Great weekend. Good afternoon, before i begin, i wanted to introduce the director of the office of management and budget to talk about the president s budget. When the director is finished, we will allow him to take a few questions and resume the briefing and all the fun that goes with it. Without further ado, director mulvaney. I want to talk about the blueprint that the president was speaking this morning with the governors and what it is and what it isnt and where we are in the budget process and what it looks like from here. What this isnt. This is not a fullblown budget and that will not come until here. Nothing in here with mandatory spending. This blueprint was never going to be that. It is a topline number only. As for what it is, these are the president s policies as reflected in topline Discretionary Spending. To that end, it is a true america budget and show the president keeping his promises and doing what he said he was going to do. It rebuilds our military and restoring our nuclear militaries, protecting the nation and securing the border, enforcing the law. Taking care of vets and increasing School Choice and does that without adding to the currently projected f. Y. 2018 deficit. The top line discretionary number is 603 billion, 54 billion increase, one of the largest increases in history. And allows the president to keep his promise to undo the military sequester. 462 billion and largest proposed reduction since the early years of the reagan administrations. The president keeping his promise and has been doing what he said he was going to do. Reduces money we give to other nations and reduces Duplicative Programs and eliminates programs that dont work sm the president is going to protect the country. And we need to prioritize spending. These numbers will go out to the agencies today in the process we say is pass back. And will spend the next week or so working on a final budget blueprint. We expect to have that number to congress by march 16. That puts us on schedule for a full budget including all the things that i did not include with the larger policy issues in the first part of may. Ill take a couple of questions. Reporter in order to get to your top line on the rest of the discretionary budget, if you are not going to touch veterans benefits, you need 12 off the rest of government, can you do that without the services that government needs . The numbers go out and the numbers each agency will get a top line number along with recommendations as to how we think they can hit that number and say that is a good way to reach that number and will come back to us with other suggestions. Thats what this process is. It is unusual for us to be coming to you early in the process. Reporter not talking about 2 or 3 . We are talking about doubledigit reductions. You can see what the president said he is going to do. Foreign aid, the president is going to spend less overseas. Thats in the number we send to the state department. Reporter tharl accounts for less than 1 of overall spending and i spoke to an analyst and zero that out [inaudible] how do you scare that . Why not tackle entitlementments when a lot of republicans over the years said its the same answer i just gave. It is a small part of the discretionary part. When you see the ducks, you will tie it back to what the president said. We are taking his words and turning them into policies and dollars. We will be spending less overseas and more back home. I forgot your second question. Reporter why not address entitlements. This is a budget blueprint and what folks called a skyy budget. Tax reform, revenue projections. Reporter there are some down the line could we see it . The entire spectrum of the president s proposed policy changes. Reporter rebuilding the military, can you tell us about the breakdown of that . No, i cant. The numbers are going to the d. O. D. Today and over the next two weeks, we will be coming up with those details. You are going to increase the military budget and ask the people in the Defense Department to look at this and say where can we cut and spending the right amount of money. That is part of what secretary mattis and i talked, driving our efficiencies into the Defense Department. O. M. B. Is going to be involved with him on a procurement process and that will be incorporated in our larger budget in may. Reporter does this account for the president s law. Or a billion dollar increase, how to pay for the wall . A little bit of both. We do expect to include some money in a future supplemental in 2017 for the wall and 2018 budget we will include longer ell budgets for that. Mr. Spicer so let me get back to this morning, the president dropped by the National Governors Association Meeting and cabinet members to discuss where they can Work Together to rebuild the country and restart the economy. The president delivered a statement on its forth coming Budget Proposal which is march 16. The president s budget will keep americans safe. That means investing in our nations physical and financial security. We will rebuild the nations military and increase in defense spending and spending for our veterans and border will be matched in nondefense programs. We will look at outdated and Duplicative Programs. It will be sensible and rational and also tough. What our nations debt spiraling out of control, we must look at how we are spending our dollars. Families are forced to make difficult choices because the federal government has not treated their money with the respect they deserve. The National Debt exploded to 19. 9 trillion the day before those are both trillions, the day before President Trumps inaugural. Every child in america will inherit 60,000 in debt. And that is too much. Our budget will restore respect for taxpayers dollars while funding all the necessary programs to keep our nation safe and prospering. This is a weekend of engagement and discussion between the governors and the administration. The president and the first lady welcomed the laffers last night. The administration is proud to be working with the governors on rebuilding our nations infrastructure reforming our Health Care System and putting americans back to work. Obamacare was put in place without input from governors. We are committed to including them on this and other subjects as we solve the nations biggest issues together. The president had a listening session with our leading health care companies. Minority pelosi laid out a great outline of how to judge orks success based on what it was supposed to achieve. She said it had three goals, one to lower the costs, the other to expand benefits and third to improve and increase access. Lets go through her criteria. Lowering cost rgs, all four tiers of obamacare plans are facing double digit increases. If you look at one set of premiums, 63 increase in tennessee, 69 increase in oklahoma and 116 increase in arizona. On expanding benefits, the new laws mandates led to cancellations of coverage, soaring out of pocket costs and declining enrollment figures. Many are prevering to pay a tax. Increased access, americans are facing a dwindling number of insurance choices with 17 left with uninsurer option available in their exchange. Insurers will be partners in the transition period out of obamacare into the patients first plan. The president s plan will encourage innovation modernize our Health Care System and ensure access to quality and truly Affordable Care. The president has lunch with Vice President pence and nikki haley. And he is going to be meeting with secretary of state tillerson. He is coming off a successful trip to mexico where he was joined by the secretary kelly. Also this afternoon, the Vice President will be speaking to an Extraordinary Group of president s of historically black colleges. We can also expect a meeting with the president with them as well. This evening, the president will have dinner with Regional Press affiliates who will be in town. While its tradition to meet with the president , this is the first time to my knowledge that the opportunity has been expanded to include representation from 18 regional outlets from around the country. The president will have lunch with the network anchors. We have opened it up and invited. Utlets tonight, the president looks forward to seeing his nominee wilbur ross confirmed by the senate. He has been an important champion for the u. S. Struggling industries and pending his confirmation. Where he has done in private sector. Assuming everything goes according to plan, we expect to have his swearingin at the white house. Tomorrow, the president will address both houses of congress and lay out an optimism vision of the Country Crossing all lines. As i said, it will be the renewal of the american spirit and invite americans of all backgrounds. In addition, to laying out the concrete steps the president has taken to make the American Dream possible for all of our possible, he will talk about the bold agenda, this includes tax and Regulatory Reform to provide relief to americans, making the workplace better, ensuring families who suffered under obamacare and see it replaced with a patientcentered alternative and making sure every child has access to a good education, rebuilding of our military and fulfilling our commitment to veterans. You can expect to see a speech grounded in solving real problems. How can we make sure that every americans gets a better job and how kids can get a better education and keep gangs out of our neighborhoods and communities. The president will address that are. With respect to the speech, we will be having a background briefing here in the briefing room. We will provide Additional Details later in the afternoon. The department of defense presented its preliminary plan to the white house today to defeat isis. This plan has been delivered by secretary mattis who is briefing the principals and seeking their input and feedback. I wanted to note the president continues to be deeply disappointed and concerned by the reports that further vandalism at jewish cemeteries. The cowardly destruction in philadelphia this weekend comes on top of similar accounts from missouri and threats made to Jewish Community Centers Across the country. The president continues to condemn these hateful acts in the strongest terms. From our countrys founding, we have been dedicated our Citizens Rights to worship. No one should be afraid. The president is dedicated to preserving this to our nation. I was asked the other day about the story in kansas, the shooting in kansas. While the story is evolving, early reports out of kansas are equally disturbing. With that, i take your questions. Reporter there is a report this morning he reached out directly to the c. I. A. Director pompeo. Did you ask him to knock down the story on the russian connection . Mr. Spicer ill walk through the entire time line. The New York Times published a story of what they called contacts between members of the Trump Campaign and russian officials. The f. B. I. Deputy director was here at a meeting. After the meeting he asked the chief of staff and wanted to tell him that the report in the New York Times was b. S. You know what that means. And at that time, the chief of staff said thank you for sharing that with me, with we let other people know the story wasnt accurate. They went back and forth and came to the conclusion that they did not want to get in the process of knocking down stories they had issues with. We were informed that other people had come to the same conclusions including that time, chairman nunes said i have been knocking this down and we shared a number with him of a reporter who had contacted us and again, when the reporters contacted us and said no, thats not true, they were asking us can you point to anybody else that can substantiate this . And we did a good job of saying, we will share with other reporters. So i wont go into the specifics. But i think we did our job very effectively by making sure that reporters who had questions about the accuracy and the claims made in the New York Times, that we were putting them to subject Matter Experts who understood whether or not that story was accurate or not. And just to continue to be very, very clear on this, it was about the accuracy of the reporting and the claims that were made in there, plain and simple, whether or not a story that appeared in the New York Times is accurate. And individual after individual said they werent. I think most of you saw chairman nunes comments this morning, he was very clear that he reached out to say i have been telling reporters that these allegations and descriptions in the new york time are not accurate. And we shared that information with him. But i came to us to share that he had that issue brought up to him. And he was briefed and saw no evidence that the story was accurate. So the answer is, we have continued to give reporters information and sources that went to the accuracy or lack thereof of a report that was in a newspaper. And i think chairman nunes equally said its interesting how we literally were engaging with the press saying if you have a question about the sourcing, obviously when brought to our attention, we said its not accurate, but then most of you and your colleagues who have inquired, thats great, but who can corroborate this. Our job was to share sources who had equally come to the same conclusion. Reporter you dont think there is something strange or odd getting onhite house . He phone with f. B. I. Mr. Spicer you use the words knocked down. Reporters were coming to us saying there is a story out there, whats your take on it, and our answer is we dont believe its accurate. But thats our take on it. And reporters were saying is ere anybody you can point to substantiate. The f. B. I. Came to us bringing it to our attention saying the story in the times was not accurate and it was b. S. And we said thats great, could you tell other reporters the same thing you are telling us. And i would think that other reporters, yourself included that that would be helpful to get the story straight. All we have sought to do is get an accurate report out. And i think chairman nunes over and over and over and over again made it very clear that no evidence has been brought to his attention suggesting that reporting was accurate. Respectfully, i think its interesting that im being asked what is appropriate in what we are doing is asking reporters to engage with subject Matter Experts who can corroborate whether or not something is accurate or not. Eporter representative issa called for a special prosecutor to investigate this. Mr. Spicer for what. Reporter sessions was part of the campaign. Mr. Spicer we have heard for comeast six months sources out and say this, and nothing has come of it. As chairman nunes made clear today, hes seen nothing that corroborates that. What are you investigating . And i think both the house an senate have looked at it. You know as well as i do that the Intelligence Community has looked at it as well. Theres a big difference. I think russias involvement and activity has been investigated up and down. The question becomes at some point if theres nothing to further investigate, what are you asking people to investigate . Chairman nunes spoke very clearly today when asked over and over and over again about all of this and said he has seen nothing that leads him to believe that theres there. The president has spoken forcefully time and time again that he has no interests in russia, he has spoken to people in russia in years, yet you keep asking you collectively, keep asking about this, the reporting im seeing suggests that theres nothing new being reported. Its the same stuff over and over again that weve heard for six months this equestion becomes, what do you need to further investigate if theres nothing that has come out. Do you categorically deny there were contacts mr. Spicer i guess my point is that youve had the Intelligence Community look at russias involvement. You had the house and senate both do the same. So whame trying to ascertain is at what point, how many people have to say theres nothing there before you realize theres nothing there . I cant say all im saying is the people who have done the investigating about russia overall and its activities in the yite specifically with respect to our election havent provided anything that leads me tobelieve or should lead you believe, and i keep saying reports that when they check in with law enforcement, theres nothing more than what has previously been reported. So you have to ask yourself, what are you looking for . How many times do you have to come to the same conclusion before you take the answer . And thats thats what i think. Did you to follow up on that, did you reach out to pompeo . Mr. Spicer im just going to say we shared, we did our job, making sure when reporters had questions work let them know what subject Matter Experts were available to discuss the accuracy of a newspaper story. Im sure people will come back to this, but i have a budget question. During the campaign the president said he was not going to touch medicare, social security. Treasury secretary re repudiated that. It sounds like its an open question. Whats the state of the promise that we went touch it for current retirees . Mr. Spicer what the o. M. B. Director made clear is how it works. The budget is dealing with topline discretionary numbers. I want to be clear in terms of what he was asking. Its clear. I think as you point out , he made the promise he stands by the promise. The treasury secretary is it current retirees . People near retirement . Mr. Spicer ill follow up but i think the president made clear its not his intent to do, he wants to foe couns the discretionary side that entitlement reform, with respect that those program he is mentioned, stands by his word. An executive order on religious freedom, what had previously been in the works, will that still come and if it does will it extend beyond religious freedom . Mr. Spicer im sorry, what . Will it extend beyond the johnson amendment. Mr. Spicer weve just gotten executive orders in the past. Not any discussion about whats to come until we announce it. The issue of tax reform. Is there any concern that there wont be enough for that, that it could block any means . Mr. Spicer im not getting into the specifics of tax reform today. The president made clear hell have an outline of a plan very soon. What i will say is he had talked about the concerns that he has with current regulatory and tax policy that benefit people from moving out of the country and shipping products back in. He will continue to fight for policies that promote manufacturing and job creation in the United States and supports American Workers. So i dont want to get ahead of the exact nature of the policy, hes been seeking a lot of input, as i mentioned, hes going to talk today with speaker ryan and senator mcconnell. I know that both the joint session, the status of repeal and replace, and im sure some discussion of tax reform will come up. But theres a lot, were continuing to mouff forward and work with them. The sigh sis strategy, can you give us a timetable from now what happens . And theres a report youre asking for 30 billion in spending on 54 in the budget, does that cover the new isis strategy . Mr. Spicer thank you. Right now literally that principles meeting that i mentioned at the beginning is happening as we speak. Secretary mattis is coming over to brief the principal as far as the isis plan. Part of it was to make sure he fully discusses the recommendation hes making and seek the input an feed b. C. Of the other principals downstairs. That can help guide where we go from here. How we go. With respect to the funding, i think director mulvaney noted there will be a supplemental at some point. Right now theres the focus son the budget. Thank you, sean. Two brief questions. First, i read your statement in the thursday briefing to governor malloy of connecticut during the n. G. A. Meeting. He responded, and i quote, sean didnt read a thing that i said. He said that in connecticut they are already working to get criminals who are in the country illegally out. His objection was to going into mormon centers or schools where officials might frighten children. Your response to the governor on hat . I was asked specifically what his what the comments were with respect to sanctuary cities. Again, i would reiterate with all due respect to the governor. Im not here to pick a fight with the governor. I enjoyed my time going to school in the state of connecticut. I kind of the reality is i think that there is a difference. Whether or not what he wants to do is state funds, maybe without knowing the exact nature of how hes funding what hes funding, its difficult. The question i was asked at the time was on how we would be handling it. I think the answer whether its connecticut or california, is the president s executive order and the president s commitment is to make sure that tax dollars are not used to Supreme Court programs that are helping people who are not in the country legally and who are not citizens entitled to them. Reporter one more question, sean. 58 years president s have gone going back to when president as gone to rome, they met the ope, going back to eisenhower. President trump had a disagreement with this pope in an exchange of words. When he goes to rome in may for his first european trip, will he meet with this pope . Great question. Obviously i would be a huge fan of that. But im not dont think were at that place in the planning process to make an announcement on any visits with the pope. Reporter two budget questions if you dont mind. Mr. Mulvaney just said that what the administration plans on putting forward doesnt add to the current deficit projection, which the c. B. O. Says is about 5 0 billion. He did say it would significantly drop from that either, my first question is is the administration comfortable putting something forward that my wrack up deficits of potentially hundreds of billions of dollars . Mr. Spicer im trying to understand the question. Reporter he said it wasnt going to add to it but he didnt necessarily say it was going to cut from it either. If it doesnt cut, it potentially could be hundreds of billions. Mr. Spicer he made it clear, it doesnt add to the projected baseline deficit, right . That continues to be the goal. I think if we continue to work through this process, it can work both ways. We can identify further savings in reductions through working with the agencies and departments. But were going to make sure that the top line number, we maintain is close to that as possible. As we go through this this is the beginning of the process and the director noted. We send the number to the department of the agency. Give them ideas how we came up this. And they come back to us and either justify why the particular program or office or what have you needs to stay in existence or why maybe not the reduction thats offered. Its a back and forth process that will occur over the next few weeks. Reporter let me ask you what nancy pelosi said, get a quick reaction. She put out a statement and said the following, quote, five weeks into his administration President Trump has not introduced a single jobs bill. Your reaction to that would be what . Sean created a lot of jobs. I think thats hes continuing to work with congress on both repealing and replacing obamacare. Tax reform. Fundamentally both of those two items alone can help spur a lot of economic growth. The meetings that we have had with the c. E. O. s, the health insurers, there are so many things that are both job killing and it can be done to promote a better regulatory and tax climate that leads to job creation thats one of the biggest problems. People in washington arent necessarily talking to job creators. Saying what is the impediment you have to hiring more American Workers . What is the impediment you have to manufacturing or building here . The meetings and the actions that the president has taken on both regulatory and other matters have helped spur job reation. You have heard these Companies Come in over and over again. He auto makers, airline, sprint. The list goes on and on and on, of people saying to the president , because of your agenda, because of your vision, were willing to commit to hiring additional people, to manufacturing more. Thats how jobs are created. Its not through the government. Too often its the government regulations that stifle and prevent job creation. I think the president as a businessman fully appreciates and understands how this work and what some of those impediments do to creating jobs and growing the economy. And so i would just say that you havent seen anything yet. Its going to continue to be the case. Reporter is there a concern in the administration a largescale military buildup will appear threatening to other countries around the world and lead to an arms race . Sean i think when you look at the state of some of the infrastructure and military with the age of our ships and planes, some of the other hardware that exists, you recognize that we need to rebuild a lot of these things. The size of our navy has gone down significantly. And there are new needs and new planning. When you look at the commitment that you have to make, not just in one year but several years, for a lot of these programs, ships, tanks, even weapons systems, they dont get built in a month or a day. You have to make a commitment early on to make the investment because of the time it takes to procure them, build them, research and development that goes into it. I would just suggest to you that this is the first step in making sure we make the commitment to a military that especially through the sequester the last few years, has not gotten the funding it needs to get off life support. There are a lot of things that are being taken care of in the military where they are just continuing to they are not putting the systems and the projects in place to allow the military to keep up with the times. Thats a problem. Inaudible] reporter said quote, the government owes my son an investigation. On behalf of the president of the United States, is the president open to an investigation of the raid in yemen, and the father of ryan owens called that a stupid mission s there something youd like to communicate to him about that mission that might persuade him otherwise . Sean thank you. Thats multipart. Let me walkthrough it slowly. First of all i cant possibly imagine what hes going through. In terms of the loss of a son. I can tell him that on behalf of the president his son died a hero. And the information that he was able to help obtain through that raid, as i said before, is going o save american lives. Its going to protect our country more. He made his sacrifices for his country, his 12th deployment. I know his wife when she spoke to the president knows he did this because he loved it. He cared about our nation. And the mission was successful in helping prevent a future attack or attacks on this nation. It obtained a lot of information that will help us keep safe. With respect to his request, it is Standard Operating Procedure for the department of defense to undergo what they call a 1506 review. That review, in this case, is three pronged. Because there was a fatality and loss of life, there is that. Because there was civilians involved, thats another. And then third is because there is hardware, helicopter that was damaged. That is a separate. In fact there will be three reviews done by the department of defense because of the nature of this. But again i cant stress enough that on behalf of the president , on behalf of this nation, we express our condolences, extend our prayers to him during this time, and reporter its standard procedure. Is there anything the president is particularly curious about with this mission in that it was brought to him, he authorized it quickly, does he believe in the carried out well . And there is nothing that hes particularly curious about in the way either the helicopter was damaged, fatality, civilian casualties . Sean number one, i walked through the timetable previously. In terms of how long this had been planned for. Dating well back into the previous administration. And as you know, their recommendation at the time was to wait for a moonless night. That night wasnt going to occur during president obamas administration. So when general mattis got into the department of defense, he was briefed on the status of the thick, made aware when the next time was. We went through the process to ensure that we continued to believe that the mission way it was going to be conducted and the results of the mission would be worthy of action. The conclusion continued to be as it was prior that we should move forward. As i mentioned before, i think you cant ever say that when there is most importantly loss of life, and people injured, that its 100 successful. When you look at what the stated goal of that mission was, it was an information and intelligence gathering mission. And it achieved that its objectives. Again, i would express our thoughts and our prayers and our condolences to all of the people in chief owens family and friends, his ship mates, but its something that as a someone who was deployed 12 times, he knew that this was part of the job. He knew what he was doing. And so were very comfortable with how the mission was excused and well let the department of defense go through that review process. And then see where that leads us. But i think to get ahead of the three separate reviews being done by the department of defense would be irresponsible. Reporter as you are aware, to undo the defense sequester, you have to get 60 votes in the senate because you have a eparate domestic sequester number in defense. Are you confident with these numbers and with this heavy Discretionary Spending cut proposed, you can get to 60 votes to change the law, without that change in law, the proposal is just that, it doesnt become operational. Sean i think when it comes to our nations security, specifically our nations military, i dont think that its a partisan issue. I think that senators from across the country whether you are talking about florida or whether you have an Army Installation or navy base, you understand the state of repair that many of our planes, ships, and other hardware is in. And i think that there is a bipartisan commitment to give the military and its members the equipment and the tools it needs to succeed an protect this country. Reporter sean, im sorry. I have a couple of budgetary questions for you. One, at the press conference President Trump talked about what is the investment in this budget when it comes ean good try. I think the director was very clear were not part of the process was to start that process where we talked about where were going to the various departments whether its h. U. D. Or d. O. T. And giving them that top line number and hearing back. I dont want to get into a pecific number with you before we get too far down the process. I think thats a conversation that were going to have with the agencies. And then well have subsequently with congress when they start drafting their resolution. Reporter follow up on this. On he talked about health care. He talked about education. And talk about chicago and law enforcement. So you dont have any kind of budgetary numbers when it comes health care is a piece its one of the line items for this budget. Sean im not saying we dont have numbers. Im saying were not giving them out. Thats a big difference. You are going to do a good job trying. As the director noted on this, that they have come up with top line numbers based on their going through each of these agencies budgets and say, there is a Duplicative Program here. In some cases maybe they give them more, maybe less. Part of it is to begin that conversation, that process, with the departments and agencies to figure out what those investments are. Maybe its repurposing existing funds in a different way. Ts not necessarily a zero sum game. There is a way that a department can reallocate money to a program that might end up benefiting because there is a duplicative or out of date program or office that that savings could be applied to something. Dont want to get ahead of the process right now only to say were very at the very beginning of it. Reporter the president is going to seize the some of them are very concerned as to what this executive order looks like. They are waiting to hear the commitment before they say im all in. What is the commitment that this president is trying to make when it comes to hbcus to ensure their future, or deal with funding for research projects, what have you, or moving it out of the department of education to the purview of the white house. What is the commitment . Sean i dont generally speak about executive orders until they are finalized. I will just say that one of the things that i think there is a commitment from this white house to do is to look at the various resources throughout the federal government that support hbcus. For example, the department of defense has rotc programs, are they being properly is that funding being properly executed and spent . There is programs within each of the departments, the department of education, the department of housing and urban development, that affect grants or programs or direct funding that go to hbcus for various different things. Whether its Construction Projects or teaching programs or mentorship programs, whatever it is, they throughout the entire government. I think that what were committed to doing is ensuring that there is a high level understanding and commitment that goes straight to the president of how we harness those resources within the government. And make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Its one thing to have them, right. Spread throughout the different departments. Its another thing to make sure that there is a direct pipeline to the president of the United States that those programs are being executed in a way thats benefiting the future of hbcus and the various projects and teaching that goes on there. Reporter there is going to be a piece that basically goes through all the agencies to make sure there is some kind of commitment to hbcus and engineering for some schools or in research for other schools . Sean i would say i think im going to stick to waiting until we announce it. I can anticipate it very soon. I want to give myself wiggle oom. Reporter the president has repeatedly, including today, called for major infrastructure plan to the tune of 1 trillion for bridges, tunnels, you name it. Can you explain where that money will come from . How it fits into the budget thats under review right now . And what the timeline for that project would be . Sean i think that would be part of a longer term discussion that were having with congress. As you know the president came in office 30some odd days ago. Getting an ideas thats referred to as a skinny budget is to get the government to be to be funded. I understand your point. The president continues to talk about the state reporter its a priority for him. Sean we have to make sure its done right and we work congress. There is obviously a funding mechanism to this. We talked about things like comprehensive tax reform that could add to that discussion. And so i just i understand what youre asking in terms of how this will be funded and when it will be coming and the payfors. Were working with congress to have that discussion. That comes outside of the budget discussion. Reporter how does he square that with the need to tighten the belt . We have been spending too much sean in the same manner were presenting the budget. Were talking about adding 54 million trillion, billion, thank you. I appreciate the help here. Were looking to add that to defense. What it means is we have to look at other programs to find reductions in savings. I think that same kind of discussion would happen with respect to infrastructure. Not necessarily the savings piece, but the funding piece. There are several ways i know there is a lot of discussion, private partner privatepublic partnerships hes started to have a discussion with in terms of the funding mechanism. All im trying to get at is that there are various ways to do this funding without just relying on the american taxpayer in terms of additional taxes. There are suspending reductions. Other funding mechanisms. I think in due course well get around to that discussion. Reporter he mentioned initial marks for infrastructure as he drives through the queens tunnel and lincoln tunnel he worries about Ceiling Tiles falling. Is there a specific incident he was talking about . Or is that just a fear . Sean im sure secret service will take care of alleviating the immediate concerns. Reporter first on health care. Because the director was signaling be made ready early ay,. The president fade said how complicated the Health Care Repeal and replace has ecome. Can you describe when it is that the president would present his framework for an overhaul of health care . Is it going to be included in the budget so we would see it before may . Sean i dont think youll see it in the budget. Thats not the appropriate vehicle for it. I think i mentioned it before. I think he would drive at least the leading option before i get locked into something, is to add obamacare to f. Y. 2017 budget process and put it through reconciliation. That would happen outside of the current budget structure. But i think hes also been very clear he wants this outline within weeks, and continue to have discussion was health and Senate Leadership and ways and means, and Senate Finance on the senate side. When he talks to speaker ryan and leader mcconnell today, im sure that conversation will continue. Reporter just to follow up on health care, because not every ingredient in the Affordable Care act is handle in reconciliation, thats why i was asking about the elements of it. So we will see some of those . Sean there are several pieces of obamacare, some can be done by executive order. Some with 50 votes. Some specifically in reconciliation. That there are certain things that have to be done in certain ways legislatively. To create a comprehensive and holistic approach to both repealing it and replacing it. Were aware of that. Were working with the house and senate to make that happen. Ifreporter the immigration executive order. Is the president going to address the American People and congress in the speech tomorrow night and specifically describe and defend the immigration ban . When will we see the revised executive order . Sean i dont think many previous president s have gotten through and used that as a legislative walkthrough. But you will hear his commitment to education and desire for Border Security and what it means not just about keeping the nation safe but what impact its having on the economy. You will hear a lot about immigration tomorrow night. He will talk about why it matters. And the goal that we have and why we should come together in areas like this. The next order i think we should have it out probably middle of this week. Looking towards the middle of the week. Well have further updates as we get through the schedule. Our priority right now today was to really get the budget process kicked off. And then continue to prepare for the joint session. Reporter in 2015 identified 125 billion in wasteful pentagon spending. How can you justify adding 54 billion to the Defense Budget . Is that going to go to hiring contractors, is the president concerned with wasteful spending at the d. O. D. . Sean of course hes concerned. Hes concerned with wasteful spending throughout the government. There is a big difference between rooting out waste and raud in various programs and offices and understanding when you are talking about adding to the fleet or increasing airplane costs, that cant be driven just through those. And the commitments you have to make to purchase some of those

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