the air. Caller i want to ask the question that i know a whole lot of illegals are over here. The thing is, i see them. Ive been here 65 years. I have seen them just take over. The city that i stay in. Street, from two or three miles, its nothing but that open up businesses. They ride around in their big old cars, acting like they dont care about running over you if you get in the way. Host how do you know they are legally here . They are illegally here . Because caller everywhere i go, i see different tags. The places i go, i think at people. There are always different tags where i go. I notice all this stuff. What im saying how you get over here if youre supposed to have no money . But you are riding around in these big old cars . Host thats cornell from kansas city. Guest i would say those people i would warn against prejudices of people who are of latino descent, or people who dont look its hard to tell whether or not someone has documentation just by looking at them. In the thing i would say is that undocumented and immigrant communities as a whole has a long history of entrepreneurship. A lot of us are Small Business owners. One of those cases was my father. He was a Southern Baptist minister in dallas, texas who owned a Small Business. The big cars and the houses are just like yours, brought on by really hard work and dedication to their family. Towardsalso point you the research thats been done about extreme poverty that some of these families face, including a live our membership, in that one of the core values of the immigrant community is this ability to be able to survive, to have hard work. Yes, you can see a lot of latinos in and around you, and they are holding up our restaurant industry, they are people who are nurses, teachers, doctors. Think thats part of the beauty of america, that everyone has the ability to serve wherever their gifts come in. I am lucky enough that we were able to win deferred action for child arrivals that allows me to do the work that i do, allows my friends to be nurses in the are in dallas, texas, it allows them to be teachers in the same state. Host you mentioned your mother potentially could be deported. Give us an action on the status of some of president obamas executive orders, and why she is sort of in this limbo state . Obama, in 2014, november, issued an executive action that would protect parents of u. S. Citizens or legal permanent residents. Or folks who would qualify as ca, expanded da deferred action. As soon as the announcement was and 26tates like texas others issued an injunction, which basically put a halt to the executive order. Its been appealed to the Supreme Court, and on january 15, the Supreme Court is expected to decide whether or not it will take of our case. If so, if things go the best Case Scenario would be the Supreme Court will hear arguments in april, and we have some sort of decision in june. All of this, of course, is up in the air. We dont really know whats going to happen. That put athings cloud over holidays is that about a year ago, was having a conversation with my mom about her dream to be able to go and see my grandmother, who is sick, or going had my dad during this christmas. And now, we are here with this nightmare of having to explain to my mom what is it that she has to do to keep yourself safe trade is nightmare of young kids being pulled out of their beds in the middle of the night. I think that its really disappointing. With this of administration has done to defraud and let down the immigrant community. They are going to have to do a lot more, the Democratic Party is going to have to do a lot more to gain her trust. Up from maryland, victoria is on the independent line. Victoria, go ahead. Caller ok, look. All up on politics and how the government works. I do have an understanding, try to understand. I did not graduate from high school. Im currently in college. I was born in south america and i note to people and i know two people in my family my love so much, who are here legally. Im sorry if my voice breaks, this is an emotional,. An emotional topic for me. There were good and bad people everywhere, there are children and adults everywhere, there are people who are in need of help from really terribly bad situations, everywhere. Not just in south america. All over the world. Illegallyk to be here , because there are people here in america, American People who need help. Its kind of like if you have a home, and you are truly hard to have at home, and then people from everywhere are just coming into the home, into your home because they need help, you can help them when youre trying so hard to help the people in issue,me, and thats the these two people in my family that i love so much, they are here legally. They understand that issue as well. Saidheyve accepted it and that the government tells us that we have to leave, then we will leave. We are going to leave. Because thats just the way it is. They pay their taxes, and they work very hard. There people here in america who people who dont have a lot of money, we have woman who has like for children and lives off of food stamps, asks for assistance for the government. They were born and raised here in america. Thats the thing, you cant just felt everybody. Theres a limit. Thats all going to say. Thank you. Host the torilla, we hear you. Gratian martinez thank you, victoria. We hear you. Guest i know what its like to be scared. I think your story signifies how complicated this issue of immigration is. To go along with your analogy of people coming into your house, yes. These people also bring gifts with them. They bring skills. They can turn your twobedroom house into a palace. I think thats the story that weve seen time and time again. As immigrants come here because of the adverse situation that they face in their country, they bring with them a wealth of culture. Guest and you will say to this country is rich in and make sure that your family is the demographic. If they need help with that, they can remain safe. They can go to our website and figure out how to help. Host we have time for a few more callers. Marty on the independent line from texas. Caller hello, good morning. I want your guest to tell the truth about illegals. Is someonethe legal walkedammed the river or across texas. ,hey come into this country they are taken to a certain place. They buy our Social Security numbers. How they get the jobs they get. A lot of people do not know that. Host lets get and our final delivernd have gratian the final word. Bradley is on the independent line. Caller my name is bradley. I want people to realize the United States, our infrastructure is failing. We have so many people on social services and we do not have enough people in our Work Environment to do this type of work and pay for our government. I think about immigration that i live people do not know, the amount of money the immigrants are spending to buy these papers. It is an undocumented amount of revenue that the government is receiving from these people. Hat is my question a lot of people do not know that. Host bradley from kansas. Martinez, your final thoughts. Guest thank you to all of the callers. I think that is how we will get to a better place. I would say three things. One, on a specific grade, we are talking about people who are refugees am also our community. Can you imagine the effect that whole neighborhoods has not only on the immigrant families being targeted, but the kids going to school that morning. Seeing a lot of agents with their uniforms is not something that you want your kids to see. It also has a spillover effects. Fear, weat are not in have heard reports that people have decided to live in the dark, they turned off their lights so that they do not attract attention. Children are being sent to school because parents are afraid of what is going to happen to them. Women and men not being able to go around the corner because they are scared. I think that is not what this country stands for. President obama has made a failed strategy and we are going to make sure that he is not alone and united we dream will continue to hold him accountable. Host thank you so much for joining us this morning. Coming up next, we are going to talk to john hannah. Talk aboutsenior the policy towards iran and north korea. Later on, to Pulitzer Prize will be here to talk about the First Anniversary of the attacks on french satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. We will be right back. As president obama for parents for his state of the Union Address on tuesday, he released this video on twitter. [video clip] i am writing my last state of the Union Address. Can be changed for the better. Our ability to come together as one American Family and pull ourselves closer to the america we believe in. Sometimes, to see but it is who we are. It is what i want to focus on in this state of the Union Address. Cspan coverage starts at 8 00 p. M. Eastern with senator congressional reporter james, looking back on the history and tradition of the president annual message and what to expect in this years address. At 9 00, a live coverage of the president s speech, followed by the republican response by South Carolina governor ricky haley. Plus, your reaction by phone, facebook, tweets, and email as well as those were members of congress. On cspan, cspan radio, and www. Cspan. Org. We will reenter the state of the Union Address and the republican response starting at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Also on cspan two, we will hear from members of congress with their reaction to the president s address. We need to know how many people are reading us. We need to know how they are coming to us. For example, they are not coming directly through our website, they are coming through facebook, google, twitter, or any of these other venues. We should know that. Sunday night, Washington Post executive editor talks about the changes since he took over in 2013. We also discusses the depiction of his work in the movie spotlight. Faithful to how the investigation unfolded. I think it is important to keep in mind that it is a movie, not a documentary. We have to compress within two hours, seven months, plus an investigation and things that happened afterwards. You have to introduce a lot of characters and the important themes that emerged over the investigation. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern on q a. Washington journal continues. Host we are joined by john hannah was the National Advisor for thank you so much for being here. Guest thank you for having me. To discussre here the u. S. Policy towards iran and north korea. Haveand saudi arabia issues with each other, but recently, there have been escalations. What is the reason behind that . Guest there is a long history of tensions between these two powers in the middle east, saudis see themselves as the leader as the dominant sect. The majority of the muslims around the world do adhere to the sunnisect. The sees themselves as leader of the shiitesect. It has been exacerbated recently. The saudis at the beginning of this past week executed a prominent shiite cleric from within the kingdom, a saudi citizen who they claimed had been instigating insurgency and insurrection within the kingdom. Try to break off the shiite parts of the kingdom from the main body of saudi arabia. ,ran immediately responded shiite around the world in fact responded to the execution, saying it was unjustified. Within iran, and bob of many people a mob instigated by the iranian government ransacked and earned the Saudi Embassy in which led to these saudis to kick out the iranian ambassador. A number of saudi allies and sunni allies in the middle east and Europe Countries also , either the saudis severing their ties or downgrading the relationship with iran. The tensions have escalated very quickly over the last week. Where it goes, nobody knows. This intensification of what is in effect, a lowlevel simmering throughout the middle east. It makes the job of diplomacy and conflicts like syria and the war in yemen all the more harder for anybody to resolve because it dramatically increases the tensions. If you are going to get anywhere on these conflicts, cooperation is probably necessary. Host what role does the u. S. To takeplay in trying things down a notch . Guest secretary of state kerry has been working hard over the last month to try to put together a decent process, particularly with regard syria and see whether or not we can bring the outside parties and insight parties in syria ,ogether to get a ceasefire then maybe have a negotiation about an actual political resolution. And iranians have both been brought to the table by the United States. These negotiations were supposed january. Ce in host is that off the table now . Guest it is not off the table. Everyone says they are willing to go to these talks in vienna. There was already a low probability event that we would achieve any progress anytime soon. The difference is, the difficulties and challenges to overcome is enormous. On top of this, this dramatic escalation and tension between the two great powers locally in the region, saudi arabia and iran. I think it makes it all the more difficult. Before,hances were zero deafening looks like he now to make any progress in the negotiations. Host why are these two countries so critical to broker any type of solution . Guest syria itself has broken down into a conflict on the ground between the government. Who has headed by assad a sect called the allies who are a minority sect in syria, really over the majority sunni population. They are closely tied to the shiite and considered by sunnis as a part of the shiite sect. You have this conflict inside of syria itself, and then backing each of these parties in syria, the primary outside backers, the sunni rebels in syria, saudi arabia is leading a coalition of sunni states funneling weapons and support to these rebels. Outside, their primary international backer, both militarily and financially, is the Islamic Republic of iran. These two powers are fighting a proxy war in syria. If you have any chance of getting a ceasefire, they probably need to be at the table, making some compromises. Host we want to let our viewers know they can join in on the conversation and ask john hannah. The number for democrats 2027488000, republican independentsand 2027488003. Keno have our first caller,. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I have wrote a number of books on the middle east and the dividethat continue to the shiites and the sunnis and the number of various sects. Find the unbelief, this if you remember mr. Hannah, there was a time where a saudi elder killed 30,000 Muslim Brotherhood members. There was a war between iran and iraq, at think a million casualties during that engagement. Days, the in the old jordans crusade, the elders killed 2000 members and sent them to lebanon. , why must we mind take the initiative when these essentially creating this war, as you pointed out since the seventh century. Responsible for bringing these people to the diplomatic table. You and i know, and im sure any number of others, they will not follow that particular compromise. There will be continued fighting, etc. Why not let them go at it and see what happens after the , the military aspects between saudi arabia and iran. Host we hear your question this morning. Guest i know on one hand, that sounds like an attractive option. There is nothing becoming about any of these antagonists on the ground. The problem in all of these places, particularly the middle east, that have been for the most part of seven years, a thel place of interest for United States. Because of oil and our relationships and our concern with the security of israel, we do not want that region and loading, collapsing, or exploiting. The problem is, in syria, we are seeing both the implosion of that regime and exploding to the rest of the world some very negative repercussions that do directly affect American Interest. We have this dramatic refugee crisis that first arose in the region itself, spreading across syrias borders. Potentially destabilizing several American Allies in the region, who we rely on to assist us in fighting islamic terrorism and trying to maintain stability and order in the middle east. Now, the refugee crisis that we saw late last year actually spread to europe and threatening our allies in europe with a level of crisis that we have not seen on the continent is probably the end of world war ii. Threatening to fracture the European Union and europe has lar. An absolute pil to have a strong european partner has been a critical element. , theinal thing i would say crisis in syria has spawned a sunniislamicof radicalism in the form of isis, where the Islamic State. Which is not only spreading chaos in the middle east, but now developing the capability and the resources to spread terrorism not only to the west and parts of europe, but obviously to inspire it in the homeland here in itself. While we wish we might be able to look away and ignore the crisis in syria until the birth itself out, i am afraid it will have to many implications that that level of violence is not getting better. It is getting worse and the number of security threats we face in the United States are arising from this conflict, are only multiplying rather than decreasing. Host is there a diplomatic solution . Guest i think that there could possibly be. I do not think in the current circumstances, given the balance of forces on the ground, that there will be. I think at this time, the outside regime, the iranians and particularly the russian intervention in syria, which is a dramatic new variable fell into this equation. The regime feels far too strong in the sunni rebels on the ground are not willing to abide by keeping assad and power. Their bottom line is, in any political solution, this man who has been responsible primarily for the refugee crisis and for killing probably more than 250,000 syrians. The thought of him staying in power as a part of any political solution is intolerable for the outside regime. Assads power is there fundamental interest. These are two, completely incompatible positions. Unless one of these parties is dramatically weakened in this military fight, it is hard to see how we make progress going forward. The best we could probably do is have margins try and help with the humanitarian crisis. May help syrian civilian to the extent, giving food aid into certain cities that have been it is almost a Genocidal Campaign that is being waged at the outside regime in syria. A political solution is necessary, i think at the end of the day, the only way to get out of this crisis, there is an awful a lot more fighting that is going to be done between here and then. Host how involved with the usb u. S. Be . Guest i do think the u. S. Needs to lead this effort. President obama has been more than reluctant for 4. 5 years. Back in august 2011, he thought the assad regime needed to go and lost all legitimacy to rule in syria and we cannot get any political solution into assad went. The president has not been willing to put forward the kind of energy and effort and resources, including military resources that might be needed to change the military balance of power on the ground to get us to a place where a political settlement would be possible. He u. S. Is fighting isis we are devoting some military resources to that, but as we saw after the attacks in pairs in San Bernardino, there is some regression about whether we are doing enough. People in the United States believe we do need to be doing more. Unless we are prepared to put some kind of military force on the ground, which is what it is going to require to defeat the defeat isis, the Islamic State, and have a chance for a political solution. Unless we are prepared to do that, not of our other regional allies will be prepared to step up and devote their resources, perhaps including ground forces. It is a terribly difficult choices, forthe years into this conflict worth were so much damage as been on the ground. The situation has only gotten worse for the United States. At this point, any intervention will be more plausible than if we had acted earlier in the crisis back in 2011 or 2012. When you have not seen both as collapse of the syrian state to this degree, and this intense war that has only benefited the most extreme elements. Both on the shiite side and the sunni, radical side, including this emergence of the Islamic State. Host New York Times, recently published this map of the areas under the sunni versus shiite control. Just so viewers can get perspective. The red areas are under sydney control. Sunni control. Purple, itrol is any looks blue on the screen. That is primarily in iran. Our next caller from the republican line. That ifi wanted to say we want to make any progress in our middle east policy and bring peace into this region, which is by looking at the facts as they are and start acting based on the truth. For example, we look at saudi arabia and iran and this fiction between these two countries. If we go to the roots, and we want to solve this problem, we should not start sending more troops. We should look and see why have started. Whoi arabia is the country thinks violence is the answer to any problem they face. Look at their actions and other conflicts. You see somebody like who gets killed in the saudi king congratulates the nigerian president for this act of terror. Another incident, they killed the shiite cleric mr. Nimr. They say that he was a terrorist, although we know he never resorted to violence. They killed him anyway. They called him a terrorist and put him on the death row with other terrorist, just to prove that he is a terrorist. This tension between iran and saudi arabia, i think if we wanted to resolve the situation, we should go back to the roots of this problem of the violence in the saudi regime based on terrorist. We know this for a fact. Host all right, james from pennsylvania. Guest it underscores how difficult this problem is with people on both sides. In the middle east, my view between saudi arabia and iran, neither one of these are attractive actors to choose. Have a veryudis brutal, authoritarian regime in government that they administer at home, very strict interpretation of islamic law. Since the have been time of the iranian revolution in 1979, have been an important source of funding or spreading its very strict interpretation of sunni islam around the world of universities and clerics that have gone abroad. The only thing i would say, from the perspective of the United States, iran under the Islamic Republic has been much more threatening. Even more brutal in some ways a execute a lotis of people every year. Toy are not anywhere close iran in 2015 in terms of execution. Be ahead ofay people, but the iranians are streaming up people and streetlights and hanging down with math excuses. Openly, unlikee the saudis and actually dedicated. They say after weeks of mass rallies and the destruction of the United States and the disruption of the state of israel. There is a primary state funder, sponsor of terrorism around the world. They are open about their desire to attack American Interest and undermine a usled order in the u. S. That we have helped maintain, security and stability in the region for years. Revolution inian 1979, they have been dedicated to undermining and attacking and destroying that order. There is a fundamental conflict on betweening United States and iran for several years. Iranians have been responsible for a lot of americans killed. There sponsored terrorism both in lebanon and the bombings in 1996 and saudi arabia, and of course the saudis were the main militias thatite have maintained forces in iraq throughout the early years of 2000. Perhaps almost responsible for a thousand deaths of american troops. Unfortunately, National Security policy is not driven by human rights policy. The United States government is not a nongovernmental organization. We have to pursue our interest and make difficult choices between Different Actors around the world. The United States i think has said that iran, in terms of our interest in the middle east, is the primary enemy and adversary attacking American Interest. Host i want to ask you about washing post, reporter jason. There is a potential for a swap. Unnamed americans have contacted iran for a deal to swap other iranian officials have played down the possibility of such a swap. What do you think the choices are for jason . Guest you cannot be hopeful with the past history that the iranians have managed this. This kind of deal has been worked out in the past. I do think it underscores the Iranian Regime that these innocent americans have been held this long under awful additions. The fact that now, the United States has completed a nuclear deal with iran, we are perhaps weeks away from the United States entering national of words handing over over 100 billion to the Iranian Regime. The fact that part of that, we were not able to get these for american citizens that happens have been suffering. People in the United States have been arrested on legitimate grounds for either aiding the Coalition Efforts in the Nuclear Ballistic missiles based on the terrorism efforts of the Iranian Regime. I think it is unfortunate, if not an outrage that these people. There is no reason they should be held. That was a Side Agreement we should have demanded as a result of the nuclear deal, before we now had over to the iranians. The number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world, 100 billion. The next caller is william on caller correct me if i am misinformed, but in the middle guys runs let these around for political games. In the middle east, it seems are of a political war than religious one. Yesterday, in philadelphia, we had a man shoe a Police Officer in the name of isis, in the name allah. That is what he claims. 85 of our africanamerican population is muslims. Not like the nation of islam, these guys are really muslims. I just think that here in our homeland, this thing will spark in america that says, we are not going to put up with this. I just wanted to know what you think on how this attack yesterday, here in america, will affect us. Isst i do agree that there a great danger to the homeland as a result to the emergence of isis, its ability to have bergtory, to attract, crew, tax revenue, the fact that it does have a social media empire that it has used to draw people and support from around inspired, and to people increasingly. Not only in europe, but in the United States to undertake attacks. I do think that unless the United States government demonstrates that it is on top of the problem, and devoting the resources necessary on the ground in syria to begin dismantling this caliphate, taking away territory, taking away the aura of success which inspires people around the world to undertake attacks in its name unless we do that, there is a fear andat, out of concern about their own safety and sense that they do not have a government making this the number one priority, they do get some bad pollution filling that space. I do think you have to refer to mr. Trumps recommendation that we do bar temporarily all muslims from entering the United States. I think that is something that plays into the hands of isis and recruit. M they want to make this of war between islam and the west. I think we have to be very careful about not playing into this. I do think it takes leadership and tough decisions out of the white house to reassure the American People that our government is on top of this and priority. Number one host the next caller is also william from orange, connecticut. Good morning to you. Caller yes. Good morning. I would like to read something biographies. Nse in thedeputy advisor middle east where he was intimately involved in the policy to iraq, syria, lebanon. John was elevated to the role of Vice President cheneys National Security advisor where he served as the Vice President s top adviser. Bush plant, in a the sense. At age 45, you went into this rant about how assad killed 250,000 of his own people. Let me give a counterpoint to that. This is from the syrian observatory of human rights. This is old data from august 2015. They say that the largest portion were progovernment forces, some 80,000 people. 42,000 worker. Were reported killed. Can you respond to that . Host i want to point out that john hannah also served as Senior Advisor during president bill clintons administration. Guest and probably did so under the and also worked under first president bush, and very probably. As to what are the casualty figures and have more Government People been killed then civilians i think there is no regime is the assad primarily responsible for this conflict in syria. A thought is the one who decided in early 2011 to respond to peaceful protests in the streets by cracking down, try to replicate what his father had was an 1982 when there uprising against his regime. He fairly quickly killed 20,000 people to 30,000 people. He was able to put a stop to. Hat uprising it was obviously incredibly brutal and just another phase of this war between shiites and sunnis. Memories are very long in that part of the world. The younger son who is in power now assad responded very quickly. He is the one who militarized this conflict. Pursued a systematic policy of genocide against syrias sunni population. He has purposely created about 7 million displaced people. He is trying, in a very systematic way, change the demographic balance to drive sunnis out, either killing them for sending them a broad as refugees in the hopes of staying in power. At the end of the day, people will add up if more people were killed on the government side or the rebel side, by think you cannot look at this conflict and not see the primary driver and instigator, and i think alassader, the regime. Host i want to switch gears for a moment. We have a few minutes left and i want to talk about north korea. There were reports that the country detonated a Hydrogen Bomb. [video clip] this test once again finally its resolutions despite the united core of the International Community seeing to such activities. This act is proud profoundly destabilizing. I condemn it unequivocally. Further to cease any Nuclear Activities and that it meet its obligations. Host we are talking with john hannah. He is a member of the foundation for the defense of democracies. How credible do you think north koreas claim that it detonated a Hydrogen Bond . If it did, which is the response from the usb . Guest it looks, by the commentary of all the experts and the people who have the technical capabilities to monitor this, it was not consistent with a Hydrogen Bomb. No one knows for sure. Im sure there will be intelligence work done to determine if it was a Hydrogen Bomb or not. In some ways, it does matter because a Hydrogen Bomb is thousands of times more powerful than a typical precision bomb like the one we dropped on japan which killed several hundred thousands of people. A hygiene and bob, in the hands of north korea, lets say it would be very hard to believe that either south korea or japan would be able to continue functioning as a normal liberal Democratic Society in the wake of the explosion of a Hydrogen Bomb on its territory. Since 2006,re is north korea, this is their First Nuclear explosion that they have conducted. They have now had a run of a decade in which they are perfecting their systems and are very clear about their developes which are to and put aarsenal Nuclear Warhead on top of those missiles that would be capable tosending a Nuclear Attack all of the countries that they consider their enemies. There is already some talk that they may have the capability of a longrange missile and the capability of putting a warhead on it. Already, the western United States could the exposed to nuclear blackmail from north korea. If that is the case, the next president of the United States this totalitarian dictatorship is going to be able to hold hostage Great American cities like los angeles and san francisco. His is a tremendous concern from fayetteville, North Carolina is up next, calling on the democratic line. Go ahead with your questions and comments. Caller good morning. , your experience in Foreign Policy is fantastic. All are talking about the systems. The United States does not have cohesive Foreign Policy. You can see how this reflects an internal problem in the United States today. How divisive and hateful of each other these policies reflect middle east policy today. The United States has been pushed to choose someone like donald trump who is a gambler, but he makes some sense because as a conductor, you talk of these policies. You look back at your experience in the past 1015 years, and where your policy in the middle east was and where it is today. If you look at it, it is getting worse and worse. There are those who want to stick to the old policy. There is no middle ground between the two groups. It is a shame. We dont need someone to divide. Host we hear you this morning. Guest what i would say is their is probably there is probably plenty of blame to go round for the state of the world today. As an earlier caller said, first and foremost you have to look at the countries in the different experiencingare difficulties. When you talk about the middle east, we saw with the socalled arab spring back in 2011, there is an enormous discontent among these people about the way they are governed, the rights that they have, the rule of law, fundamental things that we take for granted. These are failures of governance. I dont think you can blame the United States for that. On the other hand, you have to say that to the extent we have favors human that rights and Economic Prosperity and orderld, it is in or that has been maintained by the United States and American Leadership has been absolutely essential to that. I think that is absolutely the case today. I think today, more than any time in the past lets be honest, some of the troubles we have seen in the early part of wascentury, president obama elected because he said he was going to get us out of the middle east and out of those conflicts. What we have seen is yes, it is possible, you can overextend yourself and be too interventionists. There also consequences to be paid by the United States is iteratively precipitously withdrawing from a region. What replaces the order is the it is not some. Ew order it is generally replaced by chaos. At least in the short to medium term. There is an awful lot of violence that can happen. It is important that americans and we haveether critical leadership in the world. That is a small investment compared to the investment that we have to play if we do not play that role. Host we have time for one more caller. Cambridge,e from massachusetts. Can you make it quick . About he talked a lot justice, freedom democracy. Of america. History this is the result. Iran was supposed to be the most democratic country in the middle east at the time. Look at what it is now. They are the most terrorist leaning country. We have to look to our ancestors about natural resources. We dont care about the people. We have supported every dictator in the middle east. Host we will have to leave it there. John hannah, your final thoughts . Guest the United States is not perfect. Mistakes have been made. Theuld simply say that United States has been including the middle east since world war ii. I dont think any other country has extended more resources or made more sacrifices in foreign lands to uphold some measure of security and stability. Lets face it, a world that is a lot of very nasty people and a world that is imperfect. I think the United States, and its leadership at the margins, have done more than any other country in the world to try to hold this together. Host john hannah, a former National Security advisor to dick cheney and now counselor for the foundation for the defense of democracies to a coming up next, we will talk to to pull it surprise cartoonists. They will be discussing the First Anniversary of the attacks on a french bdo. Zine, charlie he be will be right back. Booktv has 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors every week and on cspan two. Here are some programs to watch for this weekend. At 7 00 eastern, booktv is at the university of wisconsin with william p jones. This was a movement that was really going to the core of many peoples beliefs about what this nation should be. It did change a lot of minds. At 10 00 eastern, afterwords with james rosen who looks at the life and former career of dick cheney in his book, cheney oneonone. Right hason the attracted more vitriol from the left more intense th left theniol from the or richardrge bush nixon. Then, on sunday, and author discusses her book, drawing blood. I have this delusional fantasy that since i had written a 2000 word essay that writing a 100,000 word book would be like word essays and that would not be that hard. Booktv on cspan two. Television for serious readers. Ourere is a look at some of featured programs this week and on American History tv on cspan 3. Next tuesday, president obama will deliver his last date of the Union Address to a joint session of congress. Today and tomorrow, beginning at 1 00 eastern, we will feature four state of the Union Speeches from president s in their last year in office. Today, jimmy carter followed by ronald reagan. Then, George H Bush followed by bill clinton. Sunday morning at 10 00, on road to the white house rewind, we will look back to the 1984 President Shall campaign and a debate between a Democratic Candidates in iowa. Elected has to earn the trust and confidence of the american public. It has to be for all our people. For our complete schedule, go to cspan. Org. Washington journal continues. It has been one year since the deadly attack on a french publication, Charlie Hebdo. Here to discuss the role and influence of political cartoons Pulitzer Prizewinning cartoonists. We are joined by anna tell. Aes and Signe Wilkinson what impacted these attacks have on you one year ago personally and overall . Guest personally, it was quite a shock. We have had attacks on cartoonists before. Threats, attacks throughout the world. This was a fair amount of cartoonists all at once that died. It was shocking, frankly, shocking to me. As for the editorial cartooning profession as a whole, i had high hopes that after this there would be a lot more support for and freedom of expression. Of four to the, i dont think that has happened. Fear andecause of various reasons, people are not as willing to stand up for complete freedom of speech. Host we personally afraid for your own security after the attacks in france . Guest after the attacks, well, no. In the United States, we dont really see that. Some things have happened since then. We had that attack and texas. Franceled overseas to for conference about a month before. At first, they were going to cancel because of the Charlie Hebdo attacks. When i got there, i was very surprised to see how much Police Protection we had. We had police escorting us everywhere. We had motorcycle escorts. Hadevent we went to, we security. At the time, i felt a little silly. Cartoonists, we take our work very seriously, but dont necessarily take ourselves very seriously. We do need security. Host Signe Wilkinson, to pick up on the point of the level of support for cartoonists since Charlie Hebdo, you wrote an editorial that by steering clear what did you mean by the statement . Have alwaysonists used religious imagery in a cartoons. Not a lot. I work for a family newspaper that goes out to people of all iths. You dont gratuitously go around and kick a profit. But, if people kill people, huge numbers of people in the name of isir profit, i think that fair game. We have most newspapers, including my own, that have been on, unwilling to take that to use that imagery. This last week, next to my oped, we ran one of the country show covers of Charlie Hebdo. No one noticed. Ann hasing on this is done cartoons on this. In the past, there have been pictures throughout history of mohammed. Not a lot of them, but they appear in art, elsewhere. When the danish cartoons were First Published in 2005, and it started to become a controversy, the Austin Statesman american ran some and there was no reaction until a few days later, he became a big deal. It hit the news. Very few other newspapers would carry it. Newspapers that date, including inquiry andphia included one of the offending danish cartoons. They included with an explanatory note. There were protests outside. What happens is it starts a conversation, it does not end it. Pageswspaper opened its to people who protested, to write their opinions. There were protests on the streets. Thats it. This is america. That is what it is supposed to be. The problem is, if you kill the ,artoonist or journalist whoever is speaking, the conversation is hard to carry on. I feel we have to have open conversation, open cartooning. That is what cartoons do. May i say,ions they this people off piss people off. Host they make people angry. Guest they make people infuriated. Completely angry. That anger gets channeled coming back to the cartoonist, and the cartoonist comes back. It is a backandforth. All sides learn a little bit. Host i want to show the cover of Charlie Hebdo from this week. Here it is. I think if my translation is correct, it says the murder is still on the loose. I would like to get your reaction to this cover. What are they trying to say and you feel it was successful . Guest they are commenting on all religions. Ive heard that it is a christian god image, by dont think so. Guest that is the problem with picturing anybody. Looks we know what jesus like . Certainly god does not have a beard and wear sandals. That is theve to problem with cartooning generally. That exactly what a lot of religions dont like including islam. Judaism dont like to have things pictured. God is too big to be pictured. In visualreveal metaphors. This is where the problem comes up. Visual metaphors can be interpreted different ways by different people. When you have a bunch of words explaining something, that is one thing. When you have a picture, depending on what the person looking at it wants to see, to believe, that is what they will project on the cartoon. That is why cartoons usually end up being controversial because they are miss red. Images that are prohibited for either of you . Guest i do not do toilet humor. Do. E are things we dont cartoonists on the internet do. A little bit on the audience. Guest and the fact that you have an editor that decides. Guest thank heavens for editors. Host you can join in on the conversation. The numbers to call our 202 7488000 if you are a democrat. Republicans can call in at 202 7488001. Ndependents, 202 7458002 you can also send us a tweet. We are on twitter at cspanwj. We are also on facebook at facebook. Com cspan. You can send us an email at journal cspan. Org. We will take our first color now from virginia. Judy, good morning. Caller i say this with all respect. Im a former weekly journalist myself. Around flag at a bull and you dont step on supermans toes. Islamicof the nature of terrorism. I have always feared the southern preacher who tears up a because i felt that americans abroad would be in danger because they would be. Illed in effigy i cannot tell you how much i regret Charlie Hebdos death, but he brought it on himself. For one, they got the right person, the one who did it, and a few others, unfortunately. Analgize,ledge eyes i think the l. A. Times would be stupid, and it would be so easy thearicature bobble doll i think he would be very stupid if he got a doingange missile cartoons about it. It is like shouting in a crowded theater. I think we have to use some restraint somewhere when we know that retaliation is more sure that the sun coming up tomorrow morning. Host which one of you would like to tackle that first tackle guest go ahead. Guest you should know that most cartoons dont do that. However, what is proven by the Charlie Hebdo is that it is not that irritatets the radical jihadist. Westerners in. Aris irritate jihadists people at cafes, people at rock concerts. Women walking down the street without being totally covered up. They killed way over 100 people on the streets of paris because they did not like how the parisians comport themselves. If you say we should not have any more Charlie Hebdo we should not have cafes, we should not have rock concerts, we should wrap all of our women up in burqas. Those jihadist just cannot control themselves. Courageously and say, we are moving on with our lives. That is how i feel as a cartoonist, as a woman, an american. Guest i have a couple of points. On a broader point, just because you disagree with someone or are offended by something they said or drawn is no reason for threats or violence. There are many things you can do. You can draw your own cartoon. You can debate. You can write something. I dont care how sense of something is or you can call them out on it. To start injecting fear and everything is going to stifle everyones free speech. On the question of cartoonists and inciting things by what they draw. First of all, we dont do that always. You choose which topics you want to do really strong cartoons about. If i have a really important point i want to make, i will use a very strong official metaphor that might offend some people to make my point. On the point about being a woman b are considered some pretty liberal cartoonists. We have always been very adamant about this free speech issue in cartooning ever since the danish cartoon controversy. I have spoken to my colleagues to have to operate in a much more restrictive society than we do. They are the most supportive of free speech rights you can ever imagine. That if you start restricting speech, what people do or say, the first people that will feel the restrictions are people like women. Guest people like women . Guest people who are women. We will be the ones who first suffer the consequences of that. I think that is why we are so that weabout the fact want an open conversation. Host i want to show cartoon rew. You d i guess this was immediately after the Charlie Hebdo attack. Maybe yourourself hair as a little longer in the cartoon holding a red pen and the magazine. Ou included more commentary host can you tell us a little bit about how you came up with the idea and the Creative Process around a . Once thedid that conversation went from everyone supporting charlie to questioning the content of the cartoons. I started thinking about what did that mean. If we are going to argue about things i would actually like you to read the rest of that in the scroll back up to where it the simplee get past images, then what. It is easy to condemn certain images as offensive, but once , who makes the decision what can be drawn and what cats. I attended a conference where we had a panel of religious leaders religion represented there. We went on about how cartoons overstep the line here and there, and what can be said, and what cats. When i asked the question, specifically what image do not like to see not one of them could say that, except the yua eamon who said note that the actions of mohammed. It is one thing to say we need to be careful. It is another thing to say who is making this decision, and where we putting the limits . That is a slippery slope. Host ted from florida is on the line. Good morning to you. Caller im a great believer in and freedom ofn speech. But i worry about is propaganda where one side is represented and not the other. Let me give an example. On 60 minutes, madeleine theyight had no problem asked if it was worth to kill 5000 children in order to find weapons of mass destruction. She said it was worth the price. Was, Rachel Corrie who bulldozed to death by the israelis. Nothing was said about it. I worry about editorial control if it is fair, balanced, and if it is not just propaganda representing the views of a particular party or interest group. Host what is the role of editorial cartooning in public debate . Guest ted raises related questions. It seems to me that now we have so many different outlets for news. If you dont agree with my cartoons, there are lots of cartoons you could agree with. They are easily available online. By cartoons speak for myself my cartoons speak for myself. I dont check in with liberal woman feminist central and say, what should i draw today . Like i am part of a rigid group that i am speaking for and giving propaganda to even though some of my readers think that that is exactly what i do. Cartoons when i published imagesece saying we want , we want to be able to use images from any religion and if that religion misbehaves, it beyond thebe bounds. A number of people said that is are they believe in and we too politically correct and afraid to offend anyone. I hope that my cartoons are not just in one area. What can i say. This is my point of view. Guest that is a good point. I dont think people really understand what it is. An editorial cartoon is a visual commentary piece. It is like a written column, but we use images. In order to be an editorial cartoon, it has to have a point of view. Tend to be pretty independent. We have our editors who we have to deal with, but we are independent. We dont like people telling us what to do you can tell. It is not in our nature. Of course, you will find an example of cartoonist that is towing to certain mine, b line,e bastard child of journalism, and we behave that way. Piecethere was a recent on your work in the Washington Post. Host the Washington Post ended up retracting the cartoon, but you did not agree. By . Aest first of all, i had nicer. We talked about it. He gave me his position about it. I told him mine. He is the editor. He gets to make the choice. The other part is that cartoon was so misrepresented. Not by people who white to see what they wanted to see, but frankly by the medias coverage of it afterwards. They basically made it sound like it was about monkeys and children. It was not. Metaphor of an organ grinder. An organ grinder is not a visual metaphor the allied people know about anymore. It is very early 20th century. The cartoon was not about attacking children. It was about criticizing senator his for having one of children having a role in a political attack ad. People project their own feelings onto cartoons and choose to see what they want to see. Plus, the incredible impact that social media has nowadays. This is how this turned into such a big controversy. Listened to the news, i said, oh my god, im friends with this woman . Host what did you think when you saw the cartoon . Guest first, i went to look at the video. It was not just making fun of christmas. It was his daughter reading this. Ook they were lines attacking hillary clinton. That is not just i mean, that is using your child to help make a political statement. That is what ann is talking about. That got lost in the coverage. You can still agree with the i thought the did,rest thing that besides making a ton of money instead of too little monkeys, he had the Washington Post and New York Times under her control. If people who did not like cartoons were clever, they would do their own cartoons. Guest that is the points. Frankly, the response i received , which was a ton of emails and tweets believe me, that was not the response. It was vile, threatening responses. Host the next caller is ann from new york, new york. What is your comment . Caller i was calling to comment on the ted cruz cartoon because i was outraged that he would explain his children that way and then turn around and blame the cartoonist, whose job it is to do political satire. Usst would you please tell that we did not pay you to call this morning . Caller [laughter] guest we do not know you. Host even though you share the same name. We hear you. Next up is frank from staten island, new york. Good morning. Caller good morning. For misson is specific will kinson. Im a retired Police Officer and i have been to several funerals this year. In the advent of the shooting of the Philadelphia Police officer, will you be addressing the attempted murder of our last line of defense of this country to g . Or are you not willing to pertain someone who said he killed in the name of allah and isis would that not be something that you address . Guest absolutely. This was a terrible incident that just happened yesterday. The video on it is just shocking. It, the guy isat muslim dress. Led im not in philadelphia now. Fortunately, i left yesterday afternoon before i heard i dont know all of the latest details. I think that the muslim ismmunity there is trying not going to want to be represented by this character. I will definitely be doing cartoons on it. Drewcartoon i quickly t afterwards was a sympathy card for the officer. Nnedne deserves to be gu down like that. A terrible crime. Host next up is katie. Go ahead. Caller i just wanted to comment how images have always been used toa tool by the creators react to what is going on around them. Transcendat images languages and culture and geography. Think, the translation or mistranslation can lead to violence. I think people, when they dont understand thanks, that is when violence occurs. People,entire group of like with social media when i an image is projected onto other cultures where they dont have the same understanding of the imagery, that is when things are going up and becoming very dangerous. Guest that is a good point. I think the whole point about not social media, but going back to everybody going online cartoons did not used to be able to be seen everywhere. Computer, andhe someone in saudi arabia can see a cartoon here in the United States. That is a definite factor in the response to cartoons. Signesre, we have latest cartoon about the shooting of the officer in philadelphia. About the range of views how and why this should have happened obviously, it should not have happened, but everyone wishes officer a speedy recovery. How did you come up with the idea about this cartoon . Guest i have to say, cspan did not make it any easier. I had to leave on the train. I had an early deadline. Started coming wasabout him and his death not first thing in the morning. We did not learn that he was an until later in the afternoon. We did know by noonish that he was identifying as muslim and liked isis. Not just any muslim, but radical. , in areally hard situation like that, to come up with an image when you do not know all the facts. Is officer who called raising information that i will be taking into account in cartoons coming up. These are the kinds of things stories unfold a little bit. I wanted to do something. When you are a cartoonist for a paper in a town, you have the whole it is not just faraway officials. H it is people, your neighbors, your policeman. Things happen. I have done cartoons when the girl was brutally killed. Her bike was left and that is all the family had left. I used that image as something. O mark that i do cartoons on all sorts of things. Tois one was simply to say express thanks and sympathy with the officer. There is nothing more political. Philadelphiaone in will have the officer in mind first. Host next from virginia beach, john calling. Good morning. Caller good morning. I just think we have to be mindful of the time. We are living in war times. The war is on their home front, which is very tough. People are being displaced. There is a larger issue which is economic issues. Iraq is one of the largest oil. Roducers we have to see the biggest picture. Thank you very much. Host lets get in another color. That will be gene from for genia on the democratic line as well. Caller good morning. I grew up in philadelphia. What i would like to ask about is one of the first rules you learn when you get into journalism is that freedom of the press stops at the publishers desk. I was a shooter, a photographer related to you guys. Iran into, a number of times, that i would shoot pictures, and the publisher would say, we cant run that because like it or not, in this country, news is a business. I wonder how much influence you get from the i guess it is not p. Mmi anymore they have been sold to someone else now. How much are you veering from publisher saying, this will not be good for circulation, we dont want someone showing up at the front door on broad street . Guest we are on Market Street now. Host everything has changed. Guest we have woken up almost every other morning with a new publisher. One of the new publishers who done aour paper i had cartoon of him, a negative 810 yearsybe earlier. Host tell us about it. Guest he had a pr company and a very lucrative contract from the School District of philadelphia. I had him billing it for the children with his money. I thought i was toast. I was on the phone actually with another cartoonist, and all the sudden he appeared at my door couple of days after he got the job. Friend, i have to go, i think of about to be fired. He came in and said i love your cartoons and you are staying on. Nd you are my friend you really cant tell about publishers. It is just like many people, they tend to surprise you. I have to say, in all my years at the daily news, and now at the inquirer, i have been very supported by the management of both papers. When it comes to certain things mohammed, theing inquire will not publish an image, and the daily news did, i said. At the daily news has backed me up in so many tough situations. After the danish cartoon, he said it is not our issue, i prefer you stay away from it. I came up with an image with mohammed in it, but also with jesus, a rabbi, and buddha, and a number of other people. They were all sharing a laugh about bad political cartoons about religion. I got zero controversy over that. I picturedis because them all happy and laughing. Hadroved to me, and i have other examples of this before. Theou use a symbol, whether flag or a religious symbol positively, people are happy with it. If you use it negatively, then they are unhappy with it. It is not actually the use of the symbol, it is how you use symbol. Guest for the majority of my career, i have been freelance and never have a problem with freelance. For the last eight years, i have been with the Washington Post, and they have been very supportive. I have not had any cartoon fold until this ted cruz cartoon. My editor and i talked about it. I understood his position, and he understood mine. Controversialther cartoon with the gaza attacks. I was criticizing the israeli government, and some thought i was being antisemitic. Ed me on totally back to that. It is your position what you want to do cartoons on. Some dont want to do cartoons on certain subjects. The 1. I do want to get back to about religion it is not that we are talking peoples religious beliefs. That is not what editorial cartoons do. Unfortunate, religion has managed to insert itself into the political discussion, especially in the past few years. It is not just islamic issues. It is any other religion. They want to influence policy. Religiousce a institution or leaders decide to get into the political process, that i can do cartoons about that. Those policies that they want to push through that will influence everyone in the United States. That is what an editorial cartoonist does. They address those issues. When we talk about religion, it is not that we want to go after this religion or that religion. We are challenging what they are trying to put out there in the public discussion. Host last word. Guest i think Charlie Hebdo was attacking religion. They are devoutly secularist. I think that was an underlying theme. Guest that is a big part of french politics. Guest you are allowed to to be secularist. Host thank you both so much for joining us this morning. Guest thank you. Host tomorrow, we will be talking politics all morning. We will be looking at the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. Kevin landrigan will be joining eri. As will chris galdi they are both in New Hampshire. We will also speak with dennis ford. We will see you then. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org]

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