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This thing. I remembered more than two weeks after the bombing we went over to lockerbie, and i saw my mother crossed the room and start lecturing Margaret Thatcher about how justice had to be done. I thought, what is she doing . But that was just her getting started. Her good friend, and mclachlan, i remember kathleen on the phone with her. We were not getting much sleep back then. I remember her yelling at her friend, saying, i will not have my son die in vain. Justice has to be done. I knew then that even though my brother was dead that our lives were going to change. When ann was asked to leave the commission to investigate what happened and how i could have been prevented, she knew she had no choice, or kathleen would have killed her as well. [applause] [laughter] kathleen helped work with frank and and on the commission as a pseudostaff member. She quickly became a force. She made many trips back to new york to join protests at the u. N. People in the situations often use their gifts for different things. Kathleen had many gifts, and one of which was imposed on her by the nuns at marymount, the gift of the pen. The daily record, and dozens of others. She made hundreds of tv and radio appearances, including a memorable one where she accomplished the impossible. She shamed Alan Dershowitz on the today show, not an easy feat. Alan was considering supporting fema and quickly changed his mind after facing kathleen. During the trial, she told her husband, were not leaving until there is a verdict. On the day of the verdict, kathleen was scheduled for Breast Cancer surgery. After watching closedcircuit television, she hopped in a cab to get to her appointment. The verdict was too important, and her surgery would have to wait. I remember the doctor saying, why cant you get on to here on time . She made her son and daughter inlaw to bear witness. We were given very specific instructions on what our messaging points were, which appeared in an oped in the wall street journal. Cathleens passion to honor her justice, protect others from the act of terrorism, and to honor her country. With all this, she still managed to be a great mom. Thanks. [applause] this is mary lous niece, and she will perform a beyonce song probably as good or better than beyonce. [laughter] [applause] thank you. That was beautiful. It really, really was. In addition to thanking diane, i want to make sure i think the choir. They first started singing for us because i think mary kay used to go to that church many years ago, when she lived in virginia. She got the connection started. They have been coming back ever since. They have been wonderful. We have a new piper this yes. Yes, thank you. [applause] we have a new piper this year, ray built her bilter. Our piper we had the last few years has injured his hand. I do not know if he will be able to continue. What i thought ray did a magnificent job. If he can continue with us, great. And we will have two more scottish piper is a little bit later. If they want to come back, i will be glad for them to. You will hear them later. Anyway, i do want to make note of the people that have helped us a lot in this service. The arlington people that have been over backwards. We have already mentioned steve. We could not do this ourselves, melanie and me. Our next it says in the program that the next speaker will be fbi director james komi. There are things that changed in this program. He is out of town. He sends his regrets. That was an unavoidable thing that happened after the program had been printed. Anyway, he is not here. But i get to introduce our next speaker, who is the head of the tsa. And he is a wonderful man that has been coming for the last i dont know. Three or four years, maybe. He has been the tsa administrator since july 2010, and he is in charge of 450 airports across the United States, and the air marshal program, and security for highways and railroads. All kinds of transit systems and stuff. Before that, he was an fbi agent. We have got plenty of fbi guys here, former and present. And i i wish i talked to him earlier, because this year was kind of a rough year for him. This is the first time in the tsa history that they have lost an agent in the line of duty. Hernandez, right . We offer our condolences. But i would like to welcome tsa director john pistole right now. [applause] thank you. It is good to be here once again as we gather together to remember those souls that were lost that fateful day 25 years ago now. It is good to see so many people again, whether you have come from scotland or from syracuse or anywhere else. Welcome. These grounds at Arlington National cemetery know no borders. It belongs to you. I appreciate the opportunity to speak once again as we commemorate that event and the lives that were lost. As we have noted in ceremonies past, there is nothing we can say to undo the horror or lasting damage caused by the monstrous and cowardly act of terror carried out over lockerbie. Yet we see the ability of the human spirit to heal and grow at in the loving eyes and faces of our children and grandchildren. There is some comfort. The healing that began following that unspeakable act will continue as young ones grow older and are taught to Carry Forward the memories of those we honor here today. Even though the pain of your loss may be somewhat tempered by the 25 years that have gone by, all of us remain fully committed in our search for the truth and our desire to hold everybody accountable for their crimes. Your advocacy and support in support of earning justice for your loved ones honors them. Those of you who travel every day, whether it is for business, to visit family, or simply to explore the wonders of our world, you deserve to do so safely and securely. This is a small and steady victory over the hatred carried out by terrorists throughout the world. Since being called into Service Following the atrocities of 9 11, the men and women of the Transportation Security Administration have devoted themselves to protecting our freedom to travel. We are eager to safeguard the free flow of goods. We help you world do business free from the district of desires of criminals and terrorists alike. The vigilance of the global Law Enforcement community teaches us lessons that help to strengthen our International Aviation security efforts and make it less likely that our adversaries can succeed, focusing our resources in such a way as to mitigate this and enables us to stay ahead of those determined to strike fear into the lives of good and decent people. A few weeks ago, we saw the world come together to mourn the loss and celebrate the life of the remarkable nelson mandela. In his struggle, we were reminded that the gears of justice may at times move quite slowly. But it was also affirmed that in the end good wins over evil. It is the same spirit that our search for justice must remain unstoppable. We owe to each of you and the families who have built, and in many cases rebuilt no one can return what was taken from you that night. But we can and will continue to work and fight for each of you. Thank you. May god bless you and keep you. May his face shine upon you and give you peace. [applause] he is a tall man. Thank you so much, mr. Pistole, for your remarks. At this time, i am very pleased and honored to introduce our next guest. The right honorable david mundell, member of parliament, and the parliamentary undersecretary of state for scotland. He is a member of the parliament representing the scottish constituency of Dumfries And Galloway and clydesdale at westminster. He grew up in lockerbie. He went to Lockerbie Academy and was head boy, which is the equivalent of president of his class. He studied law at the university of edinburgh and gained a diploma in Legal Practice there. He received an mba from the University Business school. He worked as a solicitor and then joined in 1991 bt, a British Telecommunications services company, one of the largest in the world, as Group Legal Advisor for scotland. He became their head of national affairs, remaining with et until becoming a member of Scottish Parliament. He was elected to the Scottish Parliament in 1999. In 2003 as a list member of the Scottish Parliament for the southland. Being the sole conservative representative of his constituency. He quickly gained public attention, relative to newly elected mps. He was appointed to shadow cabinet as shadow secretary of state for scotland in december 2005, a post in which he served until 2010, the 2010 general election in the u. K. At which time he assumed the role of parliamentary under secretary of state for scotland. He has been a strong supporter of the syracuselockerbie scholarships, which support Lockerbie Academy students to study at Syracuse University each year. The connections made by these young people are a good indication of the strong bond between our countries that he has nurtured through his career. He has come to Syracuse University several times, most recently this past art prober, during remembrance week, for the observances. He took the time to attend the annual meeting for our membership, and took part in the panel of scottish representatives as they made their remarks and answered our questions. We are very grateful to him that he was able to join us at that time, and for his interest in our story and in our case. Please join me in welcoming the right honorable david mundell. [applause] thank you very much. As someone who grew up in lockerbie and has the privilege ever presenting my hometown in parliament, it is an honor for me to be here today to represent both my community and my country. To demonstrate our solidarity with you on a day of remembrance, a day of reflection and a day for looking forward. I want you to know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of people in and around lockerbie and across the united kingdom, as Church Services are going on simultaneously with this event in drysdale parish church, in lockerbie, and in westminster abbey. Although compared to this afternoon in arlington, it is cold and very in scotland today, the warmth of our feelings toward everyone here in the United States affected by the events of the 21st of december 1988 remains as strong as it was on those first days and weeks, when many present visited lockerbie for the first time. The lockerbie air disaster remains the largest ever loss of life in a single event in the united kingdom. Like everybody from the lockerbie area, i remember exactly where i was when i heard the news, and the emotions i felt as the event unfolded. That is, however, nothing to what you and families back in the u. K. And other parts of the world have had to bear. To lose a loved one in unexpected locality, especially a young person, is heartbreaking. But to do so under an unprecedented global media spotlight, which has lasted all of these 25 years, is beyond compare. And for that, you, along with the townspeople of lockerbie and everyone else caught in these events, have our utmost admiration and respect. Many people in and around lockerbie never have and never will speak openly about these events, although they have in as deeply affected by them and the loss of anonymity for our small town. On behalf of them and everyone else in and around lockerbie, i offer you our continuing sympathy for your loss, our gratitude for the friendships forged and the bonds strengthened, and our determination to continue to support you in the years ahead. Thank you. [applause] i would also like to take this opportunity to read a message from our british prime minister, david cameron. Mr. Cameron says, the loss of pan am flight 103 over lockerbie that 7 03 p. M. , december 21, 1988, was a shocking event, a loss made more poignant still by being so close to christmas. Lockerbie remains one of the worst aviation disasters in history, and the deadliest act of terrorism ever committed in the united kingdom. Although 25 years have passed, memories of the 243 passengers, 16 crew, and 11 lockerbie residents who lost their lives on that terrible night have not dimmed. Over the last quarter of a century, much attention has been focused on the perpetrators of the atrocity. Today, our thoughts turn to its victims and to those whose lives have been touched and changed by what happened at lockerbie that night. Two families, friends, neighbors, loved ones, and all those caught up in the painful process of recovery, let us say to them our admiration for you is unconditional. For the fortitude and resilience you have shown. For the determination never to give up. You have shown that terrorist acts cannot crush the human spirit. And that is why terrorism will never prevail. And even in the darkest moments of grief, it is possible to glimpse the flickering flame of hope. The tragedy of pan am 103 continues to forge a strong bond between Lockerbie Academy and Syracuse University. Syracuse lost 35 of its own that fateful evening. Nothing can restore the promise of those young lives cut short. Yet their memory is honored by the scholarships syracuse awards each year to two lockerbie students and 35 of its own undergraduates. They represent a growing band of beneficiaries given the chance to fulfill their own youthful promise. This is a lasting and optimistic legacy bequeathed to future generations on behalf of those who lost their lives on this day 25 years ago, and who we remember here today. Thank you. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2013] American History tv is in prime time on cspan monday night. Americans of the revolution in the capital. Tour by by a virtual the historian of the u. S. Capitol historical society. 45, and a hard history an art history professor looks at the u. S. Capitol. American history tv in prime time on cspan 3. If you are a middle or high school student, cspans studentcam competition wants to know what is the most important Issue Congress should address next year. A chance to win the grand prize of five house and dollars. The deadline is january 20. Get more information at studentcam. Org. We check out open secrets quite often, and if you log onto the open secrets website, the role challengers and incumbents the incumbents have raised host 2014 marks another election. We look at money and politics. Good morning. Thank you for being with us. We check out open secrets quite often, and if you log onto the open secrets website, the role of challengers and incumbents the incumbents have raised on average in the senate about 5. 8 million. Challengers, 360,000 on average. You look at the house of representatives on average and income of house members as well as half 1 million versus 117,000 for challengers. Guest if you are an incumbent, you have built in advantages. You are surveying up in capitol hill, and have the ability to conduct press conferences, send out press releases, interact with your constituents. You have the ability to almost constantly be seen and heard, were a challenger, you dont have the same luxury. You are a known commodity to voters, which typically is a good thing. You have the ability to use your Campaign Structure that youve already set up and put in motion in your previous election, to go and turn it back up again, get the fundraisers going, get the money flowing. As a result, you find yourself oftentimes as an incumbent with a significant cash advantage over a challenger who oftentimes is just going to struggle to keep pace with that type of operation you already have in place as an incumbent. Host the watchdog for all of this is the federal Election Commission. On your website, publicintegrity. Org, this piece you point out just after the federal Government Shutdown, one of the governments more dysfunctional agencies stopped functioning altogether. Chinese hackers waylaid the fec. The fec hamstrung by political bickering, case backlogs, staff departures. Guest it has been a terrible year for the fec. They are not just suffering from one or two problems, which has made this a year for the fec where they have historical levels of gridlock, where theyre unable to make decisions on key issues facing the commission. You have had democrats and republicans on the commission really just going at each others throats through much of a year, although we do see a change with a couple of new commissioners having, board. For the issue of the hacking, just to seize on that, when the Government Shutdown its important to note that they fec had all of its employees for load, every single one. Many federal agencies had a Skeleton Crew in place. They had people who were there to man the computer servers, due security, make sure that Something Like a chinese hacking incident would be able to be repelled. That was not the case at the fec. This is an agency that exists for the purpose of disclosure and transparency. For days at a time, it wasnt able to serve that key function that it serves for the public, which is go ahead and publicize the millions upon millions of records that candidates and political committees and parties and super pacs, submit it so they can check it, make sure it is in compliance with the law. Host you can join in on the conversation. The numbers are on your screen. You can send us an email, journal cspan. Org, or send us a tweet. Not surprisingly, leading this list is kentucky, where senator Mitch Mcconnell is in a tough primary challenge. So far more than 19 million in what is a relatively small and not a big market in terms of advertising dollars state. Guest it is not going to far out on a limb to say this could be the first senate race in u. S. History that cracked the 100 million mark when all is said and done. Already in a nonelection year, you have 19 Million Dollars put forth towards this. The candidates themselves are raising an incredible amount of money. You have super pacs involved in this race, and various outside groups that have the resources, that are willing to put in the resources to this particular race. It is as highprofile as a senate race as you have going in the 2014 election cycle, and one that started pretty much right after the 2012 election ended. The airwaves in kentucky, if you live there you have probably heard a lot from both sides and a lot from the outside groups a want to have an influence in the trajectory of this race as it goes forward. If you think things are inundated right now in terms of the airwaves, if you think youre hearing a lot from the candidates, just wait. Its only going to become a cacophony by the time september, october, november of next year roll around. Host all these figures are Available Online at opensecrets. Org. 9 million, six million, 4 million, 3 million these are in ohios eighth congressional district. New jersey six. You can see the list here, including californias district 52, 2 million. These look are like senate races, not congressional races. Guest lets go back a generation, and this would have been impossible except in the most extreme circumstances because of the difference in election law. Citizens united versus federal Elections Commission decision by the Supreme Court in 2010, whether you like the decision or dont like it, it changed the game in the United States when it enabled a whole bunch of political actors, be it corporations, super pacs, nonprofit groups especially to pour more money than they ever have before into elections. Youre saying particularly in elections that are highly contested, ones that are very competitive, groups really trying to invest much money as they can to become players. Theres a definite willingness among the very wealthy organizations and very wealthy americans who are politically active, politically motivated, both on the right and the left to get involved in these races. They have a numerous number of vehicles to effectively open up their wallets, get out their credit cards and say, ok, nonprofit group, were going to give you 1 million or 5 million. Those groups have the infrastructure in place, they have the capabilities, the know how, political resources to quickly turn that cash into things like television, radio advertisement, phone banking, pretty much every tool in the political toolbox that you have your disposal. On a basic level, what can they do that they could not do before if they can do direct advocacy, they can go and say, i love this candidate. Vote for candidate x, or vote against candidate y. You dont have to dance around the issue. You can go right to the heart of the matter and beat up on a candidate as much as you want, or lovingly promote a candidate as much as you want. Host our guest is David Levinthal of the center for Public Integrity. Dave from wisconsin is our first caller. Caller i wanted to agree with you about the influence of the Citizens United decision, which was an accumulation of a bunch of different Supreme Court decisions since the early 1900s. It has put undue amount of corporate money into the election system, and also, the politicians really in order to get elected, they have to spend so much of their time raising campaign contributions. And when they do, their influence has got to be towards where they got the money in the first place. I think that has an effect on who they actually represent when they do get into office. Guest the caller raises a very key point here. Youre looking over the u. S. Capitol in the studio here, and dotted all across the areas right around the capital are restaurants and bars and lobbying offices and whatnot, where almost every day, particularly when congress is in session, they have 5, 10 fund raisers every single location. There in this building all the time too. What is going on here . If you ask a political consultant, how much time does a sitting congresswoman or congressman spend fundraising in a day, they say about three or four hours. Effectively, that is happening for many people who are in congress. They will go up to the hilt, vote, go to the capital, do some work, and conduct a fundraiser. Sometimes they will have a breakfast, lunch, and dinner fundraiser scheduled in the same day. A lot of people will get disenchanted with that and say, why do they have to do this . The easy answer is the way that they system is set up, if you are a challenger, you are going to do everything you possibly can to raise money because you know you have an inherent disadvantage with cash. Incumbents know if they are not doing the requisite fund raising to keep pace with an upstart challenger, then theyre going to be in a bad position too. In a way it is a financial arms race, a political money arms race where both sides know that if they are not keeping pace, they will be at a severe disadvantage and feel some hurt come september, october, november when the election is truly heating up. They want to have a Robust Campaign fundraising operation, they want to have a Robust Campaign operation where they can knock on doors and make phone calls and reach out to constituents. Its just the way it is for everyone, democrat or republican right now, and no one side is really taking off. Both of them are engaging in this type of process very heavily. Host carol says, who spent more money in the 2012 election, obama or romney, and back in 2008, mccain or obama . Guest in 2008, obama spent more than mccain. In 2012, it was just about tied. We are strictly talking the candidates themselves. When you factor in the outside groups who came in and 2012 were talking about politically active nonprofit organizations, super pacs, these organizations that can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money to advocate for and against politicians then the advantage was slightly to the republicans in 2012. As we look to 2014, as we look to 2016, we are already seeing the balance shift in a major way. Democrats are becoming very keen to the way the process is run right now. At first, right after the Citizens United decision, another federal court case called speechnow. Org, which gave rise to super pacs specifically, democrats were unwilling to engage in this process. They did not want to form super pacs. They folded big money in politics was a bad thing, and would hurt democracy. The president was adamant about this, even use an opportunity in the state of the Union Address to decry the use of bigmoney politics. We saw the seeds of that being planted to change in early 2012, when the president himself after making all of these overtures and declarations about big money that he did, very quietly said, i give you my blessing, democrats, to form super pacs. Citizens united is the law of the land, and democrats are effectively saying, we may not like it, but were going to have to play the game by the rules given to us by the Supreme Court. If we dont, we do that at our own peril and we will be at a disadvantage when it comes to running against republicans, who are all too happy to embrace the current law. Host colleen is waiting from chapel hill, tennessee with David Levinthal. He is with the center for Public Integrity. Caller good morning. After what you just said, it should be called corporations and super pacs united, not Citizens United. It is definitely not for the citizens. If you are on a certain committee, you should not be able to receive moneys from any financial corporations. If youre on defense, you should not be able to get money from boeing or the super defense programs. [no audio] host we lost the call, but lets go back to her earlier point. Guest the caller brings up a sentiment i have heard a number of times from people who feel the same way, that if you serve on a certain committee, if you have oversight over a particular industry, there is a legal corruption, in their words, with being able to receive Campaign Money from the very people that youre overseeing or the very industries your overseeing. That is probably not going to change anytime soon, but to give you an idea of how often this happens, if you are a chairman of a particular committee, youre going to receive more money or be in the Upper Echelon when it comes to receiving money from financial interests, banking interests, from securities and investments and other people who are involved in the financial industry. It really speaks to a larger point, that congress is the one who makes the laws. But congress is also trying to run for reelection. The players are the referees. It is a situation where it makes it very difficult unless there is some major flashpoint to change the way that the rules are made. We talked about the federal Election Commission. The chinese hacking incident was the tip of the iceberg to describe what was some really serious internal issue. We have seen Staffing Levels dropping to a 15 year low, which is really remarkable considering that the work the staff has to do over there is considerable compared to what it was even a few years ago. It was not a surprise when there was an independent survey of all Government Agencies that came out to stick couple of days ago, and among small agencies, those with less than 1000 people, the federal commission right 28 out of 29 when he came to Employee Satisfaction ranked 28 out of 29 when it came to Employee Satisfaction. If you care about elections, regardless of your party and ideology, they are the cops on the beat, making sure the candidates and political actors are complying with the law and not doing anything that would cut against the validity of an election. They are making sure elections are free and fair, and they are bleeding out at this point when it comes to cash and resources. Host the final number from 2012, how much did we spend in federal elections . Guest overall, the center for responsive politics estimated it was around 6. 3 billion when it came to federal elections alone. That would be money that the candidates themselves had been involved in, and all of the outside groups as well. That was the most expensive president ial election weve ever had in history by a lot, and were fully expecting that in 2014, that will be the most expensive midterm. At this stage in the game, its almost impossible to think that in election would get less expensive Going Forward because of the factors weve been discussing. Host this is a tweet from one of our viewers. Both sides raising 1 billion to me, it is disgusting. Guest we used to have a president ial Public Financing system in this country that the republican and Democratic Candidates would i into. This happened throughout the 1980s and 1990s, to the 2000s, although that began to erode. It effectively fell apart in 2008. John mccain was the last candidate who participated in the president ial Public Financing system among democratic and republican candidates. When you get to 2012, the only ones who are participating in that program are the libertarian and Green Party Candidates and other minor Party Candidates to effectively had no chance of winning election. Both mitt romney and barack obama during the primary and general election opted out of that system. You have a lot of people up on capitol hill right now who are saying it is a total waste of time and money, the federal Election Commission still has to administer it, and they would like to see it just go away altogether. You do have a lot of Campaign Finance reform advocates who say the system can be saved. Instead of killing it, instead of getting rid of it, instead of pushing it to the side, we should help it. We should try to invest back into it and make that a system where president ial candidates from both sides will buy into so they dont have to spend so much time crisscrossing the country, fundraising. The president went to hundreds of fundraising events during 2011 and 2012. Critics of that would say, you have got the president of the United States who is spending not just ours, but days upon days upon days not dealing with the problems of this country, not even going to necessarily talking to average americans at Campaign Events all the time, going to little fun raisers with 100 people, 200 people where they are writing huge checks. Host with an eye on 2016, i want to share a tweet posted a few days ago. You will notice a much younger Chris Christie when he was in college saying, enjoy the holiday break. Two fellow College Students out there, we hope you have a great break and spend some quality time with your loved ones. No question that he is looking very seriously at a president ial run in 2016. Guest here we are in 2013. The president ial election has already begun for 2016. It space to the idea that in the United States now, theres no break from a campaign. It goes back to that arms race. If one side is going to be doing it, the other side has to do it order to keep pace. We have seen a number of organizations, particularly for Chris Christie, on the pro Hillary Clinton side you have numerous super pacs that have arisen in the past year who have come to not only support a potential president ial bid by hillary, but oppose a potential bid. It is to be that if you were running for president , you would form an exploratory committee. These days, you just have all of your supporters, and form a super pac. They can raise unlimited amounts of money. There is one super pac called ready for hillary which is at the tip of the spear when it comes to the proHillary Clinton operations existing right now. So many people who are supportive of her and who have been supportive of her when she ran for president in 2008, when she ran for the u. S. Senate in new york state, who supported bill clinton when he ran for president , they are the ones who are the heart and soul of this organization, which is already at this point raising millions upon millions of dollars. We will have a full accounting of this in january, when they have to file the next Campaign Finance reports. They have already been extremely successful right now, and they have the ability if Hillary Clinton was to run for president , they will have an entire Organization Ready to almost had over to her. Any candidate can do this. If Chris Christie or Martin Omalley or any of the other names being batted around right now for president in 2016, any of their supporters want to get together and form one of these organizations, they have the ability to do that. A lot of people would disagree that that should be the away that american politics are run. A lot of people would say, this is a great thing that gives them an opportunity to get an advantage early. Host i want to share one tweet from laura, who says Citizens United is one of the worst things ever to happen to this country. We will go to chaz, in miami. If you could be brief. Caller this is just an expression of the fact that this country is turning into a plutocracy. I teach literature and theater. No one is going into humanities because they cant afford it. I had to move from manhattan because its too expensive to live there. Kids coming up to college cant afford it. It costs 50,000 to go to school. The same thing with an electorate. My parents came from cuba. One of the reasons they came from cuba, one of the reasons there was a revolution is because unless you had at that time 100,000, you could not run for congress in cuba. That happened to my father. He wanted to become politically involved. He could not afford it. That is what is happening in our country today. Host we will get a quick comment from our guest. Guest elections are expensive to a point where if you want to run for federal office, particularly, it becomes incredibly difficult to do to be a legitimate candidate, someone who will have the potential for success. There are occasional exceptions to this rule, but on average youre going to have to look to raise at least 500,000 in the sleepiest of districts, and likely 1 million or 2 million in a particularly active district. Its just the way it is right now. If you want to run for office and you dont have a lot of money, the local level and may be the state level is about the best chance youre going to have if you dont have those resources just that your hands and fingertips. Host Public Integrity is the website. David levinthal, thank you for being with us. We appreciate it. On the next washington journal postcode we will discuss the bond buying program. And preparing your 2013 taxes. Kiplingersd by the editorial director. Washington journal live 7 a. M. Eastern on cspan. Met her stay with the philippine finance directory director at the finance department. Economic policy in the philippines. This is about five minutes. Good afternoon. To welcome the secretary back to washington, d. C. I was pleased to meet with him today. We had an opportunity to exchange views on a variety of topics. I want to express my sympathies to the people of the philippines in the wake of typhoon yolanda. The United States was able to provide assistance in the immediate aftermath of the storm. Is pleasedstates with the fast and flexible response we have seen from the world bank and the Asian Development bank. We look forward to work working with the multilateral banks to move forward with well designed card decks to assist projects to assist the population as they rebuild. Strong Economic Leadership in the philippines is helping to make the philippine economy more resilient. Makinginistration is Great Strides to improve governance, including fighting corruption and to reform the philippine economy, which has become one of the Fastest Growing economies in the region. I think the secretary for his efforts. During the first term of the obama administration, we laid out a vision for the asia rebalance. We are continuing to build on those commitments, to expand trade and investment and deepen our engagement with emerging powers in the region. The United States bilateral relationship with the philippines is highlighted by the philippines participation in the obama demonstrations partnership. Commitment tour this relationship, the u. S. Treasury is providing a Robust Program of Technical Assistance to support the implementation of philippine economic policy. His program will become one of the most intensive and a assistance programs in the world in 2014. It was a pleasure meeting with the secretary and i look forward to continuing working together to boost global growth. Mr. Secretary . Lew. Ank you, secretary it is a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I am pleased to be here in washington, d. C. At this time to of the u. S. Outlook economy. A strong u. S. Economy is good for the global economy. Your support is assurance of americas supreme commitment to ushering in an era of shared prosperity. Has been avernment staunch ally in our crusade to issue Good Governance and inclusive growth. Growth isrship for newsting us in exploring frontiers to sustain economic gains. The motto of the it ministration is Good Government is good economics. We have proven that, averaging growth of 6. 3 . The support of the u. S. Administration in technical help in furthering our bilateral relationship is important in sustaining that. Thankful for the existence assistance extended by the government in the aftermath of Supertyphoon Haiyan or yolanda. Change is for real. Excuse me. The impact of Global Climate change in our Economic Development is something we must be mindful of. We need to work on innovative and Creative Solutions to strengthen the resiliency of our communities to natural hazards. We need to place Climate Change in the front and center of our social contract. To work, we stand ready with the u. S. Government in developing and implementing programs and projects for sustainable development. We need to take drastic measures to make sure that we can make our country climateresilient. The philippines is at the forefront of disasters relating to Climate Change. Of the strongest typhoons in our history, three have hit us in the last reyears. If we are to maintain our hit us in the last three years. If we are to maintain our fiscal sustainability, we need to deal with the fiscal impact of future disasters. In ourturning a new page partnership for growth. In this, i would like to thank time and iew for his look forward to working with them closely as we try to work that theinstrument Global Community can work on so that the sharing of financial risk for Climate Change can be done on a more formal basis. Thank you. Asked 2013 wraps up, we are on the west front of the u. S. Capitol capitol to tell you about our cspan year in review series. Coming up on monday, a look at immigration laws. Tuesday, Senate Filibuster rule changes. On wednesday. Ce thursday, it is gun laws. We wrap up the week with the Government Shutdown. It is each night at 8 p. M. Eastern on cspan. With the resident of marthas residents of mark up. Then the u. S. Ambassador to brazil. Later, what is next for north korea. Washington journal this week on q a, the former ceo of the bill and Melinda Gates foundation Patty Stonesifer discusses her new career. A washington, d. C. Based Family Services charity. Patty stonesifer, ceo of marthas table. What is it . It is a Wonderful Community based organization that was founded 33 years ago with the idea that everybody deserves dignity and opportunity

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