Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 20151214

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Hundred Million Dollars for plans to develop and fight Climate Change. We want to get your thoughts on this. Here is high you can let us know, republicans, 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Ndependents, 202 7488002 media, you can do so at http twitter. Com cspanwj on twitter. Send this email at journal cspan. Org. Givesll street journal the habits of the deal that was finalized in paris over the weekend. Here are some of those highlights. It would seem to bring growth of Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere to zero by the second half of the century and require for the first time that all targets no more than two degrees celsius, a rise in temperature, but aspires to go further. Richer countries have to take the lead in mobilizing more than 100 billion annually. It would also establish a process to review, assess and update emissions reduction plans. The process is a subject of financial timetabling. Write that the Paris Agreement may not require youtries to meet targets, would have agreed to it if that had, but it does obligate all nations to police subject their plans to scrutiny every five years and a far more transparent manner and most of ever done before and return in return, developing countries want all the states to a deliver at least 100 billion a year by 2020. They had already promised to help poor countries cope with Global Warming. We will read more but when it comes to the climate deal to you that the u. S. Has signed on to along with 190 other countries, we want to get from you if you thought it was a good decision. Republicans. 1 four 202 7488000 for democrats. 202 7488002 for independents. The president of the United States commented on the agreement that was signed. Here is a of his statement from saturday. This agreement is ambitious with every nation setting and committing to their own specific targets, even as we take into account the princes among nations. Differences among nations. We will have strong changes in transparency to help hold every country accountable for meeting its commitments. As technology advances, this agreement allows progress to pave the way for even more ambitious targets over time. We have secured a broader commitment to support the most Vulnerable Countries as they pursue cleaner Economic Growth. Agreement will mean less of the Carbon Pollution that threatens the planet and more jobs and Economic Growth driven by low carbon investment. Full ample mentation of this agreement will help delay or avoid some of the worst consequences of Climate Change and pave the way for even more progress in successive stages over the coming years. Moreover, this agreement sends a powerful signal that the world is firmly committed to a low carbon future. That have the potential to unleash investment and innovation in clean energy at a scale we have never seen before. Our boldts we have set and by empowering scientists, businesses in the private sector, investors, to work together, this agreement represents the best chance we have disabled one planet we have. To save the one planet we have. I think this can be a turning point for the world. Weve shown that the world has the will and ability to take on this challenge. It will not be easy. Progress will come quickly. Wont come quickly. We cannot be complacent. While our generation will see some of the benefits, just created and money saved, we may not live to see the full realize asian our achievements, but that ofok the full realization our achievements, but that is ok. We can be more confident that this planet will be in better shape of the next generation. That is president obamas take on the passage of the deal. Your thoughts. 202 7488001 four republicans. 202 7488000 for democrats. 202 7488002 for independents. Mark from ohio, what do you think of this deal . Caller i think it is a good we need clean and cool water and what gets me i try to get through yesterday when you are talking about this on cspan. Republicans dont believe in Global Warming, they were making a big deal of that. Regardless if you believe in it or not, they never mention what is happening with our oceans from all the Carbon Dioxide raining into the oceans and changing the ph level which is screwing up coral reefs and all the shelled creatures and all of that. That is my take. Host the countries in question are to come up with plans to fight Climate Change, why do you think they will hold to those plans . Caller whats going on in china. Breathe, theyt will have to wise up. People, my sister just got back from china, she was over there on business, and he was telling me they had to go into air bars to breathe. Host we will hear from well, from oregon on the independent line. Caller thank you for taking my call. What other deal do we have . Is there another planet or we can go make a deal with other countries . This is the deal we get and we have to try to live with it. I think it is up to the United States to catch up with other countries because we are behind right now and it seems like we are getting farther behind. It is incumbent upon the senate and the house, the republicans who control those, to come up with their science, why they think we should not do anything at all about it. Just is beyonde the pale. Why are we unreasonable in america . Quite a we go with these emotional arguments by people who dont know anything . Host chairman of the house science and Space Technology committee gives his opinion of the deal and the u. S. Commitment, saying that the president s deal would raise the electric bills, Russian Energy and the slow Economic Growth, causing the u. S. Economy billions of dollars and risking thousands of jobs for little impact on the environment. If implemented, the epas own data show that the electricity regulation that is cornerstone of the pledge would reduce Global Temperatures by only one 50th of a degree celsius. A better solution he writes, is to rely on technological advances that have solved many challenges of uses u. S. Carbon emissions. National laboratories are working with the private sector to develop the next thing energy resource. Lets work on innovation rather than imposing regulations on the american people. Democrat from oxford, mississippi good morning. Caller good morning. I believe that no matter what president obama comes up with, republicans are not going to like it. I hope that if something happens with Global Warming, they would be the first to fall off the earth because they have always said that anything that president obama does, they will object and i believe it is a great thing to get countries together to talk. Secondly, think about our children and the impact that if we dont do something different, it might even be too late now, but what about the children . We cant even sell gloves and hats because the weather is so bad right now, it is too hot and they talk about what is it affecting now . I say highfive to president obama. Fred from maryland, republican, go ahead. Caller its ironic. The liberal issues that president obama has been pushing. Be, this is coming out to it has nothing to do with the manmade conditions, ocean currents and axis tilt and things like that that happened naturally, but what he is really doing is lining the pockets of these foreign leaders and some of them are not too friendly, a lot of them are dictators. It or note that buy even thinking outside the box like whats going on here. They havepolicies been trying to pass for a long time without opposition, they are just doing whatever they can. Host you think the money that these countries are committing to poorer countries will just go to the leaders and not to these efforts to reduce Climate Change overall . Caller absolutely, it is the war on coal. Gas is the cheapest of the elements we have and they dont like that. These are environmental billionaire and friends with the administration. They give them a loan of 500 million and three months later they close up and go bankrupt, the media is not asking these questions. Lord knows what he will do with his your left. With his year left. Host that was fred talking about the u. S. Commitment to the Climate Change. Seem topeople still believe that Renewable Energy is hippie debbies death, not a serious part of our future, either that or they bought into the propaganda that portrays it as some sort of liberal boondoggle. The reality is that the cost of solar and wind power have on dramatically to the point where they are close to competitive even withoutls special incentives and progress on Energy Storage has made the prospects even better. Renewable energy has become a big employer, much bigger than these days than the coal industry. Ill twitter, this developing countrys of spending a hundred billion dollars annually means u. S. Taxpayers pay up and then edwin say that its just that decision was good for the world, however what is the cost to the american taxpayer . Other thoughts to this deal, others are welcome, you can call on the phone lines or post to our social media channels. Billy, democrats line hello. Do you remember when they called the Global Warming and then all of a sudden, they changed it to Climate Change . People al gore was talking about Global Warming one time in new york and that was when a blizzard was going on outside. They should check climate gate. Com. They cooked the books in 2009 and got caught and changed it to Climate Change so it becomes onesizefitsall. Imategate. Com. This is such bs. Al gore got rich off of it and none of the democrats want to talk about it. Host from washington state, william, republican line. I got some concerns as water ways it hundred times ways 800 times more than air. We have rivers flowing to the ocean that run 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Make 150 megawatt feasibly every 65 foot on the riverbank. Why dont we use water energy because we could end up making way more energy for a lot cheaper and it helps the poor the most. To makee have everything that we do cost us so much and drive us backwards . This would be economically better for us. Host what do you think about the deal, overall . Caller i dont like it because i was watching the news and they showed a river and its overflowed itsit banks and it created a huge round pull that was spending because the river was pushing it. Hundred 20 foot run pulls next to the river, we could harness the energy and that is energy. 4 hours a day, 365 a year 24 hours a day, 365 a year. Host a senator commenting on this says we can expect the administration to cite this as their excuse for establishing emission targets for every sector of the u. S. Economy, not only in utilities but petroleum refining, on manufacturing and agriculture. That is some of the thoughts off of twitter by legislators on this deal. The u. S. Signing onto to this deal over the weekend in paris. We want to get your thoughts as well. Chad is from rhode island, independent line. What do you think about the deal . Caller good morning. I think it was an exercise in futility, too little too late. I remember back in the 70s when the scientists were telling us that we had to do something and thee climate politicians were saying all the scientists will figure it out, they will find a cure. They said it was a political solution. The politicians refuse to believe it, now it is too little too late. We areshows me is that ignorant, greedy society. I think that we are over the edge and that it will be a miracle if this planet is, by 2100, it will be a miracle if this planet is still anything like what it is now. Host senator from hawaii on the deal, he and his statement said this is in a historic moment when the International Community takes responsibility for Climate Change any meaningful way. This is a global problem that cannot be solved by a nations acting alone. We continue with your calls on the u. N. Climate deal that was passed and the u. S. Commitment to it. The wall street journal this arning, story featuring republican from tennessee, he failed to properly disclose millions of dollars in income, this is senator is the third ranking you want in on the Senate Banking committee which oversees the real estate and Financial Services sectors. The new forms shows that he failed to properly disclose at least 2 million in income from investments and three small hedge funds based in his home state and do not properly report millions of dollars in income from Retail Investors due to an accounting error your accounting error. File often follow amendments but its unusual for a member of congress to amend all the Financial Reports in one sweep. There are no pencil that penalties for filing amendments because congress does not want to punish lawmakers for fixing prior mistakes. The committee could use the episode as a teaching moment for lawmakers to make sure they fully understand these requirements before filing their annual forms. Carolina,north republican line. Caller good morning. So that goesad it, without saying. The parties involved. I dont have a whole lot of trust. Just the sheer arrogance that we think we can somehow but a thermostat on the planet and multitudes and dozens of nations are going to do this or do that to keep the overall temperature rise below two degrees centigrade. Think aboutl if you it, considering all the variables that go into this situation that are out of our control. Ocean temperatures, solar cycles, authentic activity. We really dont know what the authorities of the oceans and the the greenery of the planet is in terms of its ability to absorb and process Carbon Dioxide. Everybody knows Carbon Dioxide is a bit higher today than it has been the past, but how we know thats necessarily a bad thing . How we know that possibly increased temperatures around the planet will bring more rainfall to certain areas, longer growing cycles, the ability to grow more food . These things dont seem to be talked about. Which atical bank, couple of other colors have brought up, were going to trust 105 155 nations to be able to scame this cash skimming from the rich countries and we will send it to these third world rulers. Not to denigrate them as a whole, but come on, we cant even manage our own budget within this country in terms where a dollar goes. We lose billions of dollars in the most advanced country in the world. You think this is not going to go into some persons pocket somewhere. It is laughable. Everybody says but we have to do something. I dont know, that is where im coming from. It does not make a lot of sense. Host that is mike from North Carolina calling in on the climate deal. If you have called then, stay on the line. Called in, stay on the line. We want to update the viewers on the status of funding on the federal government with the deadline quickly approaching. Us about the deadline for funding that currently exists and what is being done to had that off head that off. Guest we are working under a five day continuing resolution, a stopgap bill that the Congress Passed last week. That expires at midnight on wednesday. You only have three working days to do something to fund the government unless you go to another stopgap spending bill. Kevin mccarthy, the House Majority leader, said they dont want to do another cr. The white house is not enthusiastic about it, but has not indicated that they would try to oppose that. Host as far as a longterm deal, where do we stand . Guest we are waiting to see the , b12 bill on the bus that leaders have been working on now. Filed inposed to be the house today, but we do not know if thats going to be during the daytime or the evening hours. There are 12e fold bills to cover all the federal agencies until september of next year. Is going to have about 1. 1 trillion in discretionary spending. It will cover all the agencies for a full year and should reflect the deal that was reached this fall to eliminate the sequester cuts and provide about 50 billion more than was called for in the budget control act. That would be about 25 billion more for defense and nondefense or domestic programs. Host how is the issue one of the issues coming up was the aspect of riders on this bill that others have called poison pills. Some of them seem to have been resolved. We are no longer expecting there to be a ban on the funding for planned parenthood. We also dont expect to see all of the writers the republicans wanted to basically block the Affordable Care act. As of friday night, so many others were still in flux, for example, the riders to block the limitation of the epas clean air and clean water act. Republican plan to lift the ban on crude oral crude oil exports. We still dont know the disposition of the writers republicans wanted to we withhold resources for the reform act. Senator mcconnell, the majority leader, wants to use the bill to change Campaign Finance laws to allow their to be higher contributions to political parties. Democrats were fighting on friday to get in a bill to provide more assistance for 911 first responders. They want to kill language that has been in the appropriations bill to keep the centers for Disease Control from studying gun violence. The are trying to close loophole that allows those on the terror list to buy guns. That is just a small fraction of the riders that have been in place the last several days. Host baker ryan says that once the text releases, if it comes up on wednesday and a vote has not taken place on that, you would suggest that nobody was interested in bush if the reality came through, would another shortterm extension would that happen . Last just like you saw week when the continuing resolution was near expiration, they pulled one out of a hat and i could see that happening again because they do want to see those headlines that the funding has elapsed and that there is a shutdown, even for a day. I would imagine that they would take up another one for one or two days. As far as the work schedule, we have the holidays coming up, would these be resolved by christmas . Guest the target for adjournment has been friday, december 18. Week, they wanted it to be december 11, get everything wrapped up, but they missed that deadline. I think december 18 or maybe saturday, that is probably the end, then they would wrap it up and be gone until january. They have other things to do before that besides the spending bill, they have to get a package of tax extenders through. We still have not seen with that is going to be, we dont know if its going to be, what they call a robust package that would make many business tax reductions and credits permanent or a plan b simple two year extension. We dont know if in the end, the spending bill and the tax bill are going to be packaged together or go separate. Coming is the latest on the spending bill and other issues in congress, thank you so much for your time. Back to your calls on the climate deal and the u. S. Commitment to it. Francesca from california, independent line. Caller thank you. [inaudible] group that is called it was an inational deal that have my whole family in mexico say if youey used to drive a car, it has to be every other day and if you have an older car, the government told the people to buy new cars and then you see everybodys car is the same companies. Have yoused to had to wear a mask because you could not breathe normally, much less to exercise. They still do. [inaudible] when we look at the north, the sky was clear. In mexico, the sky was clouded. That was when i was young, now notsee that it is still clear in the air. It has to be Something Else because right now, its a joke t the United States is simple understanding that if you want to control the air in your house, you have less kids, if you want to have why does the United States want to have air and receive so many people, billions of people, then they say that other countries have two [inaudible] host francesca from california. James from texas, republican line, you are up. Caller this is show shocking for me so shocking for me. I come from a republican Law Enforcement household and i dont know whats going on but , it Climate Change israel is not matter, it is common sense if you want to be able to produce a product that has less impact on everyone. I dont understand the lawmakers denying it. Im not voting for them at all. Unfortunately, they are in control and they are in control of the future, not just now. They dont seem to realize that for some reason. There are in cahoots with somebody, i did not know who, it does not matter. I dont somehow, someway, this president can show them the way. In does not seem like he is able to do so. That is unfortunate for everybody. Will hear from john in mississippi. John is on her independent line. Go ahead, john. Caller thanks for taking my call. That gentleman who just spoke ignorant is a word that means uninformed. That man admitted that he is on an forward uninformed about certain major issues, but he was wise enough to make the correct choice. Jimmy carter was right, when you pursue technology, you do not know what the accidental discoveries you will make, we probably would have come across Certain Energy capabilities across certain energies that we cannot even imagine now. Greed creates poverty, human suffering, and death. When hundreds of millions of people are being impacted worldwide, where are rush goinggh and sean hannity to hijack a we need to spend this money. Some things are worth more than money. Every new home built needs to have mandatory Solar Energy Systems that are appropriate for the geological location in which those homes are built. The wind and the water energy that can be produced all the new Energy Systems we create these t need to be privatized so that this greek control ed control greek c fanaticism can stop. Melanie,s hear from california, democrats line. Caller how are you doing . Host fine, thank you. Caller ive only 51 years old. I remember driving to l. A. In california, and seeing the on hownd it blew me away it is different now because we care about our climate. What al gore did in the beginning really started the revolution. If it was up to the big oil companies, which the Republican Party is pushing for, i think we would be better off if we did not go by the almighty . Deal is far as this concerned, you are ok with the u. S. Siding onto a chuckle caller absolutely. We have to do something. What is going to happen to the youngsters coming up 20 years from now when the water levels are rising because it is too hot. If people really knew what they were talking about i only know so much, i admit it. At the end of the day, it is like, are temperatures are are melting. Aps if it was not for everybody getting together, it is not going to change. Look. China exactly trying to do something about it. Host we will hear from gary in wisconsin, republican line. Go ahead. Caller we are confusing pollution control with Climate Change. Obamas hypocrisy against fear mongering for terrorism comes out in this subject. The future they talk about is already here. In terms like, extremely possible, is based on speculation, which is not secure. From a scientific point of view, i want someone to explain how Carbon Dioxide can cause warming, cooling, drought, flood, melting, freezing, hurricanes, no hurricanes all at once. That is like having an oven, and withut in for containers water. One heats, one freezes, one is cooler. If youre just joining us, the u. S. Committee, along with many other countries, amost 200 countries, reached climate deal, finalized in paris. We want to hear your opinion, is it a good idea for the u. S. To commit to it or not . 202 7488000 for republicans. 202 7488001 for democrats. 202 7458002 for independents the Washington Times reports out of new hampshire, the efforts of chris christie. They report that Southern New Hampshire establishments the mr. Hope. Ie as the best he has begun to pool in big endorsements. The excitement is with governor christie, said the state Senate Majority leader. Chance tonts the best win. He added, mr. Trump is pretty strong. Trump, a billionaire real estate mogul and Reality Television star, has shown little sympathy for the establishment what was. By the way, they debate tomorrow night. In light of new numbers of ted cruz out of iowa, a story looking at his campaign and the information it comes up with in attracting voters. This is an the Washington Post this morning, writing that he hislargely established a houstonut of headquarters, where team statisticians and behavioral psychologist who subscribe to targetinglogical built their own version of a myersbriggs personality test. The test data is supplemented by recent issue surveys and together they are used to categorize supporters. There is more about that practice in the Washington Post. On the sunday shows, it was donald trump yesterday talking about ted cruz, especially in light of these numbers that came out. Here is a bit of the conversation on fox news with donald trump. [video clip] you noticed, he said behind my back and that is ok look, i do not think he is qualified to be president. I do not think he has the right temperament. I do not think he has the right judgment. What is wrong with his temperament . You look at how he deals with the senate. He goes in there, frankly, i go little bit of a maniac here you will never get things done like that. I have built a phenomenal business. ,ou cannot walk into the senate and scream, and call people to cudgel not be able and get along with. He will never get anything done. That is the problem with ted. Host donald trump also following up in a tweet on this i was disappointed that ted cruz would speak behind my back, get caught, and then deny it, welcome to the Wonderful World of politics. Here is ted cruz in honor of my friend, and goodhearted maniacs everywhere. Floor ac on the host again, you probably remember the song from the early 1980s era that was the response from the ted cruz campaign. Ou can follow along that is just a bit of politics news. Climate change news is our discussion this morning, especially this deal that took place in paris, the u. S. Siding onto it. Georgia, independent line. Go ahead. Caller i think that is me. Host that is you. Good morning. Caller good morning. How are you . I do not think it is a good deal. I have not seen a good deal come out of washington and a long time. We are out of control with it all. I do not understand why they feel that the people need to pay for any of this. The companies, the government have all created this problem, and they come up with new ideas, push it on us, and want us to pay more than we already do. Is it warming . Yes it is. I have been watching a for 30 years. There is no doubt something is going on. The people are the only ones who have to pay for it and live by the rules that these guys create. It is useless, hopeless. It is scary. Boycott. Ike to go on i would like every human being to go on boycott from all the products that these people come up with, and see how long it takes to get the climate back down to where it is supposed to be. Thanks a lot. I learned a lot from cspan. Host florida, here is john. John is on the republican line. Go ahead. Caller i want to say i appreciate your program. I am a Ronald Reagan republican. Im saying that the Republican Party is so racist. Yes, there is something wrong with Climate Change. They go with what fox news says. Some people say with other people say, and no republican will make a good president. We have to look at hillary being the only answer to helping our country stay on track. Mary from florida, democrats line. You are next. , pedro. High i read in theng newspaper, the timekeepers, those who make sure we have 24 hours a day. They said that we are losing time, one second at a time. I was wondering if that had something to do with this Climate Change . Dont know the answer to that. What do you think of the deal over all that was reached . Caller im sorry . Host what do you think of the deal reached overall . Caller i think it is good. Somebody is doing something about it. Host why is a good, in your opinion . Caller because somebody is doing something about it. I wish they would look into this time change. We are losing seconds. Host speaking of Hillary Clinton the previous caller mentioned several celebrities lining up to fund raise for her. On tuesday, Garrison Keillor will host a fundraiser in minneapolis. On wednesday, Warren Buffett will pass the hat. On thursday, a hillary fundraiser in new york will include chelsea clinton, as well as Drew Barrymore and her musiciannd also the sting will host a fundraiser in new york. That same night, bill clinton will represent the family for that one. Randy up next, ohio. Caller i would like to drug people to a speech that robert welch made. A 1 1958 prediction coming true. It talks about everything going on right now. You go to youtube and look at david keith and how many tons of aluminum he will be dropping out of the sky to direct the theight back into atmosphere. I have a rating report showing a lot of aluminum. Not only aluminum, but arsenic, shoot this tould you relate the Climate Change deal . All of the information you put out. How does it relate to the deal we signed onto . Caller every time we call for planesook up, we have spraying the crop out of the skies. If you see a sunny day, you dont see a cloudy day, you e planes. I have been watching this juster for a year now, i put my camera out there daily. He would not believe the activity out there in the skies. You can see it. Moves through the skies. That is what is heating us up. Randy and ohio talking about Climate Change. We are after your thoughts on the deal reached on Climate Change. 202 7488001 for republicans. 202 7488000 for democrats. 202 7458002 for independents. A story on the strategy to strike at isil. It says the u. S. Led air raids have shifted from toldings and fixed sites fleeting targets in recent months, reflecting the advances by allied Ground Forces and an oil. T to disrupt trade and these targets are often groups of fighters from the islamic state, also known as isil, who have been forced into the open does thereby allied Ground Forces. In november, pilots from the Usled Coalition launched a campaign to destroy tinkers smuggling oil. Airstrikes have destroyed about ankers. The pentagon will be the site of a visit by the president this morning. He is expected to make a statement on this topic, especially when it comes to counterterrorism strategy. No new announcements are planned, just an update. That will be live today at 12 25 this afternoon. Nathan from pennsylvania, democrats mine. You are up next. Good morning. We are talking about the climate deal we have agreed to. What are your thoughts on it . Caller i think it is a good idea. We need to move quickly to solar and wind power in get out of these middle eastern wars. I think we should renew the tax credits at 50 and probably add on plugin electrical charging stations. The sooner we can build solar farms, the sooner we can get out of middle eastern oil. I think it is something we need to get out of permanently. Host patrick from wisconsin, good morning to you, independent line. Caller thank you for taking my call. I think there is a bunch of notf that we are all quite understanding. For instance, 1 of the uses 50 of the. Arbon according to scientists i read that the other day. I found that kind of shocking. I think the randy guy from kentucky had kind of a good point about the aluminum in the atmosphere. If that is true, that would lead to carbon being trapped in the atmosphere. That would then lead to higher levels of carbon footprint. I think it is a good idea for us to get on the same page. Things go well. I dont have too much faith in our leaders. I think when there is a lot of money at stake, peoples freedoms can sacrificed get sacrificed. Also, with the new technologies coming out, we dont know summit about them. I think they should do more research on them in order to really have a better idea as to what they can do and what the cost and benefit is. Host ok. Patrick giving his thoughts there. The Washington Post gives highlights of elections that took place place in saudi arabia, especially the , sayingent of women that at least 19 saudi women seats in historic municipal elections that were open to female voters for the first time. Saudi arabia is the only country driving andmen from requires its female citizens to provide a mill guardians approval for such things as traveling, working, and studying. Turnout was just over 47 of eligible voters, but the number of registered men far outnumbered women by 1. 3 5 million to 130,000. The total population of saudi arabia is almost 29 million. Edre is an from maryland from maryland. Scientist and phd have worked on Global Warming for years. Scientists all over the world understand you cannot measure this with the monitor or with your intuitive minds. Everys just years ago state of the union was covered with millions of tons of snow. Where do you think the energy came from the water vapor in the atmosphere and the millions of tons of snow that fell down on the ground. That was energy from the sun. The thing is, Carbon Emissions are very real. The thing is that right now, california is in a water crisis already. There is a lack of water. Texas is almost sinking underwater. There are regions around the world that are losing their shores. The land is devastated. Carbon emissions are affecting life on earth. This has nothing to do with politics. What is hurting this country is the rightwing media. You cannot get this from fox. Ews African American scientist, i can see what is going on in this country, and it is hurting america. We have to make sure that people understand. You can fact check by going to com. Check. Get all the real information. From maryland. D usa today highlights a meeting that will take this week in which a decision about Interest Rates could take place. The central bank, which holds wednesday hasnt raised the rate in almost a decade since the 2008 financial crisis. Morgan stanley argues that the fed will go further, to reflect. Nflation th that is the last call on this topic. We will take on other topics during the course of this morning. Coming up, we will take a look at the Visa Waiver Program and other ways for nationals are admitted into the United States. Cilluffo of George Washington university will join us to talk about congressional efforts to modify programs the later on, a new poll of younger americans show that they think the American Dream is dead. Of the harvarde institute of politics joins us. All persons having business before the Honorable Supreme Court of the United States are admonished to draw near and get their attention. Cases. Ht on landmark you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in the court of law. Is that clear . Are you sure you understand . Thats right. Are Nestor Miranda ern esto miranda was 26 when he was raping aon charges of woman. At trial, he was convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison, but his lawyer argued that he had not been told of the right toan attorney or the right remain silent. The case when all the way to the Supreme Court. Follow the case of miranda versus arizona and the evolution americaing practices in with our host, jeff rosen, and paul cassell. That is life tonight at 9 00 eastern on cspan, cspan 3, and cspan radio. Whatackground on each case you watch, order your copy of the mamma cases companion book. It is available for 8. 95 plus shipping at cspan. Org. Tonight on the communicators Michael Powell joins us to discuss challenges to open internet regulation orders, the upcoming spectrum auction, and the impact of technology on wifi. Mackinnon. D by john whenever there is a spectrum question, we argue forcefully that they dedicate some attention to wireless use. The other thing i think that goes on is either things happening that could destroy the effectiveness of wifi . True, it runs in the space of best efforts, and you are not guaranteed the way a license effort guarantees exclusive use, but let me tell you something, the commission would have a hard time explaining to American Consumers that suddenly wifi did not work or stopped working in some significant measure. Tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspan two. Washington journal continues. Host Frank Cilluffo joins us now of George Washington university, the Cyber Security center there. He was also special assistant to the apartment Homeland Security. There are many questions about people who entered the United States through waiver programs, and the like. Can you give your assessment of these programs . Guest sure. Terrorist travel has been a concern for a long time. There have been a number of steps taken since 9 11. Y no means is it full proof i think you are seeing some legislation right now play out that is probably overdue. Up, appreciated to tighten and sure of some of our travel security related issues. The Visa Waiver Program. Senator feinstein and flake have put together a piece of legislation that by large tries to shore up the Visa Waiver Program, which has been around since the 1980s, and was meant for a lot of European Countries and the like to speed up the visa process. So, they could travel to United States for 90 days, it did not require an in person interview at the embassy, and also, sometimes lacks biometric data. I think senators feinstein and flake recognize that the threat has changed since the program was around. A number of europeans are fighting alongside isis today between three point 5000 and 3500 and 6000 fighters. Host if these old abilities are changed, the time it takes to get these waivers, and how much is extended, are there other extenuating circumstances . Guest there are economic questions. Some would say cut all travel. At the end of the day, i do not think our economy can afford that. The Visa Waiver Program has been very effective. From aneen very helpful economic standpoint, business. At the end of the day, the threat has changed. Do you get a sense of the manpower involved in these programs . Is there enough manpower and Technology Used . Piece the technology is an enabler. That has improved the process and sped up the process. It does require manpower. It does require a person other than the visa waiver. Rogram it is a legitimate manpower issue. Host aside from one of the other programs is the marriage program. Especially what we saw it coming out of san bernardino. Talk about this program and things we know now. Would you suggest any changes or issues existing with this program . Guest i do not know the ins and outs of the k1 program, but generally speaking, if you are an american citizen, and you marry someone, you have a visa process that is similar to a traditional visa process. It is sped up a little bit. Theres a lot of discussion playing out right now whether or not they should monitor social media. One of the terrorists behind san known too was actually express some very concerning and disconcerting views towards the United States, including jihadist views. Should that have been picked up . I think any people would say yes. Host doesnt it surprise you that an examination of someones life in social media comes into existence this da in this day ad age . Guest i think clearly you will see some changes there. That was not hidden, covert, or concealed. Frank cilluffo joining us for a discussion, take a look at Homeland Security and the fight against isis. If you want to ask questions about your thoughts on this, 202 7488001 for republicans. 202 7488000 for democrats. 202 7458002 for independents before we go on, a little bit about your work at George Washington university. A little bit about your background at the department of Homeland Security. Our center is focused on emerging threats, looking at cyber threats, counterterrorism, to included security domestic radicalization, emergency preparedness, and the like. A couple of my colleagues just came out with a significant report, and. Clay looking at the evidence in terms of the isis threat in america. It has generated a lot of attention as of late. By large, we are a policy oriented center. We mary the size with the art to better inform policy moving forward. In terms of the white house, i privilege to work with president bush right after 9 11. It was one of the most difficult jobs, but one of the most rewarding. The country really came together. We were united in dealing with a major and significant threats. Unfortunately, the threat we face t today is not identical. We are no longer simply focused and concerned about four and directed threats. We are seeing a hybrid, as you where play out in france you had for direction executed by belgium and frenchman. Here in the United States, we have a concern about radicalization as well. Host our first call for you comes from california. This is ron, republican line. You are on with our guest. Caller good morning pegida and edro and frank. A couple of things, if i could just take a minute. Is there a fifth column in the United States . As much as we could look at it in world war ii, that is of theed to the downfall United States. If there is a fifth column, that would be easy to track because you could go to websites and see. Ow many hits they have you can track where they come from all over the world, and find out about them. Why were not doing that, i dont know. Number two, there are many isis different groups that are scattered all around the world. The ones that are in syria and the points ofusly intensification that we should be looking at and determining get, howhits do they many people are that contacting, and so on. Finally, the most important part of this process is anyone who has gone to syria or turkey or any of these areas libya, anden, start naming them are american citizens, should be tracked and found out about, and asked why they went there. Host you put a lot out for our guest to answer. We will let him answer that. Guest let me unpack. Some very good questions there. Unfortunately, we do have a domestic threat that is actually increasing, in terms of tempo. We have been averaging more than one arrest a week this year alone. We do have a threat that i think we need to get our arms around. The foreign fire to limit that you brought up. That is what makes syria and iraq and isis objectives unique and different than what we faced in the past. When we have had foreigners fighting alongside the taliban, we also saw a significant number of americans inht alongside alshabaab somalia. You have also seen some of that peninsula. Ian the scale and scope that we are facing today is much greater. You have up to 30,000 foreign fighters fighting alongside isis in iraq and syria. These are significant numbers. Historically, al qaeda was spaces on under governed. With respect isis, they control the space. You are dealing with the state threat as well which means some of the traditional instruments can be brought to bear. Significant challenge on our hands. I think it is fair to say that Law Enforcement has been well aware of americans attempting to travel overseas. A number of arrests have been made. We also have europeans, so many others, and the scale and scope in europe is so much greater than it is here. I think the number is approximately 250 americans that have successfully or attempted to travel to iraq and syria of late. When you europeans, it is more like 3500. The numbers, in terms of scale, are significantly greater. Let me touch on one other thing you raised. That is the internet. We discussed under governed spaces. , much moret itself needs to be done there. Not only to collect information, but to get rid of the information, make it more difficult for people to access the ideological message and propaganda of isis, as well as to push back, to expose. To paraphrase bill clinton, is it is ideological soup. More needs to be done there. It needs to be a concerted effort. Not just the government, but also the private sector and the like. Host here is fred from new jersey, democrats line. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I happen to live in the same the albanians, some of them here legally, others illegal. They were planning to attack for dick. Fortunately they were caught and convicted here they are in prison now. We did not learned a lesson from that that we should have learned. Pakistan isan from proof of that. I remember seeing on nightline that there are schools in pakistan teaching very Young Children to hate the west and christians and jews. We do need to be much more careful about how we screen immigrants. I do not agree with trump about banning all muslims. We do need to be a lot more careful. This is my question. I think part of the problem is the actual numbers. There have been so many more immigrants in the past 1020. Ears than in earlier decades the sheer numbers makes it very difficult to screen people. Host thank you, color. We will let our guest respond. Aest i think you raised significant number of questions. Firstly, the threat that we are facing today is not new. There have been plots, including successful attacks on u. S. Soil since 9 11. I think what youre thing with isis is an uptick in the activity. It is not only baghdad calling the shots in syria and the like, but you also have an increasing number of individuals who actually are not attempting to travel overseas, but are domestically going to do it yourself jihad. They are turning to the internet to radicalize and the like. We are dealing with that threat that comes in different shapes, sizes, and forms. It is metastasizing. You are right. We have a challenge, in terms of scale and scope. I also think our authorities are. T least aware of the threat what does not get a lot of attention is how many cases and how many incidents have been prevented. Again, there has been an average of more than one arrest per week. These are that is a pretty significant number. Host we will hear next from jerry in little rock, arkansas. Caller thank you for cspan. My question is since we have troops overseas that are fighting this force, what are we doing back home . What is tsa doing . Homeland security . What are their methods. My last question is guest thank you. I did not catch the last part but in terms of the overseas domestic, the reality is we are dealing with a hybrid threat. At the end of the day, we are going to have to push back overseas. If we dont remove and deny the safe haven, we cannot win this purely by building higher walls. There is a lot that needs to be done where we integrate the. Oreign and domestic components there is a military component. At the end of the day, think of suppressing a fire. The more time they are looking over their shoulder, the less irme they are plotting the attacks. Unfortunate, with the bombing, the russian airplane, not so long ago, they have demonstrated they have the ability to project internationally. Host as far as the intelligence that the Visa Waiver Programs and other programs depend on, how much is usbased and how much is dependent on other countries . Guest here is the issue. When you look at syria, we have limited intelligence on the ground. This gets into the Refugee Resettlement program. At the end of the day, there is only limited data. There is a lot of data in terms of intelligence and hotspots likeiraq in hotspots iraq. Not have that. There is a bit of a blind spot, in terms of syria right now. At the end of the day, intelligence is the lifeblood for our campaign on terrorism. We are not ever going to be a position to have all of the data. Even if we do, to know how to marshal and mobilize it is going to be a bit of a challenge. Domestically, obviously, the fbi has the lead on counterterrorism issues and a nationally. There are number of agencies that play a significant role. We need to work with our allies. We are seeing significant improvements in that respect. Ali, u. S. Ink of m presence there is limited, but france does have a significant presence, and they have the ability to collect information in a way that we cant. Pakistan, the u. K. Has a unique insight and very strong intelligence in that region. You are starting to see a pulling of Data Intelligence and information, what they are they ares but estimators. It will never be 100 . Issues cominghe out of 9 11 was information sharing by domestic agencies. Is it your sense that that is Getting Better . Guest the information sharing component is forever. You do not get that right and then you can go home and do another job. At the end of the day, that is journey asan the end state. Ultimately, we need to get to the point where it is not only the federal entities that are going to have insight into threats emanating from our own country, but it will be state and local Law Enforcement. There have been a number of improvements there. A number of states have fusion centers. The fbi has integrated a number of major metropolitan police. Epartments into the effort it has improved. Again, it will not always be 100 . Host our guest, by the way, is Frank Cilluffo. The director of the George Washington University Cyber and Homeland Security center. Thank you from florida, you are next for our guest, republican line. Caller thank you. Ive read an article this morning and i was the guest it. Eaction to i read that there are missouri muslims buying up cell phones in missouri. Later on, there was a man camping and found some suspicious things under the ground. They turned out to be explosives. Bombs. Nd pipe they say that some of these middle easterners are going from walmart to walmart and bought over 200 disposable throwaway cell phones. I wonder if the gentleman cares to comment on this. Guest im not familiar with the specific circumstances, but is accurate, that would trigger attention of Law Enforcement, not only in, by think at the federal level. Unfortunate, i do not have any more information than what you just shared on that circumstance. If in fact this information is hope Law Enforcement is reading that story as well. Host from new york, this is kim, democrats line. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. Tim. S host sorry about that. Go ahead. Caller on behalf of the callers, im sorry for the previous caller. My question is does anybody utilize the refugees looking at them as people and not potential terrorists . Front of them, and where are these guys. That is my first question. My second one is have a great day. Guest thank you. I do think you raise an important point. Dst on the terrorism discussion and that prices will exploit any of the ability they can, at the end of the day, it is heartbreaking because the number of these people are escaping the very people that are attending to exploit that. I do think you raise a significant set of questions, and i think it is one that not only the United States, but europe, and others are all struggling with. How do you ensure the fiscal year humanitarian priorities while simultaneously making sure can be done is being done to ensure the safety and security of the citizens. Set of heart wrenching issues. The reason these people are leaving syria and iraq is because of some grotesque actions by isis and others in the region. Thank you for reminding us of that. Host from the republican line, florida, bruce. Caller the question i would like to ask about terrorism is what is being done about the christian terrorists in this country . They kill abortion doctors, blow up abortion clinics, go into churches and kill people. What is being done about christian terrorism in this country, german by fox news and Rush Limbaugh . Addict,baugh is a drug people. The dayt the end of terrorism is terrorism is terrorism, regardless of the ideological underpinning. If they are engaging in violent activities, it needs to be prevented, regardless of who they subscribe to. I do think, regardless of the ideological underpinnings, for example, our center is looking at a number of terrorism threats, not just an islamic or regardless of the stripes. Was that not have the benefit of picking and choosing. Host you have said that the United States ceded its role in this, as far as social media and the internet, could you expand on that . What needs to be done . Set ofthat is a big questions. It obviously not only plays into issues, butrism also freedom of speech and the like. At the end of the day, isis has a very sic sophisticated social media capability to try to project its message and propaganda. It is primarily using it for recruitment purposes, to identify individuals who they can recruit, and not only bring to fight a long isis, but potentially engage in activities here. If you look at some of these videos, they are so horrific. Just like spammers, they do not need the vast majority to agree to it, if they can target into the few people who may be susceptible. A spammer can send a million email, all you need is want to click. To some extent, they communicate with each other, reaffirm attitudes, serve as an go chamber echo chamber. They had placed great emphasis on the use of social media. We are starting to see a lot of andvity in terms of isps social media providers to take this information down. Coming downmeans quickly enough. A number of people would say, by taking down, you are simply causing it to pack up somewhere kamole. E to think that this country invented the internet. Silicon valley with madison avenue, and some of the Great Stories that come out of this country, it is somewhat thatishing and frightening we are losing the battle on the internet. We need to do more to be able to push back and expose the of the narrative. We also have to make it more difficult for people to access this information. What progress is being made, it is by no means we are by no means where we need to be. Guest one of the terms that has arisen from this issue about social media and terrorism is avist,m, hackt especially with groups like anonymous. Can you tell us what role these groups have . Anonymous. Ymous is very difficult to discern who are members of this organization. They have declared war, in essence, on isis. I clearly support their intent. Im not necessarily sure that they have all the pieces of the puzzle to be able to execute this in an efficient way. At the end of the day, Law Enforcement also is dependent collection media for to see who is using this information, who is in the network, what is being propagated. You do not want to ente undermine investigations that could be critical to our National Security by taking information down. I argue that we need an orchestra leader, someone who can do conflict. Deconflict. Three options. Collect information, shut the information down, or push back on the ideology. Someone needs to be aware of all these various pieces. Someone needs to be the conductor to ensure that what we are doing overseas is latching up with what we are doing domestically. Right now, we do not have a conference of strategy to know, when do string them up, went to string them along, when to shut them down, went to collect. I do think that organizations such as anonymous, and even roleiduals, can play a when they see this information. They can go to twitter, facebook, and they should basically hunt and gather, and flag violent information. Host derek is up next for our guest, Frank Cilluffo. Go ahead. Caller thanks for taking my call. I was wondering if the guest you had the to televised version of the Committee Roundtable the other day with the Deputy Director of security, and some other top officials. One of the interesting points that they made is that the thatment to the bill senator feinstein wants to add would not do much in way of increasing security. That was the impression i got from it. Supposedly, the biometrics they take on the first interview are no more robust or are more robust than a normal visa, and all other inspections we do our very intrusive, much more secure. I think there is the sense that people are getting, when you look at the name of the program, Visa Waiver Program, people think we are just waving people long at the border. The truth is we are better off than we would be without the program. We are just limited to the amount of intelligence we have. Somebody could cross the border from syria, and we would not know about it. It seems like there is a lot of misinformation going around about this. I was wondering if you could speak to that. Guest thank you. Im not familiar precisely with referencing, are but the amendment that was put forward by senator feinstein and flake do not get rid of the Visa Waiver Program. In fact, theyve put some barriers up that would be similar to anyone else trying to get a visa to travel in the United States. There are 30 countries that are currently under the Visa Waiver Program. I think what the bill primarily does is it allows for anyone who travels to syria, iraq, i think as well, would have to go through the same process as anyone who is from a country that is not covered by the Visa Waiver Program. Secondly, it would require some biometrics. So, you have a better sense of knowing truly who the identity is. It has a chip that is intended to protect the information. I think it would get us closer to what individual an individual who is not covered by a Visa Waiver Program to travel to the United States. There is a third piece. Interpol maintains that stolen and lost travel documents database. This program or the bill is requiring that any country that document, aa stolen passport, and the like, needs to not only said that over to pol to be flagged and tides, but before people travel, check it against stolen documents. The numbers are significant. I think that this is something you could be doing it anyway. I think it is another enabler to barrier to be able ensure that countries are doing what they are being asked to do. That is the only report the ol, buttion to interp check it to see if you get any hits in terms of foreign travel. The Visa Waiver Program has. Erved the United States well it has been important to our economic engine. That is not to suggest we get rid of it. In fact, quite the opposite. I do think that given the threat level we are dealing with right now, i think it is only appropriate that we examine it closely, scrutinize it, and up forthat we button abilities. I think that is what the bills intent is. Generally stealing, theres a lot of legislation that provides a false sense of something. In this case, i think theyre trying to address the real issues. Next,indiana, bob up hello. Caller i have a question for you. I never hear about the news media talking about this. Facility, andlear isis, where did they get the material to build the new year . Lants Nuclear Plants who is selling the armament for the oil money. How come they never talk about the people, and why is there not a bounty on their head like Osama Bin Laden . If you had people stop selling the armament, they would be throwing rocks at each other. Guest i do think there is a judgment black market legitimate black market for oil sales. This is something that traditional instruments alone are going to be insignificant to identify who the seller is, who the buyer is. I do think that more needs to be what there to ensure makes isis differ from al qaeda is they are the state. They own and have territory. For a long time, therir effort was on a growing more territory. Now, they are projecting their power overseas. From an economic perspective, we need to tighten the instruments to ensure the black market for theand oil coming from facilities the isis maintains and controls is stopped, as much as it possibly can. I do think the drop in oil ability tohurt their sell oil at higher prices. I hope it also means that the twicewill also think about breaking all sorts of laws to access this oil at cheaper prices. In terms of weapons of mass destruction and chemical biological, nuclear, and the like, i do think there is a concern that isis has demonstrated their intent to build chemical weapons. Unfortunately, you do not need a huge infrastructure as you would say, nuclear. I do think you raise some important questions that we need of,e cognizant of, aware and ensure we do anything and everything to ensure they do not have the ability to not only develop weapons, but ultimately, deliver those weapons. That is something that i think, again, the u. S. Has a role to lead, but we need to do this in concert with our allies. Host what you think of proposals such as donald trump, overall travel bans of muslims or any other group of people . I think firstly it is not constitutional. Given our form of government. Economically, the impact and implications would be significant. Ban of, a travel , iryone, i think we would be do not think we could afford to do that for our Global Economy given that we do business with a number of countries and the like. And to tourism it would be a huge hit. I think that the proposal was not thought through in all of this, various pieces, obviously. Host james, fort worth, texas, democrat line. Caller thank you, cspan. I think if were ever going to end this hostility, and not just be in a war forever, we have to understand why it is they are hostile. If you go back and look, when we volunteered, rightfully so, to move Saddam Hussein out of kuwait, at the end of that campaign we established a military base and put permanent troops in saudi arabia. From their point of view that is of christian forces in muslim lands. When we went into iraq and the world saw that as a wrong decision, whether we think it was or not, we have to look at it from their point of view to understand why they are fighting us and when we went into iraq and fired all the sudanese, they became isis. When we continue to occupy, invade, patrolled the streets, take indoors, bomb muslim lands with american or western forces, they are never going to stop trying to throw us out of their countries. It is idiotic to think that Ground Troops are the answer. It is the answer to find out why they are fighting us, and what they think the deal is. I would like your answer to that. I think unchecked, we see what that impact and the implications would be. Isis was able to accrue more and more territory, thousands of people within the region, and had every attempt to try to o accrue more and more land. A military instrument is the heavy instruments, but there is a package short of heavy boots on the ground and do nothing. Think that is what policymakers are struggling with right now. Whether or not we need boots on the ground. Isis, they of actually have territory, which is different than al qaeda and its various affiliates or some of the jihadist elements and federally administered tribal areas. These are very different organizations than what we are dealing with in terms of isis today in syria and iraq. I think that we have seen the airpower canall provide. I am not sure that anyone is militaryhave a big presence. I think it is trying to identify the right instruments and the right tools to have to ensure threat that is loud and clear is addressed. Obviously, when you were looking at generally speaking, some of roles of the west in the region, you raise a question that we do not have a lot of time to unpack. It is worthy of many tomes of books. Host there was a hearing on homelandhe Senate Security committee. He can see that when you go to our website at the span. Org. At cspan. Org. The best way forward now knowing what we know about the programs . What would you advise . Where we are aware of some of these potential vulnerabilities are. They are legitimate attempts to try to button that cap and shore up some of our primary concerns. I think at the end of the day intelligence is still going to be the most critical elements. Not just from a travel perspective, but to prevent and preempt as much of this as we can. I think you are going to see continued cooperation between the United States and their allies in the region. In terms of legislation i think there are some honest to goodness efforts to try to move the ball closer. I just caution, there is never going to be 100 solution. We need to recognize that and minimize the risk as much as we can. I think there are attempts to try to do just that. , georgeank cilluffo Washington University and former member of the white house, thank you for your time. Coming up, millennials, and what they think the future holds for them. Will look as an Education Department programs that spent 7 million to fou improve low performing schools. Washington your will continues after this. Next weeks authors week on the washington journal, with a featured Nonfiction Author monday through friday in a onehour conversation. Starting monday, december 21 at 9 00 a. M. Eastern, former Missouri State senator on jeff smith on mr. Smith goes to prison. What my year behind bars taught me about americas prison crisis. Constitutional attorney John Whitehead, on battlefield america, the war on america. Onrsa baradaran is our guest wednesday. On thursday, political scholar Matthew Green joins us to talk about underdog politics. And then friday, author, historian, and lecturer craig his book lastses act, the final years of Ronald Reagan. Week,gton journal authors starting december 21. Abigail fillmore was the first first lady to work outside the home. Teaching in a private school, she successfully lobbied firstss to create the white house library. Mamie left think it was a fashion icon. Kennedy was also a fashion icon. Reagan, as a young actress saw her day mistakenly on the blacklist for communist sympathizers. You can find these and more in the book first ladies. The book makes a great gift for the holidays. Stories of fascinating women, and how their legacies resonate today. Share the stories of americas first ladies for the holidays. Ladies isook first available as a hardcover or an ebook. Be sure to order your copy today. Washington journal continues. Host joining us from boston is john della volpe, the polling director for the Harvard Institute of politics. Good morning. Guest thank you for having me. Host millennial. Exactly who are they . Millennialser to as individuals born between 1980 and 2000 and america. The largest iteration in the history of america. I think of it as a sons and daughters of baby boomers, the previous largest generation in history of america. Our survey at the institute of politics is not necessarily of ry malevolent millennial. We focus on the youth, those between the ages of 18 and 29 years old. Host the information, the kind of topics youd brought in on this fall, what were you looking for . Guest great question. This is our 28 edition. A lot of times we are focused on the disconnect between Political Service and Community Service. That was the genesis of the service back 15 years when we started. Every semester i actually worked with a couple of undergraduate students from the institute of politics at harvard to put a fresh look on the Public Opinion and Public Attitudes towards this generation. Both about service, and the ways in which they engage in activities associated with making the country better, and also their use of government, and also in an Election Year we ask a lot of questions about talk issues, top issues, isis, the American Dream, the economy, etc. We also ask a serious questions series of questions about the parties. Host we will get more about the ask, but if you want to questions here is how you call. Differentlyhe lines today. If youre between the ages of 18 and 29 years old call 202 7488000. When you ask your respondents to they said the poll, the American Dream was dead. He did that surprise you . Guest it did. We were fortunate enough to host over 50 students from 27 universities and colleges around the country here at harvard just a few months ago. I was having a conversation about politics generally, and i was struck by the young undergraduates, a young woman from tennessee who stood up and and the American Dream was dead because she was africanamerican in the United States. To that struck me. We had an interesting conversation with undergraduates at that point. When i went back to our study i worked on the study questions, we asked if it was alive or dead. And 48 said it was dead, or deny percent said it was alive. Event was alive. Event is one of the more sobering account of not just this survey but any survey of the left several years. Student loan issues, economic situation, can you put some color to the actual numbers on why they responded the way they did . Guest sure. We do focus groups and interviews, and there were several reasons behind this. One of which is there was a lot of stress in the heads of young people, especially those in college. They are incredibly concerned, not just about finishing college and being able to pay for it, but that first job. X, a member of generation and i know we had struggles when we were that age weapons we were never as concerned about finding a job. The Unemployment Rate is about 20 among this group. That is one key factor, connected to the stress. As well is paying for student debt and other issues. Host our first call for you this morning comes from michael, on the line dc for those 18 to 29yearold. Over time i have heard you ask these questions. I am 22. Why exactly do you think the millennials would assume that the American Dream instead . What did you actually defined as the American Dream . What were the factors you considered in defining the American Dream, the term . My last question, is there any hope, i guess, because i know we grew up and we experienced the financial crisis and all, but moving down the line is there any hope for us . I live in d. C. Sea, the hunt of everything going on. Do we look for a greater future or dont . Are outstanding questions. I actually one of the most optimistic people regarding this generation. I think there is a tremendous amount of hope, especially of sheer numbers and volume of people who live in this Demographic Group. In order for there to be hoped i think young people need to participate, not just in civic activities in making their community and country better, but also by voting, especially in national elections. We purposely allowed the definition of the American Dream to be left to the young men and women who answered this question. I will tell you that i think the definition has evolved over the last couple of years. Not too long ago, i conducted some research in new hampshire. We were talking about the American Dream. The idea for this one individual, a young man in his he was inspired by a social studies teacher he had in high school in new hampshire. His version of the American Dream was to be a schoolteacher. Not only to be a squeak teacher, but a schoolteacher in the community where he was raised in new hampshire. The problem for this young man was there were not enough jobs based on the Population Centers of new hampshires for him to realize his dream of being a schoolteacher. He had to move to another city town, where he had a younger Demographic Group that was hiring more teachers. I do not think the american aeam today is about having big car, a big house, and a bunch of kids. I think the American Dream today is having the opportunity to do what you want to do, where you what to do it. Having some flexibility, having some opportunity to give back. Doing it well, if not better than your parents. Also identified republican supporters showed a High Percentage of seeing the American Dream was alive, but donald Trump Supporters and Hillary Clinton supporters and Bernie Sanders supporters were lower. Can you give context . Guest we asked a series of crosseds where we had commonality. We looked at the people who were indicated they were voting for, example donald trump. Otherduals who support candidates, we found that those who supported donald trump were most pessimistic about their future. They believed that the American Dream was desperate week looked at that. To supporters of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, and we found similar results. Bernie sanders, a majority of his supporters thought that the American Dream was dead, personally. Support for the populist candidates, their constituencies are the most frustrated, the most pessimistic about the future for them individually on a personal basis. Host here is tom from paul city, florida, for those years old and older. Good morning. I think the American Dream is over because of wages not going up, they didnt keep up. I think it is because of illegal immigration. I was a construction worker for 20 years and i had a nice home made off and everything. But the last time i called by union hall, i said how is the work . My business agent said illegal aliens are doing it all. My democratic congressman, and i said what you going to do about illegal immigration . He said they are doing the work that americans will not do. And i said bs. You tell that to the needruction workers who work. Obama is encouraging it because when they become citizens they are going to vote democratic. A lot of republicans are encouraging it because they are in bed with the National Chamber of Congress Commerce who want cheap labor. Participating, the idea of building a wall, 43 of those respondents said they would support building a wall. Guest that is another one of the big headlines from the survey. 43 of the members of the 18yearold to 29 euros hub group, of the millennial generation, support building a wall between the United States and mexico. You peel back that headline and we look at it by Party Identification who we see a very different picture. We see that 70 , seven out of 10 of young republicans in this country supports that wall, yet less than half of those, 31 of democrats support that wall. Trumprprisingly, 90 of voters support that wall. Host there are the results. You can find these online. Age 30, georgia, in the years old to 50 years old calling. About ian hear came here about 19 years ago and decided to go to school when i was 35. You can imagine going back to school when you are 35 because i believe in the american injury, it is still out there. But what i find interesting with outlookstudents, is the there is a disconnect between being an american is and is not. A job,mple, getting doing this. But most aspirations they have is not defined like their fathers generation. I think that is a disconnect lack of critical thinking. That is my point. Thank you. Thank you for your comment. I think you raise an interesting point around the value of education. One of the most significant predictors of whether an individual within this age group believed the American Dream for them was alive or dead was the level of education they retained. We see that 58 of Young Americans who have a College Degree or more are optimistic about the American Dream. 42 of those who have a High School Degree and no more education are optimistic about the American Dream. To 42 . Rcent to 58 that was a predictor to allow us to predict whether an individual thought the American Dream was alive or dead, much more predictive than race. We saw not as many differences as we would have expected. Host when it comes to career choices, 50 said they would rather work for a business. Only 17 saying they would want to work for government. 22 said nonprofit, 8 , other. 50 of this generation of whats to work for business. That means that 50 to not want to work for a business. In the publicrk sector, whether that is in government or whether that is in other kindrofit or of similar industry. I think that is a tremendous opportunity, especially for washington dc. 70 milliont individuals or 75 million inividuals within this age america. There are tens of millions who choose not to work in the private sector, but the Public Sector where they can make an impact that benefits society. Whether it is locally in their community, with plenty of examples that we see every day across america, or something that serves the country or the world more generally. Host tyler from dallas, texas. Hello. Female you mentioned the from tennessee. I wondered if you had any other revelations that came out through this study . S know a lot of millennial can put satellite locations in different areas. I wonder if they are any geographical revelations, any kind of sick and forget significant geographic locations that they came from during this study . That is a great question. The record, all of our research is available online. P. Harvard. Edu. Ioo we do look at opinions of millennials by region and across the country. Regionally, there is more of ing people and separating people from what i have seen. Time talking to a group of people who is not committed to making Community Better. I was talking to seven or eight young men in tennessee who were trying to finish up high school, thinking about what they want to do next in their careers. Evenember, before we can talk about politics, they were talking about how committed they were to making their Community Better through Community Service. Community service is something well over two thirds or so of College Students tell us they are engaged in. All ofall the way those activities started high school. It doesnt matter where you live, whether california, the middle of america, or the east coast. Young people committed to making the communities better. What i hope and what i wish for these other of questions, how that translates to politics, we find more direct connection. But unfortunately over the last several years we have seen more disconnect between Community Service and political activity i think a lot of it is due to the fact there is less trust between washington dc at many institutions that are responsible for governing this country. Host you asked the respondents, do you consider yourself to be politically active . Yes. 11, 20 said teen, in 2015, of the 78 said no. This we have been doing for 15 years, we were able to make some direct comparisons between where we are in this election cycle compared to the left ast. Be in 2011 indicated to politically active. Today the number is just a lower, 21 . Say ifally follow up and that individual asked you to do more, engaged in that campaign, whether through volunteering or attending a rally, or donating money online or on a cell phone, how likely would you be to engage . The obama secret of campaign in 2008. He empowered individuals across a the campaign. What we are seeing today, regardless of who people are supporting, we see the interest in participating in Political Activities waning. On a decline even compared to 2011. From california, a millennial. Hello. Caller hello. I think what they need is more jesus. God in their lives. I go to the store and see these guys hanging out. They need jesus. Thank you. Host does religion play into what a millennial believes . Guest one of them most consistent responses we have seen, we as individuals want their religion is. And then we asked them regardless of their religion, the role that religion plays in their life. Play very important, somewhat important, or not very Important Role in your life. As long as you indicate that you connect with one religion or another. We find that consistently, over 15 years, over 70 of millennials in our survey, 18 years old to 29yearold, saying that religion plays a very or somewhat Important Role in their lives. Some of thek at more successful campaigns and candidates, who have connected with the millennials, oftentimes they are not afraid to talk about religion, spirituality, those sorts of issues. One of the best speeches i have seen in the last decade or so that resonated with them people was Barack Obamas speech at the 2004 democratic convention. He was not afraid to talk about religion. That was where he was making a significant connection with this generation. New jersey, good morning. Caller i was going to tell you how about an experience i had on the freeway coming home. I stopped at a restaurant and i heard this great big commotion. There were about 50 people around. It was a democratic congressman talking, and he was being called every name in the books. People were angry, and it was about the American Dream. People were upset they said the american constitution were being against people to hurt us. They did not like the american civil liberties, thats for sure. They did not like that congressman, that is for sure. It all takes a toll on the economy, on the jobs, and their dreams. It was so bad that some of the more middleclass than anything else, i would say, the anger was unbelievable. They could have tarred and feathered him. They called him major bank, the tbag,t of the names dir the nicest of the names. Guest there is a lot of passion. Young people want to have conversations like that. They want to have them in a respectable way, but i think young people talk about care about this country, they want to have a conversation like that. They are highly connected and impassioned. They are not feeling the love from the other side. They want to see more of this campaign that is directed to them. Were not just talking about voters, we are talking about volunteers and the largest generation in the history of america. I think we will see more votes cast by the people under the age of 30 and people over the age of 65. Statistics youe have is that 46 of those polled are following the campaign. Guest that is right. We will see viewership beyond record numbers for the republican debates so far. You get less than half paying attention to this point, but im sure that will increase as we get closer to the election. Series of questions about media habits, but particularly social media habits. The reason we asked these questions as we are trying to help campaigns who are toerested in finding ways connect with young people where they are. Without question the role of traditional media feels very important, mainstream news, on tv, on cable, on newspapers, etc. But we are also seeing an important rise in platforms like snapshots, and platforms like instagram, clearly twitter and of thek have been part discourse over the last couple of cycles anyway. Anare trying to create opportunity and framework for individuals around the country to connect with young people where they are most comfortable connecting. Oftentimes, that is social media. Host john della volpe of the Harvard Institute i of politics in our guest. Ohio caller, go ahead. Caller just a couple of observations. All, your guest does not indicate anything in the survey about these peoples willingness to work for success, and work to achieve the American Dream. It also does not indicate what they of College Student were talking to. Were they talking to ones that breezed through school . Having a good time . Or were they talking to the ones who worked all day, went to school at night, managed a family, and try to get ahead in that way . I do not think the American Dream is dead, i think the leaders of this country have deadened our love of this country, unfortunately. I think your guest should go back to the field and Start Talking to the kids that are going to school because they want to pull themselves up by their bootstraps because they want to do the right thing, because they believe in this country and they believe in that constitution that was written for their behalf. Host thank you. Guest i guess the only thing tot i would say in response that is we conduct 5000 interviews every single year. Survey wee a conducted 2000 and 11 interviews with a representative sample of all americans. We conduct interviews of the 20 of Young Americans who classify themselves as latino, hispanic. Takeve the opportunity to it in english or spanish. We talked to africanamericans, blacks, whites, men, women, 18yearoldthin to 29yearold. We talked to young people who were focused on working hard, and those who do not want to work as hard. We talk to everybody, 5000 individuals every year. Half of those people, regardless of where the are around the country have a problem thinking that the American Dream for them is not a real option. Are saying is they are not going to give up, they are staying in the workforce, but they are also telling us through surveys like this and other surveys from other organizations that they want to engage in a political dialogue with elected officials and government to help change the course of the American Dream. That is it. They wanted to take responsibility for themselves, but also asking for some help and empowerment from government, private sector, etc. Host millennial in georgia, here is david. Caller i just wanted to call. Im fresh out of college. My thought on this a lot of young people my age, their parents and grandparents especially has been part of the , and haveeneration been asked to serve, and i think a lot of people do not believe in the American Dream because they do nothing do not think they can affect the American Dream anymore. Servants draft, not military, but sweeping the streets, or doing menial tasks for a couple of years to get a couple of tuition benefits. What do you think about that . Guest i think thats a powerful idea, the idea of some sort of opportunity for individuals for a year of National Service as one example. I know there are a lot of individuals in washington with in advocating for this for some time. Specifically as a way for young people to offer up some sort of leniency when it comes to repaying student debt. A is hard for me to find group of young people across america who are not already their back, whether it is church, helping a neighbor, and through a National Service program. It is something i am in favor of them deserves more discussion. Hopefully we will see candidates, democrats and republicans, discuss this during the debate portion of the 2016 campaign. Host you asked about the fight against isil. The question was, the United States needed additional troops, how likely would you be to serve . The majority said they would not join in. Guest there was a disconnect. Let me put this in context. We releasedhat before this survey was actually conducted in march will released in april of this year. Videos point, after the of the gruesome and horrific beheadings, we found that 57 of this generation supported sending boots on the ground to combat isis. Of people asked us if we could react that question, but followup in the fall with would you be willing to serve, yourself . In the daysd was before the paris attacks, that support for sending boots on the ground was actually lower from 57 to 47 . We react that question after paris as it increased to 60 . We then said would you be willing to serve yourself personally . Said no thank you, almost no circumstances. And 16 indicated that they were already serving, or planned to serve or would consider serving. Essentially, about 80 were not or aested, and about 20 few points less than 20 said they would be interested in serving. Is frome next call janet, in michigan. Go ahead. Caller thank you for cspan. A couple of questions. Have they looked at how the thea influences millennials in terms of the way they see the world . Hasuse i believe the media a larger impact on this group than any other previous generation. And then the other question i of recent light reports about the decline of the middle class, if you were to go again,t and do that poll do you think we would get a different response from millennial . A couple of points. We just finished this poll a few weeks ago. We are tracking things every six months or so. I do not think, big picture wise, the things we are talking about regarding the American Dream, isis, isil, some of the other large questions, i do not that would change dramatically over the last several weeks. But that is why we ask the questions a couple times a year. Part two, in terms of the role of the media, we ask about levels of trust in the big institutions from the Supreme Court, local governments, including media. Media,ortunately for the it is trusted on the lower end of that list. We typically find high single doubledigit of young people saying they trust the media to do the right thing. What we are seeing is, especially with the rise of social media, individuals are able to pick and choose where they take information from. Important to understand, especially if you are connecting with millennials, that you need to have the combination correct. You need to use traditional media through newspapers, online newspapers, video, etc. You need to see that information on social channels so that can be shared between one a lamb meal between one millennia and another millennial. Host patrick from florida, go ahead. Caller good morning. I think the American Dream is alive and well. , i served inarmy afghanistan and pakistan. I went to college on the g. I. Bill, which is extremely generous. I graduated college this year and got a job in the job market is rough but after four months i found one. Im feeling the love from the country. A lot of my peers are not. I think that they do not understand involvement. They will not serve in the military, they do not match when it comes to elections. The only look at president ial race, not municipal, state, county elections. Two years of mandatory service, not necessarily in the military, with federal, state, and usable state, and municipal, i think it would help i think there is a disconnect when you are not involved. I think patrick kidd a loss of important points, especially with the opportunities to provide when a when a person joins the military. We have done a lot of work in having a conversation through Qualitative Research and polling to find out the one or two factors that connect all the lineals are all americans across the country. People like patrick who served in the military, and other people around the country. Findinghe things we are is that there still is a sense of opportunity out there. It may take somebody three or four steps in one part of america to go where somebody else can get in one step. Theo see that one of overarching things that connects all americans, and all millennials is that sense of opportunity. Host from huntington, west virginia, on our line for 50 years old and older you are on. Caller im calling a little bit. Bout the immigration thing that lived in the carolinas for 25 years in the trucking industry. I would to all of these textile mills before they started the decline. Mexicans were rampant everywhere. They would pay them cash, i would see them pay them cash for their payday. I talked to some that spoke english and they would say that down in mexico there were places they could go, bulleted bowles Bulletin Boards that had addresses for jobs in the United States, and numbers for people to come pick them up and hit them cash and take them back. Host lets go to michael, from vermont. 18 years old to 29 years old. Hello. Caller hello. Is stion host we will go to normal, illinois. You are on with john della volpe from the Harvard Institute. My question is how you think the sense of community is changed over time, and how that relates to the American Dream dead . Dead dreamn being booksre are really popular out there, and i wanted your perspective on that. General thef the book wass separating communities. They were stay inside their airconditioning rather than ally or the bowling local meetings. We have an opportunity to use technology to bring people together but it needs to be a twoway street. ,very single day in america regardless of your generation, we have hundreds of thousands if not millions of able using social media, using technology, to offer ways to help other about how to get back into these conversations. Im hopeful, we have not seen it yet, technology can be used to bring people together. There is another series of questions we asked. Interestedg people in working in the private sector, 89 in the Public Sector. One of our followup russians was how important are the following attributes in your career and work life . Just as important as making a lot of money was having a career that benefits society. I do think the definition of community is changing. Themselves see connected not only to the local community but to a global community. I think that leaves nothing but opportunities for those who can inspire people and empower people to serve not just in their community, but also spent part of their career, part of their lifetime serving community in a full way as well. Host one more call, from texas. Good morning. Caller good morning. Kudos to patrick, and i think he sounds like a fine young man, especially about a year of service. I do not think it was such a great idea when i got drafted, but i do now. Education. Ogram, and how, these days, does a young person want to spend thousands of dollars for education in engineering or bitter site computer science, when there may be someone else to do their job . And who in their right mind to theirate 50,000 candidates when they are all paid for by a super pac . Touching on the first point, certainly we see time and time again young people understand the role of education. In this report we had a series 12 important issues and we found that education policy was ranked number three. I think we need to see more ideas and more debate and more innovation around education policy. That is what millennials are telling us, number one. And number two, they see these directlyties to engage in campaigns. Chose tos a candidate make millennials a focus of their campaign, like bernie likers seems to be doing, barack obama did in 2008, they will be able to earn some of , 5, 10, 25 five dollars, 10, 25 to contribute. It will empower them in their generation. Ofhink you will see a lot those like david who will participate in those campaigns if it was focused in the right way, with the right message, with the right Demographic Groups. Host the full survey is available on the Harvard Institute of politics website. Thank you for your time this morning. Guest thank you. Host coming up it is our weekly your money segment. Caitlin emma joins us next for that discussion. Washington journal continues after this. Cspan presents, landmark cases, the book. A guide to our landmark cases series, which explores 12 historic Supreme Court decisions, including marbury versus madison, Laura Matsuda versus United States, brown versus the board of education, miranda versus arizona, and roe versus wade. The book,ases, features introductions, backgrounds, highlights, and the impact of each case. Written by veteran Supreme Court auro,alist tony m landmark cases is available for a dollars . 95 plus shipping shipping. Ar 8. 95 plus next weeks authors week on the washington journal, with a feature Nonfiction Author monday through friday in a onehour conversation with you. Starting monday, december 21st at 9 00 a. M. Eastern, former Missouri State senator just smith on mr. Smith goes to prison, let my year behind bars taught me about americas prison crisis. Tuesday at 8 30 a. M. , constitutional attorney John Whitehead on his book battlefield america, the war on american people. University of georgia law our guest at 8 30 a. M. Eastern on wednesday, talking about her book how the other half banks. At 8 30 a. M. Eastern on thursday, december 24, politicals caller Matthew Green joins us to talk about underdog politics, the Minority Party in the u. S. House of representatives. Talksiday, Craig Shirley , the his book last acts final years and emerging legacy of Ronald Reagan. Starting december 21, authors week. Washington journal continues. Host it is time for our regular your money segment. A look at 7 billion that has been spent in it effort by the Education Department to improve performance at the worstperforming schools in the United States. Joining us to talk about that is caitlin emma. Program, the specific it is known as the School Improvement program. First this program was created under former president george w. Bush. It was really ramped up under the Obama Administration. It received a huge infusion of billions of dollars in stimulus programs. It took off from there. At the time, arne duncan said we are going to use this program to turn around the 5000 lowest performing schools in the country, and that has not been the case. Host why is that . Guest my story found, after several months of reporting, that for the most part at every level of government, not enough attention has been paid to the readiness of schools and districts to take on this money. Miami and i explored chicago, both schools with in that, and the district as a whole. Miamidade extremely well. They had leadership, they had by unions, andeachers the community and parents. They had everything going or them. They did really well. In chicago it was a really different story. Secretaryducation arne duncan left, they had about half a dozen leaders in that time. The leadership, the combative Teachers Union, and all contributed to the fact that they did not have access. Host if the School Received a grant, what did they have to do once they received the money . Guest under the program there were country different models called turnaround models. For the most part schools took on the least dramatic model. Essentially what they had to do was overhaul the way teachers were evaluated and principles were evaluated. The two schools that i explored about half the staff and replacing the principle, which is very difficult to do. Sought dramatic success, and another school did not. They had to choose one of those four models which was extremely difficult to do. They were paid millions of dollars to do this work. Host they could become a charter school, that was one option. They could close the school altogether. They could transfer student to other schools, and then the one he spoke about, changing the leadership, a good amount of the staff. Whoar of those as those changed leadership, you said different results. If this because of the education of the leader itself for the background of the leader itself, or were there other factors that made the school successful or not . Guest when youre looking at miami, for example, they brought in a very strong principle. The school has been failing for so long that they required them to take action before this grant came in. They replaced the principle, the superintendent was the scene at every level of government as extremely great at his job. He tapped a man who was in charge of a state turnaround ran this work at the state level. He brought him to miami and said i want you to do this work for us just in this district. They had a very strong pool of leaders with a lot of experience in School Turnaround to get the work done. In chicago that was not the case. Ofently you saw the ceo Chicago Public schools please guilty in court. She is raising not facing not the best circumstances right now. Is really a shame. That is where they are at right now. Host if you want to talk about this program, 202 7488000 for those who may be school administrators. Four teachers a, and 202 7488002 four parents. So what happened to this . Grand is gone. There is still a setaside of federal funds for turnaround work, but it takes away all the federal government power to stipulate what you are supposed to do, how you are supposed to do it. It really puts a lot of power back into the district and state hands to get this work done on their own without the federal government telling them how to do it. Host that is oversight from the federal government on how they do this money . Lot less oversight built into the law. Congressional lawmakers would when you phone saying that have the program been effective, they would have bolted into the law. T it into the law. He you saw about a third get better, a third stay the same, and a third get worse. It was mixed results. Host so how is this received . Guest arne duncan has said that progress is incremental. There was a study that showed that there is a lot to learn from this study. Congress made tweaks to the law to expand the number of models to choose from and open up more flex ability to states. But it really still continue to yield the same results. And now the program is essentially dissolved. Talking about this program and its recent cancellation. Caller, dan, a parent from the linsley, montana. From billingsley, montana. Caller hello there. I want to talk about the way that each Residential Administration seems to figure out a new way to throw money at schools. 1970, went to college in it cost me 500 per semester at a private, for your college for youron and books four college for tuition and books. I was able to work my way through college with jobs. Today that is not possible. Moreery level, we have put government taxpayer money in these schools, we are getting less bang for our buck. Why should we give them money to be bad . Lets give them money if they earn the if they improve their district, if they improve their performance, then they get money. You do not give the money while they are back, and hope they bring it up. That is my point. The flipside, on you have a lot of president ial administration say that while sometimes you are funneling money into the failing schools, these are judicially under resourced schools, you have a students,er income students of color, and they may be lacking resources to improve. The School Improvement grants program was meant to be a catalyst to do just that, under the promise that you are going to take on transformative change , and really push yourself to think differently about how you improve schooling for the students, and in some cases, it did not work. Often i had to do with planning and preparation, and ensuring that all the right things were in place to get the work done. You had to have parents and the Teachers Union on board. You had of a strong leader. You have to have a strong succession of leaders. You have to have a plan for when the grant ran out. A lot of work to do, by think any president ial administration would say this important to continue to provide resources. Host from virginia, a teacher, go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. I was wondering what the difference in the student population was between the students and miami versus the students in chicago. I would imagine the ones in miami are more hispanic versus afroamerican in chicago. I was wondering what role that might have played. The other comment i would make is it is very hard to find good administrators. The amount of responsibility they have they are not paid well, to be honest with you. A competitive system here in the United States. You do get what you pay for. Thank you very much. Guest thank you. Yes, demographics are absolutely an extremely important part of the story. The school that i explored in miami is located in little haiti. It was a predominantly low income and black student population. Most of the students were about one third were listening which learners, and that means usually that they came from haiti. In a lot of cases, they had no formal schooling in haiti. Teachers were charged with essentially getting these kids to graduate when they had no former schooling in their home country, their parents were not involved in education because they happened to be in haiti. It was a very difficult situation. You have a lot of poverty, violence at home. In chicago, you also had a predominantly low income black student population. The school, i would know, which much smaller, and part of the problem was new Charter Schools were popping up around the area. The had families population kept getting smaller and high need. Make a good point in raising this question of demographics and poverty. I would say that while one school was smaller and had this challenge, they were essentially ea equal in the problems they were addressing. Poverty was an issue and teachers had to combat that. Yes, on your point about teachers. Yes, they are severely underpaid. I think a lot of people recognizes that. Education secretary arne duncan recognizes that and has said we need to rethink how we treat teachers and compensate teachers. I know a lot of state education officials are dealing with teacher shortages because you cannot get them you cannot get people to go into that profession anymore. For example, in oklahoma, the education she told me she is just getting young teachers leaving to taxes because they are paid thousands of dollars more and there only a few hours away from home. It is definitely a big problem that people are working to address. Host a chart looking at the chicago numbers. In reading, math, and overall performance. Can you give context to those numbers . Guest i looked at the numbers included in the story. I tried to look at a whole set of factors, including test scores, before and after the grant. While miami saw improvements, chicago actually got worse. To be clear, test scores are just one measure of the school success. There are students performances. I tried to look at other things as well. When it comes to feeling safe. Things like that. It is one part of a school success. To show the numbers there, chicago did technically get worse. Host in miami, when it comes to the numbers, a 10 jump in in math, and jump a lowering of those who do not meet expectation. Guest the miami school was interesting because before the grant about 12 were reading at or above reading level, and they struggled with students without formal education. Under the grant, they were able to double that, but it was still aboveow, reading at or grade level, and they are in high school. Then something there still working to address. Will hear from an administrator in ohio, this is phyllis. Aller good morning thank you for taking my call. I have been and administered it, and now i am a retired administrator. I see the problem, specifically in ohio, you could probably extrapolate to the rest of the country as under resourced urban schools are just that, under resourced. In aare under resourced variety of things, including money. You have lack of money. In our area, we had a very high level of Teacher Union involvement. Rather than looking at the teachers teaching, the Teachers Union focuses on terms and conditions of employment. Therefore, the contract was huge, but teaching was minimal. We have that issue. When you talk to teachers about including children and children at the top of the level of the. That, sometimes they see that. Then, with the influx of Charter Schools im thinking there has to be a connection between the influx of Charter Schools and the decrease in Public School functioning. That the Charter Schools did not get the data to support their progress when Public Schools are supposed to provide ohio with the data. Right now, there is still some type of turmoil regarding that. Im hoping that we can have schools for under resourced students that work as they have worked in the past. Host thank you. Commentsthink your reflect the larger divide across the country between teachers called Public School advocates and education reformers which would back Charter Schools, which would back different types of reforms that are not the normal traditional Public School. It is a growing divide across the country. At the it happening district level, the state level, and nationally. It has been really interesting to watch. There are a lot of different ideas about how to best elevate our lowest performing schools in the country. Does that mean scrapping everything and training a traditional Public School that is failing into a charter school, or pouring more money into a traditional Public School, and seeing what they can do with it. You know, the program provided options to do both. I think it remains to be seen, to assess. Y host we will hear from tom, california, hello. Caller i have so many things to say, i will try to be brief. One, the budget in l. A. Every year is about tom, im going to put your whole because your signal is coming in and out. We will come back to you. In the meantime, lets hear from jonathan in california. A teacher. Go ahead. Hi. Er i taught at both a prep school and the city school. The difference was night and day. At the prep school, i gave assignments, i could give Intelligent Research papers, and most of the students would do it. At the city school, it was hard the students of to finish the assignment. All of this talk about what to do about the schools. He schools will not change we live in a racist society, based on white supremacy. Have aber, we used to test, now they dont have that test. Now we have common core. Wellack kids started to do on these tests, they will change the rules. Host we will let our guest answer. Guest like you said, used to have the cst, and now you are testing the, cortes. And california, they have something that teaches the common core. The whole point of those exams is to elevate what our students are learning in our schools and how we are testing them, making sure we are being more rigorous. Like you said, i think it definitely is across the country , you are seeing a lot more students perform lower i. Ould take that back with the new, core exams, i think everybody anticipates students to perform lower than they have historically, but the longterm plan is to keep teaching to those standards, keep our kids on track, and one day, we likely to see dramatic improvements according to education secretary arne duncan, but it will take many years to stick to that effort and see the results. Host lets hear from tom in los angeles. Caller listen, thank you very much. Can you hear me better now . Host fantastic, thanks. Caller good. I have a Family Member in l. A. Unified. The budget is 7. 5 billion. The budget for l. A. City is 7. 5 billion. The problem is with the teachers. The Teachers Union. Bilingualmember is and helped create the curriculum. Where does the money go . She does not know. It does not go to the kids. That is one. Number two, we have some white flight. To l. A. My children went unified. My son switched to a private school, catholic. C. Grades went from a to i wanted to know what was wrong with the school. It is basically the teachers. Theyre not getting support. 6least if i spent million per year on illegal aliens. Teaches children, and says that tenured teachers are the problem. They are not doing the job. L. A. Unified, a really good district, and we need to have i would like to see it broken up , more prince of content, and more control over the teachers. They have to perform. Think your comment is reflective of the larger divide were seeing across the country between traditional Public School advocates and education reformers. You bring up the issue of tenure. A lot of people believe strongly that tenure needs to be overhauled. Our lawsuits across the country challenging that. We will see the results of those eventually. Thathe most part, i think the tenure piece is part of the Larger National argument about when, how teachers should be tenured. Host caitlin emma covers education for politico. You were asked on twitter, where these schools also given choice to curriculum plans . Talkinghen we were about closing a school, turning into a charter school, firing that is boiling it down into the simplest terms. Everything was looked at from what is taught, how it is taught , how interventions are happening. Definitely, it was part of that, yes. Host how did you choose the school in chicago and the school in miami . Were ultimately led you to those schools . Guest i had a sense that miami has done a lot better with the grants than chicago had. I looked at the first cohort of schools that received the grant. This is not really applicable to schools that received funds after that. Months of came after reporting. I started looking into different Data Available at the state level, the district level, interviewing teachers, talking with them. The woman in chicago, who was the principal of the school that i put that, she was on the show, and really a standout individual on the show. She was known as americas toughest principle. She was a strong leader. She had a very difficult job ahead of her. Her school did not do well under the grant. I thought it would be interesting to look at that and why. Host from michigan, a parent, this is paul. Caller im calling because my s son goes to berkeley elementary. Grade. In six at the end of the year, he had 45 students in the classroom. What i found that out, i called into the Governors Office. The Governors Office sends me to the american demand says, we are in bankruptcy, you have to talk to the governor. Some the governor gives me super intended to call. I call back. One month later, i find out they have tables pushed together and you have about six chairs per anybody . How can we know this is a civil rights violation, but how does anybody learn in these conditions . Guest writes. Detroit is probably one of the most struggling School Districts in the entire country. Right now, the state is looking at a way to help detroit because the schools are struggling so much. You raise a really good point. Both of these schools were also under resourced, and they are facing a lot of issues. For example, students in miami i talked to a number of their teachers. A lot of times the parents at home were not involved, they did not know they had to be involved. When you go to school in haiti, you dont have to be involved and your students education because no one will check up on it. Even the gym teacher told me that he does home visits, goes to students homes, and says to the parents, look, you are not in a different country now, you need to be involved in your childs education. Your child may be does not know how to read because they dont speak it goes, you need to be involved. These schools require a comprehensive whole look i guess to borrow a phrase from the National Education Association President , looking at the whole child from the desk at school to support at home. You raise a good point that yes, a lot of students are struggling to learn because they did not have the right resources. Host in the story, you can find online, photos from both of those schools. Caitlin emma wrote the story, she is our guest. Not from new york, a teacher. Hello. Caller how are you . Thank you for answering my call. Simplerit is rather then as you make it. And the best schools, they hire the best teachers, the ones with the best grades. They pay them, and they know the subject matter. They know how to deal with management. A number of students in the classroom is no more than 20, though i think it should be down to 12. The most important part is they hire teachers who know the so did matter and no classroom management and pay them well. Guest to speak to your comment, i think one thing that is really interesting there is happening right now is the Obama Administration is set to release a final rule or regulation around the preparation of teachers. That has been such a critical. Roblem for so long teachers are coming out of programs, they are underprepared, they have no incentive to go teach in the were schools in the country. They have no incentive to go to intercity schools because they know the challenges that they face there. That come inps like teach for america that have tried to supplement this issue with relatively new students, they want to help, but the same time, i think it is widely teacherpon that preparation needs a lot of improvement, and the administration is taking a second look at how that is done. Host the restructuring in chicago and miami, how did teachers react when they found out they would perhaps go to other schools . Guest it can be extremely dramatic. This is your job. Essentially, they were moving teachers out because they were showing to not be as effective at raising student test scores as other teachers were. To sort of get that news like, you are great, but not really raising students test scores. One thing, it is assisted issue to be measured on student test scores. A lot of teachers would disagree with that. Another thing, it is your livelihood. In miami, they crafted this partnership with the Teachers Union down there, and they signed a memorandum of understanding to sort of ensure that teachers were happy with the new placements. , some teachers moved closer to home or to a Better School with students that are less high needs. Its not think they are bad teachers, just saying that this particular school needs a dramatic intervention. In chicago, i saw a lot of the teachers who are very active in the chicago Teachers Union get quite simply, they may announce today that theyre going on strike. There was a lot of resistance there. A lot of teachers said that the grant process is secretive, the administration was withholding information from them. There were whispers of other schools that went through the program, and it was horrible, a nightmare. It was two very different situations. Ane which had the support less powerful Teachers Union, and one which was very combative. Host lets hear from an administrator. This is aurora in florida. Caller how are you . Yes. After my retirement, i continue to be involved in schools. I see a lot of the struggles they are having with common core. Teachers are affected by it, parents, they dont know how to help the students. I even had to pull my grandson because he was doing so bad at school, and i homeschooled him. He is in the 11th grade, and he does want to attend school again. Ise involvement with parents andof the most important childhood achievement. Onhink we rely too much administrators. I hear they might take, core way which is good news for all of us. Schools do well, some dont. I live in an area where there are a lot of struggles. I was wondering if common core is going to be taken away, and what is the news on that . Guest nationwide, common core has become such a contentious discussion. A lot of people associate with president barack obama, saying , that thea Core Administration is pushing these standards. Really, the standards were developed by state education chiefs and governors, and others. It was just meant to sort of phrase the rigor of what students are learning in the classroom, and how they are being tested. A long time ago, it was not very difficult for the vast majority of your students to be scoring very well on these tests. They were arguably a lot easier. A lot of people say it needs to be a decades long effort that we stick with an order to see results. Initially, when you make that tradition to higher standards, you will see test scores drop and students and teachers struggling. You have all examples of parents you know math problems, and even celebrities being like, what is this, i dont know what means in my student does not know what it means. States, like you said, have pulled out of common core, or repealed it. Essentially, the standards that they put in their place look a lot like, core, or they just rename, core to whatever state achievement standards. Move to appease the critics. Host heres wendy from new york, a parent. Caller thanks for taking my call. In new york, the rollout of, core was a disaster. Said, never have so few taken so much from children in terms of education. The issue that i think most people can agree upon, in york, is that it is not the standards that are bad, it is the focus on testing and repeated standardized testing that is eroding actual education. My comment on the testing is we need toold why improve numbers, it is because the numbers on our test are not as high as the numbers from schools outside the u. S. On their tests. The purpose of education should be to develop children so that when they arrive at a door hook, they can become contributing members of society on a social and financial level. My question for you is how does the focus on tests and the insistence of the federal Education Department on thatring progress on tests can be regurgitated in terms of english and math competency tied ability to gets jobs . Should we be looking at a different metrics that directly ties to how successful students are in entering the workforce . Guest you are right. The focusing on testing has been a huge problem. A lot of that has been tied to,. Ore common core recently, the Obama Administration came out with an guide. Cesexcessive testing you are seeing a lot of that right now. I know, it york, for example, which has been one of the most contentious places. You saw very high numbers of students opting out of standardized tests this spring from often more white and affluent districts. At the same time, with the new law that was defined by the president , states will be in the drivers seat when it comes to measuring accountability. Under the Obama Administration, there was a focus on ensuring werestudent test scores used to measure teacher evaluations, schools, and ensuring that was a strong part of it. Now, there will be more of an emphasis on academics being a part of this you have to make it a significant part of the accountability system, but there is room to experiment with a different measure. You have, for example, student climate, whether or not students feel happy or safe. You can look at college and career readiness, how students are performing on the College Ready entrance exams. The new law hopefully is going to usher in a new era where there was less focused on testing and states have more room to be innovative around testing. Grant isn though the dead, how much more money is still going to be distributed and for how long . Guest under the law, it is going to be a larger sort of set aside of title i funds which go to the lowest performing schools. States will have the flexibility to spend it in different ways. They can end up targeting the lowest performing schools. There will be a lot more flexibility. , andr than getting a grant having the federal Education Department say, you have to four to seven models, fire your principal there will not really be constraints like that. Host the story that takes a look at the School Improvement grants is available on the o website, the author, caitlin emma joining us. That is it for our program today. Another Edition Comes your way tomorrow at 7 00. See you then. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] on this monday, president obama is planning a visit to the pentagon for meetings with the National Security council. Afterwards, he is expecting to give a public update. This is part of a series of events this week on stopping terrorist groups and their supervisors. Be will have live coverage of the president s comments this afternoon, getting underway at around 12 25. At

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