Applause] netroots back to lets hear it [applause] the shelves earlier i heard somebody saying trust black women. I am here today to ask you to think about where we are as a country. Around of us are walking dazed and confused, saying the serenity prayer daily. Know what you can change. The far right wing knows what they can change. Changedst week, they the party of the governor of west virginia. If you think that does not matter, consider this. They now have enough governorship to rewrite the u. S. Constitution if they can get their state legislatures to go along. 38. Three quarters. Read your constitution. Im here to say one thing we can change and control is the destiny of our families and two runs most of our states. See, when we run in the usrit of those who inspired to get onto the battlefield in and mirit of jfk and rfk mlk in the spirit of hugo chavez, we win. Those leaders, yes. They were on fire for civil rights. There were also on fire for expanding opportunity and ending poverty. , i would suggest we run as democrats. Applause] the republican life just dont cut it. In the city of baltimore we went through tough times. Tougher then normal. Neighborhoods were on fire. I stopped for a second to to user what had happened want my family started its journey in baltimore almost 80 years ago. My granddad came up to work or the b and oh railroad. The family moved into housing projects and my grandmother went to work for plant parenthood. In 1940. [applause] to church in the shadow of the housing projects were my mom had spent half of her childhood, i thought about how blessed my family had been that in one generation we had gone from raising one child, my mother, in the housing projects to sending another child, me, off to Oxford University to be a rhodes scholar. What did itt about, take . It took hard work but you know what . Constant in which hard work could be enough. In which hire education was either free or almost free. In which we did not just have good jobs but we had Good Union Jobs and they were easy to find. It was my grandparents pensions that put me through college. That put my mom through college, too. Look at someone if our cities and states, the reality put offtoday we have school for working families. You just have to be lucky not to go into debt and get into college. Lucky to get Health Insurance. Like you to get a bus that works to get you to work on time. I am running for governor of maryland because maryland has been good to my family for generations and i want to make sure it is good to all working families for generations to come. [applause] [inaudible] ben jealous we have got to make sure the minimum wage is raised to 15 per hour. So that it catches up with inflation. So parents do not have to decide between starving their children because they do not get enough food or neglecting them because they have to work three jobs and cannot be at home. We have to make sure everybody in maryland has health care no matter what trump does in washington. We are the only state with a federal waiver that you need to create health care for all systems and when i am governor, we will use it. Massive student debt. Public get back to universities being essentially free. By pushing do that forward and actually ending mass incarceration. Nothing i am suggesting is easy. Nothing i have accomplished in my years as a Community Organizer and civil rights leader ever has been. And i knowmaryland what it takes to get things done. And, quite frankly, all at once. Not too longyear ago, 201220 13 when the Civil Rights Community in maryland came forward and that, this is the year to abolish the Death Penalty. This is the year to pass marriage equality. This is the year to pass the dream act. This is the year to expand becauseights pennsylvania and virginia were both suppressing them. This is the year to make our schools and street they for by passing sensible gun reform. And you know, the sensible establishment of our leadership said, maybe you should all get in line. Your year. Is not why not you talk amongst yourself and determine whos your this is. Color, gayple of folks, women concerned about gun violence, concerned about childrens getting healed, you ourup to about 80 of state. You talk amongst yourself and decide. Came forwardivists and said, we understand how some of that tracks but over the years when the Supreme Court has gone awol on civil rights and human rights and we have to once again defend my norton rates majorityrity votes majorityty rights with votes, maybe it would be better if we tried addition instead of all foron and adopted one and one for all. And so that year, ive later the effort to abolish the Death Penalty and cochaired to pass the dream act. And under my leadership, the naacp put organizers on the ground to past marriage equality. And not only did we become the first estate south of the masondixon to do any of them, we became the first state south of the masondixon to do all of them. [applause] ben we can have years like that on education and on the economy, we can make sure we have a high quality teacher in every classroom. We can make sure that we actually teach our kids coding because we know they will needed to know it. Make sure our trained education is first class and every child comes out of High School Ready for a career. But in order to do that, we have to do with the way we have always done it. That is why my campaign is building a movement of working families across the state of maryland that is bigger, more diverse, more robust than anybody has stayed in a recent election at this stage. I am proud to say working families endorse me. I am up to say i have bernice berniesnt endorsement. Come this fall, you will see a full out, a movement to move our working families forward and add many more. I see signs it is already working. I was in the backyard in trump country, hoping country, a bunch of progressives gathered. We thought we knew everybody was until one guy races hand and say, if a question for you. I said, what is that. He said, well i voted for donald trump. They said, we thought we knew you. He said, i just want to know, are you for singlehurray health care . I said, yeah. He said, really . Yeah. , hell he said, well, i will vote for you and i will organize trump voters to vote for you too. [applause] ben i was like that is cool, you will have to switch parties most likely, but i have a question. I said, why . [laughter] ben he said, it is pretty simple. I am the finance manager at a car dealership and every year i dread the same day, it comes, the year we find out how much more than we expected our health care will go up this year. And then we have to go have 2 conversations per one with owner to say we will revise everything down again. Profit projections, bonuses and the other is with my fellow employees. And explain to them that was again not only is everything being ratcheted down to when it comes to their health care, they will be paying more and getting less. Market guyam a free profitil we ake the care myut of health get stronger not getmy employees do not healthier. \ people say, are you going to win by running to the right or to the left . I am going to win by running to the people. This payment unites us because we were reading children may be the first generation of americans to be worse off than their parents and grandparents. It cuts through every kitchen table. And donald trump makes mischief by picking scapegoat and dividing people. We, as organizers online and in the streets know that, there is an alternative to divide and conquer. It is unite. Triumphs. Unite and take it back and great a Better Future for our children. I am going to make it real plain. We know how to win. We know how to win big. But we have to be willing to have faith that our values are enough that who we are is enough that who inspired us was right. Thats when we stand up for civil rights, when we stand up for working families, would we stand up and say we will into end poverty. And we will build economies that lift all votes, we can win. And, so, brothers and sisters, i am here today to ask for your support, to ask for your help because when we take maryland back, when we build this Movement Across our state, when we literally succeed in removing the governor of maryland was who has become trumps doormat on his doorstep, we start to build hope down to southeastern seaboard of the United States were right now, we could win if we wanted to. In georgia, the movement abrams is building, a few years ago, republicans in georgia were winning by 250,000 votes. Unregistered0,000 black voters in the state. Registred 250,000 of them. [applause] ben when hillary lost in florida by 125,000 votes, there were more than 500,000 unregistered blacks and puerto ricans. As south carolina, there were 300,000 on register black voters and the state. We sit around twisting our hands saying what should we do. The antidote to massive of Voter Suppression is been the same, massive voter registration. Lets go to it. We sit around the twister have an say, golly, do we go out and did we organize people of color were working class whites . As my friend said, if somebody is fool enough to ask if it is race or if it is class, say yes. I have sat backstage in the ozarks a bit dazed introducing Bernie Sanders and got the same response in a room where the greatest diversity was 20 of the men were wearing deer hunting camouflage. I watched bernie get the same response as he did in detroit and chicago for every applause line including calling for the police to stop killing unarmed men and women. It appeared have the guys in a camouflage with their fit in the hand applauding the unarmed killing a black men and women. Hopped on a plane and thought about what happened. Sisters and brothers, realized, politicsce identity for a reason. You know who youre going to. You know what to their concerned about and you talk about it first. They may listen to what the rest of you have to say. When it comes to working class of all colors, we have not had enough to say. On the one has with workingclass white men, we have not had anything to say because we were now willing to talk about creating the level Playing Field that everybody needs. When it comes to my cousins in west baltimore, not the ones who are worried about discrimination on the job or whether they can find a job at all, they need the same conversation, they have been waiting for the same conversation. As of three weeks ago, my campaign became the only campaign in maryland to be attacked by the National Republican Governors Association who has now attacked us multiple times and sent trackers to our events bring i would ask why the rga is worried about one candidate 11 months from the democratic primary . I would offer because we have one democrat in maryland who is running as an actual democrat, who is running to say straight up, we will defend civil rights. Yes, we will pass the trust at and make sure our police of this our Police Officers and not make sure that our Police Officers are Police Officers and not immigraton officers. And at the same time, we will build a more robust economy and push forward and ensuring that work pays for everyone and schools work for every child. [applause] ben jealous republicans know they can beat republican blight but they worry that they cannot beat democrats. Thank you and god bless. [applause] Netroots Nation, please welcome [chanting] [applause] [chanting] nation ots hi, everyone. Im undocumented and unafraid, queer and unashamed. I want to talk about our black sisters. We stand with you. When our black sisters are under attack, what do we do . When our Black Brothers are under attack, what do we do . Im here to talk about something urgent in the immigrant rights movement. Daca is under attack. I am a daca recipient and my sister is. My parents are undocumented. I do not have to tell you about the Current Situation in this country. I am here calling on every single one, if youve ever asked yourself, i want to protect immigrants, how can i do this . The moment is now. Applause]d daca was enacted in 2012 and is benefited over 800,000 people like me for people all of the world to pursue a life of dignity and respect. Daca may not solve all of our problems, it provides cover for me, my parents, my sister and people all over the country. It protects the people. Onave the countries here my phone because i couldnt memorize them all. El salvador, haiti, honduras, somalia, south sudan, sudan, syria, nepal and yemen. This administration has made it their issue to end these programs and put over one Million People onto the fast track to deportation because i know you can see the writing on the wall. These are the programs where these governments have all of our information. If they disrupt of them, more than one Million People, black immigrants, lgbtq, latina, immigrants all of over the world will be the first in the pipeline to deportation. This is just getting started. I need you all right now, pull out your phones. Everyone. If youre ready to take action to protect immigrants across the country in a real, meaningful way, pull off your phone. Type in defenddaca. Com, i want you to sign up for event, august the 15th at the show up industry in the streets ready to protect daca and dps. We will not let our victory we fought for so hard. Not under the watch of the leadership of black women, people of color, immigrants, we need you all to stand with us. Netroots nation, are you ready for this . [cheering] [speaking spanish] today i want to tell you that georgian. Ud of to say stop the undocumented immigrant in georgia. Stop the incarceration of undocumented immigrants and a local jails because they are driving without drivers licenses. Because they do not have a Social Security number. Georgia is one of the most, i dont want to say racist it is about race, it is about skin color. I am sorry. Our history will show us how people of color have been treated. It is enough. Enough is enough. We are standing up and i hope you are standing up with 11 million undocumented immigrants in the usa. [speaking spanish] spanish] in if youre ready to go into the streets august 15, stand up right now. I want to see all of the people ready to go. Because our lives are on the line. We must protect daca at all costs necessary. If youre ready, sign up now on defenddaca. Com. Share it online. I challenge all of you to get 10 people. Have a great rest of your day. Applause]d [chanting] please welcome senator elizabeth warren. [applause] senator warren before i begin. I want to say about the deferred action for childhood act, daca. The fights that we fight, they matter. In 2012, because of the persistent of many of you in this room, 800,000 young men and women were protected from deportation because of you, because of your work. And because of daca, who are as american as you are promised a chance to work and to live without it being at a fear of ripped away from family and friends and at the home the most of them know. The chance to build a future. And now, President Trump will make a decision on daca. Dreamers lives hang in the future. This tuesday, august 15, people are mobilizing to protect dreamers. Lets not sit back. Lets not sit back. Let stand together and say, President Trump, let dreamers stay. And are our friends, our family and our future. Give dreamers the chance to fill their dream. That is what we want to do. Yeah. You bet. Yeah. These fights matter. These fights matter and that is why it is good to be back at a Netroots Nation. I love it. Thank you, Netroots Nation per and thank you mary and eric and the entire Netroots Nations team for bringing us together again. You know, it is a great treat to be here in atlanta, the hometown of a man who has taught us the importance of necessary trouble, my friend and my hero john lewis. What a man. [applause] i look out in this room and i see 3000 progressives, people of every race, gender, religion and color, all committed to building a Better Future. I look out here and i see Donald Trumps worst nightmare. [applause] trumps worst nightmare, but also a big threat to everyone who kind of likes things the way they were. A few weeks ago, i read an oped in the New York Times from a socalled democratic strategist and the title was back to the center, democrats. [booing] sen. Warren sounds like some other people read it, too. It was like we have to stop caring about identity politics. And how we have to stop waging class warfare. According to this author, the path forward is to go back to locking up nonviolent drug offenders and ripping more holes in our economic safety net. I even got a shout out, apparently i am the face of the problem and so is bernie. Lets be really clear here. The real power, the real threat is not to me. It is you. All of you. Yeah. [applause] sen. Warren it is your energy, your passion and your commitment to our values that threaten the bland business as usual establishment. We have been warned also before. We have been told, give up, keep your heads and down, act like a grown up, keep doing the same old same old. Here is what is interesting. After this hes was published instead of a lot of ferocious back and forth and piling on, this time, no one cared. Big yawn. Why . Because the Democratic Party is not a going back to the days of welfare reform and of the crime a bill. It is not going to happen. Are we clear on that . We are not going to go back to the days of being lukewarm on a choice. No, we are not. [applause] we are definitely not going back to the days when a democrat who wanted to run for a seat in washington first had to grovel. Back. We, were not going we are looking ahead. Shall not, not, we allow anyone to turn back the clock. [applause] a lot of you have been coming here since the first yearly meeting back in 2006. I know that feels like a long time ago, right. And way back in 2006, and when i first came in 2010, a big part of what we were trying to do party tohe democratic listen to us. Peopleed a party led by who are not afraid to call themselves progressives. We wanted a party that would defend progressive values. We wanted a chance to fight for Progressive Solutions to our nations challenges. Movement and now, look around. We got the progressive movement. [cheers] sen. Warren we got it. And we gather here every year to organize, to energize, and to sing karaoke. You bet. And now, we are not the gate crashers of todays Democratic Party. We are not a wing of todays Democratic Party. We are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren but, boy, we have inherited a hell of a challenge, havent we . We are gathering here in atlanta in a moment of crisis for our country. And i am not just talking about donald trump and his twitter account. More and more families today are hanging on by their fingernails in a country with an economy and a government that works for those at the very top. This crisis did not start when donald trump walked into the oval office, and it will not just magically disappear when he walks out of it. It is true. Me, i have been chatting about this crisis from every rooftop i can find for years. Talking about how our middle class is squeezed to the breaking point. How chances to move up in this economy are moving. The commitment to expand opportunities. It would be lost. That is the fight that got me into politics. That is the fight that brought allo my very first netroots those years ago. By applause, who got into this fight because they were passionate about Economic Justice . [applause] the fight for reproductive rights . [applause] how about clean air and clean water . [applause] immigration . [applause] civil rights . [applause] human rights . [applause] Campaign Finance reform . [applause] water . Ir and clean i just said it. Net neutrality . [applause] do we have any other bankruptcy nerds from the house . This is one of the things i love about coming to netroots. We all came to this fight from different experiences and we are fired up about different issues. But if we are going to be the people who leave the Democratic Party back from the wilderness and lead our country out of this dark times, then we cannot waste energy arguing about whose issue math dude whose issue matters more and who should be voted off the island. [applause] we feel each others fights are our own, and i believe we can. Following the 2016 election, i heard a lot of people say decide ifneeds to it was the party of the White Working Class or the party of black lives matter. I say we can care about a dad who was worried whose kids have to worry move over way because he cannot get any mining work and we can worry about a mom worried about getting shot during a traffic stop. [applause] the way i see it, those parents have something deep down in common. The system is rated against both of them and against their kids. Over the last generation, the most powerful people in the country have gotten way more powerful. Payorate profits and ceo our near record highs, but workers wages they havent budged. And one after another, workers rights are getting ripped away. Unions are under attack. Millions of people are struggling to piece together 2, 3, 4 jobs just to pay the rent. Of power is shifting in other parts of our economy as well. , austry after industry handful of Corporate Giants control more and more and more. Outbig guys are walking smaller, newer, innovators competitors. They are crushing innovation. This massive consolidation means prices go up and quality goes down for everything from air travel to broadband service. Rural america is left behind. Dismissed by Corporate Giants as flyover country. This concentration of power strikes at the heart of our democracy. Our government is supposed to be the one place where everybody gets the same fair shot, no matter how powerful or how powerless they might be. But thanks to the revolving door between capitol hill, k street, and wall street, powerful people have more and more and more influence in congress. Thanks to citizens united, corporate money slithers through washington like a snake. Washington works great for the rich and the powerful, but for everyone else, not so much. Yes, the system is rigged. And if you dont feel like anyone in politics is doing anything to unrig it, that is how a lot of folks, who should have been with us last november, wound up voting for donald trump. For many americans, this is not news, that the balance of power in our country has seriously tilted away from them. Lgbtq americans, immigrants, muslims, women, poor people. I have not personally experienced the fear, the oppression, the pain that many of my fellow americans endure every day, but i do know this for a lot of our fellow citizens, the system is rigged now, and it has been rigged for a long, long time. [applause] sen. Warren look, do not just take my word for it. Look around. When women are not invited to the debate over our own health care [applause] sen. Warren and Health Insurance must cover viagra, but not Birth Control [applause] sen. Warren when we are almost two decades into the 21st century, and we still do not have equal pay for equal work [applause] sen. Warren when a man running for president of the United States can get caught on tape bragging about sexual assault, and the Republican Party leaders turn a blind eye, yeah, the system is rigged. [applause] sen. Warren but keep going. When the blackwhite wealth gap triples over the last three decades, when racist voter id laws and Voter Suppression tactics sprout like weeds all over this country, when a man too racist to become a judge in the 1980s is now the head of the department of justice [applause] [booing] sen. Warren when communities like flint are living with poisoned water and polluted air, when there is still no justice for eric garner, freddie gray, philando castile, and so many more. [applause] sen. Warren yeah, the system is rigged. And keep on going. When you can still be fired from your job because of who you love. When you cant use a public restroom or serve in the military because of your gender identity. When you are afraid to report a rape because i. C. E. Can split up your family. When you are treated like a suspect every minute of your life, yeah, the system is rigged. [applause] sen. Warren and if you dont feel like anyone in politics is doing anything to unrig it, or you feel like it is just too broken to unrig at all, that is what a lot of folks felt last november. A lot of folks who should have been with us on election day, but who just stayed home. So spare me the argument about whether we ought to be trying to bring back folks who voted for donald trump, or trying to turn out voters who just didnt vote, because we cant do either of those things until we show that things can change, and that we will fight to change them. [applause] sen. Warren you know, it is easy to make the case that donald trump and the republicans are not the answer to any of these problems. Heck, they arent even trying. Just look at republican priorities. Cut Health Care Coverage for 25 million americans and drive up insurance costs for millions more. Cut taxes for billionaires and giant corporations. Rollback wall street regulations, gut the Consumer Financial bureau, and let the big banks wreck our economy again. Turn polluters lose. Loose. Let them spew and dump and destroy whenever and whatever they want. Zero out the programs that help people keep a roof over their head. Double down against planned parenthood, against undocumented immigrants right to due process. Against a black americans right to vote in an election. And this week, play a reckless game of chicken with a dangerous foreign power and threaten nuclear war. [applause] [boos] sen. Warren the republicans agenda. [indiscernible] sen. Warren the republican agenda will make the powerful more powerful and leave everyone else further behind. The Republican Leadership is willing to threaten our health, our economy, and our basic safety. Now, all of that is true, and we should say so clearly and loudly, but that is not the end of our job. We have to show people that when we get the chance to lead, things will start getting better. And that starts with showing some backbone. Not just backbone when we stand up to donald trump, but backbone when we put forward our own agenda. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren so many americans, every day is a battle against powerful interests, and it is time for us to pick sides and get in the fight. So lets talk about picking sides. Are you ready to talk about picking sides . It is time for us to say, democrats are on the side of working people. [applause] sen. Warren yeah. On the side of moms and dads who dream of a better life for their kids. On the side of people in every part of this country and people of every race, gender, and religion, who just want a level Playing Field and a chance to build a future. That is what they want. [applause] sen. Warren and we know how to show them that their fight is our fight. Lets start with jobs. It is time to rethink the basic social contract on labor. We are going to fight for fully portable benefits for everyone, and we are going to fight to make sure that all work, fulltime, parttime gig, carries basic pro rata benefits. Yeah. [applause] sen. Warren we are going to fight to make it easier for workers to come together to form a union so they can take power into their own hands. Yeah. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren and we are going to turn the minimum wage into a living wage. Fight for 15. Yes. [applause] sen. Warren it is time for us to say that democrats are on the side of hardworking families who were just getting pounded every single day. We are going to fight for universal prek and to make it easier for every family to get childcare. [applause] sen. Warren we are going to fight like hell to stop republicans from jacking up the cost of Health Insurance and taking away Health Care Coverage from millions of people. Trumpcare will not get one democratic vote, not now, not ever. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren but it is not enough just to defend the Affordable Care act. We are going to improve it, starting with bringing down the cost of prescription drugs and leading the fight for medicare for all. That is what we are going to do. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren and we are going to make it possible for young people to go to college or get a technical degree debtfree. Thats where we are. [applause] sen. Warren we are going to fight for Affordable Housing and good schools all across the country, from the biggest city to the smallest towns to the most remote rural homesteads, and we will fight our hearts out to defend and expand the Social Security and medicare. Yes, we will. [applause] sen. Warren it is time for us to say that the democrats are on the side of consumers, so we are going to fight to break up the monopolies that are killing competition, yes. [applause] sen. Warren we are going to put a cop on the beat, so no one can steal your purse on main street or your pension on wall street. [applause] sen. Warren and whether you are shopping for broadband or student loan, an Airline Ticket or Health Insurance, we are going to go to bat for you to make damn sure you dont get cheated. [applause] sen. Warren yeah. It is another thing we need to say, but it is a little controversial, so i hope everybody is either sitting down or holding on to your neighbors. But we have got to say it, out loud and in public. Democrats are on the side of science. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren you think . We got it. [cheers] sen. Warren we are done arguing about whether Climate Change is real. And we are going to fight with everything we have. [cheers] sen. Warren we are done arguing about whether or not trickledown economics works. And we are going to fight to build an economy so it works for working families. [applause] sen. Warren and we are done arguing about gun safety. And we are going to fight for some commonsense reforms that the overwhelming majority of americans support. [applause] sen. Warren it is time for us to say democrats are on the side of fairness and equality. So we are going to fight for equal pay for equal work. Yeah. [applause] sen. Warren we are going to fight to keep planned parenthood open [applause] sen. Warren and we are going to make sure that women have access to safe, legal abortions. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren and we are going to fight to put more women in positions of power, from Committee Rooms to board rooms to that really nice ovalshaped office at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren and we are going to reform our criminal Justice System so that getting caught with a baggie of pot does not mean that your life is ruined, and getting pulled over by the cops does not mean that your life is at risk. [applause] sen. Warren it is time to say that democrats are on the side of american values. So, we are going to fight for comprehensive immigration reform. [applause] sen. Warren yeah. We are going to say to every dreamer in this country, you are an american. This country is your home, and we have your back. That is what we are going to say. [applause] sen. Warren we are going to fight to wipe the stain of Donald Trumps muslim ban off the books once and for all. [applause] sen. Warren and by the way, mr. President , we are never, ever going to build your stupid wall. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren we are also going to fight for our democracy. That means we will fight to reverse citizens united, so big corporations cant buy our elections. [applause] sen. Warren and we will fight to stop the voter id laws, so republicans cant steal our elections. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren and you know something . It is about time for us to be upfront about whose side we are not on. We are not on the side of big wall street banks that break the law and think everyone else needs to be held accountable. [applause] sen. Warren when Big Bank Ceos break the law, they ought to go to jail just like anyone else. [applause] sen. Warren we are not on the side of giant corporations that want to twist government rules for themselves. We are not going to slam we are going to slam shut the revolving door and say, enough is enough with corporate money that is drowning our democracy. [applause] sen. Warren and lets be really clear on this one. Just in case anybody doubted it. We are not on the side of the bigots and misogynists, and unlike the socalled Republican Leadership in washington, we are not afraid to say it to their faces. [applause] sen. Warren and we are not on the side of Foreign Government s that hacked our elections, or politicians whose fragile egos put our National Security at risk. [applause] sen. Warren and lets be clear here. Folks, we dont have to tiptoe anymore. We dont have to hedge our bets. We dont have to ask permission from the pundits or the corporate ceos. And we sure dont have to ask permission from mitch mcconnell. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren actually, that is probably a pretty good thing, because he would probably tell me to sit down and shut up. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren nevertheless, i would persist. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren sit, sit, sit. No. [indiscernible] sen. Warren i want to make a really important point. We dont have to fear the wrath of the powerful, because when we are bold enough to stand up for our values, when we are bold enough to stand up for our fellow americans, then that is when we are powerful. That is why we are here. Thats right. [cheers] [applause] sen. Warren so isnt that the spirit that brought all of us to this movement . Isnt that the reason that we are proud to call ourselves progressives . Isnt that the Democratic Party that we want to call our own . This fight is our fight. This fight is the fight americans have been waiting for someone to take on. This fight is the fight americans are ready to rally behind. This fight is the fight americans are counting on us to win. Is your fight. Ets go win this fight [applause] [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] washington journal is live every day with news on policy issues that impact you. Coming up this morning, charlottes firm, virginiabased conservative talkshow host joe thomas discusses the violence this weekend. And a discussion about the opioid crisis. Then a summit of the Kaiser Family foundation on disparity in health care. Watch washington journal live at 7 00 eastern this morning. Join the discussion. Former National Security advisers on the future of americas Global Leadership and threats posed by russia, china, and north korea. It includes susan rice and tom donlon from the Obama Administration and Condoleezza Rice and Stephen Hadley who served in the george w. Bush administration. The Aspen Institute posted this 90 minute event. Ts osted

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