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To find some Common Sense Solutions to the problems facing california and the nation. Since her election to the senate in 92, she has worked in a bipartisan way to build a significant record of legislative accomplishments. Which include helping to strengthen the nations security both here and abroad, combating crime and violence, battling cancer and protecting resources in california and across the country. Resources in california and across the country. In the 111th congress, she assumed the chairmanship of the Senate Select committee on intelligence. Where she oversees the nations 16 intelligence agencies, and i should point she was the first female senator to hold that position. It is also my pleasure to introduce the honorable Saxby Chambliss. In 2008 Saxby Chambliss was elected to serve a second term in the United States center. Georgia trends magazine which has been sizzling named him as one of the most influential georgians calls him a highly visible and well respected presence in washington. And it says he has a reputation as an affable but a straight talking lawmaker. Georgia trend named senator chambliss as georgian of you. His leadership and expense of Homeland Security and Intelligence Matters during his tenure in the house of representatives earned him an appointment to the Senate Select committee on intelligence where he has served as vice chairman since 2011. He is a strong advocate for improved information sharing and human intelligence gathering capabilities and the topic will get into your. Again, thank you both for joining us. I was sharing with the senator feinstein, which all have, our propaganda if you will. I thought we could start with that, why did she decide to push this legislation or why it did and what does it do. Ill begin, but let me just say to begin with, ann, first of all thank you. Its my understanding that the chamber is prepared to support this legislation, and thats very important. I think if i can speak for the vice chairman and myself to our whole committee. But on a personal level i just want to say to the gentleman on my left what a great pleasure its been to work with you. Weve put out now a number of intelligence authorization bills, the fisa bill, the cyber bill, and ladies and gentlemen, one of the things that ive learned certainly in about four years of public life back in a two party system if you want to get something done, compromise is not a bad word. And so if we sit down and try to share everything that i know with senator chambliss, either i had to give or he has to give, or we find a mutual road to go down. And we have found, i believe people second this, thats a very productive way of producing for the people of this country. I remember when we had before our intelligence committee, and to give us a classified briefing on what was happening in the United States with respect to cyberattacks. And then the director of the fbi said, you know, theres one thing thats comment about this. 90 even know they have been attacked, the other 10 may not but they have been attacked. And that virtually almost every big American Company today has been attacked. The question is how serious and by whom and how much. And i think its fair to estimate that the cost to the economy into business is estimated in the trillions of dollars. So it is very serious. We started on this with a different bill, and we put that bill together. It went to the floor and it got 56 votes. We needed 60 votes. It only got one republican vote. So the key was to go back and do a bipartisan bill, and thats essentially what the vicechairman and i have done, ann. We put together a bipartisan bill. It was put out by the committee by a vote of 123, and it awaits action on the floor of the senate. There are a couple of groups that dont like this or dont like that. Weve been prepared and look forward to receiving their comments. The staff has received and. David is here today, our staff director. And jack from the Minority Side as well, and so we are open but we do not want to produce something that cannot get a vote. What weve done is an entire voluntary system. It essentially moves to let companies do three things. To monitor their networks, to identify cyber indicators, to use countermeasures to protect against Cyber Threats, and third, to share and receive information with each other and with federal, state and local governments. Companies who use the authority to monitor and share information are provided full Liability Protection for doing so. As long as they do so with, within the bills parameters. And those parameters are pretty clearly spelled out. The bill has a number of protections to make sure personal information is protected, and to make sure that government doesnt use information for any purpose other than cybersecurity. And, finally, the bill requires the director of National Intelligence to put in place a process of sharing information on Cyber Threats in the governments hands with the private sector. So we believe we have a good bill. We are thankful for the support that your organization is provided. We understand the Financial Services Network Supports us, the telecom supports it. But let me say one thing. We will not have a bill. I tried to get this bill on the floor and so far have not had success. Until communities like yourself take a good look at it, agree with it, come forward and say do it, and do it now, the stakes are too big to let this language any longer. Thank you. Senator chambliss. Well, again, ann, thank you very much for having us here today. And thanks to the chamber on two accounts. Number one, what i found as ive been around the country, literally around the world, but around the country and around my state, and i talk about cybersecurity, until six or eight months ago as i was under beaudry club and i said the most important weve got to deal with cybersecurity, everybody eyes glaze over. This is not what i as a lawyer referred to as you cant see whats happening out there. You cant really feel it, except that people are starting to understand that this is serious, that it has huge financial consequences, not just to the economy of the United States but to me personally. So what you are doing today is helping educate people about this, and i am very thankful for that. Secondly, the support of the chamber is key. I ran into the former dni just last thursday, we had a Cybersecurity Conference in a gust of georgia and former director Mike Mcconnell was there and we were talking about the bill. And he said where does the chamber stand . I said, the chamber is absolute fully behind us. He said great, i think your chances just improved significantly. So to all of you, thanks for your willingness to let us have a chance to dialogue with you on this. I want to echo what diane said, number one, you would think this a mutual admiration society, and it is. She and i had a great working relationship, and its proved that democrats and republicans can check their political hats at the door every now and then and do it in the best interest of the country. Diane and ive done that on a number of issues when it comes to national security. And i am so glad to have her in the foxhole when were fighting these battles, whether its in the airwaves or on the ground come and shes been a great leader and a great friend in the process. As diane said we had a cybersecurity bill on the floor of the senate a couple of years ago. They were there were competing factions that didnt allow the bill to generate more than 56 votes, and what she and i did after that, we were involved in the process but actually we were kind of fighting each other on the bill. But we both knew the importance of the issue. So when that bill went down she and i sat down together and said look, this is foolish. We know how important the issue is, weve got to come up with a bill that the bipartisan that you and i can agree on and that we can get the majority of our committee to agree on. Its not easy, as she said come in these times on capitol hill seeing bipartisanship that is somewhat of an anomaly. But diane and i slugged it out. We did make the right kind of compromises on positions without compromising our principles to come together on this bill. It received a 123 will coming out of committee. You do see many 123 committees coming out of any committee on the senate side these days. That was going into the election too, by the way. What my priorities in this bill war was never want to make sure that we had a bill that was going to provide jon and i, our other Law Enforcement and our Government Agencies the tools that they need to make sure that they are able to detect intrusions on to any system be a public or private, and to make sure that they have the ability to share that information both from a public to private standpoint as well as private to private standpoint. Because if we dont do that we are not publishing anything. And we wanted to do that in a voluntary system. If we banned it to the private sector you will do this if we mandate it to the private sector there will always be pushback from the private sector. And with the level of trust that exists today between the Public Sector and the private sector, we knew that our chances of success longterm were not going to be very good. So what we did was go to your companies, go to the private sector and said okay, we want your ideas. We want you to start, help us start on the ground floor and lets build this building called a cybersecurity bill. And we did that and weve been able to incorporate good ideas from the Public Sector, good ideas from the private sector, and i think we accomplished what we set out to do from a voluntary system. Secondly, its imperative that we incorporate strong privacy measures in this bill. We simply cant allow someones personal information to be shared on a wholesale basis. We agreed on that and we think weve come up with good language to ensure that that does not happen. Thirdly, its important that we put language in this bill that allows flexibility. This is not a shortterm project from our standpoint. This is longterm, and with the way that the Technology Changes in the world of cyber on virtually an hourly basis, not a daily basis, we want to make sure that 10 years from now that there is flexibly in legislative language that allows the Public Sector and the private sector to make industry changes to adjust to what Technology Comes forward in the intervening time frame. And then lastly, ma ill say it again i know the key aspect of this if this is going to work is to ensure that there is Liability Protection given to the private sector. We think weve done that in the right way, and we think that the private sector, those folks who are involved in it as well as i hope as dianne said, i hope all of you will read the bill, i think we need to you will be like the folks in the private sector that we have involved in it. You will have some comfort in knowing that in the corporate boardroom people are going to say wow mike, if we share this information with our competitor, we are going to have protection and were going to be able to do this in a way that lets us put the right kind of countermeasures in place without the fear of liability from outside sources. So im pleased about this bill. Obviously, dianne has a lot more influence on senator reed than i do, but i have implored that if there is one piece of legislation that needs to be concluded between now and the end of the year, this is it. If we dont do it this year, i fear that it will be at least another year before it rises back to the level that it is now. And if we wait another year we are really risking the economy a United States come in my opinion. So im very hopeful that when we get back in a couple of weeks that senator reid is going to agree with us. We will have this bill on the floor. We will slug it out. Dianne and i are joined at the hip on this. We are going to be together, and if somebody has an amendment that makes the bill better, we are okay. Its a bill that tries to send a political message of some sort, then were going to work to beat it back. But i do hope we get the bill on the floor and we see the senate work in the way that the Senate Historical has worked, to provide good legislation. Thank you. Thank you, senator. I think you are saying all the right things we like to be. Liability protection, flexibility. I will tell you admiral rogers was here. Hes very big on the information sharing bill as will any said the same thing. He doesnt want personal identifiable information. He does want to get into the privacy issues. So i think that information sharing we talked to earlier, something we can talk about a decade or so now, and i guess id ask, to put you on the spot but what our chances this bill a lameduck session, do you think we have a chance be . Well, i do think we have a chance. I think it depends on people in this room and a lot of rooms like it throughout america. I look back three years and both saxby and i sat down in the chamber then when you had some concerns about the bill, and it was really useful. I think i weighed 23 or four big meetings and generally came to understand what those concerns were. I think those have been remedied in this bill. This bill is in the sun, the moon and the stars. It isnt a regulatory guideline how to. Its a voluntary bill. It allows the voluntary sharing of information with each other or the government, with immunity, from lawsuits essentially. And i think thats critical. Its a first step bill. Its the first thing we need to do. Now, heres my worry. Saxby, if we dont get this bill passed now with you retiring, i think youre right, we go back, well have all the arguments weve already had and disposed of but with a new cast of characters, and companies are going to continue to get hit. So you and i, because of what we see, share a big sense of a laxative that we need to get this thing done. We really need others to stand up and say yes, we are in support with this. We oppose the last bill, we are for this bill. Lets get to it. Lets pass it. One other thing that gives us the potential to get this build on, the white house came out with their executive order virtually a year ago. I was frankly very apprehensive when they said theyre going to issue an executive order because i did no one is going to say, even though i have talked with both of us about it in advance but, frankly, the lay of the land that was put forward in that executive order is very positive in concert with what we have done in our bill. And some standards are being sent by nist. There are some other things that are being done there that i think lays the groundwork for some of, to solving some of the objections that were in the liebermancollins bill. And we focus on information sharing which is the guts of it. If you dont have information sharing its not going to work, but i think the white house needs to be commended for laying out the executive order the way they have. And ive commended nist publicly and i will continue to do so about the job theyre doing. We at the chamber certainly agree with you. We have Michael Daniel, the white house cyber coordinate this morning when he first came out with executive order he was here at the chamber a couple of times which is unheard of to shop around an executive order like that. I think the extent they went to get to that, not buyin but Situational Awareness from the private sector on the executive order was very helpful. I will tie you that the nist cyber friend to something the chamber fully supports. Were doing, socializing with small communes has country so we agree with you that the cybercrime and executive order was a step in the right direction. I think, ann, if i may, i think if we can get this up on the floor i believe we can pass it. You cant pass a bill that is a bipartisan, and this one is anything we can. And both saxby and i were closely with admiral rogers, the house chair, the vice chairman. And mike has said we are ready to go. If you get a bill, we will sit down, get it conference and well get it done right away. So you really dont wait, want to wait until the legislative bodies change on this. Because then you got to go back to your dot and start all over again. That means in inordinate delay. I would hope we can get people to stand up, saxby and ann, and come forward and say youve got to do this and do it now. We are happy to make the bill language available. I think it is already. And are staffs are here. Theyre happy to sit down with you, or we can as well, but we really need the help to get it passed. And i will just say both of your us kids have been staffs have been terrific to work with. Lets take a few questions from the floor. We are having a very hard time seeing you out there with these bright lights. So please wait for a microphone to come to you. Tried to get to Chamber Members first, if you make. Cory bennett with a hill but to discuss a lot of the ways that high, over. I could get the bill passed in the lameduck session. What pressures on the things that might be a someone blog and might prevent from getting passed in this upcoming session. Let me be candid. There were essentially two categories of people who have concerns. One trial lawyers. We think weve worked that out, and that there arent problems are now, cross my fingers. The other is the privacy community, which is a big, broad nerdy. And i think we made another six changes that weve agreed to, but, you know, its always more more more. Now, we i think if the bill comes to the floor and, obviously, we have a set time and a number of amendments, we are willing to take amendments and do them on the floor. So that shouldnt stop it. But those are really the two groups that we have concerns about. And i think one of them will be settled, and with respect to the privacy community, you know, what ive heard is we want the old bill. Well, the old bill, not exactly got exactly one republican vote on the floor. Thats not a good message if you want to passed something. So you have to find a way to Work Together to get it done, and we believe we have done that. That wasnt my vote. This one will get my vote. [laughter] other questions, comments . Over here. This morning coordinator Michael Daniel start but how hes working very closely with you on legislation but where is the white house stand on the bill today . Do you think they are supported enough . Well, i can quickly state as the chairman. What we have done is kept the white house advised. The staff has done this. They sat down. They have worked with the white house, and i think, in less theres something thats new that i dont know about, theres been a relatively close working relationship. This is, its not been a onesided conversation. Ive had direct conversation with the president , even rode with him in a golf cart one day and we talked about in the golf cart as we were trying to focus on our game. We were more importantly focus on cybersecurity that day. But we face any number of conversations with the white house on it, and im not about to speak for them, but we have taken their original concerns into consideration and we know that the president has got to sign whatever bill comes out. And we are going to continue to dialogue. Im hoping that by the time we get back and assume senator reid says yes, this is something we need to do, that the white house will come out and be a strong advocate with those. Is it a perfect bill . I mean, all of us know, particularly those of you have been around the senate for a long time, nothing is ever perfect. And thats the way you get those and the way you get things done is to craft something that while it can always be improved, and as dianne said, this is the first step. Who knows where were going to be a year from now, but if we do nothing, shame on us. And i know the white house feels strongly about that aspect of it. And for those of you that may not be so in the we just we are, we are talking of 2588, cybersecurity information sharing act of 2014. A little summary that we put together, this represents a workable compromise among any stakeholders. It also safeguard privacy as you discussed. Protect Civil Liberties because there is the role of civilian intelligence agencies and desensitizes sharing with a narrow Liability Protection. It would also help businesses achieve timely and actionable Situational Awareness, information sharing and realtime. So i just want to point out you have this in your folder. Weve got 1 16 organizations alg with u. S. Chamber of commerce now in support of this bill so very supportive. We have a question over here, matthew spent matthew with each other. Senators, i wanted to thank you for your work on the bill and the work of your Staff Members have done a very big a job in terms of working with us on aspects of the bill. One thing that might not be wellknown is the bill does mandate that this is sharing information with government have to remove personal information they have to remove pii. The bill says you must remove pii. I think its when the eldest of the. We didnt originally agree with. Primarily because we thought that small and midsize businesses that are not as sophisticated in terms of doing the removal might say instead of sharing the im going to sit this one out. We recognized that is a big issue and that one element of the bill that we find the messenger to compromise our ground. You might be interested to know we have been meeting with many offices in the senate to try to educate them about the bill. It is our number one cyber legislative priority. So i wanted to just think and say yes, ev do have a chance and women opportunity to pass the bill on the floor, please urge senator reid, put it on the floor. We think the bill deserves at least a shot at the. Anyway, thank you. One thing we did to address early on privacy concerns is with regard to the definition of cyber indicator threats. And we narrowed the definition of it, and the focus is on really that serious issues of Cyber Threats. Its not able to be expanded from a privacy standpoint into noncyber issues, which i understand from a privacy standpoint. So that was another big compromise that we came together on. Dianne with me again. Whipped. Thats the way things get done. I empathize with the rational and the reasoning behind it. Thats why we were able to make the changes that we are able to make on both sides. Thank you for your input. When the chamber has input, you speak for a myriad of sectors of the economy as well as individual businesses, and thats critically important to us. Thank you very much. He gave you a little inside information. Didnt have to do that. Any last questions, comments . One back there. To what extent is the debate of surveillance in the lameduck going to put into the ability to pass this bill. You know, ive heard both that it is necessary to this bill would also be a death knell for this bill because they dont want them to get inextricably linked. How do you plan to navigate that in the lameduck . Well, ill kick that off. Youre talking about the fisa reform bill and how does it relate to the potential for discussion and debate on this bill. The thing about fisa reform is that we dont need between now and then the end of the year. Weve got a bill. That bill expires the middle of next year. We do know whos going to control congress, but this has been a vigorous debate as to the changes that need to be made in fisa, and i think theres a lot of accord on that. But thats not something that urgently needs to be done between now and the end o end oe year, simply because we have laws on the books today that deal with that issue. Cyber we dont. And there should not be any connection between the two, and i certainly hope thats not the debate we get into, or not the position that we get into when we get back into session. Let me say this. Youve hit on something, because ive heard this in roundabout ways, that fisa reform has to come first. And if i understand the current status, the house has passed a bill which was are difficult for the house to pass a bill. We have passed a bill on certain fisa reforms that went out of our committee i think 114. The president has a distinct view on this, and that is that he supports the house passed bill, and senator leahy, the chairman of the judiciary committee, is putting together a fisa bill that would essentially echo the house bill with a few changes in it. One having to do with the public advocate amicus, and also with a couple of other things. Here is the big problem, and the problem is how do we get something done there ask the vice chairman has said quite correctly, well, this doesnt we need to come up until next year, but thats a long time to wait. My concern is that we do need to do something there. I dont think its necessary to put the fisa bill first. Our bill is ready to go. It could pass the senate. I think at the very least they would show that we can pass something. We can get it conferenced. We can get it back before the senate for a final vote and we can get to the president. So we can do this with not a great deal of debate, probably with a joint rule between the two sides that there be a couple of hours for debate and a limited number of amendments, and then get it passed and then conferenced it. So we could get something done. And i very much hope that that will happen. We hope so, too. We have time for one more question if theres anyone else out there. Theres one here in the middle. My name is jason from senator mark kirks office. I wanted to ask senator chambliss, who will hold the banner for information sharing the next congress for republicans . Who has that Institutional Knowledge of working with the chamber but also [inaudible] the mos the most senior person in line to me is senator burr. Im sure he will be the next republican to either be chairman or vice chairman. Behind him is senator risch, and we have senator coats and rubio, senator collins but we are losing senator coburn so theres a lot of republican experience that will be coming back, and im confident that whoever it is is going to work diligently with dianne to move something. But as we both alluded to earlier, weve got lots of new members on the Intel Committee in the coming back and trying, coming in, and trying to educate those folks about the issue itself, plus there are a lot of members that simply look to dianne, to me, and other senior members of the committee to basically have some security, and from the standpoint of knowing a complex issue, having worked on a complex issue, theyre willing to go with us. Weve got a lot of folks are going to be coming in that are not going to be in that position. So thats why i think, and, obviously, dianne agrees with me, that its going to be a long time if we dont get it done by the end of this year. Hope that answers your question. I think thats one of the things that we want to work with you on, that educating of new members, and what happy to continue to do that. I want to thank you both for coming here today. Thank you for all the work youve done on this bill. Its a terrific bill. Again weve enjoyed working with you and your staff, both of you. Take you very much. The chamber will continue to push for this bill. Good, thanks. Thank you, ann. [applause] [inaudible a look now at an article from abc news reporting on the release of retired marine Sergeant Andrew tomorrow see in mexico. Jailed in a mexican prison after crossing the southern border in march with loaded guns. The 26 rolled veteran said it was an accident when he made a wrong turn on the california freeway. The mexican judge ordered his release last night. His arrival to the u. S. Early this morning in san diego airport, he was greeted by his mother and ed royce. He tweeted this photo of himself and the sergeant with the post our marine is home. Congress are of taking to twitter. See to fin and wagner says

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