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This morning. Democra host you can find this online as well. Host last week, as we noted, president obama announced plans to use executive power to aid the nations immigrants. The New York Times reported that on monday obama said he would use executive power to potentially make sweeping changes to the immigration system without congress, acknowledging the more than yearlong effort to enact compromised legislation granting legal status to 11 Million Immigrants here illegally. Mr. Obam host lets listen to a bit of video from that announcement. [video clip] in this situation the failure of republicans to pass a darned bill is bad for our security, bad for our economy, bad for our future. While i will continue to push House Republicans to to drop the excuses and act, and i hope their constituents will too, america cannot wait forever for them to act. That is why today i am beginning a new effort to fix as much of our immigration system as we can on my own, without congress. I am directing the secretary of Homeland Security and attorney general to move available and appropriate resources from the interior to the border. Protecting Public Safety and reporting interest terminals has been and will remain the top priority, but we will refocus efforts where we can to make sure that we do what we can to keep our borders secure. Have also directed secretary johnson and attorney general holder to identify additional actions my administration can within myr own, existing legal authorities, to do what congress refuses to do and fix as much of our immigration system as we can. Lets take a look at the response from john boehner to these comments. Host host that, again, is a statement from House Speaker john boehner, republican of ohio. First caller this morning, new york, democrats line. Caller hello. Host good morning. Caller good morning, how are you . Host fine, good morning. Caller i think that the border countries, south america, they can afford these children. It will send the signal to those in south america to hold their children dear. I am applauding the president on his action and the time he has taken to facilitate the deportations. Aroundhould he go congress or work with congress . Caller congress is not able to. Congress, especially the tea party, we have to reexamine the philosophy of those people. I think they are destructive and obstructionist. Really they need to tell the line and do the job that we sent them therefore. Georgia, austin on the line for independence. Undocumented youth in this country have seen the benefits of administrators in the form of deferred action for child arrivals. You know, hundreds of thousands of them have applied and got an work permits and been able to attend school for the first time, allowing people who are members of our community to be on a path towards school participation. I think that it makes sense, given the inability of house a bill withto pass bipartisan support for the president to expand the relief that they received for their parents and other family members. Distraction for House Republicans to try and essentially scare the president arrivalspanding these and administrative relief by pointing out the border crisis. The border crisis is caused by our Foreign Policy and the policies of foreign governments and other countries. I applaud the president for making a statement, but he needs to come out and expand deferred action now. An article from cnn politics, outlining the things that president obama can do with regards to executive power. Tweak and fine tune existing guidelines on who to prosecute in deportation hearings. Forident obama can dispatch Border Control agents and members of the national guard. The president could opt to continue a program for those brought to the United States as children. This Program Allows them to temporarily stay in the country or attend school, not a path to legalization. Four, the president could continue the practice in some states of using ankle bracelets or weekly mandatory check ends with immigration officials as an alternative to detention. Could move toe increase the amount of free Legal Assistance to immigrants in deportation hearings. A couple of points from a cnn politics article that looks at what the president can and executive power. Twitter this morning, you can tweet at us to get your comments on the air. Host david, republican line. Caller yes, maam. Thank you so much for taking my call. I love cspan, i listen to you all the time. I am very disappointed in the president s intentions. Our lawmakers are congress and in the past two years he has even disregard his own laws and make exceptions. He has not enforced any of the laws that we have concerning our order, to date, that i know of. How can he engender trust in the American People when he totally andcompletely disavows totally and completely ignores our u. S. Constitution . This is coming to a head. When it does, he is probably not going to be very happy with the result. It is a shame. I am very, very sorry for the United States of america. Joining us by phone to add more context of the conversation, David Nakamura, White House Reporter for the washington post. Thanks for coming on. Caller hi. Dot what can the president with executive powers, and what can he not do . Are two areas they are looking at. One is the area of importance that jeh johnson has been looking at for the last several months. A number of programs that advocates say are not being terms of enforcement on a statebystate, city by city level, which are allowed to sort of go through people who are arrested and imprisoned and look to see if they may be here illegally and then turn them over to ice for potential deportation proceedings. This is something that the Administration May think is a valuable program, but some cities are opting out because i believe they think they are over doing it and that it has gone beyond what it was called for. That is one area they are looking at, looking to try to better enforce that. That advocates are looking at, but republicans have concerns about, is for the president to offer broad administrative relief for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of immigrants who are here illegally, basically saying that we will delay or defer your deportation in the same way that the president did that for the younger immigrants in 2012 that were allowed to come forward, get work visas, drivers license legally, stay here for two years and renew the process again. People are saying that there should be a much broader effort to provide relief, but it is very controversial because people are saying that these people came here illegally and should not be able to work through this kind of thing. , what have nakamura you heard in terms of reaction from members of congress . Caller it certainly depends on your point of view. Certainly, the Senate Democrats who took the lead, along with a handful of republican allies last year, took the senate bill last year with bipartisan support, saying that this is great news and it needs to be done. The same with democrats in the house. They are saying that they have to give up on republicans, they will not do this in the house, we need to move forward and the president needs to make this bold stance. There are some in swing states, some of these competitive Democratic Senate candidates who might be concerned about overdoing this and inflaming republicans. Certainly the republicans will use whatever he does to make up case against the president for going around congress. Coming right before, of course, the midterms, concerned to a handful of democrats, but democrats on the other side are certainly hailing this. Even those who supported the Senate Republicans and that immigration plan, like the gang of eight in arizona that helped to shepherd that bill, they say they demand the president should not do this, that it is coming at the wrong time and that there is still a chance that after the midterms or next year this will put an end to those chances. Certainly this is something that both sides are looking at but they are now saying the president has to go big and bold. Talking about republicans again for a moment, the president said one of the reasons he chose to go ahead with executive power is the john boehner signaled that immigration would be a no go. Did the white house expect that to happen or is this a rhetorical game . Caller it mightve been a rhetorical game. The president came in to his second term thinking that immigration would happen because the republican political reality growing, thes are voter base is something that republicans need to tap into. Immigration reform on its own would not win over those voters, certainly they think that they are more receptive to the message in the broader economy and so on. For the past year or so the white house and others have really thought that the time would just eventually come when the house leadership would want to do this. John boehner had famously sent signals at the end of january with the republican principles stating that they might be supportive of some legal status for these undocumented immigrants that he and others including eric cantor and kevin number two and number three ranking House Republicans, they were sending these signals that they might be able to do something before 2016, but the white house did not want to blow it by acting too soon on its own. The time is come. Luis gutierrez gave a speech saying that we could not wait any longer. Advocates have been protesting at the white house for waiting too long, saying that you have got to do something. Finally the white house and the president announced last week that they would move forward on this. Again the question is how big . They is some thinking that wont want to go overboard because they still think that there could be a chance at some point early next year when republicans might want to do something, but it will be even harder next year, the senate bill will have to start all over again. Marco rubio has to backtrack a bit on his vocal support for this kind of comprehensive bill and could now be a candidate. It is a tough call and i think that the president s advisers are going to have a big decision coming at the end of august or september. One more question for you, david. A lot of attention has been paid to these unaccompanied children. How much of the outcry about that factored into the president s decision . Caller it was sort of an 11th hour surprise, he saw this as a final chance for the house to act before the midterm. Telling the advocates to quit protesting my administration. First eric cantor lost in the primary because of his line on , with the burgeoning border and republicans saying that they did not want to go forward on ilLegal Immigration because the border is not a deterrent to any kind of comprehensive bill that they use to further secure the president is at theder. This border, true or not, adding more ammunition for the republican side of the argument that these kids keep coming because the message is not Strong Enough from the United States and the administration that you cant come here. Of course, the president and others are now saying firmly that everyone will be put into deportation for seedings and you will have to make a strong case to be able to stay, but it has complicated the signals that republicans were not going to do anything at this point before the midterms. They want to see this under control and joe johnson was out yesterday talking about how the following up with folks in Central America. Beyond the politics i think it is something that is a crisis that needs to get figured out one way or the other. ,ost David Nakamura correspondent for the washington post, thank you for being with us this morning. Caller thanks, see you. Congressman Ronald Labrador appeared on nbcs meet the press to discuss immigration. Lets listen to his comments. [video clip] americans are great people who are willing to deal with the 11 Million People if we feel that there is going to be border security. The frustration that you see in marietta, across the United States, they feel that this administration is doing nothing about border security. If we can feel safe in our homes, if we can feel safe in our homeland, if we feel that we are actually going to be able to stem the flow of Illegal Immigrants of all, congressman, the frustration is not just with the administration. Congress, House Republicans blocked Immigration Reform. It is also the issue of the law that is the law of the land that passed under the previous president that makes it a different way to treat those Illegal Migrants coming from Central America as opposed to mexico. They have to be brought in, detained, and put through these proceedings. That is the law that congress passed. Caller thats a good point. In 2008 the law was passed and i think we should change that law. We should not treat the cheery treat the children from Central America a different from children in mexico and canada. I think i will join the administration on that, we should not be doing that. In you need to realize that 2008 the law was changed and in 2009 there was not a huge major change in the number of children coming to the United States. As soon as the administration in 2012 decided to do this, the deferred action program, that is when the number of children started moving up because these criminal cartels in Central America and south america decided to start advertising the there was a free pass. Ronaldongressman labrador, speaking about immigration. Eric, democratic line, you are up. Good morning. Caller i tell you what, those republicans are a pathetic group. I will tell you this quick, 88 of the vote that romney received in the last president ial election was from white americans, preferably 65 years and older, overwhelmingly white males. Listen, we can vote these people out of your. Are not going to get any of the minority vote. Especially hispanics. We can get together and put these people out. These people say they want their country back . We can vote these people out and get rid of them. Lets vote. I hear your point. What are your thoughts on Immigration Reform . Know what thats all about. Republicans dont care because we dont have 12 million irish or english or Something Like that that are illegal. If it was this immigration bill would have been passed along time ago. Get these republicans out, they are not good for anything. Evelyn, long beach, mississippi, republican line. Caller hi, the morning, how are you today . Host im well, thank you. Caller the contention here is that we are a sovereign nation. I have no problem with immigrating, we just need to do it legally. Get in line behind everyone else. There are these people who are in line waiting for years to get legalized. These people just come over the border illegally and are given a pass. Thats not right, it is not fair to the people trying to get here legally that work hard. To let all of these kids come over here . All they will do is cost the taxpayers a burden. Have enough in our country right now where we cannot even take care of the vet and the elderly . That is overreach. I think you should work with congress for a better solution. Goodman week bob Bob Goodlatte letter republican trip to the usmexico border. I want to take some tweets from members of congress who are on the trip. T host next up in glen oaks, maryland, robert. Caller can you hear me . Host first of all we can hear you. Thanks for calling in. Caller first of all, hello to my neighbor in randallstown. That the and her stand president has certain executive actions that he can take and i applaud him for doing that. He is sounding a bit more , talkingin his speech about immigration and what it can do. I see it as primarily an economic issue, with some roots and the unintended consequences from there. I do think that the republicans the president s 2012 policy added to the problem. I would like for the listeners to pay attention, if they can, to this weeks article in the economist, where the author kind of lets us know that we look at the past and the president s abilities, the actual power of the executive branch based on our the roosevelt,f fdr, and lbj administrations and how they were able to get legislation passed because they had majorities in congress that help help them out. I dont think that we have that here. People toke for consider that, that maybe this is the default, that this gridlock is default. News over the weekend, alan dixon, former senator of illinois, died at the age of it age of 86. Statereer in national and politics spanned over 40 consecutive years, he died in fairview heights, illinois, the day before his 87th birthday. After being elected magistrate mr. Dixon won the house seat in 1950. He went on to serve in the Illinois Senate and as the state treasurer and secretary of state. He won his u. S. Senate seat in 1980 and served there until his surprising loss in the 1992 democratic primary. He was the third ranking democrat in the senate and chaired a subcommittee of the armed services. This morning should president obama executive power on immigration . The next caller is from fort pierce, florida, democratic line. Good morning. R caller that called him this morning, you asked them a question about why wont the president work with congress. Now, my thing is i dont know what lannett the American People are on, that if the president has not tried to work with since becoming the president of the United States that they already found that it was not worth this president . 50s. Born in the in my entire life i have never seen a president treated like this one. So, the president has taken it upon himself to move executive action to do as much as he can to do his job. Found nate they have about not to work for the American People. They are working against one person, president obama, instead of working for the good of this whole United States. Theirant to divert attention to us, the American People, and we would not be here with the jobs and the mess that we have right now. Please, let me do one more comment on immigration. Those kids coming into this country, all over the world we ine humanitarian reasons those countries to help those people. If they would send those kids back, if i was president obama i would bring every troop back from over those countries back send thosewas to kids back. Thats crazy. Times,he washington reporting republicans to obama, you would board the legal tide of immigrant children coming across the border for years. Of thehat round up sunday immigration conversation from the washington times. Coveringjason buch, immigration and Border Affairs for the san antonio news. Thanks for being here. Caller thank you having me. Host you have a very unique and viewpoint, living in one of the areas where this dispute is playing out. What are you seeing . Caller i spent the last two weeks on the rio grande valley, where this is happening. This is happening along a segment of border fence. You have like 1000 People Per Day coming across right there, not even trying to cross the fence, just turning themselves in to the first Law Enforcement official they see. A lot of Border Patrols on the river with other local Law Enforcement and state Law Enforcement that have moved into the area. Droppingr patrol is large numbers of people at the station in border cities brownsville, mcallen, del rioux. These cities are sort of scrambling to figure out what to do with all of these people. They dont have a lot of money, they have been in border could Border Patrol custody briefly, but they are you hydrated, exhausted a lot of young women with families. Host you have been there for the last two weeks. Has anything changed since the president made the announcement about executive power . Caller the last time i was up there was thursday afternoon. The fences are built on a system of levees on farmland near the border. The last time i was on the levees was thursday afternoon and there was not any sort of noticeable difference in Border Patrol presence down there that i could see. In the last few weeks the Texas Department of Public Safety has pushed a large number of state troopers into the area to deal with what they say are drug traffickers moving to other parts of the rio grande. To take advantage of all the attention getting paid to the children and families that are crossing and moving their wares elsewhere. Large number of state troopers on the highway. You know, senator jay johnson is in the valley. He was there last week and he said that they were going to move 160 new Border Patrol agent to the region on top of the 100 they have already moved in. The sector has about 3000 Border Patrol agent in it. Are not really large numbers compared to the total number of agents in the sector. When you are talking to people along the areas of the border, what are you hearing . Are they excited for more immigration action . What do they think . Caller everybody just seems to sort of shrugged over the next crisis or next proposal. I spoke to one man on the border. He said that he had seen the federal government take his land to build a border fence. At night he here shoot outs across the river. There used to be a lot of people coming to his property, but because of the kids and families turning themselves in on the other side of the fence, he does not see that kind of action anymore. He just kind of shrugs over the next land. Athink that that is sort of pretty common response. Of the officials, the official line is that they are excited about the prospects of Immigration Reform, but these are also people dealing with a population of a almost everyone is moving, but the sudden influx of people into their communities. Right now they are more focused on what can be done to stem the tide of people. , have you seenh any hostilities change . Or are things always as they are . Caller could you repeat that . Host i am curious as to whether there has been any increased hostility towards those coming over the border in the last few months . I did not witness anything like we are hearing about from california. The people have come out to try to help these people. If these are only people who will be there for a few hours or couple of days almost everyone is going on to families in the countrys interior. There seem to be a pretty good understanding of that. I dont know if it would be different if these large numbers of people were staying there, but the church near the bus station has opened up a shelter. The city has provided temporary showers and cots. A large number of people volunteering to help. In that region you have not seen what you saw in california. Host all right. Jason buch, thank you for sharing your reporting with us this morning. Caller thanks a lot. Host from the wall street johnson secretary refused to comment. Johnson wasary jeh on meet the press over the weekend. [video clip] fix the broken immigration system. He can do that by himself. There are a number of things that the president and i can do to fix the broken immigration system. And we will if congress does not act. Will you give me a concrete example . To fix the securities program, the programmer we work with local Law Enforcement to facilitate the transfer of undocumented who are in local jails. Frankly, the program has gotten off to a bad start. We need to fix the program. The overarching goal is a good one, but it needs a fresh start. For example, that is one thing among the number of things we are contemplating doing. Homeland security secretary jeh johnson speaking on the plans for immigration. Next is jeff, greenville, tennessee. The reason we dont have an immigration policy is because the conservatives did not believe that amnesty would help to stop the flow of illegals, which obviously that has borne out true. My second comment is there are a lot of countries in south america, including mexico, their economies are booming. Brazil is booming. De janeiro, san luca are san luca, yet they coming here . Why is that. Because we give them free stuff. Thats the only reason. No other country gives them free stuff. There is all kinds of places for them to go. We act like they are running for their lives, but they are not. They go through mexico, which has a better economy right now than america. It is all smoke and mirrors by the democrats. Get on theemocrats phone here and talk about republicans yeah, we did not want more illegals than we already have. What are we getting . More illegals. Thank you. Host all right. Appeared on Fox News Sunday to discuss immigration and he had a suggestion for president obama. Lets take a look. [video clip] the real issue from my perspective is the message that has come out of this administration to, not an cross the border and you can become a United States citizen. If the president of the United States is serious about securing the border, we can show him how to do that. If he does not go to the border i think it is a reflection on his lack of concern about what is really going on there. From cz, that was wednesday excuse me, that was from wednesday, not sunday. Caller i am a lifetime democrat since 1840 seven. I started working in the fields when i was nine and my sister was five. Echo what your first democratic caller had to say, bernice. Absolutely, obama should use every possible executive power. The tea party has not only constipated, but impacted congress. They are a donothing congress and they should be voted out. We have responsible representatives and senators in oregon, washington, with so many others that need to be voted out. They are just at donothing congress. Host another story making headlines this morning, former gun group founded by Michael Bloomberg will be surveying all candidates in the 2014 Midterm Elections. So, all of this hoopla about executive power i know he has used it less, but we would love to hear the numbers. Read au turn on or Mainstream Media source there is no focus over the decades on those who hire from Illegal Immigrants. I live in boulder, colorado parttime. Of there neighborhoods beta Trailer Court where mexican immigrant families live and they clean the houses of multimillion dollar homeowners just two blocks away, do their lawns. We dont talk about who hires and why these people are not find over the decades. Suggestion for guests. Yesterday on nsn bc, Melissa Harris perry focused on the israelipalestinian issue. But they did not put any focus ,n how long it is very sad the israeli kids and palestinian kids who get killed. On how thent focus American Public has not seen what is really going on in the situation and how palestinian kids have been eaten, incarcerated, and killed far more than israeli kids. Another headline from the New York Times, afternoon privacy details. Host detroit, michigan, democratic line, denise. I would like the American People to know that i am a democrat and i do not agree with president obama. We have laws here and i believe they should be deported. They should not just be able to come and stay here. I dont understand him. I truly do not. There is just one agreement i have with the republicans. I would like to see the president start deporting these people back to where they came from. That is what i would like to say. Thank you very much. A couple of tweets responding to our topic this morning. Host in san bernardino, california, karina is on the democratic line. Caller good morning. Host morning. About theu know, immigration, i believe that people are wrong about that. I am 70 nine years old. I remember being born in mississippi. They treated these people the same way that they treated the blacks at that time. I think the president should use whatever he can to help these people get straightened out, the republicans are not doing anything. Thank you. Host a couple of more tweets this morning. Host another call this morning from chicago. Evelyn, democratic line. Caller i have a couple of comments here, please. Good morning. Host morning. Caller they built internment camps for various people. Why could that not be a consideration . You could keep them, clothe them, keep them, check them out . My other opinion is what happened in honduras . They have two orphanages down there. Rich people from chicago support them. Other countries that they could possibly go to. I feel that these parents were paid off. Something happened. That is my last comment. I thank you so much. Reading, pennsylvania, republican line. That the did notice previous three colors were all democrats. I am on the republican line and am a republican. A couple of things. A young lady called who said that obama has issued fewer executive orders than anyone else up to this time. Well, it is not the number, it is the severity and type of executive orders. The overriding of the constitution with his orders. Another thing is with the immigrants. My grandparents, my wifes grandpa herons and great ram parents all came from other countries. They came over legally. Some of them trekked to colorado from cincinnati. I just had to work in new york and baltimore for next to nothing, but they came legally. Aliens int, illegal everyone is saying that we have got to have compassion. True compassion, according to the tragedy of american , as i learned at the university of tennessee, we should take each one of us should take one or two of those even illegal aliens coming across if we really feel i know it is just ludicrous the way it is running there right now. Another thing for the camp, why in set up Entry Systems searchlight, nevada . And in San Francisco . Host we have had a couple of comments this morning about the number of executive orders used by president s. We will run through the figures with the right now. President obama has used his executive power 100 81 times compared to 106 by president bush, 364 by bill clinton, 200 new 291 from president george w. Bush. That comes from the White House National archives this morning. California, eric, independent line. Thank you so much for taking my call. I attended the protest on the fourth of july on friday and i would like to give my perspective on what i observed and what i experienced. When i first walked up to the protest i was greeted by the illegal immigrant crowd with really racist comments. A sickly saying we should go back to slavery. I was able to talk to Illegal Immigrants. I had asked them if theyd tried the legal process. They said they had not. They said that with the executive orders you are getting a policy change, not on law. Is verything that worrisome in california we have spent 23 point 5 million, the figures put out by fair. U. S. Org. In speaking with people in the region like me, we are being forced to pay for the expenses withod, shelter, housing welfare resources and taxes increasing. People need to understand, the people out there are not racist. I am an african american. Those people in the crowd were yelling about racist White Supremacists that should go back to europe, things we dont have in Southern California as we are such a mixed group. The people here saying that they dont have the resources or the capacity to handle the influx. When we come back we will take a look at the week ahead. Later on in the program we will get an update on the Affordable Care act and the need for more primary doctors to cover the increases to insured americans. I think we should all agree that internet content should remain free from regulation. As Susan Crawford has said, it is like confusing the conversations. Of course we want the conversation to be free and unregulated. The fcc has no place regulating content online. They have always made sure the Communications Pathways stay open. Today we have the vestiges of a regulated phone system. The fcc does not regulate what i say to you, but they make sure that the Communications Pathway is open, affordable, available, nondiscriminatory. Think aboutcial to whether those platforms remain open the way they have historically. Up as arnet has grown network where anyone can communicate and get online. A tiny company can get access to the network and become in some facebook,e google or a huge business. It is vital that that not change as the internet evolves. Opinions on the open internet policy of the fcc, tonight at 8 00 eastern on the communicators. For over 35 years cspan has brought Public Affairs events from washington directly to you, putting you in the room at congressional hearings, white house events, briefings, and conferences, offering complete gaveltogavel coverage of the u. S. House. By the cable tv industry 35 years ago, brought to you as a Public Service by your local catalog let local cable or satellite provider. Washington journal continues. Host joining us now to discuss capitol hill, Gail Chaddock and susan ferrechio. Thank you both for joining us. Guest morning. Host morning. Guest morning. Host what is the Biggest Issue facing capitol hill lawmakers this week . Guest there could be authorization on the executive action lawsuit. That could get a lot of press because the republicans are upset that the president has used his socalled pen and phone change regulations that he cannot get congress to agree with him on. That will be an interesting storyline to follow this week. A lot of legislation is churning through the house and senate right now. There are only a few weeks left until the big august break and i think we will be seeing slow progress on a lot of those bills. The big, more interesting piece of legislation will probably be the house talking about this lawsuit against the white house. Actually, i think the lawsuit against the white house is a big symbolic issue. It does not happen that often. Public Approval Ratings are just lastgly low. Week congress has moved it to seven percent, which is as low as the polling for any institution in the history of gallup polling. There is a lot of pressure to respond in a way to look at what the public is saying and it is not clear for the out that is going to be to get anything accomplished. Of course the reason behind that is the upcoming pivotal Midterm Election where republican yield than leaving the majority in the senate is truly within their grasp more than it has been in any other Election Year. I think republicans are plotting their strategy with that election in mind and this is a part of that. Telling their base, them they are trying to do something to stop an administration that their base is not particularly happy with. The more people that they can get out, the more likely they are to win those seats in the you mentioned the upcoming august recess. Can you tell me what must pass prior to august 1 of what does congress have to get done . Nothing. They could leave for august and not do a thing. That would not be out of the russian, either. I we have been hearing a lot in the news on sweeping legislation to reform the veterans administration. With an theyigher want to accomplish before they leave town. The house is passing spending legislation. They would never get this done on time, but the house is managed to pass these bills with their big majority there. That is really one of the main things. There is the possibility that they could take of legislation that would rein in the power of the nsa to use their surveillance abilities on americans. Negotiations are on knowing and talk over that legislation. We basically only have a couple of weeks in july. Then they head out pretty much until after labor day. When you have a very short. Of time like that, the house can keep asking things with their big majority. But in the senate, everything slows down. There is a 60 vote threshold for just about everything and the rules of the senate are slower by nature. Making the likelihood of passage of these things pretty small at this point, just because of the timeframe. There is a curious coincidence this year the money for funding government runs out on october 1. So does funding for the import export bank. Americans are probably saying have we ever even what is what does it do . Have we ever even . This one could produce a crisis this year over funding. It has become an important issue for House Republicans. They see it as an example of crony capitalism. Why are we helping caterpillar . O fund its sales overseas should this money go somewhere else . This is another issue where the chamber of commerce is strongly in favor of passing it and republicans are at odds with the chamber. Ted cruz and the tea party could go to the wall over this one. Especially if it is linked to the appropriations deadline. On a similar note, the transportation funding bill, running out of money for highways. Both sides agree on passing something. Maybe a shortterm measure. That is likely to be under heavy discussion, because that money is going to run out in august and they are gone when that happens. Roadwork could slow down. People could lose their jobs. Because of that there will be heavy negotiations to pass something shortterm, but the problem from any spending bill standpoint right now is a divided congress. Republicans and democrats dont agree on how to pay for it. Until they come up with a plan, there is really a threat that our highway funding approach could dry out in august. That they would get reduced funding during august to help slow down. If you are interested in the discussion over the import export bank, we will be joined later by a journalist from the Financial Times yuriko the topic for this segment is the week ahead in congress. I am joined by gail russell. Haddock and Susan Ferruccio if you want to join the conversation this morning host the first caller this morning is lena, from sudden valley, pennsylvania area and susan, i would like to know how go againstmericans the gop for not doing their job for the last six years . We always talk about suing the president. Will you please answer that question . Thank you. Of people wereot surprised to hear the congress could sue the president. I think that the outlet for voters is to go to the polls and register your feelings there, tell people in office that youd think could help move legislation more quickly. The of the issue is that on one hand people feel that congress is there to pass laws and add laws to the books. I think that there are another group of people who feel that congress may be passes too many laws and makes too many changes and that government should get out of the way. Divide is pretty much what the two parties are about. That is part of the reasons part of the reasons the republicans are against the president , they disagree with his move to make changes to our laws without consulting with congress. Remember, we have three branches of government for a reason. They are supposed to moderate each other. Of course, this is frustrating to people who say that they like the president is doing and they are tired of Congress Getting in the way, which is part of the debate we are having right now. To look at an article from the Christian Science monitor. Straight states can expect rationing this summer. Just how big of a deal is this . Guest a very big deal. It is yet another example of halting in the highend construction season. It is not easy to build roads in january and february, so now is the time. For two parties who talk a great deal about jobs, the idea of pulling the plug host arthur is in virginia. Caller i wanted to make a comment on suing the president. He is doing the best he can. I would like to say this. Youve got all of these rich people down there on the border for years. They did nothing. They are looking for cheap labor. They let people work for them for slave wages. Neither the president is trying they shouldve, taken care of this a long time ago. Immigration is such a difficult issue for both sides. Republicans know that if they like they dont care about therespanic population, is a push to come up with something that looks as if you are supporting the law. Youre right about business. Republicans are one business oferests is very in favor more labor. You also have elements in both parties of what is the impact on americans that are here now. They are not as well organized. What about workers were being displaced . It is a very tough issue for both parties. They are thinking about it. You have seen a lot of shuffling within Party Leadership over this question. Some people think that the reason that eric cantor who was viewed as the next speaker and was preparing for his next job, immigration was a big part of his defeat. It was entirely unexpected. It sent shockwaves to the party. I think youre right about that issue. This,let me ask you president obama says he wants to fix immigration or make changes to executive power. Lawsuit, have the which is probably more for show. I dont know what it will accomplish. It will take years before that ever reaches resolution. I think part of the reason the president is moving on executive action is to force republicans to come to the table and talk about legislation. Provide says cant citizenship or allow people to stay. Are you can allow them to not be deported. He can change the deportation communities soe people are not being sent away as quickly. But republicans can do is to win the senate that way they can control the house and senate and the president is in the final an years, they will have immigration plan that is more for a ruled what they want. It would follow by expanded visa program. This would likely have a pathway to citizenship. They feel it they have a less favorable legislation of that weight until the have control the senate. Robert is on the republican line in texas. Caller i enjoy watching cspan. While i was listing a while ago i heard you report the number of executive orders by president. That would leave the impression that president obama has not done a very many executive orders compared to other people. No one ever centers that many of these are for things like declaring a holiday or naming a post office or something of that nature. President obamas executive orders have massive impact. Genuine is disingenuous to report the numbers that way. There have been some very big executive orders. Raising the minimum wage for federal contracts at a time when that is a controversy of issue in congress. Islooks as if the president supporting their will. Commissions, that is going to have a huge impact across the country in places like new england that depend oil for their winter. The difficulty here is there is a big constitutional issue. It doesnt have to be. When the president changed the implementation of obamacare, it flashed to a personal level. You need to say that. What he mightve said was all complicated legislation goes through Something Like this. President bush had the Prescription Drug bill and he had to change the implementation. It becomes personal very quickly and things that would not be much of a problem are. That is where we are right now. We have a question from twitter. Would changing deportation policy create a bigger influx of illegals . That has encouraged the influx that we are seen on the border right now where thousands and some accompanied by parents and some not are flooding the borders. These communities are having a hard time dealing with it. They are coming over the borders and it sounds as though they are encouraged by the idea that if they do it now they will be able to stay. Philosophy that Immigration Reform encourages more people to come and make it more difficult for our workers or our communities to support and areho come here dependent on government services. There are others who say that if we just reformed the system, that would improve people can gain access legally to the country. That would help stop people from coming into the country illegally. It would bring them out of the shadows so to speak. It would make them contributing parts of society. It would make it a Safer Society by knowing who is here. There are arguments on both sides. There are people who believe the executive actions have encouraged people to come here illegally. Host the next caller is in ohio. Caller hello. Your first color made the comment that the republicans have stopped all progress of anything being passed. Susan neglected to say that for the first two years the democrats had the house and they had the senate. They did absolutely nothing in two years. What happened to those first two years . Guest i think the Health Care Reform is a pretty significant legacy. It is hard to think of a president who has established a legacy like that so quickly. It is not as if nothing happened. Capacity to work with congress as a fine art. When i first started covering congress 15 years ago it wasnt to that point yet. The senate is distinctive. You could debate things in the senate. The two bodies look remarkably alike. It is not that difficult to obstruct the bill if you the majority leader of the senate. You just dont allow it on the floor. You dont allow amendments to be discussed. Is so intense at this point that it is possible to say nothing is going to happen in Congress Unless a president ial election happens. Guest i think gail makes an excellent point. There is a bill that everybody wants to see past. It would extend tax breaks for Small Businesses. It is stalled in the senate even though republicans like it. Leader wouldjority not allow amendments to the bill on the floor of the senate. Republican said we like this tax bill and we know businesses are waiting for it. We will hold out. That has serious consequences for our economy. For the republicans in the senate it is about having some right to amend legislation. It is at the point now where items both sides like or not knowing anywhere because of things that are happening. The public cannot figure out what is going on. It is about an amendment process that has gone into the weeds. It has a very serious impact on peoples lives. Of the puzzling things about the political system right now is americans hate the congress. And but when you look at the elections, how many competitive seats are there, even in the house . Only a handful of races that the experts think are at risk. How does that fit . How could it be that most members have a better chance of being hit by a meteor than they do of losing the election. The public really doesnt like what theyre doing. Is on the democrats line in pennsylvania. Caller i have a quick comment. You talk about everything that is important and has an impact on american families. I am one of the longterm unemployed. I want to see this unemployment extension get through. I think top of the list should be the of unemployment being unemployment. I am losing my house. We should get together and assemble and force and protest. You know and what do you think about this extension . This is most important. Guest i am sorry to hear about your heart situation. It is true that the house and senate have been arguing about extending it. About 3 Million People would be eligible right now but are not receiving it. It is an extension of benefits beyond with the state offers. They gives people more of a lifeline beyond that. In this economy where longterm unemployment is the big problem, that wouldproposal extend unemployment insurance. It would not be retroactive to december when a lot of people lost their insurance when it expired. This would extend it. Leader hasrity indicated that he is not willing to take it up at this point. That is disappointing to a lot of people. I can offer some hope by saying that it is a bill is still has a shot. Republicans in the house have suggested that they are open to the idea, they just want to find a decent way to pay to it for it. They dont want to raise taxes. Wouldpossible that they taken up by the end of this year. This is an Election Year. Ome a political weapon. At the moment you are right and it is stalled and frustrating to many people. Host bill is on the republican line in virginia. Caller good morning. I believe that the professional politicians who have been in office for such a long time, they are ruining the country. They seem to be controlled by lobbyists. They have have to run for election they dont get things done. Is thatr aspect of it if you had somebody for eight years and they knew that was all your job was going to be, say thanks for serving your country. I think that would reduce the effects of lobbyists to extent. They know theyre not going to be around forever. I think they would be more focused on getting bills passed. They would be working for the country versus the lobbyists. That is my point. One of the interesting issues with the culture of the congress is the use via timer people would come here and love being a senator and be a senator for a long time. Ted kennedy is an example. Senator byrd is another example. The congress is hard to figure out. It takes a long time to learn the job. It is no accident that they are connected to important legislation. The thing that is useful to think about is who are the lobbyists . Increasingly they are members of congress to leave and become a lobbyist. What if while you are a member of congress you are thinking about how i can become an effective lobbyist and making decisions that are geared toward your next job. A that is very destructive. It is one thing to have a lobbyist come to congress and give information and try to make a case. Personhe thing for the to say they only have four terms and they will be a lobbyist. Are you making decisions in legislation that are pandering to your next employer . Of our guests are gail russel chaddock and susan ferrechio. Next up is idaho. I would like to stay on the line and hear the answer. I am puzzled by what republicans mean by secure the border. We have the fence they wanted. We have more personnel. It is not doing any good. The only way i see to secure the fix the Legal Immigration system so that people dont have weights of 10 years to get here. What are the ideas on how to secure the border short of machinegunning people to try to come across . I think there are arguments to be made that the order could be more secure with Additional Border security, more physicalmbers, barriers to keep people out. Are getting in because it is ready for us. Just porous. Legalizing immigration and making it easier for you to come near for a Guest Worker Program through visa expansion for high and low skilled workers is part of the discussion. Well have fewer people trying to sneak in illegally and become part of the system. Those are the opposing views. One reason youre seeing opposition is the last time we allowed people to come in legally in the 1980s the border was not secured. It did not stop ilLegal Immigration. It didnt have the intended effect. A lot of people are wary of a new conference of land that doesnt really make moves to stop illegals from coming in for whatever reason. That is an intense part of the debate right now. If you think about people here illegally, the image are people crawling over a fence or digging a hundred or something. A lot of people came here illegally and then never left. Discussion during 9 11 was we need some sort of identifier to know who is here and when they leave. That is another concept of securing the border. You put higher sanctions on people who hire people and take incentive tothe come and the incentive to stay. Linda is in jackson, mississippi. Caller i want to remind people the and she was the birth certificate. They would talk about his birth certificate. Host guest i will say that when george bush was president there was a lot of discussion and criticism of him as well. It was pretty intense from the democratic side. I think it had less to do with personality and more to do with politics. The president is very liberal. And theyo Congress Expected him to be a postpartisan president. He came in and republicans were very excited. I had never seen them excited over a democratic president like that. He met with him privately any came out and i talked to them and they said he said we are going to do it my way. I am not negotiate with you. That set the stage for what the next five or six years of turned into. There is a real animosity between the republicans and the president. It has gotten personal. It has gotten unfair. It started with politics. Congressdent came to as a rock star. Everything was excited about them. The negotiations and the compromise never materialized. That is how we led to where we are today. Host what is the status of tax reform and regulations . Economy and jobs, what concept. Chairman advanced is owned tax reform agenda. Its one of those issues that takes a lot of time. Why havent they done anything . One of the things it could be very interesting is if the republicans to take back the senate. They need six seats to do that. A lot of the seeds that are up for grabs are seats in districts that tend to be conservative. It is possible to see something change. If they recalled the house and the senate, tax reform could come through. Then it would become an issue with working with the president. What would be the terms of a veto . It depends on how he response to that. I think about Dwight Eisenhower who came in his first two years with a republicancontrolled congress. He had terrible relationships with them. Joseph mccarthy was there. His ownnvestigating president. It was a disaster. The republicans lost in the next election. The president is now facing a democratic risk and he invited them over to the white house. They talked about what they could do together. They came up with the interstate highway system. That is not an inconsequential legacy. Even with the congress of a Different Party it is something you can pull a legacy out of or in it would require a character transformation on both sides. It is not inconceivable. Everybody knows it is needed for them to work together. Host the republican line in illinois. Caller the democrats need to think about. President e republican can do whatever he wants. That is true. Both sides of argued that republican president s have used a lot of executive actions. Both sides use the executive action to get things done. There is no question about that. You set the tone for trying to circumvent congress, that will continue. I know in the senate they have changed the rules so a disease you to confirm appointees as well as Judicial Branch appointees. Everyone is wondering if republicans take charge of the senate will they hold on to that rule . It starts away the way that the present senate has functioned. It could change the shape of the supreme court. There are questions as to whether these rules changes will continue. Whoever is in power might abuse them. That is a great open question. A lot of us are wondering about that. Guest there is one caveat there. When president obama first came in he pledged to close guantanamo. He did in his first week. It cost 80 million to close it. Unless he wrote a check for that himself he would need congress to agree. There are limits to what a president can do on his own. There is a piece of legislation that includes money taken away from the epa so they are not able to enforce the new regulations that would change the way ceiling fans are made. Thatis an epa regulation the president would like to put in place to executive action. Will block that by taking away funding for it. They have tried to do that in a number of ways. They have done that with health care to a degree. They have tried to put checks on the president s executive action. Congress controls the checkbook michael is on the line for independence. Caller it is a real pleasure to speak with you. Wont burden you with my processes. Here are some conclusions. Abundance ofire an the poor. There is a lot of wisdom in that. I would rather not talk about republicans and democrats. I think it is a fake fight. Just change the names. It doesnt matter. The kneejerkf republican and democrat thing. We fall into automatic conclusions. Lets approach the problem. We want to solve the problem. Heres the way i am going to go out it. There is no stopping it. They have been talking for a number of years about how the country got stolen from them. Philadelphianed to lawyers. Host bring it back to congress. Caller they need to shake off their party affiliations. There are good men and women. Some of them get discouraged and quit. That is a tremendous loss to the congress and the nation and the world. We need more women and good hearts in congress. Interesting. The voterly, population is becoming not republican or not democrat but independent. , thecities and states voting population is majority independent. I think that is the reflection on what you are talking about. You are tired of partisan politics and they went to see congress and government work. Theyre tired of the gridlock. Mentioned in the 7 Approval Rating for congress. That is an example of peoples frustration. Ll they do is argue you mentioned your senators from maine. Olympia snowe retired. Were known as moderates among republicans in the senate. They helped bring about real compromise. They were two that were considered the most likely to compromise. They were very popular at home. There is a real appetite for that type of legislation. What it boils down to is who people elect. These swing elections we have had where we go from the left to haveight, that is why we this huge gulf in congress and nothing gets done. Until they start voting for candidates that are willing to compromise we will see more of the same. Host we will have to leave it there for this segment. Were going to take a quick right. It will discuss the shortage of primary doctors. Moneyekly segment on your will look at your export and import bank. An update from the radio. It is adding a requirement the passengers coming to the u. S. From some airports must turn on devices like cell phones before boarding. It is intended to enhance Aviation Security and a time of increased threats. Devices that wont our up would not be allowed on planes. It they might have to undergo additional screening. Angela merkel is speaking earlier. If a german intelligence employee spied for the united a clearthat would be contradiction of trust between the two allies. Comments oner first a man suspected of spying for foreign intelligence services. Earthquake has hit a wide area of southern mexico and Central America. At least two people are dead in guatemala. Those are some of the latest headlines. You can keep in touch with Current Events using any phone anytime with cease boehner radio on audio now. You can listen to a recap of the days events at 5 00 eastern time. Cspan radio is on audio now. Longdistance and phone charges may apply. The internet content should remain free from regulation from the fcc. As Susan Crawford has said, it is like confusing the conversation for the sidewalk. The fcc has no place regulating content online. They have major the Communications Pathway stays open. We have a regulated phone system. The fcc does not regulate what i say when i call you, but they do make sure that the pathway is open and available and there for everybody to use. It is crucial to think about those platforms are open the way they have been historically. The internet is a network where everybody can communicate. A Small Company can get access to the network and become like google or facebook, a huge business. Its vital that that not change. More opinions on the open internet policy and the speed of web traffic on the communicators on cspan2. Washington journal continues. Joining us is Jane Odonnell. She is the consumer reporter at usa today. Reporting onome the growing need for doctors. There is a shortage and there is projected a much larger shortage in the next few years. It is expected to be about 50,000 primary care physicians to few. The networks of doctors is shrinking. The aging population is the kind of dr. Were supposed we going to. Host why is this this particular group of doctors . Guest it depends on where you live. If you can think about the kinds of doctors they get aid the best specialist get paid much more. They are right above hiv specialist. Primary care is not a profession that a lot of doctors want to go into. Outcry thatot of there needs to be more funding and there shouldve been more funding in the Affordable Care act. Host is a massive number. Have you heard anything from the medical community about how to close that gap . There needs to be more funding for medical residencies. It should be targeted at that. A hospital is going to direct that money when they get the funding toward specialties are going to bring in more money. The physician groups say there needs to be more oversight on how that money is spent and strings on where it goes. As a Jane Odonnell consumer reporter at usa today. Wast one of the key goals to make us all healthier. Among low problems income people is they dont visit a doctor regularly. As a last minute thing. They go to the emergency room. That is extremely costly. Employer wants to cut down on that. The Affordable Care act was to cut down on that. The government has to end up paying for a lot of that care. They have to subsidize that care. If everybody went to a primary care doctor for their annual physical or just when they were itk or for Preventive Care, would keep the cost of health care lower. That is pretty much it. We are trying to get everybody to go to a primary care doctor. They think the emergency room is their primary care doctor. That is going to drive a lot of it. Millions more people have insurance. These people only to find doctors. If youre in a rural area or an urban area like we live them, it can be hard to find. Host jimmy is on the independent line up. Caller i thought this is been discussed years ago. There was always going to be a doctor shortage and a nursing shortage. Now all of a sudden we are worried about the next 10 or 15 years. Ast is the underlying reason to why we have not done more to get doctors and people in the medical fields . Future . They see as the a lot of people are screaming about obamacare and rationed health care. We arethout the aca, headed that way. Like so many things in washington it comes down to funding. It is not that things havent been done. If youre in the medical industry, most people would toue there are more moneys entice people to get into this. There is something called scope of rack this about who can do what in the world of medicine. In some states it is very restrictive on what Nurse Practitioners or physician assistants can do. We are finding that in our doctors offices they are offering Nurse Practitioners to do some of the alternative things like a strep test or vaccinations. People say that is probably ok for some of these more rudimentary things that a doctor does. It we would save the doctors with some years of training for the most serious cases. Those are the two big issues. The people who are in the opinion business to address the other issues. Is from usaest today. If youre in the medical community we have a line. My question is about the educational system. I feel like the educational system is the problem and that is why we dont have enough medical professionals. To go totoo long medical school. I feel it there should be a which medical schools can just focus. Or should be schools set up to focus on medicine and nursing. They can accept more students. Unnecessarymany classes and it costs too much. Guest i was going to talk about the cost. The cost is going up. Anybody who is apparent or putting their kids to school knows that. We are not talking about moneygrubbing professionals only want to be plastic surgeons and make all the money. It is the basic fact that some with 250,000up in student loans. They have to pay them off. It will be much easier if they go into a higher paying area of specialty. It is certainly not my position to address, years in school a doctor should have. It is important to note that Nurse Practitioners can go through far less schooling and perform many of the functions in world areas or urban areas where doctors are not likely to practices much. Host the next color is james on the line for independents. Beler a lot of money should put on research for these family doctors. It seems like all the Good Research is going to specialties. Guest giving the doctors should be doing more research . I dont think hes on the line any longer. Guest there is a lot of research being done right now on how to get more doctors to do this. Theres plenty of research and what these doctors should be done when they are doing it. Im fairly new to covering health care. I am amazed at how many groups there are out there doing it research. It is very heartening. There is a lot of research being done right now. Host can you talk about the impact of the rise in relation on the issue of dr. Shortages . Guest that is the biggest chunk of it. Is a very fast growing society. We will be in medicare. Medicare is very costly for the government to pay for. It is a fact of life that old people go to the doctor more. We need more primary care doctors. Were going to need all of those kinds of doctors. Everybody needs to go to the doctor more often. Whether it is people coming in from other countries or the baby boom generation having children. Is notulation issue prepared to dress. Dan is in pittsburgh in the medical community. Caller ive been practicing for 20 years. I see the main problem being access to care. We need more primary care providers. And Nurse Practitioners are good start. They go into specialties because they are reimbursed at the greater rate. Debt is a huge issue. I think medical school should be free. That would encourage more people to go into primary care. Guest is a good suggestion. I know we will talk about Medicare Fraud. The cost of health care is so high. It is 18 of our economy. I can imagine the medical school become free. Incentivize ways to and make things less expensive, that would happen more quickly. Host how is the government addressing this issue . Guest congresses and around right now. They did ask for more money in their budget this past spring. We will see what happens. They dont always go test for. Theyre asking for money. They want more money for these residencies. There is money being asked for for the National Health Service Corps and for primary training. There is a commission called the workforce commission. Here are budget requests there are things going on right now. It is easy to criticize the government. The critics that i talk to say that they should have askingated they would be more of the primary care workforce. More should have been done a. Schedulede funding is to end next year. Will getomething that 100 doctors to graduate every year. Is a clear from the reporting how likely this request is going . O be honored guest there is so much rhetoric around the Affordable Care act it is hard to say. It is sad to think about what can happen to funding for things like this. To the republican line. I love cspan. Ive been calling the show for 35 years. A lot of doctors are dropping out of medicine because they cant make enough money under obamacare. More businessto leaders appear that can help cut the cost of obamacare or eliminated. Youre having so many primary positions physicians. They cant make enough money. Where working to send it to washington. They worked 11 years to go to school. Guest that is an important point. Medicare reimbursement and what the doctors actually get when a medicare patient shows up gets smaller. Medicaid is very small. He refused to just because it was so offensive. It was such a small amount of by four procedure. Get the high cost of primary care and the low reimbursements under medicare and medicaid. You could see why some of these doctors are dropping out. There are scary things in cosmetic surgery where people are leaving primary care. Theyre going into these unregulated fields just to make money on the side. Pay for these outofpocket. This is scary to think about what will happen if the reimbursements days solo. Host a question from twitter. How would Online Medical practice affect shortage and cost . Guest i think he is referring emedicine. It does show a lot of promise. I think it is more what comes to specialties. There are a number of things of the doctor could do depending on the state laws if you have to see some of the in person. There are laws relating to whether they can prescribe without seeing somebody in person or whether they can diagnose without seeing somebody in person. If there was some sort of medical writer. Online. Ome sort of somebody could be connected to the person without being there. That would help address the shortage. Caller my question is about medicare advantage. They were going to be cutting that 100 160 billion in benefits. Thousands of doctors will leave the program. It is not so much the reimbursement as it is cutting back on the doctors. Room, i wasergency to see a specialist. I chose to come here in my hometown. It was going to take six months to see him. I chose to go where he was. I can who cannot do that see why they go to the emergency room if they have something that cant wait six months. Guest you make several good points. The networks for everybody are shrinking. I talked to doctors as the exchanges were selling insurance toward the end of last year. They did know what networks they were in. Things are changing. You might have to wait a long time. Roomses emergency unless is extremely dire may not see you. They may say no you have to go to a specialist. They are increasingly not being reimbursed unless they are true emergencies. Stopgap measures in all phases to keep people from doing things that are considered costly a necessary and unnecessary. Caller hello. I am a long time listener. My dad was a doctor. I am almost 88 years old. He was a doctor in the days when the last thing you asked was how you are going to pay. Now the first thing you are asked is how youre going to pay. I do remember during world war ii and i cant remember what you call it nurses were given stipends and they were given their education free because there was such a shortage of nurses. My brother was a doctor. Shortenedng was during the war. He could get through medical school. The korean war. A doctor and he went into the air force to be a doctor. If doctors went to medical school and were promised and did work where they that their costs would be eliminated or diminished. We would get doctors who are really doctors and not out to make money. It has become a business. I think that is sad. Guest it is sad. Some doctors tell me it is a fact of life. If they are telling the truth ad i think some of them are can be very difficult to read a medical practice when you have the costs of malpractice insurance and paying a staff when reimbursements are so low they do have to do things. They talk up front about if they are going to be able to pay. There are such high deductibles and copayments. A lot of doctors have to ask before they even say the patient. I dont mean the doctor, i mean the people of the front desk. They ask for the money to satisfy the deductible up front. Otherwise they will wind up with so many unpaid bills that they could go out of business. I can see the point. It does sound like there are high costs on the other end. Host were there areas where this was more acute than others . Guest it is in the more rural areas. Oklahoma,e utah or they are going to have big problems. I was in Eastern Kentucky because there are such Incredible Health care problems. In the area of Eastern Kentucky where i was there was pretty good access to care. There are parts of the state where it can be difficult to find primary care doctors. Healthre a lot of clinics around the country. Reported right is a beginning of the rollout of the Affordable Care act exchanges. There were parts of philadelphia where it might not seem like a Long Distance but if you dont have a car, it can be very difficult to get across town to see a doctor. Next up is jack on the independent line in oklahoma. He is a member of the medical community. Registeredwife is a nurse and i am a paramedic. I declined acceptance into medical school. The cost of tuition was very high. I considered going back and going to medical school. I wont because of the horrors of my Life Experiences a regular basis. That is a large reason you cannot get people to stay or come into the profession. They are demanding and they think my wife is a made. They think the physicians are their licensed gun dealers. They complained constantly. Part of the problem in this country as we have lost our will to just deal with things. People go to the emergency room. People have lost their ability to just deal with it. My dad is the worst. He will go to the doctor for anything. If he has a snotty nose or his finger. If he has a paper cut he has to run to the doctor. I got bit by a copper had and walked back to the house and called a paramedic buddy. If i dont call back in 15 minutes you might want to call an ambulance. Most people would drop in a helicopter to save their lives. Moveon. One of the biggest problems is we have just lost our ability to be strong. I blame that on a generation of people who partied and smoked pot. Guest what do you really think . A couple of things in there. I hope your dad is in listening. Maybe you havarti told him this. You make some good points. The Affordable Care act addressed many of those. Those of us who choose to go to the doctor, i tend to be one of those who waits too long. It ends up being something i could have knit in the bud sooner. It can go both ways. We all have to pay a copay when we show up. Percentage that are not Preventive Care. Those of us go to the emergency room when they have the flu. That is what they want to cut back on because it costs so much money. The caller made the comments in very strong terms but there are a lot of good points in there, and the comments on the cost of people who are either drug addicts looking for Prescription Drugs to satisfy habit have it or the cost of just caring for people with health care is so that they are a big driver of the cost of health care right now. Host i want to ask you about a story in usa today. Tell us all about this. That one of the things the Affordable Care act is trying to do is to try to have the medical community coordinate care. You and i, when we go to different doctors, the goal would be that all of our records are available electronically so if i were on vacation at the beach next week, the doctor could see what prescriptions i am on to address the callers issues. It has largely been addressed. Electronic records will keep us from having the same tests done , it will make sure we dont have prescriptions being filled that might conflict. Unfortunately, however, it makes it easier to commit fraud, and Medicare Fraud is huge. Ive been researching this issue for months and there is a big story that will be in the state, might be tomorrow the in this week, might be tomorrow. If the records are electronic they can frequently make changes all dond paste, like we in documents these days, and put , aething for one patient future patient, that doesnt even exist, or a treatment that hasnt happened that doesnt happen. It facilitates it. There is an audit function on all these kinds of records and these doctors and hospitals are being greatly incentivized 20 billion spent to get them to use these but there is not enough being done, according to critics and Fraud Experts, but not by not requiring this audit function to be on so it is easy to tell where the records mightve been fabricated. It is something we are paying a lot for on both ends. The next up, harvey is on line, independent as well as the medical community. Caller good morning, and thank you for cspan. Years of graduate teaching. Administrator with the largest Public Hospital system in the United States, and they the health andr, hospital corporation. Perhaps we should increase the course of health care, increase reimbursement, make sure there are Training Programs for world. , the best in the at each level of care, all these doctors have the. Est professors a surgeon many years ago told you aarvey, i could make super, super surgeon and you would be able to take out an. Ppendix as good as any of us the question is, will you know when to take it out . And that is the training. We are trying to seek all Different Levels of physicians. Those practitioners, physician s what you are doing is filtering down the quality. Every patient is customdesigned. People must understand this. Host your thoughts . Guest there is a couple of good points there. Any doctor listening would certainly agree that medical reimbursements it would be nice if they went up. I cant imagine that happening too soon, until we can get the cost of health care overall, some of the problems addressed, poor people seeking and getting Preventive Care so that we are not having to spend so much money on the emergency room side. Certainly the training of doctors should continue to be an area of focus. It is something that the Obama Administration is asking for more funding in that area. But i dont think we are going to see more money going to pay doctors until we can get some of the money out of the healthcare expenditures. Maybe according to the Fraud Experts im talking to today, if we can get some of the money out of fraud, there is so much, it is really offensive when you think of it as the taxpayer, how much money is going to people who are not even performing the services or could be complete con artists, frankly. Host our guest is Jayne Odonnell of usa today. Host next up is tall in georgia paul in georgia on the line for independents. Hey, paul, are you with us . Caller yes. Host you are on with the Jayne Odonnell of usa today. Caller i have been disabled for about 6 years, and the doctors are having a hard time trying to manye out ive got so problems and medical conditions, trying to figure out exactly what is wrong with me, how can they fix it. And at the same time i got a wife and a 4 kids. I understand obamacare 10 tax tax you forcare can iming any medical not sure what im trying to say, but i have got medicare, medicaid, but im really concerned about my wife. Problems,t a lot of and im wondering, what if shes got cancer or whatever, got back problems, she has had knee surgery in the past. Because i am ,etting the help and she is not i dont know, i feel like i should do more and i am not able to do more. Guest well, i would certainly hope it sounds like the caller he mentions medicare and medicaid. E is getting disability as far as his wife, if she is , she should be able to buy a plan on the exchange, or if she is not working excuse me, if they are not making enough money for her to to pay for a plan and she is not eligible for medicaid, i dont believe in georgia expanded medicaid, then she should be able to find a Health Clinic somewhere in her area to get the necessary testing done. Up until the Affordable Care act, people like the callers wife could get health care. They would typically be on a sliding scale at these Health Centers. She should have the testing done. It is hard to tell from the caller there was indication there was cancer or whether she may have had and it may have come back, but the necessary testing should be done at a federally qualified Health Center and the caller should probably focus on himself and make sure that his children are getting the Medicaid Program because that is available to children in every state. Ben onclean, virginia, the line for democrats. Caller thank you very much could i appreciate, ms. Odonnell, your responses to the many restaurants touching on many questions touching on death and the difficulty of them fornting changes, such as, example, changing the Fee Structure of school fees come but i would like you to go deeper into funds and incentives. Paying primary care physicians much less, you are going to have fewer people going into the primary care area. Are paying for specialists, for education, that is an extra incentive for them to go into specialization so that they can paid a very large debts incurred in medical school. It seems to me that one thing that could be done is that the , or payments for different types of training. Verse and more money going to pay the costs of the first 3 or 4 years of education for doctors, and people would decide to go into specialization would be required to pick up some of the costs there. Especially if they are getting their primary education for less money or perhaps eventually for free, although that humbly will be attained probably wont be could afford to pay more for the specialization. Could you talk about the incentive to structure and how it might be revised . Guest it sounds like a caller knows it well and probably better than i do. This is not my area of expertise. But what we learned from doing the story last week is that there are not enough incentives. There is too much incentive for hospitals to devote their residency dollars to the higherpaying specialties. It is difficult there are so many good ideas out there and the caller touches on several of them, but getting them past the medical lobby is a powerful one. The specialists probably have. He bulk of that lobbying clout i agree, it sounds perfectly reasonable, what the caller is talking about. But im not in a position to really state my opinion as much as to say that what you are talking about is certainly something that the primary care trade associations would agree with. Host New Hampshire, where ray is on the line for republicans. Caller hi, thanks for taking my call today. I have a couple questions. I see a lot of articles about how assiduous its had romney how massachusetts had romney for quite a while now and they are seeing an increase in the people using Emergency Rooms for sniffles and the flu, nonemergencies. Either it is because they dont have enough i marry care physicians dont have physicians. Y care here in New Hampshire i am seeing small urgent care facilities opening up. About how the major drugstores walgreens, cvs are looking at having small urgent care facilities for the flu, what have you come up you can take your kids there , and would itsick be more of a Nurse Practitioner than a doctor. I dont know if you have looked into that. With thetion, expansion of medicaid, is there a deductible or copay associated with the program . Often will people have to pay something, but not always when it comes to medicaid. But what you bring up, the alternative when it comes to s ornt care facilities or cv the drugstore or whatever it is, the keys to get people out of emergency emergency room, and i have seen the same studies that the caller has about emergency room visits going up. Certainly one of the reasons cited for some of the speculation is that more people have insurance. Some of the people i have talked wouldkentucky, the guys frankly left because they were supposed to be tough coal miners and they did not go unless a limb was falling off, but they them werea lot of laid off or something had been out of work for a long time, or perhaps like the previous callers father, probably retired, and we have people going to the doctor a lot. When you have people who are networking working and suddenly have access to care, yes, they do go to the doctor more often. The key is to get them to go to somebody who is a less expensive provider and sometimes that will be the person who would be a Nurse Practitioner. I think the picture with my story online today shows the Nurse Practitioner at cvs providing care. That is less expensive. You want people to be treated and get the right care if they have a communicable illness like the flu or strep throat. Just dont have them show up at the emergency room. Host our guest is Jayne Odonnell, consumer reporter with usa today. Thank you so much for being with us today. Guest my pleasure. Host our weekly your money segment continues with a look at the Export Import Bank and whether congress should reauthorize it. Lets go to cspan radio for an update. The Associated Press reports that there is a july 20 target eight for a deal over Irans Nuclear program, but diplomats say that talks in vienna are making little headway. 2 diplomats tell the Associated Press that there are still to agreements on the constraints iran would have to accept in an end to sanctions that have been stifling the economy. Washington state issues the first Retail Marijuana licenses today. The stores will be able to conduct business as of tomorrow at 8 00 a. M. An investor in top shelf cannabis says, we are pretty stoked. It comes after washington and colorado voted in 2012 to legalize marijuana for adults over 21. The Education Department announces a new initiative to attract quality teachers to the schools that need them the most, the same day that the president meets with teachers at the white house. The data shows that black and American Indian students are four times as likely as their a schoolrs to go to where more than 20 of teachers are in their first year. Latino students are three times as likely. Lastepartment says it states to come up with new and comprehensive educator equity plans. Cspan will cover any remarks from the president today from his meeting at the white house. Those are the headlines on cspan radio. Internet content were remain free from regulation, especially fccs regulation. Of course we want the conversation to be free and unregulated, and the fcc has no plan to regulate content online. They have always made sure that the communication pathways stay open. We have a regulated phone system least the vestiges of a regulated phone system. They make sure that the pathways open, available, nondiscriminatory, available for everybody to use. It is crucial to think about whether those platforms remain open the way they have historically. Ae internet has grown up as network where anyone can communicate, anyone can get online. A Little Company cannot get access to the network and in some cases be like google and facebook and be a huge is this. Huge business. It is vital that that does not change as the internet evolves. More on the open internet policy and the flow and speed of web traffic, on the communicators, tonight at 8 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan2. Washington journal continues. Host this week our focus is on the Exportimport Bank. Here to breakdown is Robin Harding, u. S. Economics editor at the Financial Times. Thanks for joining us this morning. What is the purpose of the Exportimport Bank . Guest ok, so the Exportimport Bank exists to support u. S. Exports by lending money to people who buy the exports. Say, for example, boeing wanted to sell a 747 jet to saudi arabia. The exportimport would either land or guarantee a loan to the Saudi Airline that is buying that boeing jet. It is a way to finance u. S. Exports. Host the easy question is why cant these money countries get money from their governments . Why is it coming from a loan from the United States . Guest 2 answers to that question. The first is that a lot of countries in the world are not confident about the risks in all of those countries. The Exportimport Bank, because he knows the credit of all these countries, can be comfortable making loans to the different places. That is the original justification for why the Exportimport Bank and similar agencies were created. The reason it exists now is slightly different could other countries have these exportimport on a larger scale than the u. S. You need your own Exportimport Bank so that you can provide competitive financing. Host how much money are we talking about here . Guest the authorization last year was 27 billion. Remember, that is not spending, that is a loan. Host where does that many come from . Guest there are 2 forms of exportimport financing. Either they are a directly from like ansury or insurance company, they give a guarantee and the money would come from a regular commercial bankand the exportimport would say to that commercial bank, we are guaranteeing and you get paid. Host our guest is Robin Harding, discussing the Exportimport Bank and the current fight in congress. Host Robin Harding, if you can, this has gotten rather political lately. Set the stage for us there. Guest ok, it seems that exportimport credit is a strange thing to be having a political fight over, and i think it is, to be honest. The reason we are here is that a group of republicans feel that bank itexportimport does is crony capitalism. It is fairly true that there is a small group of the Big Companies that benefit from these loans in particular, boeing, General Electric, a few big manufacturers like that get most of the credit. Republicans, led by jeb is cronyg, feel this capitalism, government interfering in the economy to benefit some companies and not others. The are saying lets shut Exportimport Bank down, or at least severely restricted. It has to be reauthorized by default or it will shut down. That is why we have it has to be reauthorized by the fall or it will shut down. That is why we have is brewing political tha battle. Hensarling made comments about why the bank shouldnt be reauthorized. [video clip] us it isnk tells essential to u. S. Experts, but 98 of u. S. Exports occur without risking taxpayer dollars again, over 98 . Most of those who take advantage , certainly they could do it without taxpayer support. Even boeing, the banks biggest beneficiary, admit it doesnt and couldd it arrange alternative financing without it. The bank tells us it doesnt cost taxpayers a dime. The Congressional Budget Office respectfully disagrees. It tells us that if the bank were to use a fair value accounting, the accepted accounting method for almost every bank, private company in america, the ledger which 08 net loss to taxpayers in the neighborhood of 200 million the year. Host congressman Jeb Hensarling chairs the House Financial Services committee. What do you make of his comments there . Guest 2 things to reply to their. Mr. Hensarling is basically correct about the economics of the Exportimport Bank. In many ways it doesnt make sense. The reason you need to do it is that other countries are doing it. His argument is along the right lines. He said that only 2 of u. S. Exports benefit. Well, that is correct, but i think you expect that come because you are selling to less obvious places that need a lot of financing and that is not all u. S. Exports. Need exportimport financing to sell a disney movie to japan, for example. It is not a surprise that it is just 2 . The other issue of whether it costs the u. S. Taxpayer money is a slightly, dated one. Is a slightly Court Vacated omplicated one. Host first call is from michigan, where john is on the line for democrats. Caller good morning, cspan. The question i would have at this point is about as guaranteeing loans for corporations to sell products uprseas when they have set theircorporations, hid money to avoid paying taxes, and then we go ahead and guarantee. Oans for them to sell product i think we should take a real close look at these corporations that have been doing this. They are hiding the money and we are guaranteeing loans for them. Thank you. , i think there are maybe 2 Different Things here. Of, there are a lot legitimate questions about the practices of big corporations and what tax law lets them get away with. But it is a bit of a separate issue of whether you want u. S. Companies to be able to sell things overseas. Presumably we want going to be able to sell its jets and employee highly skilled manufacturing workers directly and through its supply chain. It seems to me that if the concerns are about taxation or corporations paying their fair share, it is a different question you need to look at over here from whether xm financing makes sense. Interesting that you were calling on the democratic line there. It shows that the political dividing lines on this question are not quite so clear and perhaps it seems and then perhaps it seems, given that republicans are leading the opposition. Host next on the republican line, jennifer in gaithersburg, maryland. Caller i listened religiously to your show. I appreciated it. With the of loans, what is the ratio being paid back . One of the talking points is that celinda solyndra was not able to pay back. What is the ratio of that and the likelihood that it wont come back . The second question i am a Small Business owner, and anybody on any side of the political line is saying they support Small Business, but at the end of the day does not easy. Does the exportimport considered Small Businesses . I havethe complaints heard is that it goes to major corporations and that tells competition. Competition. If you could answer that, that would be great. Guest 2 great questions. The default rate historically has been very low on the order of 2 , i believe. Solyndra was a Startup Company in a new Industry Trade that is a big risk. Lending money to General Electric yes, you expect to get most of your money back. What you dont know there are probably risks that have never, up yet never come up yet. It is true that a lot of the Exportimport Bank financing is aircraft. There are risks to that sector that could mean there is a risk that money doesnt get paid back in the future. But historically the default rates have been low. On your second question about Small Business, the Exportimport Bank is desperate to help Small Business because they have a mandate from congress to do so. But it is difficult because there is this whole layer of cost you have to go out and find buyers in other countries, and you can tell a Small Business owner how cool it is that you can find a buyer in africa or somewhere. I think they are very keen to do it. They havent historically been terribly successful at it but there are reasons it is quite difficult for them to do that. Host we are talking to Robin Harding of the Financial Times about the Exportimport Bank. Host i want to get back to the point you made earlier does this cost taxpayers money . Guest ok, so there are 2 versions of this. There is accounting which is written into law and the accounting that the congress and the Budget Office does. The first accounting is the one that the Exportimport Bank likes, and that says it makes 1. 4 billion a year for taxpayers. The second set says it costs 200 million a year. How do you reconcile these things . It is basically to do with how bankrisk the exportimport is taking. Basically every year about 1 billion of cash comes in to the treasury from the Exportimport Bank. The question is, if you fairly account for all the risks they are taking, are you actually making profit from this or are you not . It is really, really hard to tell the answer to that because you were talking about small chances that things could go wrong. I looked at both sets of numbers and i dont find either of them very convincing. I would tend to think it is basically a wash. Make or costsnt taxpayers anything. Host reno, nevada, line for independents. Caller what is the standard for interest charged on these loans and how large is the average loan . Thank you. Guest the Interest Rates they charge are basically commercial rates. They will charge a fee and then a markup on treasury rates. I cant tell you precisely what they are because it varies on what you are financing, how long, the risk of the countries you are lending to. It is probably on the cheap side as commercial finance those as part of the requirements of exim, the financing goes to think that the private sector would in finance. Wouldnt of finance. I think most of them are fairly 5ort guarantees 3 to years. There is some longterm financing and it makes sense if it is a power station that has a very long life. You need to finance that over decades. But i think that is fairly small percentage of that. Host arizona on the line for democrats. And robin,d morning, thanks for coming on the show on this very important subject. I was involved in a Small Business many years ago and when i talk about Small Business, the company was about 60 people. We were doing a lot of exporting around the world, and this was a major issue for us to must how do we finance our suppliers to make sure we got our money back from them as opposed to going through a prepaid system, because it was really a challenge for us. Bank andhe exim program to do that and it made a huge difference in our business and we doubled and tripled our exports just because we could offer terms to our customers. We used this guarantee program to really help us there. You are absolutely right that it is ludicrous that the republicans are against the exim bank because everybody because thet uks doing it, because france is doing it. If we lost that and boeing couldnt fly their airplanes, people would go to airbus and by their airplanes because they offer better terms. This is a really, really important subject that people get behindbehind and push these republicans out of the way to extend the program. Advert ell, you are an for the Exportimport Bank. Im sure they are delighted to hear from you. I think you are absolutely right but i would phrase it slightly differently. I dont think it needs to be a leftright issue particularly. I think you can accept, as i said earlier, that in an ideal bank, the exportimport would not exist, and yes, we dont want the government intervening in this particular bit of the economy because we dont think it should be necessary. But the fact is china is doing this on 10 times the scale the u. S. Is doing it. What is going to happen is that chinese exports are going to push u. S. Exports out of their markets. Ultimately, it is even a National Security issue, because the Industrial Base of Companies Like boeing and General Electric is crucial to National Security, and if you are allowing other countries to use this economic up theiruild industrial sector in these very strategic parts of the economy, then ultimately becomes more than just an economic issue. Host i want to talk about the scenario if the bank is not reauthorized. I want to listen to comments from the president of the Exportimport Bank and then get your take. [video clip] we would not make any new loans, we would not support Small Businesses. And we would simply i dont see a reason. I hope time this wouldve not want to liquidate the portfolio, andh implies selling it off at a discount, but let the loans mature twoterm. Liquidation is often used for a failed bank. The only reason we would not be operating is because of a political decision not to reauthorize, not because of the failure of the bank. Host Robin Harding, your take . Guest well, i think the president of the Exportimport Bank is putting the most dire scenario out there, as you would expect. But he is basically right. If the Exportimport Bank wasnt reauthorized, the first thing that would happen is that champagne courts would be airbus as they rub their hands at the opportunity of taking all the export markets in the middle east or south america as they suddenly have no competition for competitors financing on these things. And his comments about Small Businesses being hit first well, i guess Small Businesses would be hit first, but lets be honest, it is the big exporters who would really suffer from it. Host independent line, daniel in herndon, virginia. Caller i have 2 questions. What is the average loan amount . Is there a cap . The second question is regarding military expenditures does the Exportimport Bank have controls to prevent, or is that allowable . Guest your first question about the average loan size i think the average would be quite small , but within that there are some large loans. Again, it costs a lot of money you are talking hundreds of millions to finance a power station or commercial jet. I think it depends slightly on how you cut it. In terms of military controls, i believe it would have to be checked to be certain the Exportimport Bank doesnt finance military equipment. I do believe they have some controls on who they are , financing basically, that is a separate layer. There are other bits of the u. S. Government that say what you can sell and who you can sell it to. Host its interesting, an article that appeared on bluster jour the wall street journals front page this morning. Is what question to you can you tell us about the lobbying efforts and how businesses are weighing in on this issue . Guest so there is a huge lobbying effort and there and it is on both sides, which is another thing on how this is a slightly odd example when you talk about crony capitalism. Something we havent discussed yet is one of the biggest opponents of the Exportimport Bank is Delta Airlines and the u. S. Airline industry. What they say is that the Exportimport Bank is financed from the sale of boeing jets, they aretitors, so using those jets to compete with us on unfair terms. There is a big push from that side to restrict the bank, and it believe delta is the leader of that. Boeing and General Electric have woken up to the fact that this jeb serious battle and hensarling means what he says, and they have mounted a huge lobbying campaign. My inbox is filled up with the regular flood of emails that appear when this is going on. Particularly given that congress in general is quite quiet at the is the marquee battle with lobbyists on both sides. Host how long does commerce have racke how long does congress have to act . Guest september. Host thomas is on the line for democrats. Caller can you hear me ok . Host yes, we can. Caller i hope we continue to finance the Exportimport Bank because competition will help america rather than stifle it. Ant to comment because last week you had a gentleman on their who wrote a book about that was obama blatantly racist and you had no rebuttal and no one to say nothing in defense of the administration or husband obama and i think it was ridiculous or president obama and i think it was ridiculous and you are making yourself comfortable to fox news. Whoever did that come i think you heard your program quite a bit by doing Something Like that. Ed anythingnk it add to the discourse, it didnt help anybody, just spewed a lot of hatred and dislike of the individual author have for the president of the United States. I didnt seeose the program in question but all i can say is that i dont think cspan is much like fox news. To hiserhaps respond points about the Export Import Bank. Guest the gentleman i think was keen to see the Exportimport Bank reauthorized because it strengthens america. Basically correct put it this way, i dont see a way you can get rid of the Exportimport Bank without hurting america. It is more accurately put that way than the other way around. Host diana is on the line for republicans. Caller yes. Host go ahead. Caller can you hear me . Host yes, you are on with Robin Harding. Caller between what the congressman was saying about boeing could afford other financing, they dont really need the importexport bank, and the gentleman saying that they , ild be the big losers, so wonder if you could clarify that. Said going would be the big losers, but it seems that maybe taking the Exportimport Banks out would just create healthier competition between delta and boeing. So, i think to an extent you are correct. It is not like there are not banks out there who are not who would not finance boeing jets to credit worthy airlines. They are an attractive business to the private sector. The trouble is if you have, on the other hand, i European Credit Agency which is sitting there saying we will see what the private sector will give boeing and then cut a bit below that to help ourselves when the sale win the sale. I think mr. Hensarling is correct, there is not a shortage of private capital willing to. Inance these jets it is that private capital is going up against the government determined to win in order for its company will usually lose out. That explains the contradiction here. Host our guest is Robin Harding of the Financial Times. Host next up is al in pennsylvania on the line for republicans. Al, could you turn down your tv. For us so we can hear you better . Caller yes, i will. Host are you with us . Al, go right ahead or i will put you on hold. Caller all right, i am here. Host go ahead, you are on with Robin Harding. Caller from what i am looking at, as far as economics through with the, my problem thertimport bank is that whenere push their push they make these loans to other staytries, etc. , that they away from what i think is the basic economic thing for any country, and that is a strong currency and the low taxes. And from all that i read in the wall street journal, the counseling that seems to take place from the beortimport bank seems to that they recommend a weaker currency and raising of taxes, which i think economically, you know, is that for any country is bad for any country. Dont think the Export Import Bank itself takes a position on issues like the tellcurrency, and i can you that if they did the treasury secretary would be on the phone pretty quickly and they would be in a whole lot of trouble with the white house. More generally, i think i know the point you are making where the point you are making comes from. Another big problem in americas economic relationship, particularly with china, is that in currencyenes markets to force its currency down in other words, to force the dollar up and make its own exports more competitive. The way they do the same thing with export financing they try to win more and more export markets around the world to promote their own industries, to capture these global markets. That is another part of the tension in the Global Economic relationship. When you talk about strong currency, absolutely, a strong currency is a great thing when it refers to reflects a strong economy. When it reflects another country manipulating its currency to force the dollar up some of that is not a good thing, that is a bad thing for the u. S. Economy, it destroys u. S. Jobs, and if anything, i think this administration and previous administrations have been much too cautious about trying to force china to do something about the currency policy. Host sierra vista, arizona, and on the line for democrat ed on the line for democrats. Caller i see the major argument for this exportimport thing being all the countries are doing it so we should be doing it. I want to know, what is the difference between that argument and, like, a lot of countries like germany and stuff have universal health care, and the companies in this country have the cost of health insurance. I have heard many years but that was a major argument for why we medicalet away from the care we have in this country so that we can be competitive with Foreign Countries that have universal health care. And you make a comment on that can you make a comment on that kind of view . Guest i think it is slightly different in this respect. When it comes to export financing, it is direct competition say, europe versus america, only one can win. When it comes to health care, leave aside what the arguments are for singlepayer or anything else, it just affects welfare within the country. So i dont think its the case int u. S. Companies suffer excess relative to european countries. In europe you pay a whole lot of taxes and that is how the Health Care System gets financed. Im not sure it is a competitive issue in that way. Whereas with export financing is headtohead, and the people who say we are not playing this game, we are going home, they are the ones who end up losing out. Officialsrtimport removed over allegations they were receiving kickbacks can you comment on this and whether it is a larger systemic problem within the bank . Guest well, fraud is fraud. Clearly, these matters are under investigation so i dont know if there has been a conclusion. From what we know at the moment, i think it is just a case of it happens in any organization, it happened in any agency, you get corrupt officials, it is a good sign that they are being rooted out. But i think the scrutiny that results from this will no doubt lead to a deeper examination of the Exportimport Bank, and maybe that will uncover something. I have no reason to think it will, but it is clearly unfortunate and never a good thing when you hear about this in a government agency. Host in washington, d. C. , daniel is on the line for republicans. Caller you mentioned that there is a contingent of republicans that want to repeal or not authorize the Exportimport Bank, and i wonder if they have offered any sort of alternative to making sure that u. S. Industry remains competitive with its financing. Guest so there are people who offered alternatives on the republican side and democratic side, and that is probably where we are heading, some kind of compromise. The particular issue which causes a lot of the tension is the aircraft financing, and the divergence between u. S. Airlines like delta and aircraft manufacturers like boeing. I suspect what we will eventually end up with is that it will get reauthorized with some kind of restrictions on the jets biggoing going jets big boeing jets to airlines that compete with u. S. Airlines. It will be difficult to make something that satisfies the crates while still allowing it to do what it does. But given that this is an Election Year and this happens ashley has to happen by september, it is hard to see that people will be shutting the exim bank down this year or even broadening it to a government shutdown, because that is what regrets would do if republicans were not to reauthorize this that is what democrats would do if republicans were not to reauthorize this. In watching these hearings last week, i noticed there was a French National tonomist giving her views congress about how the United States should handle the Exportimport Bank, and she got the year of republicans a great deal, clearly biased. That was my number one question. Number two, what is the tied to labor unions . I see this with the gop, tea party, and i always hear labor unions is the underlying cause. I will take my answer off the air. Thanks, have a good day, everybody. Guest the lady you are referring to works for the Heritage Foundation in washington. I think the point of view that she comes at this from is definitely not a french point of view, it is a Heritage Foundation point of view. I think you can certainly see her as representing the servative the point here conservative viewpoint here, and the Heritage Foundation is one of the organizations that is pushing this campaign against the Exportimport Bank hard. When it comes to unions, they are broadly supportive of the Exportimport Bank, i believe, but on this subject they are in line with the chamber of commerce, the National Association of manufacturers come and this is really not a business v. Labor issue. This is thomas say, the Business World or the corporate world saying we want this because it is good for business versus people on more to the extremes this isics saying that corrupt, crony cap ozone, helping corporations with public crony capitalism, helping corporations who with public support they dont need or deserve. Caller good morning. My question is, there is a lot of Bank Bailouts going on in 2000 and a lot of the money that was used or authorized by Congress Went to european banks. Arent we basically subsidizing the european exim . Notsubsidizing exim subsidizing exim, competing with european exim. It is the case that you subsidize a foreign purchaser in is closehen you to the Company Rather than the thehaser it flows to money rather than the purchaser. I dont think this is really plausibly a case of u. S. Taxpayers subsidizing foreigners , even though the director way it happens looks a bit like that. Host quite a few questions from twitter. Guest well, there is, and most exports are privately financed. 2 points to make. One, again, this one about competing with the subsidies other countries are providing. No u. S. Tank wants to go headtohead with china and say we can provide the cheapest finance because that will not work for a private bank. The second thing is that during the financial crisis, a lot of private trade finance really did try out really did dry up and it was useful to have the exim bank stepped into the gap for a few years. You see this big spike in financing during 2010, 2011, stepping in during the financial crisis. There are fairly good reasons you can have exim finance even when there is private capital. Host another question from twitter. Guest so it is like any other defaulted loan. Ats say, for example, it is loan to an airline in the middle east. You security the loan on the aircraft and you try to get the aircraft to pay the money. You try to pursue them through the courts. It is very similar to any private loan you would be familiar with in any other circumstance in that regard. Gets tossedrm that around a lot tangential to this issue is fair value accounting. Guest it comes back to the issue of does the exim bank cost taxpayers money. Two kinds of accounting you can do. On one hand, we are just looking at the cash going in, cash going out, more cash coming in we have made a profit. Great. The problem is, if it is a loan over 30 years, they generally dont go bad in the first 5 years. They go bad after 10 or 15 years. You try to say what is the fair value now of the potential for losses in the future. It is written into law the kind of accounting the exim has to use. It does not use this fair value accounting, which is what is used in the private sector. The accounting written into law 4 billion athis year. Say, im not totally convinced that the fair value accounting is the right kind of accounting to use for a Public Agency likely exi like the exim bank. It is probably more right than the other version, but not 100 the right way. Host you said you wouldnt prefer fair value accounting. Is there Something Else you think would be more appropriate . Guest it is really, really hard the first thing to say is that it doesnt matter what accounting you use. That comes incash every year that is remitted to treasury wont change. You can change the accounting method and the Exportimport Bank was still say we save 1 billion for treasury. Think that there isnt a right answer to this and the reason there isnt a right answer is you are dealing with risks which are really unknown, impossible to know. What is the risk that a boeing jet you sell now is going to be obsolete and not worth anything in 20 years time . If you know the answers to that you can make a lot of money in the financial sector, but really no one is know the answer really no one does know the answer. Again, my shorthand conclusion is i think the exim bank doesnt cost or make the u. S. Taxpayer any money. Andets a bit of money in, it is really hard to judge how big the risk actually is. Host you mentioned earlier what you think is likely to happen, some form of compromise and alternatives floating around. Can you tell us briefly about those and what the most likely outcome of the debate is . Guest i think it still hasnt coalesced around an answer yet. I think the most likely conclusion is some sort of restriction on financing of widebody jets to motivate passenger jets that going makes the big passenger jets that boeing makes. The dividing line will be to try to make a rule which doesnt let ncompetitive on u terms relative so that the u. S. Airlines dont lose out, but at the same time doesnt uncompetitive relative to airbus. You could put restrictions on the quantity of the financing, restricted the Interest Rates you are allowed to give on the financing, restrict who you are allowed to provide the financing to. Be one of it will these messy congressional compromise is with a few hundred pages of text which tries to thread the needle. Host Robin Harding is the u. S. Economics editor at the Financial Times. Thanks for being with us this morning. Guest thank you for having me. Host join us tomorrow morning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern upheres a we have coming later today. A look at mexicos efforts to boost gas production. Will talk about the recent decision to allow private sector access to the statecontrolled energy market. It that will be live at 1 30 p. M. Eastern time. Congress is back on capitol hill. The summit will eat meet later today. The house will be back this week. It will

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