Transcripts For CSPAN Today In Washington 20091121

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and not all the do the same thing. clearly, the money must come from the private sector. where is the money in this world? there are three big buckets. one, u.s. institutional investors with 18 trillion dollars. second, middle east funds, 2nd is china. that is the cash. the government is in debt, they don't have cash. we have to link u.s. institutional investors to our marketplace. we need government policy to create that bridge. there is a partnership right there. lastly, constructing a policy solution that is truly bipartisan there is no way we're going to scale up to 20% renewable energy by 2020, utilizing billions of dollars every you year unless we agree. this will be the closing session today. lastly, i want to have a sense of purpose in this room that is so motivating to remind ourselves of the greatness of the founding fathers who were imagining this kind of a place exemplified by this room and combined that with our knowledge about the sensitivity of the earth and lack of resilience and our desire for assisting society. . . and they need to work together towards the solutions. our goal today is to have good and gain changing ideas that will become the policies of the united states tomorrow. with that, thank you for being here. i hope you get a lot out of today. it is my pleasure to introduce it is my pleasure to introduce the first of two co-chairmen on renewable energy. he was the director of the he was the director of the california renewable ene . . commissioner as the california energy commission and was given credit for much of the policies for the state of california. [applause] i bring you greetings from the west coast. as historians look across the last several decades of our national energy policy, they are likely to find common pads, no matter which party is in power. had exceeded responsibilities, squandered opportunities, willful avoidance of unpleasant realities. it recently, that has started to change. whether we recognize it or not, there is a race under way. most of the major economies of the world are striving to radically expand the size of their domestic renewable energy markets in order to gain competitive advantage in the great growth industry of the 21st century. the president made a solemn commitment. in sacramento, they would say that that is no gold bottomed early man gold -- no burly man -- and nogirly man goal. we should all be held so accountable. the president set a very clear context by which to evaluate the various standards being proposed to we are all a nation of scorekeepers. as a country, we do not have a track record of sticking with our commitments. some of you will remember and be unnerving plea in which solar collectors were yelling of the white house roof -- against off the black house rules. -- yanked off the white house rosof. there is no question that energy-efficient c should be the priority of irrational energy policy, but ever since the story in the old testament where abraham was asked to kill his son to show his spiritual devotion, something in the human psyche rejects the concept of these choices. in energy efficiency standards should live with a renewable energy standard, but they should live separately and not be pitted against each other. the pragmatism necessary to get a renewable energy standard through the senate energy committee has been a disappointment. it demands to be corrected as the process moves forward. it looked at what we have accomplished this year. we have a lot of lenders that act as if they are on a holiday, but the rest of us are moving pretty hard. i know what many of your thinking, where does this lead? we have a lot of work to do to fill in that gap. the instruments that we rely on , tax incentives, budget appropriations, not a very appetizing mix when you think about scale ability we have a problem to the extent that we are successful going forward. this will cost more and more money in our federal budget. we need to start thinking about how to get some of them off budget of off of the taxpayer and onto the shoulders of the ratepayer, where roughly belongs. i do not think we are ready. i suspect we're too stubborn. i have to say, we should familiarize ourselves with the stack of reports coming out of the european commission and now -- they come to one single compelling conclusion, and that is that the terrance instrument has created more renewable energy at lower costs than any other single policy initiative tried anywhere else in all world and we should go through the federal power act and take away those burdens and barriers that some utilities say that those who desire to go forward should be able to do so. our balkanized way of planting and permitting licensing of our transmission system is not suitable. they are met with the predictable knee-jerk resistance from local authorities and we have a proud tradition of local control of land use decisions in our country. i would ask each of my former colleagues which one of you has been unfairly diminished by the decision made by congress several decades ago to create a national licensing system for our natural gas pipelines? as a result of that decision, our gas distribution system is the envy of the world. our economy is immeasurably more prosperous and our environment is infinitely cleaner. we should do the same thing with the electric transmission grid. it is a new day and a new approach is needed. you are not want to get adams smith out of the car, but the hands on the wheel should be steering in the national interest. the european union, china, brazil, even india, they are always in the bar on what it takes to be a leading market in renewable energy. historically, quite often, the united states has been a little late to the party. but after we get there, we have a way of making everyone know that we have arrived. this is our time. we need to make the best use of it. thank you, very much. [applause] >> i think the words that i asked for this morning were honest and bold. thank you, that was honest and bold. >> we will hear honest and bold thoughts from someone who has been on the firing line. please welcome dan walker. >> that was a spectacular opening. i really appreciated. welcome to the newest secretary for renewable energy. we look forward to your remarks. thank you to our sponsors. this is a wonderful event. let me move from pashtun to the paper and pomp of washington d.c. -- lebanon from passion to the paper and paul -- let me move from pashtuion sion to ther and pulp washington dc. few took notice of these moments and we just pushed on. now that we are in the big leagues, are highs are higher and i am afraid our lows are lower. in this moment of an economic security, we're seeing this in full. the future is not what it used to be. the question is, what comes next? the best way to predict the future is to invent it. we have so many ideas and i think that this is what this conference is about, that is, how do we invent the future where we truly realize the potential of renewable energy? i had the opportunity to testify on the senate environment committee, and that is not where i got the black ani. my message was that the critical need to adjust the climate crisis provides us with an unprecedented and opportunity to rebuild our energy system -- unprecedented opportunity to rebuild our energy system. this is the key point, to adopt t policies and we can create new jobs. we can reduce our dependence on foreign oil and we can protect ourselves from a global climate crisis. last year, at google, we outlined one potential path to clean energy futures. some reduces co2 emissions by 50%. there were a net savings of $800 billion. it will bulls, especially when the solar and geothermal. built on a base of inefficiency are the real winners. between 2007 and 2003, the world will need to invest 26.3 trillion dollars in energy infrastructure to meet currently projected demand. as one has said, calling technology could be the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century. the ability of the u.s. to seize this opportunity will be in actions taken by government to put a significant price on carbon emissions. while this is necessary, it is not sufficient to address the climate problem. it will not put the u.s. in a position to seize the extraordinary opportunities that will come with rebuilding our global energy economy. a significant price will definitely send a strong signal, but it will not, by itself, insure that the technology that the technologies are invented and deployed here in the united states. i told the environment committee that there are four complementary energy policy mechanisms that will be critical for our nation to take advantage of these opportunities. we must increase public funding of research and development of advanced energy technologies. in 1980, 10% of the government are in the was an energy. today, it is only 2%. today, it is only 2%. we were encouraged when president of, called for investing $15 billion per year over the next decade in clean energy technologies and took note when it was said that energy or in be spending must move closer to the levels of the high-tech industry which is generally around 10% of sales. our failure to invest is when one fifth of solar panels or american. in contrast, all five of the world's companies are from the u.s. and in the u.s., it was the product of federally funded r&d in the 1970's. the private sector cannot- federally funded r and d work. let me stress that the private sector cannot completely filled the gap in energy r&d funding. the high risk research funded by government that has brought us major breakthroughs in information technology and energy is not the province of venture capital investment for corporate research. second, we must increase the capital available to deploy these advanced technology is a commercial scale. moving from a nation that derives 7% of its -- it will require trillions of dollars in investment. the challenge is not easy. the problematics step of moving a technology from a small pilot project, often funded by venture capital investment to full commercial scale projects financed by the banks is where many technologies died. we call a development that -- we call it bad that -- we call a development death. -- we call it development death. we will drive private investment. there would be an independent administration with a board directors. we must build a smarter and bigger electric britain to better harness' efficiency. a smarter grid will let us see our energy use, measure it, price it, and manage it we're looking to advance this on several fronts. engineers have developed a simple, secure in free software tool that gives consumers an easy means to see their home electricity use on their computer or cellular phone. we're looking at how large numbers of vehicles could actually help stabilize the grid and provide massive storage capacity to support a vastly greater share of renewable generation. a specially bred where the air does not always blow and the sun is not always shine. citing new transmission capacity may be the most vexing peace of the renewable energy puzzle and one where new federal policy is critical if we're going to build thousands of miles of new transmission lines across multiple state borders. fourth and finally, we must set national standards to accelerate cleaner and more efficient technologies. congress should adopt a strong energy standards. this has sparked new industries and created thousands of jobs. renewable energy and energy efficiency are highly complementary. that is why we may be facing increasing competition, but our best friends in the energy efficiency business stand ready to help was lower the effect of green electrons by pairing them with improvements. just think what it 3% son -- a 3 cent per kilowatt hour could do for our homes. let me give three examples of complementary energy policies. one is solar thermal power. proving the technology and where state standards are driving demand and government-backed finance is helping get plants built. looking ahead, and hands geothermal systems present another opportunity for a strong finish a policy and the price of carbon could drive a new industry that could produce cheap, renewable power 24 hours a day nationwide. wind is also another technology that could be driven by strong policy actions taken here in this very chamber. when it comes to renewable energy, we can predict the future by inventing it. this covers an array of disciplines. what are we waiting for? thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, dan. our watchwords for today are honest and bold. i think it continues. our next speaker is here to share his view of where we are and where this is all going. [applause] thank you very much for including me in your program. let me start by thanking danaher weicker for the leadership he is provided on this -- dan riker. i appreciate that. as all of you know, the senate is focused on health care reform and i assume that is what you are here to talk about. i think that once we get past health care reform, and successfully, i believe, we will be in a position to consider what can be done on energy and climate change and that will be in the new year as far as the senate schedule is laid out. i think, at that time, we could make significant steps towards this transition. clearly, the market, as it currently operates, fails to properly factor in the cost of the environment. this is a danger to our economic security and our environmental future as well. putting a price on carbon is essential and we are committed to doing that. even with the market, the scale of clean energy investments needed to set a course that is sustainable for the future is daunting. well there are immense -- while there is immense promise in the new energy technologies being developed, we clearly have to have, paired with that technology, policies to allow those technologies to achieve their potential and to help us deal with the challenges that we face. if we succeed in putting those policies into place, that i think that we can very effectively address the energy challenges and create new jobs and deal with climate change challenges. in june, the energy committee referred to this. in june, the resource committee reported a comprehensive energy bill. it is the energy act of 2009. we forwarded that bill with a vote of 15-8. it contains a series of policies needed to unlocked our energy future and let me talk about three of these that debt also referred to first is the renewable electricity standard, to set a baseline for renewable energies. second his streamlined and more effective policies and procedures for an electric transmission lines and third is the clean energy deployment administration to insure that investment materializes. starting with the renewable elektra's the standard, this is a policy that i have advocated we adopt at the national level -- starting with the national rouble electricity standard, this is a policy that i have advocated we adopt the national level. i think that everyone in this room probably agrees with that. there are state renewable electricity standards and there is inconsistency in coverage and application. i believe that the most effective policy would be to have this at a national level. in this congress, we have the opportunity to go-ahead and establish a national were no electricity standard that will provide a more consistent savings to the market, this is also part of this bill that we have reported out of our sit here to committee. if enacted, it would accomplish two goals. first, it would enhance the diversity and second, it would position the united states to regain the world technology lead in these areas. these are both important goals for. -- both important goals. this makes sense to have the electricity sector that is diversified into important dimensions. diversified between centralized and distributed generation and diversified among the various sources of electricity generation. in my view, a renewable electricity standard encourages both kinds of diversification. new technologies could be readily implemented. many of you could cite examples. a renewable electricity standard helps option is that more closely resemble enhanced geothermal systems and concentrated solar power. our current system of tax incentives does not provide the kind of certainty that is needed intends to only provide incentives to those forms of renewable power that can be built quickly, in particular to wind power. i strongly support all forms of renewable energy, but i would like to see more incentives for a wider range of technologies. and national were noble electricity standard will also help the united states to regain leadership in the development and manufacturing of renewable technologies. the reason is simple. technologies tend to be located close to their principal markets and that is why germany, which does not have much in the way of sunlight, is a worldwide center for the manufacturers of solar panels. there is a vibrant market for solar technologies. the united states has had a strong intellectual leadership in creating these new technologies, but time and again, we have seen how our work has resulted in the manufacturing occurring elsewhere. we need to try to head that off. >the second issue i want to talk about his transmission. it is closely connected to having an effective, reliable electricity standard. it ensures that we have a transmission system that can connect to renewal resources and connect to renewal resources and that can handle the challenges . we have seen the evolution of electricity markets over the past few decades as they have become more regional and more interstate in scope, but our system of serving those markets and customers by building and paying for new transmission lines has not kept pace. and we are now in the position of the developers of renewable electricity resources are substantially impede for making economic investments by the fractured system for identifying and meeting both present and future transmission needs. the major focus of the bill that we took out of our committee was the three most difficult issues. it is regional planning, citing authority, and new transmission. i believe we have a successful starting point for a bipartisan issue issue there may be additional improvements that we can adopt. we could go forward with that debate. having an effective way of deciding where it will be built , it can ensure that these lines are not arbitrarily blocked. beneficiaries. despite the importance of electricity transmission policy , the politics surrounding this issue will be intense. when we do get to a full senate debate, i am sure that we will see some of the politics in this play. the third item i would talk about is the need for support for clean energy technology deployment. new renewable energy technologies that counter major barriers when it comes to obtaining the kind of support in the private financial sector that helps them to make the transition for commercially proven products. i refer to the valley of death where good ideas whether for lack of sufficient capital. i was in silicon valley last week where cutting edge venture- capital firms are turning their attention to clean energy technologies, the kind of projects they are pursuing our not surprisingly renewable energy technologies. others are technologies that are needed in order for renewable energy to be fully integrated into our systems. as attractive as these technologies are, we need to find ways to insure that the capital is there to develop and deploy them. the federal government can make a big difference by using its ability to make focused, patient investments to leverage and unlock private capital markets where there are many billions of dollars to bring these new technologies to where they can be deployed on the scale that will be necessary. the first title to our bill is the clean energy deployment administration. it is designed to make the key investments to accelerate the technology that we need. this was a bipartisan achievement. we will move a wide range of technologies from the laboratory to the marketplace by combining the technological expertise of the department of energy with a new and independently overseen cabinet of business professionals to get through this valley of death. we will be empowered to aggregate smaller projects that might have trouble attracting capital investment because of their size. an example of this problem of balance. they need to be aggregated into larger initiatives that can be more readily financed. i believe that the investments that we need cannot wait. most of the energy infrastructure that we build today will still be operating in the year 2015. the investment choices that we make now will dramatically shape the world in which our children and grandchildren will live and the longer that we wait to address our clean energy challenges, the higher the hill will be that they have to climb so, i am very hopeful that our proposal will be seen as the kind of response that is needed for this serious problem. again, we want to make this happen without a strong push from experts who know the power and possibility of an information technology best. many of you in this room are in that group. congress will need encouragement. i hope that you will all advocate for that enactment of this provision. i have briefly outlined three of the key areas that are most important. strong grenoble energy standards, and a mechanism for providing strong financial support for these projects. all three areas have a strong set of bipartisan provisions that need and deserve the support of the private sector. i hope that all of you will continue to advocate for these necessary steps. i look forward to working with you in this venture that we are all on to see this transition of our economy. again, thank you for including me in today's program. i wish you well. i hope it is a constructive session. >>[applause] >> it was suggested that someone might have a question. i will be glad to respond if anyone does. i am sure i have answered most of them. >> yes? >> [inaudible] >> i do not know. that is the honest answer. i hope so. but i do not know. >> all lot of the policy development is affected by regional differences. could you address that and how we deal with that? how can we do better in that area? >> in the time that i have been on the energy committee, i have noticed that many of the issues that we deal with divide along regional lines rather than partisan lines. that causes difficulties. it also breaks down partisan divide. i think that it allows us to develop alliances across the political aisle with signatures from our region of the country. i do not know that it is a bad thing. the truth is, all of these issues have a dynamic of their own. your allies on one issue are going to be your sworn opponents on the next issue and that is the nature of the congress and the legislative process. i think that is clearly true in the case of energy. >> my question is, what have you thought about implementing that would fund it on a short-term basis? >> i think we are in a time where there is a shortage of lyndon for well demonstrated renewable energy projects and we clearly need to find ways to assist that. myself, i would not want to see them try to solve the problem. that is a short-term problem. i see them solving the longer term problem of how to use the help technologies become commercialized? i would see the bill in the first two-four of a particular plant that we would need, but i would not see the building hundreds. i would think that the private markets have to be dependent upon been to do that. i think they have demonstrated that they are willing to. >> it is the honor to have you. thank you, very much. -- it is an honor to have you. thank you, very much. >> thank you. [applause] thank you centre. it is now my great pleasure to introduce carol browner. she has a distinguished record in the community. she was the administrator of the environmental protection agency under president clinton and went on to have a distinguished role in the policy world. it is my great pleasure to introduce carol browner. [applause] >> thank you for that introduction. it is a pleasure to be here with all of you and to follow chairman bingaman. i have the pleasure of working for a president who believes and is working hard to change the energy future of our country and the world. with the support of many of you here, today, one of the first things he was able to do was sign the recovery act and as many of you know, dan was an instrumental part of creating that recovery act. $80 billion in clean energy investments, sometimes called the recovery act, the largest energy bill to ever pass the united states congress and i think we would all agree. we are proud of what is happening with the recovery act. many of you were part of making it a success. the money is rolling out the door. we are seeing mothballed plants reopening and there is a factory in pennsylvania and because of a tax credit, it has been retired people to make energy-efficient windows so families can take advantage of other tax credits. the state weather is asian programs are expanding. just a couple of weeks ago, the vice president laid out plans for a national retro said of the programs in this country. the list goes on and on. one of the greatest pieces of news that we have had is the number of larger programs that are over prescribed. there are more people prepared to put private dollars on the table with a tax credit or a match or a grant from the federal government that we had money to honor. that is an example of what is happening in this industry. we are starting to rebuild the clean energy industry in this country and we believe that this is laying the groundwork for making sure but it -- that we have all that we need in order to lead the global demand in clean energy technologies. we have taken seriously, from day one, our existing authorities. for example, early on, we saw something happen between the secretary and administrator jackson that had never happened before. they came -- the came together -- they came together and said that what we want are more efficient cars. the company said that they could not have to different regulatory regimes. the could not have to different regulatory shoot -- regulation enforcement policies. congress had said to detroit and to the auto manufacturers that you're going to have to make cars that are 35 miles a gallon by 200020. by 2016, the standard will be 35.5. we were able to achieve more than even congress thought was possible. i want to recognize all of kathy's leadership. there was a backlog in she has been moving through. she has been putting in place the@@@@@@d)h $r@ @ @ @ @ @ u&") we have also been doing work at our other agencies, the department of agriculture is working on their biomass program and the existing authorities, authorities that have been on the books for a long time, but no one has taken advantage of. the president believes that from the recovery act to constructing his cabinet members to use these authorities, we are demonstrating important domestic leadership on how we can go about creating a new energy future. been domestic. it does not stop at our borders. we achieved an agreement at the g-20 to phase out fossil fuel subsidies. we were able to achieve an agreement around black carbon. earlier this week, you may have seen the news that the agreement was reached in china, it is an important agreement. you have both countries speaking to all the component parts of the ballhi roadmap. they commit to make significant efforts to mitigation. they do so in a transparent and open manner. we think this is a very good lead into copenhagen, coming very soon. i am sure many of you will find your way there. . . now let me spend just a few minutes talking about what i spend a lot of my time on, which is the domestic legislation. while health care is clearly dominating the news these days, you can hardly turn on the tv or picking up a newspaper without seeing something about the issue of health care. that doesn't mean there is not a lot going on around exrenlsive energy reform. what we mean are three things. first, we need to break our dependence on foreign oil. we need to put in place the production capacity. we need to look at alternatives like natural gas to fuel our fleets. but we need to begin our work on breaking our depend enls on foreign oil. secondly, we need the policies that will create a new generation of clean energy jobs. we are seeing this is possible in the recovery act. it should give all of us hope. it is something you all have known but should give others who have not followed this sector as close hope that there is an opportunity, that we can have a new generation of clean energy jobs. senator bingaman talked about how a renewable electricity standard will help stimulate the creation of jobs. some of the things in the recovery act are helping to demonstrate that. but we need to make sure that comprehensive energy legislation takes us further down that path and skewers us as a global leader in the clean energy technology world. finally, we need to put a cap on the dangerous pollutants that contribute to global warming and climate change. the house was amazing. chairman waxman, representative marky, and speaker pelosi, that bill was historic. it is a very good outline of what the component parts should be. we now have had two committees act in the senator. senator bingaman's committee, a bipartisan vote. senator boxer's committee have now done their part on the cap side of the equation. and i think noteworthy in building on all of that leadership is the recent op-ed by senator kerryy and senator graham. senator graham said carol, i'm not going to be with your administration on a lot of things, but i'm going to be there on this. it was a surprising phone call. and then he said when i say this, i mean cap and trade. so i think we are going to see the outlines of what a bipartisan bill might look like in the house. we obviously have our committee chairs with important jurisdictions, senator baucus, the ag committee, and senator rockefeller. all of them have an important role to play. we remain optimistic. the reason we are optimistic that we can pass this legislation is this is a jobs bill. this is about creating jobs, and that is what america wants today. this is about giving you in the country the kind of certainty and predictability you need. you need to know what is expected of you. you need to know if you make those investments in alternatives that there is going to be a demand, a market. finally, there is this deep belief that this is the moral and ethical thing to do. i had the privilege of running the e.p.a. for eight years and worked with the world's leading environmental engineers. they are great and have solved so many problems for our country. but the truth of the matter is there isn't one among them who can reverse sea level rise once it starts to occur. we have to start to take the steps today so we can give future generations the same kind of opportunities and hope that prior generations have had, and i think we will do it. it will not be easy. it will not happen without all of your help in whatever form that takes. we have a lot of people to educate. we have people to educate not just in congress, but in towns and cities across the country. but change is coming, and important change, and it is a real honor to be a part of an administration that wants to work with organizations like acore, that wants 0 work with the companies that you represent to create a different future. thank you again for the opportunity to be here, and i'm happy to answer any questions. [applause] >> thank you, carol. you were so quiet early in the administration. you didn't start speaking until a couple of weeks ago. >> i was busy putting a recovery act together and other things. >> you were a little bities. thank you for coming this morning. >> thank you. >> two or three questions we might have? >> i am deeply concerned by the future generations because if $-- $20 billion is a lot of money, but it is also a lot of debt. i am concerned about the reality that we may have a society without equal opportunity -- not a speech, sir. a question? >> the question is this. how can we guarantee that new technologies, promoting two new technologies can actually get the financing they deserve? the hard work and innovation can be paid off? >> how can we get the financing to scale this thing up? we talked earlier about the $30 billion to $50 billion we need every year in this sector. your thoughts on that? >> i think the recovery act is a good start. where congress decides to go in terms of continuing funding for those programs in the recovery act, which have been hugely self and many of the clean energy ones that are at the forefront remains to be seen. the administration recognizes that we need to give the industry a certainty and predictability so you know if you make that whatever, that there is going to be a market demand. we think an important part of doing that is to put a cap on carbon as a renewable electricity standard, and if we can get those in place. you will get a lot of what you need. i heard chairman bingaman talk about a financing mechanism and others out there. we think those could be an important part of energy reform, and we need to see where that goes. we do understand that in addition to the regulatory certainty, there needs to be 134 funding, and so we will have to work with congress to see what makes sense. >> you are working with the partnership that is chaired by jeff right here. >> we met yesterday. >> we want to work, the financial community, with the government in ways that haven't did not -- been done before. >> next question right here. >> i would like to know what you are going to do about the decentralized power. what about utilities able to hookup five megawatt or 10 megawatt generation. the egg level is kind of the level where we are. >> you want to know how the small generators are going to hook into the utilities? >> yes. we are having a problem making that leap with the utilities. >> one of the things we have done, and i don't know if this is precisely the answer you are looking for, but we have made a significant investment in making the grid bigger, better and smarter, giving them the tools they need to better manage incoming and outgoing. one of the things we deal with in this country is the 50 state regulatory agencies, and they function under different laws, in most instances to good effect. i don't know if the chairman is here, but i know that fverageeveragerveragecrverage -- ferc and others have been dealing with how about we can deal with 50 organizations and how certain problems get solved. >> we are here today with legislation that with the clean energy act, that they may break it down in industry segments. can you tell us how the administration feels about that? >> we belief that we need exrenlsive energy reform, and that means we need an economy-wide program. we think that you will get the most common sense, cost effective solutions if you have an economy-wide program. it is a what the president has said from the beginning. it is what we put in the first budget to congress. it is what the house has effectively done, and that is what we are going to be working for to the best of our ability in the senate. thank you all very much for the opportunity. [applause] >> thank you, carol. we will now take literally a two-minute break as we take a transition. it is not a full break, but do stand up. we will be)) house energy committee ed markey and business leaders from germany and denmark on u.s. energy competitiveness. this is three hours. >> it is my pleasure to introduce the next session of the conference. this is all about setting a framework for policy. what are the different perspectives that have to be brought to a well thought out policy from work for scaling up renewable energy over the next 10 and 20 years, starting from where we are today. this session will be cochaired by two of my most favorite people in the world, roger ballantine, and since then, helping many corporations in america move into this space. katie mcginty, counsellor in the clinton white house that when on to become the secretary of the environment of pennsylvania and is currently a partner in a major private equity and venture capital firm. i will turn it over. please welcome this next session. it is all yours. >> >> hello, out there. i now know how it feels to be a chairman. welcome again, everyone. thank you for bringing us here. it is wonderful to see that we have policies to celebrate as well as a few more that we might ask for. nobody out there has a wish list, do you? nope. >> we want to kick off the session by going right at it. we all know that the job is to scale up, but to scale, we have to go granular. how can we get the specific ideas, the specific policies that are going to be the turnkey's to enable us to continue to grow this industry? i think that roger will agree, and not to put out a challenge to the follow-up panels, but we've got the best panel. as you will see, with the insights that our panel will share, let me introduce our panel, briefly. then roger and i will kick off with additional thoughts. first, many of you know the global and national leader in energy efficiency, kathy zoi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >> the two of them worked together to get that done through the late 1990s. i felt privileged in the late 1990s to be traveling through europe quite a bit. and looking back, like boeing in philadelphia in 1776 so much of what we take for granted today on policy and public involvement and tax incentives and something he won't tell you but he's the one that went to on tearia and talked to them. all of that came out of europe. it was the foundation of a core. it was not eye popularqks thing >> the battle today is what are the barriers to make it sooner and fafrter. >> if the natural gas and coal do run out, we will deplete sooner than many thing or want to have it. the others are over our abilities of living and the future of our civilization. we can turn around as much and often as we want. we are faced with a chal challenge. >> in march, 2008, i started this speech with the bad news and good news. the bad new oil is running out and the good new oil is running out. i think there would be a forth coming endangering the civilization. we are in a race against time. we are in a conflict of those who want to speed up the development. represented by the possible loosers of this development. it is a shift from commercially, primary energies and leads to a factual change of the whole economy. one of the debates worldwide it is estimated as an economic burden in. it leads to the endless possibility of burden sharing. nobody would wait for the outcome of negotiation. everyone would do it. you remember the speeches for martin luther king. remember one speech, he always asked himself and to all the people, how long? he answered not long. how long, not long. the question people have now is, how long does it last to come to the energy possession. we need and we can give the answer. each plan can survive. the power station required several years. it can bre implemented immediately with a very short period of construction and a very early return on investment allows us to speak on the energy. to say it to people and to all possible mechanisms. it must not last long. activate government and activate the media for that. this is the point we are now at stake. motivation means toover come barriers. the benefit is not in the same time in micro economic benefit. the art of policy needed the instruments adopted which enable us to translate into micro economic 6ñincentives. the full name is law of the priority of renewable energy. they have the higher value for the society. the clean energy has a higher energy for the society. only about actual prices and xir son. this made it possible that many, many new players started activities and investment. this made it possible only in the last two years to install new renewable energy capacity that will present 5% of total involved in my country. in a country with 85 million people. only 350,000 in the high density. >> what is possible in germany is possible everywhere. it's possible in the united states >> there are so many íxexample i hope the same speech will come from the united states. it was not comfortable in the last years to be alone in this developme development. it is necessary that it created movement following this example. the two most important alliance with the higher value. 85% of the german people want to have this less than 10% say that they would be in favor of the nuclear power stations. even if there is a new government, they are introduced. this government cannot ignore and will not ignore l this will of the people. the second supporting group in history. it is a technology of history. the renewable energies come to the technology business. not only the producers of energy technology. there is no economy without this gives a new chance for the automotive industry, for the building construction industry they are faced with the challenge to introduce newt= technologies and this gives the new drive. this is the second chance. no technology revolution halved on an international treaty. there were some driving forces. they did it. they created the broad waive. no one should wait for the outcome of international negotiation. there's no reason forever that. the driving element does not come from them. that is my message for you. go on. >> when a great privilege i have to introduce one, now i can introduce two. the co-author of the future r thank you. the land max bill. please welcome congressman he had martin. >> thank you for being here and inveeting me to be with you. we have a world now where the chinese and the indians, they look at us and say pointing up, most of that co 2 is red white and blue. that was a fantastic mrentation. you have been a great leader in europe. we thank you for everything you've done to set the pace on all of these issues. jo i0r have served now for my 3j year on the energy committee. we created kind of a three bill sdrat gi. the first was a 2007 energy bill raising standards 25-35 miles per gallon. our technology had gone backwards since 1986. we built in new incentives from appliance technology as soon as barack obama was swoern in in the stimulus bill. $80 billion for renewable technologies. in a way, acting in a counter way still giving incentive for renewable energy companies to deploy. into one believed we could do it that quickly after no action. power only about 30 states passed this would then create a national market. it would see complete deployment across the country. we put a price on top. every year in the united states out to the year 2050. that's the challenge for our country. we add $200 billion through the year 2025 in renewables. $200 billion is dedicated to that effort. it also creates a clean energy bank. we partnered on telecome issues. that bank which we talk to you about, it has $7.5 billion, it has the capacity to raise capitol. that is going to be available for all advanced new technology served as the funding. for the new technology, you could qualify for in order to be able to enter this new marketplace. the thought is that we have to really think about it how do we put investors sñtogether. these partnerships will construct an environment to move easier from the laboratory to the marketplace the consequence of our increase in our country. in 1970, we imported 20 prefers of our oil. europe has always been fortunate. it's not a mathmatic formula. my father always said to me, you are going to find out where you are forced to be we are going to recognize the flaw. backing out the imported oil and reducing the amount of carbon by having the amount of election risity of the low moving sources. you have to produce it here within the united states in order to accomplish the goal. pretty simple formula. anyone under 30 would call that a no brainer. we are working hard to get a majority to solve automatic the problems simultaneously the chinese are coming. if paul revere were riding down my street, he would be yelling "the chinese are coming." we should respect them and their ideas. let's respect them. let's have our own plan. they have a plan, we should have a plan at all. we have turned around since the day nancy was swoern in as president -- i mean as speaker of the house. flooush now we have barack obama who will sign the legislation. i believe the same thing will happen. producing projects right now not within the imagination of anyone in this room twisting that chemical just a little bit and then you have a completely different way of looking at these issues our job is topáz produce the marketplace where ordinary (s and geniuses can move out. we have very little oil, we are a technological giant. so that we ensure. finally that this is market based where it is guaranteed and predictable that it is going to be a marketplace for these renewable technologies for the next 30 or 40 years. the problem is that there is the most powerful source of life is what you know. sad to say if thomas edison came back, he would still recognize the electronic grid in our country. one revolution has be gotten the next one. it is this matching up that makes it all possible to build this revolution we are about to unleash this is about as important an issue as in we need to work on. coral reefs are being destroyed the least that we would ble able to say is that we tried to solve these problems we tried to protect against these by the year 2020, children will have to look to the history books to see that there ever was such a problem of global warming. i thank awful you for everything you have done i want to thank all of you for your partnership. thank you all so, so much. [applause] >> we are hungry for lunch but we are hungry to ask [íxquesti what's your recommendation in terms of your call to action. as these next several years unfold if we could put the right policies on the books. it is toing to in the end determine whether or not we win or loose. to a certain extent, it's up to you. by banning together in thinking in that way, we will win. we are going to create people in the next 10 years. a lot of the undecided senators will respond to that kind of concept. we know the price of a barrel of oil is going up the pressure is to go back up again. that's really your opportunity >> to get that meaning and help several ceos in the room. this year, the american wind association had 23,000 people come to its convention in chicago. next year, it will be in dallas. don't you think that's a good place to have a convention? to have 35,000 people or so show up to talk about wind whether it be in massachusetts jo you said earlier that countries should cooperate. all countries share the same. how can the countries collaborate. in this up scaling. i think the most important point is to use the chance and to incentive this organization. this organizationation is one thing. for years, it has contributed to the under estimation. now the agency is there, it must become established. they need several hundred people, not only 30 or 40 or 50. they need an adequate budget. they need a similar budget from the membership like it's given from the atomic agency. the main question is who ask participate in there. what we need in the world because we have to shift from few power stations to many. i think an american or german can do that. ok. >> obviously we cannot solve the problem of global warming just by actions of the eu in the united states ultimately we cannot do what is projected. it is necessary to make programs that make it possible to transfer these technologies in way that's will help this developing world to make the same leap from today's technologi technologies. in the same way that third world countries decided to by-j pass wire line and straight to cell phone. it is the technology that god has created here. it's capturing the power of the moon as it affects the tides and using your technologies this. it's capturing the power of the sun not going to the sun. so that they can look at the buy owe mass in their own areas. technology breakthroughs will happen in our country. >> those that come into the new technology. china, india, russia are going to continue to burn coal. we have a responsibility to find the smartest ways and moving that technology to other parts of the world. those kind of breakthroughs could then be used as part of the process. >> you can plan an exciting conference and sometimes, it turns out even worse. >> let me thank the two heros of our space. thank you for coming from overseas to give us your talks. secondly because i have your attention now and i have to read some administration things. please remove your trash after lunch. we are going to reconvene here at a quarter of. a fast lunch if you can do that. now please thank these two heroes. >> the "new york times" will join us later to discuss the senate healthcare bill and peter pantuso, president of the american bus association. and david herszenhorn. washington journal is available every morning on smavn and spon oregon. >> today, the senate returns to session to resume debate in at nath one-wour block until k6 p.m. watch live coverage on c-span 2. in 1989 fshgs snud judy shelton wrote about the coming soviet crash. in 1984, the coming monetary sys familiar. >> now she's talking about the economy. economist and wall street journal contributor on "q&a." now debate on the healthcare bill from senate republicans and democrats. this is a little over an hour. president? the presiding officer: the senator from wyoming. mr. barrasso: thank you very much, mr. president. i find it fascinating listening to the comments from the senator from maine, and maine and wyoming are similar in a number of ways, and one is that the engine that drives our economy are small businesses. what we just heard is that this bill right here, mr. president, this large bill which is the bill that the senate is considering right now, over 2,000 pages, underneath it is the bill passed by the house. i hear that these are actually going to penalize the small businesses of maine and the small businesses of wyoming when those businesses try to hire another employee. mr. president, we're looking at 10.2% unemployment in the country right now, and the people in our states are well aware of those numbers. it seems to be -- i don't know if that number is just being neglected by others, but for small businesses trying to hire people, i believe this health care bill makes it much tougher. it's certainly going to make it tougher for them to provide insurance. it's going to make it tougher for those small businesses to give raises to people, and it's indeed unfortunate in my opinion that we are here on the senate floor looking at a bill that is going to raise the premiums for the american people who have insurance, who likhe

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