Labor secretary now. And theyre probably in that order. His preference would be kathy ruemmelre. He likes her and works very closely with her. Perez. N verrilli and host any potential with the top candidate, kathy ruemmelre . Guest shes going to provide a straight shot avenue into the white house Decision Making process. Everything from the higherups, benghazi, whatever, shes going to provide advice to the president about those issues. And the republicans are going to want the paperwork on that and theyre going to want her to answer questions about that and people will say don verrilli also you know, is going to have that same problem but some others dont think so. Mostly because if we know what he thinks, theres no surprises. Hes argued this stuff before in the Supreme Court in a very public fashion. So those are the two choices. Host when is the president going to make his decision and when might with see action on the hill on this . Guest the white house said after the elections. After the november mid terms. The one that takes they didnt want to put pressure on the Senate Democrats who are running in tight races to have to fend his choice. And so they pulled back and will do it after midterm. That makes it difficult for them to get anything done. I even wonder if there will be like a lastminute. What will the senate look like . The republicans, you know, by all projections are likely to take it over. And i wonder if that is most of the choice. I just dont know. Host let me add that the Deputy Attorney general, james cole, signaled he wants to step down as well. Plug that piece into this story, if you could. Guest sure. He didnt signal, he did. I interviewed him. Hes done. Hell probably stay until the end of the year. I think they would like deputy a. G. To step down and be able to name. They have two top candidates for that position, laura lynch, who is a u. S. Attorney in the district of new york and sarah yates who is a u. S. Attorney in the Northern District of georgia. And they could be tapped to fill that position. And so the talk in the Justice Department is hey, we can tap one of these to be the acting dag. They to the job for a new months while were waiting for the confirmation to make it through with the new a. G. And theres some overlap there. So the dag is overlapped. Host what else should we know about this story with the president s cabinet and the potential for some some pretty serious congressional hearings on this, right if guest oh, yeah. Itll be fun to be a reporter to cover it. Last lot of fireworks. It will be interesting. Its an interesting time like a lot of cabinet secretaries leave after a couple of years, like four years. And holder decided to leave after six. And two years are remaining. Its interesting about how that kind of thing, especially for the a. G. Job. We were talking about this in the newsroom yesterday. If anyone had to use the a. G. Job to involve under politics since bobby kennedy. I cant think of any. Theyre looking for someone who will do it in a couple of years, continue the policy and who doesnt mind having a short window to influence them. And if holder wasnt going to thats the thinking, would be my guess. Dell wilber, the justice reporter for bloomberg news. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Host sure. We have about at the point minutes left in this segment. Were asking whether the u. S. Has lost control of its major challenges. Came out just a couple of hours ago. They talked to people, voters in the most closely contested congressional districts and states around the country. And they say theres plenty of alarm and anxiety out there. And in fact, they say that two thirds of likely voters feel the u. S. Has lost control of major challenges. They talked about health care, president ial management, ebola, terrorism is the big four issues. And we have jean on the line from louisiana, democratic caller. Jean what, do you think . Caller i think that the u. S. Has not lost its way. Now, the Republican Party want you to believe this with all their lies that they tell because they hate this very smart and calm black man. For example, in the last six years, we have seen 55 month of job growth in the private sector. We were losing 750,000 jobs monthly. We have achieved a Health Care Bill for millions of poor people have been helped. The unemployment is now down 5. 9 from. From when he took office. Hes this is just a few of the things. And he did all of this in spite of the republican obstruction. These people will tell you anything because they hate this man. I call on all democrats of all colors to get out and vote. Lets just dont give this race to this these racist republicans. Thank you. Host thats jean and back to twitter this morning. John johnson writes the u. S. Has challenges rol of dan from iowa, you are up now on the independent line. Hey, dan. Caller yeah, guys. About this ebola stuff, should we have a Surgeon General that takes control of the whole situation . Oh, thats right. The republicans was the backing of the n. R. A. Ers. The filibuster in the Surgeon General. Republicans in their good for sight has only cut 800 million from the National Health budget. Thank you. Host thanks for calling the president of liberia writes in the Washington Post today about a longterm cure for both. Liberias been among the hardest hit countries. Theyre in africa. She writes a country that has never before had an incident of ebola. We are ill equipped and unprepared. Until this outbreak, liberia had made significant progress in building up its Public Health program. She voiced some of her concerns in the bbc over the weekend. Heres a piece of what she had to say. It has shown that when the people are at their darkest hour, humanity has an ability to andwith bravery, compassion selflessness for the benefit of those most in need. From government to international organizations, Financial Institutions to politicians, to ordinary people on the streets in any corner of the world, we all have a stake in the battle against ebola. It is the duty of all of us as global citizens to send a message that we will not leave millions of west africans to fend for themselves against an enemy that they do not know and against whom they have no defense. A time for talking, of terrorizing is over. Only concerted action will save my country and our neighbors from experiencing another national tragedy. Host that was the president of liberia. Well talk more later in this program about the International Response to all of this. Heres ricardo from maryland, democrat. Has the u. S. Lost control of its major challenges . Caller no, they havent lost control at all. Im mainly calling because a couple of calls, a woman called in to say obama should follow the leader of come on, give me a break. To ows a lot of the even Say Something like that. It shows the hatred and the race that they had to our president. Host to twitter. Now writes congress us bothered with major challenges the gas prices in the country are going down in a lot of prices. And u. S. A. Today takes the opportunity today to put in some opposing viewpoints on perhaps taking vac of advantage of these lower prices the main opinion piece in the u. S. A. Today talks about raising the federal gas tax. Using this drop as a way to raise the gas tax and perhaps people dont notice this a much. They call it a pain freeh way to fix roads and bridges. Thats the opinion of u. S. A. Today. But theres an opposing view as well here. And its by the former congressman from indiana who is the president of the club for growth. Send the gas money to the states. Dont just raise the gas tax. Why only send it to washington to see a portion of that sent to the states . Why not keep the money to the states and keep it away from greedy politicians from kroenke. A bit there on congress. We have a couple more calls there. Gill beryl from alabama, you are up now. Hello there. Caller yeacht thanks for taking my call. The reporter you had on, he was talking about the eric holder leaving. Alberto gonzalez didnt stay bushs terms either. This crisis on ebola, they do not have a direct flight from those countries that went out to the u. S. Guy that y the president obama appointed, you dont have to be a doctor to coordinate things. I mean, people need to whats the biggest problem here is people have forgotten how to separate facts from fiction. If youre listening to conservative talk radio all the time, you will always be wrong on these things because they have taken over the airwaves and its ridiculous what you hear on them. Thank you. Host all right, danny. Our political coverage continues this evening on cspan. We will have the georgia governors debates that happened last night but we taped it and will show it to you tonight at 8 00 00. 8 00. And real clear politics as this race is nearly a tossup. But well see how it plays out. If no candidate gets 50 , we want to point out, there will be a runoff. Its one of those races that is turning out to be very, very interesting. And well have it for you tonight at 8 00. So our last caller is from california, republican. Lee, go ahead. Caller hey, i just like to say beware of gabriels bearing gifts. They dont want your money. They want something far more precious. They want your freedom. Host anything else, lee . Caller whats that . Host anything else you want to add . All these st women calling in and say its the Republican Party that want to destroy the constitution. Apparently, they have never read it. Host all right. Thanks a lot, lee, for your comments. Thanks everybody to call this segment. Well talk a little bit more about ebola later. Were going to shift gears and get back to politics here. Cameron joseph of the hill is going to join us at the table. Hes a political reporter. Well talk about Campaign Fundraising and spending in these final couple of weeks of the campaign. Well talk later with tom mcdonald. He is the former u. S. Ambassador to zimbabwe and knows a lot about the control of diseases on the african continent. We will talk about ebola and the international reaction. Well be right back. Our campaign 2014 coverage continues with a week full of debates on cspan tonight at 8 00. The georgias governor debate. And at 8 00, live on cspan2, the montana u. S. Senate debate. Tuesday night at 9 00 on cspans the South Carolina governors debate between five candidates and thursday night live at 8 00 eastern, the iowa Fourth District debate between steve king and jim mower. More than 100 debates for the control of congress. Cspans 2015 studentcam competition is underway. This nationwide competition will award 150 prizes totaling 150,000. Create a five to sevenminute documentary on the topic the three branch you. Videos need to show varying point offense view and must be submitted by january 20, 2015. Go to studentcam. Org for morE Organization. Grab a camera and get started today. Washington journal continues. Host our guest now is Cameron Joseph who is political reporter for the hill. Were here to talk about Campaign Fundraising and spending in these last couple of weeks. Thank you for joining us. And one thing that caught our attention most recently is some news out of control, the dem cravaack the democratic citadel senatorial campaign. Guest theyre spending a ton of money there. And the fact that theyre cutting bait there shows that really dont think theyre going under a mode that theyre starting to look at any possibility of getting other opportunities in the state, in the country and in kentucky doesnt look promising to them. Theyve been arguing all year that it was going to be a close race there. Its still going to be close race but they dont see a path to victory. Host if not kentucky, where would the money go . Guest theyre not just retrenching. Theyre going after south dakota, which is a state that for more than a year, they basically said they didnt have a chance in. But all of a sudden, the former governor is having some issues with some former ethics issues and scandals that are popping up that are hurting his numbers a little there. So thats little more of a hail mary but theyre putting a billion dollars between tv and ground operation. And georgia is getting really interesting. Host one of our guests recent piece here, a democrat leading the Georgia Senate race. Guest this is a race that democrats have really been hopeful for about why republicans are so threatened and theres no chance. Georgia is a conservative state. Its a republican state. But its a state that the democratics are trending towards that. White folks arent as conservative. And michelle nun is a candidate i feel good about. She worked with george h. W. Bush for a charity. Its still a hard nut to crack. But david purdue has gotten in trouble. They found the deposition in 2005 where they asked him what do you do baumbingsly. Tell us about your outsource thing. And he said yeah, that was an instant ad about them. He said he was proud of his career. He didnt handle it great off the bat. So michelle nuns going to have to beat him by a couple of points. At the very worst its going to be a runoff. Host well put the phone numbers on the bottom of your screen. You can weigh in by social media. There are the numbers on the screen there for our guests. And were talking specifically about the money piece of this spending in the last several weeks to the campaign. Our guest has written several recent pieces and one of the events headlines, cam says national g. O. P. Predicts senate victory. But what are they pointing to specifically . To the fact that a lot of these red states are fighting really hard places and are starting to look very good for them. Theyve had a little bit of a lead in the polls recently. So things do seem to be trending the republicans ray right now. They can afford to lose five seat, not six. Theres seven seats set in states that mythbusters mitt romney won. And georgia is a promising place. Host and plug the money back into this. And another headline from our guest. They are sending money to target the senate and the house. Where else specifically . Guest well, some of the interesting states, iowa and colorado. And for a long time, democrats are saying were going to be hold one or two seats but they cant expend the map. Republicans have prove it. Iowa is the state that determines it. And thats a really close race between them. Brayley had a couple of gasps early in the campaign thats really worked him. He hasnt made any mistakes since then. But iowa is going to be a state that were watching closely here. Host we have an ad involving the race that our guest just talked about. Its attacking a republican in iowa regarding abortion. Heres a look. Ive been a nurse on the Sexual Assault response team. Ive seen lots of cases. Many of them are very brutal. It breaks your heart. Ill never understand politicians who make it harder. One outlaud abortion even for rape and incest. She banned a right to choose. Absolutely brutalized. She has no idea what people lice this go through. Host Cameron Joseph, want to add anything to that . Guest what theyre trying to sarah st was endorsed by palin, linked the two of them together. Ernst is a affable person. Shes a warm personality. Theyre trying to tear her apart on the issue. Shes very conservative. Theyre not having as much success at this point. Host we have plenty of calls, lots more as for this seg r. Domingo is calling from springfield garden from new york. Writes that . Caller queens, new york. Host go ahead, sir. You are on the air. Caller yes. Hello . Host hello . Caller queens, new york. Host domingo, you are then air. Go ahead and say what you like to say. Caller ok. What i would like to say is verybody, one thing. If this election turns around to where the host going to let you go, caller. Clay is calling from biloxi, mississippi. Go ahead, clay. Caller yes, probably since the Supreme Court decision allowing the contributions by cooperations unlimited and just souring the democratic process. Thank you. Host Cameron Joseph. Guest there is a lot of money floating in right now and youre seeing some of these outside groups spending very heavily. One of the interesting things on he oust house side is they poured a ton of money on the house races. The official Democratic Party arm to reentrench and hoping for theyve got to be expensive to fund the incumbents. Host talk to us about the Party Committee . Youve already brought up some staggering figures guest yeah, a lot. This is the biggest spending in terms of history. And i think were just going to see that at every election. Were going to see more money than the previous election. And what weve seen this year is the democrats, the official Campaign Committee maz done very well. The Democratic Senatorial Committee have raised a lot of money in their republican counterparts. The trade offis some of these super packs are spending a lot more. And democrats have spent a lot more on ground operation. But wherever you are, youve got to be really tired of the ads by now. Host you are a contributor to a recent piece by Jessica Taylor who writes for the hill. Talk about some of the winners, republican corey gardener and the colorado race. Talk his situation. Hes raised a lot of money and he was a candidate that republicans wanted for a very long time. They went back later when things are starting to look worse. And then he said i will take a lot of this. Mark you doll is in trouble. Gardener outraised him and brought in a lot of money. And i dont think either side is going to have a problem getting enough people out in the field there. Were getting to a point where its saturation level in any competitive race. Theyre two challengers who have very good quarters. And the two of them are really proving that money chases momentum. And republican donors are feeling very confident about the two of them. You have north North Carolina, the Big Senate Race there. Tell us more. So these democrats have really been struggling. They were able to hold a small but sturdy lead in the poll. But the reason why she was able to hold that lead, but tom is struggling with fundraising. He is the state house speaker, and he was a little bit of a tough time balancing his day job and his actual job, fund raising. Some renks think he should top back from it. Shes been able to parlay that into more ads and keep the focus on him. Thats starting to shift about ice is and ebola moving back to Foreign Policy where hes stronger. Its an area a lot of people are surprised that shes had a lead and its because of the money. Host Washington Post touch that and makes a topic on the headline. A security issue recast for senate North Carolina. Theyre talking about security, about isis, but also about ebola. Guest yeah. Host speak about ebola for a second. Will that play a big role two weeks from now . Guest its hard to tell exactly what the role will be. Its one of those things that a lot of americans arent feeling great about the direction of the country. Were seeing the return of fear politics. Weve seen some scares about the border, ice is and ebola. And its one of those things where folks are just getting a little nervous and folks are starting to wonder whether president obama is doing everything he can or should be doing. Some of these folks who dont pay quite much money of the politics and were seeing the headlines and we see ice is and ebola getting a lot of attention in the midterm. Host ross from columbus, ohio. Weve got the phones back. Ross, you are a democrat. Go there. Caller i would like to address the question of United States calls itself a true democracy and when you have this much money influencing politics, i dont know i dont understand how you can have a true democracy where you have the kind of money noting around in both parties. They do increase a lot of decisions. I liked your i would like your guest to address this question. We are not a true democracy. We have this kind of money deciding a lot of issues. And also, i would like to make a comment on the Ebola Outbreak. Theres a lot of suspicion ound the fact that the ebola germ or virus itself wasnt in the laboratory. I would like for you to try to clear that up. A lot of people saying the same thing about aids. Always blame it on the monkey but you never see thousands of monkeys laying around dead. Thank you. Host lets stick to the money piece of this. Anything on the first part of his comment that you want to respond to . Guest its clear how we do politics in america. And its made donors more important. Its made big donors more important. And i think theres some frustration on every side about how much time folks have to spend fundraising. When you talk to the average congressmen, if theyre in a tough district race, four six hours a day for fundraising. And so people start wondering why its hard to get anything done up here. And when someone who is supposed to be legislating has to spend that much time keeping themselves in the office and they spend that much time focusing on what theyre elected to some of the folks who arent in that fundraising having to be committees or he losing their race. I think this is a lot of pressure to raise money. Its exceedingly higher now. Centerville, massachusetts, hello there. Caller good morning, guys. Host good morning. Caller i cant possibly believe that in America Today this they get on tv and say that these th races that these republicans are in are close. Are close and with the decision that happened this weekend with the supreme texas with this suppression to vote and down in South Carolina where 80,000 voters fraud tions, i smell basically. But be it as it may, the fact hat the American People allow these people to continue to on that level. F people uld american please wake up. It thing is going on and stinks. Host i think it brings an point and georgia specifically. Lot mocrats have registered a of people down. A lawsuit at the georgia secretary of state about of those votes and there is voter fraud in terms of voters sayingg of theyre not valid. So in a close race like that 40,000ure talking about new voters, most of them democrats that could be a big difference. We start seeing the imaginations f registering voters and these legal arguments and voter idea is a big deal in North Carolina. Supreme court just upheld that law. 10,000 or 20,000 arent able to make r not, that could be a big difference. Intended to re toward electoral impact they are going to be. Cam joseph and the blog and morning publication. Reviously National Journey and got a degree in government and e have another a d we want to show folks. This is a race in new york and a running n who is incumbent. E a dccc ad hand his opposition to abortion. To overturn want roev wade. Abortion and tlaw deny coverage for common forms birth control. Hes in step with right wing republicans and congress and out values. With new york the Campaign Committee is of onsible for the content this advertising. Are leaning hard into this. He Colorado Senate race is exclusively on womens issues and not just abortion but the point coverage to where one of the moderators debates e of the eferred to senator mark udall as mark uterus. And a lot of these house races democrats are looking to leverage the womens vote in. Its heyre feeling is hard tore turn out the minority voters. Women voters tend to turn out nd theyre aimed at the young others recently married suburban women. Host were starting to touch on in the race, sues but this one wants to bring it money and ask why is money and efined by not ideas . Theres just a lot of money there. Think there are ideas being discussed. Were not really seeing a ational message and kind of a campaign about nothing and each individual race and each individual district is on the local issues are. But the money is national and no local races. Its never been a case that its been local. Even when we look at down ballot races it tends to drive the conversation. Host bruce, thank you for waiting. Republican line. Bruce. Caller i watched the commercial from iowa. Want to believe it was in new york. Cueto, im not sure how its pronounced, but i dont see any counter. These pertaining to the abortion issue. Cspan making a political statement itself this morning . Get money from the federal government to make these political stands . Its time to ink be stopped. Thats all. Host well, we do not, bruce. About any anything of the races for my guest. I like to see a little more of these some commercials. One from one side show one from another side. Ost we have plenty more coming. Lets go to bill in new york. There . U ts ten miles south of the Canadian Border host got it. How do you fix the Money Politics . I think thats an open to do. N and difficult through about a decade ago with the kind of rare and the n coalition Supreme Court struck down a big part of that with citizens said free speech is free speech and money equals speech. A constitutional amendment its difficult to do that and republicans have dug in said, they dont think thats a good idea. It happening unless his is a major shift in the dialogue. Host lets talk to cedric on line. Epublican you there . Caller yes, im here. What i to say democrats are noticed the ive to compete is tkepl mondayize the republicans. I think the Sleeping Giant has american ch is the people theyre able to connect all of hats going on in the country to the Democrat Party and the race card is not going to work this time. I dont think black americans policies. These theyre not benefiting from these policies. So its going to be a big problem. Thanks for calling. Do think that this is some truth to the negative campaigns weve seen this year in a couple of places. Negative just hard campaigns from democrats. Colorado specifically. We saw some statistics. 75 to 80 of the ads are negative. Right now its all about base a lot ofhere you wont independents making up their minds in the last minute but to the your voters polls. Being scared gets you to the than being happy. Higher in elections . Its higher than what weve have to kind of like the candidate if youre going to vote. See folks who dont vote in goingelections who arent to be driven by fear. But when were talking about the midterm things get nastier and youre trying to get as many voters out that are already on your side that might be feeling it this time around. Thats why were feeling things negative. Nrccs ad is being willy horton ad. Four murders in 11 days. Decides niko jenkins is responsible for all em. Have released early after serving only half. Hes a poster child for why the time law is a farce. The National Republican is ressional committee responsible for the advertising. I think it shows in that district republicans are running a little scared. Lee terry had an some missteps along the way. Hes not particularly well liked and part of that is during the he complained about folks asking him to give back the republican pay and that has very well. Democrats have really burned in the quote that he used and even its a republican leading where t, thats one area theyre nervous. Generally if you see something a good ative its not sign. We saw in alaska who ran a family of the folks that had been killed that around that issue complained about it and that hurt him. That threw him off kilter. Generally if you see things that nasty it means youre not winning. Host to the hills list of and ign cash winners losers. Mark pryor. Tell us more. Hes been running a very year. Race all its hard to win as a democrat in arkansas right knew. Approval rating is in the low thirties in arkansas. A family name. Hes well liked. This thing on t him. And tom cotton hasnt run a campaign but hes raised a lot of money. Hats one of the seats that republicans are feeling best about winning. Hoping the ground game will be turned around. Thats where the race is. 2. 2 million to they. 8 million for cotton. And First District house race in arizona where republican andy is running. He was the establish pick. Sometimes its hard to turn on spigot. Ney there was a take Party Candidate the party. D its a very large district and native american populations and intensely republican. Facing a little bit of this real problem of turning their base in this case native americans. This aston of outside money in. Ng thats the bigger driver. He candidates matter but what really matters when the American National network pour as money in. Were campaign ads not negative . Before tv. Its always been. Emember back to Lyndon Johnson campaign and the nuclear bomb going off. Scare ad. Original just seeing the news letters back and forth. Theyve gotten more negative but this has been going on since the dawn of time. Ost the people say they hate negative ads but they dont vote. You for waiting. Hey, there. My er thank you for taking call. Dont think the democrats policy wise feel any necessity f trying to use the tag of demonizing the Republican Party because its done enough on its terms of secrecy and making ventures and other within the administrative infrastructure to themselves. I think theres an on rightng trend going now. D. C. Looks anyone in especially if youve been in for a while its not like party your t to any in and so were seeing negative campaigns because people dont to brag about. Ost our guest had this byline over the weekend. De tkepls p tke this is so much outside money coming in right now its hard to register how much it will make. Outraged ats republicans earl he of the they had a lot more money and what everyone will have enough ads but what well try to break this and we always and gle in the midtermses try to turn out theyre voters spread a lot of money on boots on the ground and spent about 60 million already and probably higher once the over. Ign is any time their incumbent falls can win thisay, we and i think its starting to pay dividends. Host hey there. Dorothy, baltimore. Was wanting to ask the reporter a couple of questions. Being about policy. Like you said, a lot of commercials, negativity and all of that. What about policies . Even the media, is not asking me politicians what are you going when you get in for real and be specific. Security with social medicare. We know what reform means to republicans. As a reporter, i would like to one quick question. After you are hearing republicans call up and talk scandal, you s. Can say honestly, has there ever a document presented that linked the white house to the scandal, any document . Would you please tell me if that happened . Sure. On Social Security and Medicare Part its clear this both sides using this as a scare issue. Democrats have been running on this for years now. Ryan budget includes fundamental changes to both problems and democrats have been unning hard on that and republicans always responded. Democrats argue it was cost safing measures and put back in so. Theres been a lot of back and forth on that a scare tacticly on both sides that theyve been using which i think the more scare tactic a the less anyone will want to i think republicans kind of stuck their neck out in hurt them. It democrats have been the same way with obamacare. I dont think of it especially will see ed city you major changes in either one of those programs. Doesnt mean theyll continue to work while some argue they arent as sustainable as others. Looking at the i. R. S. Were conservative n media than mainstream media. Im not sure how much is driving the copsation. Major drop he first in the bucket of kind of the that weve been seeing. I think that was the kind of the turning point for folks to look Obama Administration ofsely and they had a couple slipups. Host we have ten minutes left cam joseph. St we started about talking about explain for us the process of moving away or in or around. Do the parties decide who is deciding at the parties, how that process work . Because of the remnants of Campaign Finance laws this is a wall between the normal committee, the folks who are to us, the folks who are utting on press releases and the independent expenditure sides and those guys are making of r own decisions in terms where to spend money. Sometimes youll hear about this, oh this race looks really promising and then you see the committee do the opposite thing because of the weird wall. Ecause usually the money is going and out. Because people are placing big do that they dont lightly. Dumping a a campaign lot of money in the last minute or investing early that means or at least us trying to force the other side heavily there. Generally there is a lot of talk. S you get closer you see reservations come in and then start to move. Usually if campaigns are moving getting o a race its hotter and more contested. Really following money is a way than talking to some of these operatives. Travis is calling from elgin, illinois. Good morning. Morning, sir. Gentlemen, thank you. What i just wanted to bring up s that the government unions taking money from government workers by courthouse employees everybody making they little oney is the same as corporations donating money. There is absolutely no difference as we saw in the last president ial election. Resident obama had more money spent on his campaign towards mitt romney than did. Lso, just real quick, texas should be completely taken out of election campaigns. Ridiculous. You know how much money we could make in our country just by tax money that could on ut upon spending donations . I dont know. Really obvious to me that theres a difference between giving money to donating to a Cancer Treatment than there is to a politician who is going the bad little boy. Thank you. Calling. Ks for well, i think that the point about Campaign Contributions is interesting, but looking at theres clearly come complaints on both sides. Happy about rent nion money coming into elections and did he regul deregulated by the Supreme Court. To be very hard to undo. Kind of feeling like dropping union rates rapidly across the country even of the strong holds. Scott walker in wisconsin, republicans love and democrats of his union f busting techniques. Unionization dropping quickly in wisconsin. Theyre gunning for him. Two races der are a lot hey spent spepbt of money. Them. Ats are upset about before bigger stage walker must win wisconsin. Oure mentioning the wisconsin governor. We had the debate on this friday well. E friday before as this is a new york time piece. In a tightf him here reelection race saying, here point heaking the main needs to win reelection if he agenda in mind. This is in the New York Times today. To show you one more senate. The he ad takes a shot at senator hagan which is not showing up for her work. Being an effective senator showing up. Skipped of Public Meetings and admitted missing a on isis to earing hold a fundraiser in new york and shares a Sub Committee on emerging threats but hasnt a single public hearing on isis. Does she deserve reelection . Thats something weve seen in a lot of races. Politics. The dirty little secret is a lot miss hearings, republican, often tpobgz show up and, give their statement and leave. You ially if youre cycle have to raise a ton of money and could be used better raising money andsying on the hone where people are talking about points and youre not always getting new information. It in North Carolina and colorado and iowa well. E murp New Hampshire as in North Carolina weve seen bit. A little kay hagan has been hit for that. But then she points out, she to vacate his job leading the House Majority and he legislature because he missed so much to fundraise. Its one of the unfortunate of Politics Today that folks spend a lot more time fundraising than doing their job. Host i want to throw this on the table. Gas prices are down quite a bit. That folks when the economy starts to improve people turn to other things. Usually a down spiral in the problem. S a you dont get credit if the economy is doing better while is in control. Frankly i think a lot of people even though the economy is still not feeling it. Theres a lot of indicators especially in some of the states that were fighting in, theyre and eeling that great theyre saying, if the economys we doing why arent better. Host lets hear from andy in South Carolina aller thank you for taking my call. I wanted to comment. Im 34 years old and ive given 2,000 to 2,500 to political campaigns. Tell you i have been turned off this election cycle havent given any money phone the emails and the calls and the actual physical mailings from i guess republican fundraisers. They hit you hard. Host what motivated you in the to send money . Caller well, i mean, i just duty, i it was my civic i couldnt rt give a lot but a little to people. Duty i guess. Host sounds like you had enough like . Sound buter its almost too much ill probably end up giving but barrage of calle i think thats a lot of voters experience. Only way to avoid all these really tog emails is give as much as legally possible so theyll start leaving you alone. It doesnt work. During fundraising i cant find emails. By, its e them tick like twitter. A lot of folks are having that experience of the were seeing a lot of new technology to raise money as well as Everything Else and with money unt of super pack coming in. The campaigns are feeling the the game. Ep up being frankly obnoxious because they know it works. Where are you looking to tell you where things might be . Its interesting. I think theres about this ten race thats weve been talking and started narrowed think to 7 or 8 that we will determine control. A lot of these places you cant buy more advertising. Arkansas where theres a senator race and little rock extensive to buy tv ad and like los angeles. Is like l. A. And democrats did raise more money oth the incumbents and committees and they were able to lower. Nd ray a little and the dollar amounts arent but you see republicans bank twice as much of there wont be any short that. If youre sick of it, leave your couple of weeks. Host lets hear from clyde. Go ahead. Caller good morning. How you guys . Host were doing well. Like to say . Caller all these money going these campaigns and everything i dont see why they raise peoples Social Security. E only get 2 this year or less. And another thing, all that money that theyre putting in ampaigns, they could be and ing that to cancer, some of these other sick necessaries. Host another sentiment there. Of folks ing a lot sick of the money and the advertising. Unfortunately thats kind of the is structured right new. You cant necessarily blame the in the tell. Iting cam joseph is the political reporter for the hill. Me. Thank you for having host we have an hour and a half f this monday edition of washington journal. Our guest is tom mcdonald and ambassador to zimbabwe and hell talk about the ebola crisis and later in the program yourr weekly segment about money, well talk about the federal programs to provide to states and local folks to assist in preparing for emergencies. Back. Be right paorb but i think its evolved. Ur company for example also offers tools that enable sort of leather of the campaign. The direct mail. Addressable tv ads online ads and social network. There is a pretty wide swath f things which you call digital. Its moving into a relationship era. Commercial in the sector if you are going to when you build brand advocates someone advocating and their sphere of friends, how it is that we move t knowing what the right message is to deliver to people. We need to do a better job of right messenger message. Iver the a thing about the continent of africa and we asked theou come on to talk about u. S. And International Response to ebola. West africa the hot spot, epidemic. For this not surprising. Poor infrastructure and poor system. These are countries that were tarting to emerge with decent economies. Sierra leon have gone through decades of civil war. E recall Charles Taylor in liberia and you certainly movie r im sure the blood diamond which was about there. Ocities whatever was built up in terms f hospitals and roads and professionals would be blown up regularly and then theyd be then theyd be blown again. The tubmans were kicked out who in charge and it was this kind of a series of failed government. Surprise me at all. Weve read about and heard about cultural differences as in terms of what happens there in the way they live and whats happening to them. Understand . We what do we not grasp in that know. That we should we should think more highly of these people than we do. That im askedgs as n from my experience chief of mission in zimbabwe is what did you learn . Things i often civility out is the people. Ghtness of the wee need to keep this out of infected ot have any staff, but these are people. These are like you and i made in the likeness of god. When i send people to africa and en64 kour rapblg them universely they come back and they had low expectations going and they come they are very, very impressed. What do you make of the u. S. Response so far . Getting better. I think it was late of the it walked. They should have listened last the spring of 2014 and gotten about this, having a and the mission thousands of cables we wrote the great team i had because every dick taeulter and imagine thecan just amount of cable traffic thats town ut of monrovia free and the third country and im warned. Were f this started in europe our reaction would be completely different. Just an honest opinion and the fact. Host phone number at the bottom mcdonald reen for tom nd currently with Baker Hospital at the timeler. You sador mcdonald mentioned a u. S. Response perhaps late. Administration considering to some reports is annoyed by what is called a weak others. Sponse by the normal donors and i think people like toni who has been has ing about the problem been helpful and mobilizing and he europeans have not wrapped themselves in glory either. Host why . Lots of demands. Africa. Economy its otherwise i think people this are wonderful things going on on continent and some things that arent good at all and a lot of challenges and a lot of states and dictators, but the tends to be stereotypes. Africa is the place where civil these epidemics, infectious diseases. I really had the h. I. V. Aids risis on my watch to deal with as ambassador in zimbabwe so i saw this up close and personal. Heres a little bit of the president before we get to calls last week week addressing these efforts. President obama we are going we do to make sure that not lose sight of the importance of the International Response to what is taking place in west africa. Absolutely confident that we can prevent a serious disease here in the United States. More difficult to epidemic of ebola rages out of control in west africa. It will spread globall in an age of frequent and the kind of constant nteractions that people have across borders. And so, it is very important for us to understand that the we make in helping dealing sierra leon and with this problem is an investment in our own Public Health. This is not simply charity although its important that in the takes the lead humanitarian crisis that is taking place. But also probably the single that we rtant thing could do to prevent a more outbreak in this country making sure we get what is a aging epidemic right now in under control. Or that reason, last night i with i spoke with the and prime of germany minister of italy and president as well as David Cameron the Prime Minister of Great Britain to make sure were coordinating our efforts and we more tting in a lot resources than the international into this as put process. Host that was mid week last week. Do you get a sense that the getting that International Help hes been looking for . I think his comments are spot on. To take the lead, but we allies and om our friends and im glad hes phones. The how you doing today . High. Caller i had a question regarding the United Statess africa to ebola. I understand that the president some e was going to send roops over to africa i was wondering if and you could elaborate more what those troops are doing over there. Its about 3,000. I actually heard about got one friend who has a son going over as a matter of fact. I think a lot of it is going to and roads and re navy, i ng people, bees, electricians and caller they dont do this much educate the public. I the american ank people, the missionaries who have contributed so much and their lives. His is what america is about and im so proud. Host thank you very much. Would like to tell the ambassador he needs to be sent over the middle east representing america. Love america. Best trained and best have. Ience we could its an experience for the american troops. Thank you, franklin. Anything you want to add there . To do we should get him a p. S. A. For the u. S. Agency. Tion thank you so much. Host theres a breaking piece this morning. Time is reporting on it as are others. Been declared. A much wealthier country and bigger economic base. Lots of problems and lots of potential. But they would have a better again, with and all due respect to the countries involved. Very poor countries. Nigeria is at a different level that doesnt surprise me. Host roger says the followup story. Arent they looking at nigeria who have successfully ebola without travel bans. Point. Good theyve gotten involved there early at nigeria. On the ebola issue. Ost lets hear from richard fi s calling from philadelphia. Good morning. Caller im glad that nigeria was ome up because i wondering why even here the resident didnt use nigeria as a model. As to the aus involvement i have not heard a lot about that. Regional E Organization for west africa, but wherever help can be given be. Should i dont know this, but i would south ountries like africa which have first world believe they nt are not the president isnt helping in some way. Host we have jack from davenport, iowa. Hi, jack. Hello. Cdc people about a week ago said that ebola was spreading because developed in that area. My question or one of my is building who these roads in that area . S it the chinese who are using our money to develop mineral rights the problem there . Question is, are risk becauseext at development . Ights giving lots of money and its interesting as to us who would hire so when we had would have programs we would a limited number of locals and ats and africans. And chinese bringing their own workers much like when they their embassy in washington. If there are chinese there that either Small Business people or certainly possible. Host you mentioned earlier in ambassador, when lots of in zimbabwe experience with h. I. V. And aids devastating the continent. With ebo difference ebola. If we go back into history, he aids crisis started in the early 80s and we figured out what it was maybe in 1984. And i arrived in zimbabwe in 1997. We were getting to the point of planning, funding, actually a network of 13 v. C. T. Clinics for aids. We were the first country to do that. Project that reported to me. First one opened zimbabwe after being there six months. From paulette, bronx new york, democrat. Good morning. Caller yes, hello good morning. Hello. Cspan. Nice talking to asking the gentleman, can obama coming into this country . Why is he taking responsibility why is he taking the deadly r ebola this disease . Another question, can the msnbc and i saw on can we get everybody country, every everyone to respond and help in to be helping ebola in africa . And the republican instead of to government to deal with ebola they are campaigning on it. Its a disgrace. You cannot campaign on something as this s deadly telling people about it. All of them, comeruz, all of what we id, let us see can do. Host thank you for calling. Anything you want to respond . S m i would dont want to we politicalize this issue. This should not involve politics. We should steal ourselves though United States that hopefully there will be no persons impacted directly by should steal ourselves that there can be. Can solve certainly this problem. The president is getting whacked on it. Thats it comes with the job, right . And the ugly. I think this last week and i applaud them for the appointment of ron khraeupb who im familiar vicewith his work with the president and al gore. So were getting there. Been it would have sooner. Host specifically from the president of liberia who spoke over the the world weekend. Here is an interesting photo that says, liberia barely had 50 crisis before the ebola and among them was one of these doctors. About the long term cure of ebola and they need investments in Health Systems. We have about a minute portion say. At she had to history has shown that when at their darkest an ability to has act with bravery, compassion and selflessness for the benefit of those most indeed. From governments to organizations, Financial Institutions to to ordinary people on the street in every corner of we all have us take in the battle against ebola. Duty of all of us as to send a zens message that we will not leave west africans. To stand for themselves against not know and do gainst whom they have no defense. Only concerted action will save y country and neighbors from experience another national tragedy. Time for talking is over and stake, she says. I couldnt agree more and shes very impressive and doing a number of good things and a colleagues former ambassador in monrov monrovia. There is this shared history and former slaves were sent to liberia, monrovia, settling the country along with those who to the country. But i couldnt agree with her in her weve got a good to the American People that ought to be a good positive thing. Host get some more calls in. John, philadelphia, democrat. Youre on the air. Good morning. I would recommend people to get the National Geographic from 06. Of its called the black curse wondering if the gentleman this morning is piece. R with this no im not. But ill look for that. Exposes the conditions over there and it not getting. Eyre a lot of the corporations going sanitary conditions really bad and the three to can reporters who tried expose it were hung over there. Were not end what countries. Hese host whats your name . Is putman. Name ahead please. To er i want to say this the ambassador, the problem here looking atnot really im from liberia countries. Are poor theyre not iberia a poor country. Resources that can take care of itself. Aopulation is less than little over 4 Million People which is less the population in philadelphia. But if you look at the problem liberia is corruption. The government is corrupt to the if you look at raised arted, it was since march, the beginning of government didnt put things into place. The area and allowed the situation to get here almost more than 2 ion host thanks for calling. Relatives over there . Caller of course. I have family over there. Sisterinlaw passed away from ebola. In ve a friend who was emergency. He died. His wife died. Died and his law two kids died. Monrovia. In they quarantined the situation from where it started e wouldnt have this problem now. Host thank you for describing a terrible family situation. Prayers and thoughts go out to that family. Host leading to corruption and major part of the problem what do you think . Absolutely. This is a very complicated situation. Corruption in all these places i would say its a serious matter. Im familiar with that. You take the world as you find right . And these are people just like i, so the United States needs to do everything within help and get at the problem there. I know theres been so much is thi understandable with the United States and what happened at the hospital in dallas. If we solve this problem we have west africa and have to put almost like the military. Resources need to be brought to bear to this as soon as we can. Deedee wrigtes on twitter you know, on isis, indispensable nation. Ere the indispensable nation here. We have c one thirties and military. In. Can come army corps of engineers and there to do building ask isnt a military in the world or ealth system in the world better than ours and its part as americans. So having said that we should we need the other 1012 most advanced developed world. Ies of the we know who they are obviously part. Ep up and do their host we have 15 minutes left brooklyn, ira from new york. Aller id like to make a comment. This wholes bowl la crisis was totally preventible. 40 or 50 years of criminal british, french and china d the entrance of and their corporate interests in these proxy wars and gold for diamonds and hear from georgia now. What town are you calling from . I would like to say that i think that the emphasis must and n a finding out following the donations and the from our countries. Within and from probably from outside. Finding money and resources on top of getting the job done. There was an article this morning about a lot of our aid going straight to isis. The is true for africa. If there is not a way to see what than ppening to our money it is ridiculous to have so many congressmen worrying over the problem. Make a me y caller nts, not to this but in general. In the case of the Tire Companies that have in liberia for decades, they have built schools and many positive things. Exxon has had some charity and give back efforts to the us find the et balance. I am with this last about rooting out abuse. But in all seriousness i am not sure what the total expenditure the us has been on ebola. I believe it is a very modest number that needs to go up. New york dline in the vaccine push bola ramps up. Why the delay . If i said it some time ago, we s had affected europe would have had a vaccine ago. We have had ebola for some decades now. Why was it the t addressed . On commercial side, who is your aid umer . These are all dependent countries. Africa is end of the line. If it had been in a different region have had a vaccine a long time ago. Good morning. A couple of both to mr. Macdonald when i the viewers. Looked online, i saw that mr. From ald was an ambassador 1997 to 2001. That is pretty talking r him to be about a country in which he is no longer involved in. Want to say hing i is that there is a company in dc which is taking to fund nd us money their efforts. I am taking a cspan to task for not viewers as to this information. Mary, are you still there . Think we lost her. That we did get the point. With respect to the caller, i have made several trips to west africa during my life. I first went as an undergraduate in been to the also and senegal e several times. As for the firm do a lot of charity work do make a profit. We are a major employer in a number of us cities and i am be an Equity Partner and a member of our policy committee, which is basically directors of the firm. Kofi annan echoed something that you said during the about the International Response. If the crisis had hit some other region it probably would been handled very differently. In fact if you evolution of the crisis, the international the unity really woke up. To america and europe and then people woke up. It was only a matter of time. He is know mr. Annan and spot on. He is from africa, from ghana. On the independent line, from texas. For your fair points. The problem here is not only about ebola. It is about africa. The people react is when is a Natural Disaster somewhere else. Africa has a it needs tential. What Good Governance from learn. America has to from the past. The United Country with ood good people. I am an african and got my ame here grateful for am this country. But the united better needs to be a partner to africa. Africa has a is a rich ential and continent. The United States learn from this episode, not needs to stay in africa only stopping ebola but helping it can progress so that help itself. Tom mcdonald . I agree. I would say to the the United States over decades has given and tantial economic aid in various to africa with hiv and usly aids, the clinics in zimbabwe funded by us taxpayers. We the war ways do more. Terrorism, with boko haram in somalia has focused American People on this. I embassy during good period. But it is a example because ebola was and nobody t spring paid attention. It was only one people started paying attention. Even when there was an attack installations and american property people to not what was going on. Unfortunately the Attention Span of politicians and the us is not that great. And comes a crisis like ebola your shore, to texas, people want to do something. Jason, are you there . Turn sound on your set so we can hear you better. Want to mention is about the statistics from scientists that say ebola is caused by a diplomatic person and politician in the south of africa. This caused the spreading of the disease to parts of the r continent. Many say the source by the virus was caused American Government which was infect the african people. Now the United States is society and the community that is affected. But it is not accepting its in causing this disease. I am not sure i followed him, honestly. What is the longterm effect of ebola in the region . It will set back the in these three countries, which is unfortunate at a time when they were just to turn the corner, especially liberia. I mentioned the tortured history of all three of these countries. Even to a we finally bring this down to a or it is really small number of cases in west africa, what investor will want to go there . Who Company Office a in monrovia . This is a human where people are dying. Like the aids crisis. But one of the Untold Stories is how this hits in a very negative way the gdp of these three countries in the near term. From florida, angie, an independent. Ignored for s been too long. It is time for giant that are better equipped, to step in. This is or a black disease disease. In africa that is where this started from. If it is not stopped there it will spread all over the world. And they re crying need help. From more d help powerful countries. I agree. This is a problem it the world. We have seen now in dallas. We had a plane and go up to cleveland with one flying, so i needs to lock ld arms, other african countries as well as america, to solve this. Our guest is tom mcdonald, africa, mbassador in current Equity Partner. Thank you so much. My pleasure. Segment will be on for public ibuted health emergencies. But first an update from cspan radio. 21 more on the ebola virus. Countries in the European Union are trying to find money to talks the ebola virus. Today discussed measuresfor everything from onsite aid to training for health workers. Meanwhile the World Health Organization has declared of the ebola virus. It reported 20 ebola deaths. Cluding eight but the last case was 28 days ago which is double the incubation period. Urgent care units have become rooms for mergency many patients. That many want to go to hospitals instead because they are not equipped the highly contagious virus. Thomas duncan died and two nurses work infected at a this. On another another Associated Press story had an investigation that said those who collected social Us Government the have been suspected nazi war criminals and ss guards. This was due to a loophole that Gave Department the to leave the country. A former auschwitz guard. He now collects 1500 a month in Social Security. Those are some of the latest headlines on cspan radio. Cspans rt of campaign 2014 coverage. Like us to get debate schedules, debate previews for politics team, and more. We hundreds of you government debates, and you can instantly share your reactions what candidates are saying. Stay in touch and engage by on twitter on cspan and liking us on facebook. Washington journal continues. Every morning at 9 15 we segment called your much. We focus on how programs actually cost. Now we are looking at the programs which help local and state for local s prepare health emergencies. Our guest tom he table is dr. Inglesby from pittsburgh. What does the center do . The center helps prevent of ple from the consequences disasters. We get our funding from the university of Pittsburgh Medical Center foundations and federal grants. The funding the s in three main lines. Is the Public Health goes to y line which state agencies. The second is the Hospital Preparedness Program which has funded about 250 million a year. The third is the medical reserve corps. Do they Work Together . How is it decided where this us through go . Talk the coordination. Of the grants are the state d through health agency. There is one cooperative agreement that comes through every two years and is evaluated by the the rnment agencies at conclusion of that. For the Public Health preparedness emergency funding that goes to state agencies and then through local health. Agencies hospital preparedness funding is distributed to hospitals in that state to a variety of mechanisms. Who oversees all of those connections . The state agencies are responsible for overseeing that funding and determining whether is a legitimate use, and then reporting back to the federal government at the end of that. The states do after support funding. It r own is not tightly codified what percentage comes from states, typically states to provide some percentage of the funding. Dr. Inglesby will be with for about 40 minutes. Phone bottom of the screen for various folks out the doctor pointed for 655 million budget the current year, 2014. Funds managed by the center for disease control. Disease center for control manages the disease which is ess fund, really for state agencies. Than different federal agency manages hospital funding which is 255 million. You said there were three pieces, three different grants. Explain them to us. The Public Health emergency grants are aimed at detecting outbreaks and investigating them. They also fund the state Health Laboratories so when there is a west nile virus the state is the one that will detect that. They also respond when something goes wrong. The Hospital Preparedness Program is a separate program which prepares Health Systems to take in large numbers of patients if there are large disasters, such as after hurricane sandy. They prepare hospitals to evacuate patients and with equipment and in some cases medicines. Those two programs Work Together have different funding lines. Then theres the is ical reserve corps, which a very important program. The government gets a lot for a it is amount of money. Comprised of hundreds of volunteer units across the a number of territories. There are 200,000 volunteers that work in various they respond to disasters alongside their health and hospital partners. So they responded for mudslide in he washington state. They provide volunteer work for searchandrescue, for staff and vaccination clinics, for helping hospitals prepare for large numbers of patients. It a very useful program, and a year is 000 allotted. A relatively small amount of money. And read you hear about ebola what goes through your mind . I think that rightnow states and hospitals are doing a lot of preparedness work that hope they are doing. They are doing it with this the y. We all think about experience of dallas. If this outbreak of ebola is quite different from the kinds of planning scenarios that most hospitals have focused on, because it is so unexpected and its scale and and at this point i think we have to learn more about i at happened in texas. But think that these programs have prepared other hospitals to all ond to disasters of earthquakes, s. Hurricanes, measles outbreaks. We would have liked to have done better with people the response i think all people working in hospitals would have hoped to have done better. Calls. Us go to the phil from gerardo, ohio. For taking my call. My question is whether States Government and the Public Hospital system an the ability to reenact air force base in all time zones to take care of a large even a oneoff tragedy when there is an overflow in hospitals. These of the things in preparedness programs from fema and other federal agencies is the planning that goes to mass and mass tional sheltering. In terms of the specifics of the air force base ive not heard of that particular plan but i do think that the air force has enormous and could l capacity provide surge responses. I do think it is possible by do not it is the y know if plan. The headline the doctor is referring to was in the pentagon to st. Team. It a support 36 person team of emergency domestic response. On the line for democrats, from texas. The person who got sick went home and saw his family did not get sick, but he interacted with did. I do not understand that. I do not thing. Is the new ebola czar, another layer of bureaucracy. The first question about did not family members one. Many s a good family members in africa did not get sick either. This shows that the disease is not as contagious as diseases like or chickenpox or flu. Is harder to catch. Obviously it is a contagious disease in people get sick from it but in this case we should be reassured that today a number of the contacts that originally isolated from quarantine. In terms of why the not the t sick and family members, the patient was much more sick of the time he was in the intensive care unit two taking care of by the were caring for him. They were body fluids and taking place dures so presumably they came in contact with body fluids when the patient was much more contagious. Phone numbers on the part of the screen for our guest. If republican or a there are different numbers. Independents can also call in. Guest is doctor tom inglesby. Of the upmc irector center for health security. We are an ngo that studies rights roblems and analyses and advises when we useful. The we are so called czar is important in that there is a lot of complexity in the government, terms of managing this response. There are questions of international diplomacy, theres the work of the cdc and in hospitals around the country. And no one agency has for all those so there is s. Sense to having somebody coordinating all those responses. We just had a liberian 15 to 20 minutes ago. Showed how contagious diseases. Then you have people about creating a cure. To say you can for a pandemic like this . One of the important things you mentioned that comment was cure tance of getting a for this outbreak. I think unanimous opinion across the Scientific Community that a vaccine would change his response to this drastically, and may in fact be needed to epidemic in west africa. I think theres a lot of work going on in the United States now in africa and in europe around vaccine is still nt. But it i certainly share the idea that the vaccine for this outbreak is critically needed. Calling from henderson, kentucky. I have not seen any coverage on my question so im to ask you. The United States is sending safe burial teams to the african nations i was wondering about poor mr. Thomas duncan. We have not heard a word about his safe disposition of his body. I know that in dallas the of the has support and the n Church Christian community. I just want to know if he received a christian burial or exactly what happened with his, with this poor mans body. I cannot speak to the details of mr. Duncans burial that are going s on. I do want to emphasize the point that you just made about burial teams e of africa. They are crucial. One of the main sources of the and reak is with burials the continual spread to committed to workers and families in that context. We have read that mr. Duncan was cremated. But is here from allen in henderson, tennessee. Operating been an nurse since 1974. The last 20 years i been at the university of virginia where i founded and called ated a program in the rci. I left there in 2007. It is now its own operating program. The point i not just to make is nurse m an experienced but also that i am worried that nobody is talking about the supplies that are needed. I want to caution viewers this that if we ever, and i over the years after like i said id pounded and coordinated this program and worked with hundreds of ngos humanitarian groups, if there were ever an emergency in the United States, if had a national emergency, they were not even bandaid on anybodys shelf. I think it is an important point that there is a critical supply chain issue. Summary ingredients are from some are single source. I think we are more aware of that problem in the preparedness committed to the were a few y than we years ago. People have been those supply of chain ingredients, and that is very important. Back to the programs at the university of pittsburgh. Have programs seen budget cuts . I think we all rise and with federal research programs. When a federal programs diminish that it is harder for the universities and thE Organizations that work on Preparedness Research and analysis outside the government it get grants and funding. Is more challenging. Sunday on twitter asks if you can tell us how much of the funding pie is for administrative costs. Numbers. t have those agencies al administrate that money. State Health Agencies to take a small portion of that to be able to organize themselves and distributed to the rest of the local Health Organizations and hospitals. Bert in us go to sevastopol, california. About the stion is virus itself. How long can it stay in the body . Some viruses can herpes or shingles last for decades; if you had it see it recur u can later. I went to know what can the road with ebola. I hadnt heard anything about that and i was wondering. Its true that some viruses a n persist in the body for very long time. You gave a good example of shingles which is a of the chickenpox the case of ebola theres no evidence whatsoever that it can refer once somebody the virus off and gotten rid of it. Theres not been a single case of somebody has been cured of ebola but then suffers a relapse. In a globalized economy, why are we not concerned about the wellbeing of countries where we t the world trade money. Finances travel instantaneously over there for are we not why concerned about the wellbeing of these people so that they do states e in impoverished where disease thrives . What should be happening now that is not . It why did we not stop occurred . Why did we prevention measures in place . Obviously these countries are very poor and that is one reason why the disease is spreading there. I completely agree with what you just said. One of the that it is s spreading there is that theres a poor state of medical infrastructure and infrastructure in general. Nongovernmental are nizations that responding have committed to not only responding to the Ebola Outbreak but also trying to rebuild the Health Care System to a place that was than when it started obviously a big challenge. It is important to try and restore the Health Care Infrastructure in those countries at the conclusion of this and not just walk away. On to tampa, florida where monique is calling. My question is about the and the four hub airports for peoples temperatures are being taken. This seems like putting your finger in the dyke. Can we even address Something Like this . The strategy ight. Prevent ebola screening on via exit in west africa, in which people are asked extensive sets of questions. They also get a arrive in when they this country. They get a lot of information when they arrive but what symptoms to look for to be at symptoms vigilant for. They also get about what to do. People do not want to die from ebola or spread it. So if you give people information and empower them then they will bring themselves to a hospital is get an early diagnosis. Not a perfect system but the contrary system of shutting down all health care and all travel back and forth to west africa would have profound response ces for our to west africa. The most important thing we need to do is get a handle on the west african outbreak because until we do that they will continue to be cases around the world and here in the United States. Back to the work you are said there ink you are 200,000 volunteers. They self select. Not all them have medical training. Some of them have administrative or logistics backgrounds. Some local Health Agencies to recruit but to tainly people do not need wait for that. They can find their way to a Public Health agency and volunteers they choose to do so. There is a medical reserve corps website. On another aspect of the work you mentioned the Hospital Preparedness Program and the money they are using. Ken lay can they possibly get enough money . Money has gone down for the last grams over two years, and has gone down substantially since when they or 2003. Many focus als have begun to on Emergency Management so that when Something Like the Virginia Tech shootings happen people can coordinate themselves and save the most going to places where take care of them. The same thing happened with the Boston Marathon bombings. Those hospitals have had practice with Emergency Preparedness and that in the part was why people believe to the you made it hospital door as a victim your life was saved. But its here from charles calling from bethesda, maryland, just outside washington dc. My question is what happens whole thing is over. Two nurses get better. It seems like the cdc and everyone is doing what they we keep fighting bring people back home . I just want to know what happens afterwards. I think what happens afterwards and what happens ramp up of the e International Response to the virus in west africa. There are still hundreds of appearing in west africa, new cases. In november many calculations have as as 1000 cases. That is not inexorable. That can change. That is something the International Community is committed to fighting and requires doctors and nurses in built, and ing lot of on units and a coordination between organizations and government. Time magazine had a piece what nigeria did right. They had Communication Programs that were extraordinary that touched the country. Of they spent a great deal of time patience and isolating them. It should give of confidence nse that if nigeria could do that other countries can do the same thing and take care of their own outbreaks. There is also a headline in the New York Times, panic ebola risk is tiny; stoicism where its real. Is a contrast there. What to make of the response in where people are of a better term, panicked about this . This is a scary disease a high fatality rate, and people have seen how dire the west africa has been. So i do not think it is are rising that people fearful about it. I think of the government and other communicators need to continue explaining what the risks are how ebola is transmitted, allay fears. Out of the 10 million of us living here very few of us will have direct contact with an ebola patient. What should the media do . I think it could report on some of the good work and that is going on, speaking more about the Health Care Workers that have recovered and the ones that are getting cared for now. I also do think we need to focus intensely on the response in because if we lose, if things stabilize here and we attention on west africa and any of the energy now there i think that will be a terrible thing for the response and for United States ultimately. On donna from pennsylvania the independent line. For taking my call. I have sony things across about this hink ebola situation. It has to do with a lot of things have been specifically in this country. I think it is sad that many politicians are really fear in our population. A are talking about situation in which there have cases in a few of millions of people. More people are dying from infections in our hospitals in america than from now if you went into an average hospital in the risk of have getting lots of diseases which we do not even address. Yet is a hing like ebola which of ious disease has a lot overthetop rhetoric involved. Cdc and other organizations are incompetent. Just agree with what you first of all, i agree with your confidence any federal agencies and those think g this program. I job under oing a good difficult circumstances. I also agree with your comment about politics, which i do not think and leads people to focus wrong things. I think we could control it better if we political wn the Energy Around it. In this are problems like anamacrobial resistance, penicillan resistance, in hospitals. But i do understand are obsessed with ebola. It is new. Way to make sure we get the facts from places that are reliable and understand the risks with this disease as compared with other ones. Calling from palm coast on the line for democrats. You are on the line with tom inglesby. Good morning. I just want to add to what the previous caller said. We have a 400 Million People in this country and there were people who were affected by this ebola. Mr. Duncan went to the hospital what did they nd do . They gave him some and sent him home. Bring this in, but mr. Duncan was an african and i guarantee you that he did not have a medical card. This what the hospital did. They and sent him home. He did the right thing by coming back but it was a bit two nurses we had in a ffected. We live great country, what more could politics han that. The the to stop. I was in military. I was in hospital for 18 months and they took care of and im 80 years old now doing quite well. Thank you very much. Of mr. Us see. In terms duncans care, havent seen the details but i know that everyone thinking about this and involved say it was not home the o send him first day. One of the issues is that in Emergency Departments across the country they are very chaotic and it is hard to in w exactly what went on without directly being there. I think doctors now very s are sensitized and i would be surprised if that were to happen again. We know about do for ping communities emergencies like this . What do we not see and hear about . What we be concerned about . Going to your at, point earlier, if we think about the amount of funding for that we rely on, such texas the explosion west and the wildfires, that in a year program for hospitals, but if you divide that up it is not very much money for each hospital. One about you did not hear very often is about the decline these programs for preparedness. Hospital preparedness funding programs year 00 million less this than last year and theres a lot of concern in the community to even the relatively small amount of money that thesE Organizations get to prepare beginning to is go away. So that is one theme that it is important that people know about. From frank in peoria, illinois. Good morning doctor. I was wondering if you could talk the concept of quarantine in the health epidemic. It would seem that years ago in the 30s and 40s that was of local in the hands here we epartments. Already have seen a quarantine this epidemic with the nurse traveled infected and on an airplane. Ive heard it said that the federal need to nt is going to play a larger role but that in terms of e tied quarantine. I wonder whether you think that is true and what you think in general about the concept of quarantine in this country. In terms of where the power lies legally you are correct in that most of the legal power at the rantine resides cdc e level. The recommendations about whether voluntarily of or with some kind external control, require collaboration from state i have not heard any cases of strong disagreements agencies dc and state about quarantine powers. In this case i believe it is out an abundance of caution and a very conservative approach to have people spend time at home under quarantine. Would not think people have ebola, or a even have the disease, but we asked them to avoid public places. Claudia flint to in michigan. You are on the line for democrats. You are asking and talking and the money diamond n. There are mines over there. Why would africa need funding from any all r country when they own the diamond mines all over the support their can own funding. Who is in control . I dont really know much about the dynamics between industry and government there but my sense, and i think the general sense is that those governments are generally the people are care inly, and the Health System is certainly, impoverished if not broken. There are certainly industries that make money off extraction i think that alone is not enough to control ebola. Talk about your work. We have talked about ebola but give us the wider scope. Public Health Response is an integral part of the response to global disaster. Downtown which n might be discreet and not health is spitals or a possibility. But when their those anes and outbreaks require large responses, from faceted responses Public Health agencies. Making and e responses facile having the right staff and training for that is really crucial. For meeting the news you might think that the number of Emergencies Health is quite large, maybe even larger than it has been for years. With infectious think aks alone, if you about sars, h1n1, and other infections we have had a real number of n the discernible outbreaks. Part of that has to do with our climate, part of that has to do with our connected world, part of that has to do with things we do not understand. It is really west nile virus went to n one coast and the other. It does not follow rules per se. From jean s a tweet in ohio. Where taxpayers funding nonprofit agencies . There are some research which compete for funding, relatively small pools funding from government agencies. Then of course there federal Agency Responses for ngos. A call on the republican line. A Christian Science kind of antiscience person. I get confused because i have always been a republican and i know a lot of republicans in science believe too much. It is confusing because when i hear doctors on i want to know why whether there would be some use general on surgeon this case. I think that a surgeon useful, could be serving some purposes that are not necessarily crisis managers times of great events. We have a number of Health Leaders country who are quite articulate and highly competent so i feel that the leadership is doing a good job now. About out of t time. What is your sense of the future in terms of funding for that you work with . Theres been a lot of discussion this morning about the decrease in funding. Think we know yet. Typically Public Health is from crisis to crisis. Funding falls when times are quiet than when people realize that funding is it goes up again. It is possible that this year these programs will get more funding and better support. We will see. Been doctor t has tom inglesby, who is the director of the center for for university of pittsburgh. Thank you for sending your d tweets and making facebook posts this morning. Washington is on every day of the week starting at 7 oclock eastern time. We hope to see tomorrow morning you right back here morning. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day. This afternoon cspan takes National Press club for remarks from labor secretary, thomas perez. More cspan 2014 campaign where ge from Georgia Republican governor nathan deal is running for reelection Democratic State sen. Jason carter. You can watch the latest debate at 8 oclock eastern. Candidates in wisconsin held final debate last week. Incumbent scott walker is running it should be a misdemeanor. And we have to make sure that there are consequences. 180 five deaths, 5000 crashes that are alcoholrelated. This is costing our society. We have to take a tougher stance on this. I have been endorsed by the Wisconsin Professional Police association, and i will work with Law Enforcement to make sure that we have in place what we need to cut down on the number of fatalities, cut down on the number of crashes. And also work to make sure that this is not overburden our Justice System by having alternative methods to address this. We also have to make sure the people who love addiction problems are able to get treatments. Right now, we do not have tough enough consequences that are going to maka

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