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Victory. Hiser sanders and supporters gathering in rochester, minnesota tonight with an eye on next tuesdays super tuesday contest. Hear from senator sanders in about 90 minutes if the schedule goes as planned. 53 delegates are at stake in the primary, it is the last time we will have a single state before we moved to the super tuesday primaries on tuesday. Many of those are public and candidates crisscrossing in what others are calling the sec primary. A lot of states in the state south, including tennessee, texas, and georgia. We will have more from the candidates in the course of this weekend and tuesday, the results. Tonight the focus of South Carolina. Sanders congratulated Hillary Clinton with her victory. He went on to say, let me be clear on one thing tonight. This campaign is just beginning. We won a decisive victory in New Hampshire. She won a decisive victory in South Carolina. Now it is onto super tuesday , and donte together let people like donald trump try to divide us, we can create an economy that works for all of us, and not just the top 1 . We are also keeping track of the tweets including Nbcs Chuck Todd who has been keeping up with the numbers. He said it is not a surprise that Hillary Clinton would win in South Carolina, but her overwhelming lead among africanamericans is just astonishing. 8416. That is obamaesque. We want to hear from folks and succulent. Our phone lines are on. Our lines for democrats. Republicans. Indendependence pendents. We welcome our listeners on cspan radio. And we are getting a drill down on the numbers in a reaction. Thank you for being with us. Guest make you for having me. Host the early numbers show this is a huge win for Hillary Clinton. Guest it is important in the context of her campaign. This has been a rougher start to her campaign than anyone envisioned for Hillary Clinton, even three months ago. Which narrow win in iowa effectively looks like a tie from the outside. Being blown out of New Hampshire by Bernie Sanders. But now, a small and comfortable win in nevada. By all accounts, a blowout win in South Carolina. That is big for her, and puts her back on track to win the nomination, comfortably. A note from what you said from senator sanders, we should not expect him to go quietly into that good night just yet. Is with the New York Times and cnn, he is looking at the numbers. He says six in 10 voters in South Carolina today are africanamerican. 84 backed Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. According to polls, well over 90 of the africanamerican voters over the age of 65 supporting Hillary Clinton. Why such a disparity between her and senator sanders among this key demographic . Guest given a years ago when she faced senator barack obama, it was effectively split. It was reversed at the time. It was obama who one big among africanamerican voters w wo n big among africanamerican voters. Most likely against any of the republicans. You have to remember, bernie it is ann some ways, approximation of what obama has done. When you consider president obamas biggest thing was the health care reform. Bernie sanders is very clear about how he wants to replace that with a singlepayer system. That is a difference Hillary Clinton has highlighted. She does not want to pave over some of obamas legacy. She wants to protect his legacy. For africanamerican voters, the first africanamerican president , that is seemingly the message resonating and winning over right now. Host pointing out that Hillary Clinton has just left her hotel in columbias, succulent columbia, succulent. Been gathering since this evening. Of cheers at 7 00 when Networks Officially declared her the winner. What do you think she will speak about tonight . Guest i would not be surprised if there is a small in the general election. Certainly that is what her campaign wants democratic voters to think about. Seeing her as inevitable. Trying to picture her taking on the republicans. Degree that the donald trump has dominated the discussion in all corners, even would not bey, i surprised to hear her talk a little bit about him, and start pushing back about him against him. Not only do you get out ahead in the general election, youre trying to refrain the race and a, hey, look, the democratic primary is winding down. We are starting to focus on a general election. Of course senator sanders has other ideas. That is the message Hillary Clinton wants to give democrats right now. They areis Time Starting to roll up victories on the republican side, it is time to turn our attention to the general election. Im going to be the nominee, lets start the about the general. Host senator sanders began the day in austin, texas. He was in rochester tonight. He was in South Carolina yesterday. A stop when he crisscrosses some of the state with an eye on tuesday. How does he have to thread the needle in terms of delegate . Delegates . Especially when Hillary Clinton has such a large majority of superdelegates. Guest he needs to start morning morning state he needs to start winning more state. States. He does have opportunities on super tuesday. Victory, but the caucuses in minnesota or colorado, typically they are lower turnout, hardcore liberal activist. The kind that like Bernie Sanders. He has some opportunities in those races. It should be said, you mentioned some of the state who are voting on tuesday like texas or georgia, or alabama, these are states that are like South Carolina. Many of them have large africanamerican populations. Point, thatthis Bernie Sanders, despite his efforts to win over africanamerican voters, it is something not happening for him. You mentioned the 84 of the exit poll showed. That is astonishing. For senator well sanders in other states with high africanamerican relations. Relations. Host six superdelegates the Republican Party does not have superdelegates which will make it interesting at the Republican Convention does come down to what some are predicting senator rubio saying he will take it to cleveland. The Democratic Party does have superdelegates, can you talk about that and how it is helping Hillary Clinton so far . Guest these are all Democratic Leaders who, the Clinton Campaign ken court can court candidate. Hillary clinton has supported just about every democratic leader in the country. Those are who the superdelegates are. As a people that superdelegates listen to. It is interesting, there has been a lot of thought about the importance of superdelegates. Some thought that Bernie Sanders could get more delegates. They would have no choice but to support Bernie Sanders. Otherwise it looks like basically the party later stole the election from Bernie Sanders. That would not be good. Its funny you mentioned the republicans do not have superdelegates. I would imagine there are Republican Leaders who wish they did have superdelegates to maybe help if it does become a broker convention in cleveland, they can help make sure the nominee is not donald trump. Reporter isnior joining us in washington. For listeners on cspan radio, we are keeping an i on hillary at ans headquarters in South Carolina. A significant win in the palmetto state. We will listen to your calls and comments. First, steve, baltimore, maryland, democrats lined. Line. Thee i want to point out Republican Party, the regressive the reasonys saying minorities vote democrat is because they offer free stuff. Of ianders is sort t want to say off offering, he is offering free college education. The reason we did not vote for Bernie Sanders is that i think in this case we are going with the devil that we know. We are going with hillary. Generally we just know her. She has ties and she knows the black community well. Thank you for listening to my call, that is it. Host thank you. Alex i think he is right. The clintons have had a relationship with the Africanamerican Community for decades. Even before he became president in 1992. When he did become president come he had a very strong relationship with the community. Matt continued it went through a rough patch certainly in 2008 when senator obama ran against him, and Hillary Clinton. There was criticism for how bill clinton acted during the race. The relationship has certainly been repaired. Again, it is a remarkable thing that eight years ago, after losing black votes by such a margin to obama, she is now winning it by a huge edge over Bernie Sanders. It is quite a turnaround in eight years. Host of the associated press, looking down at these poll numbers, points out the blacks, women, and those over the age of 30 giving Hillary Clinton a commanding victory in succulent. Brian is joining us from california. Our independent. Brian i wanted to run through a few things. We are at the crux of the historic time in american history. We have a populist uprising. Going through the ballots right now we have all trump on the democratic side. What i do find interesting right now is the democratic constituency is actually voting for the establishment. Clybourn endorsed Hillary Clinton. Lets listen. Because i am happy jim clyburn thank you. Thank you. Thank you very, very much. Ladies and gentlemen the last several weeks, though people of South Carolina have had an opportunity to hear and compare. Democratic voters of South Carolina have rendered a significant verdict. [cheers] [chanting hillary] she will be here in a moment. I want to thank each and every one of you. All of the work that you have done to make this evening possible. Started Hillary Clinton on her way to the white house. [cheers] people of South Carolina, have hard, if if you work you build a resume, if you remain true to your own loyalples, if you remain to the administration that got this economy out of the dips depths [cheers] plan as tolay out a how you will build upon that record and take us to where we ought to be, you will be rewarded. [cheers] rewardedht, we are Hillary Clinton, and she will reward each and every one of us in this great nation. [cheers] me,all didnt come to hear so let me to dust present to you now, the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton. [applause] [cheers] [applause] [applause] Hillary Clinton thank you. Thank you so much, South Carolina. [chanting hillary] thank you. Thank you. [cheers] thank you. Thank you so much from one end of this state to another. I am so greatly appreciative because today you sent a message in america when we stand together [cheers] when we stand together there is no barrier to big to break too big to break. We have now gone through four early state. I was a congratulate on senator sanders on running a great race. Congratulate senator sanders on running a great race. Tomorrow this Campaign Goes national. [cheers] we are going to compete for every vote in every state. We are not taking anything, and we are not taking anyone for granted. [cheers] i want to thank all of the local , mayors,legislators pastors, organizers, volunteers who have worked their hearts out for this campaign. Thank all of our great South Carolina friends going back so many years. I especially want to thank two of your former governors, to dicky and jim hodges riley and jim hodges. I especially want to thank your champion, your statesmen in congress, jim clyburn. [applause] [cheers] i am so looking forward to working with the congressman to make the changes and continue the progress that we can build on the record on the accomplishments of president obama. [cheers] peoplethe almost 850,000 who have contributed what they could come most giving less than 100, i thank each and every one of you. Every day since iowa, more and more of you have stepped up. Today grassroots donors are powering this campaign. [cheers] to the millions of people watching across the country, please join us by making a donation to Hillary Clinton. Com. [cheers] , becauseis why together we can break down all of the barriers link our all of the Barriers Holding our family and country back. We can build ladders of and opportunity and empowerment so every single american can have that chance to live up to his or her godgiven potential. Then can and only america live up to its full potential too. [cheers] campaign and this victory tonight is for the parents and teachers and rural South Carolina in rural South Carolina. Crumblingd me classrooms and communities to longer neglected too long neglected. We are going to Work Together to give our children the education they need and deserve. South carolina and across america. [cheers] and our victory is for the entrepreneur who told me more dreams die in the parking lot for banks than anywhere else lots of banks than anywhere else, and that is especially true for women and people of color. We are going to Work Together to give people, particularly young people the tools you need [cheers] business you small have been dreaming up of. In his campaign and our victory is for the reverend, a presiding elder of the ame church who looked at all of the violence and division in our country and night, how,other how are we ever going to strengthen the bonds of family and media again . Workingoing to start by together with more love and kindness and our hearts, and more respect for each other, even when we disagree. [cheers] hear, we dontu need to make America Great again, america has never stopped being great. [cheers] but, but we do need to make america a whole again. Whole again. Instead of building walls, we need to tear down barriers. Eers] we need to show by everything we do that we really are in this together. Today, too many people at the top, too many corporations have forgotten this basic truth about what makes America Great. Prescription Drug Companies that increase the price of drugs for thanason then greed greed. And then double and triple bills overnight. Corporations shift their headquarters overseas for no other reason than to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. Companies like Johnson Controls and and Auto Parts Company in wisconsin that we taxpayers help to save in 2008. Let there be no doubt, in any boardroom or executive suite across this country if you cheat your employees, exploit your customers, pollute our environment, or rip off the taxpayers, we will hold you accountable. [cheers] if you turn your back on america you will pay a price. But if you do the right thing, you invest in your workers, and in your countrys future then we will stand with you. Together we have to break down all of the barriers. Not just some. It is important that wall street never threaten mainstreet again. No bank can be too big to fail, and no executive too powerful to jail. Not a singles issue country, my friend. We need more than a plan for the biggest banks. The middle class needs a raise. [cheers] and we need more good jobs. [cheers] jobs that pay well and cannot be outsourced. Jobs that provide dignity and a path to a brighter future. We can create those good jobs by building up the progress we have made under president obama. Lets make new investments in manufacturing and Small Business. In scientific research, and clean energy. And clean energy to power every home in america. [cheers] enough clean energy to power every home in america. [cheers] wet let anyone tell you cannot make things in america, i know we can, and i know we will. Lets break down the barriers that keep people on the sidelines of the economy, especially women. [cheers] dont you think we have waited long enough for quality affordable childcare and paid family leave . Do you think it is time for equal pay for equal work . Dont you think it is time for equal pay for equal work . Lets bring down the barriers break down the barriers that stop children from getting the best start in life. When he to support Great Teachers and Great Schools and every zip code in every zip code. Lets break down the barriers, holding back our young people, especially the student debt that makes it hard to imagine ever living the life you want. [cheers] and we are going to give special historically black colleges and universities which play a vital role across the country. Breaking down all of the barriers means we also have to face the reality of systemic racism that more than half a rosa parks sat and dr. King marched, and john lewis fled, still plays a segment significant role in determining who gets ahead in america, and he was left behind. We have to invest a communities of color, reform our criminal justice and immigration system. We have to guarantee opportunity, dignity, and justice for every american. And tonight, i want to pay tribute to five extraordinary women who crisscrossed the state with me and for me. Five mothers brought together by tragedy. Sabrina fulton, mother of trayvon martin. Shot and killed in florida just for walking on the street. That, mother of jordan davis, shot and killed by somebody who thought he was playing his music too loud in his car. Maria hamilton, mother of daughtry, shot and killed by police in milwaukee. Glenn carr, mother of eric gardner, choked to death after being stopped for selling loose cigarettes on the street. And geneva, the, mother of sandra bland, who died in Police Custody in texas. They all lost children. Which is almost unimaginable. Have not been broken or embittered. Instead they have channeled their sorrow into a strategy and their morning into a movement m ourning into a movement. By now we all know the story of flint, michigan. How the children were poisoned by toxic water because their governor wanted to save some money. There is another side to the , it isnd let in flint the story of a community that has been knocked down, but refused to be knocked out. [applause] it is hundreds of Union Plumbers coming from across the country to help install new water fixtures. It is students, raising funds for water deliveries and showing up in flint to distribute supplies. It is the united auto and General Motors donating millions of dollars. We know there are many other flints out there. Communities that have been left out and behind. Facevery problem we anywhere in america, someone somewhere is working to solve it. Our country was built by people who had each others backs. Who understood we all have to do our part. At our best, we all rise together. Imagine what we can all do build together when each and every american has the chance to live up to his or her potential. Imagine a tomorrow where no child grows up in the shadow of discrimination or under the specter of deportation. Imagine a tomorrow where every parent can find a good job, and every grandparent can enjoy a secure retirement. Imagine a tomorrow where isdware hard work honored, families are supported, and communities are strong. Trust and respect each other, despite all that divides us, please join us in this campaign for our countrys future. Go to Hillary Clinton. Com or text join. Join right now. Trip to southt carolina during this campaign, i stopped by a bakery here in columbia. I was saying hello to everyone. I said hello to a man reading a book in the corner. Turned out he was a minister. The book was the bill engvall the book was the bible. He was studying corinthians 13, which happens to be one of my favorite passages. Love never fails, it tells us, love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. [cheers] these are words to let thy to live by, not only for ourselves, but also our country. I know it sometimes seems a little odd for someone running for president these days and in this time to say we need more love and kindness in america. But i am telling you from the bottom of my heart, we do. We do. Much to look forward to. There is no doubt in my mind that americas best years can be ahead of us. We have got to believe that. We have got to work for that. We have to stand with each other. We have to hold each other up. Lift each other up. Move together into the future that we will make. Thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. [cheers] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [this is my fight song] this is my fight song take back my life song proves im my powers turned on i will be strong i have my fight song i dont really care please i still have a lot of fight left in me meot of fight left in this is my fight song take back my life song prove im alright song powers turned on right now i will be strong ive got my life song i dont really care please former secretary of state, former senator Hillary Clinton as she continues to greet wellwishers in columbia, South Carolina. Because he did results on your screen. With 18 elming victory of the vote reporting Hillary Clinton getting 77. 4 of the vote, that trance late to about 62,000 votes that translates to about 62,000 votes. Senator sanders getting 22 or about 17,000. Keep in mind in 2008 democrats casted their ballots in the primary. We will keep an eye on those numbers compared to tonight. We will continue to watch the scene in columbia. We are rejoined by the senior political reporter for cq roll call. You called it. Was a speech aimed to all most entirely donald trump, and not her actual opponent right now, bernie anders. Sanders. Into string because she mustve used the word together or togetherness about a dozen times. Of if hillaryview clinton is the nominee and donald trump is the nominee, that is the message Hillary Clinton will be taking through the summer in the fall. We need to stand together to get things done. Clearly trying to create a contrast with donald trump. His crudest his critics will say he is trying to bring me country apart or polarizing. Again in the context of the democratic primary, hillary getton is trying to democrats to see it her way, it is time that the democratic primary is winding down, it is time to start thinking about donald trump and the general election. Host i wrote down the line we will see it tonight and tomorrow, she said, quote america has never stopped being great. Alex it is funny sometimes you hear republicans say that. Republican rivals for the nomination, again, she is already focused on donald trump. That is the kind of message you can expect to hear more of, especially if she does well tuesday like many expect. This is just a warmup for what you will see the. Host another quote from Hillary Clinton tweeting out thanking the voters, and saying, instead of building walls we need to tear down barriers. We need to showed that we are really all in this together. What do you expect we will hear from senator sanders tonight . His goal is to try to bring the focus back to the primary. He said something already to the effect that basically he won a hampshire, in new and now it is on to the race. Thats gives the fact that she won iowa and nevada. His focus is, look, this is still a race, we still have the rest resources. The money and supporters to carry the race on. The question becomes if it becomes more clear that Hillary Clinton will win the nomination, does the pressure start for Bernie Sanders to wrap up his campaign, or at least be left critical that he does not hurt Hillary Clinton in the general election and allows the healing to take place in the Democratic Party so his supporters become comfortable with the idea of voting for Hillary Clinton in the fall. Host in that sea of cameras and smartphones is Hillary Clinton who declared victory in South Carolina. Within the next hour we do expect to hear from senator Bernie Sanders who is not in South Carolina tonight. This is a state often referred to as a firewall. Looking at the numbers tonight it was one big firewall for Hillary Clinton. The margint know if you said you talked about host recline said that rick klein said that Hillary Clinton won South Carolina by a wider margin than barack obama in 2008. Alex you said she was up Something Like 77 of the vote right now, if that holds up, we are talking about a margin of victory nobody saw coming. I think most people would expect 20 plus points. Reach, even look at 80 , that is dramatic. That will have a real impact on the race. Minds it some peoples will seem like Hillary Clinton is the nominee. It will put pressure on sanders and his supporters to wrap up the primary. You as wes hear from continue to watch the scene in South Carolina and minnesota. Linda from murphy, texas. Thank you for waiting, your reaction. She is calling on the republican line. Linda i am calling in on the republican line, i want to make one comment about hillary just speaking. I truly hope that no executive is too big to fail in her particular case. The other thing i want to say is the republicans are getting on this bandstand is not wanting to vote for anyone who is not a true conservative in their mind. Perhaps they want to have another four years of hillary or nie, and eric erics son Eric Erickson is who ill am referring to who said he would never vote for donald trump. In trying to jerryrigged the other elections for whoever is ahead, he does not care. He just wants the establishment people to continue. We are angry. We have every right to be. We are in this mess because the socalled conservatives have not stood up for their values. People want to keep electing them. It is not going to go this time. We are going to show everybody. We are going to change directions. Host your candidate is donald trump . Linda absolutely. Host thank you for the call. What do you hear from her comments . Alex i think that is the argument a lot of donald Trump Supporters will say. Topng, we have to unite the behind the public and nominee or it will be another four years of democratic president s, another four years of the obama, clinton agenda. They have to start making that argument. There are a lot of publicans like Eric Erickson, one of the more prominent conservatives out there in that he would not support donald trump. Obviously if enough conservatives say that and believe that, it becomes impossible for donald trump to win. Frominly what you hear donald Trump Supporters, we cannot do that, there is something bigger at play. Even if you do not like him, he is the candidate we are supporting because a lot of the conservatives you do like have not done what we wanted on capitol hill, even after republicans won the house and senate. Donald trump is our candidate. He is the one we think will make a change in washington. Host Hillary Clinton with a lot of selfies and shaking hands. No rush to leave in South Carolina, although she will be in arkansas tomorrow as the campaign in primaries move to super tuesday state, mrs. Only 4 of the democratic delegates have been picked. That sound you just heard, the pivot to the fall, a dual track strategy for hillary quit. Lets hear from jesse, joining us from hollywood, florida. Jesse how are you . Host fine, thank you. Jesse i was just watching, i am a Bernie Sanders supporter. I am 47 years old. We need a new change in the white house. We need to start from the bottom to the top. I am not precious because i likeve people should vote sanders said, you cannot buy elections. Back in the day my grandmother is 100 years old, she always tells me, go vote. Johnson signed that bill, we go vote. It is up to the people. Hillary, i voted for bill clinton, i voted for obama, now i want somebody that can really fit with america. Like i said, i am voting for sanders. I will not give up. Dont give up the hope. Thank you for letting me call in. It is my first time calling. I always watch cspan. I love your station, god bless yall. Host thank you. Alex, Hillary Clinton be in florida on super tuesday night. Donald trump will also be in south florida in palm beach on the evening of super tuesday with an eye on the next super tuesday, march 15. Florida begins the winner take all contest, along with ohio and two other state. Alex tuesday is a huge day for the republican primary. So is march 15. It becomes the winner take all portion of the calendar which means it is an opportunity for candidates to win a lot of delegates. Florida is a large state with a lot of delegates. It will be important for marco rubio to win that race. Said today if you cannot win your own sake, you really have no business continuing as a republican nomination. He has an important contest on the same day in ohio. Polls show him trailing donald trump. , ifcould see at that point candidates have not made inroads against donald trump on tuesday, we could be talking about the republican race effectively locked up for trump. Earlier today, senator rubio, we covered him in atlanta, georgians in he is not going to get out. He is going to do whatever he can to make sure the donald trump is not the republican nominee. And you have a piece in the New York Times where the republic establishment, wherever that happens to be, doing what they can to block the nomination of donald trump. What is happening . Alex look, there are a lot of republicans who cannot come to grips with the idea that donald trump could be the nominee. It is understandable. I think he would be basically a disaster in the general election. They are trying to find ways they can prevent him from being the nominee. It is not as simple as he when the most votes in the caucuses and primaries and you are the nominee. There is a delegate system. Delegates have to vote at the Republican National convention. Look, this is unprecedented. If they were to try to do Something Like that, it is unprecedented in modern president ial primary history to try to pull that off. You have to consider, even if they are successful, it is not like donald trump is all of a sudden going to say, i guess you guys picked another person i will go away and not say anything. You have to be concerned about what he and his supporters do at that point. Urgingor we just heard the party to rally behind donald trump. He does not sound like somebody who would be very happy about that. It is fair to wonder, does that mean she will come out and vote for whoever the republican nominee is . It is exam like it. It does not, get. If a lot of republicans do not vote for the same reason, then Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders will win. Republicans are trying to figure out ways to avoid the donald trump nomination. It is hard to imagine them pulling that off without Severe Damage to themselves in the general election. Host let me take it one step further, divisive republican buchanan 1992, pat challenging george w. Bush. More recently, john mccain and george bush in a heated public and primary. Two thousand eight, John John Mccain got the nomination but he was in a battle with mitt romney. The party did come together at the end of the day. Is it different this year with donald trump . Alex it has gone on longer you mentioned the 2000 race, that was a bareknuckle brawl between bush and mccain. It was also a brawl that was effectively over after the seventh South Carolina primary. There is no end in sight with this primary if republicans want to keep fighting trump. I dont know if this is a good analogy. It is a joke in washington among political reporters to say that every year there is a speculative story there could be a brokers convention. With the drama. This year the stories are being written, but they are being taken seriously. Speculation lot of in the campaign talking about it openly. We will have to see. Weis fair to see say what are seeing an era public and primary this time around, there is no comparison to the recent primaries. This is different. Back inllary clinton camera range with her secret Service Detail next to her. Supporters following her. Bernie sanders is in rochester, minnesota. We will hear from him in about 45 minutes. We will watch the scene and columbia. We will listen to wayne from massachusetts. Wayne good evening, thank you so much for cspan. Anytime i see Hillary Clinton on camera i feel a sense of despair. This is a campaign where i dont know if there are any heroes on horseback anymore. Im beginning to wonder what kind of shape the electorate will be in november. It is a long way away. Host thank you. Alex i think, look, Hillary Clinton carries a lot of strength through the general election, she also carries weaknesses. I think you hear it reflected in that gentlemans comments. She has been in the public stunt spotlight for decades. There are people who do not like what she and her husband have done any spotlight. You see that. Even in public polling, her negatives are high. Among all voters in america, not her democratic voters, numbers are higher than Bernie Sanders, even some of the republican candidate. She carries some distinct weaknesses, you hear that when you talk to democratic strategist who are looking at other races. They are fully aware that Hillary Clinton is far from a perfect candidate. Host lets listen to orlando from dewitt, arkansas. Hello. host are you going to vote on tuesday . Orlando i will vote for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. I have not made up my mind yet. I wanted to ask, do you think she will win in texas . Host there was a tweet earlier back in 2008, 57 of the democratic voters in texas where women. Alex it is hard to tell with the public polls. Sometimes in a big state it is hard to tell. I will say that the democratic electorate in texas is heavily minority, both latino and africanamerican. Generally speaking that favors Hillary Clinton. Bernie sanders, the best date he has done so far is New Hampshire, is almost exclusively white. That is one of the reasons the Clinton Campaign is confident about super tuesday, because of state like texas. They have high latino and africanamerican turnout in those states. They can be successful. Host for those of you just tuning in or listening, the result in South Carolina, an overwhelming victory for Hillary Clinton. This statement from Bernie Sanders who began by congratulating secretary clinton on her win in dr. Linda. Win in South Carolina. He said the following, let me be clear on one thing tonight, this campaign is just beginning. We won a decisive victory in a have sure. She won a decisive victory in South Carolina. Says, it is on to super tuesday where we come together and dont let people like donald trump try to divide us, we can create an economy that works for all of us, and not just the top 1 . Secretary clinton said earlier tonight her campaign is not a single issue campaign. A sharp rebuke to the big issue that sanders is running on, the economy. Alex, your reaction. Hillary clinton a big part of her campaign is that i am not just running on the economy. I am running on social issues. I am running to be a better commander in chief. That is one area where she has a big advantage over senator sanders. You can see that in the debate. Of course as a former secretary of state she is wellversed in foreign affairs. It is not an issue that seems to animate Bernie Sanders as much. The senator from vermont really is all about trying to help the middle class through domestic policies is not as comfortable talking about foreign affairs. Host mary from gilmore, texas. Alex goes back to his evening job. To vote foroing donald trump, even though i love hillary and bill, and i love ted cruz. We can forgive and forget each other, i wish donald trump would not say so much about everybody. I wish he would brag on them a little bit. That is the only thing i have against donald. He is going to bring jobs over here. I have eight children, 27 grandchildren. I babysit so all of my kids can work jobs. If he brings jobs back here, maybe we can make some more money down here in east texas. I am voting for donald trump because he can bring business back to america and get us working again. Post what about ted cruz who is also on the ballot on tuesday . A mary i love him, but i have to go with trump because he is a big businessman. He said he has hired 10,000 people, and he will bring all of the business back to america. He is going to take the business from mexico and japan back here so we can work. Host alex . Alex certainly disheartening if you are a ted cruz supporter. There is a lot of pressure on ted cruz that if he does not win texas each about. Out. Bow as a best case for donald trump people see him giving the ability to start the economy, and help the economy for people who have not felt good about their jobs or their financial situation since the financial crisis. That is the best Case Scenario for donald trump. It is not one that is entirely in the minority, even in washington there are republicans who think he is a different kind of candidate. Maybe we need a different kind of candidate this year. He can appeal to a broad enough coalition of people to win. Points, first, do you think we will see an endorsement by the president to secretary clinton before the race wraps up . Alex i dont think so. He has said he will not. He has to consider a lot of the people who are Bernie Sanderss most ardent supporters were big supporters of his eight years ago. He probably would be worried about his legacy in that case. Unless things really took a turn for the worse for hillary primary, i think we will see obama stay on the sidelines. Finally, as you right story tonight, what is the headline . Win in southge carolina Hillary Clinton reinforced the perception she is on track to win the primary. ,econd sentence would be already looking ahead to the general election, and looking ahead to a general election against donald trump. Another sign that she thinks she has the primary locked. Host that line wayside, it will be repeated often, america has never stopped being great. Clearly her staff put that in with a direct purpose to go after donald trump. Storydonald trump is the of the campaign, even if you are Hillary Clinton, there is no way to avoid it. She does not want to avoid it, she wants to embrace the challenge of taking on donald trump right now. Host his work is Available Online at rollcall. Com. He also writes for congressional quarterly. Thank you for being with us. We appreciate you being with us on the South Carolina primary evening. Our phone lines will continue to be open. It will show you again, secretary clintons victory speech. And at the top of the hour we will have you listened to what senator sanders is saying in rochester, minnesota. 202 is the area code. Joining us live on the phone from richmond, virginia is Jeff Schapiro, he is a politics columnist, thank you for being with us. We want to move from South Carolina to super tuesday, another a number of candidates including marco rubio tomorrow and donald trump on monday in virginia, just how contested is the commonwealth primary as part of the primary on tuesday . Jeff we are having a traffic jam of candidates in the countdown on tuesday. There was a good deal of activity in the past week. President clinton, that would be bill, was in virginia for mrs. Clinton. Ted cruz also in virginia. , the weekend promises to be as active. Marco rubio making a swing through the state. That will be four stops for him in all of the media markets. Trump coming in on monday as well will Hillary Clinton with two stops outside of washington dc, and the southeastern corner of the state. Those are the two biggest vote throws in virginia. Once a very rural state, now lopsided lee suburban. Host when it comes to the general election, it is one of the primary days on tuesday the remains of for grabs for both democrats and are publicans . Clinton seems to have a comfortable lead, senator sanders is showing strength in the areas where he has shown strength elsewhere in the country. College communities. Younger voters. Many of whom are angry and frustrated over the direction the economy. Mr. Trump continues to lead in virginia, though his lead has narrowed. One of the more recent instate public polls showed him narrowly ahead of senator rubio, about six percentage points. Ted cruz is in third place. John kasich way back. ,hat you are seeing in virginia a state that i would suggest more closely reflects the nation as a whole is something of a reflection of this national race, andy. Indie. Host , county the Largest School fairfax county, the Largest School population. What about the rest of the state . Guest to your point, at least 20 School Systems will be closing on tuesday to accommodate polling. A number of other School Systems will be opening late to accommodate pulling. State in which Voters Register by party. There are two simultaneous primaries. Voters will have to go into the polling places, request a ballot, express their preferences, then take their leave. There have been a number of new restriction put in place on voting in virginia, many of them pushed by republicans, including a photo id law that is now under challenge in federal court. In fact, in the runup to the primary, the trial at which that law is being contested is unfolding. President ial have been particularly heavy on the democratic side. Nearly one million votes cast in the democratic memory in 2008. Barack obama easily carried the state. Participation in republican primaries is falling. With 12ff schapiro, primaries for democrats and republicans. Virginia is one of those where if governor kasich or senator sanders or senator rubio wants to pull out an upset to stop donald trump on the public inside or slow Hillary Clinton on the democratic side, virginia will be one of the states. Point,the view at this particularly among establishment republicans, where they may be shopping around the collapse of the jeb bush candidacy. A number gravitating very quickly toward senator rubio. Whether that will be a stop with trump remains to be seen. The point that needs to be made is jump is that he about trump is that he is drawing people new to the system. Trumps made a number of appearances in the state. The folks who show up at these events, one enrichment, a school night drew about 5000. These are not the faces one ordinarily sees at Republican Committee meetings or Republican Conventions. For that matter, at republican primaries. Host have you ever seen a race like this . Guest certainly this is unusual in virginia. We are seeing more and more of these big personalities, particularly at the state level. Our governor is a member of the clinton privy council, and he clearly helps to deliver a big win for mrs. Clinton on tuesday and hopes told the state for the democrat in the general election in november. This was a state that was on autopilot for republicans for years for about four decades. The republicans carried the state for the presidency, a very rapid shift in the demographics of the state. An explosive growth in its population has turned this into a very purple state in very short order. Host finally, we are talking to Jeff Schapiro of the Richmond Timesdispatch. How much Political Capital does governor mcauliffe have in the state among democrats . Acknowledgeuld this as well, he won by plurality in 2013 because of who he wasnt. A fiercely conservative social and cultural conservative, momentummcauliffes has not been maintained in the succeeding years. There was a big legislative election last year. He was unable to tip the state senate back to democrat control. Here is a chance for him to demonstrate a measure of muscle in this fastgrowing state. Host i am assuming when the results come in virginia on tuesday, you will keep close eye on the Congressional District in the center part of the state. That is the district eric cantor once held, an area where ted cruz would have to do well. If you doesnt, that would give you a sense of how the night is going for either senator rubio, governor kasich, or donald trump, correct . Guest yes, keeping in mind that the giant killer, the guy that knocked off the man that would be speaker of the house, at this point, it does not seem to have wildly credible opposition for renomination. An affirmative measure of his growing standing is the 7th district here in Central Virginia. The republicans have now decided to nominate their candidate for congress by convention, which was preferred by congressman brett. Who writesschapiro, about politics for the Richmond Times dispatch. Virginia one of the 12 primary caucuses on super tuesday. We wanted to focus on one that was especially competitive. Thank you for your time, we appreciate it. Guest have a great weekend. Host the results of South Carolina showing an overwhelming victory for Hillary Clinton, now with about 86 of the vote reporting. Hillary clinton about 66 of the vote reporting. Hillary clinton getting over 75 of the vote. Votes. Over 170,000 in case you missed it, her remarks within the last 40 minutes or so in columbia, South Carolina. Rep. Clyburn thank you very much. For the last several weeks, the people of South Carolina has out an opportunity to hear and compare. Night, the democratic voters of South Carolina have rendered a significant verdict. [cheers] [chanting] she will be here in a moment. [laughter] i want to thank each and every one of you for all the work that youve done to make this evening possible. Started Hillary Clinton on her way to the white house. [applause] the people of South Carolina have said, if you work hard, if you build the resume, if you remain true to euro and principles, if you remain loyal to the administration that got this economy out of the depths. [applause] and if you lay out a plan as to how you will build upon that record and take us to where we ought oto be, you will be rewarded. And tonight, you have rewarded Hillary Clinton. And she will reward each and every one of us in this great nation. [applause] me, so not come to hear let me present to you now the next president of these United States, Hillary Clinton. [applause] mrs. Clinton thank you. [applause] thank you so much South Carolina. Hillary] mrs. Clinton thank you, thank you. Thank you so much from one end of the state to the other. I am so greatly appreciative because today you sent a message in america, when we stand together [applause] together, there is no barrier too big to break. Earlynow gone states. I want to congratulate senator sanders on running a great race. [applause] and tomorrow this Campaign Goes national. [applause] anything, and we are not taking anyone for granted. Pastors, organizers, volunteers have worked their hearts out for this campaign. I thank all of our great South Carolina friends going back so many years. I especially want to thank two of your former great democratic governors, dig rightly and jim hodges. I especially want to thank your champion, your statesman in congress, jim clyburn. I am looking forward to working with the congressman to make the changes and continue the progress that we can build on the record and accomplishments of president obama. [applause] 850,000 peoplest who have contributed what they could, most giving less than 100, i think each and every one of you. Thank each and every one of you. Every day since iowa, more and more of you have stepped up. Today, grassroots donors are powering this campaign. [applause] millions of people watching across our country, please join us by making a donation to Hillary Clinton. Com. [applause] heres why. Because together we can break down all the Barriers Holding our families and our country back. We can build ladders of opportunity and empowerment so every single american can have that chance to live up to his or her godgiven potential. [applause] america only then can live up to its full potential too. [applause] campaign and this victory tonight is for the parents and teachers in rural South Carolina. [applause] me crumbling classrooms in communities too long neglected. We are going to Work Together to give our children the education they need and deserve here in South Carolina and across america. [applause] this campaign and our victory is for the entrepreneur, who told me more dreams die in the parking lot of banks and anywhere else. That is especially true for women and people of color. We are going to Work Together to people,le top give particularly young people, the tools you need [applause] to start that Small Business you have been dreaming of. This campaign and our victory is for the reverend, the presiding elder of the ame church, who looked at all the violence and division in our country and asked me the other night, how . How are we ever going to strengthen the bonds of family and community again . Well, were going to start by working together. With more love and kindness in our hearts and more respect for each other, even when we disagree. [applause] despite what you hear, we dont need to make America Great again. America has never stopped being great. [cheers] but we do need to make america whole again. [applause] instead of building walls, we need to be tearing down barriers. [applause] we need to show by everything we do that we really are in this together. Today, too many people at the top, too many corporations have forgotten this basic truth about what makes America Great. Prescription Drug Companies that increase the price of drugs for no reason than greed, then double and triple bill the folks overnight corporations that use shell games to ship their headquarters overseas for no other reason than to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. [boos] Companies Like Johnson Control and autoparts companies in taxpayersthat we helped to save with the auto rescue in 2008. Let there be no doubt in any boardroom or executive suite across this country, if you cheat your employees, exploit your customers, pollute our environment, or rip off the taxpayers, we will hold you accountable. [cheers] if you turn your back on america, youll pay a price. But if you do the right thing, if you invest in your workers and in your countrys future, then we will stand with you. Now together we have to break down all the barriers, not just some. Its important that wall street never threatens main street again. No bank can be too big to fail, and no executive too powerful to jail. [applause] but america isnt a single into country, my friends. We need more than a plan for the biggest banks. The middle class needs a raise [cheers] and we need more good jobs. [applause] jobs that pay well and cant be outsourced. [applause] jobs that provide dignity and a path to a brighter future. We can create those good jobs by building on the progress weve made under president obama. Lets make new investments in manufacturing and Small Business, in scientific research, in clean energy. Enough clean energy to power every home in america. [applause] and dont let anybody tell you we cant make things in america. Ui know we can and i know we will. [applause] barriersak down the that keep people on the sidelines of our economy, especially women. Dont you think weve waited long enough for quality, affordable childcare and paid family leave . Dont you think it is time for equal pay for equal work . [applause] and lets break down the barriers that stop our children from getting the best possible start in life. We need to support Great Teachers and Great Schools in every zip code. [applause] lets break down the Barriers Holding back our young people, especially the student debt that makes it hard to imagine ever living the life you want. [cheers] are going to give special support to our historically black colleges and universities, which play a vital role across our country. Now breaking down all the barriers means we also have to face the reality of systemic racism, that more than a half a century after rosa parks sat and dr. King marched and john lewis bled still plays a significant role in determining who gets ahead in america and who gets left behind. We have to invest in communities of color, reform are broken criminal justice system. Reform our broken criminal justice and immigration system. We have to guarantee opportunity, dignity, and justice for every american. Tonight i want to pay tribute to 5 extraordinary women who crisscrossed the state with me and for me. 5 mothers brought together by tragedy. Martin, shotrayvon and killed in florida just walking down the street. The mother of jordan davis, shot and killed by someone who thought he was playing his music too loud in his car. Dontre, shot and killed by police in the walkie. The mother of eric garner, choked to death after being stopped for selling loose cigarettes on the street. The mother of sandra bland, who died in Police Custody in texas. They all lost children. Which is almost unimaginable. Or they have not been broken embedded. Or embittered. Instead they have channeled their sorrow into a movement. They are reminding us of something deep and powerful in the american spirit. By now, we all know the story of flint, michigan. How a citys children were poisoned by toxic water because their governor wanted to save a little money. There is another side to the story in flint. Its a story of a community that has been knocked down, but refused to be knocked out. [applause] hundreds of Union Plumbers coming from across the country to help install new water fixtures. It is students raising funds for water deliveries and showing up in flint to distribute supplies. Its the United Auto Workers and General Motors donating millions of dollars. We know there are many other fints o other flints out there, communities that have been left out and left behind. For every problem we face anywhere in america, someone somewhere is working to solve it. Our country was built by people who had each others backs, who understood we all have to do our part and that at our best, we all rise together. Builde what we can all together when each and every american has the chance to live up to his or her potential. Imagine a tomorrow where no child grows up in the shadow of discrimination or under the specter of deportation. Imagine a tomorrow where every parent can find a good job and every grandparent can enjoy a secure retirement. Imagine they tomorrow where hard work is on, families a tom orrow where hard work is honored, where we trust and respect each other despite all that divide us. So please, join us in this campaign for our countrys future. Go to Hillary Clinton. Com or 47246, right now. When my first trips to South Carolina, i stopped by a bakery here in columbia. Iying hello to everybody, want to say hello to a man reading a book in the corner. It turned out he was a minister. And the book was the bible. 13,ying for his corinthians which havent to be one might which happens to be one of my favorite passages. Tells us. R fails, it it bears all things, endures all things. [applause] these are words to live by. Not only for ourselves, but also for our country. I know it sometimes seems a little odd for someone running for president these day in this time to say we need more love and kindness in america. But im telling you from the bottom of my heart, we do. Have so much to look forward to. There is no doubt in my mind that americas best years can be ahead of us. [applause] we have got to believe that. We have to work for that. We have to stand with each other and hold each other up, lift each other up, walk together into the future that we will make. Thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. [applause] cspans road to the white house coverage in columbia, South Carolina. Hillary clinton with almost 74 of the most now reported. Of the vote now reported. Momentarily we hope to hear from senator Bernie Sanders, who is in orangeburg earlier in the week, but moved on to the super tuesday state with an eye on tuesday. We want to use the opportunity to open the phone lines and hear from you. Omar on the democrats line from texas. Good evening. Hi, how are you . Host your reaction from secretary clinton. She is playing the sympathy card. Host who is your candidate . She is. Thought i thought she was in general for everybody. Host lets go on to brian, from baltimore, maryland on the republican line. Guest im calling into direct response that you had several colors from baltimore that stated he was a democrat voter. The reason he votes democrat is because they give us free stuff. I was kind of taken aback by that comment. I couldnt believe what i heard. I had to call in and say wow, really . With all the topics in the world today jobs, national security, you name it. They give us free stuff. This is broadcast on tv. I was like, holy cow. Host i was going to ask you who is your candidate in the primary. Guest my candidate is trump. I will quote a movie by the working man, for the working man. He might have his hand in somebodys pocket, but its deftly not as deep as hillary were any of these other people in washington. Its time for the american people, the backs that this country has grown upon, to stand up and votte for some real change. I really believe he wants to make America Great again, not to give out free stuff to everybody. Host let me go back to something that Hillary Clinton said. This is from earlier tonight as she spoke to supporters in columbia, self drilling. She said america has never stopped being great. We will likely hear that from her in the future, directly going after Donald Trumps slogan. Disagree withly that statement. I feel that america right now is the laughing stock of the rest of the world. We used to be a great power. Back in world war ii, when this country came together, you heard the previous color, a democrat feels disgusted because hillary is playing the race card. Im tired of the race card. You have blacks, whites, lati nos. How about we stand up with the good people and against the bad people. Stop reinforcing bad behavior. Let the working man decide what goes on in this country, the people that pay the taxes, that supports somebody on welfare. Dont get me wrong, i have no problem with welfare. If you truly need help, we are there for you. Dont suck off the system. Dont come to this point. Intonhost your last guest i am flabbergasted with the Democratic Party. They are chasing the black vote, the latino vote. They give us free stuff, you heard it from one of your callers. They are chasing the black vote. These are democratic callers. Host brian, thank you. I want to share this tweet from cnn, this photo tells you all you need to know about how Hillary Clinton is feeling tonight. Meanwhile in rochester, minnesota, Bernie Sanders supporters with the logo a future to believe in. he began the day in texas and will speak to minnesota supporters tonight. We will have it live on cspan. Gwen is joining us from meriden, connecticut. Good evening. Caller; i registered as an independent voter. Many hardworking americans are angry with both parties. You see tonight, pandering and exploiting immunities. I am of color and im offended because hillary is playing both sides of the fence. I dont appreciate it. I believe that unaffiliated independent voters are going to be the Game Changers in these elections. I prefer to look at the candidate over the party. Host thank you for the call. This tweet from the hill. Com Hillary Clinton preaches love and kindness. And all of our programming is available on our website. You can check it out online anytime at cspan. Org. We are live tomorrow with a number of events on monday, including donald trump, in medicine, alabama. Madison, alabama. Thats at 5 00 eastern time. We are checking all the candidates monday. Tuesday night we have the results on super tuesday at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Joe is joining us from marshall, North Carolina on the democrats line. Good evening. Caller id like to offer an opinion. Bill clinton will be her closest advisor. Bill clinton is the man that signed the free trade structure, welfare reform, and nafta without a safety net or a factor to work in. You do something, youre gone. This affects black people more than it does white people. There are more blacks in prison. Theyve always worked together as a team. She is asking for the front seat this time, but he will be running in there with her. Ase,vised black people, ple consider that before you vote for her. Victory erruling an overwhelming victory for Hillary Clinton. The threeway race between john edwards, Hillary Clinton, and barack obama. According to the exit polls, Hillary Clinton got a larger percentage on the africanamerican vote in this election than even barack obama got eight years ago in the South Carolina republican primary. Scotty from West Virginia, democrats line. Good evening. Caller thank you sir. I have studied this ever since the election process began. Hillary really aint got nobody running against her like donald trump had on the republican side. Only what, one other, two running against her . She preaches love and kindness, but if you look how many people have committed suicide while working for her and bill, you will see a long long list of disgruntled employees. Accidents, i just a belief women would i just dont believe we would would shoot themselves in front of the driveways. When she talked about the families, and that their sons were killed over a rap song. That wasnt the case. Then taking for people to come up there and help him. They had the marines offshore taking him in tho help. My get it my biggest problem with Hillary Clinton, and im a democrat. I will switch over and vote for donald trump. Number one, double pay for the campaign out of his own pocket. He dont owe none of these big Drug Companies nothing. He doesnt know any of these big corporations anything. He is the working mans choice. That is why hes getting so many votes. People are tired of career politicians. Look at cruz and the other one and hillary. They have been in office for what, more than 10 years . Its the same old same old rhetoric. Congressmen are passing bad legislation that hurts this country. This country, if oyu think about it, ought to be paying every citizen money each year instead of citizens paying them. Because this country is like a big business. And it makes millions and millions, and we turn around and give it to countries that surround and attack us. Host scotty, we will let you go. One other tweet, the rubio camp believed there will be no majority of delegates by the cleveland convention. Let us listen into the scene in rochester, minnesota, where Bernie Sanders supporters are speaking. Senator sanders is expected to speak momentarily. If you need help finding your caucus location, call our office in rochester. We need you to show up and hamas knock some doors this weekend. And knock some doors this weekend. Who is down for knocking some doors for bernie . I think we can get more people than that knocking doors. [applause] enough hands. More people. The reality is, its awesome it you are here, but if you want to see the state go progressive blue, bernie blue, we need you to sign up for these shifts. Is not enough to get you or the person standing next to you out of the caucus. What matters is getting your holy road out to caucus. But not just for anyone, oh no, for bernie. [applause] so it doesnt matter if you came here from far away or right next door, if you have two legs and the ability to knock on a door, you can help this campaign win. We cant do it without you. It is very much up to us. We are super excited. We have been on the ground for nearly three months. We have been calling everyone, making sure that everyone he knows about the caucus and will show up to it. We have exciting programs going on at the office. Weve got people coming in. Do we have any badges here tonight . I think we have some people from iowa that came too. They are here in the crowd, awesome. All these people are coming together and helping us win for bernie. I came all the way from New Hampshire, actually. [applause] so i have the pleasure of being a field organizer there. We ran a really successful campaign. But we did it because folks like you put in the time to make sure that this mans message got spread and that the folks who needed to come out and vote came out and voted. When you leave her tonight, there will be folks rent the entranceways. We are going to have clipboards. They can sign you up for seats to get up to caucus. Around call you tomorrow 10 00 a. M. Make sure you sign up and know exactly what you are going. Because without you, this is a People Powered movement, we can do it without you. Thanks so much for being here. I look forward to seeing you in the office in the next few days to make this really happen in minnesota. Thank you guys so much. [cheers] bernie will be out soon, i promise. Thank you everyone. [applause] host the scene in rochester, minnesota, trying to warm up the crowd. From twitter, we are told senator sanders arrived in minnesota about 50 minutes ago. A short drive to get to the venue. About 15 minutes ago. The Washington Post saying if trump rolls into super tuesday, senator rubio hoping to hang on. We covered some of the marco rubio in atlanta georgia. Hes on the campaign trail in virginia tomorrow, crisscrossing some of the Southern States again on monday. Following all of it here is part of our road to the white house coverage. Let us hear from you. Michael in greenville, North Carolina on the independent line. Caller i think the results tonight are very revealing. But i think the broader picture is what a dangerous point that we are in in america. Someone just mentioned the rhetorical word race card, which comes up if you dare mentioned racial bigotry in america. I have listened to conservative talk radio for the last eight years. And what i have heard is people telling people what to think. Putting rhetoric in their minds. Have they forgotten that is the way hitler destroyed germany . With a lot of divisive rhetoric, telling them that there is a group of people that are the source of all their problems . This is very sad. Weve let conservative talk radio get into the framework of our thinking. People like donald trump can just repeat this sad and divisive rhetoric. Nobody ever mentions the influence that conservative talk radio had exploited ignorance. People are just repeating what theyve heard on the radio. Host thanks for the call. Jake tapperport, saying this is a very competitive race. One statesta caucus, that senator sanders hopes to win. He has been crisscrossing the Southern States. Sanders in oklahoma, earlier in colorado. Secretary clinton, who will be in arkansas, then heads up to massachusetts for an event early monday morning. Then in northern and Central Virginia for secretary clinton on monday. By the way, secretary clinton and donald trump will be in miami, florida. That will be tuesday evening. The next big contest will include florida on the 15th of march. For the republicans, it means the start or the wing or take all states. Start of the win or take all states. Marshall from south dakota on the democrats line. Good evening. Caller how are you doing . Just letting you know im a combat veteran. I definitely different support Bernie Sanders. I think he is the right choice. Yeah, i just want to spread the word. Host what is it about senator sanders that you like . Caller i appreciate everything that he tries to offer. I think hes a great person. He wants to see america succeed. Definitely appreciate that a lot. Host shelby is from charleston, West Virginia on the line for republicans. Caller anything good evening. A longen a democrats time. Im switching to republican. Will be voting for donald trump. I think is the best one for the job. I think you can get america back on track. Host can i ask you a question about donald trump . One of the big questions, if he were elected president , how would he govern and work with congress . How would you answer that . Caller i think he would work real good with them. Because hes been buliding everything, all these buildings. I mean, hes got money. Theink he knows all candidates. He knows all the senators and everybody like that. Yells worked with them before. I think he will do a wonderful job. Host how will he represent america as a head of state overseas . Caller i think he would do a wonderful job. Hes a very intelligent man. He knows how to go and get things done. Hes a fighter. He can put america back on track. Host ricardo, the primary big primary in texas. Are you going to vote . Caller i would like to vote. Hillary clinton is a great leader. Course, all the campaigns, i hope that one day i get to vote. That is all i can say. That bless america. Host Bloomberg Politics looked at Donald Trumps business overseas. We will focus on that washington journal tomorrow at summit what i am eastern. We will get results from South Carolina. We hope you june in tomorrow as well. Burden from long green vernon from long green, maryland on democrats. Caller im afraid of what i call a slip back. I have seen republicans get in office, same old, same old. We go to war. We go to work every time. And in the nonsense of evangelicals walking around, saying that they are the ones of importance. We put a nuclear bomb on israels soil, there is nowhere in the bible that says to do that as a different. Its just amazing to me. We walk around knowing that if republicans get in office, it will slip back right to the way it was. Host tell me who your candidate is in this election. Caller i believe in clinton because she has the experience. I think she has nothing but the experience. I think its a wonderful thing, its time that a woman should win this. Host what about the emails, the last batch of emails released in the last 24 hours . Does any of that concern you . Caller no, notable. Not whatsoever. Unfortunately there were greater things in the past that has come out. Democrats always seem to be sissy when it comes down to this. I dont see why they cant win these battles. Republicans always come out with dirt. They talk about dirt the entire campaign. This rhetoricrd of the republicans talking about how they will fix anything. They are just fighting. That is the weight it has always been. I guarantee gas prices are going to go up. We will be at work. In the poor are just going to be poorer. Host the headline from south 3rds ofa, where 2 democratic voters for Hillary Clinton. Almost 75 of the vote. About 26 of vote for sanders. Reporting,ng 98 with Hillary Clinton having 260,000 with 90,000 votes for Bernie Sanders. 40,000 absentee ballots were casted, but the turnout was far below what we saw in 2008, which was a record turnout for social and the democrats. A threeway race back then, in which senator barack obama won South Carolina. Myles is joining us from stockdale, texas on the republican line. Good evening. Voting i really plan on for donald in the election, the primary. I really dont want to see hillary take office. She has no idea what shes talking about. You know that thing, shes speaking to congress, she lied for 11 hours straight. Do you think that a liar is going to make a good president . Host how important do you think the endorsement of Chris Christie was for donald trump . Caller i think it was great. I think hes going to get a big boost to votes. I think its going to do nothing but help. Host thanks for the call. Our next caller is in New Hampshire from the democrats line. Good evening. Did you miss all the candidates in your state . They were everywhere for the last couple months. [laughter] caller i did not miss too many of them. Host what is on your mind tonight . Caller i like to say i dont agree with mr. Trump. I think hes going to make poor people pay for that wall. The rich people are just going to get richer and richer, according to him. That is the way the republicans work. They dump the blame on all the poor people so that we flipped the bill. Its about time somebody else puts the bill. I dont think he deserves it, because hes a liar. Hes going to double talk us and we are going to be screwed again. Host so i have it right, you said he is a blooming what . Caller i like to say idiot, but i like to say spectacle. Host there is some activity in the event in rochester, minnesota. It was supposed to start 20 minutes ago it was supposed to start 20 minutes ago. A large crowd, including many students. Many folks coming inside of the arena. Anthony joining us from los angeles, republican line. Caller hi, i am in a Democratic State surrounded by democrats. Before the Campaign Even started, they told me there is no way that the Republican Party will nominate anyone other than a white man. Ive argued with my friend. I told him this guy has no substance, he wont last. In here it is, hes at the top of everything. Are they right . I wont berump wins, a republican anymore. I will vote independent. I cant believe we have two senators with way more experience, way more intelligence this guy comes off tv and just talks about it. He has not said one thing that he will do and how hes going to do it. And everyone is voting for this guy. The Republican Party better wake up. This guy is insane. Hes crazy. And everyone is the media showing him on tv, they are picking our candidate for us once again. The media keeps showing this type every type he farts or does whatever. They have it on tv. I have not seen any other candidate get anything like this guy. You guys are picking the republican nomination for us. Whoever people see on tv, that is what these idiots vote for. Host hopefully you were watching the other candidate on this network. We were live junkies again senator marco rubio. Were live with senator marco rubio. Caller donald trump gets 80 of the coverage on other stations besides this one. Host and okeefe from the Washington Post, senator cruz releasing tax returns. Pointing out in the fiveyear lease of tax returns, showing senator rubios income of 2. 2 million in a story that is the link to the Washington Post. Pressure for donald trump to release his tax returns. Is guest on newsmakers the man that says this audit should not fromne is joining us hawaii on the independent line. Good evening. Caller good evening. I dont think we should be using labels like black, white, hispanic. If we live in the United States, we should be considered as one people. That is how we are going to bring our communities together and help each other through this. Thank you and god bless america. Host joe is joining us from elizabeth, new jersey, democrats line. Good evening. Caller its a sad last election in 2012 because i felt that both candidates, both were both in and democrats were backed by pacs. Thats why you set up the election of 2012. What this year but this year, the pacs are backing clinton. Donald trump is paying for his own campaign, so he is his own man. He is not being controlled by others. That is why i am voting for him. Im switching parties from the democrats to the republican. Host who is a candidate . Caller my candidate, donald trump. Host because . Caller for the reason i just dated. He is paying for his own campaign. Hes not beholden to any pacs. Man. His own hes not a puppet. Host thank you for the call. Al, joining us from macgregor, iowa on the republican line. Al, you with us . Lets go on to chris lets try al one more time. Caller yes, this is al. Caller goahead please. Interested in seeing where all these candidates stand in relationship to the constitution. Behind thetice even candidates, also in other locations around the country, you find a gold fringed flag. That is not the u. S. Old glory. Responsiblee very for our security of our country. Not from isis, but within. We have a problem here. I would say ben carson has a good chance of making something turnaround. Thatnk we ought to realize old glory isnt in our courtrooms and in our churches. It is shameful, i think. This is something of concern. I want to ask them all about that. Host al, do you think that dr. Ben carson has a plausible changed to get the nomination . He has yet to win a state. He has come in fifth or sixth in the primaries. Caller he is a wonderful man, i know he has. I have heard him. I enjoyed listening to him. But i have not enjoyed listening to the republicans, except for carson. I feel we are at a turning point. Judge of the constitution, i dont know always other people. But i do know this there have been times when somebody went into court, they did not know what the gold fringed flag meant but they said, my constitutional right is this. Its not really a judge, its a magistrate, they said if you say the constitution again in this court, you will be in contempt of court and are going to jail. That doesnt sound very american to me. America is a free people, sovereign people. We are slaves right now, i think. We are close to a really tragic time. Host thanks very much for the call. There is some activity, so lets listen in. This is rochester, minnesota, live coverage of a Bernie Sanders rally, one of 12 states in the primary caucus on tuesday. [applause] what a great crowd. Tonight, i am really full of gratitude. I am grateful to senator sanders for stepping forward to leave this movement. And to all of you who dare to believe that america can be more. America can be more. It can be more inclusive and fair, with the government that does not belong to the highest bidder. [cheers] thank you for believing that americas best days are still ahead, and believing that we can be in america where corporations are not people and our laws do not confuse money with speech. [cheers] know that some people are reluctant to believe in bernies vision. They may be afraid that too big of the vision will result in disappointment or even make the gridlock worth. They may have a hard time believing that in america, we could have universal health care and free college tuition. [cheers] and of course, the Clinton Campaign has tried to quell these doubts. Does anybody believe that a president clinton could convince a congress to enact her program . No. Hillary clinton told us she wont push for her liver for universal health care because it would start another big National Divisive debate. And she doesnt want that. [boos] host so what rock has she been hiding under . A little rock. [laughter] [cheers] legislature,nesota i have worked on health care for all. I have news for hillary the debate on obamacare is still on. Stopping at obamacare will not end the debate. Obamacare was a huge step forward, but its hard to come located and still too its too complicated and still to expensive for families. We need a new vision for health care and all the things american need to reach for the american dream. We need a new vision that gives americans hope for a Better Future and tells who is on their side. We have to have a debate. The alternative is to let the bullies win. Reasons that one of the so few americans voted is they dont see the point. They dont know who is on their side and who is speaking for the wealthy and wellconnected. To win this election and make real change americans must know who is on their side. They have to know their president is who he says he is and that he is really working for them. [applause] we need the clear vision that bernie offers because millions of dollars will be spent to confuse and mislead americans, and only bernie can break through that noise. [applause] compromisescs necessary. We all know that. Bernie certainly knows that. We will not make progress by cutting down our vision before we evens tart even start. Thank you, Bernie Sanders. Thank you for your leadership, for puttingrgy, and befores a vision that we can believe in. [applause] my friends, i give you Bernie Sanders. [laughter] freeep on rocking in the world keep on rocking in the free world [applause] bernie, bernie, bernie sen. Sanders thank you rochester, thank you. Lieblingative tina thank you for that introduction. You said it all. About is campaign is not just electing a president. Yeah, thats pretty important. [laughter] but there is something more important. As tina just said, it is about transforming america. And theout thinking big kind of country we want to become. Somethingrstanding that the media will not tell you or talk about much. In the last 30 years, there has been a massive redistribution of wealth. Thatroblem is that redistribution has gone in the wrong direction. [applause] yes, thank you president obama. We are better off today than we were seven years ago, that is for sure. [applause] you know, it is amazing to me that our republican friends suffer from a very, very serious illness, which seems to be all pervasive among republicans, that is shortterm amnesia. [laughter] they could gors forward with a straight face and talk about the problems we have what world ignoring bush left us in when he left office. [applause] so we are going to make sure that our republican friends do not forget that when president bush left office that we were losing 800,000 jobs a month, unbelievable. Was aficit recordbreaking 1. 4 trillion, worldshe way, the Financial System was on the verge of collapse. Other than that, we were doing really good. [laughter] sen. Sanders to hear republicans talk about where we are today without putting it into that context is somewhat of an outrage, but here is another truth. Yes, we are better today than we were seven years ago. Lasteality is that for the 30 years under Republican Leadership, under Democratic Leadership, the middle class of this country has been shrinking and almost all new income and wealth has been going to the top 1 . The reason the reason i think our campaign has been doing so well, bringing out new crowds. And hadcame from taxes about 10,000 people in austin. [applause] sen. Sanders we had a thousand people in dallas, and this is a pretty good turnout tonight. Thank you very much. [applause] sen. Sanders the reason is that we are doing something very unusual, we are talking truth to the american people. Truthmetimes, you know, is not pleasant. Its like you go to the doctor and you are not feeling well, even if the news is bad you have to know what is going on before you can get better. That is kind of what is going on with our country. We have to face some unpleasant truths. Let me give you a few. Under, as tina mentioned, a corrupt Campaign Finance system that is undermining american democracy. [applause] sen. Sanders i wish i could describe it in more pleasant terms, but i cant. Billionaires and wall street and Corporate America pouring hundreds of hundreds of millions of dollars into the political process, that is not democracy. That is oligarchy. [applause] sen. Sanders and together we are going to stop that oligarchy. [applause] you know what, democracy is about and i really love democracy one person, one vote. You disagree with me, thats fine. You have a better idea, fight for it. That is a beautiful thing. But what democracy is not about is a handful of billionaires buying elections. [applause] and i will take you Something Else that democracy is not about, it is a not about cowardly republican governors trying to suppress the vote. [applause] you know, i have been in politics for a while. It has never occurred to me to figure out a way to make it harder for people to vote because they might be voting against me. So i say to those republican governors and legislators who are trying to make it harder for poor people, old people, people , if you arevote afraid of participating in a free and fair election, get out of politics, get another job. [applause] bernie, bernie, bernie sen. Sanders today in america we have one of the lowest voter turnout rates. I want to see us revitalize american democracy. I want to see us have one of the highest voter turnout rates here it and in my view, we can to ,ake this very simple either through a constitutional amendment or legislation, if someone is 18 years of age and a citizen of this country, they have the right to vote. In the discussion. End of discussion. [applause] now i think theyre reason that our campaign is doing so well across the country is that we are listening to the pain and the needs of ordinary people and not to the needs of Billionaire Campaign contributors, and that is a real difference. Peoplen we listen to what we hear is people coming up to me and saying, bernie, i cant make it on nine dollars or 10 an hour. That is a which i cant live on, and certainly my family cannot live on. Truth is that the federal minimum wage of 7. 25 an hour is a starvation wage. [applause] thatsanders the truth is millions of people in this country are working 40 or 50 hours a week, and they are still not earning enough money to take care of their families. Truth is that people working fulltime sometimes end up with at the emergency food shelf despitethey need food their 40 or 50 hours of work to take care of their families, and that is why in this country together we are going to raise the minimum wage to a living wage, 15 an hour. [applause] sen. Sanders now what this campaign is about, and its not easy, is trying to force discussion on issues that congress chooses not to talk about and media chooses not to talk about. It is reality that is swept under the rug. Let me give you another example of that. All over this country, minnesota, vermont, all over this country, you have Senior Citizens and disabled veterans who are trying to get by on 11,000 a year, 12,000 a year, social security. You know what . Nobody can get by on 11,000 a year or 12,000 a year social security. [applause] and it isrs important for a moment to try to put ourselves into the life of old, 90 who is 80 years years old, needs health care, needs prescription drugs, needs to keep their home warm in the ter, needs defense food decent food, and they cant do it on 12,000 a year. Many republicans are busy running all over this country. They want to cut social security. Ive got bad news for them. We are not going to cut social security. We are going to expand social security. [applause] sen. Sanders you know, you measure the greatness of a country not by the number of millionaires and billionaires it has, but i how it treats the weakest and most honorable amongst us. Most vulnerable amongst us. [applause] sen. Sanders we will not turn our backs on our parents and grandparents and on disabled veterans. We will stand with them. [applause] sen. Sanders we are listening to workers. We are listening to seniors. But we are also listening to young people. [applause] sen. Sanders and what young people are telling me is, bernie, why does it have to be that i end up 50,000, 100,000 in debt . For what crime, because i wanted to get a Higher Education . That makes no sense. [applause] sen. Sanders what this campaign is about is asking people to go beyond the status quo. Dont think small. Ask yourself a simple question, what kind of world do we live in , what kind of craziness exists, when we are severely punishing millions of people for what crime . The crime of trying to get a good education. That is nuts, and we are going to change that. [applause] sen. Sanders and this campaign is listening to women. [applause] sen. Sanders and what the women why does it happen that when we go to work and we are working along some guy doing the same job, why are we getting . 79 on the dollar compared to that guy . [applause] sen. Sanders and the answer in my view is that what we are looking at is nothing more than oldfashioned sexism, and together were going to change that. [applause] sen. Sanders this campaign is listening to the Africanamerican Community. [applause] sen. Sanders they are asking, how does it happen in this country, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, how does it happen that we have more people in jail than any other country on earth . China, four times are size, has than we do. In jail the people in jail are disproportionately africanamerican, latino, and native american. So together we are going to take on and fight institutional racism and a broken criminal justice system. [applause] sen. Sanders we spend 80 billion a year of taxpayer money locking up fellow americans. There are a lot better ways to spend money than locking up fellow americans. [applause] sen. Sanders this campaign is listening to our brothers and sisters in the latino community. [applause] sen. Sanders and they are telling me that they are tired of being exploited, tired of living in the shadows, tired of seeing a Family Member being deported and family separated, and what they want and what i want is comprehensive Immigration Reform and a path towards citizenship. [applause] bernie, bernie, bernie now, this campaign is different than other campaigns and a whole lot of ways. It is not just that we have the most progressive agenda, but there is something more profound than that. It is me telling you what no other candidate for president will tell you, and that is that no president , not Bernie Sanders or anybody else, can make the changes this country desperately needs alone. [applause] sen. Sanders cant do it alone. [applause] , no sanders no president president , no matter how wellintentioned, how hardworking, here she may be, no matter how smart, no president can take on the power of wall street, Corporate America, corporate media, and Huge Campaign contributors, alone, and that is why that is why im going to be asking for your vote on tuesday, but i need more than that from you. After your help the day the general election, because i cant do it alone. [applause] bernie, bernie, bernie sen. Sanders what the Political Revolution is about is revitalizing american democracy and making sure that every american understands that, yes, football is a spectator sport, democracy is not a spectator sport. [applause] sen. Sanders every person in powerful is extremely if you choose to use your power. I will tell you, because i am in the United States senate and see how things get done, there are people up there who have incredible wealth and power, and what they want is for americans to not vote, not to be thinking about politics, not to get involved in the shaping of the future of america. What they want is a low voter turnouts, low public consciousness, so that the lobbyist and big money interests can control the future of this country. On our job is to take them and to say, that men and women fought and died for american democracy and we are going to ,evitalize american democracy we are going to have a government which represents all ofus, not just a handful campaign contributors. [applause] bernie, bernie, bernie take anders i want to brief moment to mention the differences of some key issues between secretary clinton and myself. Number one, maybe most importantly, when we began this campaign we had to make a very important decision, and that decision was do we have a super. A or not have a superc pac we concluded in about one second that given the fact we dont represent wall street, we dont represent the billionaire class, we will not have a super pac. [applause] sen. Sanders and here is what absolutely extraordinarily extraordinary, and something i would not have believed i would be able to tell you 910 months ago. We have now and our campaign 4 millionver individual contributions. [applause] sen. Sanders that is more contributions than any candidate in the history of this country up until this point. [applause] sen. Sanders and do you know what the average contribution is . 27. [applause] sen. Sanders with such a brilliant audience here there is no way we are going to lose minnesota. I can see that. [applause] you are just too smart, i can see that. It is 27. And to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln at gettysburg, this is a campaign of the people, by the people, and for the people, and i am proud of that. [applause] sen. Sanders now secretary pathon has chosen another to raise money. She has several super pacs recently, one of them reported raising 25 million in a filing, 15 million from wall street. Now every candidate, democrat or republican, throughout history has always said, yes, i received millions and millions of dollars from wall street, the Drug Companies, the fossil fuel. Ndustry, doesnt impact me they just give me that money for the fun of it. They just love that money around. It does not impact me. Secretary of that clinton, as you may know, gave some speeches to Goldman Sachs for 225,000 a speech. You getink that if 225,000 for a speech, it must be a really excellent, wonderful , speech, and therefore you should be very proud to release the transcripts of that speech. [applause] sen. Sanders clearly must have been an unforgettable speech. Share it with the people. , Everybody Knows how important foreignpolicy is to our country and the decisions we make our decisions of life and death. Important02, the most foreignpolicy debate in that modern history of this country took place. The debate was over whether or not we listen to president bush and Vice President cheney and secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld and go into war in iraq. Speechesd to those they gave and the remarks very thoroughly. I and other members of Congress Know that the decisions we make will impact in very real life and death ways young men and women in the United States. I listened very, very carefully and concluded they were lying and voted against the war and iraq. [applause] sen. Sanders and it gives me as a senator from a state which suffered very heavy casualties in that war it gives me no pleasure to tell you that much of what i feared would happen if we invaded iraq in fact it happen. Berniesandesite, i saidand look at what back in 2002 and the political vacuum and instability it would create. Secretary clinton heard the same evidence, listen to the same speeches. She voted for the war. That is a real difference. We talk about why the middle class is disappearing and why for millions of americans real wages are going down, a lot of that has to do with our disastrous trade policies like permanent, normal trade relations with china. [applause] now this is an issue the media does not talk about at all. You can hardly see any discussion of trade on pretty obvious reasons in terms of who owns the corporate media, but these are issues of huge consequence, and what these trade issues are about is not complicated. You dont have to have a phd in economics to understand it. What it is about is Corporate America writing trade agreements that say why do i have to pay workers in minnesota or vermont , good wage with good benefits protect the environment, do with unions, when i can shut down plants in the United States and move to lowwage countries, not worry about unions or the environment, and then bring my product back into the country. That is what that is. Happened,s what has since 2001 we have lost almost 60,000 factories in this country and millions of decent paying jobs. People who once worked in a factory made a middleclass wage, good benefits, and there now flipping hamburgers at mcdonalds. Now i voted and h

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