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I can afford it. Family values. In the last six months, as the new administration has taken hold, and as the repeal of the Affordable Care act has become the talk of the nation, in a more recent visit she said, weve delayed getting pregnant. Because were not sure if i can have insurance. If they repeal, they kill the obamacare, i wont have insurance. And we wont have a baby. Family family values. I want to talk about values. Family values and others. I used this last week and im going to use it over and over again, because this is a statement of values. This is from Franklin Roosevelt in the midst of the great depression. President roosevelt said this, the test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is, rather, whether we provide enough for those who have too little. Thats a statement of value. Thats a statement of purpose. That is the reason why he and the democrats, during the great epression, took the actions, for example, social security, for those who have little, social security. And then again in the 1960s, for those who have little, this same statement of value came to place during Lyndon Johnsons presidency, the mocrats created medicare for seniors, men and women over 65, all you needed to do to get Health Insurance was to live until you were 65 years of age. And they also added medicaid for he poor and children and mothers. It was a statement of values. Its a statement of purpose, its a statement of where their heart lay and what they thought was important. And today, were working on the Affordable Care act. Sometimes, often called obamacare. Many of us proudly call it obamacare. Five million californians with Health Insurance across this nation, 20 million in every state. Although some states chose not to extend the method of buying insurance, the exchanges. And so the federal exchange exists. This house went the opposite direction. So what did it mean . The uninsured rate in america declined, down to the lowest number ever in our history, as men, women and families were able to get Health Insurance. I think of the farmer, a single woman in my district who never had insurance, never could get Health Insurance and couldnt afford it until the Affordable Care act, obamacare came along. She was able to get insurance and able to get cancer treatment. She didnt have insurance, she surely would have died. And so it is. We have countless examples. When i was insurance commissioner in california, we would always fight the Insurance Companies over their denial of insurance. Used to call it preexisting conditions. And since the Affordable Care act went into place in 2011 and 2012, preexisting conditions were no longer legal as a mechanism for denying insurance in the United States of america. Insurance companies could not, could not rate people on preexisting conditions. I remember those lists, two pages. As insurance commissioner people would come to me and say why do i have to fill out this form. Everything i have ever done in broken leg had to contagious sthma, diseases, are you a pilot . Are you into dirt bike and dirt bike racing . These were all reasons why insurance would be denied, but with the Affordable Care act, no more. That history was gone. And so, today, the president of the United States perhaps proudly, stood before the American People and he said i will let it die. I will let it die. I will let the Affordable Care act fail. So what is the message to the American Public . What is the message that the president of the United States, mr. Speaker, has said to the American Public . Mr. Speaker, he has said, i will work to deny the American People Health Insurance. Mr. Speaker, the president of the United States has in so many words said that he will take the American People Health Insurance. Not all of them. Just 20 million. Proactively take specific actions. And what are those actions, to tell the i. R. S. Not enforce the mandate so people will be able to go without insurance until they get some sickness and end up in the emergency room so everybody else can pay for their care. Will not allow the payment of the cross subsidies of those Insurance Companies that have enrolled and excessive amount of sick people and other Insurance Companies have enrolled a healthy population. That cross zizzation is critical. He will create more uncertainty so the Insurance Companies do not he know how to price their insurance. He has removed the ability for the federal exchange to advertise and for the state exchanges to advertise. There is no Insurance Company i can tell you from my own experience no Insurance Company they have to talk about what they are offering and sign people and have a cross subsidizzation. Ut he set up a system that those exchanges that are in existence in the states and fed ex changes will not have the money to advertise. Now california, were a big state. We can get along without President Trump. And so we have set up our own mechanism for providing advertising and a couple of other states have been able to do the same. But not every state. There has been discussion that the market is collapsing. I want to read to you an analysis done by the Kaiser Family foundation, an analysis hat came out a week ago that would counter the arguments that this is a collapsing argument. Let me read this but i think its worth understanding. Early results from the 2017 suggest the individual market is stabilizing and insurers in this market are regaining profitability. Insurer Financial Results show no sign of a market collapse. Perhaps i should read that again and perhaps the president might want to also read although i understand he doesnt but if he did, he should read the Kaiser Family foundations report coming out. Quote, insurers Financial Results show no sign of a market collapse. First quarter claims from 2017 support the notion that 2017 premiums, increases were necessary as a onetime market correction. To adjust for a sicker than expected risk pool. Im going to come back to that after reading this. Although individual market enrollees appear to be sicker than the prea. C. A. Hopization in this market suggests the risk pool is stable on average and not getting progressively sicker as of early 2017. Some insurers have exited the market in recent years, but others have been successful and expanded their footprints. As would be expected in a competitive marketplace. While the market on average is stabilizing, there remain parts of the country that are fragile. Policy uncertainty has the potential to destabilize the individual market generally. Mixed signals from the administration and congress as to whr costsharing subsidy payments will continue or whether the individual mandate will be enforced, have led some insurers to leave the market or request larger premium increases than they would otherwise. A few parts of the country may be at rick of having no insurer on the exchange. Though, new entrapts or expanding insurers have moved in to cover most areas previously thought to be at risk. Not my words, but rather the words of the Kaiser Family foundation. Speaker, the president apparently intends to destroy the Affordable Care act. By saying that it doesnt work. And ng fact, his actions may and, in fact, his actions may make a situation in which it would not work. And so i suppose if he has his way, we are going to see in 0818, a number of insured 2018, the number of uninsured rise to where it was before the Affordable Care act. And thats about 22 million americans without insurance. Well done, mr. President. Well done. If thats what you want, i want to know what your values are. What are your values . Mr. Speaker, i would ask the president , what are your values, mr. President . You have been supporting the republican legislation to repeal and replace. It happens to do much for those who have much. The largest single tax break for the wealthy ever in this nations history was in the legislation that passed the house of representatives with the repeal and replace legislation. So much so that mr. Trumps cabinet made up of the wealthiest cabinet would receive huge tax breaks, well over 4 million a year and much possibly a much higher number. Those are not the values of the democratic party. Those are not the values of president roosevelt. And those are clearly not the value of americans. We care about each other, who are concerned about those who have little. Ask the American Public if they want to do away with social security. Ask the American Public if they want to do away with medicaid. Do away with medicaid. Yes, 60 of the money in medicaid supports seniors and Nursing Homes. Want to do away with that . I dont think so. But thats what it would do. Now the Affordable Care act does need to be improved. And the democrats have been trying to do that for some time. How can we do it . Many ideas have been proposed. And the legislation was heard in committees here, the democrats proposed several amendments to improve the Affordable Care act. The First Amendment was to do away with the repeal, but of course that didnt pass in committee and certainly wasnt on the floor. So, how do you deal with improving the Affordable Care act . Lets start with drugs. We know that for the medicare system that the federal government cannot negotiate the price of drugs and for the exchanges, the fed ex changes. We cannot negotiate the price of drugs. It was a law that was written with Medicare Part b back in 2002 and 2003. So why cant we negotiate the price of drugs . We ought to be able to do that. Lets negotiate the price of drugs. How about another one . How about how about consumer services. Increasing the risk pool. Increasing the number of men and women that are in the pool. By advertising. I talked earlier about the president , removing the money for advertising on the federal exchanges and state exchanges. You want to improve it, improve the risk pool. A broad risk pool is a fundamental fact of any Insurance Program that is successful. But to take overt action, to diminish the risk pool and to put into the risk pool less Healthy People and to keep people who are healthy out of the risk pool, please keep in mind that any of us at any particular day may find ourselves in need of very serious medical attention. Perhaps a car accident. Erhaps a contagious disease. Zika. Who knows what it might be. Or a pregnant. So expand the pregnancy. So expand the risk pool by advertising. By enforcing the mandate, which is the third element that could be done. The president has already taken action. Already taken action to tell the i. R. S. Not to enforce the mandate. And so the young, healthy invincibles shirk the law, knowing that they dont ever have to pay a penalty because the i. R. S. Is not looking. Ok. If thats what you want to do. But, however, if you want to improve the health care of america, if you want to hold premiums stable and perhaps even declining, expand that risk pool. Ow about a few other things. When the Affordable Care act passed the house of representatives in 2010 excuse me, 2009, there was a public option in it. Unfortunately the senate wouldnt stand for a public option. Bring the public option back. So that there would be a National Public option Insurance Company available to everybody. Bring that back. Thats another idea that ought to be in the improvement of it. Another thing, states can and have successfully modified the Medicaid Programs in their state. Expand the ability of states to experiment with different ways of providing services under the Medicaid Program. Not by eliminating it. As the republicans would do. That is eliminating the expansion, as the republicans would do in their repeal. And in trumpcare. But rather allow the states to experiment with different ways of providing the medical services and the Medicaid Program. There are some great ideas out there. We know that many of the people n medicaid have long illnesses. High Blood Pressure. Perhaps they have other illnesses that require constant care. We know that there are examples of programs that provide Going Services so that these illnesses are constantly being able to be monitored and dealt with. You want to deal with Blood Pressure . Take a couple of cheap pills and you keep the Blood Pressure down and you avoid stroke. And diabetes and the like. Those programs should be existing in most states and most Medicaid Programs. And so we ought to provide the opportunity for the states to experiment with different ways of keeping down the cost of medical services. There are many other things that we can do with regard to the Delivery Systems. Californias been a leader in creating various Delivery Systems that do keep down the cost of care. Comprehensive delivery system. Preexisting conditions being taken care of. And so we can do that with a variety of ways. All of these should be on the floor of the house of representatives, in the senate, and presented to the president. As we have the Affordable Care act in place and we have ideas on how it can be improved. Rograms such as mandatory care. All of those can be taken into consideration. But, no. Were not going to do that. Were just going to let the Affordable Care act die. So says our president. Its unbelievable. To you sign on, presumably provide more opportunity for americans, to provide better medical care for americans. But, no, thats not whats going to happen here. The president of the United States says hes going to let it die. Let it collapse. How cruel. How harsh. And how unlike previous president s. And i pray future president s. President of b as the United States is to carry out yeah. The preamble to the constitution. To form a better union. But, apparently thats not the case with this president. So the Affordable Care act is the law of the land. And it is the responsibility of the president to carry out the laws of the land. And that includes things that e thinks may be discretionary. Such as the i. R. S. Mandate. Such as the advertising. The crosssubsidization for those Insurance Companies that have higher risk pools than other Insurance Companies. We live in a very, very important moment. Where at risk are 22 million, 23 million, 24 million american lives. Stood ly four senators strong and courageous and said no, they were not going to support the repeal of the Affordable Care act. Its not over. This fight is going to go on for some time. And as it goes on, i would hope the American People understand what is at risk. The wellbeing of their neighbors, it is the health of their communities, and indeed in some cases it may be their own life. Well see. But today a good thing happened. Actually it was yesterday. A good thing happened. The senate was unable to pass a repeal of the Affordable Care act and a replacement that was in every way a terrible, terrible blow to americans. Were thankful and we look to the future. And we look to the fight ahead. I can tell you this, my colleagues on the democratic side are absolutely determined that the Affordable Care act be improved and that it continue to be the law of the land and that the millions upon millions of americans that have had the opportunity to purchase Health Insurance, to be covered in health exchanges, to be covered under the expansion of the Medicaid Program were there for them. And were going fight this and we will succeed. Because americans know what is t risk in the legislation that passed the house represent the house of representatives, and the legislation that almost, almost passed the senate. This isnt over. Our determination to stay the line remains. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Under the speakers announced the of january 3, 2017, chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. Castro, for 30 minutes. Mr. Castro thank you, mr. Speaker. Every day millions of americanses from every corner americans from every corner of our nation get up early in the morning, leave their families, go off to work. They work hard to support themselves and their families. Many of them work two or more jobs at a time. Some come home very late. Miss seeing their kid go to bed. These are folks, again, in every part of the nation who dont ask much from their government. The only thing that they ask is that we live in a country where theres opportunities to pursue their american dreams. That means Different Things for different people. Some kids dream of growing up and being a teacher, an engineer, a lawyer, a firefighter. Many things. As parents, we want to see our kids succeed, to live in a nation that remains the preeminent nation of opportunity around the world. Unfortunately over the last six months the policies pursued by this administration are endangering the United States infrastructure of opportunity. Endangering our position in the world. Today were going to have an opportunity to talk about some of those policies that are harmful to america now and america in the future. President trumps proposals on the budget, for example, would hurt the creation of jobs, the ability of people to get health care, would be bad for the environment, would do so much harm in so many ways. And so im honored tonight to be with three of my colleagues, all of us from different parts of the country, myself from texas. We have congresswoman moore from wisconsin. Congresswoman jayapal from washington state. And congresswoman Wasserman Schultz from florida. First i want to turn to congresswoman moore. Because i know that she has some very strong opinions and perspectives on health care. Matt moore ms. Moore thank you so much for yielding. I want to tell you how grateful i am that my colleagues want to have this dialogue, this colloquy with me. Have been so disturbed by the false information thats been given to americans about the Affordable Care act. The whole notion that its somehow in this death spiral. That somehow the Affordable Care act is dead. And i think that the president and our illustrious speaker, and the majority are promoting this point of view. Because they want the public to believe that the things that theyre doing to destroy the Affordable Care act, and ultimately medicaid, are the causes for them not having Health Insurance, the causes for their premiums rising, the causes for insurers fleeing the market in rural areas. And i just want to spend some time this evening sharing the truth with you all this evening. The majority, they now have the both houses of congress, the senate. They have the house of representatives. They have the white house. And their message, that obamacare or the Affordable Care act is dead, sort of covers up the fact that they owe the Insurance Industry 8 billion that we in the Affordable Care act promised to give to the Insurance Companies while they sort of figured out how much premiums would cost in this new market. They have sued the federal government because they say that the subsidies that were paying for poor people are unconstitutional. And of course insurers, not knowing whether or not were actually going to appropriate the Affordable Care act, because they dont know whether were going to do it or not, that causes destabilization in the market. They are threatening in their bill to eliminate the individual mandate, which of course the individual mandate s a great source of revenue. They are gutting the taxes on the wealthiest people in the Affordable Care act, to pay for some of the cost sharing expenses. And of course Insurance Companies have no idea. And in order to set appropriate rates, and in order to stay in the market, Insurance Companies eed some certainty. If, in fact, obamacare is dead, its because they killed it. Mr. Castro will the gentlelady yield . It was astounding in the course of less than 24 hours the senate was unable to pass the Health Care Bill. The president had promised for months there would be a new Health Care Bill to replace obamacare bill. That failed in the senate. And today, because the strategy after that, we are going to repeal this and two years from now we will give ourselves two years to come up with a replacement and it failed today. That would be disastrous for the American People. 32 Million People would be dropped from the health care repeal. You did was what were you hearing from your constituents . Ms. Moore im glad you asked that question, because there are a couple of things that happened. They ran into so much trouble in the senate from those senators that were concerned about the them block granting the Medicaid Program, killing basically the medicaid this is aside from the Affordable Care act. To reduce medicaid funding by onethird was one of the most agriegeos portions of the bills that have come out of the house and the proposals in the senate. I mean, what people need to understand is that especially in states like alaska, west virginia, we have like 70 of people in Nursing Homes depending on medicaid. Were not talking about ablebodied working people that have been able to benefit from the expansion of medicaid. Mr. Castro longterm nursing home stays are paid for by medicaid. Ms. Moore exactly. Yes. Right. Schultz schultz i represent the state of ms. Wasserman schultz i represent the state of florida and i thank my colleagues for bringing this important conversation about the at least 23 Million People who would have lost Health Care Coverage if not the very Affordable Care act would have passed. You know, if i were the president of the United States, my ght want to revise definition of winning, because i think we have a leader in the white house who repeatedly said, america would get so tired of winning once he became president that we wouldnt know what to do with ourselves. Healthing their horrific care bill and maintain health care as a right and not return it to the privilege for people who could afford it, then ill take that kind of winning. We did win on behalf of the American People. We know this isnt the last trick up their sleeve. And the gentlelady from wisconsin, you mentioned the huge cuts to medicaid in this terrible piece of legislation. And the gentleman from texas mentioned that 64 of seniors in Nursing Homes who are there because they are on medicaid and i represent the state of florida, mr. Speaker, and in the state of florida, we have the highest percentage of Senior Citizens as a proportion of our population in the country. This is just one example of a very vulnerable population. And this is an example of a population that our friends on the other side of the aisle were willing to write off and leave twisting in the wind. And what would happen if this bill became law . We would go back to the days before medicare and medicaid in which you had families go bankrupt trying to take care of these ever increasing Health Care Needs of their family members and its unacceptable. Mr. Castro in the 1990s, my grandmother was in her 90s and nt into a nursing home for three years. She suffered from type2 died s diabetes and she from congenital heart failure. My mom wouldnt have been able to pay for three years for nursing home care. Ms. Wasserman schultz i, too, had a similar experience, my mother in law had a stroke when she was 58 years old and she was cut down in her prime and suffered from diabetes and spent three years really with her in a debilitating condition and she had to qualify for medicaid because the only way she could afford was through medicaid and she did die after three years in a nursing home. But i cant imagine to find a way to pay for her care if it were not for medicaid. Would the gentlelady yield . I want to go back to medicaid. There is a program for the American People and they dont understand how much it covers. And you know, you mentioned 62 of seniors in Nursing Homes. One in four births in this country are covered through medicaid. Ms. Jayapal over half of the births are covered through medicaid. And kids with disabilities, medicaid covers 60 of kids with disabilities. When you cut 1. 5 trillion from medicaid as was the case between the Affordable Care act or between trumpcare and what was proposed in the budget, which i know our good friend from florida is going to talk about, you had 1. 5 trillion in cuts to a program that serves 72 million americans. So it really is a travesty when you think about how much this program supports. Ms. Moore the narrative is that dicaid only covers these ablebodied people that the Medicaid Expansion dealt with, but this the reason why the senate to answer your question couldnt live with the bill that was there, not only did it repeal the Affordable Care act, socalled obamacare, but it also undermined medicaid, which is so vital. And just think about cutting medicaid by onethird. And people in Nursing Homes competing with disabled children and disabled competing with other adults and Nursing Homes fighting for crumbs. Mr. Castro people are referring o these cuts as cruel. But you bring up a great point and i want to talk about the budget. But there there is this underlying tone from politicians that some of the folks who are on medicaid are somehow undeserving and freeloading. And that is just not the case. It is a complete misunderstanding of who these americans are. We talked about how health care failed. The president promised health care but it didnt happen. One of the things they wanted to do is tax reform. Thats going to be very difficult, especially when the foundation of your new tax plan, one of the foundations is giving a tax cut to the wealthiest folks who need it the least. But it raises the question of the budget and what the budget does. Ms. Moore explain the budget reconciliation where they are going to get these tax cuts . Ms. Wasserman schultz we are going to mark up the republicans budget tomorrow in that committee. And you know, i mean, really, with all due respect, mr. Speaker, to the commander in tweet, President Trumps budget that he proposed in may certainly did not put either families or taxpayers first, far from it. In fact, the budget he proposed and we will mark up tomorrow put americans and taxpayers dead last, right behind polluters, and Climate Change deniers. And this budget, this republican budget is a brutal attack or americas families. It fails toll deliver on investments and jobs and infrastructure and education, but nowhere is the damage to American Families as stark as when it comes to our environment. The trump budget will damage our air, water and climate. The president has undermined the clean energy frontiers. And like many of his tweets, President Trumps Climate Science policies are a rejection of reality and cynical embrace f falsehood and fantasy. Listen, you represent a state that is on the coast i represent a state on the coast and you represent a state that is on the great lakes. Sea levels are rising. Property appraisers and Insurance Companies are factoring this in. Trump President Trumps Climate Change solutions, its not the Paris Climate Accord and not making sure we make investments in alternative energy, let me tell you what President Trumps solution is. His solution is to throw people a life vest and they can sink or swim. And folks like the people in my district, who have invested most of their savings like so many people into their homes, a life vest. And being told they can deal with it is unacceptable. We have to come up with solutions to make sure we fight sea level change and make sure we make the kind of investments to protect the air we breathe. We have cities like flint, michigan, who have dealt with lead in their water and children being poisonned for years. To my colleagues, this is something that is a threat that if we dont make the kind of investments that we must, then we are going to be in a world of hurt. And it is not at some distant point in the future. There was an article in the miami herald that referenced that my childrens generation may not be able to live in my own district. I mean that is absolutely unbelievable. m thinking of sponsoring an appropriation rather than making sure we can invest in moving away from fossil fuels, maybe we will invest in more life vests, President Trumps solution and just issue everybody one of these and were good to go. Mr. Castro you bring up a great point and you focused on the point and the president s Budget Proposal and the majoritys Budget Proposal is damaging to the environment. I think about a series i saw about in texas. There is an online publication and did a series called pass to poison. And they noted in 2016, there ere 3,700 incidents of air pollution in texas and the regulating agency in texas, only fined only gave out fines for 20 of those incidents. 20 of those incidents. You talk about breathing harmful air, i cant help but think what will happen with these cuts being proposed, and this is under this budgetary situation, if these cuts go through, are we going to have 5,000 incidents and only fine 20 people pfment ms. Wasserman schultz i just came from the Appropriations Committee markup on the interior legislation and a large part of that committees work relates to the environment. My district which is grouped ero, Broward County anticipate higher levels. The city has raised the elevation. Miami beach includes installing pumps to keep out salt water. The president and our republicans is recently, sink or swim. Res the coastal hit geags plan. We have the sea rise level plan and the coastal mitigation fund. Take your pick. At some point were probably going to have to give people both. Because we literally have to slosh around in galoshes in south florida because of how bad the tides are and how bad the streets flood in a normal rain. But god forbid we should invest in infrastructure. I know the gentlelady from washington, when she was in the state senate, was a significant leader on investing in infrastructure, which is absolutely critical to making sure that we can keep people safe and that we can make sure that people that we can create jobs. Thats something that this president and the republicans have talked a whole lot about. And were 178 days into this president s term, and we havent passed a single piece of legislation related to Infrastructure Investment. I think he actually promised to think big. Because, you know, supposedly democrats werent thinking big enough. And he was going to propose a trilliondollar infrastructure plan. Im hearing crickets. Still waiting for that plan. Mr. Castro youre right. When americans think about their main concerns, i have a bread and butter district. Where people are thinking foremost about their work. They want to make sure that they can support themselves and their family members. But there hasnt been much in the way of anything from the hite house to create jobs. Ms. Jayapal there really hasnt. I thank the gentleman for yielding. If you look at the budget, you really get a sense of where the priorities are. Theyre not investing in climate. Theyre Cutting Health care dramatically. And theyre not investing in jobs and infrastructure. Now, as the gentlelady from florida said, when i was in the state senate, it was actually a republicancontrolled senate. But together we worked on a package and we invested 16 billion into infrastructure. Because we knew that that was good for republicans and for democrats. And if you look at what this president has to say, this was a tweet that he just put out. Really great numbers on jobs and the economy. Things are starting to kick in now. But you the thing is that this week is supposed to be white house the white house is calling this made in america week. Well, maybe somebody should let the president know that everything should be made in america. Because i happen to take a look happened to take a look at some of the products of the Trump Organization. And im talking about ivanka trumps products and all of the president s organizations products. Heres what i found. Here is one of the products of donald j. Trumps signature collection, made in mexico. Here is another one from ivanka trump, made in china. So, if the president is so incredibly committed to making things in america, i have a proposal and perhaps we should have an amendment to this effect, that he should start with the Trump Organization. In fact, many much of the steel that was put into buildings that were built by the Trump Organization were not was not steel that was made here in america. I actually have one of the largest Steel Manufacturing plants in my district in washington state. Nobody ever thinks about it that way. But we do have steel being manufactured in seattle. And we are in a situation now where this president has yet and this congress, this republicancontrolled congress, has yet to introduce a single bill that would actually invest in jobs or infrastructure. In fact, the budget takes money away from job training. It takes it takes more money out of Infrastructure Investment than it puts into Infrastructure Investment. And when you think about the federal governments role in infrastructure, of course we all want publicprivate partnerships where possible. But the federal government has a very strong role in making sure that we are investing in all our infrastructure, not only our roads and our bridges, but also all of our water sources, making sure that were investing in transit. These are all ways to put americans back to work. And yet for a president who ran a Campaign Based on jobs and nfrastructure, and a republican congress, we have yet to see a single job emerge. And even the jobs he says what he created, recently reports that he created 45,000 coal mining jobs, but unfortunately, mr. Speaker, what weve seen is the numbers show only 800 jobs created in the coal mines. Ms. Wasserman schultz could i ask the gentlelady to yield for a question . Would the gentlelady be surprised that last night, in the Appropriations Committee, we marked up the transportation, housing and urban development bill. For all the talk about making it in america, and investing in infrastructure and transportation and making sure that we can create jobs through those vehicles, would the gentlelady be surprised that the republican majority actually zeroed out tiger grants . Those are the transportation grants that go directly to projects in communities across this country to help move people around through people movers, investments in roads and bridges. In my district a tiger grant was granted last year for complete streets, because we have the highest number of pedestrians and bicyclists killed in the country, unfortunately, in Broward County in Broward County. So im wondering if the gentlelady would be surprised to learn that this socalled big commitment to creating jobs and investing in infrastructure actually resulted in massive cuts in the very legislation where we should be investing those resources and infrastructure. Ms. Jayapal you know, i thank the gentlelady for raising that. Because this elimination of tiger grants affects cities across the country. Red states, blue states, republican, urban. You know, we have a lot of those tiger grants that have paid for our roads, rail, transit, ports and new transportation projects. And perhaps ill turn it back to the gentlewoman from wisconsin. Would you be surprised to know that the budget actually slashes job Training Programs for distressed workers by 65 . Ms. Moore i would be stunned to think that any party, any president , would do that. I mean, infrastructure has been the bread and butter and its been one of the most bipartisan things that we have. When you talk about the need to expand our economy, expand the gross domestic product, the only way one of the surefire ways to do that is through infrastructure projects. Not just building roads, but we need Water Treatment plants, our new energy economy. We have biotechnology. Numbers of other ways. But i hail from milwaukee, wisconsin, which is still very reliant on the manufacturing industry. But im wondering if my colleagues would be surprised to know that health care is 1 6 of our economy. And if we were to repeal the Affordable Care act, then slash the growth of medicaid by 1 3 over the next decade, that there will literally be millions of jobs that are lost. I mean, everything from everybody depends on the health care system. Whether youre the brain surgeon or youre the guy thats mopping up the i. C. U. Whether youre the person whos dispensing pharmaceuticals and c. V. S. Or whether youre the receptionist at the Community Health center. By destroying the Affordable Care act, were going to cost shift a lot to our states. I mean, just over the next decade, its 68 billion of Unfunded Mandates shifted to the states. So that they wont be able to fund things. I just want to point something out before i yield back. You know, there are a lot of people who think that this just doesnt matter to me. Those 24 million, 22 million, whatever number people agree upon, that the c. B. O. Says will lose Health Insurance if the Affordable Care act ends, those people who are in Nursing Homes, that doesnt matter to me. 49 of the folks in this country receive their health care through their employer. And your premiums will go sky high. Unlike what President Trump says. Because you will have to pay for all of the uncompensated care. Care that this country will ee after we destroy medicaid in the Affordable Care act. Mr. Costello mr. Castro were down to about 30 seconds. I wanted to give the congresswoman from florida the last word. Looks like you may have something you want to say. Ms. Wasserman schultz thank you. I wanted to again place these items on the table and demonstrate the graven impact that will take its toll on the mesh people if the cuts American People if the cuts that have been proposed by the Trump Administration and the republican majority go through. Whether he stand together fighting every step of the way toic we will stand together fighting every step of the way to make sure that, instead of galoshes, a life vest and surgical mask, that we see people of other countries Walking Around their streets using because their air quality is so poor. Well continue to fight to make investments that will help improve, know detract from peoples quality of life. Thank you very much. Mr. Castro thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The chair would entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Castro i make a motion to adjourn. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the motion to adjourn. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The motion is adopted. Accordingly, the house stands adjourned until 10 00 a. M. Tomorrow

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