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Just such a base of knowledge and a really decent guy. Thank you very much. A member of congress . Name a congressman, past or present do you admire. Without question, its tip oneal. Ive always admired Ronald Reagan and tip oneal because he had the ability to work with president reagan and do amazing things. That whole way of business is gone. My hope is should i be so fortunate to be elected is to hopefully go back to those days when tip oneal and Ronald Reagan made things happen in the congress. Thank you. Its time now for closing statements. Prior to the debate and after drawing cards it was determined that mr. Terry would go first. Mr. Terry. I think the reason why im running for congress again is because i want to secure the future for our children and grandchildren. And to do that, we need to do some basic things to make sure that our economy stays strong and that we can be competitive in a global world in a data driven world. The first is realize that we have a real asset in the United States with our energy and we need to be energy independent. Taxes are next. Taxes we absolutely have to reform our tax code. We have to lower it so were competitive with the rest of the world. Then we solve the inversion problems. We dont have to worry about headquarters going overseas. My opponent has raised taxes and fees 12 times. So obviously we have a different in just the last four years. We need to teach the skills necessary so that people earn good middle wage middle income wages. The other is rules and regulations and in my hearings, i hear about the stifling rules on Small Businesses and gallup even says that theres less startups and shut downs in the first time of american history. Obviously weve got to deal with our debt. Ive been hit by my opponent for voting for the republican budget and not voting for the democratic budget. But we are the only budget that said we will balance it within 10 years. I made sure we had a balanced budget amendment. Im still working for that. At least im going to vote for a budget thats going to get us there. Mr. Ashford. Thanks. This has been fun. Thank you, lee for this discussion. Im running for congress because i believe congress has failed the american public. It is so polarized, we cant decide immigration issues and fix the health care bill. We dont have an environmental policy. We need a comprehensive Energy Policy for our country. Its time for a change. Its time to get back to tip oneal. Its time to do things the way they were done 25 years ago. Its time for a change. Here are my promises. Number one, i will never ever vote to shut the government down. I will never asked to be paid if and when the government is shut down. I will always put Real Solutions over political positions. And the day i get elected to congress, i will find 25 friends. I could care less what Political Party anybody is, i would find 25 friends. With 25 friends we will pick priorities and make change. We will decide real issues. We will pledge that politics has to take a back seat to solutions. Thats why im running and i respectfully request your vote. Thank you very much. Thank you both. Thank you. That will have to be the last word. Thanks to both candidates for participating tonight and for your willingness to serve in an elected office. Thanks to our sponsors the world herald and u. N. L. Television. Thanks and thanks especially to you, our viewers and listeners to tuning in. Look for analysis on the debate of omaha. Com as well as in fridays world herald. The debate will be available to watch again in the coming days on omaha. Com. We encourage you to vote in the november 4 election. The issues matter. Good night. The reason virginias 10th Congressional District is between john faust and Barbara Comstock. They are looking to replace frank wolf who is retiring after 17 terms in congress. Here are some of the ads in that race. Barbara comstock wants to make portion illegal, even in cases of rape and interest. They want to overturn roe versus wade. Rightwingted with republicans to require women seeking an abortion to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds. Thats all landed to know. Trash talking politics from john faust. Foustts wages war. Barbara gets results. We discovered that the phone company overcharges by 3 million. I approve this message because congress does not need another right wing. We need somebody to balance the budget. Barbara comstock is a devoted wife, mother, and Public Servant she was elected to the house of delegates where she wrote the law to be project women and children from human traffickers. She gets result. S. Millionsd restore of dollars. She will be a great congressman for all of us. Democrat john faust and republican Barbara Comstock faced each other in a debate. Health care,ed transportation, an Energy Policy. This is an hour. [applause] good to see you again. We will begin with opening statements. Each candidate will have five minutes for opening statements. Timekeepers in the front show the candidates how we will do this. Can you see this . It will look like this. I will let you finish the sentence. When you get to the end i may not stop you in midsentence but try to finish as opposed to a paragraph or chapter, that way there will be no complaints that i have favor of one side or another. We will be at my discretion. Certainly if one of you references or attacks or whatever your opponent, that will be an obvious opportunity for me to get the person referenced an opportunity to speak. Lets begin with opening statements. Five minutes. Governor comstock, you need it you get to go first. Today the real battles we face are not a bottle of left versus right or really the past versus the future and status quo of moving forward. What i love about the district is the opportunity to work for and with the people investing in the future. The people who understand how innovation will restore the American Dream, lift people out of poverty, ease the middleclass burden and get us back on the path to prosperity. Into virginia general assembly, i have worked with so many of you on getting that back on path and getting the job done. My priority that your congressman will be first getting back to work. Repealing and replacing obamacare with patient centered reforms that put you in place with health care. Stopping the sequester cuts that threaten not only our jobs but threaten our National Security. I opponent and i do have different visions for the future. He thinks the answer to many and almost all of our problems is to raise taxes. He is voted raising property taxes year after year. 20 sales tax increase. Medical device taxes. Additional taxes on the sale of a home. Now he says he will hold the line on taxes. Those are a lot of taxes. I get it, we need to ease the burden on hardworking taxpayers. That is why my priorities have always been jobs and the economy. I have had bipartisan successes and results to prove it. That datacenter legislation i know youre familiar world it is helping grow the 21st century jobs. Workplace stability and getting those cars off the road. The research and Development Tax credit that we passed this year that so many of you worked on and the governor signed into lace, we need a permanent at the federal level tax credit and permanent 20 tax reform in washington. It went so far as to attack me personally to say i never have had a real job. Those who know a thing or two about real jobs have now looked at both of us and have endorsed me in the case of the u. S. Chamber of commerce, National Association of Women Business owners, the realtors or credit union, former chairs of the Northern Virginia tech ologies council, former chairman of the chamber in the police. People have supported democrats and republicans alike. I passed legislation reform that is already saving us hundreds of millions of dollars as we move forward on this project. Legislative legislation my opponent opposed. I worked a good offshore drilling in virginia and expanding the approach to Energy Development including the keystone pipeline. With todays increasingly volatile International Situation our Energy Economy is not only about jobs, not only about getting jobs for transportation with offshore drilling but an important and vital Foreign Policy area. I passed legislation cracking down on the growing crime of Human Trafficking and legislation for testing of newborns for congenital Heart Defects so we can save those babies lives early on. Coming from a family of educators i have always focused on education. One of the first things we had to do together that we did here with the chamber was to reverse the cuts the previous democratic governor had made to the Northern Virginia schools. He got rid of the cuts to the schools and got rid of tax increases and balanced the budget. Together we balance the budget every year. Many and washington are cynical. I totally disagree with that. Everything here allows us to get back on the past and make sure everyone can live the dream and the most diverse district. We know we can get back on that path. I can hit the ground on day one that the majority in congress to continue the tradition of my mentor, congressman frank wolf. I ask for your vote on november 4 to continue work with and for you. Thank you very much. [applause] this brings me to something i shouldve said earlier, and that is, please hold your applause. Those of you trying to applaud for him to do so but after that, the most important voice you have in the debate is the loaf you cast on election day. This just takes away from our ability to question candidates and their inability to say where they stand. So if i can ask politely at we not applaud. After the one applause we will be even. Five minutes were opening statements. Thank you. Good afternoon, everyone. It is a real pleasure to be here. I have enjoyed working with the Northern Business Community over the past seven years. Before that as an active member of the Business Community. I look forward to working with you and continue to work with you in serving you as your congressman. I have often been asked why i am running for congress. I have to pause and say to answer that i have to tell you a story. I will tell you about my background and values. Basically i was born in johnstown, pennsylvania. As deal milltown. My dad was a laborer on the railroad. It is a miltown. He could not afford to send me to college. I had to work in a steel mill. I paid for my education. When i was done i got an mba and a law degree in the financing and accounting department. I went to School Full Time at night. I tell you that story so i can tell you why i am running for congress. I have tremendous opportunities. And to ultimately live the American Dream. That is not happening in america today. Not enough opportunity. Education has become too expensive and limited to two few. I believe we have to change that. I believe to do that we have to deal with the congress that is broken. Obviously far too partisan. Holding our country back. We have to make a change. The way to make a change is to send new people to washington. I have served on the their fax board of supervisors on the board of supervisors for seven years. We do them the right way. When i ran into thousand 11 i was the first democrat ever reelected in my district. I carry every single precinct and over 60 of the vote. I hope you agree that demonstrates i have been a leader that works with both parties hum of businesses and the residents to solve problems and to get things done. On the board of supervisors i served as vice chairman on the committee. I balance seven budgets and tough Economic Times by working with fellow Board Members and community. We have tens cut tens of millions of dollars of wasteful spending. I have saved taxpayers millions of dollars by cutting waste and inefficiency. As chairman of the Economic Advisory commission i spent six years working with county staff and dozens of those missed leaders in the Northern Virginia community to expand in the economic environment. Our mission is to improve the business climate. We make accounting more attractive to business and a knowledgebased 21stcentury economy. We do this by supporting Public Schools and Infrastructure Investment like the silver line project. Transit Oriented Development and tysons and the core door. These are things we do. We focus on reviewing and improving the regulatory process. So when i go to congress my priorities will be to get past partisanship and work across the aisle like we do in Fairfax County so we can deal with fiscal challenges and make washington work again. We need a functioning congress to address and solve fiscal challenges and create jobs and opportunities by investing in job creators ike education and infrastructure and research and development. We need to improve education at all levels, including expanding Early Childhood education am a more emphasis on stem subjects and making college more affordable. We need to pass comprehensive Immigration Reform so we can take advantage of everyones challenge and make it easier for highly educated foreigners to come to our country or stay and our country and contribute to our prosperity. Over the next hour you will hear the difference between herself and myself. Im looking forward to the discussion. I hope you will take away from this debate. Tank you very much. Thank you very much. [applause] i will not ask many questions but i will start by asking one. Virginias congressional delegation will take a hit. Jim moran, a senior emma is retiring. Frank wolf, senior republican with Committee Assignments is retiring. Tons of Proven Ability to get things done. Eric cantor was defeated surprisingly in the area. A lot of seniority, knowhow going out the door. One of you will be a freshman member of the house. Which of you is better equipped to at least help in part to offset some of what virginia is losing . Comstock will have the first opportunity to answer first. I have been a senior aide and senior justice official and have been in the private sector as a senior in a law firm i have worked extensively on the issue we have addressed here. When i worked for congressman wells am obviously i worked on so many of the issues important to the district. Dismiss issues him a federal employees issues. I think this is a big part of the Partnership Tom and i think it is very important for there to be a republican voice in the majority advocating for federal employees for federal contractors on a Tech Industry in defense of industry in Northern Virginia and have the bipartisan present. I think it is pretty clear from everything you see out there republicans will be in the majority and i will be a very strong voice and experienced voice and as a legislator lets work with so many of my colleagues in loudoun county, i know the issues and i know the expertise. If i do not have the expertise, then i know i know the experts in all of the areas in the fence in business and Tech Community and health communities. For over 25 years since i have worked for congress i have worked with all of you and i already have the bipartisan success in the legislation that i outlined to be able to hit the ground running on day one and work with my colleagues across the aisle, work with people on getting true results. That is what people want. And all of the bills i just outlined, we had people who were on one side and the other who never worked together on Something Like the Human Trafficking though. We came together and got solutions. Weve put together a coalition working with you in the Business Community. I want you all to be the advocates to take expertise and make sure we do everything right for Northern Virginia. Thank you. Thank you very much. The question is who is going to get something done in washington . Think about what is happening in washington right now. They are not getting the job done. Why is that . Because they are hyper partisan, refuse to come together and Work Together to get rings done. I would put my record as a hardworking, problemsolving supervisor working across the aisle and say that in and of itself demonstrates i can get more done. I also want to point out i will be working with two virginia senators who support my campaign, warner and cain. I also want to point out delicate comstock has a history of extraordinary partisanship. That partisanship is a problem in washington. It is exactly what we have to solve. She made her name by investigating the clintons for four years as a chief investigator for the house reform committee. She has represented he has been a lobbyist to the coke others. These are the type of people we have to get out of washington if were going to solve our problems. I think you can take a minute to respond to that. My opponent did not note any accomplishments he has done on a bipartisan basis. Reminds me of Maggie Thatcher used to say, you want something instead, ask my mail calling, if you want something done, ask me. I have gotten results on a bipartisan basis. When i worked for congress, we had people we had constituents who were wrongly fired who i am very proud we went to bat for because congressman wolf always goes to bat for employees. That is the investigation that we started and they ended up at the end of the day, apologizing to the employees wrongly fired. One of them was prosecuted and exonerated. Im very proud of the work we did to exonerate him and for congress to pay the legal bill back in part for apology. That is work i started doing with congressman wolf at his behalf. Supervisor faust, the Affordable Care act is unpopular with many americans. For Business Owners Health Care Reform has created a great deal of confusion, complexity and cost. Lees tell us if you believe the Health Care Reform law has been a success or failure and what if anything, you would do to improve or repeal it . I would not repeal it. I believe it is a step toward what we need to accomplish in health care. I believe there are a lot of fixes that are required, particularly concerned about the adverse impact of obamacare on costs. We do not want it to be an anchor on creating new jobs and opportunity. One of which we are looking at. This is a board of supervisors. This is the socalled cadillac plan. Anyone in Northern Virginia knows we get punished because we have Higher Health care costs in Northern Virginia than other areas of the United States. Therefore, more of the plans qualify for the cadillac tax mot. We need to rule out medicare to negotiate with pharmaceuticals for reduce drug prices. That would be a huge savings to health care costs. The Veterans Administration can do it. We cannot do a right now under medicare. I am supportive of mark warners proposal to create a copper plant that would create a lower cost and adaptable plan for consumers. What i am not willing to do is to allow health care to be returned to the Insurance Company so they can decide of preexisting condition disqualifies us from getting coverage, so that they can decide we have used too much health care and decide to cancel our policies. So they can raise prices without any control at all. We have to remember how bad the Health Care Mess was before obamacare. We have a situation where it needs fixing that we have to make sure Insurance Companies do not go back to overcharging and taking away our health care. Obamacare clearly has been a failure. The president himself has done over three dozen exemptions saying no, do not let it go forward because it would be that bad. I opponent has acknowledged it is costing is mrs. Moore because that is why the economy is having a tough time because of the cost. We know the premiums we were told were going to go down has actually gone up by thousands of dollars. Your deductibles have also gone up people are finding. When i go around throughout the 10th district and talk to businesses they tell me how they are lowering the work hours of pete old were not give them the plans that used to have. We can have good, patient centered reforms. We can have portability. We can have deductibility, Health Savings accounts. We need to start over not with the washington centered onesizefitsall plan you just heard from my opponents, but a plan that puts the control and money back into your hands. That would include dislike having preexisting conditions dealt with and having kids on the plan. We can keep the good things without destroying the entire system. A question for delegate comstock. Delegate comstock, americas growing debt and deficits. Cutting waste, fraud, and tax abuse is not enough to solve the problem. What are programs would you be willing to cut or eliminate and what federal taxes would you be willing to increase . The problem is not that we have debt. The problem is we are taxing our business is so much, putting so much regulation on the net we are running up those costs, and then we have fewer jobs. Right now, since the 1970s, we have not had such a low Labor Participation rate. When you do not have people in the work lays, you have less money creating jobs, taxpayers, so we need to first and foremost have a growth economy. Thats why that has to be our number one priority, and for six years, weve then waiting. They do not get that that has to be the number one priority. Weve been top for jobs in virginia because that has always be our priority. I talked about cutting taxes so we get more money out there into the private sector. You grow jobs. We get those one in five people on food stamps back to work, and then you are going to save a lot of money on it stamps. People want a job. Then you are going to have money coming in. I think one of the things we did in virginia was we said to our state employees we made them our partners, which i want to do with federal employees. You find savings in your budget, and we will give you a bonus for finding those savings. They not only found enough for 3 bonus, they found enough and federal savings because our federal employees are our best experts who can go in and find the savings, so i want to empower them to find those savings and work with us. Then we can get that growth economy going, get people back to work. In the 90s, we balanced the budget, and we did not have to have drastic cuts. We got growth rolling again. One of the things i want to see it is take that thousand dollars Child Tax Credit and make it 2000 so that families can keep more of their money for raising their kids and have more flexibility with that. I think the growth economy messages will be a big help in getting our deficit down. Thats what we did in the 1990s. Supervisor foust, one minute. Have been working on fiscal challenges for seven years. It is hard to recall how tough it was seven years ago when the Great Depression step, but in the fairfax economy with the General Fund Budget is about 3. 5 billion dollars, we paid 650 million deficit in one year. Were not allowed to have deficit, so we had to figure out how to balance that budget, what could be cut to work with the community, to work with the staff, and we prioritized. I know how to balance budgets. I know how to dig in. Ive done it as audit chair and a supervisor chair. What we cannot do is to allow the republican proposal, the Budget Proposal which you are probably familiar with, to cut infrastructure. This is how republicans are approaching the fiscal challenge. Question for john foust please. After a link the debate, congress added nearly 11 billion to the trust fund, a stopgap amount that avoids insolvency but is expected to only last until next may. Should the Highway Trust Fund go insolvent, it will halt vitally needed transportation here in Northern Virginia. This is a potentially twopart question would you support or oppose raising the gas tax, and if so, if you do oppose raising the gas tax, how would you fund the trust fund . You know, transportation, obviously, is a critical issue in Northern Virginia. Fortunately, our state delegation in a bipartisan way came together with governor mcdonnell and passed the transportation funding bill. Unfortunately, my opponent voted against that transportation bill. It is a game changer in Northern Virginia. We on the federal level there are proposals in Congress Today that avoid the need for increasing the gas tax. Infrastructure banks, bridge act these are the types of opportunities we have to focus on Infrastructure Investment without raising tax. I would support those approaches. I would oppose an increase in the gas tax. I think that again, if we make the right investments in infrastructure and education and research and then get our economy moving, these types of challenges will be behind us. We will be able to move this economy forward. One minute. I think we need to have things like davisbacon repeal or reform so that we can be stretching our transportation dollars further. I do support offshore drilling, and i had a bill that was incorporated, the bill we passed in virginia, and now we have bipartisan support. Senator warner, former senator weds most of our delegation supports offshore drilling. The money from the royalties will be a dedicated stream of money for transportation, so i strongly support that. Thing now with the International Situation. My Competitive Bidding bill that my opponent opposed he talks about 3 million or 4 million he saved he opposed saving hundreds of millions of dollars on this Competitive Bidding bill. If we took that to washington i know the unions oppose it, but if we took that and had Competitive Bidding, we would have more money on all of our Infrastructure Projects instead of what this president and administration are doing right now. They are putting project Labor Agreement union mandates on all of these projects, which are running up the costs, which means you have fewer dollars, ands why the leadership of scott your care to work with us on the competitive eating and all my colleagues with great help in getting that bill passed. Question for delegate comstock. I want to return to the subject of regulation. Given the burden that federal regulations imposed on americas businesses, currently estimated at 2 trillion annually, how would you ensure federal agencies use the best available practices to evaluate the cost of regulations . Also, would you support a requirement that Congress Must approve all regulations which are expected to cost more than 100 Million Dollars annually . Yes, i do support that requirement. I think that is important. This administration has larded on all kinds of regulations on businesses that are hurting our economy and our making job creation difficult every day. Until people tell me what problems they are having, we work with you to try and solve that problem. I do not ask what coalition we can put together. Its the coalition that gets it done. Thats what ive done working with people like we did with the data center regulation, and we need to do that on regulation in washington because this president keeps going in through agencies and putting in all these new regulations. He has killed our coal district, which drives up energy costs. Held up and like the keystone pipeline, which we could move forward on. At every turn, this administration and policies that my opponent supports is killing our economy and stopping it in its tracks. What frustrates me so much is it does not have to be this way. We have seen a different way in virginia. You here in louden do it. They love working because you have a working, businessfriendly environment here. People are coming here from all over the country. We heard that from Northrop Grumman when they came from california. California would not even call them back when they said they were leaving, so they came here. They did not pick maryland the they picked virginia because we are a low regulation, right to work, lowtax state, and we need to be that kind of country if we are going to compete internationally. [applause] thank you very much. Karen, a question for supervisor rebuttal. One minute. My opponent likes to talk about eliminating regulation and dealing with it, but at the Fairfax County board of supervisors us chairman of the economic commission, we do it. We work with Industry Groups. We have staff working with Industry Groups all the time looking at the regulation that is in place, trying to improve it, trying to make it less costly and create a more businessfriendly environment. You can talk about your Business Environment in virginia, but i guarantee you in Fairfax County and Northern Virginia, we have a very businessfriendly environment. My opponent likes to point to things and say that they kill the economy. The reason we attract businesses to Northern Virginia is because we have an excellent educational system. My opponent voted to cut 620 million from support for Public Schools. My opponent voted against the transportation funding bill. If she wants to create jobs, she will have to come over and get on board with what it takes to create jobs. Time. Thank you. The National Labor Relations Boards role as an objective arbiter has been called into question. Lamar alexander introduced a bill last week that would restructure the National Labor Relations Board and evenly balance it between democrats and republicans. Would you support this bill . Or do you feel it is unnecessary . Why . I am not familiar with the bill. I think the National Labor Relations Board plays an important role, and i would be supportive of it continuing to play that role, obviously in a fair and reasonable way. Balanced, but to comment specifically on that bill, im afraid i cannot do that. Delegate comstock, one minute. I strongly support that bill and again, strongly support davisbacon repeal. The board has been out of control over the past six years. Anybody in business knows that. You all see that every day. They are trying to shut down business, and they have totally gone in on the side of unions. Instead of being at their arbiter, they have become an advocate for unions. The Supreme Court recently overturned one of their actions unanimously, meaning every sigel Supreme Court guys said, you are out of control. Thats the National Labor Relations Board. You know how important it is to have someone who understands when an outofcontrol agency is after your business. I am the person in virginia who passed the right to a secret ballot, something that the nlrb current members do not like, but i will fight for to make sure we have secret ballot elections, not just in virginia, which you are entitled to, but in the entire country. Thank you. [applause] thanks. [laughter] i will ask a question next. It has been referenced a couple of times. Delegate comstock, can you explain why you voted against governor mcdonnells Transportation Plan . It was hailed as a onceinalifetime infusion here in a state where transportation problems are significant. A moment ago, your opponent referenced it as a game changer. Can you explain why you voted against the bill . Would you do so again today . I would note something my opponent has not noted that there was bipartisan opposition as well as bipartisan support. I know that this was a difficult issue, and we did all worked together very civilly on it. You know in the Business Community that i did meet and discuss this with you, but i was concerned about a disproportionate tax on Northern Virginia. We got a higher tax than anyone else, and there were also all kinds of additional taxes put on different kinds of businesses here in Northern Virginia. I know it was a tough call, but that was the call i made. Now that has passed, what we do in virginia unlike in washington and what we need to do instead of the namecalling and attacking is we immediately came together and asked how we would make the bill work. An important part of the bill was and we had had previous legislation on this was to focus on conjunction relief and to make sure the money goes to injunction relief come not to things like the arlington trolley thats already getting tens of millions of dollars. Those of us who were concerned about a said this is what would happen. I was told that would never happen. Now you see this going forward. I will work with my state and local colleagues to make sure the money does not go to things like that it comes to places like loudon where we are getting shortchanged on transportation money. All of you who do not support the transportation bill still support me because they know i am the one to get things done. Supervisor foust, one minute. This transportation bill literally is a game changer. My opponent is now apparently taking credit for it after voting against it and wants us to think that she is somehow making this work. Let me tell you that bill helps support dulles rail. Are you willing to be there and take on the challenge and meet the challenge, or are you just going to show up after the fact and cut a written and take the credit . That is unacceptable. Transportation is too important to play political games with in Northern Virginia. We are on the track now because of that transportation bill to solving a significant challenge to our quality of life and to our ability to attract businesses in Northern Virginia. I dont think that was a personal attack. I think that was a characterization. [laughter] you will get to speak in a moment. A question for supervisor foust, please. Changes were made by congress and the number and destination of flights allowed it Reagan National airport. Thats the socalled perimeter rule. The federal Aviation Administration authorization of the bill is expected to come up during the next congress. What will you do to Keep Congress from expanding the perimeter role and allowing more flights to reagan in order to protect Dulles Airport, which is a Major Economic injured for virginia and especially Northern Virginia . I will do everything i can to stop that from happening. Dulles airport is tysons corner, dulles corridor, these are economic engines, but the ultimate economic engine in Northern Virginia is Dulles Airport. As an advocate for Northern Virginias economy, i will do everything i can to ensure that Dulles Airport is a success. Delegate comstock, one minute. I would just like to note that i do support dulles rail and have, and thats why my competitive bill was so helpful at a key time so that the chairman could get the five votes needed to go forward with a rail to loudon. My opponent wrote a letter and said to keep the project Labor Agreement on. I should also note that in 2007, when he ran for office, he opposed dulles rail above ground. One of the first things he did when elected was right a letter to say to stop the project and do it a different way, something that senator kaine and congressman wolf said he wouldve derailed the project altogether. He was hanging out with the labor union guy who was trying to put the project Labor Agreement back on there. That was one of the Game Changers that chairman york and chairman all of a working together with congressman wolf, with our governor to get that forwarded is why we were able to get that project going, and i support it and will continue to work with all of you on it. Robert, a question for delegate comstock. The latest estimates suggest u. S. Companies are losing a staggering 250 billion every year in intellectual property theft to two cyber espionage. A report found that fewer than 40 of students who Enter College intending to major in a science, technology, engineering, and math actually complete a stem degree. What will you do to expand secondary and Higher Education programs focused on careers in stem and thus enhance americas Cyber Security workforce . Thank you. I know you are a leader on Cyber Security, so thank you. We do have more members of the chamber working on National Security and Cyber Security. On the education front, we have been doing that in virginia. We passed a Higher Education bill very much focused on them, and my husband was a map teacher, came to Northern Virginia, Fairfax County, served in the schools for 30 years. I know how important that is. We had amendments in our budget that one of our appropriations members worked with me and with joe made to have money it is Steam Education now because we added arts so they can work with preschool children, and they have programs modeled all across the country on Stem Education,Steam Education, to get that science and technology. My husband has been in the School System for over 30 years. My mom was a teacher her entire life. I come from a family of educators. I think im the only one on stage and had children in the Public Schools. My husband has served them for 30 years. I support School Choice and opportunity for everyone, but we have got to improve our science and technology education. Congressman wolf has carried that out, working with nasa, working with orbital science, working with all of our Great Companies here. I will continue to make sure that education and Stem Education will be a top priority and work with Great Companies here in loudon the do that. And a 21st century knowledge economy, we absolutely have to focus on these types of educational challenges. Stem is something we have been talking about and working with an Fairfax County since ive been on the board. Certainly working with the Community Colleges to ensure the programs are in place, working with george mason to ensure programs are in place. Even more important i think in terms of getting kids started on the right, weve been working with Fairfax County Public Schools, and they have a true significant commitment. Its something i believe in and something that is important. We need to train and creative problemsolving and get away from the standardized memory testing. We can do that and are moving in that direction, and i am very excited about the prospects. Thank you. Getting close to the end. Question for supervisor foust, please. Coal provides 40 of americas electricity. On september 15, the Government Accountability Office Issued a report indicating that 13 of the countrys coal fire Power Capacity would be taken off line. Affordable and abundant energy, particularly electricity, is vital to Northern Virginia and our countrys wellbeing. Do you support or oppose efforts to regulate Greenhouse Gases Greenhouse Gas emissions through the Clean Air Act . I support the effort to regulate Greenhouse Gas emissions through the Clean Air Act. The issue is, obviously, what is the impact going to be. I believe that Climate Change is a significant challenge that we must address. Weve got to get away from the Carbon Emissions that are going into our atmosphere. However, we cannot just get there overnight. We have very good things happening in terms of natural gas and the production being generated in this country that is far less polluting than coal. I think that we need to focus on that. We need to look at the coal fire the carbongenerating coal fire plants and make sure that we are not having to dramatic and impact or having a dramatic impact on ratepayers, and also, we need to be concerned about the economy in areas dealing with things like this. I believe we have to get away from carbon generators as the primary source of energy in this country, and this is one way that needs to be explored to do that. Like the nlrb, the epa is another agency thats out of control. Certainly, our Coal Companies in the state of virginia know that. The policies my opponent discusses are killing our coal industry, and then he is not supporting things like offshore drilling, the keystone pipeline, and other ways we can have more Affordable Energy. The way you get an economy moving is to have Affordable Energy. Our gas prices have gone up. If you are thinking about a single mom out there trying to improve herself, trying to get to school at night, trying to get that better job if we are making her gas cost more every day, making her electricity cost more, she cannot get ahead. We need to have Affordable Energy to have a good economy. That is the all of the above Energy Policy we have done in virginia. Part of that drilling bill was going to go to alternative Energy Research and our universities for you to have the science and Technology Folks in our universities coming up with good new solutions while we use our Natural Resources to make it more affordable economy and better opportunity for all. This is the final question, the 11th question of the debate, so im going to give each candidate two minutes to respond. Delegate comstock, to remain competitive and meet future demands for products and services, many u. S. Businesses need access to scaled and unskilled foreign workers. This is a potentially twopar question. One, do you support copper hints of Immigration Reform, including resolving the status of undocumented workers already contributing to this economy, and second, if not, what specific Immigration Reform proposals would you support . Do you favor implementing those reforms by amending the law through the legislative process or by executive order by the president . I certainly think immigration needs to be done by legislation, not executive order. I think that is very important. First and foremost, we need to stop playing politics with this, secure the borders, and just do it. We know how to do it. Fedex can track packages coming in here all the time. We can track people coming into the country, and we can do that right. We secure our borders. We enforce our laws, and then we do things like passing these is, which i support, which is very good for our economy. I think we need to do a stepbystep process. People need to have trust in the process. So often, when you have these huge, monolith bills, you have all these unexpected consequences. When you can have base hits you all know that in business. When you can go in and just do good base hits and then move that build success to move to the next one, that is what we can do with immigration. We need to have in with the community. We need to have people supporting that, and they have to trust that the system is going to work. We need to have one immigration system for everybody that is fair, equitable, that people who play by the rules get in here, and they do not have to wait long. One of the most beautiful things to do is go to a naturalization ceremony. This is a wonderful process. We are a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws, and we can be both and get that right. We have the technology. Lets use our technology community, and lets get the immigration issue right. Thank you. I think her answer is that no, she does not believe in copperheads of Immigration Reform. I do. I think that the United States Senate Passed a very reasonable bill. I believe the Senate Passed a bill which rest in a comprehensive way that include securing the border. Weve got to do that. But it also provided a way to deal with the flow of millions of undocumented immigrants in the country. It provided ways to help grow the economy. It addressed across the board the challenges we have. The United States senate was able to come together in a bipartisan way and support that bill. It moved over the house, and we cannot get the republicans in the house of representatives to support it. Why . This is one of the Biggest Challenges we have as a nation, and its also one of the biggest opportunities we have as a nation. The workforce we would bring out from under cover of not having papers would make tremendous time now for closing statements. Each candidate will get five minutes. Because of the coin flip, tom, you get to go first. Thank you so much for the opportunity to meet with you today and thank you for the privilege of being able to represent you in house of delegates over the past five years and the privilege of being able to work, start a business, work with the federal government, work with congressman frank wolf always years, and these know as your congresswoman, i will take that experience and knowledge i have gained from working with you on these endeavors for over 25 years and take that to washington. I have that record to discuss here. Im the only one here who has passed legislation and gotten bipartisan results. Weve got to get people back to work and i know how to do that because thats what i spent a career doing. We did they dislike tax reform in the 90s and worked on welfare reform. Welfare of arm is an issue this president has unraveled. We did all of these things to make welfare reforms of people would get back to work and he is unraveling them. We need to put people back in the, highpaying jobs where they get on the ladder to prosperity and advancement . So many people are concerned i hear this so often that their children are not going to have the same kind of life they have. Andarents are here today there were the first of their family to go to college. I started working when i was 14 and paid through college. I had two babies while i was in night school. Kids and did that through law school but we need to reward that American Dream again. Ideas. Very different my opponent has not talked about job reading legislation. Great issue. The jobs of the 21st century dont all have to be in an office. In officeof you not buildings, we want to fill those Office Buildings and make sure those are full but theres no reason the offices cant be closer to you. Goryone doesnt even know to to tyson. We can expand that economy there. I will be working with you here in the is this community as i have over the past 25 years to make sure we get those smart solutions. We dont need to have higher taxes. Every nextre taking dollar, we know we have to find new ways to do things. That is what we did with Competitive Bidding legislation. How can we stretch transportation dollars or other . If we returned our health care, put it back to citizens and say you get to decide what you want in your plan, you get to have a deductible and take it from job to job of thought you are going to have your be existing conditions covered. Your kids can stay on the plan if you want. Without having the onesizefitsall health and Human Services department coming in and telling your as this is what you want to do. So many of you tell me how miserable it is. You have to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on software to adapt to this program and then it turns out you did not work. Whose reimbursing you for that . Nobody. Control, that in your we know you do it better. That is why virginia is tops for jobs. That has been a great way to get the job done. Neede education front we to have more choice and opportunity. The top 100 schools, many are here in this area. Loudoun county was just named the best place in the country to live. 10th district. It is the best ways to work. Its the best place to demonstrate all that modern technology and innovation in all that we can do and that is how we live people out of poverty, get them to work and on that path to the middle class and experience the middle the American Dream my parents experienced when my dad came from afar. I never knew they were poor because my grandmother cap also clean. This is the american will dream we have all lived that we want to for our children. Stopank you very much will supervisor, five minutes for a closing statement. Think you for this opportunity. Delegate comstock continues to say i talk about job creation and i dont talk about legislation that creates jobs. I think all of you in this audience realize what it takes to create jobs in Northern Virginia. Atax credit here and there is thing, but fundamentally what we community that will attract the people with the innovative thought process and want to live somewhere that is transit oriented. A Transportation System thats not dysfunctional and doesnt tell them how to practice medicine. These are the types of things the 21st century that make a difference. I grew up in a steel mill town and there is a plant there. Thats where the jobs were. Today, the jobs come to us because we have a Tremendous Community here that tracks the best and the brightest. We need to make investments in transportation and respect create ae and work to community that attracts those type of people. Get past the partisanship and work across the aisle so we can deal with the challenges and make washing and work again. I demonstrated i can do that. We need a functioning congress to address our fiscal challenges and create job opportunity by creating job opportunities. You need to improve education at all levels, including expanding Early Childhood education, including placing more evidence on Stem Education and especially, lets make college more affordable. Advantage and make it easier for highly education for highly educated foreigners to come and stay in the country and contribute to our prosperity. I hope i have earned your support by demonstrating i have a record of orchid with democrats and republicans to cut waste and balanced budget. I will not accept the status quote in washington. Parties to with both find Practical Solutions will stop elections are about choices. Voters in the 10th district will have a clear choice in november. I believe it will be a choice between my common sense, problem solving record and are brent comstocks extreme right wing on transportation, education, a womens right to make road health care decisions. Stood withtation, i the Northern Virginia Business Community and supported government donalds a partisan transportation funding bill. We were told by the Business Community it was dairy, very important and we stood with you. Theara comstock stood with extreme Tea Party Members in richmond and voted against them. Theducation, i stood with Northern Virginia Business Community. Comstock stood with the extreme right wing republicans in richmond and voted to slash 620 million from some or for Public Schools. Iswomens health care, this an issue that is relevant to our economy. Omen are running businesses they are probably the most dynamic part of our economy at this time. We have a delegate who says if you want ring your business year, leave your choice behind because they are going to have to let the state held them how to make health care decisions. That is not acceptable. I will conclude by saying this has been a tremendous but i want to thank you for everything you do day in and day out. Atee so many of you different events and we are working together. Northern virginia is as successful as it is. Know what party most of you are in, but i do know we are working together to make things happen. Thank you very much. Around the flaws for our candidates. [applause] cspans campaign 2014 coverage continues today with the Iowa Senate Debate between bruce bailey and joni ernst. They are running to replace outgoing senator tom harkin who is retiring after five terms. Watch the debate live at 6 00 eastern here on cspan. Monday night on the communicators a conversation that net neutrality, and the sea and data security. Big data is a tool and can be used well and can be used poorly. Many can come from consumer benefits and will be great new insight. In health care add reaching underserved populations and providinginsight, insight into our difficult to solve rubble. Are the risks from big a that . I think it is true. Previouslye separated pieces of information and assemble them into a profile that may give sensitive insights into a consumer. The question is you have always benefits and you have these risks. What do you do that . Asked monday night at 8 00 on the communicators on cspan2. Severald that lawmakers spoke at the event, including Marlin Stutzman will stop senators ted cruz and rand paul, and minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann. His portion is a little over two hours. This portion is little over two hours. [applause] good morning. Rate to be here with you this morning. I had to see this room so filled is morning. It is going to be a great day. I am excited to be here with you all and i want to thank the Family Research council, tony all the frc action, great and wonderful warriors for the conservative cause. We appreciate what they do not only for us here in washington, fighting the fight in congress but for getting the word out. I was looking at the lineup this morning and its a little intimidating ted cruz, rand paul, michele bachmann, oliver north, i kind of feel like im. Ust a warm out warmup act i think i know it feels like to be a chaperone on a dugger date. What a great family. Josh is a good friend and what a great testimony they have. Because we together want to provide a needed voice in washington for american values. Im from the great state of indiana and first of all, i am a stian [applause] christie, ad to father, a conservative and a republican. So before i entered into politics, i was a hoosier farmer. I grew up on a farm in northeast indiana and learn many lessons in life are my grandfather, andrew, my father, albert will stop working on a family farm is hard work, but i enjoyed it. I never fully understood the values i would learn while cleaning out, newer. God knew i would need that lesson when he sent need to congress. [applause] to brag a little bit about indiana. Good things are happening in indiana. Our economy is growing and we were listed by George Mason University is the third freest date in the nation. It also doesnt hurt that we lived next door to illinois. In illinois, the politician philosophy is quite different. Just like obama, they love big government. Illinois politicians arrange with executors to airy them in chicago because they still want to be politically active after they die. [laughter] r

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