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Younger people, and bring younger people into the caucus. To become, hopefully the future leaders. One of the things that i certainly believe with all of my heart, and my soul, you have to know when to leave. Nancy does not feel that this is the time to leave, many of us thought that she might stay for maybe this occurring coming year, and hopefully turn the reins over to someone else, but anybodyook around, is really ready to replace her . This is a hard job. I give her a lot of credit for what she has been able to do. It is time that the leaders start looking at, who is going to fill my spot. We are all replaceable. There might be some bumps in the road but i do always believe that younger people it is time for them to take our spots with fresh ideas and new ways of doing things. I see nothing wrong with that, that is normal progression. Cspan interviews retiring monday atnal members, 8 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Next, republican governors discuss a range of issues including immigration, congressional partisanship and the 2016 president ial race. Then, and Authors Panel examines the state of race in america. Then i will republican senator thek grassley discusses upcoming retirement of democratic senator tom harkin. Wednesday, governor rick perry said that taxes might sue president barack obama on his plan plans over illegal immigration. He spoke at the republican governors Associations Annual meeting at oka raton, florida. In addition to immigration policy, the governors discussed congressional partisanship, Government Shutdowns, education and welfare and thein 2016 president ial campaign. This is a little over an hour. Host of nbcs meet the press, chuck todd. As you can see, and im going to put this these are the only republicans who express an interest in running for president. Christie, i assume this means youre not there anymore, i understand. I kid, of course. I did not express anything. I will kick things off in a minute and one thing i want you do, there able to should be some notecards we will pass the questions up and therell be people at the side and we will go for about an hour and we will i hear there is some news that may be made on immigration. I will start first with three of the five governors here, who have all served in congress. Let me start with you. You are close to Speaker Boehner and you have served in congress. How should congressional leadership respond to the president s actions that he will announce tomorrow night. Christie, i assume this means youre not therewhat woulw would you advise for public leadership to respond . My advice is they should have done this right away. To make it clear to him that they will not listen to people who have no interest in a solution. In our state in ohio we look at problems and offer solutions, which is what we did. We had a very gratifying win. You think they should have been trying to pass a bill and do something . We have some common things, lets hammer this out because if you go really quick and you dont include us maybe they can even seal ohio we look at problems and offer solutions, stillis what we make you make the plea to him. We are not going to roadblock you, when i was in congress in 1986 and Ronald Reagan cap with i think you want to try to work with the president when you can. It is a mistake for him to move forward unilaterally. I think cooler heads need to prevail. It is never too late until it is too late. Leadership,in house and a lot of stuff is being talked about. The power of the purse, how this could make for some ugly politics. I think it would be a profound mistake for the president of the United States, to affect Immigration Law with the stroke of a pen. Thisieve that issues of magnitude should always be resolved with the consent of the governed. The Senate Passed a conference of immigration bill. The American People changed the majority in the senate. What the president ought to do is what john kasich just said. President ought to sit down in january, with the new republican majority in the and the largely majority in the house, and search for common ground. That is what leadership looks like and what we do every day looking with our legislatures hammering it out and signing an executive order and giving a around thed storming country, defending the executive order. Likesnot leadership, the of which we practice every day. I would implore the president to reconsider this path, and to demonstrate the kind of leadership that the American People want to still make the plea to him. See, that this administration will sit down with this newly minted Republican Congress and fine a series ofty, piece by piece reforms, in this congress, that will be in the longterm interests of the American People. The third governor. Who has washed and experience, i know that you have to hide that these days. With theu Congressional Republicans been a better negotiating positions and House Republicans if they had passed something last year and started this incremental we have waited and waited for the house to do anything. There is nothing that they have done on this issue. I think one thing. This president was very plain about this. He said he would wait until after the midterm elections to take action knowing that this would be a problem and he did not want to hurt the democratic candidates, and then he went out and said his policies would be on the ballot. He said that. Overwhelmingly, the American People rejected those policies. He said he would delay taking action and have an election where his policies are on the ballot as set of looking at the American People, i think it is isntt of arrogance the first president to be to disagree with the congress but he is the first to ignore the separation of powers. It is amazing you dont have good democrats of conscience, who say that i grew them on substance but this is not the right way to do this. Imagine there is a republican president that says i will ignore the congress and i will pick which laws i will enforce, and determine which parts of the Affordable Care act he will enforce first, it is the height of arrogance to go around the laws. He had a super majority in the senate his first two years and the congress he got obamacare done and his stimulus bill, if this was such a priority could have done this, this is politics and the reality is that if he was very if he was serious he thed be sincere about er you dont think House Republicans have any responsibility for not passing anything have theo immigration system is broken. It is right for the House Republicans to say, how he has to beyou a trustworthy negotiating partner. If he wants to build up to that conversation, he has to secure the border. That is within his ability to do. Governorsder steak like jan and rick and others, to make the border secure, that is how you know it is secure, it is not based on a thousand page senate bill. It is basically codifying the executive order in executive order what is already there. We are not breaking up familiese executive order in executive these are people here. Are we arguing over something that nobody was ever going to enforce . No. Let me address your question about the republicans from my perspective. One of the reasons they did not do that is because the American People are not for it. You are going to see the president take this action tomorrow that is unconstitutional, in his own words. We do not know it is unconstitutional, yet. He said it was not legal to do, whether statutorily or constitutionally, i will let the lawyers hash that out. He said he could not do what he is going to do tomorrow. American people are not for this. You look at building a case that the republicans in the house and the republican majority in the senate will come to him with what is most important to the American People, securing the border. They will a thoughtful bill that does not detract from the needed personnel, the drones, the strategic fencing. That is in the bill. And needs to clearly address the Border Security issue singularly. You will not get american support for an Immigration Reform bill until not together until the border is secure. Then, americans will be open to a conversation about how to deal with these people. It is interesting. The further i get away from the border of texas and mexico, the more intense people are. I agree with you. I have noticed the same thing. Iowa, new hampshire, South Carolina i had to put that in. There is a different conversation in the middle of the country than florida or texas. That is true. It is clearly that the American People want to see the border secured. When sheriffs, district attorneys, Police Chiefs say, governor, thank you for deploying the National Guard to secure the border. With have to pay inordinate amounts of money to prosecute individuals who are in the country illegally and committing crimes. So, i think the president is taking a Major Political chance. I think he is putting his party in jeopardy and putting members of the senate and the house in jeopardy. Maybe he does not care. I suggest that, if he goes through with this and sticks a finger in the eyes of the American People with no thought other than what he wants to do, he jeopardizes democrats getting into power. Governor walker, you have not spoken on this. Perry talked about a standalone bill on Border Security. House republicans put something up. Im saying that the conversation would be different with bill the republicans passed. I am an optimist. The president came and campaigned in my state that was 99 for him in the last election and he went with one of our new governor elects in michigan and across the midwest. I think the president looked at the fact that the American People rejected the policies of the president and he and his Political Team desperately want to get the topic changed. We did not get a majority of the United States senate, whether for or against immigration. We were elected because you look at states like colorado and the new senator elect did very well with the immigration policy. I would say this president does not want a focus on repealing obama obamacare. He wants to reduce the National Debt and those of the things that the republicans were elected to do in the house and the senate. That is why the president is making such a big deal about it after the election. He wants to divert attention from what the americans i was in congress in the most Turbulent Times and the most successful times. We went through Government Shutdown and, after we won the majority in the house, we had to shut down and the chairman of the Budget Committee beat us up pretty badly. The send feelers over to my office and said, it is in all of our interest to get a balanced budget. The same is true on this issue. This is the overall tone we hear in america today. Countries are divided. It is like, you have your stuff and i have my stuff. What do we end up with when we finally have worked through many tough issues . We have a balanced budget and we paid down a large amount of the national that. Did i like everything bill clinton was doing . Are you kidding . At the end of the day, good people need to be committed to solving problems. He says, border bill. No border bill. Maybe it cannot be worked out. Everybody knows we have a problem in the country and they may not like his or our solution. They want the problem solved. You have to be careful with the rhetoric. You get far out on that and people dont want to deal. You have to find out if you are interested in solving the problem. That is what i would have suggested. Do you think that congressional leadership should go to the brink . Do you engage in the budgetary aspects and shutdowns . I think you go to courts. Who is the aggrieved party . I assume there will be a court challenge. Im curious who is the aggrieved party. I agree with john. It is interesting that bill clinton did not say the republicans in congress are not going along with me so i will go by executive order. He said we should do a Government Shutdown. He did not go and issue the executive order after that. The welfare reform. Isnt that the difference . Setaside immigration. What the president is doing is repeatedly saying that he is the president of the United States and not the emperor. He says this is a legal and defended it time and again when he was pressured. He will now take action. I think it will be hard not to find anyone other than a partisan democrat who says this is illegal. There is no give on his part. It is all take. You have Newt Gingrich and bob dole at each other over the shutdown. My point is that i do not like what he is doing and think he is making a mistake. This is where we are going as a country. Are we going to deal with the real problems of health care and immigration . Are we going to deal with the divided country . The thing i have learned is, if we did not get the clinton people to the table to negotiate and we did not get everything we wanted had we not done that, we would not have balanced the budget. Nothing gets fixed without bipartisan support. You cannot do it without bipartisan support. Look, i did it. I was an architect of the balanced budget and you have Madeleine Albright coming in to talk to you and that is enough for a lifetime. Governor, is there a limit on what you advise on how to fight the president . The power of the congress is the power of the purse. The shutdown was good. You are making a case that the shutdown worked. You have a catchall bill and every confidence that john boehner and leadership will get out of the lameduck session and will keep the government moving forward. Im also confident that the republican majority in the senate and the house are going to write a budget and adopt a budget, going through a regular and orderly process with the appropriation bills. When i talk about the consent of the governed, that is it. If the president would go through this and he is not providing real leadership on this issue facing our country and in the way the American People would expect a leader to do. That is where the American People can reject funding. With the stroke of a pen, to announce policy and travel after the televised address, i want to say that is not the leadership we practice and not the leadership john kasich spirits. That is the leadership American People want to see in d. C. The president and congress figuring it out. Who is the aggrieved party . I think we are spending 12 million a month on Border Security and the numbers are just out in harris county. 3000 additional students from central america. Would cost the cost is an extraordinary amount of money that the president is exacerbating with the announcement that he will allow for this. I dont think it. 3000 additional students from central america. Would cost the cost is an extraordinary amount of money that the president is exacerbating with the announcement that he will allow for this. I dont think it. I know it. I think there is zero possibility. A real possibility. Greg abbott, the new incoming governor of texas will be a fabulous governor and his Job Description over the last six years when you was asked what he does, he says, i go to the office, i sue obama, and i go home. You believe the state of texas will have standing to challenge the implementation of the executive order. I do. I think they should. Think about how ridiculous it is. We are talking about getting the president of the United States to follow the law. There are a lot of basis for him to follow the law. He has a decision to make. He is not running for reelection. Does he want to roll up his sleeves . He has real issues. Instead of distracting us, the selection, people went and said we do not like the bureaucrats when it comes to health care and we want a replacement for health care. Keystone is a small example of what the administration is doing to stop us from being Energy Independent. They do not want governmentrun monopolies. We need to be bold and principled. We need to pass bold conservative reforms and show them how we can be Energy Independent and break up the monopoly and education. We need to make the president choose a fee is interesting in leaving or leading or demagogy. The only reason welfare became law after he vetoed it was because he had a republican majority you work with. Jimmy carter increased spending on the pentagon. The president needs to admit that his approach has been rejected by the republican the American People. Shouldnt the house have passed something . No. Some form of a bill he did not like there was something there. It was a Political Tool. If he was serious, you would have dealt with it. This is been a Political Tool all long. He thinks it serves him well. Is immigration and problem . Politicians have been played on immigration a lot. Lets be real. You have a house and senate. If you could ram through obamacare and you were genuine and serious about it, why wouldnt he push it through . He wanted the next election. Why wouldnt he have pushed that before . He waited until afterwards. I think it is a cynical ploy to try to draw attention away from the success the republicans had connecting with the American People and look at what has happened. Instead of talking about the states on the agenda, we are talking about immigration. I think the vast majority of the American People want to talk about this. Come with me on the road and i will tell you that there are not a lot of people talking about immigration. It is not as big as economic reform, tax reform, school choice, welfare reform. I think this is where the president really misses this. I found the president is not interested in this when he came to dallas and i asked to to take a look at the border. Let me share something important here. The president did not know that his Border Patrol agents were 4550 miles away from the order. He looked at Valerie Jarrett and said, is that right . The president does not care about securing the border. That is the problem. The American People do. Until he sets a clear message and Congress Sends a clear message about securing the border, he is wasting his time and the American People know he is wasting his time. I hear of securing the border. Give me a metric. What is the metric . Come to the border. You put the board the boots on the ground. Here is what happened since may and july, we have 10,000 apprehensions among in may and june and, in july, after we searched, the Law Enforcement and parks and wildlife wardens the related put them in the river and we saw a reduction in apprehensions in july and in august. That is what you are looking for. We are heading in the right direction and are sending a clear message with personnel, Law Enforcement, and military individuals. You cannot just come and throw your hands up. It is not unlike what you would see happen in a community with a crime problem. You put Law Enforcement and patrol cars in the neighborhood. Crime goes down. That is what the president does not understand or want to see implemented. I am cynical. I think the president is not serious about Border Security and has never sent a message that he is. Until he does, the American People will not trust him. Do think the American People will have to with the 11 or 12 million here, do you think that any of you support a form of a path to citizenship for them . You say they pay fines and back taxes, is there a path to citizenship . After we secure the border, i think the American People will deal with people here illegally compassionately and rationally. I think it is hard for people to come here legally and that is bad for them and us. Was the dumbest things we do is educate people and take them out of the country. One of the dumbest things we do is educate people and kick them out of the country. The American People say we are tired of government running our lives, 2 growth, allowing vladimir to go into the ukraine look, we are in agreement that we need to secure the border and i think it would be good to spend time talking about becoming Energy Independent. A path to citizenship . We can keep talking about this. You do not have to take a long time to answer. Secure the border first and we will have the conversation. We have 10,000,00011,000,000 people here. Ill answer the question you did not ask. Are they we should drill for more oil and gas at home and i think we should bring all right. A path to citizenship . My grandfather emigrated from ireland and i do not think we should reward people with citizenship when the first act was to violate the law. As you know, back in 2006, we were together and compromised. When the democrats took over, and he thought of moving forward went away. The president had the senate and white house and did nothing about Immigration Reform. Putting Border Security first and setting aside amnesty, we could have a 21st century guestworker program. I want to put my voice and with bobby. This year, in america, the American People say they want to change direction in washington dc washington, d. C. And, they want to get the economy moving again. Path to citizenship, will there have to be one . Everybody stood still on the border. If you cannot figure out who is coming in the front door, you cannot run the house. We have to think about healing. My sense is that i did not like the idea of citizenship. We may have to do it. It may be a tough process. I would never say never do it. We have to do that. If we allow them to stay, the issue of citizenship, i have heard lots of voices and everyone in this country has to feel like they have an opportunity. I know what they did. I know they jumped the line. I dont like it. There are a lot of people who have not jumped the line and are bitter about this. It may be necessary. I am open to it. I will tell you that. I am thinking you are not going to get invited to do moderation for the president ial debate. Ok. Last time i checked, immigration is not insignificant. There is already a path to citizenship in this country and i suggest it does not need to be changed. If you want to be a citizen, get in a line and pay the dues and the time like everyone else. We dont need the federal government to set National Standards. This all to be uniform. My understanding is the governors got together with state superintendents and principals and came up with this. We are not doing well in the world. If we are not careful this will be invented somewhere else. It is interesting to see the german slant on the spaceship over on the,. I do think we have to have good standards. In our state we are saying that thatpheral person gets proposed is proposed by local School District. There are parental advisors on this and to me, i dont see that this is somehow some kind of thing that i hear, i have looked at this carefully, my concern is, is that test a good test . We have delay the impact of that, if this is goofy we will throw it out. But the idea that kids need to be a higher level of achievement i am cool with. And the federal government starts meddling in this starts doing all of this education policy out of washington, i am not for that, but as long as local School Boards are running the curriculum to reach a higher standard, particularly in math and science, were not going to history with common core i think it makes a lot of sense and we will watch it. You were for common core for a while, and then you try to get out. What i object to is the federal department of education making decisions and testing does drive what gets taught. In louisiana, even before there was common core we had standardized tests, and we would judge our students to compare how our students were doing against kids in ohio and wisconsin and other subjects, and we did that before there was common core. It became something it was never intended to be. Has become a onesizefitsall federal approach, but smart balance and the whole thing i think it does drive curriculum decisions and i dont think the federal government should the doing it. There was no transparency in the development of this and even folks that started off supporting it said, why didnt we have open comments . The first thing that is philosophical, we have never allow the federal government to make these decisions and i would encourage people who are thecided to go look at actual standards. Not just as a governor, look at how they teach second grade math. I will give you a sample problem from my own childs homework. He got all the content answered right. Commonyou look at how core taught, you had to show how you got to those answers. A turns a simple problem into 12 step process, it was ridiculous and it frustrated the kids and even math professors would say, this is not the way to teach math. That is what happens with a onesizefitsall approach. If other, local School Boards say we want to adopt this they are free to do that but the federal department of education should not say, you dont get no child and the federal department of education should not be using tens of millions of dollars for a smart balance and under the 10th amendment, under the federal statute has never been allowed to interfere with this againstis why i am common core. I feel like everyone is too sensitive to the criticism. We all take this very personally but at some point we have to agree upon something. Or am i wrong on that . High standards at the local and state level which is why i oppose common core. We are in the process of changing it even more in the state of wisconsin. But what good are high standards without a National Standard . Have gone up and the Graduation Rates have gone up five years four years in a row. I would say that the reason why we have schools in many parts of our states in this country that are failing is not because we dont have a high National Standard, it is because we do not hold our schools accountable for what they are teaching and i would argue, with no surprise from wisconsin, one of the biggest reasons was the collective bargaining we train good teachers in Poor Teachers exactly the same. The reason our test scores have gone up is because 3. 5 years ago we unleashed that burden upon our schools and did not just go after collective bargaining, we allowed our schools to be run by School Boards, so local officials could be held accountable by local parents and taxpayers and others. They are running the schools now. Is of the biggest problems we have schools the look many we have teachers who dont belong in teaching anymore, and most of our states and most of our cities across the country they are stuck there. Pay based on performance and put the best and brightest in the classroom and that is what we need more than a National Standard. What do you want the federal government to do . No child left behind will be renewed at some point or another. Theow you dont want federal government involved, but what can the federal government help you do to improve education in indiana . My first year in congress, even though it was president bushs top priority at the time, i was part of a group that opposed no child left behind because i believed in and now that education is a state and local function. Say resources, not red tape. If you want to block Education Resources to allow the state of indiana to craft new solutions in indiana we are committed to career making career vocation and high priority. When i became governor, our legislation took a hard look at me an core, and they sent bill and we became the first act illegally withdraw from common core. Processto the arduous of writing our own standards. I really believe, the principle of who decides is extremely important. The government that governs least governs best and those things most important to us, education and Public Safety in the health and welfare of our people ought to be accountable at the closest level to the people. I think that republicans do well to assert that, in indiana we will soon have the largest educational Voucher Program in the country, we have expanded with 75 charter schools, Graduation Rates are up, and so, when we rewrote our standards, i think the scores will be uncommonly high and the states represented here show that we can govern and we can achieve excellence in education. My message is resources, not red tape. Governor perry, what do you want with the no child left legislation . Were on the verge of a return to federalism like you have never seen this country before. Our friends in washington, i hope will understand that the Real Solutions to this country, i see no reason to reauthorize no child left kind. We did not participate with race to the top or common core because just like mike pence and the other governors on the stage, we agree that the governors and the legislatures in this country, know better how to educate their children than the bureaucracy in washington dc. Washington knows best in a host of different areas, if this is health care or education, or transportation infrastructure, all of them need to have a good conversation about what is the most efficient way. It was a liberal Supreme Court states aret said, the laboratories of democracy, and if you want to put programs into play, do it at the state level, and if they foul it up, they have only fouled up their state and not the entire country. I would suggest this is a good message for washington. I have little bit of a different message here. Common core, my understanding is it was the governors, that were very concerned about the fact that we were not testing this we were not testing as well as students around the world and other countries. It was a governors who called of state superintendents education and principles to set a standard so that our children would have to perform higher and there were not be students in one part of the country this was nothing to do i was not the governor at the time but these 45 governors at the National Governors association said we need to have standards. At my state you have a and teacher evaluations and third grade reading and 96 of our kids doing well, but in my state, maybe this is different than other states but in my state, liberal School Boards developed the curriculum to meet the standards. There is no one in washington or columbus telling the local School District what the curriculum ought to be. I just this is what i looked at. There is information out there that somehow, somebody else is setting the curriculum, i would like to know about that. I dont have complaints from anyone in my state that they are not able to set their own curriculum to meet a higher standard. Problem goes back to what bobby was saying. Higher standards for every kid with a process for local School Districts set the curriculum to meet the higher standards, we have sats and sats to measure people, this is a national test. Messagedid not get the from the governors, the 45 governors that came out with this but they did not have arne duncan, this was governors doing it and that is what i thought we wanted. I will look back and say there is something i missed here. Speaking of the states being two of you have at least openly started negotiations of some form to taking medicaid money, expanded medicaid, three of you chose not to. Let me start with governor kasich. Make your case for why you decided you would find a way to take the medicaid money, and then governor pence, i want to hear the other cases. We have a lot of people who have been made promises to that have been ignored. The working poor and the mentally ill. I can get my money back from washington, and i wanted back in ohio because i know what they do with it. I will free up money at the local level so that the mentally ill, the drug addicted and the working poor and a much broader set of services are available to people who live in the shadows. I made it clear that if the federal government changes the rules, others will withdraw from the program. Campaigning, i did all right, i was a winner in i was of 88 counties, and with every Republican Group and i talked to him about our responsibilities, first and foremost, economic growth. If you dont have that you have nothing else but i am proud of what we have been doing for the People Living in the shadows and living under a bridge, and people responded to it and conservatives in my state have responded to it by and large. But we are also involved in welfare reform 2. 0. We want every Welfare Office to not just give aid but we want training and businesses located in the Welfare Office because as i told members of the welfare and medicaid should not be a permanent place. I was involved in welfare reform law and now we need to take the next step. The next step involves treating a person holistically. Get them connected to a real job, and let them move forward and let them rise. Governor pence, you have medicaid funding you are trying to get approved, related to the medicare approach type of thing. Not approved jet, we dont know what is going to happen. Behink obamacare should repealed youll never convince me that ordering every get Health Insurance is the cure for what ails this country. That is why we ruled out with respect to my colleagues, expanding traditional medicaid and the state exchange. But half a dozen years ago the state of indiana received a waiver from the Bush Administration to create consumerdriven Health Care Model call the healthy indiana plan. It has been in effect during that time and we have seen people we have sniffed the delete reduced emergency room use, people use primary care and preventative medicine, 93 of the people are medicaid eligible medicaideligible hoosiers, 95 say they would look, i and i said, am ruling out an exchange, i am ruling out expanding traditional medicaid because this is a deeply flawed system but if we can take those resources in medicaid and use them to expand a Proven Program and the healthy indiana plan, we will use that. We have a waiver just on the current program, but we have been in discussions with this administration and i really do believe that there are only 2 futures of health care, governmentdriven health care and Consumer Health care, and the state of indiana has driven individuals to take greater ownership of their health care and this larger theme of federalism. Quote a great quote by Ronald Reagan when he announced his campaign for president in new york city in a hotel, he said we have long since decided to help those in this country who cannot help themselves but we have also long since concluded that the federal government is the least equipped and least reliable to accomplish that. That but he essentially said these problems ought to be solved at the state level and i hope that if indiana is given the freedom and flexibility to innovate in this regard i hope that it will demonstrate that if you get the resources and the flexibility ohio will craft a solution and wisconsin has crafted its own solution in medicaid, that will meet the unique needs of the people of our state. Any regrets from taking or not taking the medicaid money . I dont think that i took it. Agree with this president very often, but in 2009 he said that medicaid was broken, it was a broken system. I agreed with him. Why would we take money into a system that is clearly broken, that is going to drive in my state, im not going to criticize any governor sitting on the stage for doing what they considered was the best, considering their state requirements, and different structures and programs. But for us to have taken that money, would have basically put us on a track to be a bankrupt state. This is the state i will suggest to you is one of the most economically viable, we lead the nation in the creation of jobs. And so the decision was made overwhelmingly supported by the legislature not to take this money. Here is the bigger issue we should be talking about. How are we, in that federalist model going to go to washington dc and say, here is the solution, to this way to deliver health care to the citizens of this country of and of our state and here is how we can save you some money. I will suggest you that almost every governor in here, would take less medicaid dollars, in to thee for Flexibility Program into place that you and your legislature see best on how to deliver health care, and you can do this more efficiently, more effectively and cover more people and i would suggest substantial savings to our federal counterparts, how can you turn down the opportunity to cut spending as much as that would cut spending and to cover more people in your states . I think that is the solution that governors are ready to make the congress and hopefully over the course of the next 12 or 24 months, it will become the law of the land in america. Governor jindal, why not try to take that money . I want to group everything he just said that medicaid is a topdown governmentrun health care program, designed for children and disabled americans, and never for ablebodied adults. Obama said it would make no sense to put more money into a broken system. They expanded medicaid before any other state. Harvard did a study that as well as special received in the academic community, after polling all those people they found absolutely no improvement in physical health. Im not saying they did a little improvement, they found no improvement. If we continue to grow governmentrun health care, and many more people depend on the government, this is not the future we want for our children and grandchildren in louisiana so every state has to come up with their own solution. Ink the idea of global asked the president this directly, why not . If we did Medicaid Expansion for everyone we would have to kick more person another person out of private insurance coverage. This would give you the flexibility of coverage this has been very clear, it has to be everybody or nobody. Not 138 percent, they have been very clear. Not one state they did not give any flexibility. The states flexibility why not say that we will give you more flexibility in how you design the benefits . And why not give states more flexibility on the health care with high deliver the benefits and more importantly, we had a meeting with the governors, in february, i asked him about education and other governors asked about health care, why wouldnt you give the states more flexibility . And they hold us accountable, give us less money and we will use all of this and see if people are Getting Better health care outcomes, the president said he did not trust us. He said if they were doing this, people would not get the health care that they need, people would be dying in the streets and this president does not believe in federalism, he believes that the federal government knows best. To expand medicaid because it would have been another expansion of governmentrun health care and that is not the right solution. I can tell you what you did an expansion on medicaid. Him him 100 of poverty. We lifted eligibility for countless adults that is what we are talking about. Kids, pregnant women, seniors, you are covered. So really he is talking about adults without children. He moved up to 200 but he did not give enough money to fund it. We had a waiting list for People Living in poverty. What i invoked was the flexibility that he Supreme Court gave us in a split decision, because while they upheld the law, they gave states the right to do what we want to do on medicaid. What we did is that we said that i actually believe that medicaid is for People Living in poverty, not those above it. So i put eligibility down to 100 from 200 , eliminated the waiting list for People Living in poverty for what we call badger care plus, and transition everybody about it into the marketplace. I will freely say as well in this panel, i believe i will not criticize any fellow governors because i think every state is unique. That is what is great about federalism. In our state, i can do that, i can cover everybody living in poverty hopefully

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