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It is a little less than an hour. Thank you very much, friends. Welcome to the launch of the real opposition. Effective s p group has a proven record for standing to the tory government. In this election, only the smp can provide a strong, progressive voice to protect the scottish people and scottish jobs against the dangers of an unopposed hardline tory government. No more than ever before, it is essential that we have a strong group of smps standing up against tory cuts in a manifesto that will represent aggressive values and an alternative to austerity. We will provide that effective voice in will provide strong opposition. We will provide the real agenda for change. Gentlemen, [applause] presentnd gentlemen, to the Scottish National partys plan to deliver this change, please welcome the leader of the smp, the first minister of sturgeon. Nicola [applause] thank you very much. The smparm welcome to manifesto for the general election. This manifesto sets out a clear and to and tory cuts strengthen scotlands hand. A manifesto for a country that is welcoming and outward looking. A manifesto that reflects our belief in the infinite possibility open to the people to be the country we know we can be. [applause] our pledge at this election is that smp mps will work every day hearde scotlands voice and build a better country. We know that decisions taken out westminster in the days ahead will shape our country. So now, more than ever, it is voiceso have strong smp standing up for scotland. [applause] with labor in disarray, tories sought to tighten their grip on the u. K. For many years to come. With their true colors being exposed in this campaign, we have a real chance to keep them in check. And let us be clear. Labor isnt Strong Enough to do that. Risks labor simply letting in tory mps. Smp canand, only the keep the tories in check. In this election, it is vital that we strengthen scotlands. And otherwise, so much of what we cherish and value will be under threat. The dismantling of the postwar welfare state will pick up pace. Experts are already predicting the biggest rise in inequality since the 1980s. Income ofhe average the working age household will fall by 10 over the next four years. The policy will drive one million more children across the u. K. Into poverty. Just think about that. One million more children. That means that by 2021, there could be more than 5 million children across the u. K. A number in to the total population of scotland living in most rich one of the countries in the world. That is shameful. [applause] that is shameful. And our manifesto puts it at the very heart of the selection. Be lost, too, as the tories threatened to turn their eu, butot just on the on the Single Markets as well. That is why more than ever before, we need strong s p snp voices at westminster to stand up to the tories and to stand up for scotland. [applause] as a country, we face big challenges. But we have made so much progress. We mustnt let westminster government draggers backward. Drag us backward. Manifesto will help to build a fairer and more equal scotland. That starts with a clear alternative to continued austerity. For the tories, austerity is not simply a response to a particular economic situation. They are political dogma and ideology. As well as damaging our Public Services, they hold back our economy. That is what they have consistently failed to meet all of the fiscal targets. From public sign it public finances, we are setting out a different approach. Our plan has three key aims. Firstly to balance the u. K. , budget for daytoday spending by the end of aliment. Then only to invest. Secondly, to return the deficit to the longterm average. Thirdly, to set that on a downward path. These responsible fiscal targets will return the u. K. s finances to a stable and sustainable position. They will also free up an additional 118 billion without 118 billion pounds of Public Investment over the next parliament. Save Public Services and to give Household Incomes a clear alternative to five more years of austerity and investment for the future, not another potential destroyed cycle of cuts. That is the snp plan. [applause] we have frozen the basic rate of income tax to help more middle errant. Middle earners. That is the right approach at a time when rising inflation is making it harder for many families to make ends meet. We have also opted not to cut tax for higher rate taxpayers. The tax cuts for the top 10 of income earners at a time when public spending is under pressure is a wrong priority. We choose investment in our Public Services instead. [applause] snp mps will report an increase of across the u. K. And the additional rate of income tax for those earning more than 150,000 pounds. The difference between the s p the snp and the tories is this, the tories plans will give tax cuts to the wealthiest while pushing more hardworking people and families into poverty. Our plans are fair to all and will lift people out of poverty. Not just because it is the right thing to do but because we know that greater equality helps our economy. One of the biggest scandals in recent years, it is a scandal, it has been the rise in the number of People Living in poverty despite having a job. 70 of children, 70 of children going up in poverty, they live in a household where at least one person is working. Scotland already has the highest portion of workers with the best real living wage in the u. K. And that is positive. We need to do more. That is why, today, and setting i am setting out a threepoint plan to tackle poverty and inequality and increase the incomes and the Living Standards of families across the u. K. Firstly, we will support moves over the next parliament. Working with business to increase the minimum wage to the level of the real living wage. [applause] that means a living wage by the end of the next parliament that will be slightly more than 10 pounds per hour. Secondly, we will take a different approach here in scotland to public approach. The Public Sector pay. It was designed to protect jobs at a time of spending cuts imposed by westminster. The snp government has taken action to soften its impact. Ensuring that many in scotland are paid more than their counterparts in the u. K. There is no doubt that it has been hard for Public Sector workers. At a time of rising inflation, it is increasingly unsustainable. Of course, they that must be affordable. It is also the reallife circumstances that people face. Still to attract and retain staff in our Public Services. For next year and in future years, we will not assume a 1 pay cap. [applause] we will have discussions for our evidence that is based on proper consideration of the impact of insulation. Of inflation. The view to strike the right balance between affordability and the cost of living. It will restore fairness to our Social Security system. Make no mistake, the tories have sought to undermine faith in the wealthiest state itself. They have sent out there dont they have set out the liberally they have set out to deliberately stigmatize those on benefits. Of course, no one should be allowed to abuse the system. Their rhetoric is cover for the hardship they are causing to those who work hard and struggle to get by on low income. Children, the elderly, women, the disabled, even the bereaved are bearing the brunt. There are about 9 billion pounds in Social Security cuts. Over the next four years. The next four years. Not surprisingly, they want to press ahead with every single penny. What is surprising is that labor is pledging to reverse less than a quarter of those cuts. So let me be clear today. Mps will stand against all cuts to Social Security. [applause] we will do so because they punish the disabled and those who work hard to make ends meet. We will also support the reversal of the two child cap on tax credits and we will [applause] we will campaign tirelessly against the it. The rape clause a policy that shames every candidate that supports it. For reversals to the cuts and support allowance, there was a moving 50 pounds per week that vital support from disabled people. It will be working age benefits. A policy that will set the incomes in our society by 6 . The reason we stand against these on Social Security, it is this, these cuts strike at the very heart of how we see ourselves as a nation and our shared ambition for the future of our nation. [applause] ms. Sturgeon they are unfair and they are designed to divide. A growing gap between rich and poor is not the only divide the tory policy will create. The manifesto also seeks to set young against old. The utter chaos that engulfed theresa mays plan or a socalled dimension tax makes me prouder than ever that the Scottish Parliament introduced the personal and nursing care for the elderly. Those assessed as needing personal and nursing care in scotland have just under 13,000 pounds a year toward the cost of their care. That significantly reduces the burden on the assets of someone who has to fund their own care. Let me make clear today, the snp will always protect free personal and nursing care for our elderly. [applause] of course, it is concern for fairness and old age that drives this policy. The manifesto is nothing short of an assault on pensioners from the dementia tax to the removal allowance andfuel the ending of the trip a lot. To every older person in scotland, i say this, it is very clear that the tories think they can take the votes of many older people for granted. Their manifesto makes clear what they would do if given the chance. If you dont want them to have a free hand, make sure you elect strong voices who will stand up for you. [applause] ms. Sturgeon the snp will protect the winter fuel allowance, and with pension and poverty once again on the rise, we will report the movement of it. We are also a strong voice for the women who have been shortchanged due to the accelerated timetable. Snps will continue to give support to the campaign. [applause] ms. Sturgeon it seems clear that the tories are planning to cut deeper to cover the impact of their plan. s extreme brexit. These cuts are hurting pensioners and are damaging our Public Services. That is why we will stand against them. Over the past 10 years, the snp has prioritize the health service, and we will continue to do so. The services, like those across the world, face real challenges. The Patient Satisfaction is a label. Our hospitals are the best performing anywhere in the u. K. Many nurses in scotland are better paid than anywhere else in the u. K. We have integrated health and social care. We already have a pledge to increase the nhs budget by 2 billion pounds by the end of the Scottish Parliament. Out of carelessness for public finances, it was across the u. K. Snp mps will call the new u. K. Government to increase Health Spending for head of population in england. It is 7 higher. [applause] ms. Sturgeon that would decrease the Health Budget in england by 11 billion pounds more than inflation by 2022. It would deliver consequential funding to support additional investing in scotland. That is over and above our current commitment. The snp standing up for scotland nhs now and always. For our police and Fire Services who have served us so well over this past week, as they always do, snp mps will demand that a tory government returns the 140 Million Pounds that it has so unfairly taken. [cheers and applause] that theeon money tories have so unfairly and taken away from our emergency services. For families, we will continue to extend free child care. We have a special fund to raise standards. The snp is committed to always protecting Free University education. [applause] ms. Sturgeon in this election, we are campaigning to read still the workstudy work visa. So we can continue to attract the best and brightest from around the world to our country here in scotland and by working to ensure that our universities dont lose out on vital european funding. Policies like expanding free childcare, closing the gap in our schools and free childhood vital to the Strong Economy. They ensure we have a Strong Economy is also vital to the future of our young people. Jobs in the economy are essential to this manifesto. We have really challenging economic times. Particularly given the fall in the oil price. Particularly at the end of last year, scotlands gdp was about i. Ve prerecession levels unemployment is lower than the u. K. Average. On the greatest Economic Issues facing scotland reversing drawingon decline and those of working age to live here, Real Progress has been made, progress that is now at risk because of brexit. Were taking 100,000 Business Practices out of paying the Business Rates altogether. In this election, we will not support for the reduction of headline rates proration tax. That is not the right priority. Forill support production employers taking on new workers. To help boost productivity, we will support an increase in the investment allowed to cottage businesses to invest more and plant machinery. Supporting our economy is vital to everything we do. We live in a world where technological and Economic Transformation is happening at a pace we havent seen before. We have the potential in scotland, more than most countries on earth, to take advantage of the opportunity this change presents. This is a multibilliondollar success story. We have Unrivaled Energy sources. Our universities are among the best in the world. We are World Leaders in the industries of the future. Life sciences, financials services, financial technology, technology, natural resources, longstanding reputations. There are internationally recognized brands that gives scotland a head start. European Single Markets, already the worlds biggest, represents a massive opportunity for these areas of scottish strength. In the digital economy, the s sector, the Single Market is still a work in progress. There is huge potential to still be unlocked. That means a huge potential economic prize for scotland. It means a world of opportunity for our young people. Brexit, especially an extreme putsits all about all of at risk. That is why i believe so strongly that to the end of the present process, not now but when the terms of the deal are known, scotland must have a choice about our future, a choice between following the u. K. Down the brexit path or becoming an independent country. [applause] ms. Sturgeon there is just too much at stake for brexit to simply be imposed on scotland, no matter how damaging it turned out to be. A future must be decided by us, not for us. [applause] ms. Sturgeon last years holiday election delivered demanded for scotland having such a choice. The reason most of the Scottish Parliament underlined it. If the snp wins, it will further reinforce a mandate. In the circumstances, and he the continued attempts to block scotland having a choice when the time is right and the options are clear, it would be democratically unsustainable. That will be a choice for the end of the Brexit Process. I want to be clear today, this election also present scotland with some more immediate opportunity. In the months ahead, we must make sure that our interests are not ignored in the brexit negotiations. A vote for the snp will make sure that scotlands voice is heard. The majority of people in scotland voted to remain in the eu. Even those who voted to leave had a real concern about the extreme brexit being pursued by the Prime Minister. To be taken out not only of the Single Markets. It poses a real danger to our universities, our businesses, almost every sector of our economy. That is why the Scottish Government published compromise proposals that would keep scotland in the Single Market. This proposal was brushed aside by the Prime Minister. This election offers people the opportunity to give them an democratic legitimacy and make it impossible for the Prime Minister to continue to ignore scotland voices. [applause] ms. Sturgeon my message today to all voters in scotland is this, whether you voted late or leave or remain last year or yes or no in 2014, vote snp on the 8 of june to give me a mandate to demand a place for scotland at the brexit negotiating table so we can work to keep scotland in the Single Market. [applause] ms. Sturgeon now, more than ever, it is vital to have strong snp voices standing up for scotland at westminster. A vote for the snp on june the 8 will strengthen scotlands hand against tory cuts. It will strengthen scotlands hands against an extreme brexit, and it will strengthen scotlands rights to make our own decisions. The fact is, we cannot afford a tory government with a free hand to do whatever it likes. We must have strong voices standing up for the interest and defending the values we hold dear. Ps know that tory m would be a rubber stamp for whatever theresa may wants. Just as you know that in scotland, voting labor risks letting in tory mps. Only the snp is Strong Enough to keep the tories in check, and only snp mps will stand up for scotland. [applause] ms. Sturgeon whether on brexit, austerity, or the future of our Public Services, this is a manifesto to make scotlands voice heard. It is a manifesto for prosperity and opportunity. A manifesto to tackle inequality. A manifesto to protect jobs and build a fierce society we know is within our grasp. Ensure thatsto to scotlands future always be in scotlands hands. I am proud to present it to the scottish people today. [applause] ms. Sturgeon thank you very much indeed. Thank you. To take someg questions from the media. Please, lets allow them to be the important job of affording us accuracy. Thank you very much. Upon the return of a majority conservative government, you call that very highly likely. You have discounted labors prospects. When those reside in number 10 and 11, even in the last couple of years, even a vast snp presence at westminster, you can not form the majority. Presence vast snp can strain the conservatives. Ms. Sturgeon this has been the effect of it. We can make those voices heard and we can raise issues that are important not just to scotland by the old the u. K. But the whole of the u. K. It was the snp that was the first to spot and pick up on the increases in the budget. That of course led to a whole range of issues. It has been the snp making sure that scotlands voice is heard. That has been important. Making sure that we dont have another tory government that will be a bigger majority and even more important. When elections matter, in terms of what has the authority to stand up and speak, if the snp ons this election, a week thursday, i take nothing for granted. If we win this election, then, again, the people of scotland will put their trust in the snp to stand up for scotland. [applause] ms. Sturgeon that is exactly what we will do. And the first part, which gives heart on this o topic, we have seen the particulars in the last two weeks. Theresa may is not the iron lady as much as the queen of the the more, the better. [applause] james James Matthews from sky news, you talk about addressing an independence referendum. Is the end of the Brexit Process still spring of 2019 . Or in circumstances, do you regarded as later than that . And also, you say for the tories to block the referendum would be radically unsustainable given that they beg to differ, what would you do . Ms. Sturgeon first of all, i think we should let people have their say on june the 8. That is a great opportunity that theresa may has given us. In calling this election. We have the opportunity for the people of scotland to have their say. Im very clear that scotland must have a choice. We cannot have a future imposed on us. Theresa may, sales talk about the damage that brexit can do if it goes wrong. We cannot find ourselves in a position where we have no imperative but to accept the damage of brexit and what he can brexit wreaking havoc on our economy. A choice at the right time is important. I said that at the end of the process. It is important that people have clarity about brexit and what that means. They dont have clarity about the options. I said in autumn of 2018 to spring 2019 for a reason because that is when theresa may says the Brexit Process will end. If that changes, i said this on the day. If that changes, then of course we will have to consider the timing on that, the key point of principle is clarity at the end of the process to other people that allows people to make a genuinely informed choice about the future in our country. [applause] you talk about when the selection is rape forcing the case. If you lose seats, does that we can your case . [crowd booing] ms. Sturgeon no. To do a job, and it is important to hold me and all of us accountable. But the oldfashioned, person who gets morsi than any in the election, what i am alsocy saying very clearly, were talking about choices for the in thing of brexit end of brexit. The opportunity to stand up for scotland against tories. It make sure we have the snp voice. That is what i am saying to people across scotland, no matter how you voted, this is our opportunity to make scotlands voice heard, and we know the only way to make scotlands voice heard us to vote snp. And that is what i am asking everyone to do. [applause] ms. Sturgeon i think that is david david good eyesight. Ms. Sturgeon it is actually very bad eyesight. That is why i was not sure. David i am looking very handsome, i assure you. [applause] david first, minister, the conservatives are running it in scotland on one message, that they do not want another independence referendum. Ms. Sturgeon really . [cheers and applause] david there is some evidence it is working and that some of your colleagues could lose their seats because of it. Do you worry about that and that the decision to call a referendum may cost some of your colleagues their seats . Can i ask can i hav whether the snp support the rate in income tax and of not, why . As i said, we will work 50 pence. We oppose tax cuts for the high rates, and we have not delivered that tax rate to the parliament and basically, inflation is rising, and i do not think we should be passing the buck on the lower and middle income earners. [applause] ms. Sturgeon in terms of your next question, i am very confident in all the colors here and colleagues here and those watching at home, in each and every one of those here and what you get has been a strong voice , they will be voted june 8. [cheers and applause] ms. Sturgeon Angus Robertson has been the voice of opposition, standing up to theresa may and the tories. Not only putting her on the spot week in and week out, but putting Jeremy Corbyn to shame as he does it. [applause] ms. Sturgeon lets make sure that thorn in the side of the tories is still there. Lastly, on the point of the tory campaign, as you may have heard me a this last week, but we have talked about nothing other than is, sheent the thing that ibout it so much do not add a chance to talk about it. [laughter] [applause] ms. Sturgeon what i am talking about in this election is how we put an end to tory austerity. How we get things like the rate rate clause. The support for the rate clause really does shame her and show her true colors and the reason [applause] ms. Sturgeon the reason that tories will only talk about independence, if you look at the leaflets, it does not mention education or welfare or anything else that interests the people. The reason is they do not want to talk about their records, and they do not want to talk about their policies because they know tory policies harm Public Services and harm the people of this country. So i will let her continue to talk about whatever she wants to in this campaign. I will continue to talk about how we can put an end to the tory policies that have done so much damage to our people. [applause] i maybe misinformed, happy birthday. [applause] [laughter] we might have gone from one extreme to the other with the media. A happy medium is probably what we should try for. I think for everyone it is ok. To balance wanted the budget by the end of parliament. With the extra spending, no cuts and not much in the way of tax raises, do you have a detailed plan and can you give us an idea of how you plan to balance the budget . Ms. Sturgeon what we have said alternativeour fiscal plan, by balancing daytoday spending by the end of the parliament and getting trajectory,wnward that would free up 118 billion pounds over the life of the parliament. That, the 45 or the removal of the discoloration between couples that are married and couples those taxot, increases will raise an additional 10 billion pounds over the life of the parliament. Is thending commitment manifesto, about 18 billion pounds over the life of the parliament. Headroom, if there needs to be investment to some of the impact of rightclick. Is a thorough and affordable plan and your balance of the budget is to take a sensible step toward balancing that budget but not doing it through aggressive cuts on the back of those who can least afford them. Significantly moderate toward what the tories are planning and allows us to hold the welfare cuts driving more people into policy into poverty and allows us to invest in the economy. One of these stupid things about tory economic policies has been harder tohave made it meet the fiscal targets. By investing, we can grow our economy faster and meet those targets more successfully than the tories have managed. This is common sense and we are the only party putting forward austerity to get the finances by sustainable track and it means we can have a Sustainable Future and im proud to look forward to that day. [applause] i think tom gordon . Tom and then kathleen. Thank you. Wereesto covers in 2015 essentially single pictures of you. You are nowhere to be seen on this manifesto cover on the outside. Do you accept that you personally i know you are page two, but you are not the outside. [laughter] do you accept you have personally become a more person on the doorstep of reporters . Ms. Sturgeon i might like you for that one. Ihis is a great example dont mean that disrespectfully to tom. It is a great example of how kind ofticians, you are dammed if you do and dammed if you dont. It was slightly uncomfortable. They all said it was a cult of personality. Itear, the reason would be much cuter than me. Come on. [applause] but in case you havent noticed, im not going to say lovely, because i dont think any teachers are particularly lovely. But there is one of scotland lockhart that i think is particularly lovely. Kathleen. Said a may has [cheering and applause] im not sure if that was the opinion of me said no tomay has your attendance referendum before breakfast is before brexit is played out and Ruth Davidson has said she does not want an independence referendum for 35 years. [laughter] what can you do to make sure scotland can have a referendum before brexit . Ms. Sturgeon i wont go into the choice of the end of brexit. I often think theres not much imerence between what seeing and theresa may is seeing in that regard. I dont want to have to choose. , when end of the process we can judge what brexit means and compare that with what being independent would mean, people can make an informed choice. Brexit no accept matter how damaging it might be. Theresa may today talked herself about the danger of brexit going wrong at talked about the danger to the economy and Public Services. Should have toe accept that come what may. Our future should be decided for us, not now, but when the time is right. We have an immediate opportunity to make sure we can influence brexit negotiations. Every vote is to strengthen my mustto make sure scotland voice is heard in these rights of negotiation in the next few months. [applause] i have a choice which one to pick . [laughter] eeny, meeny, miny, moe. [laughter] go ahead. Jeremy corbyn said yesterday that he would open discussions with you over a second independence referendum if he becomes premised or. And i wonder if you were quick to write him off, given that polls seem to suggest hes winning the campaign in england. Ms. Sturgeon i do not watch all of it, but i did watch some of the debate. Im not sure if it would have been hard to come off better than theresa may in that debate last night. [applause] this is a serious point. There are people all over the country wondering what a tory government means and the house wonderingolder people if they will still have a payment or whether the pensions are going to be safe in the future. I think it is outrageous the tories are not answering these questions. Anyone watching the prime mister last night would suddenly have seen very clearly why she has dodged any direct debate in this election. [applause] the polls suggest we are facing another tory government, but it is the tory government that has been exposed over this campaign and that presents us here in scotland with an opportunity. That is an opportunity to make sure we keep a tory government face ak, that we dont tory government without a strong scottish voice standing up for our interests. This is a fundamentally important point in this election. We know that labor is no longer Strong Enough in scotland to stand up to the tories. Would only run the risk of letting a tory mp in the back door and that is a risk people should think carefully about. Only the smp has the strength in scotland to stand up to tories. We think we face another tory torynment, but it is a government that has had its vulnerabilities exposed in this campaign. So lets take this opportunity to send strong scottish voices to take to keep this government in check. We only had to watch davidson defend the rate, for goodness sake. Tory mps will be a rubber stamp for anything theresa may wants brexit puts scottish jobs on the line. We want strong scottish voices standing up for scotland and that can only come from the smps. So make sure on june the eighth, you vote smp to get those strong voices. [applause] thank you all very much. We end,e and before can i think you all for coming today, but more importantly, can i ask you to leave this hall and get out there and campaign for your local smp candidate. [applause] campaign as hard as you can. There are big challenges ahead for all of us. The decisions taken by westminster government over the next couple of years will shape our country. Lets make sure smp voices are standing up for scotland. Lets get out there and win this election. [applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [applause] on sunday, author and journalist matt tybee will be our guest on indepth. Matt if you grow up looking at thousands and thousands of faces until one day you see that one face that was put on earth just for you, and you fall in love in that moment, for me, trump was like that except it was the opposite. When i first saw him on the campaign trail, i thought this is a person who is unique, whose amazing unique, horrible, amazing characteristics were put out for me to appreciate or not appreciate because i had been spending a lot of the last 10 to 12 years without knowing it preparing for donald trump to happen. Esther tybee is a contributor to Rolling Stone magazine and the author of several books including smells like dead elephants and the great derangement. His most recent book, insane clown president , dispatches from the 2016 circuits. During our live threehour conversation, we will take your calls, tweets and facebook questions on his literary career. Matt tybeepth with live from noon until 3 00 eastern on sunday. The renegotiation of nafta, the north American Free trade agreement between u. S. , canada and mexico will begin in midaugust. It covers more than a trillion dollars in trade. Minutes, we will have commerce secretary wilbur ross live on the 25yearold agreement. At 3 30. Ere on cspan until that gets underway, a conversation on president trumps efforts to fight terrorism from washington journal. Journal continues. Servesonathan schanzer as senior vice president. For those not familiar with your organization, what is it . Guest we are a notforprofit and we study terrorism in the middle east. Finance and sanctions, but we really

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