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Exemplary fashion. All i can say is you are on the inside, you are proud to be there. We are making progress. We demand a lot. We have benefited enormously from the american population. They operate without being known in what they do. Their families often have no idea what they do or how the ark into bidding to our wellbeing. I come back to strategic focus. Follow those two and we will be in great shape. I hope the way forward and looking down the road that our National Leaders in the future prove themselves to be as capable of using our Intelligence Community as they are capable of serving the u. S. I would be pleased to take questions if we have time for them. [applause] one of the things that i think disturbed most people with snowden is how a low level contractor could have access to the information that was damaging to the country and what steps are being taken to prevent that . Yes. Did everyone hear that question . The inadequate answer is that he was a program administrator. Just as in your office you have someone who comes in and knows nothing about what your job is, but can take apart your Computer System and find out what is wrong and have access to stuff across the board, that is how it happened. Not excusing it, that he was a program administrator. Through his Program Administration and by recent news we have learned that having some people who gave him passwords that they shouldnt have given to help fix the system, i do not know why, but he was able to get in and get access to massive amounts of information that he never should have had access to. What we can do Going Forward is to put in safeguards. Just as private manning never should have been able to do wikileaks to the extent that he did. Snowden should never have that access. We still dont know. I agree with you. It is something that we really need to fix. Two items. Talk a little bit about Cyber Security and the threat to the government and the corporate world. Secondly, please do the jimmy carter. [laughter] [imitating jimmy carter] i have always said and i firmly believe that the country would be better off if we had more people like this serving our country. [laughter] [applause] cyber is very threatening. Let me give you a little bit of data on this. Our cyber system was designed to enable and to convey and to allow people to enter. It was not set up for security. Every minute, there are 3 million google searches in the world. There are two and a half billion Internet Users in the world. There are millions of emails going around daily. We are an open society. This was not meant for security. It was meant for communication. The evildoers can get inside so that they can compromise. Yes, it is frightening. I have been working on a project right now at the suggestion to look into how this could affect our public utilities. The ability of those that would do us harm and enter into a compromise such systems, the New York Times called it the glass jaw of american history. Some seek to steal secrets. Some countries have stolen very valuable defense secrets. Others go there in order to copy programs into designs and do things like that. The u. S. Intelligence community does not conduct espionage on behalf of the american businesses. That does not take place. Lets look at this world. One of the most profound events that has happened in the last several years was july 2010. It was a twofaced attack. The Delivery System jumped. I do not know who. The New York Times reported that the United States and israel were involved. My point is that that kind of attack that can shut down a massive capacity followed by a massive attack in saudi arabia that wiped out 30,000 computers, the scope for damage is huge. Suppose you lost a gas pipeline. That pipeline generates electricity. And we were without heat and gas, where would we be . It is an act of war. It is a defense posture we have to take all the time. It is another one of those things where we do not always understand the luxury that we have in the u. S. And the vulnerability that requires an active defense all the time. Be friendly to your local security agents. He or she is trying to help. Vulnerability is very real. It is something that will be part of our future Going Forward. Were not going to turn into an authoritarian state to stay secure. It will deny the basic fiber of american society. The liberties that we enjoy bring with those insecurities that we have to defend against. What do you think the american policies should be . There is the struggle between the russians and the other half that wants to be integrated into the European Union. Russia offers a great deal money to pay off the debt and the european did not go to a bidding war to give the other side the tools that they need to make that decision. We have seen this play out. What do you see as that struggle amongst the old satellite to being pulled back into the russian sphere without us getting into a checkpoint charlie sort of confrontation . In ukraine is where the demonstrations are taking place. I meant ukraine. There is an obvious split. What happened, the president of the ukraine vetoed an effort to integrate with western europe. Ukraine is very divided between those who would have the economic integration and political affiliation their and their culture tied to russia and those who want to turn to the west. It is playing out right now. 25 killed this morning. This is one of those things where you need two things. This is where you knew that National Intelligence council. What is at play . What do we think will affect the outcome . What are the range of policy decisions that are open to us . Will you intervene or not . We cannot intervene in all of these crises of the world. It could be very bloody. To go in there with direct confrontation at this point, obvious reasons not to do that. Our hearts are with the western leading ukrainians. They would like to join europe, which is our way of looking at things. One of the wise things you do with intelligence is not just what you decide to do, but what to not do. There are some crises that you better not enter unless you are ready for fullfledged confrontation that could involve american casualties and great costs. My own personal opinion is that the u. S. Has done the right thing. It is difficult when you send encouragement to one side and to say, hang in there. You are doing the right thing. A lot of people interpret that as the yanks are coming. They will be here to help us. Lets go to the barricades and you turn around and find out we were just wishing you well. It is very difficult to watch in all of the words that have been made to describe it. The u. S. Has made it clear. This is an internal division. It is not one in which we will give specific encouragement or discouragement to one side or the other. At this point, it is theirs to sort out for themselves. I would like you to talk more about human intelligence. I remember the 70s and there seem to be security agencies and technical means. A deemphasis on human intelligence. Perhaps the iraq war and 9 11 brought the emphasis on human intelligence. You pointed out theres a difference between knowledge and what we do with it. It seems that the u. S. Has been behind the pace and has reacted to that revolution in iran or the arab spring. I do not know if that is policy or knowledge. In ukraine wisdom of a for heart would have strengthened the European Union so that they had a financial author for ukraine as opposed to russia being able to come in with funds. For the record, john and i served together with the former director of National Intelligence. Good to see you, john. You have combined both human intelligence and analysis and National Security decisions. When you bring all of those together, you cover a lot of ground. I think we take second place to nobody. There has been a question as to how much actual action should be delegated to the Central Intelligence Agency Versus the pentagon. There is title 15 and title 10. One is covert operation. Sometimes to get the same kind of people doing it. The only difference is whether it is title 10 or title 15. The sun comes up when you are done. If the sun comes up and you are discovered it was a military action. If it was done during the night and no one found out about it, it was a covert operation. Should the Intelligence Agency become this active and operator as the cia . They are outstanding in their analysis and in their human intelligence to understand things. Suppose you are in a conflict and you have learned being in that conflict that here is somebody who are clearly operating with the enemy. You identify that person, that is human intelligence. Suppose you are able then to focus on his are her cell phone, communications one way or another, find out what they are up to, and you confirm that this person is making bombs. Theyre doing things we do not want. Where does this person go . You can track where that person is. Maybe find out their headquarters and learn a lot. There is the combination i was talking about. The u. S. Combines that in ways no other country can. I like our human intelligence capacity. Quite honestly, we have advantages you do not find in the world. I was in one country and inside the inner sanctums where things were being done, i noticed somebody was clearly a native of that country. Dressed like the natives and everything else. When i flew back to washington, i looked in. There the guy was. With a business suit on and everything else. Probably lives in los angeles. An american citizen. We have every single nationality and every single race, everything that is represented in the u. S. And they are patriotic americans and they lend themselves an ability to blend in like no other country can. Frankly, we are very skilled at it. You get into several different should we haves. Each one of those is a separate question here we could perhaps take some of them up. You reach these do or die things very quickly. Syria starts to fall apart. You either act very quickly and say, we are going to help guide the factions that we favor most, or you stand back. We stood back. We brought some humanitarian assistance. That is a decision that has to be made early on. It is difficult to amend. It is different when there are many getting about on the other side and it is different in which intervention makes an entirely different thing. The wisdom of those decisions, there are a lot of them. I hope i have covered the role of human intelligence and how it works with the other sectors. Would you comment on the significant amount of intelligence activities who are being outsourced to private industries and do you think that is a good idea . Sure. I once directed a team of about 80 people. 35 of them worked for private sector, for private industry. You cannot tell the difference. They were all on the team. I think in general it is good. Why . A lot of the progress that is being made is being done in the private sector. We have really bright people. You have people competing for government contracts. You have enormous skills. We benefit from that. Sometimes they come to work for us. Sometimes we give them a contract. From all of my experience, i have seen the u. S. By far is a benefactor of having included all of the scientific Technological Progress that exists by the contractors we bring on board. It goes on to information technology. Everything from linguistics to area specialists. You have to be very careful, obviously. You go inside and Intelligence Facility in the United States and theres a dunkin donuts. You realize those employees for coffee and handing out donuts have been cleared. Everything you do has to go through a security clearance. Sometimes people think youre outsourcing this to a private contractor. Oh my goodness. That cannot be a security risk. It usually isnt. But the capacity or the potential or strength they bring to the equation is a huge resource to the american Intelligence Community. We have benefited enormously from it. A summary answer it has been a good deal for the u. S. Was that the last question . That was it. Thank you. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] begins itsy, apac conference in washington dc. We will hear from arizona senator john mccain. In the afternoon, more live coverage with secretary of state john kerry and new york senator Chuck Schumer starting at 5 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan 3. The white house held its firstever student Film Festival on friday. Students were asked to make a short film about the importance of technology in the classroom. This is from the east room of the white house. It is about 15 minutes. Hello. My name is shelley. I am a senior at Metropolitan Arts Institute in phoenix, arizona and i am so excited to be here at the white house today. [applause] i started at metro in eighth grade and i spent five years honing my skills as a filmmaker. Looking back, i realize without the technology that trial has provided for me, i would never have been able to make films or discover what i am passionate about. I saw an opportunity to share my story and my passion with others. Technology has taught me to tell stories, teach and make an impact. I believe it is important for our generation to embrace technology and find ways to use it for good. Now it is my pleasure to introduce president barack obama. [applause] hello. My name is shelley [laughter] wrong page. Just teasing. I knew i wasnt shelley. [laughter] everybody give shelley a big round of applause. [applause] thank you so much. Thanks for the introduction and the beautiful video you made. Touched we get pretty by stuff like that. I am thrilled that all of you are with us for our first ever white house student Film Festival. I know we are running a little bit late. It is not because the projector was not working. It was because of me. I appreciate all of you being here and your patience. The Academy Awards are not until sunday but as you can see, we brought the oscars to the white house a little bit early. I want to thank our partners, fox, National Geographic and the american film institute. We have got the red carpet, we have got the big screens, the opening monologue. The only difference is, nobody asks what you are wearing. We have got bill nye the science guy. [applause] tyson from these hayden planetarium. [applause] you a sneakn give peak of his new show, cosmos. [applause] i saw the original version. It was spectacular and wonderful and i know this is going to be not just as good but even better. We are thrilled with that. We are opening on a big show here because we are honoring some remarkable filmmakers. I have said before, i believe and i hope all of us believe that every child in america deserves a worldclass education. Especially in science, technology, engineering and math. It is skills like these that make us an economic superpower and build our middle class. We also need folks who are studying the arts. Our Film Industry is a huge generator of jobs and economic power here in the United States. It tells us our story and helps us to find what is our common humanity. Allow nasa toese announce the other day that we have discovered more than 700 new planets. [applause] that is cool. We didnt make the planets but we found out that they were there. [laughter] we deliverways that the best education in the world is by empowering our students with the best technology in the world. Invitedinspire us, we students from across the country to send their videos about how their schools used technology today, how they might use it in the future. Kids got their cameras out and went to work. We received about 2500 videos. We watched them all. I did not personally watch them all but the white house watched them all. Allthe oscar goes to of you. [laughter] among all the incredible videos we received, yours stood out. Let me just say, these movies are awesome. Like all great movies, yours do something special. They tell a story. They help us understand in this case the Amazing Things that are going on in classrooms and how technology is empowering our students and broadening their imaginations, challenging them to dream bigger. Here is the spoiler alert. There is some wonderful stuff going on out there. Even before you have seen some of these films, you need to know what these filmmakers have displayed is the incredible innovation and creativity of this generation coming up. Milesve got gabriel and from science tech kids in new york. [applause] us that they are going into space. They designed experiments and used a 3d printer to build tiny satellites. A giantually launched balloon that carries those satellites up to the edge of space, very cool. [laughter] so they could collect the data. When i was in elementary school, i was not launching satellites into space. Us have got alex, who showed how his eighthgrade class at Brookwood School in massachusetts changed the definition of pedophiles by video chatting with students. Stoves thaton cook help families use cleaner energy. It doesnt stop with what is possible today. They show how students are imagining the future. Classmates with disabilities, individualized learning platforms that you can carry around in your pocket. That is the kind of creativity and imagination we want all of our young people to embrace. Ofcannot wait to see more that innovative spirit later this year when we host our first ever white house maker fair. [applause] we already have a white house science fair. This new event is going to highlight how americans young and old, tinkerers and inventors are designing tools and machines that will open our minds and empower our economy. We want to bring this spirit into the classroom. That is why i lunched launched something we are calling connected. The mission is to connect 99 of americas students to hide the seed highspeed broadband internet. The average American School has about the same internet bandwidth as the american home. That means our students are at a disadvantage. When less than 30 of our students have access to true high Speed Internet in their classroom while in south korea, students have 100 , that is like waving a white flag when it comes to our global competition. Here is what i think. In a country where we expect free wifi at our coffee shops, we should demand it in our schools and libraries. [applause] this is not something we can do alone. Upa consequence, i picked the phone and started asking Business Leaders to help bring our schools and libraries into the 20th century. They came up huge. This month, some of our Biggest Technology Companies Committed more than 750 million in computers, software and broadband access, put our kids and classrooms on the cutting edge of technology. Today i am proud to announce that more companies are getting on board. Over 100 million in presentation products to help students develop ready to work skills in slideshows and creative communications. Give them a big round of applause. [applause] adobe will make available for ine more than 300 million creative and Teaching Software so that kids can turn their ideas into films and graphics and teachers can deliver lessons electronically. Give adobe a big round of applause. [applause] if you are quick in math, which i know you are, then you will see that this means we have billion inver 1 technology commitments to our schools. That isnt too shabby for one month. There is still more to do and we need even more companies to get on board. Schools andnovative teachers and students like all of you, we know what a School Might Look Like in the century ahead. ,lassrooms wired to space students who are fluent in coding and web design, teachers collaborating on projects with peers around the world. We have always imagined giving every child the chance to learn like that. With these private sector partners, we are helping to make it a reality. Let me leave you with a wonderful example of the Difference Technology can make. At ais a seventh grader Jewish Day School in florida. He was diagnosed with lymphoma, had to move to pennsylvania for treatment. In the past, that meant kyle would have had to leave his school and friends behind. Every day, kyle puts on his School Uniform and without even leaving his room in pennsylvania, he goes to school in florida. With aa special robot hightech video feed that goes to class for him. Even as he is getting medical treatment and fights to get better, kyle can keep up with his studies, controlling his robot from his computer at home. Through a video feed, he can see his classmates, they can see him. The robot doesnt have a name, they just say, hey kyle. He can look around the classroom and move down the hallways. Teachers think this is just extraordinary as well. If there is one thing you dont want to do, it is start a food fight with a robot. [laughter] everybody seems to be better behaved when kyles robot is around. Kyle is here today. He did not bring his robot. Everybody, give kyle a big [applause] is just one example of what is possible when we put our extraordinary technologies to work for our students and schools. That is what this Film Festival is about. To all the young filmmakers out there, remember, you are much better at this than all the adults. Is your imagination and your creativity and your innovation and your dreams that are going to help this country move forward. Keep up the great work. We could not be prouder of you. Your parents are out of you, i know that, but i am too. America is counting on you. With that, lets start the show. [applause] the internet as we know it toay bears no resemblance monopoly Telephone Service back in the 1930s and 1940s and 1950s. What the courts have said and what the Congress Supports is if i walk into a Grocery Store and buy a gallon of milk, i pay 3. 50 a gallon. Gallons, i pay 35 for all 10 gallons. Usefcc wants to say you can as much milk as you want and will only have to pay 3. 50. That is just wrong. Movies,e download their sometimes they are as much as 30 of the total volume of the internet, obviously netflix should pay more than somebody who uses the internet once a month. Genesis in these companies. Billions and billions of dollars to set up their systems and and all ofer optics the megaspeeds that we take for granted. At some level, they should be allowed to charge based on volume. Net neutrality and other telecom issues monday on the communicators at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan 2. Next, q a with rel on herginia post book followed by question time with british Prime Minister David Cameron and the future of afghanistan with the state Department Special representative for the region. This week on q a, bloomberg columnist and author Virginia Postrel discusses her book, the power of glamour longing and the art of visual persuasion. Virginia postrel, author of the power of glamour, in history, from your perspective, which political figure is the most glamorous . Wow, that is a really hard question. Alexander the great is a

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