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another four years of barack obama. this is 15 minutes. >> is an honor to be joined today by gov. chris christie. i have behind me a man who is an american hero and has been battling to rein in the excesses of the government in new jersey. he's a real hero and mary -- in republican circles because he has been forthright and clear in his desire to rein in excess of spending, hold down debt and get new jersey working again for the people in new jersey. he is a man has a following a lot of folks across this country. when he indicated willingness to join my team, i could not have been more pleased and happy. he came in at a time when new jersey was facing high deficits, calls for higher taxes, and people wondering what their future might be. all of folks in the middle-class wondering if they could make it in new jersey carried by virtue of his leadership, people have a much different view about the future. i am pleased and proud to announce my friend, chris christie, is joining my team and i'm delighted to have him here with me. thank you. [applause] >> than here in new hampshire for one simple reason. america cannot survive another four years of barack obama and mitt romney is the man need to lead america and we need him now. that's why i'm here. [applause] if you look at his experience in the private sector, running businesses, turning them around, going in there, telling people the truth about what needed to be done and coming up with a plan to get it done and look at his experience as an elected official, we know he brings the best of both to what we need for america right now. he brings that great private sector experience and he brings the experience of governor of massachusetts, knowing how government works. not a legislator trying to figure out how long -- how to use executive power, but an executive who has used executive power to make american lives better. that is why i am endorsing mitt romney for president of the united states. [applause] as republicans, our number one goal this year has to be to preserve our american way of life. that american way of life was built by entrepreneur ship, was built by allowing the unleashing of american spirit and american inventiveness on the economy and growing a bigger and bigger pie. the biggest difference between mitt romney and the president of the guided states -- the president of the ad states has unleashed his campaign strategy already. that is to divide america and tell americans we're not doing well right now. he wants to tell them the pie of america is only so big and if you want more, we have to take it from others. i know that mitt romney believes the american pie can be grown bigger. it can be an infinite size because of the infinite nature of american ingenuity and effort and character. that is what this election is going to be about. the american people are going to decide they want to believe in american optimism over american division. they want to believe in someone who believes america's feature can be greater, not someone who is trying to divide an ever shrinking pie among the american people. in the end, it has been an easy decision for me. i know america needs a new course and i wanted to be with a person who i believe will be the best person to lead america on that course. that is governor mitt romney, so i'm thrilled to be here today. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you. let me turn to questions you have. >> governor perry was introduced by someone who has discouraged the mormon faith in the past. what do you think of the tactic of impending someone's religion. governor romney, you have been silent up until now perry what do you think question -- what the inquest are >> my attitude is the same as those in new jersey to disparage my decision to appoint a muslim judge. these types of religious matters have nothing to do with the quality of someone's ability to lead. you have to evaluate their record, their character and integrity, not based on their religious beliefs, but based on who they are. i think any campaign associates itself with that type of comment is beneath the office of president of the united states in my view. >> governor perry selected an individual to introduce a new used religion as a basis for which she would endorse him and a reason not to support me. the governor then said that intersection headed out of the park. i just do not believe that kind of divisiveness based on religion has a place in this country. i believe in the spirit of the founders when they suggested in crafting this country that we would be a nation that has tolerated other people of different faiths and we would be a place of religious diversity and, in that respect, they embodied in the constitution itself, and let article 6, saying a religious test would not become part of selecting a candidate of the united states. i believe in the spirit of that embodiment. the nature of the nation it has crafted. i would call upon governor perry to repudiate the sentiment and remarks made by that pastor. >> [inaudible] >> i don't know what he knew or when. any other questions? if not -- [laughter] >> you talked at the reagan library about leadership and compromise. can you talk about mitt romney and compromise? >> what i have seen is governor romney over the course of his entire career, whether in the private sector or public sector has had to bring people together to get things done. in the private sector, he broke -- he brought folks together creating jobs. you don't do that by dictating. gabbai forming consensus and giving a clear vision about where you need to go. on the political side, i think the governor understands, and we have discussed this, that in a country like ours, you never compromise your principles, but you cannot get everything you want. there is a good space between getting everything you want and compromise your principles. that is the space i have operated leigh in new jersey and it's the same space governor romney will operate in when he is president. >> [inaudible] do you support of bill that would impose sanctions on china if they do not close the current gatt? >> i would have to look at the specific piece of legislation to see which portions i agree with and which portions i do not. if i'm president of the united states come on day one, i will designate china as a currency manipulator, opening the door for us to apply tariffs to their products being brought into this country on and on -- on an unfair basis as a result of stolen intellectual property or currency manipulation. i will look at that legislation and we'll see what develops in the senate and house. people are wonder -- people are wondering if i am concerned about free-trade. i like free trade and wanted with china and other free nations in the world. i don't want people to cheat, and china has been cheating. it has been to the disadvantage of american employers and american jobs. we keep talking about that and not doing anything about it, and i will if i am president. >> what do you think of the individual mandate for people to have to purchase health care coverage? >> i've been really clear where i stand on the federal level. i am opposed to it because i do not believe we shall have a one- size-fits-all program for the entire country. each governor should have an opportunity to make a decision about what works best for their state. but i will tell you this -- any attempt to compare what happened in massachusetts and what the president has done to the united states with his plan is completely intellectually dishonest. governor romney did not raise one tacks in doing what he did trying to improve the health care system in massachusetts. i am proud of him for doing what he thinks is right. it may not be right for new jersey, montana or california. those governors will make that decision. but do not try to equate what happened with obama care with what governor romney in massachusetts. the president of the united states is raising taxes over and over again to pay for this plan. what governor romney did was what he thought was response was governor to allow people have access to health care. all governors should have the opportunity to make that judgment on their own and we should not allow people for political purposes to be disingenuous about what governor romney did and compare that to what is happening with federal health care legislation supported by the president. simply intellectually dishonest to do that and i'm not somebody was going to let them compare what governor romney in massachusetts to what was done here. when he gets on the stage with president obama this fall, he will make it clear to the american people how the health care system would look different and better with mitt romney as president rather than barack obama as president. >> [inaudible] >> they were people who were consultants and so forth, but the president got lots of ideas. the one person he should have talked to that he never talked to was me. if he had talked to me, i would have told him the plan he was crafting would not work. we cannot afford another trillion dollars of federal spending. that is why one of the first act that will take as president is direct the secretary of health and human services to grant a waiver from obama care to all 50 states and the nature we repeal obama care and replace it with the model i described it to or three months ago. i'm the only presidential candidate that has not just spoken about repealing about care but described what i would put in its place. i have a plan to do so. >> what is [inaudible] >> the biggest reason i want to support governor romney is i believe he is the best person to articulate republican values and a defeat at barack obama in 2012. the fact is, this is someone over the course of his entire career has shown people he is willing to put a plan forward, to talk about the plan and answer questions about the plan. he has laid out the most detailed economic plan of anybody in the race and has been willing to stand behind it. you just heard him mention he went to michigan and laid out a detailed plan of what he would do with health care in america, this is not someone who just decided to run for president of the back of an envelope. he just said this seems like a good idea, let's see how it goes. this is someone who despot, listened and planned for a good, long time about what he would do if he is given the honor of being president of the united states and the responsibility of being president of the united states. people who run for president, they think in their minds, i think i can win, i hope i am ready. which is what the president did four years ago, they're acting irresponsibly. mitt romney says i hope i can win, i know i am ready. that is the big difference. that is what the american people will see this november and why they will elect him president of the united states. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011] >> [unintelligible] >> our political coverage continues with republican presidential candidate and former governor, john hundred he laid out his plan in new hampshire. this is about one hour. >> the goal is never more critical than in a presidential primary here. in the last midterm election, less than 10% of americans reported considering foreign policy when boating, despite the fact that domestic issues are increasingly linked with world affairs. it's now a national initiative to engage america and the most pressing national security issues facing our country. here at the world affairs council, we hope offering a plant -- a platform for candidates to discuss foreign policy, voters will be better educated on how global issues affect their lives heading to the ballot box next year. to find out more, visit our web site. to begin our program, i am honored to welcome governor tom ridge, former governor of pennsylvania and the first secretary of homeland's security. please join me in welcoming the governor ridge. [applause] >> thank you very much for that warm and gracious reception. i have spent most of my life in public service and i look back on the years i was getting a government paycheck. i remember the 12 years i spent in washington d.c. as a congressman. six of those 12 years occurred when ronald reagan was president. i remember a america in '81 and '82, the economy was really suffering. the notion was we still had to cut taxes and state courts. then, from that pivotal moment, that difficult and challenging election, the economy got stronger and we became even more engaged in the rest of the world under president reagan's leadership. as i took a look around at the potential republican candidates, and there are some fine people running for president, i said who in this field of men and women is equipped with the experience, and frankly the mind set, to deal with creating economic strength at home and projecting america's authority and influence in a very positive way around the world? i decide the long time ago that man had served as governor, businessman, and served as ambassador in a critical part of the world. first in singapore, then in china. the trends in america are somewhat alarming. we of political isolationists who want to disengage from the rest of the world. there are people like yours truly -- i believe governor huntsman says in the 21st century, we're not going to surrender to anyone. we're not going to withdraw from those responsibilities. we're going to accept them and deal with them differently. as i took a look at the governor's record back home, leading the country in job creation, doing it of the reagan way, he cut taxes, streamline government, make it accountable and you still have to understand there are some people out there that need your help and you help them. that intersection of projecting economic strength and the ability to project our values, not just our military, but our values. america has a brand. the brand is our value system. part of that brand as we know how to create jobs in america because you cannot be secure a bashar prosperous and you cannot be prosperous unless you are secure. -- you cannot be secure unless you are prosperous. for the economic protectionists, you say no. 190 + countries out there -- those are potential markets for us. this country needs someone who understands they intersect. they do not collide. build a the economy at home, project your influence and value system overseas. that is the reagan way. that's what we did 20, 30 years ago. we lost that way. i think my party and my country needs at governor huntsman to be president. he understands they are linked. he understands how to project them. he understands, as president reagan did, the there is apiece through strength. for that reason, and pleased to be with my friend, governor huntsman today and to reassert my admiration for his ability to lead this country to some very complex and challenging times in the year ahead. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you. to begin our program, i would also like to introduce the dean of southern new hampshire -- university's school of business. and i thank again at southern new hampshire university for being the world affairs council of new hampshire's partner and presenting this program today. [applause] >> thank you. on behalf of southern new hampshire university in the world affairs council, i would like to welcome governor hunt's been back to the state and university and thank him again for his inspirational remarks to our graduating students last may. as the governor hunt brings his considerable international expertise to bear in setting out his vision for our country's foreign policy, it's quite fitting he chose an american university as the backdrop. higher education in the united states remains the world's gold standard, an area where we continue to lead all nations. southern new hampshire in particular, with over 900 international students on campus, has a strong tradition of reaching out into the international sphere and foster indication -- fostering communication with students around the globe. we host the world affairs council to promote an understanding of international affairs here in the state. as a former ambassador to china and offering three administrations his foreign- policy expertise, governor huntsman has unmatched experience in the international sphere and has had the unique vantage point of representing the united states in china and dealing directly with the chinese government. he brings to the republican primary process and unparalleled perspective on the role of the united states in the world today. southern new hampshire university is published welcome jon huntsman to our campus. [applause] >> thank you very much and thank you for your leadership and willingness to host this event today. to governor tom ridge, my great friend, someone who i admired and looked up to enormously, one of the great public servants of my generation, and to the ambassador who is also here, it is an honor to be with you my friend. and to mary kay, a major look a lot better with her sitting between you. to the state representatives, my good friend who does so much for veterans, it's an honor to be here. it is my second time to set a new hat -- southern new hampshire university. i was commencement speaker just a few short months ago. i'm reminded of the chance to get a second show at this great institution trade i'm reminded of a bit of repartee that took place between sir winston churchill and church bernard shaw in the post-world war two time when churchill was not doing so well. george bernard shaw was opening for the play "pygmalion close "and "my fair lady." he sent an invitation to mr. churchill in which he said, "enclosed, please find two tickets for the opening night of my play. one for you, and one for a friend, if you have one." [laughter] undaunted, churchill wrote back and said "dear mr. shaw, due to the press of business, i cannot attend the first show, but would be delighted to attend the second show, if there is one." you have given me a second show, and for that, i am grateful. the president's approach to foreign affairs, he hot -- how he or she views the or role of america on the world stage is perhaps the most critical function of the sacred office. this has been true throughout our nation's history, whether it was truman in the dawn of the atomic age, kennedy in the cuban missile crisis, reagan and the soviet union. but, it has never been more critical than today. we are a nation mired in multiple military entanglements overseas and in the grips of an economic crisis here at home. these are tumultuous times, not just for our nation, but all nations. instability in the middle east, debt crises across europe, and did sliming threat of nuclear proliferation treat the world needs american leadership now more than ever. yet, we're struggling to provide. president obama's policies have weakened america. thus diminish america's presence on the global stage. we must correct our course. i have lived overseas for times. i have seen the world as a diplomat, serving three times as united states ambassador. i've seen it as a businessman. i have seen it as a humanitarian. i have lived and seen what our most significant competitor nations are doing to prepare for the rest of the 20th-century and i have a very clear vision of what america must do as well. i believe the united states as a generational opportunity to redefine its place in the world and reclaim the mantle of global leadership. my administration's approach to foreign affairs will be guided by that which defines american exceptional as some. that is our values. liberty, democracy, human- rights, free markets. america's values, ladies and gentleman, are america's best gift to humanity. to those nations to share our value and who we call our friends and allies, we will restore trust and strengthen our bonds, both economically and militarily. to those nations to continue to resist the unstoppable march of human, political and economic freedom, we will make clear that there on the wrong side of history by ensuring that america's light shines bright in every corner of the globe, representing a beacon of hope and inspiration. we will establish a foreign policy doctrine that reflects our modern world. simply advocating more ships, more troops, and more weapons is not a viable path forward. we need more agility, more intelligence, and more economic engagement with the world. how will we do this? in short, erased the old map. in nation building, engage our allies and fix our core. this is how we will fight the enemy we have and renew american exceptional some. today, i would like to discuss the five planks which will comprise my administration's foreign policy. novo one, first, and foremost, we must rebuild america's at core.ritical -- america's our greatest challenge and it needs from within. 15 million of our fellow americans are unemployed, denied the dignity of a job. millions more are so dispirited they have given up even looking. our national debt continues to streak toward the unsustainable levels and is a national security issue. right here in new hampshire, sheriff james hardy, who has served for 30 years, told me that for the first time ever, his folks are handing out foreclosure notices to the middle class. all this after trillions of dollars in government spending and massive bailout. our nation's core is weak, our people are hurting, and america cannot project power abroad when we are weak at home. it is increasingly evident that we have lost leverage in the international community. in just the past few weeks, we saw the palestinians make end runs around the american-led peace process because they lost confidence in our ability to lead. the world is a better place when america leads. the world is a safer place when america leads. our interests are best served when america leads. to lead abroad we must regain strength at home. returning people to work, reducing our debt, restoring confidence in our future. fixing america first, that will be my most urgent priority. it will require more than half measures, it will require serious, bold reforms to our tax and regulatory systems. reforms that i have offered as part of a plan that one economist calls, "the most pro- growth proposal ever offered by a presidential candidates." i will drop that plan on the front steps of congress on day one and will not stop fighting until we get the job done. number two, we need a foreign policy of expansion, not containment. today, we have a foreign policy based on expansion, the expansion of america's competitiveness and engagement in the world through partnerships and trade agreements. free trade supports nearly 18 million american jobs. it establishes new lines of trade with international partners and represents an enormous wealth of untapped economic and political good will. customers world's live outside our borders. the united states is party to only 17 of the more than 300 trade agreement's worldwide. we will particularly seek greater trade opportunities with nations that share our values and believe in good government, open markets, and rule of law, as well as nations willing to engage in reform efforts towards those ends. it starts with passing the three pending trade deals with south korea, colombia, and panama, which president obama has resisted for three years, and which could boost american exports by more than $10 billion and create tens of thousands of american jobs. we should aggressively push for the conclusion of the trans- pacific partnership which will open markets in australia, chilly, malaysia, new zealand, peru, singapore, and vietnam. we should pursue trade agreements with japan and taiwan. we need to pursue free trade agreements as aggressively as china. china is in the game. we are not. america must also support the development round of wto negotiations, aimed at promoting trade between developed and developing nations. this is an opportunity for economic advancement to lift all shipas, and it falls to america to lead this eoffrt because no one else can. energy and independence is another critical piece of our economic policy. every year america sends more than $300 billion overseas for imported oil, much of it to the middle east. those they should come to an end. i have offered a comprehensive plan to free ourselves from opec's grasp by relying on domestic supplies of oil and gas to the benefit of our national and economic security. number three, we must fix or current foreign entanglements. simply put, we are risking american treasure in parts of the world where our strategy needs to be rethought. afghanistan was once the center of the terrorist threat to america. that is no longer the case. the soviets were there for nine years before they left with over 14,000 dead. they tried to crush the afghans with pure power, aerial bombing, and helicopter gunships and tanks. we have been there 10 years. we are taking a different approach. we are nation-building. our presence should not focus on nation-building, however, but on counter-terrorism. we cannot social engineer other countries. we cannot even social engineer our own inner cities. it is cultural arrogance to think we can make tribal leaders into democratic leaders. it is wishful thinking to believe that our troops, by staying for a couple more years, will prevent further instability. our men and women in uniform have done their all, given their all, in afghanistan and iraq. they rounded the taliban and crippled al qaeda and other terrorist networks. they have taken the fred abroad so we do not have to base it here at home. our nation has done its duty. after 6000 lives lost, and more than one trillion dollars spent, it is time to bring our troops home. as they return, we will take care of them and help the war veterans transition from the battlefield to the home front. and remind every citizen how much we value those who are willing to put their lives between our freedom and the enemy. in afghanistan, we could go from 100,000 troops on the ground to a much smaller footprint in a year. leaving behind adequate numbers of counter terrorist and intelligence functions and a special forces present. i believe we should. as for the argument that our exit will destabilize pakistan, the truth is only pakistan can save pakistan. only afghanistan it can save afghanistan. right now, we should focus on america saving america. our future is not in the mountains of afghanistan, it is in the schools and universities just like this one, which educates the leaders and our entrepreneurs of tomorrow. it is in silicon valley, it is in the industrial corridors of the midwest. it is in our farms and our factories, at our ports that ship our products to the rest of the world. let me be clear, pakistan, which possesses a nuclear weapons capability and a fractured military that sponsors terrorism, because demand u.s. attention. we must acknowledge certain realities as we consider the wisest way forward. this is not a relationship based on shared values. it is transactional at best. many americans are suspicious in the wake of the bin laden operation. despite billions of dollars in aid, the united states has held a very low -- is held in very low esteem throughout the country. we cannot dictate fundamental changes upon an age old civilization from afar. make no mistake, as president, i will protect american security interest in pakistan without being naive about incentives and the long-term interests. there is another advantage to a more judicious approach towards foreign entanglements. it helps prevent our military from being stretched too thin and unable to effectively respond to a direct security threat either to america or to one of our allies. if this includes standing shoulder to shoulder with israel as the man and a host of new challenges brought on by the arab spring, along with more familiar challenges, such as the house dial iran -- a hostile iran, which will continue to be a challenge of the next decade. i cannot live with a nuclear- armed iran. if you want an example of what i would consider the use of american force, it would be that. a reexamination of america's role in the world also requires a re-examination of our military and defense infrastructure. it may surprise some people to learn that we spend more on defense today than at the height of the cold war. indeed, we spend more on defense than the rest of the world combined. we still have remnants of a top heavy, post cold war infrastructure. it needs to be transformed to reflect the 21st century world. the growing asymmetric threats we face. for example, counter-terrorism needs to be a much larger part of our foreign policy. we must be prepared to respond to threats from al qaeda, and other terrorist cells, which emanate from a much more diverse geography, including yemen, the horn of africa, pakistan, and the asia-pacific region. we must also adapt our defenses to be evolving needs of attack. this means a with a focus on intelligence gathering and a more agile special forces projection capability, which can respond swiftly and firmly to terrorist threats in any corner of the globe. the traditional roles and missions of our armed forces will remain relevant for the foreseeable future. the relative importance of counter-terrorism, intelligence gathering, training and equipping a foreign security forces and special forces operations will continue to grow going forward. we must also transform our orientation. i have come to believe that we are embarking on the asia- pacific century. america must and will play a dominant role. by almost any objective measure, population, economic power, military might, energy use, the center of gravity, global human activity is moving towards the pacific region. embracing this reality may bring a dramatic change to the look of our military. the asia-pacific region is a maritime theatre, or as europe is a mostly land theater. for the united states, the asia- pacific features a collection of military alliances in contrast to the presence of nato in europe. the asia-pacific is full of disputed islands and resource claims when compared to the bulk of calm of other regions. we are a pacific nation. at or vital interests in that region cannot be compromised. number four, we must strengthen our relationships with the major powers of the world. our traditional alliance relationships with europe remain vital. we should also work closely with our friends in nato and the european union to bring russia, a sometimes difficult back door, closer to the west. i believe that the -- is sometimes difficult actor, closer to the west. china and india will most influence how america navigates 21st century. china, there is no of the relationship that is mismanaged, carries greater negative consequences for america and the world. alternatively, the u.s.-china relationship will make america and our allies safer and more prosperous. the stakes are enormous, as are the challenges and the opportunities. naturally, we will disagree often, whether over taiwan's's security needs, human rights, with the protection of it to the full property rights. while avoiding a trade war, we must also pressed china to open its markets to our exports and increased internal demand so china's growth is not at the expense of our workers. a fundamental question is, will we also find areas of cooperation? our relationship with china has been a transactional one for 40 years. we buy their products, they buy our bonds. for a truly healthy relationship we need to infuse the u.s.-china relationship with shared values. until that time, we should begin to build a broader and more cooperative agenda. the united states and china can and should start collaborating on clean energy technology. -- combating global pandemic, and combating piracy on the high seas. we must also strengthen our relationship with india, a country that shares our values, religious tolerance, respect for human rights, and a commitment to democracy. we must begin with negotiations to reach a trade agreement, creating hundreds of millions of additional consumers for american products. a relationship with india needs to go beyond simply economics. the ark of countries that lie along the indian ocean border some of the most important energy and trading lanes in the entire world. those lands are critical for the free flow of commerce and remain vulnerable to threats large and small. to that end, i welcome the indian navy's transformation to a blue water navy. as president, i will increase our military and diplomatic con -- cooperation with india, with the expectation they share responsibility in maintaining peace and security in this vital region. -- india's in the's emerging role, i will support their bid to become a member of the u.n. security council as a country representing 1/6 of humanity. finally, we must take care of our own neighborhood. for too long, the united states has neglected its commitment to the countries in our backyard, the western hemisphere. the result is lost opportunity, spring galatians, and escalating security challenges. what america is not only in neighbor with whom we share a rich history, -- latin america is not only a neighbor with whom we share a rich history, it is opportunity. we export three times to let america as we do to china. many nations in our hemisphere are experiencing a terrifying surge in violence that threatens to disrupt this progress. the wave of bloodshed that has spread over mexico as a result of corruption and collusion with drug cartels has left 35,000 people dead, greeting casualties even inside america's borders. mexico stands ready to work with the united states in combating the drug war. we should commit to continued cooperation, including enhanced military-to-military engagement. escalating violence is resulting in a 55 murders per week. threatening an already overloaded justice system. these problems are not contained within guatemala supporters. the country has emerged as a funnel for activity, britain and our neighbors and ourselves. as president, -- threatening our neighbors and ourselves. as president, i will not accept the status quo. i will support our neighbors to quickly eliminate these terrorist. colombia offers a fine example of the benefit of american engagement in our hemisphere. after years of drug violence, colombia pushed back the drug cartels well professionalizing its military and police forces. colombia now aspires to be a regional leader in latin america, they are well on their way. there is also a tremendous potential within brazil, the world's fifth largest country and seventh largest economy. brazil is rich with opportunity in the energy and technology industries. we should recognize with the initiation of trade negotiations. by forging partnerships and alliances, we can help develop political and economic stability throughout the region. creating an environment in which all of the people of latin america can rise. we must not forget that peace and prosperity throughout our neighborhood promotes peace and prosperity at home. i would like to close by sharing a thought from my time in china. emotionally, one of the most powerful things i did as ambassador, or could do, was meet with dissidents. i would do this frequently, sometimes i would go to them, sometimes they would come to the embassy. we did this quiet glee. it was a peril for them -- we did this quite clear. it was a peril for them. what was always clear to me was that those seeking reform and change through strength --grwew strength from our nation's valley. the freedoms of strength -- speech, liberty, they could see this country's white. dissident trump the world -- dissidents around the world can see our light. you either have it or you do not. that is america's value in the world today. when we shined a light abroad, magnified by a strong core at home, we are in vincible. ronald reagan said that america was an empire of the deals. ladies and gentlemen, if we maintain our empire of ideals, not only will be further the cause of liberty, human rights, free markets, and free enterprise abroad, we will strengthen it right here at home, and that is a cause of around which all of our citizens can and must unite. thank you for inviting me and for providing such warm hospitality. it is an honor to be with you all. [applause] >> we have time for a few questions. >> yes, sir. what thank you for your thoughtful -- >> thank you for your thoughtful remarks. one thing you criticize the administration for was their failure resulting in the palestinians the went to the u.n. force they could. knowing that israeli settlement activity is the major threat in the negotiations, what would you have done, or what will you do, to make negotiant happen between the israelis and palestinians? >> it back to the madrid understanding. it back to the progress made during the camp david accord. look at what worked in the past. in a region of change, now might not be the time for negotiations. we have to listen carefully to what leadership in israel has to say about the timing issue. if now is not the time, we cannot force the process. what we can do, during this time of uncertainty, is to stand shoulder to shoulder with israel. remind the world what it means to be a friend and ally of the united states. this we have not done in a very long time. so long as there is no blue sky between the united states and israel, it does not matter what plays out but -- in the region. so long as we are focused on israel paz of security, it does not matter if there is a period of uncertainty. that is what is most important. public articulation to the world about what it means to be a friend and ally to the united states. now, that is a statement that needs to be made with respect to israel. thank you. [applause] >> with your experience in china and their unwillingness to change the dollar value, would you put a tax on the products that come into the united states? >> china is moving its currency, although, the progress has been painfully slow. when you look at the progress over the last year, year and a half, it has been 5% or 8%. when you factor in inflation, which is running at 5% or more. they have to be looked at to get your net movement. they are moving, not because united states is telling them to move, not because europe is telling them, but because they are making a transition from the largest export machine this world has ever seen to a consumption based model. to allow them middle-class to move up the economic ladder, they have to have a currency that is tied to market fell you then where it is today, being 20% discounted. they are moving based on their own domestic interest. i'd like to say that the next state, based on the pressure we put on them, -- that the united states, based on the pressure we put on them, are causing that movement. they see this as being in their interest to move. what i would like to see a president do is take the message coming out of capitol hill, which is, we are going to move forward with legislation, it is moving to the house. i think, ultimately, that would be bad. it would result in a trade war. the last thing you need between the two top economies in the world is a trade war. particularly during a recession. it would impact all the people who can little afford a trade war, small businesses, our exporters who are trying to get back on their feet. i would take that to congress and sit down with the leadership of china in the great hall of the people and say, here is where my congress is coming from. we ought to be moving that currency further -- forward faster. you need leverage to get things done with the chinese. part of my speech and strengthening our core is because we realized that in international negotiations with the chinese, we need to leverage. traditionally, or leverage has been a strong economy. -- where we can negotiate trade agreements and trade alignments. when our economy is weak, we have little body, little leverage in negotiations -- little value, little leverage in negotiations. let us recognize of longer-term in the relationship, you will have our ups and downs now that we are reflecting on for years of that relationship, which started in 1972, we are 40 years into it. soon to be the largest economic relationship this world has ever known. student exchanges lead the world. there are a lot things that are good long-term. why? because china opening markets and doing more to protect intellectual property rights will allow more of our exports in their markets as their consumer base strengthens. that is good for us. that is a job creator. a $3 billion you get in the china market, that is called a dozen jobs he agreed on the home front. that is a good thing. -- that is 12,000 jobs you create on the home front. that is a good thing. we all know where we disagree. those are going to be tough and profound and broadcast in the headlines of the rest of the world. to balance the most important relationship, we also must do some work in terms of finding areas that are considered common ground. areas of commonality, but that is regional security, economic rebalancing, new energy technologies, finding breakthroughs in human disease. there are some things we ought to be working on. we can bring that which we both have in abundance and strength in trying to improve the human kind. attacking pandemic is in sub- saharan africa, for example. we are in it for the long term. the 21st century will be the century in which the next states and china tried to thwart a relationship both economic -- the net states and china praia f toorge a relationship. -- the united states and that chinatry to forge a relationship. i bring this to the table, unlike anyone else in the race. i am looking forward to using that to help my country. >> i help you tell congress. [laughter] [applause] >> thank you. right down here. >> i like what you said about india. i think it makes a lot of sense. given the strained relationship between our country and pakistan, does that not provoke pakistan? >> of course it would provoke pakistan. we have seen what they have done. they make diplomatic gestures to china to counteract what it is we do. i think, in the name of security in south asia, a strong u.s.- indian relationship is going to be critical. it serves our economic interests. it serves our military interests in providing greater stability in what traditionally has been a troubled part of the world. i'd like the idea of a fortified bilateral relationship with india that allows us the ability to see, understand, and interpret what is happening in south asia. we need more of that. we need more intelligent. we need to know where the bad actors are, who is funding them. we need to better understand the movement, the way in which young people are being educated. a stronger relationship with india would allow us to gain more of that kind of understanding which, longer- term, serves not only our security interest, but those of the region and the world. >> we have time for one more question. >> yes sir. good to see you. >> you did not mention the net nations at all. two opposite question. do you see the united nations as declining in influence in the world? do you see the united nations as potentially threatening the sovereignty of the united states? >> i see the united nations as playing a helpful role in peacekeeping and humanitarian effort. i think some of that has been done well. beyond that, but i do not like, is the anti-americanism which i find it exists in the united nations. and at times, and anti-israel bias. that concerns me. as we are able to get on our feet economically, as we began our strength and the leverage, that allows us to do more on a bilateral relationship with other countries, the u.n. does not lead the world, the net states leads the world. we are in a much better -- de united states leads the world. we are in a much better position to do that by shoring up relationships with friends and allies who need to be reminded what it means to be a friend and ally of the united states. thank you all for having me. [applause] thank you. [applause] >> thank you so much to governor huntsman. and thank you for being here today. [applause] [chatter] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011] [indistinct chatter] [someone speaking foreign language] >> may i take a picture with you? >> sure, come on down here. how are you? >> nice to meet you, i am kristin edward. nice to have you. >> you are a great host chip. -- here. >> thank you. i wanted to thank you for the speech. >> you did a terrific job. >> well, thank you. thank you for being here. i greatly appreciate it. >> how are you? it is good to see you. >> thank you. >> thank you for being here. >> to you mind if i get a picture with you? >> of course. who has the camera? >> my mother-in-law and i were waiting. >> thank you for being here. i appreciate it. thank you for being here. i appreciate it. [chatter] >> thank you so much. it is an honor to have you here. thank you for writing all the way. grosz -- driving all that way. thank you for being here. how are you? >> good. >> listen, you are a good man. i appreciate it. a but, what is your name? how old are you? >> i am 10. >> thank you for being here. >> i have a daughter who is 12. sorry i did not bring her along. how are you doing? how old are you? >> i will be turning nine. what did you guys write down a whole bunch of notes? you liked that part? way to go as. -- go guys. >> that would be great, thank you. >> yep. >> all right, thank you. >> you guys are great. >> i appreciate it. >> we need to bring some sanity, some common sense. [chatter] [laughter] [speaking foreign language] [speaking chinese] >> they have had one before. they are likely to have one again. they build cities and they move people in. >> the economy has taken a downturn. >> that can carry with it all kinds of of that. >> i am a retired navy capt. world war ii. my son in law -- >> i followed his career for years and years. >> he is a great guy. >> he was in hong kong, i think. yet. -- yeah. >> he was in hong kong and shanghai. i have known him. he read the book -- have you read the book "monsoon"? >> no. >> you should read that. it talks about the indian ocean and how that will be the center of activity. >> great to see you, captain. new hampshire is great. this is the state. we can carry new hampshire or take a close second. either way, -- >> you are the only man worth voting for. >> thank you for your service to your country. that is terrific. hey, how are you doing? >> how does your plan differ to romney's plant? >> let us talk about specifics. we talked about how we are going to conserve. we talked about not just traditional defense spending. recognizing the 21st century reality. we talk about three engaging, not from a threat standpoint, from an opportunity standpoint. a lot of differences in my speech. if you take a look at both you will see two different plans. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> a little trouble. >> i appreciate it. good to see you, as always. you are the one. you are the one. >> could he sign this? >> where was that? >> metal fabrication. >> i remember that. my husband. >> spending any time on it? good to see you. >> i really appreciated your views on israel. the place of the united states in the world, it is nice to hear someone talk about israel. >> we are an inspirational country. we inspire. >> exactly. >> it is how we serve the world better. >> everybody better. >> no question about it. >> my daughter came in from out of town to meet you. >> i appreciate that. where did you come in from? >> boston. i work in the synagogue. >> good for you. i am greatly appreciative that you came all the way to hear me out. >> can we have someone take our picture? but sure. right here. right behind you. what did it work? >> -- >> did it work? >> yep. >> there was a conversation between tony bluaire and angela merkel. tony said, why is our economy is so small? angela said, because we still make things. what do we make? what do we make any more? >> our number one export the day happens to be airplanes. it is the largest exporter in the world. 55,000 employees and they export a lot. our manufacturing base is only 10% of what it should be. it was 25% when i was born. what i want to do is go back to a manufacturing base. >> how you win it back? >> you read an environment that attracts the manufacturing of dollar. -- you create an environment that attracts the money back from bell. -- the manufacturing dollar. we have a regulatory environment that is so far overreached that the dollar cannot do what it wants to do. if we are smart enough, but at my economic plan. >> look at the regulatory structure. look at the quality of the product they are making. >> if we are smart enough to get our tax policy right and our regulatory regime right, if china vaulters economically, there will be political questions beyond that, that many veteran dollar is going to look for alternatives. we should position our economy for being the premier market for manufacturing. >> do you think we can regulate ourselves enough to compete with agent? >> we have no toys. in terms of health care regulations, -- we have no choice. in terms of health care regulations. >> what do you want to deregulate? >> it is economic expansion which pays for schools, allows our nation to be able to do those things from a research and development standpoint. that is what i did as governor. our economy was ok, but it was not number one. we took it to number one. we agree to a flat tax -- be created a flat tax. the business that came in was such that we were able to cripple the fund and pay teachers what they are worth. >> -- to cripple the fund and pay teachers what they are worth. >> what are you going to do with hedge fund managers? >> you have to find that balance. good to talk to you. i appreciate that. thank you. >> there you go. >> i appreciate that. >> there you go. >> how are you doing? >> you guys are great. >> this world is a change in place. >> thank you very, very much. i appreciate that. >> it is a pleasure to be here. >> my husband. >> good to see you. take care. goodbye. >> after the washington post deliberate debate at dartmouth college, c-span cameras were there to capture some of the post despite remarks from presidential candidates herman cain. >> within the next couple of weeks. we are going. i have been there 24 times. we are going back, no question about it. one at a time. >> how does your 9-9-9 affect students and how can we affect our staff? >> it will not affect your debt. what it will do, it will grow the economy still you can get a job. that is the main thing. we know that it is going to generate 6 million jobs. that is the biggest thing you can do to help students. that is why i have been pushing the 9-9-9 plan. it will make the united states one of the most is this friendly nations in the world. that is the big advantage of the plan. >> you and the 9-9-9 plan won this debate? what's that you have driven the debate. -- that you have given the debate? >> that is absolutely right. because the other candidates could not come up with a compelling proposal they attack it or they tried to make fun of it. yes, the 9-9-9 and economic growth and job planned growth a lot of the economic discussion tonight. >> ron paul hit you hard on that. what is your response? what's that thing is, alan -- >> the thing is, alan greenspan, he did do a good job. he had another governor who was his - help -- helped him steer the ship. some questioned the decisions he made. i disagree with congressman ron paul. he did not like anybody who has been at the federal reserve. i just have a different opinion. the biggest difference between me and governor romney is that he is more of a wall street executive, i am a main street executive. i have run small businesses. i have had to manage a restaurant. clean up the dining room, suite the parking lot. i have had hands on. i do not think he has had that main street experience. >> what has he done? >> he has dealt with big business deals. i have turned around companies. i think he is more wall street for his main street. i am a hand on that. i have made hamburgers and beaches and had to sell a. an --d pizzas and had to sell them. >> governor romney was very critical of the 9-9-9 plan. it is a simple concept. what do you have to say people who were listening to that? >> what governor romney does not understand is that that is my strategy, to develop solutions that the people can understand. that is where governor romney basically loses his hand as a politician. he wants to put together a big, complicated deal that people cannot understand. i will have is a prodigy. i will have a strategy for restructuring social security. i will talk about those ideas. he tried to put too much debt in there, we are going to be right back to things the public does not understand. one of the keys to my success as president and getting my ideas past is to make sure they are simple so that the people can understand it because they will support it. >> he is pushing his experience. what separates you? >> he has been more of a wall street executive, i have been a main street executive. i have had experience with individual businesses, franchise businesses, turned businesses around, save them from bankruptcy. i have been a hand on executive. >> did anyone call you a single issue candid it? >> no, i am not a single issue candidate. we have an economic crisis, my solution, 9-9-9. we have reform entitlement spending, my solution, use the chilean model. we have an energy crisis, my solution, maximize our abilities. we have an immigration problem, my solution, it is for problems. you do not get a chance to present all of your ideas. i am not a single issue idea. i have approaches for every issue. >> do you have ideas -- >> i do not want to compromise the identity of some of the people that are helping me in terms of their existing business interest. as a result, i am not going to break that confident. i have had a lot of good people to help me. if people want to beat me up because i am not saying who is helping me put these ideas together, beat me up. i am not going to compromise the confidentiality of the people working with me. the biggest foreign policy challenge based in america is lack of clarity. my foreign-policy philosophy is an extension of the reagan philosophy. my philosophy is peace through strength and clarity. we have to clarify who our friends are. clarify who our enemies are. stop giving money to our enemies and let the world know we are going to stand by our friends. >> you have business experience. do you have anything to learn from the other candidates from foreign policy? who would you want to learn from? >> i happen to think we have a very good field. speaker gingrich has more experience than anybody combined. you mentioned china, i did not get a chance to say this, i happen to think that governor romney is not working out the problem. my strategy is an outgrowth china. if we approach china, we will not have to worry about china. the way we do that, this is going to surprise you, 9-9-9. it takes embedded taxes out of our goods that we produce. it is going to make our goods more competitive around the world. as a result, it levels the playing field. one of the advantages of 9-9-9, they deduct purchases that they make to reduce their product. if you buy from canada but they do not. one other time. >> i do not think the china currency bill works on the right problem. the right solution is out of china. that is why i keep promoting 9- 9-9. it is a simple concept. >> what about the people that say you are giving the government another source of capital? >> what i say is this, when i am president i am not worried about it being abused. that is the only way it is going to be passed. the other thing i say is, tell me how many sneak attacks they are familiar with. we get ripped off all the time every time congress passes new taxes. if you look at government obama's proposal as an example. there are 84 state taxes in that bill. i am not worried about adding sales tax in order to broaden the base. i am worried about speaker taxes that they continue to hit us with. until you can tell me about all the ones, do not criticize me. that is where you need leadership. >> thank you everybody. >> i have been here a lot, maybe not within the past couple of weeks. i am going to be here in new hampshire. i have had to spend some time other places. do not worry, i will be back. >> how are you? >> the planned for -- plans for saudi? 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