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President trump leaving the stage here in miami, announcing changes to what has been three cuba f talk between and between proim signing what he called a contract, a president ial directive. We want to hear your thoughts of President Trumps changes olicy changes toward cuba. 2027488921, republicans. 2027488920, democrats. And all others, 2027488922. And you can send us messages via twitter and facebook. And cuban american viewers, wed love to hear your thoughts. First goes to vincent in south carolina, democrat. Caller thank you. I support trump and i actually support this embargo. Was not aware that when obama lifted the embargo that the money was going towards the military. But the one thing there is one thing i am glad to hear and hat was that he wants jo ann returned to the united states. I was formerly a new jersey resident and i lived there when this happened and i would love to see jo ann hang by her thumbs and be brought to trial. And i thank you for your call. Host thanks for your call, vincent. Next line is karen calling from new mexico, republican. Karen, what are your thoughts on President Trumps changes to u. S. Policy toward cuba . Caller i think its awesome. We support President Trump in all his decisions and everything that hes tried to do as well as live up to his promises to us during his election run. This is one of the promises that he made to the cuban americans and the americans in cuba and the people in cuba and so rave, bravo, kudos. We couldnt say we couldnt say its awesome. So thank you, President Trump, and thank you for everything that you do for us. Host just heard from President Trump here in miami. He spoke for about 40 minutes, and charles, youre next up, lafayette, louisiana, calling on the line for independents and others. Charles, what are your thoughts . Caller yes, my name is charles, lafayette, louisiana. I was a young corporal in the marine corps at the time the sergeant , my battalion legal chief took off to go fight for the cubans and i stayed behind to take care of his office whose later on i took charge of as battalion legal chief. I want to thank President Trump for everything, but at the same time hes an answer to our prayer. And an answer to our prayer, we want to thank the lord for continuing to protect President Trump and all of his supporters. And thats my message. Host thanks for your call, charles. Toms on the line from texas. Hes in floresville sorry about that, tom. Democrat, titusville, florida. Go ahead, tom. Caller yes. I am a democrat. Im 73 years old. Im ashamed of what the democrats had tried to perpetrate our president who i voted for and most of the people who have a brain voted for. Most of the people understand that the democrats my party have now betrayed us and that they have absolutely tried to perpetrate lies, deception and deceit for nothing but to divide our country and thankfully god has sent us host now, tom, we are talking about cuba policy. Do you have a focus on that . Caller yes, yes. I lived in west palm beach. I have numerous, wonderful, cubano friends that support the words and actions that President Trump has now delivered here there in miami. And my Democrat Friends i have two sitting here with me said, gally we got to call on this. Golly, we got to call on this. We just want normal democrats, not depraved politicians, to represent us. We think all of us are united that Hillary Clinton was a liar, is a liar. She is should be in jail. Host and tom calling from titusville, florida, there. Lets take a look here. Wall street journal lays out some of what President Trump talked about. Donald trump to issue directive narrowing obamas cuba opening. Now, this is how the wall street journal puts it. Tourist travel and transactions for military will be curved but normalization steps will take. They talk one of the most tangible effects of the changes is the elimination of the peopletopeople travel policy. That allowed individuals to go to cuba and certifying their travel as a Cultural Exchange without having to join a tour group. President trump also will be directing treasury and commerce departments to prohibit direct Financial Transactions with cubas military and intelligence services. Taking your call on President Trumps announcement today from miami. We got lashea on the line for republicans in floresville, texas. Caller hi. Thank you for taking my call. As you said, my name is lashea and i love in floresville, texas. And i was not born during the ime of the bay of pigs and the things that President Trump talked about. Godfearing, biblebelieving christian, i cannot i just cannot support or want to give money to countries that suppress people of any kind. And i am so glad that he has done and signed what he has signed today and i was most moved when that gentleman layed the starspangled banner for it is the most beautiful song ever written. And i love President Trump and i believe as the bible tells us, god chooses kings and he has appointed trump for this time. Host all right. Taking another call here. Ere going to go to genisen, michigan, and we have nati on the line for independents and others. Caller oh, thank you for your call. Thank you for giving me host sure. Caller and i just want to thank you for your patience as well. I just see your face, listening to these callers talk about random things that have no relations to what the topic is. And i just want to say that, you know, this regime has been here for over 50 years. I just dont understand what makes them think that by still implementing an embargo, the cuban people will benefit from, you know, this result. Point is that what they should be doing instead is try to sit down and discuss, you know, what needs to happen. Because at the end, its not the cuban government that takes the loss here. Its the cuban people. And in my opinion, i think they should try to come up to some sort of agreement so that its unbelievable how they just sit behind a desk, put a signature on a piece of paper and say, oh, were doing this for the cuban people. But theyre just playing politics. Its really sad to say this in sween. Host all right. Thanks for your call there from michigan, nati. Couple of tweets, couple of people we saw first before President Trump came out, one of them the junior senator from florida, marco rubio, and also congressman mario diazbalart, a picture of the night they both hammered out the new cuba policy and he says thankful for President Trumps leadership. Heres Vice President pence saying, President Trump will make it clear, america is with you, that america stands with the persecuted, the oppressed and the exploited in cuba. One from kyle griffin from msnbc talking about arizona senator jeff flake hits trump on cuba. Its time to fully lift these archaic restrictions. And one from kathy who says, love you, trump. Americans need to really see how obamas procuban regime hurt the cuban people. You can watch cuban documentries and once again she thanks the president. Taking your calls and hoping to hear from you if you are cuban american. Right now, though, on the line, darrell calling from washington, d. C. , republican. Hi, darrell. You got the floor. Caller hi. I have to say the last person who was on the phone, i agree with him. What this what trump is doing is myopic. Hes just tearing up old things just because he can. I dont buy this. Hes grifter at heart, i feel. This whole thing is a show that does nothing more than hurt us. And thats all i got to say. Thank you very much. Host darrell calling from washington, d. C. Heres a call from lisa, queens village, new york, democrats. Caller good afternoon. I totally agree with the last caller. I really feel like mr. Trump is really playing a Jedi Mind Trick on americans. A ponzi scheme hand game. I dont know why people arent ollowing everything. Hes all President Trump, it kills me to say this, all President Trump is doing is undoing what his predecessor did because he didnt like the black man being president , simple as that. He started with the birth and stuff in 2007 and 2008. He never stopped. He got in to become president and he doesnt give a darn about cubans, cuban americans or anybody but rich people. Wake up, america. Wake up host all right. Lisa there in queens village, new york. Again, taking your phone calls, as she mentioned, this is just one of the Campaign Promises and one of the steps that President Trump has been taking to roll back a number a number of directives under president obama. We got mary on the line, tampa, florida, independent. Mary, youre right there in the thick of it. What are your thoughts . Caller i couldnt be prouder. I couldnt be happier. I totally agree with the previous callers before the last three or four. Myopic people who obviously havent been around long enough to know their history and understand all those people sitting behind the president are cuban immigrants. [laughter] and if theyre happy about it, i think we as americans should let them tell us what they need in their own country. And i just love the man. I agree with everything most of the callers have said this afternoon and i also want to say happy birthday to the president and i hope that Steve Scalise gets well and has no permanent damage. Host after the shooting at the republican baseball practice, thanks, mary, thanks for your calls and your comments. Udy in clillingport, st. Lucy, florida, republican collingport, st. Lucie, florida. Republican. Caller my grandfather died in cuba. Some people dont understand the gravity of the issue, because we were suppressed over there. And so, you know, i hear some people talking and they dont even im thankful to the united states, you know what im saying, for letting us come in here and stuff. And its hard. Host what do you think about the effect of the president s policies on the people who are still in cuba . What are your thoughts there . Caller well, the thing is that the people that are in cuba, they are not receiving the money. They dont receive the money. The government owns everything in cuba. People dont seem to understand that your house is not your house in cuba. If the government tells you that they want to put two or three people in your house, you have to take it. Its not that you are going to get rent or anything like that, you know. In cuba, people think that cuba is its beautiful to go as a tourist. The people are not getting benefits from anything. Its actually making the government actually more legitimate, you know, and i felt like it was a slap in my face when i saw they lifted the embargo because people dont know how bad they were being oppressed. My grandfather was killed in cuba. It is a law to shoot you with a firing squad just because he wasnt on their side, you know. It hurts. You know, it hurts. Ive been here 30 years. You know what im saying. I came here as a baby. Thank god for my grandfather. Host and what is your connection now that youve been in the united states, youve been here 30 years, whats your connection to the island itself . How do you feel connected, if you do . Caller listen, i always want to go back to cuba but i am afraid of going to cuba even after lifting the embargo and president obama did what he did. I was so scared going back to cuba because of my family heritage, you know what im saying . Host well, thanks for the call very much. And take a look here. We got a red state article. Red state is a more conservative leaning website and blog. Talks about the junior senator, marco rubio, and how he gutted president obamas cuba policy. The big change restricting persontoperson travel to cuba, a way that president obama had found of getting around the statutory prohibition of traveling to cuba for individual tourism. And a look down here, the most Significant Impact on businesstobusiness relationships. The new policy will ban most u. S. Business deals with the Armed Forces Businesses enterprises group. The sprawling conglomerate in the economy related to air and sea travel, according to officials. Get a couple more calls here, few more minutes of your thoughts and comments. Maurice is calling from miami, florida, democrat. Caller yes. Thank you very much for taking my call this afternoon. Host you bet. Caller first, id like to say just as a human being, i believe that people in cuba deserve as much freedom as anyone else in the world. And they live in a world thats literally 50 years behind the rest of us. They deserve to be brought in the modern era. With that being said, i believe this entire share mopey and ceremony evened deal thats happening with marco rubio and trump is a farce. For one, its a contradiction and not in line with what trump believes about russia where people are just as oppressed of their views and everything else. People here in the united states, even where i actually come from in california that would seem Political Prisoners now that marijuana is legal. Theyre still in jail. There are a number of other things happening here in the states. Even policies of trump and his cronies that contradict bringing freedom to cuba and their stance its all about freedom for everyone. Host all right. Maurice, thanks for the call from miami, florida. Larry on the line. Alabama for independents and others. Larry, your thoughts on President Trumps announcement. Caller it was a great announcement. I sure appreciate whats going on. I would like to reflect most americans dont realize we had skin in the game in the bay of pigs and with the brigade 2506. I was a member of the 117th Air National Guard, and i helped bury one of our members that got killed in the invasion and we had four members that got killed out of the 117th Air National Guard in birmingham, alabama, during that and it was never didnt get classified totally until about 2005. And we had may jor shamburg, and ray, leo baker captain thomas ray were all four killed from the alabama Air National Guard on the invasion on april 19, 1961. And we need to pay tribute to them and their families and they never get mentioned during he bay of pigs celebrations or anything. Even on the 50th. Host and larry, with your close connection, what do you think about what the president has announced today . Caller well, its great. E need to try to get still the castros and the regime out of there. Its been devastating on those people and so many has had to leave and so many have been killed and everything from that. We had 60 of our men went to Central America to help train that 2506, and them in final day, the c. I. A. Let two groups fly. Ss it was two men in each b26 aircraft, so we lost four men there at the end and they wouldnt have got killed if it hadnt had been for president kennedy on the 17th. He didnt let them go down ere and destroy the p33s that castro had that had to shoot them down. Host well, larry, appreciate the insight very much and the look back. Taking some phone calls, probably get a couple more calls in here. Also a tweet here from o. K. N. Who writes listening to trump on cuba and one cannot be wonder if we are in the 1960s and 1970s. This is a policy dinosaur. Then jonathan m. Writing, trump mentioning the crimes of the castro regime. Normalized their despotic dictators. Youre up, south carolina, republican. Caller thank you. I just called to say God Bless America and thank god for president donald trump. I remember when the castros took over cuba. I was only 10 years old. I remember the fear in our classroom when we had to practice the position to take in case of bombings. Host yeah. Caller it is about time our government took action in cuba other than shaking hands with the regime. And i want to say, scalise strong. Our prayers are with you and with our president. Host thanks, linda. One more call here. Margaret calling from houston, texas, democrat. Caller thank you for taking my call. It just is very frightening every time this president speaks we just become more and more isolationist. First of all, cuba in its current state poses no threat to us. However, if we abandon the attempts and the advancements ve made to normalize some relationships, the relationship with cuba, if we abandon that position, guess what, whos going to take over because cuba is very vulnerable financially, its very poor, so its going to be open to taking assistance and help and outreach from, ess what, russia or korea or whomever and the bad players, china. I wish we get back to reality. Host all right. Thanks for the call, margaret. Thanks for

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