Transcripts For CSPAN US House Of Representatives Special Orders 20161116

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So that is certainly of concern. When mr. Giuliani indicated that mr. Trump should set up some kind of blind trust. When pressed, mr. Giuliani said that trumps unusual situation might call for more flexibility. And that is something we have never seen before. Where there is at least some mixture of government and the using of a Business Structure and more flexibility. And then a new announcement that these individuals that would be involved in the blind trust or running the business now would be called upon to or are being sought, if you will, to have a top secret clearance, which means that the interests of business could be mixed with the security interests of the American People. And i find that quite puzzling. And as a member of concerned about Homeland Security on a number of my committees, i find that of great concern. This is what happens when there is elections maybe with less information than we should have had. So i think it is important to note that protesters are rightly concerned. Certainly theres Additional Information in a recent 60 minute d interview where the came 60 minute d interview where the 60 minutes interview where they were talking about undocumented individuals. Certainly among undocumented individuals are young people called daca which have been given work permits and delays from deportation, who are scholars, who are in college, who are Young High School students, who appropriately, because the system of Legal Immigration that has been presented to this congress any number of times has not been debated or passed. We have not done our job. So weve not passed a system of which those who are unstatused could legally pay fines, stand in line, and do the appropriate thing that i think americans would care for them to do. What we have is a system that is broken. And so in his wisdom, the president of the United States worked to step in the gap where there was no court, there was no law as it comes to these young people, and of course the congress did not act. No answer from that in a 60 minute d interview. Thrast question in a 60 minutes interview. There is a question or point that those who have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, people would be deported. Without any suggestion of how would you pay for it. I think deportation is about 10,000 per person. Also criminal records is a relative question. Is that a misdemeanor, is that a ticket . Is that a young person thats a gang member that could be rehabilitated . And then of course having some way to access citizenship in some appropriate manner. Let it be very clear, none of us want to coddle or to protect anyone that will do us harm here in the United States. That is not in any way the stance that i take. But i do ask the question, is there any thought to these policies, and these policies have now caused great fear and intimidation, which generates thousands of young people and others across america who have taken to the peaceful protests, because they are confused. And the confusion is continuing to grow. In addition, it was said often that this is a powerful country with a wonderful democracy. That democracy means that in the bat ale of campaigns, much is said. Once campaigns are over, then we move on to respect the opponent, loyal opposition, and we move on to ensure that we do and, how punitive should i say, unfair treatment of the individual that lost. We have repeated over and over again, mrs. Clinton, who i think was an excellent candidate for the presidency, as evidenced by the fact that right now the numbers are mounting, shes actually received more than one million votes over the individual that will take up the helm by inauguration in january of 2017. So the popular vote, more americans voted for mrs. Clinton than the person who will be inaugurated. Thats a very hard pill to swallow. And i will speak about the Electoral College. But with that in mind, we also know that there have been many hearings in this congress that have looked at a number of aspects of some of the concerns that have been raised in the battle of the contest. Evidenced ve not any basis for moving forward. That being said, in an inquiry for 60 minutes, regarding mrs. Clinton, kind words were said, of course, and i agree with them, that she proceeded in the appropriate manner to protect the peaceful transfer of government. She reached out to the American People to ask them to work with this new government. She spoke about our values and that we should continue to maintain our values. I thank her for that. And of course she appropriately lled and conceded and that action was called lovely. But when the question was posed about appointing a special prosecutor, rather than performing or speaking in a president ial manner, that wasnt the case. The response was that this action would not be ruled out, some words that were attempting to comfortable said. Here are good comfort said, there are good people. Wrst the response, the election is where is the response, the election is over, i thank mrs. Clinton for her service to the nation and we look forward to haling this nation and working together . Healing this nation and working together . That did not occur. So let me say, let us not discount the pain that my constituents and many others are feeling, because there have been no words that are conciliatory and isil certainly there are no words and certainly there are no words that would seem to respect the loyal opposition, the opponent, only the words that would seem to provoke those who worked so ard on behalf of the other candidate. So, the newspapers are rampant with these examples of what kind of administration will we have. So how did we get here . We got here because of the structure of the Electoral College. Which was in place, as we began this nation. And of course it is established in article 2, section 1 of the u. S. Constitution. The constitution gives each state a number of electers equal to the combined total of its senate membership, two for each state. House of representatives delegation, currently ranging from one to 52. Under the 23rd amendment, the district of columbia is allocated three electricer tos. The Electoral College consists of 53 electers, 535 from other states and three from the district of columbia. None of those individuals should stand in place of the popular vote. But that is the concept that we ed in that earlier point and on november 6, 2012, mr. Trump tweeted that the Electoral College is a disaster for democracy. I think many of us in america totally agree. Most states require that all electoral votes go to the candidate that received the plurality in that state. And so in some sense it is connected to that state. And has some basis to it. It was amended in the 12th amendment, i think that was in 1804, which provides what happens if the Electoral College fails to elect a president or Vice President. Here lies the very crux of the reason why a popular vote should now be the standard. Let me say also that i could not read the minds of our founding fathers. They managed to put a system of democracy that has now lasted for a very, very, very long period of time. They are to be commended. Thises was through the Constitutional Convention that met in philadelphia in 1787. This is an important acknowledgment. And there were a variety of processes upon which they suggested there be a president ial selection. A Committee Formed to work out various details, including the motor election of the president. Instead recommend that the election be decided by a group of people, a portion among the states. I would offer to say that that did not go forward. There were fears of intrigue, if the president was chosen by a small group of men, and at the time, as you well are aware, slaves were not counted as a full person and slaves were in the United States and omen were not allowed to vote. There were other prohibitions against voting. Concerns for the independence of the president if he was elected by the congress was also part of the mix in terms of how you would discern and vote in the Electoral College was being developed. The federalist paper, number 39, james madison, explained the constitution is designed to be a mixture of statebased app populationbased government. Alexander hamilton defended the Electoral College on the grounds that the electers were chosen directly by the people. All of that trying to get it right, i think speaks vols. Vols to the idea of moving orward beyond this idea of the Electoral College and to begin to look at other oppings. So, im going to be asking our committees, in particular the Judiciary Committee, to hold hearings on the Electoral College. I think it is extremely appropriate for the American People to be able to understand the crux of how this works, but more importantly, how this impacts the leadership of this country. Five times a candidate has won the popular vote but not the Electoral College. Andrew jackson in 1824. Samuel tilleden in 1876. We remember that compromise. Grover cleveland in 1888. Al gore in 2000, and certainly Hillary Clinton in 2016. I would suggest that this is an appropriate time to review this. We tried to do an Electoral College review from 1969 to 1971. H. J. Res. 681 proposed a direct election of a president and Vice President requiring a runoff when no candidate received more than 40 of the vote. The resolution did pass the house in 1969, but failed to pass the senate. So, i think it is important that we look at this in a manner that can be reviewed. And there are ways of doing so. A national ere is popular vote, which ill find in just a moment. That has already worked with 13 states tody vice another approach, or which is the popular vote. And to make sure that the bar that we have, that deals with the Electoral College, and bars the count of the popular vote to the extent that one person, one vote, i think has to be reviewed. There has to be a congressional review of this. There is too much at stake and o much emphasis on the right to a vote, that we cannot let americans vote for their president. And i say that, some of the discussionses around the idea of Electoral College was that maybe the voters were not informed enough. Maybe they were not at a level of education that we should ntrust to them the idea of the situation dealing with the popular vote. So i think the issue is that we need to make sure that the one vote, one person counts. We talk about it all the time. And we dont seem to act on it. Lets hold hearings. That is important. Let me quickly go to the aftermath of these elections. That has really disturbed many of us. The Southern Poverty Law Center reports more than 201 incidents of electionrelated harassment and intimidation across the country as of november 11, 5 00 p. M. They range from antiblack to antiwoman to antilgbt incidents. People are hurting. There are many examples of vandalism and epitaphs directed at individuals, oftentimes the types of harassment overlapped and many incidents, though not all, involved direct references to the Trump Campaign. Let me give you some examples. My 12yearold daughter is an africanamerican this is an example from the Southern Poverty Law Center. A boy approached her and said, now that trump is president im going to shoot you and all the blacks i can find. We reported it to the school who followed up with my daughter and the by appropriately. Another this time in college setting, a black female fresh bostona freshman in a white llege, heard a student say, this is their punishment for eight years black people. When she turned to see who said it, the white student laughed. Another one, when i was waiting to cross the street, three men in a truck yelled something inappropriate, one began to chant trump as they drove away. I have a an employee who happens to be hispanic who was coming to work in my own hometown and was told, wetback in a suit, go home. Death to diversity was written on a banner displayed in our library this happened in, i think, colorado. For people to see as well as written on posters across the campus as well as white males going up to women, saying unfortunate things about grabbing unfortunate things. Harassment, today a young latino man in his 20s a coworker of mine, this is from austin, texas, was walking into work as a truck slowed down and two mite when threw a bag of garbage on him and yelled, youre going back to where you came from. There are obviously many such incidents. When asked about this, to his credit, mr. Trump said to stop it. That is not going to be enough. That will not answer the thousands upon thousands of those protesting and the thousands upon thousands of those who are looking for leadership to be able to suggest that we are in fact a nation that represents all people. Now, it is the prerogative of the person who has gotten elected and who will be honored to serve as president of the United States, it will be their privilege to select persons that will lead. We do know that theres discussion about an individual for the secretary of state, an i choose to cite this as an individual, who is now possibly being looked at for the many conflicts of interest they will have. This is the highest office in the land. There must be a responsible ordering of those who are actually able to do the job. It is fortunate reward your friends, but these are important governmental positions. That will either be the face, the secretary of state, of the United States internationally, or the attorney general, will be the chief Law Enforcement officer, or in the white house staff will likewise be the face of the president of the United States. And in the last week, an individual has now been selected who was in the campaign as chief strategist. That is the face of the white house. That has given a signal to white supremists that they will be represented at the highest levels. T is clearly documented of the kinds of actions that this individual has been engaged in. The exwife indicated in a Court Decision that he didnt want girls the girls going to school with jews he said he doesnt like jews. Heading up a periodical that deals with the altright movement which has been known to deal with skin heads and various issues that are just completely untoward in a country that is 21st century and that is diverse. So i believe that, having joined my colleagues and asked for recourse reconsideration, you have the right to choose your cabinet. You have the right to choose your various aides that you will have, but i dont believe in this nation that you have the right to deal with this question these issues where people feel divided. There is a picture here, we know that there is the burning of a church. This is a church, this is the Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in greenwell, mississippi, that has written on the outside of this sacred place, and i began my message, or my statement on the floor with a word from psalms, and here is written, vote trump. Now we know that there are people that may want to provoke or not provoke, but what i think is important is that one candidate get more of the popular vote wem need to review the Electoral College. Out of this election has come great concerns from the words that have been offered during the campaign that cannot be pulled back. D the words that cannot be pulled back now have generated not only actions, by individuals not in the government, children being malign and attacked, individuals being attack thobed street, people feel frightened. Churches being burned, which we passed a law some years back out it is a federal crime to burn a church. And then to have an individual who has been associated with the kind of prop began tad propaganda that in essence is discriminatory against us, against women, his pan igs, certainly people who have differences and certainly we have seen the potential of the k. K. K. Marching in north carolina, been denounced by the republican and Democratic State party chair in north carolina, and we thank them for that. 10 what does that mean for all of us . We have work to do. E have work to do. If we are to keep our democracy, ere must be one commandment, thou shall not ration justice. We have criminal reform to teal. With we have to address the individuals incarcerated unfairly, we must give them a second chance. This is not myself speaking, this is religious groups speak, republicans and democrats speaking about the importance of criminal justice reform. We have not heard any discussion on that but we do know theres been over 200 hateful acts in the election aftermath. That is a problem. We also know that the Electoral College has now again selected an individual that did not get the most votes from the American People. And so i would offer to say that among the work that we have to do, working to rebuild america and put america first, i certainly join in that. We have some healing to do. And we should be doing this in a corrective manner. We should be doing our job and looking at some of the constitutional fractures that occurred. T me close on one last point that i want to make sure that as i speak that i offer Great Respect for the individuals who this ffered to serve in government. But i would be remiss if i did not cite a shocking episode that occurred on october 28, 2016, in the midst of the president ial election. And its important for the American People to know whether they agree or december agree, my colleagues there lies another opportunity for an investigation. Because there is no more storied an agency in Law Enforcement than the f. B. I. I have the greatest respect, i have worked with them as a young lawyer, as a staffer, in this body, i have been on a committee thats worked with the f. B. I. What was that committee . I served on the committee as a staffer to investigate the asas nation of dr. Martin luther king and john f. Kennedy when we opened et again, where chairman gonzalez, chairman stokes served as chairpersons of that committee. D we worked with thenf. B. I. Agents who were willing to provide information on how things happened during that time frame. Weve always looked to them to investigation and to be the arm of investigation to find the truth. But no protocol ever suggested that any announcement about an unknowing situation, unrelated to anything, could be announced and blatantly interfere in a president ial election. We must find out why that determination was made, what leaks were forthcoming, many have written to determine that that is the case. Ad so i am looking forward to thorough investigation in the altering of the Campaign Landscape that occurred historically on october 28, 2016, and it did have a damaging, drastic impact. Statistically in a one to twopoint measure. That was an impact that was not the making of the American People, it was not something that was life of death. Life or death. And factually the ultimate determination is that the announcement was irrelevant. It had nothing to do or did not generate any new information on the particular incident that was being addressed at that time. So i came to the floor today because i believe that we should not let things fester. We in the congress can be fact finders in an even handed and unbiased way. Our Judiciary Committee set up a hearing, not a hearing but a task force, dealing with overregulation. Weve done it on teant trust, done it on criminal justice. Right now the constitution is being challenged. And aspects of the constitution, Electoral College, is being challenged. The interference of a democratic process of the election occurred. No matter what good intentions were behind it. So the American People deserve many a fact finding situation, not in any way a targeting, not in any way a finger point, but a pure fact finding. This has to be corrected. And those who are charged with the responsibility of serving this nation must do it in the context in which they do it. Investigations go on until you find the resolve of that investigation and the prosecutor, the attorney general makes the announcement that they will proceed to prosecute or they may not proceed to prosecution. So i am very grateful to live in a nation that cherishes the constitution, cherishes our bill of rights and i beg that we appreciate those who have sought to protest and we appreciate those who have voted. Because it is a process of democracy. And i will accept that. But i will also say that the voices of those who are being raised should be heard and we as fact finders should do our job. Thank you and i yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. Does the gentlewoman move to adjourn . Ms. Jackson lee i move at this time to adjourn. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the motion to adjourn. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The motion is adopted. Accordingly, the house stands adjourned until 10 00 a. M. Steve latourette died over the summer. Yesterday members of Congress Paid tribute to their former colleague. Before chabot. I ask that members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous remarks. I rise this evening to honor our colleague, our late colleague, steve latour et, who served in this body for 18 years and who sadly passed away after a here hoic battle of pancreatic cancer. Steve will be missed. Steve and i were elected to congress together in 1994 as part of the republican revolution or so it was called in those days. The year of the contract with america. We were two of the four republicans from ohio who were first elected that year, the other two. Steve and i worked here together for 16 years and over that time, we became good friends. While steve was an esteemed colleague and respected by both sides of the aisle, i will remember him as one of those people who was a great person on a human level. He had a gregarious personality and wry sense of humor and he shared it with us og both sides of the aisle. We are a better institution because steve served amongst us and he will be greatly missed and long remembered. Steve latour et had the endearing ability to take his job and responsibilities. While at the same time, poking fun at himself. Perhaps most importantly, i think steve will be remembered because of how much he believed in bipartisanship. He truly did not care which party you belonged to, if you had a good idea he would support it. And he would get in the trenches with you and fight to get that act enacted into the law. The lack of bipartisan that affected his decision to retire back in 2012 in his parting speech on this floor and he id, for a long time, words like compromise have been considered dirty words. The art of being a legislator is finding common ground. When members paid tribute the plain dealer reported that steve joked that it was fitting that bipartisanship would only break out when he had decided to leave. I hope that steve is looking down on us this evening so he will know that he is truly brought us together in a bipartisan manner because we have a number of our colleagues who would like to speak in his memory and in his honor and i hope we make steve proud when he sees the bipartisan taking place and maybe, just maybe, we could bring this bipartisan spirit with us into the next congress. We could use it, considering the challenges that this institution and we as a nation faced after a very divisive election where about half of the people were he can static and half of the people are depressed. Its a time to come together. Its going to be tougher to come together but we could keep in mind what he would have said and brought us together. We need to get together in a bipartisan manner and remembering steve and this tribute. Latourette they are evening. And i will at this point yield to other members and i reserve. Mr. Chabot i yield to the gentlelady from ohio, the longest serving member from the ohio delegation, marcy kaptur at this time. Ms. Kaptur thank you very much, congressman chabot. Its a pleasure to be with you this evening and to pay tribute to a wonderful, wonderful turet from stevela great latourette from the of ohio. New depth of feverish part is andship were reached and i rise to pay tribute and friend, ohio congressman Steve Latourette. He was a lawyers lawyer who is very intelligent and very effective lawmake iran he remained a loyal republican but at the same time, he exemplified as congressman chabot said, the compromise and negotiation for the sake of the republic and American People. And he built alliances with house members of all stripes in pursuit of the common good and conducted himself with a warm smile and witty manner throughout and he had a good word. I remember how he looked at you from above his glasses when he would get out of a committee meeting. It was an horn and privilege to serve with so many years in the same ohio delegation as steve. He exhibited so much love for our state and endeavored to help all of the people of ohio. He was not just a representative for the 19th and then 14th district of ohio, but representative for all of ohio, as he effectively worked on our appropriations committee. Has my honest passion been to focus on the Great Lakes Region and brought us to together to promote investments in the largest ecowater system. 95 of our nations fresh water and serving over 30 million americans, 1. 5 million jobs and 62 billion in wages is generated each year. Steemb understood the importance of the great lakes to the region and our nation because he came from Northern Ohio and it was a real pleasure to champion our great lakes issues. I recall in 2005, following cuts o the pentagons budget, 1,200 jobs in the Accounting Service building were to be cut and shipped out to indianapolis. Teve was able not only tom lobby but he secured an expansion by over 600 jobs the following year. Many of those employees are now my constituents and i know they retain as i do, a deep gratitude for steves intervention and put the same type of efforts into so ny projects, the port of chiefland and so much more. He hased ideals and goals and the wider context, putting the public context to get things done. The list is extensive. He was one of seven republicans to vote against stripping of National Public radio. He had courage. He advocated for mixed approach torp deficit reduction. He blocked legislation aimed of worker pro text. The list goes on. He was a loyal republican, but he represented his region. Yet, steve was critical about the stark political divide now found in the house and the tone in which that debate is conducted. I was filled wirp regret and sadness to secretary reelection in 2012 because of his ronan i quote, he reached the conclusion that the atmosphere in the house no longer encourages the finding of common ground. His comments remain resson nant today. If they knt enforce in which representativela turt was to concern how can we expect to protect the people. As a s death must serve call to recall americas promises and what purpose we serve in this great house. When steve passed away, a light was extinct issued. We embark, let us do to rekindle that fire in his memory. And i thank congressman chabot for arraigning the time and in tribute to our dear friend steembla turt. Steembla turt. Mr. Chabot she is right. He was right. He did work in a bipartisan way. And thats one of the things well all remember him for much more than anything else. And i would like to yield to the gentleman who took steves place and now the current member who represents the 14th district of ohio and that is david joyce. Thank you very much for the opportunity to be here, congressman shah got, its a pleasure to see in the gallery tonight his loving family, his beautiful wife jennifer, emma, henry, and for those who are at home, sara, sam, and the twins, you need to know one thing very clearly your father loved you very much. I had the pleasure of first meeting your father in 1988. I was appointed prosecutor in the county, he was running for election in lake county. His favorite saying was no muss, no fuss. Dont worry about this, daviddy, we got this. We worked together davy, we got this. We worked together for many years. Ill tell you a few thing, ill be brief. Your father cared he cared deeply about you, he cared about his friends and family. Whenever youd run into him hed ask about your family and kids. If he knew someone was ill, hed ask about them he cared about people first, the job came later. He was somebody you could always count on. If he gave you his word, it was money in the bank. The beauty of it at that Bank New York matter what was going on in his life he made you feel he was the you were the only one there. Your issues were so important to him. He was competitive. Whether it was in the courtroom or in the halls of congress, he was one who would fight for you day in and day out he cared deeply about his country and wanted on the best for it, thats why he fought for it. But remember one thing. When it came to softball, your father was something else. We have our annual summer prosecutor softball game and his team was unfortunately defeated two years in a row. He made it part of his hiring practice that anybody coming into the Prosecutors Office had to excel as a softball player because hes not going to let a loss like that occur a third year in a row on bhf of his beloved lake county. I know you have many fond mem res of him, i did too. I think the most important part is to remember how much he loved his country and that he was one person you could truly call a legislative gentleman and scholar. Thank you. Reclaiming my time, id like to yield to the gentleman from tennessee mr. Chabot we claiming my time, id like to gentleman to the gentleman from tennessee as much time as he may consume. We are here to pay tribute to an amazing man. I was at the memorial service. There was almost an equal number of republican members and democratic members. That is indeed rare and its sad that its rare in this day and age. We all respected, admired, and loved Steve Latourette. He was a great member. 18 years of service is a good, long time. And he did wonderful things, im sure for ohio. We heard from marcy kaptur about many of the projects he was involved with. I wanted to reflect for a moment on a project that i think could have and should have benefited the entire United States. Mr. Cooper it was a huge lost opportunity. But he put body and soul into it in 2012, which turned out to be his last year in congress. Back then there was a commission, a Bipartisan Commission appointed by president obama, headed up by republican senator Allan Simpson of wyoming, and also by the former Clinton White house chief of staff, erste kin bowles. It was called the simpsonbowles commission. It was tasked with finding a bipartisan solution to our nations debt and deficit problems. Back then , in 2012, we thought the debt was astronomical. It was 15. 6 trillion. 15. 6 trillion. 19. 6 r years later, trillion. Four trillion dollars higher. Four trillion dollars of extra burden on future generations, including steves own children. And the irony of the simpsonbowles package, it was about a 4 trillion pack took reduce our debt by 4 trillion. Steve had the courage to engineer a plan to bring et to the house floor. We got it to the house floor. We had, according to steves estimate, almost 100 commitments for support. We didnt expect to win but we thought wed put up a good showing. And when the votes were counted, we had a whopping 38 members who were willing to stand up for bipartisan debt and deficit reduction. 38 members out of a body of 435. Im not faulting people who didnt vote for it that day, who reneged on their commitment to steve. I am proud of those, sometimes called the brave 38, that stood by that commitment. Because there was plenty in that bill to hate. Its easy to criticize. It is hard to perform. Steve latourette was a rare member who was interested in being brave to help his country and he was willing to sacrifice to do it. I admire that. I admire that because it takes courage and i admire that because it is increasingly rare. Too many members are only looking to be popular and perpetuate their career instead f putting their country first. Steve latourette put his country first. I hope that people will learn from his example. I hope theyll follow his example. I hope theyll do it in the wonderful, humorous style that he had. Where he could be serious as all get out but also have that twinkle in his eye. He made friends , he made alliances, but he also built a bridge to the future for us all. Its not too late to Pay Attention to deficit reduction. Sadly, it was largely ignored in this most recent president ial campaign by both candidates but there are plans five and e our debt 10 trillion dollars worse than it is today. Were not going in the direction of simpsonbowles or cooperlatourette, which is what the legislation was called, we seem to be going in the opposite direction. I dont want interest on the federal debt to be the largest grow, Fastest Growing new federal program. Thats the way its headed especially if Interest Rates pick up. Weve got a lot of work to do in this body. The next congress has to tackle these problems this esteve la due ret problems he was not willing to duck. I hope this coming congress will not duck them. He was a brave men and a good man. We need to learn from his example. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. Reclaiming my time id now like to yield to a gentleman who probably knew steve as well as any other member in the house did and was as close a friend of steves, i think, as anybody here, pat tiberi. Mr. Tiberi thank you, steve. Ran into a guy back during the campaign in my district who was a prosecutor when Steve Latourette was a prosecutor he called him a prosecutors prosecutor. Guess i shouldnt be surprised because when Steve Latourette six o this congress, years before i came, he became a legislators legislator. And to henry and emma and to his chern at home, that corner back there became steves corner. It was a corner that we spent a lot of time in. Two of the people who spent a lot of time in that corn we are your dad, mike simpson, congressman from idaho, and frank lobiondo, congressman from new jersey, apologize they couldnt be here tonight but wanted me to tell you, they miss him dearly vust just as you do. So at the memorial, part of what im going to say, i said, but i want to say it again. Steve was a unique guy. And not a guy that i would have thought that i would have become friends with. Because he was a university of michigan guy. And im an ohio state guy. But despite that, we did become friends. Not only did we become friends, my daughters had tremendous amount of respect for him. So when i asked them, after steve passed, to give me a word or a phrase that reminded them of steve, they came up with these four words. Or four sayings. One said funny. Steve could be brutally funny with a wicked sense of humor. Another said kind. Another said nice man. And finally, the fourth said, christ like. I laughed at that inside because i knew steve would laugh at that. But then i looked up christ like and i got words that fit steve to a tee. Gentle, kind, unselfish, generous, it was really amaze an amazing thing that i never thought of, that one of my daughters could see in a guy whose words have been described by our colleagues who loved him, loved him dearly because his heart was always in the right spot, of trying to get things done, no matter who it came from or whose idea it was, steve was always about helping the little guy, as marcy kaptur, congresswoman from ohio state, he not only saved jobs in cleveland, he added to them. He helped lake erie, passionate about it. He was passionate about helping his constituents. Whether it was repairing a bridge or building a road, transportation and infrastructure issues were just amazingly important to him but he became an expert in the field. Whether it be something about railroad or an airport, sea port, steve knew it. Trucking, he was on it. I miss steve back in that corner. He was an amazing counselor and friend. He was a mentor. One of y daughter said, and yes, st, kindest, nicest and most christlike human beings i ever met. Take comfort in knowing that the world is a better place because your tad. I yield back. Mr. Chabot feather thank you very much. Reclaiming my time, id like to yield to the gentleman from the sixth district of ohio, ongressman bill johnson. Mr. Jnk i, too, want to mr. Johnson i, too, want to thank my colleague, steve chabot, for putting this on tonight and giving us an tuvent to pay tribute to one of the finest human beings that i personally ever met. , had no cted in 2010 background in public service. I had no idea what i was getting myself into. So much to learn. And so little time to learn it in. Fortunately, for me fortunately for me, Steve Latourette was in our ohio dell gation. It didnt take me long to figure out that if you had a uestion on anything, Steve Latourette was the guy to go to. Whether it was a legislative issue or a procedural issue or a political issue, steve was a wealth of knowledge and always willing to take time out of his personal schedule to sit down and have a conversation with you. I dont think i ever met anyone while i served with steve for two terms that didnt call steve a friend, whether that was on the republican side of the aisle or the democrat side of the aisle. Teve had the uncanny ability smile that smile and to brush away all the dust of confusion and get to the core of the matter, and when you walked away from a conversation with steve you thought, why idnt i think of that . I so much appreciated his guidance, his mentorship, his friendship. Expertise and he the professionalism of the man by watching him work. But the thing that impressed me ost about Steve Latourette was the heart of the man. Because i saw him with his family. I saw the way he treated his wife and his children. And there was no mistaking that whatever was swirling around the house, you knew where steves priorities were. Steves priorities were at home. And i will always remember steve for that. People call him colleague,. Eople call him former member jennifer, im just proud to call him friend. God bless you and the family and thanks so much for letting me share a few moments. I yield back. Mr. Chabot thank you very much. The gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Reclaiming my time. Id now like to yield such time as she might consume to the gentlelady from north carolina, virginia foxx. Ms. Foxx thank you, representative chabot. For organizing this special order tonight. So that we could pay tribute to our colleague, Steve Latourette. Jennifer, i hope that you and the children are being comforted by the words that you are hearing here tonight. I want to associate myself with all the comments that ive been able to hear tonight about steve. He truly was a dedicated Public Servant and a champion for his constituents in ohio for 18 years. As we mourn the loss of steve, we remember a representative who stood for what is right and who fought on behalf of what makes America Great. I had the privilege of standing in the back corner a lot of times with steve and i can quick y testify to his witteds wickedness, his sense of humor, and also his ability to discern the heart of the matter, as has been mentioned here. I learned a great deal from steve by listening to him. He was a man of great principle. And as i thought tonight about coming here and sharing a few comments, to pay tribute to , eve, the poem by john dunn for whom the bell tolls kept coming back to me. And so im going to share that poem tonight because i do think that it epitomizes how we should think about steve and his presence here and his absence. No man is an island. Entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a claude be washed away by the sea, europe is the less. As well as if a promentory were. As well as if a manner of thy friends or of thine were. Any mans death diminishes me. Because i am involved in man kind. And therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee. We are all diminished by the loss of steve, but we are all the better for having known him. And i feel very blessed to have known and worked with him. God bless you, jennifer, and your family. Clerks leadership elections today also for the house obligations. Leaders held a briefing this morning ahead of those elections and talked about the next congress and then held a briefing after. After a reelection of many of the members of the 114th congress, we will show you both of those briefings now. Speaker ryan all right, everyone. Welcome to the dawn of a new unified republican government. Feels really good to say that, actually. This will be a government focused on turning president elect trumps victory into Real Progress for the American People. Our team is very excited and we cannot wait to get to work. At the same time, we recognize the task ahead of us is enormous. If were going to put our country back on the right track, we have got to be bold and we have to go big. This country is expecting absolutely no less. In the days and weeks ahead well be working very closely with the president elect and his Transition Team to lay out our ambitious path for 2017. That team of course is led by Vice President elect mike pence and includes several of our own members. Were working hand in glove from the start. We want to make sure that we hit the ground running in january so we can deliver on the new president s agenda. A better way, better days lie ahead for our country. Mr. Mccarthy a lot of new faces here. What a difference one week makes. And in doing so as the speaker talked about were working very closely with president elect trump and president Vice President elect mike pence. And part of that is how we move forward. How we accomplish the promises made. And the American Public expects it to happen. Yesterday all the Committee Chairs and myself sent a letter to all the Government Agencies requesting that no new regulations be moved forward. This is not a new request. This request actually happened when barack obama won rahm emanuel sent the same letter. Its now time to change the tide to get the economy moving, to get a Health Care Plan that actually works, and get america back on the right track. Mr. Scalise we got these hats at conference today. Its not just a great slogan, but inside the tag you see made in the u. S. A. There are going to be a lot more things made in the u. S. A. When this new administration comes n we have been talking to president elect trump, to Vice President elect pence, and what an exciting opportunity. That the American People have given us to work and go do the things that are necessary to get our country back on track. Well continue working in the weeks ahead to lay out and plan the first 100 days and the months after that will be so critical to moving this country forward again. Rebuilding the middle class that spoke out so loudly. Finally getting our economy and country back on track. Its an exciting time. We know there is a lot of work ahead. But thats why we ran for congress. Is to have a moment like this where we can go big and go bold and pass the conservative solutions that will get our country back on track. Mrs. Mcmorris rodgers this opportunity the people have entrusted with us to advocate and lead on their behalf is truly humbling, but it isnt a time for victory laps or pat ourselves on the back. Its a time to turn this victory into Real Progress for the American People. Its a time to think big, to reimagine this government and to return the peoples voice to the center of it. Because there is too many people all across this country that feel like they are doing all the right things. They are working hard. They are paying the bills. They are trying to pay their mortgage every month. And theyre still falling behind. Obamacare is making health care too expensive. The v. A. Isnt listening. Government is regulating jobs out of their lives. Our unified republican government will take these frustrations were hearing and Work Together with president elect trump to change the status quo. Weve got bold, specific agenda items that will make a difference in peoples lives and it will address. So Biggest Challenges of our time. Now i believe each plank in the better way agenda is very important, but this election reminded me that at the end of the day article 1 of our constitution is what protects the peoples voice in our government, and its our role, its our mission, to restore that voice. Ms. Jenkins the American People have sent republicans back to washington with a mandate for change. We have a government united together with a purpose of bringing commonsense principles back to our nations capital. Since the beginning of this year, we have traveled across the country getting your feedback on our better way agenda. This set of legislative priorities is tailored to the problems facing our country that focus on empowering hardworking americans to achieve success. Foremost among our priorities will bring be bringing balance back to our broken tax code by building a simpler, fairer, flatter code, building a code that advantages all americans not just the well connected. A code that drives investment and job creation right here in america. A code that gets america growing through good oldfashioned private sector investment. Its clear that kansans and the American People are ready for a change. With their voice as our guide were ready to work as a unified government to help build an opportunity economy for all americans. Speaker ryan questions . You urge people to judge the president elect on the decisions you made. What about the ban none decision, how do you respond to the serious concerns and fears . Speaker ryan i would say the president will be judged on his results. This is a person who helped him win an incredible vick trip and campaign. The president will be judged on the results of this administration. Thats why were eager to get up and running to help him with his transition and to make progress on the mandate that has been given to us by the American People. Were confident about moving forward. Were confident about the transition. And were very, very excited about getting to work for the American People. When will you move on a fiscal 2017 budget resolution . How could that affect the appropriations process . Speaker ryan those are decisions being made with the Transition Team. None of those decisions have been made yet. Were now sitting down with the Trump Administration in waiting along with our colleagues to come up with our game plan for lame duck, and also to come up with our game plan for 2017. Its very exciting. We have a lot of work to do. Were having constant conversations about how to do that. We havent made those decisions yet. Any timetable . Speaker ryan the president elect signaled he was going to put his children as his advisors in his administration. Do you have any concerns about them potentially getting security clearances . And two, should trump take any steps to ensure no conflicts of interest between them running a business speaker ryan were focused on doing our job in congress. Look at this, donald trump is a multibillionaire successfully businessman who has been so successful because hes surrounded himself with good people. Hes a man who has made great successes, created tens of thousands of jobs because he gets good advice from good people around him in his life. Whats wrong with that . Thats a good thing. Were going to focus on doing our job here in congress. Hes going to focus on populating his administration. Well do everything we can to help him be as successful as hes going to be. We have an exciting agenda. We have a Transition Team were working with. And very excited about getting to work for the American People. Mr. Speaker, steve bannon has personally come after you, his publication has tried to unseat you in your primary, written about your children and his publication has written about your children and questioned your school decision. Hes mocked your catholicism. Do you think at any point speaker ryan im not looking backwards, im looking forward. Im looking to how we make this work for the American People. How we help president elect trump to be the most successful in our lifetimes. Get this country going again. Look, you have heard me say this so many times. 70 of the people in this nation think americas going down the wrong path. They now said get on a better way. Thats our job. Our job is not to look backwards. Our job is to look forward. Make president elect trump as successful as possible. Help him with the transition so he can make good on our commitment to the American People to fix this countrys big problems. You built your career on performing ideas, donald trump just won on a platform that in many ways is not terribly conservative. Speaker ryan were on same change with our president elect. I talk with donald trump personally every single day. I spoke with mike pence this morning. Were on the same page. Were going to make sure this is a successful administration. More importantly, were going to make sure that the voices we heard from this election from the American People are acted upon. That we actually fix these countrys problems. You look to get to your specific point, look what obamacare did to our entitlement programs, it made them worse. Were going fix that. Were going to help fix these problems plaguing this country. Whether its skyrocketing health care costs, lack of jobs, regulatory red tape thats strangling jobs and businesses, fixing our national security, securing our border, these are all things that were excited about, rolling up our sleeves and getting to work with our incoming president to make good on his incoming promises. Trump ran on a platform of 1 trillion on roads and infrastructure. Are House Republicans ready speaker ryan i asked the question about budget reconciliation, processes, these are things were working on. Its going to take time to figure out what bill comes where and how it adds up. Thats what the congressional process is about. The point is, donald trump wants jobs. I talked to donald so many times this week which is lets make sure we get people back to work, get this economy growing. Let east take all this uncertainty out of the economy thats plaguing it and get people back to work. This is something we share. This is something were excited about working on with donald trump. That is why im very confident that were going to have a unified government that works hand in glove with this administration to make good on the commitments and get people back to work and fix this countrys problems. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] will i am proud to introduce you the Leadership Team. It gives me such conference desktop is knowing that people are the ones who are the final decisionmakers in this country. That all across this country, we have from babel who feel like they are working harder, doing all the right things, but it is harder to do those things. They are paying their bills, making the mortgage payments, but it gets harder and harder. Our mission come as we start this new congress and to restore the peoples voice in the government, we are ready to go to work. There is a lot of excitement in our conference and im excited to be a part of it. First of all, i want to congratulate the entire team. As our conference chair said in thatelection, one thing president elect donald trump did was hear the voice of those that were not being heard. And he became their voice. This Leadership Team has had the wisdom to listen. Now we have the courage to lead. You will see a new congress with a new approach, one that will start getting the work done on the very first day. At our convention, when donald trump said i will be your voice, to all the people across this great nation that feel i government is not working for them, we now have that opportunity to Work Together, to turn it around, create jobs, to rebuild the middle class area and there are a lot of excited members in our conference. I sure am one of them that cant wait to get to work, to get the reforms necessary to get our economy moving again, to make America Great again, and to get this country back on track. First, i want to congratulate our newest members of the membership shame. Membership team. I want to say couple of things. To all americans, to every citizen in this country whos worried about the future of this country, who is worried about their future, who is worried about the direction we have been going, we hear you and we are here to fix problems. We are very excited to get to work. This Leadership Team is unified. This entire House Republican conference is unified. And we are so eager to get to work with our new president elect to fix americas pressing problems. This is something we are ready to do and this is something we are going to look back upon as a moment where we met the moment the way it needed to be met, by confronting americans problems and fixing them so that all our citizens are better off. Thank you very much, everybody. Appreciate it. Changeslicans making ahead of the transition of the 115th congress. Meanwhile come in new york, transition plans underway for president elect donald trump your the wall street journal reporting donald trump steam reshape them another round of amid resistance from within the Republican Party over a top choice for secretary of state. Mike pence formally signed documents that put him in charge of the Transition Team. Officials insisted that the 10weak effort to build the administration is on schedule. In one of his first moves, mr. Pence ordered the removal of all lobbyists from the Transition Team. Meanwhile, on the senate floor, harry reid, the democratic leader, critical of some staffing on the trump team so far, saying that steve bannon, the white house strategist, should be removed. Here is what he had to say. Mystery ive been in politics for five decades. Anything like were seeing today in america. The man who votes is now president elect. The man who lost the popular vote by two million votes or more is now the president elect. His election sparked a wave of hate crimes across america. This is a simple statement of fact. But it raises critical questions for us as a country, as a nation. How do we respond to the election of donald trump . Democrats want to work with mr. Trump when we can. I understand that because democrats like to get things done. Its why many of us are in government, i think most of us, in the first place. For example, democrats have been trying for decades, multiple decades to get republicans to invest in our deteriorating infrastructure. What kind of a makeup do we have there in the infrastructure . 1 trillion . 2 trillion . Some say 3 trillion. Its really in bad need of help and repair. Its an automatic job creator. Each time we tried to do something over these decades on infrastructure, republicans obstructed. So if we can finally get republicans to make the jobcreating infrastructure and investments weve been seeking for years, that will be welcome for the senate and the country. If trump wants to pursue policies that will help working people, democrats will take a pragmatic approach. Democrats have a responsibility to improve the life of americans. All lives. But we also have other responsibilities. We have the responsibility to be the voice of millions of americans sitting at home, afraid that theyre not welcome anymore in Donald Trumps america. We have a responsibility to prevent trumps bullying, aggressive behavior from becoming normalized in the eyes of america. Especially the millions of young people who are watching and wondering. For example, Sexual Assault is now a laughing matter. We have a responsibility to say it is not normal for the kkk, the ku klux klan, to celebrate the election of a president they view as their champion with a victory parade. They have one scheduled. In other words, we have a responsibility to lead. Outside this senate chamber, you can hear hammering. We have workers hammering on the platform for the inauguration ceremony. It will take several months to do it, but it will be done right. In 65 days donald trump will step on to that platform. For four years he will yield the loudest and most powerful microphone in the world. But even as those workers hammer away on trumps platform, even as we as leaders accept the results of this election, we must also give voice to those who are afraid, because there are many that are afraid. Indeed, a majority of americans oppose donald trump. Many of my republican colleagues in this chamber oppose trump. Trump will be the first president to take office having lost the popular vote by two million. Every day for the past week the majority of American Voters have awakened to a difficult reality. Not only did that man who lost the popular vote win the election, but his election sparked a rise in hate crimes, threats of violence. Since election day, the Southern Poverty Law Center has reported hundreds of incidents of harassment and intimidation. At last count, 315, from their calculations. Overwhelmingly hateful acts on muslim, hispanic, the africanamerican, antiwoman, antilgbt, antisemitic and antiasian. I heard these stories from friends and family. My and my wifes physician is a pakistani american of muslim faith. We think so much of him. Weve known each other for 35 years. The day after the election, my friend was in a is restaurant in las vegas having dinner. A man approached him in a threatening manner. He said where are you from . He said where are you from . The man that approached him said im local. The doctor said so am i. That same night in another restaurant in las vegas a pakistani physician was having dinner. A man walked up to him in the same manner and said where are you from . He said im from pakistan. He said why dont you go back. One of my staffers has a daughter in middle school. Ive known that little girl since she was a little baby. The day after the election, the principal addressed the entire student body in the schools p. A. System because two incidents had occurred that he wanted to talk to them about. In one incident a boy yelled at a la at a latino student telling her she was glad she was going to be deported. In another, a boy yelled a hateful term at a africanamerican student. The boy justified himself by saying he used that language now that donald trump is president. In spokane, washington, the Martin Luther king center there was defaced with the same hateful word. Those are only a few examples of what people close to me have related, but these kinds of disturbing accounts have been heard across america. I have here, mr. President , a compilation of these incidents. One of is from nbc news. Another is in another publication. Hundreds of incidents in the last few days, and i would ask they be made part of the record. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Reid that that was just entered into the record, those references made are awful, are hateful, theyre frightening, theyre scary. I invite any of my colleagues to read these horrible acts, and i invite any senator, democrat or republican, to come right down to this floor today and defend any one of them. These examples of hate and prejudice. I dont believe anybody in this Chamber Wants to defend the hateful acts that have been committed in president elect trumps name. They lead to one unavoidable conclusion. Many of our fellow americans believe that trumps election validates the kind of boring, aggressive behavior trump modeled on a daily basis. How do we teach our children that Sexual Assault is abhorrent by a man who dismisses language as locker room talk. We fail to bear trump accountable, we all bear responsibility for normalizing this behavior. Heres a letter from a seventh grader from rhode island. She wrote it the day after the election. I will read a direct quote from the letter, a seventh grader. Im extremely scared especially being a woman of color that the president of the country that i was born and live in is making me feel unsafe when i actually shouldnt feel unsafe. Its even scarier because this man who is now the president of the United States of america has said such rude, ignorant and disrespectful things about women and all different types of people is now in charge of our country. I want to feel safe in my country, but i no longer can feel safe with someone like donald trump leading the country. Close quote, end of letter. Our president is supposed to make people feel safe, but on wednesday, a seventh grade girl woke up being frightened to be a woman of color in america bus donald trump was president elect. If we ignore her voice and other voices, this seventh grader will be left to conclude that we as a nation find her fear acceptable. How do we show her that she doesnt have to be afraid . The first step is facing reality. No matter how hard the rest of us work, the main responsibility lies within the man who inspired the fear. President elect trump must act immediately to make america like that seventh grade girl feel that they are welcome in his america. Healing the wounds he inflicted will take more than words. Talk is cheap and tweets are cheaper. Healing wounds is going to take action, but so far, mr. President , rather than healing these wounds, trumps actions have deepened them. In one of his very first if not his First Official act, he appointed a man seen as a champion of White Supremacy as the numberone strategist in the white house, the number one. Everybody else under him. According to cnn, and i quote whites, nationalist leaders are praising dumps decision to nams decision to name Steven Brannon as a leader. In the same article, they say they see bannon as an advocate for articles they favor. Qoas clothe. According to poverty law center, bannon was a main driver with the White Nationalist propaganda mill. Close quote. When asked to comment on bannons hiring, kkk leader david duke told cnn, again, a quote, i think thats excellent. Close quote. Court filings stated that bannon said again another quote that he doesnt like jews and that he doesnt like the way they raise their kids to be whiney brats, and that he didnt want his girls to go to school with jews. Close quote. Thats a court document. By placing a champion of white supremists a step away from the oval office, what message does trump accepted to the young girl who woke up wednesday in rhode island afraid to be a woman of color in america . Its not a message of healing. If trump is serious about seeking unity, the first thing he should do is rescind his appointment of steve bannon. Rescind it. Dont do it. Think about this. Dont do it. As long as a champion of Racial Division is a step away from the oval office, it would be impossible to take trumps efforts to heal the nation seriously. So i soy to donald trump take responsibility. Rise to the dignity of the office of the president of the United States. Instead of hiding behind your twitter account, and show america that racism, bullying, bigotry have no place in work fornate back to the lameduck so soon. Newly elected members of congress are going through orientation. The new members of houston for traditional freshman class photo on the steps of the u. S. Capitol. Ou may see some familiar faces former Florida Governor Charlie Crist said to represent the 15th florida. In and dick cheneys daughter representing wyoming. Everyone look at me. And then look right here. Put your camera up. [laughter] put your camera up. There you go. [laughter] look right above the lens. Take your photo. On the very and there. The uniform. Everyone here. Beautiful. Everyone here. Everyone here for a couple more. Hold on. Right here. Great. Super. Awesome. Everyone is doing great. [laughter] a couple more real quick, real quick, real quick. Two more for me right here. What do you need . [laughter] the gentleman in the turquoise yes, maam, can you shuffle that a little . Yes. Yes. You. There we go, there ago. Everybody here. Perfectly. Thank you. [laughter] thank you all very much. [applause] new members arriving in washington. President obama spending this week in the final overseas trip of his administration. Beginning in greece, the greeted by 7000 protesters marching through the streets of athens. Of the video protesters earlier today. The president held a News Conference with great premise or alexis tsipras. He also talked about the president elect, donald trump, and creating a smooth transition for the incoming president. Here is a portion of that News Conference. For tont obama it is say that i was surprised by the election results. And ive said so. I still dont feel responsible for what the president elect says or does. I do feel responsibility as president of the United States to make sure there is a good transition. And i present to him as well as my bestican people thinking, my best ideas about how you move the country forward. To speak out with respect to areas where i think the Republican Party is wrong. But the pledge to work with him on those things i think will advance the causes of security and prosperity and justice and inclusiveness in america. Important not to parallels, forg andple, between theresa may a fairly traditional conservative politican who is now Prime Minister and le pen in france. Those arent the same. And the situation in each country is different. As i said before, the history doesnt move in a straight line. Its eggs and a zags. It sometimes goes forward, moves back, sideways. I think at times of significant , people are going to be looking for something. They dont always know exactly what it is they are looking for and they may opt for change. Even if they are not entirely confident what that change will bring. As you know, throughout my presidency, im sure as a matter of convenience, i generally havent paid a lot of attention to the polls. Because your question is directly related to the notion of a rejection of my worldview, a Pretty Healthy of the majority of the American People agree with my worldview on a whole bunch of things. I know that begs the question, how do somebody who appears to have a very different worldview just got elected . Justsaid, sometimes people feel as if we want to try something to see if we can shake things up. And that i suspect was a significant phenomenon. Believe, separate and apart from any particular election or movement, that we are going to a rise inard against a crude sort of nationalism or ethnic identity or tribalism that is built around an us and a them. Apologize forer the future of humanity and the future of the world is going to be defined by what we have in common as opposed to those things that separate us and ultimately lead us into conflict. Europe. Whenow what happens europeans start dividing themselves up and emphasizing their differences and seeing a competition between various countries in a zerosum way. Century was a bloodbath. And for all the frustrations and failures of the project to unify the last five decades have been periods of unprecedented peace, growth and prosperity in europe. The United States, we know what happens when we start dividing ourselves along the lines of the race of race or religion or ethnicity. Its dangerous. Just for the minority groups that are subjected to that kind of discrimination, in some cases in the past, violence, but because we then dont realize our potential as a country. Blacks are preventing are latinos or asians or gays are women from fully in the project of. Uilding an American Life so my vision is right. On that issue. Always win the day in the short term. In any particular political circumstance. But im confident it will win the day over the longterm. Weause societies in which are able to unify ourselves around values and ideals and character, and how we treat each other and cooperation and , ultimately will be more successful than societies that dont. Belief. Y strong and i think ive got pretty good evidence to prove it. Cspans washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact do you are coming up wednesday morning, government reform subcommittee chair congressman mark meadows will be on to talk about the election of donald trump aired what it means for the Republican Party, key issues for the lameduck session, and the Republican House agenda. Then congresswoman Brenda Lawrence will talk about michigans role and the prospects for more Hillary Clinton. Talk aboutiles will food inspection and why foodborne omers is hard to control. Be sure to watch cspans washington journal, live at 7 00 eastern on wednesday morning. Join the discussion. Next, Kellyanne Conway and former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani discuss their roles on Donald Trumps president ial trumpson team and mr. Economic, Foreign Policy and trade agenda. The wall street journals annual ceo Council Meeting hosted this event. [applause] thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Hope you enjoyed the dinner. We will get straight into the real meat of the evening. I cant imagine a better way to start than to have someone who is very familiar to all of you, someone who has played an extraordinarily Important Role in this worlds this nations history, americas mayor, aneone playing an extreme extremely and increasingly Important Role in the Trump Campaign. Welcome Senior Adviser to Trump Campaign manager chairman of the Transition Team for president elect trump mayor rudolph giuliani. [applause] so to start, mr. Maher i can still call you mr. Merrier mayor mayor mr. Yes. I want to come on to that in some of the possibilities in the Trump Administration. I want you to give us your sense of what the immediate agenda is for the trump presidency. Fascinating this Election Campaign in which president elect trump won in large part by tapping into this very populist sentiment that is out there in the country. Republican and you got a republican congress, house and senate. How is that going to play itself out . How is the populist moment, the how isnsurgency that going to work out . Mayor giuliani youre going to see what he talked about. I analogize this election to the election of 1824, when andrew defeated what was basically the almost emerging nobility of america, which were the revolutionary americans right down to adams junior. And all of a sudden, the American People had had enough core andelite decided we needed somebody who represented us, meaning the people. I think thats what happened here. I think the people revolted thatst what was the elite was trying to force down on them a group of policies, a group of didsions that either they not agree with her wasnt doing enough to help them or did not address what they were concerned about. And donald trump, from the very beginning, had an instinct. Helped with it, but a lot of it was his own instinct about what was troubling the American People. That is the revolution that is what happened now. And i have to institutionalize that. Asn i was the election mayor, i won by 3 . The head of the Republican Party in new york, bill powers, came to see me the next day and he laid out for me he said, next time, we dont want to have an ulcer quality for the election returns. We want to win by 10 . So here is how youre going to do it. Heres how youre going to consolidate power and we can take it through eight years instead of four. Es got to take his agenda we are a threepart government. Youve got to get a through the congress. It is no good to have all of these ideas if you cant get them past. For what are those key elements . Throughout the campaign, donald trump channeled this populism, talked about he thought free trade he opposed nafta and the proposed tpp. Talked about limiting immigration, aggressive moves on immigration, channeled this nationalist populism. He said things in the final week about imposing taxes on companies that lay off workers. This is a populist message. At the same time, he seems to stand for a very conventional republican position,eregulation, lower taxes something a lot of people in this room would favor. But there is a tension between this populism and this traditional conservative, probusiness strategy. Mayor giuliani i hate to go too much back to jackson, but jacksons election led to the beginning of the democratic party. Heturned it into actually turned it into a first vital political party. Now what hes got to do is accomplish most of his agenda and turn it into something core becomes thean Party Majority party. I think we already are the Majority Party in this country. But the Majority Party at the president ial level, which we havent been really since reagan. I think its going to mean a combination of both of those things, being practical. There are certain things she has to deliver on because he promised them. Sort of the way bush said read my lips. Gerard which she famously did not deliver on. Mayor giuliani thats right. And that cost him the presidency. He has to deliver on securing the borders. Three years from now, we have to be a country that doesnt have dangerousborders, people, criminals who are kept here committing crimes. Hes got to show tremendous progress in that area. I think he has to lower taxes. He has to lower taxes on everybody, so everybody gets a little bit more money in a pocket, so they can spend it. He particularly has to lower the Corporate Tax, which i think could be one of the biggest thing she can do to really ignite our economy, get it down from 35 to 15 . And then i think he has to work on repatriation of money by having a low bar of 10 . Or do that and, within two three years, you see an economy that is growing at numbers where we can sustain all the other things we have to do. Trade, part of it could be the rhetoric of the campaign, part of it the misinterpretation of the media, but i take you are not talking about a man who is against free trade. I think youre talking a man who is against unfair deals, which i think he regards as the deal with mexico, nafta as unfair. Gerard do you think that would address the concerns of people in ohio and pennsylvania and wisconsin . They are upset and angry as what they see as the loss of jobs because of trade in mexico . Mayor giuliani readjusting nafta so you dont have things a car in michigan, send it to mexico, and they put an 18 tax on it. They build a car and mexico and they send it back to america and we put nothing on it. Thats a oneway deal. So how about we even out a little bit . I think thats what hes tried to do. Hes tried to make these deals, fair deals, so we can both make progress on either side of the border. Withnk if you combine that his general tax cut, his Corporate Tax cut, his and fairern tax cut, free trade deals come i think youre going to see a large increase in jobs in those places where he won, like mission, like like michigan, like ohio, like wisconsin, what we call unfortunately the rust belt. Gerard so that tension between the populism, the antiwall street, anticorporate sentiment, what trump tapped into, and the probusiness and his twoon sentiment, first apartments for the administration, Reince Priebus as chief of staff and chief steve bannon as chief strategist. You know them extremely well. Mayor giuliani i know them really well. Gerard you know what different views they have. Then and is a populist flamethrower. He thinks globalism is destroying a national identity. Thatnts an administration globalist entities. Was going to win that fight . Mayor Giuliani Donald trump. [laughter] i love that. Thats exactly what i did when i became the mayor of new york. I surrounded myself with people who disagreed with each other. Ils thought it was a really bad idea to surround myself with people who completely agreed with each other because i would never hear the other side of the argument. Donald trump is an extraordinaire lay smart man. Extraordinarily smart man. Exposing him to different viewpoints is the best thing we do. Its exactly what obama didnt do, although he said he was going to do it because he had read team of rivals. All he did was put in a pod a bunch of people who never had a job before and got no advice from business. I know some of the people in his Business Council who used to complain to me we only met once. We met one time. And they quit. Going to see ae president who exposes himself, in the case of Reince Priebus and steve bennett. Steve bannon. Of course i have different viewpoints. I saw them for threemonth and became debt on the campaign is complete teammates. They had different point of use. They talked them out. And in the matter of a disagreement, you know who decides it. The president of the United States. I knew ronald reagan. I sat in a lot of cabinet meetings in which there were very big debates between Caspar Weinberger and haig, Caspar Weinberger and scholz, defense, state. There was only one vote. [laughter] its like abraham lincoln, when the cabinet voted against him and he voted for it. And one of the cabinet member said i thought this was majority rule. He said, it is. The president has a majority. Gerard reminds me of margaret that sure. About steve bannon. There is a lot of concern expressed today about his association with breitbart. Is ganization he runs has a reputation for a slightly and in aproach to news way that people frankly find offensive. Hes been accused of antisemitism. You are mayor of new york city. You had to deal with the issues of racial tension. Mayor giuliani i havent seen any of that in steve in the mr. Giuliani i have seen a very smart, a very worldly man. Elsa think something happens to you when the election is over. You saw it happen to donald trump happened to me when i became mayor. I woke up the next day and realized, i have to do this now. There is a weight that falls on your shoulder and you start to think in a different way. Its not that you change your positions, but you begin to bring in moree to people, i have to listen to more opinions, i have to broaden my horizons. Usont think that just have at present, i think it happens to the chief of staff, the communications director, the secretary of defense, secretarygeneral, secretary of state. When you are out there just criticizing, it is one thing. When you get on the inside, there is a certain weight of responsibility to the American People on your shoulders. I think steve bannon is the kind of guy he is a patriot. He may have a different view of americans and you do, but he loves america as much as you or i do. I think he will give Donald Trumps best advise and ultimately, it is the president who makes the decisions. That change, that realization, have you seen that in donald trump . Mr. Giuliani i think the whole world has seen it. Gerard in what way has he changed . Mr. Giuliani from the moment he went to see barack obama, the way they dealt with each other, the way he is conducting himself on his attempt

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